The Campanile (Vol 90, Ed 5) Published Jan 28, 2008

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Spotlight A6-A7

The Campanile
Palo Alto Senior High School Palo Alto High School
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Vol. XC, No. 5 Monday, January 28, 2008

Student vandals plague Paly


Scratcher tests at Paly help
students learn from their
Two acts of vandalism occur over holiday weekend
errors. PAGE A2 Students graffiti school premises, place Seven students break into school library;
syrup-covered condoms on door handles rearrange furniture, hang photos of Mao
Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile

By Danielle Kim However, McEvoy emphasized that if vandals hurt By Danielle Kim Alto High School library via a hatch
Editor in Chief the school, they hurt everyone. Editor in Chief on the roof.
“There’s the actual monetary damage, but it also has The students, six of whom are
Various Palo Alto High School an affect on the school,” McEvoy said. “We’re all under Sometime before the afternoon of Jan. 20, seven Paly students, committed a felony by
buildings were tagged with red graffiti the same umbrella.” unidentified male high school seniors broke into the Palo breaking and entering into the build-
and maple syrup-covered condoms ing. The seventh does not attend a
were placed over classroom door Palo Alto high school.
OPINION handles sometime after 4 p.m. on The seven seniors went on to
Jan. 21. rearrange all the furniture, take out
CRUNCHING THE Paly World Languages Instruc-
tional Supervisor Norman Masuda
all the spacebars from the library
computers, spell out “Paly stoners 08”
COLLEGE COSTS was the first to discover the second act
of vandalism upon arriving at school
with pictures of the Chinese politi-
cal leader Mao Zedong and replace
Rising prices discourage 6:30 a.m. on Jan. 22. posters on the walls with those same
students from attending “Molasses or some dark sticky photos. They also tied up a string of
college. PAGE A8 liquid was dripping off the door letters spelling out, “This is who we
handles,” Masuda said. “[Head cus- really are.”
todian Ky] Hok and I had to clean According to an anonymous
LIFESTYLES everything up. A lot of our time was senior who says he did not commit
sated. It’s not funny and it was just the felony, the students are neither
VIKINGS HIGH ON inconvenient.”
Currently, it appears that the same
stoners nor Communists. In fact, their
minds resemble those of stereotypi-
VICODIN individual(s) left graffiti in red ink on
the Math Department building, in front
cal teenage males: A “READ” poster
featuring Keira Knightley was taken
of the library, on the deck and on the off the library wall and placed in the
Paly students seek relax-
bulletin boards of the Student Center “0” of “Paly stoners 08.”
ation in prescription painkill-
and 900s building. The vandals also left a message
ers. PAGE B1 The messages ranged from a encrypted with the Vigenere cipher,
personal attack on a Paly teacher complaining about new policies ban-
SPORTS (supporting the belief that the vandal ning the use of bikes on campus as well
was a Paly student) to “08 seniors are as the reenactments issue. The students

THAI TENNIS PLAYER above the law” and “F--k Paly.”

McEvoy was explicit about the
blamed Paly Principal Jacqueline
McEvoy for the changes, writing, “If

consequences of such vandalism. you thought you could just push over
“If [the vandal] was a Paly student Paly students, think again.”
that dislikes Paly so much, I’ll make The vandalism was discovered
The simplicity of fixed-gear sure that they don’t go to Paly any- by Paly librarian Rachel Kellerman
bikes attracts extreme Paly more,” McEvoy said. “But anything at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Jan.
cyclists. PAGE A10 is possible: it’s possible it was done 20 when she stopped by to drop off
by Gunn students, it’s possible it was a coffee table for the reading area.
done by non-students.” She immediately notified Assistant
The janitorial staff had cleaned Principal Jerry Berkson and the Palo
Morgan Pichinson/The Campanile

up all the pranks associated with the Alto Police Department. The librarian
second vandalism act by 9:00 a.m. on Top: Courtesy of an anonymous source, Bottom (left to right): Michela Fossati Bellani/The Campanile, also gave the police photos that she
Jan. 21. The damages incurred mostly Tyler Blake/The Campanile, Tomer Schwartz/The Campanile took of the vandalism.
include time and money spent on the Students and staff ended their semester break to find library computer keyboards tampered with,
cleanup. doorknobs disturbed and the walls of the Student Center and Auto Building tagged with red paint. See VANDALISM, Page A2

Administration enacts History department paves road for new AP
policy requiring STAR Economics class to study macroeconomics
testing for AP students
By Kelly Zhou

MATCH Staff Writer

and allow teachers to see areas of im- A semester-long AP Economics

Volunteer Match helps po- By Crystal Wang
Staff Writer provement or strength. The test will (econ) elective class, focusing on
tential volunteers find ideal also indicate whether students will be macroeconomics, will be offered at
opportunities. PAGE B3 Students signing up for Advanced prepared enough for advanced classes. Palo Alto High School starting next
Placement classes next year or cur- As Only students scoring a proficient school year, according to Social
FROM AFRICA TO rently taking them this year will now
be required to take the California
or higher on a specific subject will be
allowed into the AP class.
Studies instructional supervisor Eric
NORTH AMERICA Standards Test of the Standardized
Testing and Reporting (STAR) Pro-
“We don’t want students to go to
a class where they will really, really
Bloom said the reasoning behind
the class was that “The department
Student from Kenya learns gram, a decision finalized by Palo struggle,” McEvoy said. wanted to provide expanded opportu-
and absorbs North American Alto High School Principal Jacqueline Currently, the Paly administration nities for seniors to take challenging
culture. McEvoy. is trying to schedule CST tests towards [social studies] electives.”
According to McEvoy, this new the end of year, after AP tests, instead Paly also decided to form the class
regulation will give the school and of during the AP testing window. One in order to make classes at Paly and
A&E teachers a more accurate measurement problem this change encounters is Henry M. Gunn High School more
of the curriculum. The scores of the that there might not be any time for similar, according to Bloom. Gunn
VEG AROUND THE CST will specifically help evaluate the
corresponding AP classes curriculum See STAR, Page A3
currently has a year-long AP Eco-
nomics elective class. Instead, Paly

is offering a semester class because
Paly Administration’s New Policy a year-long class would require lan-
ing the economics classes, according
Animal-free restaurants of- • STAR tests will be required for to Bloom.
fer places for vegetarians Having a heterogeneous mix of Allie Bollella/The Campanile
and vegans to dine. PAGE B7 all AP students students makes the economics course History teacher David Rappaport writes a lesson. The History
• Students must score proficiently better, said Bloom. Department makes way for a macroeconomics semester course.
INDEX on the STAR test to qualify for Currently, Paly only offers one ““Kids interested in taking AP signing up for AP Economics next
economics course, which is required Econ would take it second semester year) receive registration materials at
AP classes in order to graduate. The course only after they’ve finished the regular econ the beginning of February, according
• STAR tests will be moved to the provides students an introduction to course,” Bloom said. “The AP Econ to Bloom.
Opinion.................A4-A5, A8
end of the year out of the AP micro- and macroeconomics. The course will build on top of the regular “I don’t know if we’re going to
Spotlight.....................A6-A7 regular economics class may change econ course.” be able to get all the pieces together,”
Sports.......................A9-A12 testing window a little to accommodate the AP class, Earlier, Bloom was unsure as to Bloom said earlier. “We have to get in
Lifestyles...........................B1 Bloom said. The proposed AP Eco- whether the course would be organized the registration, design the course, get
Julia Benton/The Campanile

Features.......................B2-B6 nomics course would give students a in time to allow current juniors to sign textbooks and materials, all of that.”
A&E...........................B7-B14 Principal Jacqueline McEvoy and the Paly administration have more in-depth look at macroeconom- up for AP Economics. Current juniors
instated a new policy for AP students in regards to STAR testing. ics, according to Bloom. (who would be the students potentially See ECONOMICS, Page A3
A2 • January 28, 2008 News The Campanile

