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Cakrawala Pendidikan, Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2020 doi:10.21831/cp.v39i2.




Sumardi Sumardi1*, Muamaroh Muamaroh2

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia

Abstract: Information technology-based instruction, such as Edmodo, gains its popularity as it is likely to
strengthen the role of teachers, schools, and parents for the sake of optimizing student learning outcomes.
This study set out to explore how Edmodo was utilized to mediate digital class in English language
teaching (ELT); how Edmodo facilitated students’ engagement during the class; and how Edmodo
mediated teachers to assess students’ learning outcomes. A qualitative approach was employed and 286
students from a secondary school voluntarily participated in this study. Interviews, online mini-polling,
and document analysis were deployed as data collection methods, and data were validated by triangulation
and analyzed by following the interactive model data analysis. It revealed that Edmodo was an effective
mode to mediate digital class in ELT as the students could interact with their teachers, peers, and course
contents effectively, both inside and outside the classroom. The students’ engagement was also better in
comparison to that of the face-to-face classroom. Finally, Edmodo well-mediated teachers to carry out
the computer-based test (CBT); it was an accurate mode of assessment as no cheatings were facilitated;
the validity, and reliability of the test could be favorably accomplished.

Keywords: digital class, Edmodo, ELT classroom, language assessment



Abstrak: Pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi (misal menggunakan Edmodo) semakin populer
karena dipercaya mampu memperkuat peran guru, sekolah, dan orang tua demi mengoptimalkan hasil
belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi bagaimana Edmodo dimanfaatkan
guru untuk memediasi kelas digital dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (ELT); bagaimana Edmodo
memfasilitasi keterlibatan siswa selama proses pembelajaran; dan bagaimana Edmodo menjadi media
bagi guru untuk menilai hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini mengikuti pendekatan kualitatif dan 286 siswa
dari sekolah menengah secara sukarela berpartisipasi selama proses penelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui
wawancara, online mini-polling, dan analisis dokumen. Data kemudian divalidasi dengan triangulasi dan
dianalisis dengan mengikuti model analisis data interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Edmodo
merupakan moda efektif untuk memediasi kelas digital dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris karena siswa
dapat berinteraksi dengan guru, teman-teman sekelas dan materi pelajaran secara efektif, baik di dalam
maupun di luar kelas. Keterlibatan siswa selama pembelajaran digital juga lebih baik dibandingkan
dengan pembelajaran tatap muka. Edmodo juga mejadi media yang baik bagi guru untuk melakukan tes
berbasis komputer (CBT); hasil penilaian menjadi lebih akurat karena kecurangan sangat kecil terjadi;
validitas dan reliabilitas tes dapat dicapai dengan baik pula.

Kata Kunci: kelas digital, Edmodo, kelas ELT, penilaian bahasa

INTRODUCTION of the integration of technology in English

The presence of technology for English Language Teaching. Edmodo, as an information
instructions has been very important as it technology-based instructional platform, has
brings about meaningful instructional practices. been widely used by English teachers in many
Furthermore, Lubis (2018) elucidates that countries, both English as a second language
teachers considerably have positive perception (Mokhtar, 2016; Mokhtar & Dzakiria, 2015) and