NEWSBRIEFS Board considers language program

Students donate thousands of
Elementary school students may receive foreign language class options
pounds of food for needy families By Yelly Bitton
Staff Writer
Palo Alto High School’s Youth Community Service club
(YCS) has determined the results of the YCS food drive which The School Board’s Foreign Lan-
began Nov. 13 and ended Jan. 11. The food collected during the guage in Elementary School (FLES)
drive was be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank’s Holiday committee presented a report detailing
Food & Fund Drive. an implementation plan for a possible
“YCS provides students at Paly with the opportunity to get program to offer foreign language stud-
involved in the community that has played an immense role in ies in elementary schools at the Jan.
influencing them,” YCS President Aditi Bellary said. 15 Palo Alto Unified School District
The YCS food drive at Paly earned a significant profit this School Board meeting. The report will
year. The totals for the top classes are as follows: InFocus took be taken into consideration during the
first with 1575 lbs., Duffy followed with 1347 lbs., third was Strategic Planning Process, a method
Foug with 495 lbs. and fourth was Edwards with 306 lbs. Wix- for the School Board to determine the
som, Wilner, Paugh, Bungarden, Sabbag and Yonkers followed district’s short term goals for the next
in fifth through tenth places respectively. three to four years and will take place
The YCS food drive is very important to the community and in the coming months. FLES will be a
Palo Alto High’s contribution is of much more significance than large piece of the conversations that will
simply a class competition, although it makes for an entertaining take place.
and educational experience. The School Board created the
“Although many people perceive this community to be ex- FLES committee in September 2007
tremely affluent, it is important to realize that a huge number to conduct research on other effective
of local residents are not financially well-off and that the cost FLES programs and possible foreign
of food is quite high, “ Bellary said. “We want to contribute in language alternatives to FLES. The
any way we possibly can to help these people get the nourish- committee reported back on the imple-
ment they need.” mentation requirements and budget for Michela Fossati-Bellani/The Campanile
a possible, effective FLES program in
Although elementary school students may soon have the option of taking foreign language classes, many
—Pauline Slakey the PAUSD.
Staff Writer “We contacted schools all over with obstacles like the extra cost and the lengthened school schedule still block the program’s implementation.
effective FLES programs and found English, which can be easily transferred of which language to offer. The budget A key issue on the mind of the School
to another language.
ASB considers off-campus location that those programs, all of them, have
a number of things in common,” FLES “We’d love to start at kindergarten,
is an even larger issue to surmount. At
the current grade level and enrollment,
Board members is whether or not a for-
eign language program needs to strive
for traditional Sadie Hawkins Dance committee Co-Chair Marilyn Cook said but not a lot of proficiency would be cre- the project would cost an estimated $1.1 for proficiency in literacy.
at the Jan. 15 School Board meeting. ated from those additional three years,” million per year for the entire district, “Is excellent the enemy of the good?”
Having the girl ask the boy to be her date to the dance is an The committee took the common Cook said. “Students in third grade have which would only increase with enroll- Townsend asked. “I’ve gained the wis-
integral custom that differentiates a Sadie Hawkins dance from qualities from effective FLES programs literacy skills so they would learn to the ment. dom of knowing you don’t have to have
an otherwise typical dance. Palo Alto High School’s Associated and created a list of program assump- same level at half the cost. In order to Additionally, other fees such as the it all. If we can start with conversational
Student Body (ASB) plans to bring this widely celebrated tradi- tions. stay as practical as possible, third grade cost of lengthening the school day are skills, that already is a big step and may
tion to Paly in late February. These assumptions include offering is the place to start.” not included in this estimate. be enough.”
“This isn’t the first time Paly has had a Sadies, I don’t know the program for all students, holding Creating a FLES program would The cost would be a big burden for Other Board members also plan to
when or why we stopped having them, but we all decided it the program during the regular school affect foreign language classes through- the district, in contrast to immersion discuss alternatives or a scaled down
should definitely be brought back,” ASB Social Commissioner day, lengthening the school day to out all the schools in the district. After programs that require no additional version of FLES.
Helene Zahoudanis said. provide adequate time for the program, participating in the FLES program in cost because they are taught by only “I hate this to be a black and white
Because the concept behind the dance is having a girl ask creating curriculum that would help elementary school, student proficiency the normal amount of teachers as a issue,” School Board member Melissa
a boy to go with her, the chosen dress theme is inspired by this students develop proficiency in the for- would be at an equivalent of level three regular class. Caswell said at the meeting. “We need to
idea of a “date-dance.” eign language and linking the program foreign language course upon entering The School Board is keeping the look at different scales while discussing
“The theme is ‘perfect match’ which is intentionally broad,” to secondary programs present in the high school, changing the courses avail- report and will refer to it during the Stra- the strategic plan.”
Zahoudanis said. The theme of “perfect match” is to have middle schools. able both in middle and high school. tegic Planning Process. It also considers Still, the Board recognizes the report
couples wear similar clothing or match in other ways, and has “Research shows studying another “The foreign language teachers have foreign language an important, valuable as a success and will utilize it throughout
few limitations. language at a young age enhances cog- been rooting for something like this for a skill that is worth pursuing. the coming months.
ASB plans to encourage students to follow the dance’s date nitive development and creativity in long time,” committee member and Gunn “I can understand in our global so- “The question answered is what kind
tradition by considering reducing the ticket price for couples. thinking,” Cook said. World Language Instructional Supervisor ciety why people want to learn a foreign of a quality program we can put out there,”
“Many details haven’t been worked out yet, but we’re trying The report suggested spending Anne Jensen said at the meeting. language,” Superintendent Kevin Skelly School Board member Dana Tom said
to make this dance nicer to encourage people to go with dates,” 60-75 minutes a week with children in Obstacles for the program include said at the meeting. “I think we can take at the meeting. “Now we need to decide
Zahoudanis said. “We wanted to have the dance at a location grades third through fifth because they adding yet another subject to the elemen- this report and build from it a discussion what is possible, yet beneficial. This is
other than Paly, but that would involve raising ticket prices and have already developed literacy skills in tary school curriculum and the decision to make a good decision.” definitely worth further discussion.”
people weren’t too happy about that.”
In order to have the dance in a location outside of Paly,
ticket prices would have to increase prices to approximately
$50 or $60.
“Scratcher” tests give students instant feedback
this is the first time in school history Department have also used scratcher
The dance will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on that a scratcher test will being used in tests in recent years in classes such as
Friday, Feb. 29. The location has yet to be confirmed. a math class. AP U.S. History and AP Psychology.
Antink feels that because students AP U.S. History teacher Jack Bungar-
—Kelley Shin can get more than one chance at a prob- den issued a scratcher test earlier in the
Staff Writer lem, it will benefit them more than regular school year, while each of the Economics
multiple choice questions would. classes took a scratcher test as well as a
ACS receives grant from Yahoo! to “I think that by allowing students a scratcher final.
second chance, they are more motivated “I liked doing the scratcher tests,”
improve on-campus teen counseling to go through the problem and try again,” Bungarden said. “I like how students
Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) received a $25,000 Antink said. can know whether or not they got the
grant from Yahoo! Employee Foundation (YEF) through ACS’s Antink’s motivation behind admin- question right immediately. But before I
successful on-campus program in November 2007, according to istering a scratcher test for her geometry administer another one, I’d need to figure
Development & Marketing Director of ACS Lynn Peralta. class final is that the scratcher test teaches out the logistics first.”
“I feel that the ACS is a well-established and well-respected students as well as tests them. Although many of the teachers are in
organization that deserves this grant,” Peralta said. “A normal final is not a learning favor of the scratcher tests, concerns have
Peralta applied for the grant in January 2007 through con- experience,” Antink said. “It is a summa- been raised about cheating, as students
nections with people in the YEF. The ACS on-campus program tive test to see how much a student has know what the correct answer is imme-
was presented to a panel that reviews the applicants and was learned. By including the scratch portion diately after finishing the problem.
well-received all around. of the test, hopefully students will do the To compensate, Antink made 12
“ACS’s on-campus program is very successful; we have coun- Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile problems, learn more and make the final different versions of the test, which
seling programs at both Paly and Gunn, and at the three middle The answers to scratcher tests are hidden under scratch-off choices. into a true learning experience.” she hopes will prevent students from
schools JLS, Jordan and Terman in Palo Alto,” Peralta said. In addition to helping the students cheating.
Students know immediately if they are correct by discovering a star.
This grant will help fund the on-campus counseling programs. learn more and become more motivated “I’m not too worried about the
These counseling programs include adolescent counseling, rela- By Alan Chen In each correct answer box, there is a to do well on the test, Antink said that the cheating aspect for this final,” Antink
tionship issues, substance abuse and such. Staff Writer star to represent that the chosen answer is scratcher test method would help raise said. “With the 12 different versions of
“ACS is definitely doing a great job providing counseling correct; if a student chooses the incorrect some of the test grades. the test, there is only a slim chance that
services to teens, “ Peralta said. “Other cities, such as Redwood Scratch-off multiple choice tests, or answer, the box will be blank. “This final isn’t that hard of a test,” students will know each other’s answers.
City, have incorporated ACS, which is a testament that ACS is “scratcher tests,” have been used this year However, if the student misses the Antink said. “Most students get As, Bs We could even have 25 versions if we
doing great.” as an alternative testing method in the question, he or she can try again and or Cs, but hopefully with the addition of wanted to.”
Social Sciences and History Department obtain partial credit, depending on the the new scratcher tests, the students can Although Antink has high hopes
—Auster Chen and the Math Department. teacher’s specific grading policy. raise their grades a little higher. Plus, by for the scratcher test, she does not know
Staff Writer A scratcher test is similar to a This year, Suzanne Antink issued knowing the answer right away, the test whether or not she will continue to use
multiple choice test. However, instead a scratcher test for her Geometry class gives students a little more courage and the scratcher tests in years to come.
  of filling in bubbles or circling the right final. help them score higher.” “This is a trial period,” Antink said.
answer, students scratch-off boxes for Though scratcher tests have been In addition to the Math Depart- “We’re going to test it a lot before we
their chosen answer. used earlier this year for other subjects, ment, the History and Social Sciences decide if we want to keep it.”

Vandalism strikes Paly library over long weekend after finals

• February 5: Open House
VANDALISM, Continued from A1 In response to the library break-in, the adminis-
tration and Kellerman hope to increase the level of
administration finds anything new, the police will have
only minimal involvement in the investigation.
Incoming 9th grade families visit Paly to “I was completely and utterly dismayed,” Keller- security surrounding the library in order to prevent Paly students expressed anger over the incident.
learn about its opportunities. man said. “We ended up spent four hours cleaning future vandalism.
“I’m appalled, especially about the computers
because it hits students more than the administration,”
The fact that it did not
McEvoy and Berk- “We are absolutely planning to press even require a forced entry is senior Max Lloyd said.
• February 15-18: No School son said the school will charges.” cause for more concern. But others said vandalism was to be expected.
In honor of President’s Day, students and be pressing charges upon
Jacqueline McEvoy “I would like to have “It was a long weekend,” junior Courtney Hancock

staff enjoy three-day weekend.

learning the identities of a better security system,” said, “so I’m not surprised.”
the culprits. Principal Kellerman said. “Everyone Regardless, it seems that at the heart of both inci-
“We are absolutely wants it. It’s just a matter of dents was a lack of respect for the facilities, students
• February 19: No School planning to press charges,” McEvoy said. “Regardless getting it done.” and administration.
Students get a day off from school while
of the extent of the damage, [the students responsible] Currently, though, the administration has no defi- “The sad irony is that it was just Martin Luther
are going to have to face the school system and the nite plans for security upgrades. Any money spent on King’s birthday,” Kellerman said. “What are we sup-
teachers meet for staff development day. penal system.” increased security would come out of general fund. posed to be doing? Good for the world. What were stu-
Berkson said he feels sure the culprits will be “It would basically mean less money for students,” dents doing? Taking a public good and trashing it.”
• February 29: School Dance found, though they “were smart enough not to do Berkson added.
anything stupid.” Though PAPD officers went out to the library

Disclaimer: The photos and details of the vandalism
Girls ask their “Perfect Match” to the “There were some mistakes that were made, upon receiving Kellerman’s call, the police department reported in this article were obtained from an anony-
upcoming Sadie Hawkin’s Dance. which we are confident will [help implicate those is currently responding to the incident as a simple
responsible],” Berkson said.
mous source in contact with those responsible but not
prank, Sergeant Sandra Brown said. Unless the Paly a participant.
The Campanile News January 28, 2008 • A3

Colleges accept fewer applicants in early applications

Early admissions races become more rigorous as colleges receive a growing number of qualified applicants
By Gloria Yu is approximately 3,330,000 compared to the
Staff Writer 3,303,000 in 2007.
“The number is expected to begin dipping
With Early Decision results released and after the class of 2008,” said Moody, who has
the majority of regular admissions turned in, had 10 years of experience with statistical
the general public is aware of the drop in Early evaluation of college admission results.
acceptance rates and the competitiveness this In California alone, 13,890 more students
admissions season is shaping up to be for the will graduate from high school, the greatest
2009 graduating class. increase of any U.S. state.
“While many colleges saw increases in Along with the increased number of stu-
the number of early applications, that trend dents graduating from high school, a higher
is most pronounced at the nation’s most elite percentage of graduating seniors are applying
schools,” said Purvi Moody, co-owner and to four-year institutions of higher education,
operator of Insight Education, an online col- according to Moody. Of the more than 3.33
lege counseling service. million students graduating, 1.86 million
With the disappearance of Early Admis- of those students are predicted to receive a
sion programs at Harvard University and bachelor’s degree in 2012, compared to 1.80
Princeton University, students that would million in 2007.
have applied to those two schools applied “With greater access to higher education
early elsewhere. Yale University received an and more students revising their financial aid
increase of 36 percent this year. Georgetown policies to make college more affordable,
University received a record number of students that may not have applied to college
Early Action applicants with an increase of are now doing so,” Moody said.
31 percent. The Silicon Valley is a sanction for this
The University of Chicago experienced effect. According to Moody, this trend is partly
one of the greatest increases across the coun- fueled by students’ fears that they must have
try with an astounding 42 percent increase several safeties on their college list.
in Early applicants. On the other hand, Duke “This has a trickle down effect and those
University showed only a five percent rise in “safety” schools become increasingly com-
early applications. petitive,” Moody said.
“The increase in applications is a trend The number of international students ap-
that has been occurring for the past decade,” plying have also increased and have become
Moody said, “All hope is not lost for students. a conflict for applying students. Usually, Stacy Levichev/The Campanile
Colleges want to admit students that have international school students were filed into Palo Alto High School students prepare for early university admissions by utilizing online sources, including Common
taken initiative, pursued their passions and a separate pool in the admission offices from
Application; College admission statistics revealed that 60,000 more students will attend college in 2008 than last year.
worked hard.” domestic students, but many colleges are
Although many colleges saw an increase increasing their international applicant pool make the cut at the University of Pennsyl- While the population boom will peak with students. In the long term, college admissions
in the number of Early applicants, statistics in an effort to bring greater diversity and vania. While a student may be well-rounded this graduating class, the enrollment numbers craze will eventually stabilize.
show that many schools do not plan to increase experience to campus, Moody said. and have a personality fit for a specific col- are predicted to keep rising. This means that the Most Paly students fare well in the college
the number of students accepted for this year The statistics reveal that colleges have lege, colleges may not recognize this in the competition will not curb anytime soon. But admissions process, Moody said.
— the result is a drop in Early Admissions. had to decline more qualified applicants to admissions process. There are more than many colleges, such as Stanford University, Paly, as one of the top ranked high schools
However, many colleges will defer strong sustain a steady student population. 2,000 four-year undergraduate institutions in are putting plans into place to enroll more in the country, can offer students outstanding
applicants to the regular admission and re- “Every year there are surprises — students the U.S. alone. In 2007, almost 300 colleges students in the upcoming years. resources, opportunities and experiences, add-
evaluate those students with the remaining that others thought were shoe-ins for schools were still accepting applications in late July While this translates to just a few more ing to a college-going culture.
applicants. and students that shock others with their ac- for fall 2007 enrollment. students every year, colleges intend to in- “While it is important to understand the
These elite colleges are becoming more ceptances,” Moody said. “While getting into college is more dif- crease enrollment significantly over time. college admissions landscape, we cannot
competitive because across the country this Harvard denied admission to four out of ficult, it is important for students to realize that For example, Meg Whitman, of eBay and her change it,” Moody said. “In college applica-
year, because there will be more seniors five valedictorians and hundreds of students college is accessible,” Moody said. “Every husband will donate $30 million to Princeton to tions, students should stress what makes them
graduating from high school this year. This that ace the SAT with a perfect 2400 do not student can go to a four-year school.” build a new residential college to house more unique and show depth.”