English as a foreign language (Ali, 2015; Al-Said, place solely inside the classrooms. Besides, the
2015; Ekmekci, 2016; Purnawarman, Susilawati, conventional instructions, such as the “talk and
& Sundayana, 2016). They report that most chalk” technique and classroom lectures, allow
students have a positive perception of Edmodo the highly restricted amount of information to
as a medium of English language teaching flow from teachers to students and depend upon
(ELT) as well and students’ engagement during the amount of knowledge acquired by teachers
the class gets much better. Students’ positive (Bakar, 2016) with the results that students may
perception does play a pivotal role to promote take in inadequate language skills as well.
students’ learning strategies (Kosar, 2016; Liu & In the internet era, teachers need to
Yu, 2012); and also promotes students’ learning shift partly and/or entirely their conventional
experience (Al-Zumor, Al-Refaai, Eddin, & Al- instructions to technology-based instructions
Rahman, 2013). Additionally, it exhibits that which are commonly known as a digital class. A
Edmodo has good potential to create a better digital class refers to a class consisting of at least
process of language instruction. Edmodo as one three enduring practices, such as interactivity,
of digital learning media need to be integrated in symbolic flexibility, and vast sources of
instructional practices. Zuhdi & Nurhadi (2019) information (Daiute, 2013) and it is facilitated by
note further that digital media has potential technology that provides students and teachers
to optimize the better learning environment. some elements of control over time, place, path
Therefore, the use of Edmodo has recently and/or pace (Rauschenberg, 2016). Integration of
become an urgent necessity if teachers think technology in instructional practices is a concept
about efficiency and effectiveness to establish of digital class and it is advocated for a wide
predetermined instructional goals. Apart from array of reasons, i.e. engagement, improvement
being a mode of instruction, Edmodo can also in academic ability, paradigm shift, assessment
be utilized by teachers as a mode of assessment. shift and collaborative learning enhancement
This is a consequence of modern instructions as (Riasati, Allahyar, & Tan, 2012); and improves
an internet network is now ubiquitous. the quality of instructions (Çelik, & Aytın,
In reference to Edmodo, teachers and 2014; Arkorful & Abaidoo, 2014; Ghavifekr &
students can share notes, links, and documents. Rosdy, 2015). To sum up, a digital class is an
It is a mode for both teaching and learning instructional practice facilitated by internet-
(Mokhtar, 2016) and foreign language instruction based technology so that teachers and students
and assessment mode (Ekmekci, 2016; Kwok may engage and interact with each other easily.
& Kong, 2016; Qomariyah, Gunarhadi, & For this purpose, Edmodo can be one of the
Rejekiningsih, 2019). Edmodo is currently learning platforms to mediate the digital class.
becoming a pivotal instructional technology Edmodo has numerous features, such as
and more teachers take advantage of Edmodo notes, assignments, poll, backpack, library, and
to design better instructions. In the last decade, snapshot that facilitate students and teachers
Edmodo gains its popularity to use as a medium to share ideas online. In addition, Edmodo has
of instructions. Teachers’ awareness to utilize a feature of ‘quiz’ that teachers can use as a
technology-based media is getting higher to mode of assessment. The order of test items (set
improve students’ engagement and participation of questions) is automatically randomized by
during the instructional practices. the Edmodo system so that each student has a
It is different from that of a conventional different order of test items. It is likely to reduce
classroom which focuses more on face-to-face the possibility for students to cheat while taking
methods and the teaching-learning practices are the tests. Edmodo as an instructional mode for
frequently dominated by teachers, while students constructing and sharing the collaborative-
just sit in rows of chairs in the classrooms (Kuzu, based knowledge is believed to streamline
2008; Garrett & Danziger, 2008; Relan & Gillani, the instructional practices; to allow teacher-
1997); and teacher-student interactions take place student intensive communication, and to make
only in front of the classrooms (Li, 2016). Face- the instructional practices to be ‘different’
to-face instructional practices are likely to be (Cakrawati, 2017; Mokhtar & Dzakiria, 2015).
difficult to bring them into the dynamic learning One of the advantages of Edmodo compared
activities as the interactions are restricted to take with the other social networking sites (SNS)

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2020 doi:10.21831/cp.v39i2.30065


is that Edmodo has several features as modes proctors (Franklyn-Stokes & Newstead, 1995).
of assessment, such as Quiz, Assignment, and By randomizing the order of questions or test
Poll. These features are rewarding a lot for items, especially multiple choice and short
teachers to administer a systematic and accurate answer test items, such cheating will be harder
assessment. In addition, Edmodo allows teachers to do by test takers and such randomization is
to assess students’ language skills using different extremely easy for computer-based test (CBT),
test formats, i.e. multiple-choice, essay, quiz, but it is harder for PBT as more copies and prints
writing, reading comprehension test, student of questions will be needed.
worksheets, etc. Therefore, Edmodo mediates For this reason, Edmodo is likely to
digital classes in language teaching and serves mediate digital-based assessments. Besides, the
as an assessment mode. former researches on Edmodo were quantitative
Some previous researches on the use of in nature and carried out widely at the university
Edmodo had been carried out in a wide range level (Qomariyah et al., 2019; Santikarn &
of subject areas. Most of the researches were Wichadee, 2018; Ma’azi & Janfeshan, 2018;
to complement of and/or to cope with the Khodary, 2017). To strengthen the findings of
shortcomings of conventional, face-to-face previous researches, qualitative-based research
instructional practices. Ma’azi & Janfeshan needs to carry out to elucidate holistically about
(2018) report that students, in general, have the particular social phenomena (behavior,
positive attitudes towards the application of perception, etc.). Therefore, this research was
Edmodo; and students’ perceptions of Edmodo carried out to investigate how Edmodo was
are also positive (Al-said, 2015; Cakarawati, utilized to mediate digital class in English
2017; Santikarn & Wichcadee, 2018; Pardede, language teaching; how Edmodo facilitated
2019). Also, Edmodo allows students to be students’ engagement during the class; and how
autonomous learners (Santikarn & Wichcadee, Edmodo mediated a teacher to assess students’
2018); allows them to engage in self-directed learning outcomes.
learning and peer-teaching practices (Thibaut,
2015; Khodary, 2017); facilitates students’ METHODS
engagement during the class (Purnawawarman This study is qualitative in nature and
et al., 2018; Zakana & Fomsi, 2019); and also aims to explore the effectiveness of Edmodo as
mediates and maintains students’ motivation a mode of instruction and assessment in the ELT
to learn (Tsiakyroudi, 2018). Another research classroom. The teacher carried out an assessment
authenticates that the use of Edmodo enriches using Edmodo through the ‘Quiz’ feature and the
learning experience (Polat, Cagiltay, & Karasu, students took the assessment together with their
2019). Therefore, those studies reveal that the fellows in the school computer laboratory. The
use of Edmodo as an instructional mode has quiz was used to provide a CBT in the format of
improved student achievement and triggered the multiple-choice tests. Quiz could only be made
psychological conditions of the students which by the teacher, while the students took merely
may encourage them to learn a lot. the test. This feature was equipped with the time
A few researches, however, were conducted limit for taking the test, information about the
to investigate Edmodo as a language assessment quiz, the quiz title, and the quiz display. The
mode. Clarke (2015) and Oduntan, Ojuawo, & process of scoring for each test item posted on
Oduntan (2015) advocate that assessments need the quiz was done automatically by the system
to be transformed into the digital domain as a of Edmodo. The participants were the twelfth-
paper-based test (PBT) seems to be problematic grade students of a secondary school located in
and the transformation of the assessment into Sragen territory, Indonesia which consisted of
the digital domain is likely to be successful for 286 students who were within the age of 16
both teachers and students. Furthermore, PBT to 18. Among those students, 21 students were
does not seem to have perfect security as well selected purposively (Creswell, 2003) to be
(McCabe, Trevino, & Butterfield, 2001; Dick, interviewed regarding the application of Edmodo
Sheard, Bareiss, Carter, Joyce, Harding, & Laxer, as a mode of instruction and assessment as well
2002) as students may cheat easily by peeking at as its opportunity to mediate a more meaningful
their neighbor answers despite the presence of digital class.

Edmodo Impacts: Mediating Digital Class and Assesment in English ...