Risky teen sleeping habits discussed History department to offer semester long
Research finds sleep deprivation impairs decision making and judgement AP Economics elective over the fall of 2008
By Allison Coleman “Most teenagers need nine to ten hours of sleep every ECONOMICS, Continued from A1 and it could go into more detail than of classes, believes that U.S. Govern-
Staff Writer night, but very few teenagers actually sleep for that long,” regular econ.” ment would be a much better class for
Rosekind said. There are also a few potential Some current seniors agree that senior year because most students turn
Mark Rosekind, president and chief scientist of Alert- This was new information for many parents. problems that may surface with AP Economics would be a good class 18 years old and can register to vote,
ness Solutions, spoke to students and parents from Palo “I was surprised when I heard him say that teenag- introducing an new AP Economics to have at Paly. so the class is more relevant and less
Alto schools about the importance of sleep at Palo Alto ers need nine to ten hours of sleep,” Walsh said. “I didn’t course. “I would have personally loved theoretical.
High School on Jan. 9. realize it was that much.” “One of the questions you always to have AP economics as a course If the sequence change were to
During his presentation, Rosekind covered everything The times when people are most tired are determined have is ‘Are the kids going to come choice,” senior Jenny Ji said. “I think occur, ninth grade World History
from the risks associated with not getting enough sleep by an internal timer, called the circadian clock, which out of another [elective] class?’” it would be a wonderful idea to add would be moved to tenth grade and
and the biological factors that create these risks, to what regulates when a person feels sleepy or more alert. Most Paly principal Jacqueline McEvoy an AP economics course at Paly. It U.S. government and Economics
people need to do to avoid sleep deprivation. adults feel sleepiest from three to five in the morning. said. “[We have to] take into consid- would give students who wish to take would be senior year social studies
Rosekind began his talk by mentioning the societal In teenagers, this clock can shift depending on bedtime eration the impact on other course the course a depth of information that classes, according to Likins. Ninth
pressures to stay awake for longer than is considered and especially on when they wake up. A teen could feel offerings.” regular economics cannot provide.” grade would no longer require a social
healthy. He showed a picture of a bulletin board at Mountain sleepiest from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. - when he or she would According to McEvoy, another In addition to adding an AP Eco- studies course.
View High School that read, “Sleep is for Slackers.” have to be waking up to go to school. course may have to close if AP Eco- nomics class at Paly, the social stud- Nevertheless, Paly stands by the
“We’re expected to operate around the clock, but our Symptoms of this delayed sleep phase are a late nomics becomes available. If AP ies department considered switching current PAUSD sequence of social
bodies are just not designed for this,” Rosekind said. “fall asleep” time and trouble waking up in the morning, Economics is offered, the U.S. Foreign around the sequence of social studies studies classes.
Some people, such as Joan Jacobus, the mother of Rosekind said. Policy class would be the first to face classes. Paly, Gunn and Superinten- “What we do works well for
two Gunn students, were surprised by how much sleep a A phenomenon related to sleep deprivation is called elimination since, according to Bloom, dent Kevin Skelly discussed the pos- us,” Bloom said. “U.S. Government
person really needs. Sunday Night Insomnia, according to Rosekind. This oc- most students would not sign up for sible change. prepares kids for understanding the
“I learned that most of us need to be getting a lot more curs when people stay up late on the weekends and sleep Foreign Policy anymore, due to the Currently, the typical breakdown challenges of the developing world
sleep than we are,” Jacobus said. in on Saturday and Sunday mornings. On Sunday night, lure of the advanced placement status of social studies classes in the Palo as well as understanding the [United
According to Rosekind, one result of too little sleep people have trouble readjusting to falling asleep and waking of the new class. Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) States] Constitution. When students
is that a person’s reaction time slows by 25 percent, a up earlier,so they have trouble sleeping Sunday night. One problem for both potential is that freshmen take World History, go to U.S. History, [it helps them]
dangerous amount of time for a sleepy driver. Judgment The way to avoid sleep deprivation is to have good students and teachers is the shortened sophomores take U.S. Government understand how the U.S. government
and decision-making are also negatively affected by loss “sleep hygiene,” which means having regular wake-up amount of time allowed to prepare for and Contemporary World History, works.
of sleep, which might prompt a person to decide to drive times and using a regular pre-sleep routine. the AP exam. juniors take U.S. History and seniors Bloom and Skelly have already
knowing that it might not be safe. Rosekind also recommended naps if people are not “[The class] is in a compressed take Economics and a Social Studies discussed the change and decided not
“Sleep deprivation makes people make riskier able to achieve the right amount of sleep at night. A nap time frame so you have to do a full elective. to change the order of social studies
choices,” Rosekind said. should be 40 to 45 minutes long, according to Rosekind, semester’s worth of work in three However, most of the state of courses at Paly.
According to Rosekind, over one million car crashes and people should allow 15 minutes of “wake-up” time weeks less than a full semester,” California does U.S. Government While the sequence of classes
each year are caused by a sleep-deprived driver, more after napping. Bloom said. “Its pace would be really senior year, Bloom said. will not be changed for the follow-
crashes than those related to drugs or alcohol. “He was a phenomenal speaker,” Diana Walsh, a par- rigorous.” This creates a problem for stu- ing school year, the AP Economics
Losing four hours affects a person as negatively as ent of students at Paly, Jordan Middle School and Addison However, students seem to show dents who move from other parts of the course will be ready for the 2008-2009
consuming five to six beers, which equates to a blood Elementary School, said. “ He obviously had a good deal an interest in taking a more challeng- state, as they may be behind in fulfill- school year.
alcohol level of about .095 percent, a definite DUI. of knowledge on the subject, and he was very engaging ing economics class. ing social studies courses because of “AP Econ is a definite for next
“It doesn’t matter who you are,” Rosekind said. “You when talking about a subject that could have made us all “I would probably want to take Palo Alto’s unique sequence. year. It’s going to be in the course
lose sleep, there is a cost.” a little sleepy.” AP Econ,” junior Garrett Morton said. Gunn principal Noreen Likins, catalog and it’s all set to go,” McE-
Besides causing people to make poor decisions, lack Suzie Lincoln, the mother of students attending Gunn “It seems like an interesting class who supports changing the sequence voy said.
of sleep negatively affects mood and causes lapses in High School, Terman Middle School and Nixon Elementary

New regulation finalized to require AP

attention to increase in frequency by up to 500 percent, School, agreed with Walsh.
which, according to Rosekind, explains the blank stares “He was very dynamic and he did a great job giving
on students’ faces in first and second periods. a lot of information,” she said.
students to participate in STAR testing
STAR, Continued from A1 According to the 2006 and 2007 test results for the CST
English-Language Arts portion, junior class participation at
makeup tests, McEvoy said. Gunn increased by five percent after the requirement was
CST scores are one of the components of the school’s enforced, from 88.8 percent to 93.7 percent enrollment.
ranking in the Academic Performance Index, a statewide Last year, only 73.3 percent of the junior class at Palo
scale measuring a school’s academic performance and Alto High School took the English section.
growth. “I’ve heard people say that people don’t take the star
According to McEvoy, Paly ranks nine out of ten in tests because they don’t believe in standardized tests,”
the similar schools rank, which compares a school to 100 Merritt said. “but they are taking AP tests which are stan-
other schools of the same type and similar demographic dardized tests, so I don’t know why they reject them.”
characteristics, while Henry M. Gunn High School ranks
a ten. Though some may feel positively about the issue,
“My money is on that if all students take the CST then many students feel this enforcement is unnecessary.
we would rank higher than Gunn,” McEvoy said. “It’s clear that the goal of the administration is to
Last year, Gunn made it mandatory for AP and honor raise star testing scores by making testing mandatory for
students to participate in STAR testing. AP students,” senior Jenny Ji said. “It would be a futile
“I’ve heard that after Gunn implemented [the rule], attempt by the school to artificially inflate on star testing
the junior class participation increased a high percent- scores.”
age,” said Chuck Merritt, Paly assistant principal. There McEvoy holds an optimistic view about students’
Hannah McGovern/The Campanile were only a “handful” of students at Gunn who were not reactions towards this new change.
Research scientist Mark Rosekind present research findings on effects of sleep deprivation to Palo Alto allowed to take the AP class because they did not take the “I hope students will see the connection,” McEvoy
parents. According to Rosekind, teenagers require nine to ten hours of sleep in order to function fully. CST, McEvoy said. said. “Students really shouldn’t see it as a punishment.”
A4 January 28, 2008

Opinion The Campanile

Letters to the editors

Article paints the That’s probably not what this yoga instructor had in
mind, but there is a culture war going on in the United
Editorials The Opinion of The Campanile
wrong picture States. Right now it’s in Texas (Google/News “Chris