The data were subsequently collected by The collected data were analyzed by
employing three different techniques, i.e. in- following an interactive model of data analysis
depth interviews, mini-polling, and document (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014) with
analysis. The students were interviewed in four fundamental stages, i.e. data collection,
a relaxed situation and it was carried out to data condensation, data display, and drawing
explore information related to their learning and verifying conclusion. The process of data
motivation and the quality of their engagements collection was carried out as explained in
and interactions during the instructional the previous section and the use of multiple
practices. Furthermore, the mini-polling was techniques was deliberately assigned to pursue the
intended to find out students’ perceptions of clarity of research data. Data condensation was
the use of Edmodo to mediate a digital class the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,
and to assess their learning. The mini-polling abstracting, and/or transforming the data that
was uploaded through the Edmodo wall and appear in the full body of written-up field notes,
the students responded by clicking the option interview transcripts, and documents. It was
that fits with their circumstances. Document carried out by creating codes and categories to
analysis was finally conducted by examining guide the data to research questions. Data was
the variety of documents, such as students’ subsequently displayed in charts or tables. The
notes and comments posted on the Edmodo wall data analysis was eventually ended by drawing
as well as teacher’s reflections on his ways of and verifying the conclusions.
instructions using Edmodo which were recorded
through his reflective journal entries. Each FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
method captured what was experienced by the Findings
teacher and students both individually or in As an instructional mode, Edmodo had
groups, such as their thoughts, questions, and the potential to play a paramount role in creating
consequent of employing Edmodo as a mode student-centered learning activities. Students’
of instruction and assessment. The data were engagements could be observed and analyzed
subsequently validated through the triangulation at any time as the engagements were well-
technique (Sutopo, 2002). It was carried out to recorded on the Edmodo wall. The students
ensure that the data were mutually compatible having any learning difficulties might post them
and supportive of each other. on the Edmodo wall so that their classmates
For this present study, the procedure of could provide any comments and offer
the digital-based instructional practices was particular solutions. Additionally, teachers could
carried out in several stages, i.e. (1) instructional immediately provide feedback on the students’
activity began with the teacher firstly explains learning difficulties. This section hereinafter
the course materials in the classroom; (2) after presents various empirical findings of the use of
attending the instructional practices in the Edmodo as an instructional mode as well as an
classroom, the students followed the digital- assessment mode.
based English instructions through Edmodo
with the specified schedule; (3) the interactions Edmodo to Mediate a Digital Class in ELT
between teacher and students were carried out When Edmodo was implemented as an
in a separate place or location according to the English instructional mode, students’ responses
agreed time proposed by the teacher and his were identified tend to be varied and were
students; (4) the teacher virtually guided the different from one student to the other ones.
students to follow the instructional practices It could be inferred from the results of mini-
through digital class; and (5) finally, students polling that most of the students (about 68
carried out virtual discussions with their peers percent) had a positive perception and agreed
on the course materials provided by their teacher to the use of Edmodo as an instructional mode.
and the teacher provides any feedback virtually The rest tended to hesitate and/or disagreed that
on various learning difficulties the students English instructions need to be carried out by
might encounter as well. At this stage, students employing Edmodo. These students’ positive
and teachers could communicate with each other, perceptions denoted that Edmodo had a great
even though they were in different locations. opportunity for mediating digital classes in ELT.

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2020 doi:10.21831/cp.v39i2.30065


The students further argued that Edmodo-based Edmodo Facilitates Students’ Engagement
instructions were no longer monotonous. The during the Class
students mostly claimed that Edmodo was an Edmodo facilitates teachers and students
effective and efficient mode for mediating digital to carry out effective instructions. Several
classes. Students were challenged to engage conveniences could be identified when English
intensively and digitally. As a complementary instructions utilized Edmodo as an instructional
result, the digital class facilitated by Edmodo mode. Firstly, Edmodo enabled the students
also encouraged students to learn English to improve the quality of communication with
autonomously and independently. The their teacher and classmates. In conventional
independent and autonomous students have practices of instruction, teacher-student and
stimulated themselves to carry out any learning student-student communication sometimes run
activities independently or with the help of less effectively due to space and time restrictions.
others to achieve the particular competencies As a result, the teacher-student, student-student,
and it is really easy to achieve in a digital class and even student-teacher-parent communication
by using Edmodo as a mode of learning. were strongly tenuous so that a collaboration of
By employing Edmodo to facilitate the learning was relatively harder to realize. It was
digital class, the students were well-motivated quite different when Edmodo was applied as
to achieve their target of learning within a an instructional mode. The communication did
predetermined time. They strived hard to not come about only inside the classroom, but
immediately complete their assignments as also outside the classroom. The Communication
their learning activeness might always be barriers between students and teachers were no
monitored by their teacher and classmates, longer a fundamental problem as Edmodo was
even by their parents online. Online monitoring part of the instructional mode. Students-teacher
on students’ way of learning conducted by communication ran well, even though they were
the teacher, classmates, and parents is an not in the same locations. It means that students’
embodiment of digital class. This digital class engagement has already changed for the better
has motivated students to learn a lot in achieving when Edmodo-based instructional practices
the predetermined learning objectives. Several were applied in ELT classroom. Students could
indicators were showing the students’ high engage in actively during the class, both inside
motivation during the implementation of the and outside the classroom, and interact effectively
digital class, such as the students had the high with the teacher and classmates digitally to
desires and courages to convey their interests, achieve the specified learning objectives.
needs and learning problems to their teacher and Secondly, Edmodo improved the students’
fellows online; they participated actively during collaborative attitudes. Through Edmodo,
the process of preparation, implementation, and they might work together online to complete
follow-up of their learning online; they were the assignment and to share any references or
much more creative in completing any learning learning resources to complete the assignment.
activities until the learning objectives were Good collaboration among a student and the
achieved; and they completed their assignment others, a teacher with his students and a teacher
voluntarily without under pressure by the with the students’ parents exaggerated the
teacher. Students were also encouraged to seek conducive and enjoyable learning environment.
references independently on various course This collaboration was relatively difficult to
materials to complete the assignments provided realize if they had to be in the same location.
by their teacher. To sum up, it was known that As an instructional mode, Edmodo facilitated
Edmodo to mediate a digital class has already virtual communication so that the collaboration
empirically proved and the instructional practices could still be executed even though they were
have significantly changed into the better ones separated by distance and time. Therefore,
as the students and teachers could interact with Edmodo enabled learners to cooperate and
each other without time and place restrictions. collaborate in the virtual classroom environment.

Edmodo Impacts: Mediating Digital Class and Assesment in English ...


Empirically, the students collaborate test to each student and set a deadline out for
easily with their classmates to complete the taking the test. As the deadline to take the test
various assignments and projects provided by the could be previously set out, students could no
teacher. The students believed that by employing longer take the test beyond the available time. If
Edmodo, the completion of their projects became the test was taken beyond the available time, it
easier as they could discuss them with their would be automatically rejected by the Edmodo
classmates online. As students’ engagement and system. Unlike paper-based tests, the sequences
collaboration got better, they could subsequently of test items on Edmodo could be randomized
develop the collegial attitude, critical voice and automatically by the Edmodo system so that
shared vision, which in turn not only helped them each student enabled to possess a set of test
improve their academic output but also helped items with the different orders. The students had
them enhance socio-emotional learning (Yadav, to take the test directly on the computer screen
2016) so that the target knowledge would be and the answers given by the students could no
easily gained by the students (Bada, 2015). longer be seen when those students switched to
Through Edmodo, the collaboration ran in much take the next questions. As a result, it reduced the
more flexible ways to achieve the instructional students’ opportunities to cheat their classmates’
objectives. This flexibility was certainly different answers.
from that of face-to-face instructional practices It seemed that cheating was not facilitated
where the instructions took place only inside the when Edmodo was utilized as a mode of
classroom. assessment. In other words, students got some
difficulties to cheat when they took the test by
Edmodo as a Mode of Assessment using Edmodo as they could not steal a glance
In general, many Indonesian English at the answers of their classmates. It was quite
teachers have been applying the PBT to measure different when a PBT was employed to assess
and assess student learning outcomes. With students’ learning. It was likely that cheatings
this mode of assessment, a teacher formerly were relatively easy to do as students might peek
prepared the test items; printed them on pieces at their neighbor answers. If cheating was not
of paper, and then distributed them to each facilitated, the reliability, objectivity, fairness,
student to take on. Students subsequently took and objectivity of the test could be achieved
the tests on a piece of paper and submitted effectively.
them back to the teacher for review. Students Edmodo was one of the alternative modes
took the tests in the classroom along with their a teacher might utilize for assessment. However,
classmates. Each student got the same format of some low-achieving students preferred to use the
test items, commonly multiple-choice tests, and PBT as they had the opportunity to peek at easily
those test items were sequentially ordered. This their neighbor answers. Therefore, the CBT
condition provided students a chance to cheat through Edmodo, or other platforms, became
when they were taking and completing the tests. a pivotal leap in language assessment. With
Students commonly preferred paper-based tests Edmodo, objectivity, fairness, accuracy, validity,
to digitally-based tests since they would have and reliability of the test could be achieved
some opportunities to cheat easily and copy better and cheating was not facilitated. It was
the answers provided by other classmates. As reasonable that some low-achieving students
a result, the reliability and objectivity of tests are uncomfortable if the test was administered
would be a major problem. through Edmodo. The students understood
Edmodo as an educational social network that the Edmodo-based test results were more
could be an alternative mode to assess student objective and illustrated their authentic abilities
learning outcomes due to its user-friendly and as they were. Although some low-achieving
practical aspects. One of the Edmodo features students preferred the PBT to that of CBT, some
that could be used as an assessment mode is other students thought that the CBT could reduce
‘quiz’. This feature could be an assessment their anxiety while they were taking the test.
mode by using a variety of test formats, i.e. They were more relaxed while taking the CBT.
multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, essay, In contrast to the PBT, students stated that they
poll, etc. Besides, teachers could easily share a frequently got nervous and lack of concentration.