System would lighten

Comer”) and South Carolina (Google/News “Kristin
This letter was written in response to Gloria Yu’s
Maguire”), and the reverberations from the 2005 Dover
column, published Dec. 17, “The Ethics of Eating.”
trial in Pennsylvania haven’t stopped yet.
Thanks for this article. While I’m not here to say –– Paul Burnett, Alameda
which one is better, I do notice some facts that were incor-

required course load

rect in your article about Whole Foods and Safeway. Students stress too much
Safeway purchases enough RECs from wind
energy to offset 100 percent of their California Bay
during high school
Area locations (including their headquarters) and their “For college.” These are the words that have, for
Colorado stores only, not all of their locations. This some more than others, defined the high school experi-
article neglected to mention that along with the solar
installations, Whole Foods also purchases RECs from
ence. We’ve all done it; some take more honors classes,
others join extra extracurriculars, and still others do
Students would enjoy fewer required courses under
wind to offset 100 percent of their remaining energy
footprint and is actually the third largest purchaser listed
community service despite their overwhelming dislike
for the community. And why not? College has only been
system requiring three years of history, social studies
on the EPA Green Power Partnership top 25 http://www. looming over us like a specter since middle school, per- The Campanile would like to The restructured sequence would The AP Economics class fulfills You’ll notice haps earlier. In Palo Alto, it seems that all roads point express disappointment in the His- have also helped new students adjust numerous and repeated student re-
Safeway is not on that list because their purchase is not to a four-year degree. The mantra is like all syllogisms, tory and Social Science Department’s to Paly, as most high schools in the quests for the course. However, the
large enough. The information provided in your article linear and simple: good college equals good job equals decision not to restructure the course state of California require only three proposed plan offers a semester-long
paints a very different (and incorrect) picture around good salary equals good life. sequence. However, the department years of history. The most common AP course covering only macroeco-
which company has made greater strides in supporting However, this mantra is, like many syllogisms, was right to add Advanced Placement sequence in California is currently nomics in addition to the regular
renewable energy. terribly wrong. Economics to the course offerings. World History sophomore year, U.S. economics class currently offered.
I was also surprised to see that you call out how When we look back on high school, I hope that The Campanile believes the new history junior year and government The Campanile believes it would
much cardboard was recycled by Safeway but did not you and I see more than just four years of college prep. sequence would have given students and economics senior year. The new be more beneficial to offer the year-
do so for Whole Foods. Was this just info you pulled off Learning, working, living; they don’t start in college, increased freedom and would have course sequence at Paly would have long AP course. A full year would
of their Web site? This leads the reader to believe that they start right now. allowed them more flexibility in their presumably taken this shape. give students the opportunity to
Whole Foods doesn’t recycle their cardboard, which While working and learning may not be mutually schedule. A common scenario for new challenge themselves, look stronger
is not true. exclusive, they’re not always concurrent either. As many Lowering the required years of students at Paly is one in which the on transcripts and allow for a higher
–– Darren K., San Francisco seniors now know, an AP accreditation means little, history from four to three years would students have to take World History weighted GPA.
besides making you eligible to pay $95 dollars to take
United States still fighting a three hour exam.
eliminate the rather excessive fourth
year. (History is currently the only
along with another required history
class in a single year. This makes it
Some may argue that the lat-
ter two arguments are unimportant.
over Intelligent Design Seeing early applicants debate the exact day, hour,
minute and second of decision notification is truly a sad
subject at Palo Alto High School that difficult for them to take other classes However, in a community filled with
students are required to spend four they are interested in or may wish to college-bound students, they must be
This letter was written in response to Mia Pond’s sight. Even worse is hearing about every new college- years studying.) Though students may take. These students find themselves considered.
article, published Dec. 17, “Yoga helps rehabilitate preparation program (sorry Nolan), while truly singular elect to take more than three years taking only mandatory courses in As Henry M. Gunn High School
juvenile delinquents.” opportunities, like playing frisbee on a perfect California of history, they would not have been order to fulfill requirements before has already implemented a year-long
A yoga director is quoted as saying “Everyone on day or making a fool of yourself at a crappy ASB dance, forced to. graduation, rather than electives AP Economics class, the History
earth is a ‘creation of intelligent design.’” pass by unnoticed. In the revised system, students they would like to take. Thus, the Department at Paly would not need
That’s a point of contention in some circles. Actual Don’t sacrifice a day of idyllic weather to read and could have fulfilled their Vocational required fourth year of history simply to gain approval for the course or cre-
scientists work with evolution; religious fundamental- annotate Anna Karenina. Don’t miss that party to work Education and Arts requirements hinders new students from focusing ate a curriculum from scratch. Thus,
ists work with a bogus construct called “intelligent on your essays. Don’t go through high school just “for during their freshman year, as they on subjects they are interested in and it would not be difficult to create a
design creationism,” which is essentially the Book of college.” would not have been required to take scrambling to fulfill Paly and district parallel course at Paly.
Genesis. –– Andrew Nizamian, senior a history or social science courses. requirements. The Campanile finds the history
While an extra year-long course does The Campanile would like to department’s refusal to restructure
not sound like much, many students applaud the addition of AP Econ. The the course sequence is disheartening.
deal with crammed schedules and class would allow students to take However, The Campanile is encour-

The Campanile frequently have to make space for

required courses.
more AP history courses, of which the
department currently offers just two.
aged by the addition of AP Econ to
the course offerings.

Editors in Chief
Tyler Blake • Danielle Kim • Peter Lee
Ryan Pfleiderer • Mia Pond • Tomer Schwartz Paly must take steps to
News Editor
Rebecca Allen
Lifestyles Editor
Kairen Wong
Opinion Editor
Chris­Clayton reduce sleep deprivation
Features Editors A & E Editors Sports Editors
Henry Becker Sara Reihani Alexi Dagan Administration should make simple changes to
Amy Stringer Austin Smith Sam Jones prevent detrimental sleep deprivation among students
Photo Manager Spotlight Editor Mark Rosekind, who spoke at One simple but effective change attendance and punctuality. In fact,
Hannah McGovern Sarah Stringer Palo Alto High School on Jan. 9, is would be to keep late-start Thursdays the school benefits from students who
only the most recent of many to tell throughout the entire year. During get enough hours of sleep each night:
Business Managers Advertising Manager students and parents that children and
teens are not getting enough sleep.
first semester, many students benefit
from block Thursdays, which begin
studies show students consistently
do better in school and have higher
Geng Wang Debbie Zhang Erik Krasner-Karpen During his presentation, Rosekind said at 8:45 a.m. test scores.
teens need, but often do not get, nine The Campanile understands Perhaps it may be more difficult
Staff Writers to 10 hours of sleep per night. that the administration would like to to push back school start times in
Schoolwork clearly contributes minimize the amount of class missed general. The Campanile believes,
Nanor Balabanian Rye Druzin Laura Kurtz Annie Vought to the sleep deprivation from which by student-athletes due to afternoon though, that giving students even
Catherine Benson Christian Gallagher Yvonne Lin Anna Waldron students suffer, especially at a high- meets and matches, however, there just ten more minutes each morning
achieving school like Paly. are ways these students can make up by changing the start time to 8 a.m.
Yelly Bitton Alex Greene Jillian Liu Crystal Wang Thus, The Campanile believes work; Paly clearly provides policies would be helpful.
Becky Byler Chris Gonnerman Josh Lo Cassie Wedemeyer that Paly must be held accountable regarding excused absences. Regardless, The Campanile feels
Hannah Bystritsky Gabrielle Hadley Ryan McLeod Allison Whitson and partially responsible for prevent- It is not as easy to make up lost that it is impossible not to make any
Alan Chen Michael Hamada Mira Parekh Eliot Wilson ing sleep loss among its students. The sleep and the effects of sleep depriva- changes when Paly students clearly
Paly administration does not need to tion are much worse: less efficiency suffer from sleep deprivation and the
Auster Chen Zach Harris Jonathan Shan Nolan Wong make drastic changes in order to lessen in completing schoolwork, lower Paly administration can clearly do
Alan Chu Kevin Harvey Julia Shapiro Lindsay Yang sleep deprivation. quality of performance and decreased something about it.
Allison Coleman DJ Hsueh Kelley Shin Gloria Yu
Zal Dordi Mikaela Kenrick Pauline Slakey Kelly Zhou