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2020 doi:10.21831/cp.v39i2.30065


One reason was that when they took a set of the Thibaut (2015) and Khodary, (2017) prove
PBT, they tended to be nervous as they were that the utilization of Edmodo in language
worried that they could not finish the test due to instructions encouraged the students to engage
the time restrictions. It indicated that Edmodo- in self-directed learning and peer-teaching
based tests (the CBT) could reduce students’ practices.
anxiety while they were taking the test. If This positive perception enables
students’ anxiety could be reduced, students’ test each student to achieve the predetermined
performance could be increased significantly. instructional objectives much more easily as
well. Kosar (2016) notes that students’ positive
Discussions perceptions embark to promote students’ learning
The present study emphasizes more on strategies and finally students will successfully
exploring three different roles of Edmodo as an achieve the desired instructional objectives. The
instructional mode, i.e. Edmodo as a medium students can arrange and plan their strategy of
of digital class in English language teaching; learning to make sure that they could enhance
Edmodo as a facility for students’ engagement; their knowledge by collaborating with their
and Edmodo as a medium of assessment. In friends online. It is in line with Al-Zumor et
general, Edmodo as an instructional mode al. (2013) and Liu & Yu (2012) who reveal
can be used by teachers and students to share that students’ positive perception has enhanced
links, notes, or documents. Teachers may also students’ collaboration and demonstrated better
provide students a lesson record, assessment, learning efficacy, higher motivation for learning,
and assignments. Edmodo can be particularly and students’ performance is predictable as well.
used to organize instructional activities which Therefore, students’ positive perceptions of
are much more fun for students; to create a Edmodo as a digital platform of learning have
close relationship between students and teachers been proven to bring about much more effective
without space and time restrictions; to facilitate and efficient instructional activities.
better communication between teacher, students, Edmodo as an information technology-
and parents constructively; to carry out an based instructional mode is applicable to cope
instructional activity anytime and anywhere; with the limitations of conventional, face-to-
and to provide teachers a medium to carry out face instructions. It is relatively difficult to bring
computer-based assessments so that the accuracy the students into dynamic learning activities
and reliability of the test are easier to achieve. when face-to-face instruction is taking place as
the engagements and interactions are restricted
Edmodo to Mediate a Digital Class in ELT solely in the classrooms. As an instructional
In general, students have a positive mode, many students are of the view that
perception of utilizing Edmodo as an English when an English instruction takes advantage of
language instructional mode. They believe that Edmodo, the instructions come in much more
the use of Edmodo has been able to facilitate a interesting, compelling, and effective. Therefore,
lively instructional activity so that instructional Chan (2002) states that information technology-
objectives are easier to achieve. Following this based instructions could improve the efficiency,
positive perception, students are well-motivated effectiveness, and productivity of instructions.
to find out the proper solutions to cope with It is because the instructional practices do not
their learning difficulties by asking their peers take place only inside the classroom, but also
and teachers digitally or online. It means that outside the classrooms; students and teachers
Edmodo allows the students to carry out an online can virtually interact and carry out a discussion
collaboration with their peers and teachers for with each other outside the classroom (Ali, 2015;
better learning. The students are well-encouraged Mokhtar, 2016).
by themselves to collaborate and overcome the The technology-based instructions that
learning difficulties independently without the enable the students and teachers to carry out
presence of the teacher. Furthermore, Santikarn virtual communication and interaction outside
& Wichcadee (2018) report that incorporation the classroom are as the digital class. As a digital
of Edmodo into instructional practices allows class is employed, the practices of English
students to be autonomous learners. In addition, instructions will be flexible and dynamic as it

Edmodo Impacts: Mediating Digital Class and Assesment in English ...


is carried out virtually without space and time through the implementation of Edmodo is to
restrictions. Therefore, Rauschenberg (2016) support constructivism-based instructions,
reports that a digital class that is facilitated i.e. the instructions which emphasize more on
by technology provides students and teachers social and collaborative activities and students
some elements of control over time, place, path, subsequently construct their knowledge from
and/or pace. Students are able to share various various learning sources as a result of social
questions related to learning difficulties with their interactions with their classmates as well as their
classmates and teacher at any time as well. Their teacher.
classmates subsequently provide any responses An environment of multidirectional
virtually and the teacher can immediately interactions between teachers, students, and
provide any virtual feedback as well. They may students’ parents in cyber space allows the
discuss each other without having to be in the students to get into a cycle of constructing their
same places or locations. Therefore, Shams- truths and testing against the other’s truths.
Abadi, Ahmadi, & Mehdrad (2015) point out Therefore, Ulloa (2013) states that the nature of
further that one of the impacts of employing constructivism is the idea that students need to
Edmodo as an instructional mode is that Edmodo discover and transform any complex information
provides students an opportunity to submit the into different situations. On this basis, Edmodo-
assignments without the need for face-to-face based instructions are supposed to be packaged
interactions. Additionally, Edmodo as one of the into a practice of constructing knowledge, not
technology-based instructional modes has been merely receiving knowledge. Additionally,
able to shift the conventional face-to-face class Mokhtar and Dzakaria (2015) advocate that
into digital class because a teacher and students Edmodo is currently the best instructional mode
can virtually interact with each other online to develop digital-based social network classes.
without time and place restrictions. Also, Edmodo can empirically allow students
into autonomous learners, as it is also supported
Edmodo Facilitates Students’ Engagement by Santikarn & Wichadee (2018), in the context
during the Class of a digital class. Since the students may set out
Students’ engagement during the class is their own learning targets independently and
likely to encourage them for having collaborative try to determine the steps needed to achieve the
and constructivist-learning environment. learning targets.
Edmodo as a social and educational network Edmodo encourages students to be
realizes this kind of learning environment actively engaged in English instructions
effectively. It refers to a learning environment online. It is a portal that provides many
that emphasizes more on the process and freedom facilities for learning English so that students
of exploring knowledge and efforts to construct are well-motivated to be actively engaged in
experiences. In other words, the environment instructional practices. Furthermore, Riasati et
provides students large opportunities to learn and al. (2012) elucidate explicitly that integration of
find out their own competencies, knowledge and technology in instructional practices is a concept
experiences needed to develop by themselves. of digital class and it is recommended for a wide
It also provides students the opportunities to array of reasons, i.e. engagement, improvement
express their ideas in their own language; to think in academic ability, paradigm shift, assessment
about their experiences so that students become shift, and collaborative learning enhancement.
much more creative and imaginative; and to Through Edmodo, students collaborate with
bring about a conducive learning interaction and their classmates virtually, either in pairs or in
collaboration. During this learning environment, small groups. The collaboration is an effective
students have actively engaged during the whole method of learning English as it can activate
process of learning. Edmodo, as a digital mode the participation of the students during the
of learning, is able to effectively facilitate the class and improve their language proficiency
digital class in such a way that the students’ (Maming, 2019). The students’ engagements and
engagement run in two ways, online and collaborations do not come about intensively and
offline. In addition, Rock & Wilson, (2005) extensively in conventional classrooms due to
point out that the digital class that is developed time constraints. Thus, Edmodo has changed the