Mika Ben-Shaul • Julia Benton • Allie Bollella • Nora Brannen-Burt
Program would facilitate
language proficiency
Michela Fossati-Bellani • Stacy Levichev • Elizabeth Petit

Graphics Editor
Erik Krasner-Karpen

Adviser New program would provide students with

Esther Wojcicki opportunity to study foreign languages sooner
Recently, the Foreign Language vide elementary school students with foreign language departments of
in Elementary School (FLES) com- a unique opportunity that would better PAUSD middle and high schools.
Corrections Advertisements mittee announced potential plans to prepare them for high school. Students would thus fulfill both the
The article “Skaters show their Ads with The Campanile are launch foreign language studies in Specifically, the program would two-year requirement of PAUSD
talent on ice” (Dec. 21) incorrectly Letters to the Editors printed with signed contracts. all Palo Alto Unified School District be implemented during the standard high schools and the University of
stated that Elizabeth Rivelli won E-mail all letters to editors to For more information, contact elementary schools. FLES, associ- school schedule and would be open California’s recommended three years
third place at the 2008 Central Pacific The Campanile Business Managers by ated with the PAUSD, will continue to all students, who would, hope- of experience.
Regionals. Rivelli did not win a prize Campanile welcomes and prints e-mail at discussion and possibly further imple- fully, achieve proficiency in a foreign The Campanile feels that this
at the 2008 competition; however, letters to the editors on a space- com. mentation of the program during the language. would offer students more opportuni-
she has competed at the CP Region- available basis. Strategic Planning Process, which will Upon entering high school, stu- ties to take courses in different areas
als before. The Campanile reserves the Printing be held over the next few months. dents would have enough experience of interest, as individuals could begin
Significant corrections will be right to edit submissions for length. The Campanile is printed every The Campanile encourages all equivalent to a secondary school’s studies in another foreign language
noted in the upcoming edition. Please Please note that The Campanile three weeks by Fricke-Parks Press in participants and PAUSD members to level three course. Because of this, earlier or have more opportunities to
send any corrections requests to only publishes signed letters. Union City, Calif. further these plans, which would pro- the program would be linked to the take different electives.
The Campanile Opinion January 28, 2008 • A5

Scratch-off tests may dethrone Scantron Ending the War

New testing system boasts a forgiving grading policy, although it may be unfair to some students

Julia Benton/The Campanile

By Tyler Blake half or a quarter of a point to the student’s By Chris Clayton scratcher tests. Moreover, teachers will be less
Editor in Chief score. This may be a legitimate concern, but Opinion Editor inclined to return tests for further discussion, as
since the purpose of school is to instruct, the they will decide that students, having already
Recently, the History and Social Sci- scratcher tests are a much better instructional Certain teachers, namely the Advanced ascertained the correct answers, will not be
ence and Math Departments at Palo Alto tool than the Scantron test. Placement Psychology teachers and the His- interested in further discussion.
High School began using “instant feedback,” The potential effect to an artificial mea- tory and Social Science Department of Palo Were the teachers the only possible source
or “scratcher” tests, in some AP Psychol- suring stick like grades should be ignored Alto High School, deserve some merit for of detrimental negligence, the scratcher tests
ogy, United States History and Economics for the greater good of the Paly community employing “scratcher” tests as they did so might proceed without inevitable difficulties.
classes. as a whole. with noble intentions: to allow students to However, the nature of these scratcher tests Rye Druzin
These tests, which appear similar to a lot- The alternative to scratcher tests, the learn during examination and to re-examine — that students learn the correct answer dur- The war against blow, angel dust, reefer,
tery ticket, feature a number of covered bubbles traditional Scantron tests similar in format to questions upon discovering the correct answer. ing the examination — will inevitably cause meth and opium is not the war usually seen
with corresponding answers on a test sheet. the dreaded STAR and SAT tests, is an anach- Unfortunately, these tests offer too much negligence among students. The students must on nightly television. The fighting isn’t rag-
Students mark their answers by scratching ronism that needs renovation, which is exactly potential for student- and teacher-neglect and be responsible for inquiring for the reason a ing through the streets of Baghdad or Tikrit.
off the box that corresponds to their answer what the new scratcher tests provide. unfairly inflate students’ grades, and thus, must solution is correct, else the teacher shall not Instead it is an unrealistic fight against those

choice — hence its name. The old-style tests provide minimal feed- be abandoned. know what material to discuss. we love and whom we brand criminals.
The most obvious benefit of scratcher back and student engagement simply because The most crucial and inherent plausible However, the fact that students receive It’s the War on Drugs.
tests is the instant feedback students receive. of the black-and-white nature of the test. problems deriving from the use of scratcher the correct response immediately will make Reefer Madness, the 1936 film, heralded
By knowing the correct answer to a problem There is no room for argument or interpreta- tests are neglect of responsibilities by both them disinclined to discussion, both because a time when the United State’s government
immediately after answering, students can tion — every answer is either right or wrong. teachers and students. The teachers must they will be less interested in the answer now began a crackdown on the usage of illegal
perhaps better understand the solution to a The scratcher tests, on the other hand, allow be responsible for not only educating their that they have already discussed it at great substances. This crackdown continues today,
problem and stay more in touch with their students to think through answers and process students, but also ensuring that every student length, especially as these scratcher tests despite the hippie movements of the 1960s and
grades in the class. the information more effectively, which in understands the material presented prior to, are often taken with partners, regardless of the resistance by some states to the federal
This alone is reason enough to spread turn leads to a better learning experience for during and after examinations. Although these whether or not these discussions accurately illegalization of drugs.
the use of scratcher tests into more depart- the student. scratcher tests facilitate students’ recollection explained the answers. Such reduced interest The “War on Drugs” declared by President
ments at Paly, but there are other compelling The Social Studies Department should be of information, particularly when the scratch- will also derive, in part, from fear that they Richard Nixon in 1971 has sought to put those
reasons as well. commended for its innovative use of scratcher ers are used for quizzes, which generally will be considered less intelligent by their who are found to be in possession of what the
The tests also allow students to take mul- peers (with whom they presumably already government deems “illegal substances” behind
tiple guesses at one question for partial credit, discussed the answers). bars. Much similar to the era of Prohibition
which has the benefit of both allowing students Furthermore, the utilizations of scratcher before the Great Depression, the government
to learn more and giving them a better chance tests inevitably effects grade inflation by allow- has decided to try and stymie the proliferation
to earn a good grade in the class. ing students more ways to obtain higher scores. of such substances. Despite the governments
Tests are typically the only part of a class Consider the expected values of standard test efforts, it has failed.
that is not a learning experience — as an assess- questions versus those of scratcher tests, given The illegalization of these substances has
ment, tests are incapable of teaching students that the questions have four possible answers. created a black market for such substances.
any new material. But because scratcher tests A student attempting to guess the answers to The illegal drug market is worth $400 billion
allow for multiple guesses at a single problem, four questions on a standard test receives an and is growing rapidly. This is a profit that is
students can work through a question in more expected value of .25 points per question, as over 10 times that of California’s agricultural
depth and better understand the answer with that student will guess correctly, on average, business.
a greater level of detail. on one of the four questions. However, the The government justified the illegality
Additionally, scratcher tests benefit expected value for the student taking the of these substances by stating that if the sub-
teachers. Since the tests are essentially “self scratcher test is more complex. Given the stances are legalized, there would be mass
grading,” the teacher is left with less “kill- and- four questions, the student will receive, on chaos. Instead, because drugs, such as mari-
drill” work of grading exams and therefore has average, one point for guessing one question juana or cocaine are illegal, street gangs and
more time to develop new lesson plans and correctly at first. However, that student can rival drug dealers fight each other all across the
to do other things that are more important. receive a half-point, on his or her second try, world in an attempt to receive more revenue
Scratcher tests make life easier for Paly for for correctly guessing the answer to one of through more business. This, in effect, creates
everyone — students and teachers alike. the remaining three questions. street wars in the poorest neighborhoods over
One of the main arguments against In addition, students have a quarter-point the world.
scratcher tests is the increased potential for for correctly guessing the answer to one of the In Afghanistan, a country that has no
cheating. Since students know their answers two remaining questions, one of which has the infrastructure and even less of a base for an
immediately, some argue that students will be Michela Fossati-Bellani/The Campanile answer. Thus, the score for the scratcher test economy, opium accounts for nearly 60 per-
more likely to spread useful information to Scantron tests, the norm in most Paly classrooms today, may soon be replaced will, on average, be 1.75/4, which results in an cent of Afghanistan’s GDP, while the country
students in later classes. However, this is eas- expected value of 0.4375 points per question. itself produces 87 percent of the world’s sup-
with scratcher tests, which closely resemble the look and feel of lottery tickets.
ily avoided since teachers can make multiple Essentially this results in a 75 percent increase ply of opium and heroin. The Taliban, which
versions of the same test. In addition, a fairly tests as a method to make assessments more requires very little analysis or reasoning, these in the expected value of any question to which the U.S. has attempted to suppress since its
standard curve would discourage students from of a learning experience and an educational tests fail to explain answers for questions that the student must guess the answer, increasing 2001 invasion, has reaped the rewards in the
assisting their peers as their grades would suf- tool. require analysis or reasoning. the score of the student on such questions by estimated hundreds of millions of dollars in
fer from giving some an advantage. The success of the scratcher test is appar- Specifically, students do not receive 75 percent. “taxes” from opium farmers.
Although the potential for cheating ex- ent; scratcher tests have spread from the Social explanations to an answer from the teacher, Although these numbers may seem insig- In Colombia, where the U.S. has been
ists with scratcher tests, the same possibility Studies Department to the Math Department but rather only the correct answer, should the nificant on the surface, they coalesce over the assisting the Colombian government in the
exists with all tests and the simple solutions and may soon be used other disciplines as teacher neglect to consult with the students to course of the semester and can easily bring a implementation of “Plan Colombia,” the U.S.
that prevent cheating with other tests can be well. The tests are a vast improvement over clarify any ambiguities. Teachers could easily student up a whole letter grade. This blatant appropriated over $7.5 billion into a program
easily extended to scratcher tests. the traditional “Scantron” tests and they should neglect this step, concluding that students can grade inflation is inexcusable as it competi- that is supposed to supply the Colombian
The other primary argument against continue to increase in use across Paly. simply ascertain the correct answer and that tively disadvantages students whose teachers government with funds to fight cocaine pro-
scratcher tests is that they lead to grade infla- If the administration were to expand the such will suffice. This is not to assert that all do not administer scratcher tests. duction.
tion, since questions where a student would use of scratcher tests at Paly, the effects would teachers will neglect this responsibility, yet As they unfairly inflate grades and offer Instead, this program proves itself to be
normally get zero points for an incorrect only be positive for students, teachers and some will, which undermines the aforemen- opportunities for detrimental neglect, scratcher corrupt and flawed, while the U.S. still con-
answer now have the potential of adding a administrators alike. tioned intentions behind implementing these tests should not be used by Paly teachers. tinues to use Colombia in a proxy war against
cocaine producers and rebel factions. Plan