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Vol. 39, No. 2, June 2020 doi:10.21831/cp.v39i2.30065


students’ ways of learning that formerly tend to not facilitate students to peek at their neighbor
be isolative and subsequently transformed into answers. Edmodo is an innovative mode of
an online collaborative way of learning. assessment in language teaching. Edmodo-based
assessments reduce students’ anxiety when they
Edmodo as a Mode of Assessment are taking the tests as well. It is an important
PBT is a test format that is held in written finding as the students’ anxiety may harm
forms and uses paper. All questions are presented students’ academic achievement, self-efficacy,
on pieces of paper and the students answer the and self-concept (Dobson, 2012); anxiety during
questions on pieces of paper as well. In contrast, the tests has also become a prominent problem
CBT is a test that is held with the assistance in school (Trifoni & Shahini, 2011); and anxiety
of the computer. Different from that of CBT, effects on students’ attitudes towards the tests
PBT is relatively easier to prepare and develop. and motivation to take tests (Dodeen, 2014).
The teacher may construct it quickly in a very To sum up, Edmodo reduces students’ anxiety
short time. However, some shortcomings may when they are taking tests and reduce students’
be unavoidable when the PBT is applied in the opportunities for cheating as well.
classroom. The main shortcoming is that there
would be large opportunities for the students to CONCLUSION
commit fraud, and as stated by Clarke (2015), it is In light of the research findings, it can be
problematic in language assessment. Therefore, concluded that Edmodo as a mode of instruction
the transformation of the assessment into the is likely to mediate digital classes as any parties
digital domain or CBT is likely to be fruitful for can interact virtually without having any
both teachers and students. As it is advocated by significant obstacles. Due to the use of Edmodo,
Oduntan et al. (2015) that the performance of multidirectional interactions between teachers,
students when they write computer-based tests is students, and students’ parents take place
better than the performance of the same students without time and place restrictions. The students’
who write paper-based tests. In the context of engagements improve better when digital class
assessment In Indonesia, cheating is still a big is implemented to teach them English. Students
problem the teacher should minimize and CBT who formerly tend to be isolative during the face-
could take a pivotal role to minimize cheating to-face classroom, they subsequently transform
the students may do during taking the test. into active and dynamic learners. Additionally,
The CBTs through Edmodo are Edmodo facilitates teachers to carry out a
different from those of the PBTs. Edmodo computer-based test sot that the assessments will
can be an alternative mode of assessment so be objective, accurate, fair, valid, and reliable.
that the results of the test can also be more It presents an innovative assessment as cheating
objective and reliable. Through Edmodo as an is not facilitated and students’ anxiety can be
assessment mode, cheating is not facilitated minimized as well.
and no opportunities for students to copy their There are some implications for the
classmates’ answers. In other words, students results of the study. Firstly, teachers may
take the tests by themselves. If objectivity and need to reflectively review on their ways of
reliability of a test are two important aspects teaching to improve the quality of instructional
that need to accomplish, Edmodo facilitates practices. They need to transform conventional,
achieving these aims effectively. Therefore, face-to-face classrooms into digital classes,
Ekmekci (2016) claims that Edmodo can be an or they need to combine both into a blended
effective assessment technique as well as an class. Secondly, if teachers rightly assume that
instructional mode through which teachers are objectivity and reliability are two important
able to share course materials, notes, links, and aspects in assessment, and if they further think
documents. He points out further that teachers of innovation in assessment, it is justifiable to
may prepare quizzes and a set of tests with replace the paper-based tests with the alternative
different question types which language teachers modes like that of Edmodo-based assessment.
are easy to generate. However, this research emphasizes more on the
Although some low-achieving students efforts of revealing the effectiveness of Edmodo
prefer the PBT to that of CBT, the CBT does to facilitate the development of digital classes

Edmodo Impacts: Mediating Digital Class and Assesment in English ...


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instructional medium is a truly determinant of challenges in the Turkish context. The
students’ learning achievement. Electronic Journal for English as Second
Language, 18(2), 1-18. doi:10.18178/
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