AP alternative should be recognized by Paly

Colombia produces little effect in the fight
against cocaine trafficking. Many American-
trained officers in the Colombian army were
implemented in various massacres and human
The International Baccalaureate program offers more focused courses and degrees recognized worldwide rights abuses throughout Colombia during the
By Chris Gallagher 1990s. Meanwhile, cocaine continues to pro-
Staff Writer
The International Baccalaureate Diploma liferate throughout Colombia and its transport
into the United States is left unhanded.
Many students who have moved to Palo Alto struggle Despite all the negative effects of the
with Palo Alto High School’s curriculum and laning system, as Students in the International illegalization of the substances, I do believe
many of its programs are unique to the district.  One of these that there is a solution. There are a few easy
differences is occasionally Paly’s exclusion of International Baccalaureate program steps that can be considered to lessen the ef-
Baccalaureate (IB) courses. receive a special IB diploma Group 1: fects of drugs.
IB is a program that offers college-bound students an
after completing a few First language The government could redirect the money
internationally recognized diploma and international college that is currently funding anti-narcotics units
credit. This credit is earned through challenging classes that requirements. and start using those funds to begin reha-
begin junior year and standardized testing similar to Advanced bilitation programs and build new hospitals
Placement (AP) exams.   Group 2: Group 3: specifically for drug-related issues.
Although many have stated that IB classes are even more
Core curriculum: Second Individuals A separate court system could be estab-
difficult than AP courses, Paly students are certainly capable of CORE: and societies
All students in the IB language lished to review all convictions that dealt
obtaining the diploma, should the program be introduced into •extended essay with the possession and trafficking of drugs
Palo Alto Unified School District high schools. This program (violent offenders would not be included).
would significantly benefit the students of Paly in areas of program complete three •Theory of Hopefully, many of these convicts would be
leadership, international awareness and general education.  “core” activities. Knowledge released, which would release their burden on
According to the IB Web site, the program offers education •creativity, the prison system and allow police to focus
focused on “international perspectives of learning and teach-
Group 4: action, service Group 5: on serious criminal offenders.
ing.” For those considering attending a university abroad, this Subject groups: Experimental Mathematics
After completing these steps, during
intensive two-year program prepares students for the learning which time drugs would remain illegal, the
pace of foreign colleges by using a rigorous international Students in the IB program sciences and computer government would have to create a series of
standard of learning. choose courses from six reforms legalizing currently illegal substances
Because Paly does not  offer this program,  the efforts of science and set up a separate taxing body to collect
students who began working towards their diploma are not fully subject groups, at least three Group 6: dividends from new farmers and distributors,
recognized when they move to Palo Alto. This is very discourag- while also creating a regulating body for the
ing and makes the transition for recently arrived students all the
of which are taught at a The Arts control of these substances.
more difficult. Since the program is international, students coming college level. These steps would allow for the institu-
from other countries will experience a much easier assimilation tions to be in place to educate the population
in American schools that offer the IB program.   while taking care of addicts and would create
The IB program focuses more on a depth of learning a new market for drugs, while the government
and enables students to specialize their education to a greater would reap the rewards in taxes and a less
degree. Through the courses and teaching style of IB, many a diploma must write a research paper that is 4,000 words in schools by raising test scores. Never the less, the argument that violent America.
students become invested in their education. This would prove length nearing a master’s thesis and take five-hour-long exams it is used solely by struggling schools is somewhat refuted by I don’t think that everyone will become
greatly advantageous to Paly students and could be offered as for six subjects. Amongst private schools at which the program the fact that the minimum costs for the program are $8,000 zombies if drugs are legalized. There could
an alternative to more traditional course lanes. has existed for many years, educators reserve the program for per year not including teacher training fees and the costs of be a spike in drug-related cases right after
For those attending a college in the United States, the their finest students. the exams.  drugs are legalized, but in the long run, I do
benefits may seem less clear. Universities abreast of educa- In terms of leadership, the IB program encourages students The International Baccalaureate program should be offered not believe that hospital wards are going to
tion developments are implementing the program, although to improve their surroundings while providing them the educa- at Paly if the school is to maintain its status as a leading high be overflowing with addicts. People will not
many schools across the country still do not recognize IB tion and perspective necessary to make these changes. The IB school in the nation. By adopting this internationally accepted create chaos at the door like it’s Black Friday,
credits.  However, the IB program does  enforce extensive program lends students the progressive perspective necessary education program as an alternative to AP classes, Paly would but will act civil.
research and essay writing skills, in addition to the core cur- to improve their school, community and country. The focus set an example for other education systems nationwide.  As Michael Douglas said in the movie
riculum and a special emphasis on foreign language.  that the program places on international awareness and educa- In a community that is remarkably globally aware and Traffic, “If there is a war on drugs, then many
These two skills prove useful when applying for colleges tion invites students to accept other cultures while improving culturally accepting, the IB program should fit perfectly with of our family members are the enemy. And I
and jobs, evidence that the IB program has many applications their own.  However, many argue that Paly doesn’t need the the contemporary education standards of the Palo Alto Uni- don’t know how you wage war on your own
outside the classroom. For example, all those working toward IB program, as it is usually used to help jump-start struggling fied School District. family.”
A6 • January 28, 2008 Spotlight The Campanile

By Yvonne Lin
Have a
beliefs. According to Raspberry, there The Mission of Palo Alto also
Staff Writer is a concept of a superior being, known sponsors weekly lectures on aspects
as Infinity in Scientology. of Scientology in its classroom, which
On the corner of El Camino Real Raspberry said that people can hosts about 20 people per session.
and Margarita Avenue in Palo Alto retain their religious beliefs and still Moving up the stairs, one en-
along a row of small businesses stands believe in Scientology, as the two may counters a similar environment; the
an ordinary two-story office building not actually contradict. hallway leads to several small rooms
with a light blue roof. Near the entrance “Scientology is not a dogmatic where auditing takes place.
is a sign that reads “Free Personality religion — it’s not faith-based,” Rasp- A small sauna room is lo-
Test.” These are the surroundings of berry said. “Nobody tells you what cated on the upper floor. Due to
Palo Alto’s Church of Scientology God is. It’s up to the individual to their belief that medications
Mission, one of five dozen Churches believe whatever they want to believe. remain in human bodies
of Scientology in California. The basic purpose of Scientology is as toxins, Scientologists
The Church of Scientology Mis- that when a person reaches a high employ a method known
sion of Palo Alto welcomes followers enough level of spiritual awareness as Purification Rundown,
and those who are curious about the then they would be able to discover which involves sweating
religion, which has given the church what God is for themselves.” in the sauna to dislodge
much press attention recently. Scientologists strive to increase residues that impair one’s
L. Ron Hubbard, a writer and spiritual awareness through practic- abilities.
founder of Scientology, started his ing, studying and taking courses. To The Church of Scientology also
philosophy with a simple assertion that become more spiritually aware, Scien- holds an array of religious services
man is a spiritual being – a “thetan” tologists engage in a practice known on Sundays.
– and that man is born good but later as auditing, or “processing,” which, While the United States officially
tainted by circumstances in life. according to Hubbard, is to make an recognized Scientology as a religion
With the debut of his book Dianet- individual look at his existence, im- in 1993, many countries, including
ics: The Modern Science of Mental prove his abilities and confirm what he France and Germany, refuse to grant
Health in 1950, Hubbard introduced is. Auditing is a one-on-one practice it legal status as a non-profit religious
his beliefs about the relationship be- during which a Scientologist answers organization.
tween body and soul. questions posed by the Auditor, a Sci- “A country can reject you for any
Hubbard later refined the con- entology practitioner with intensive reason they want,” said Raspberry.
cepts in Dianetics and Scientology experience in the practice. “They have no credible reason to reject
began to evolve as a religion. De- Auditors direct Scientologists to the petition, but they have.”
spite Hubbard’s death in 1996, the confront their problems. Scientolo- Spain recognized Scientology in
printing and circulation of Dianetics gists claim that the benefits of auditing 2006. According to Raspberry, since
continues. include IQ improvement, memory en- Germany and France have the same
According to the church’s official hancement and alleviation of dyslexia type of petition process as Spain, those
Web site, the Church of Scientology at- and attention deficit disorder. countries may follow suit.
tracts ten million members worldwide, “Researchers prove the fact that “Germany and France will be
with a majority in the United States. auditing improves intelligence,” said exposed as being discriminatory,”
In Silicon Valley, Scientology has one Shayna Alessandrini, Public Relations Raspberry said.
established church in Mountain View, Director at the Church of Scientology While scandals and several ac-
two smaller missions in Redwood City Mission of Palo Alto. cusations surround Scientology, Ales-
and Palo Alto and a Dianetics and Established in 1996, the Church sandrini said that the negative press
Scientology Life Improvement Center of Scientology Mission of Palo Alto Scientology receives lacks factual

in downtown basis.
Mountain “Peo-
View. ple don’t
Accord- have the
ing to Sid Raspberry, Director of the was converted from an office suite. true information,” Alessandrini said.
Center in Mountain View, the church Inside lie several small rooms, includ- “Most [talk about Scientology] are just
and its affiliate missions attract about ing a media room where visitors may opinions that spread into the media and
500 to 1000 members. learn about Scientology by watching thus become ‘facts.’To know the truth,
Scientology beliefs do not diverge a 50-minute recording of an interview [one] needs to visit the church, and not
far from other conventional western with Hubbard. just listen to others and the press.”

By Nolan Wong the meaning and purpose of life, a very satis- Yoga also poses a major difference be- Kriyananda was a former disciple of
Staff Writer fying way of helping other people and it has tween Christianity and Ananda. While both Yogananda from 1948 to 1952 in India before
brought me a community of lifelong friends,” follow the teachings of God, members of Kriyananda moved to America and founded
Three vocalists chant to a guitar and a Praver said. Ananda use yoga to find enlightenment. the first Ananda community in Nevada City,
harmonium as regular followers and a few The Ananda Temple of Self-Realization “Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is California in 1968.
tentative newcomers trickle into the Ananda in Palo Alto is located in a former Roman within you, but he didn’t teach you how to Over the past 39 years, Kriyananda has ex-
Temple of Self-Realization on Sunday morn- Catholic Church on El Camino Real. get there,” Clark said. “Yogananda said that panded Ananda Sangha to 25 countries around
ing. A trace of incense lingers in the sun-filled Swami Kriyananda, also known as James he did teach esoteric teachings like yoga, but the world, including Gurgaon, India and parts
Mandir, the building in which Sunday Service Donald Walters, founded Ananda in 1968. those were the missing years of Jesus’s life. of Italy. Ananda also has eight communities,
is held and instead of rows of pews, lines of Ananda, which means joy in Sanskrit, seeks With yoga you know that at the end of it, which are small housing communities where
wooden chairs upholstered with blue cloth to help its members gain personal spiritual you’re going to free yourself from any sense of followers of Ananda can live together.
fill the room. As the Sangha, or fellowship of growth through inspiration and yoga. limitation and that the result is known because “The communities make it possible for
truthseekers, settles down in the seats, some “The fundamental essence of Ananda, it has been passed down from millennia of Ananda to be a more all-encompassing expe-
turn their heads towards the computer projec- our spiritual striving, is to find the well-spring ancient teaching. It’s really all the same, except rience because you can live together and are
tion of lyrics and airily join the chant. of peace and joy and bliss,” Lightbearer and Ananda has a system of ways to practice what able to help, support and befriend one another,”
The members face an altar with candles main singer Tyagini Clark said. the great masters teach.” Clark said. “You also have the comfort of just
and a cross with a picture of Jesus, surrounded There are seven major tenets of Ananda, Many of Ananda’s followers say they getting together and having fun.”
by four portraits of Indian gurus, or spiritual including humans’ need to realize themselves prefer this system. One Ananda community is located at a
masters. A picture of Paramhansa Yogananda, and the world through meditation and yoga. “I’ve always wanted to know about 72-unit apartment complex on the Palo Alto-
author of the spiritual classic Autobiography The religion does not seek to convert others, answers to life that I wasn’t finding through Mountain View border. Community members,
of a Yogi and whose ideas form the foundation and Ananda Sangha stresses that the way of traditional sources,” Ananda follower Jay Pe- which include families, children and adults,
of Ananda, is underneath Jesus’ portrait. Ananda is “primarily inward, not outward.” tersen said. “When I read the Autobiography of meditate together at a 24-hour temple and eat
The music and chants end at 10 a.m.; five Ananda reads from both the Bible and the a Yogi back in 1980 and the Eastern approach to a vegetarian dinner five nights a week.
ministers in white robes with golden yellow Bhagavad Gita and seeks to reduce the dogmas how life fits together, everything made so much “In our community, you can see your
coverings quietly proceed to the altar as church of other religious institutions. sense. Since I joined Ananda, I’ve learned how friends every day, you can interact with them
bells toll in the distance. The congregation of “Christianity may have become an institu- to look at life with a calm inner center rather at all times and we can meditate and have fun
one hundred rises as the ministers enter. tion, but the spirit of it has never changed,” than being out on the edge.” together,” Praver said.
“How is everyone?” lead minister Asha Clark said. “The spirit that Christ taught is the Fellow Anandan Urmila Suryawanshi, Ananda of Palo Alto also offers a plethora
Praver asks. universal spirit of all religions.” who was also drawn in by Autobiography of of yoga classes and seminars for its members
“Awake and ready!” the audience re- Ananda Sangha uses yoga as a tool and a Yogi, felt such a change as well. and a Kindergarten through eighth grade
sponds enthusiastically. a philosophy to gain deeper insight. How- “When I came to Ananda, I saw this com- school. The school, called Living Wisdom

The Sangha then follows the ministers ever, Ananda uses munity of ener- School, educates about 50 students in typical
in a prayer and proceeds with a five minute a variety of yoga getic people who academic subjects with influence from ele-
period of meditation. For the next 90 minutes, forms, including are just happy to ments of Ananda’s teachings, such as yoga.
passages from the Bhagavad Gita and the Kriya and Raja be there,” Sury- However, Ananda Sangha of Palo Alto is
Bible are read aloud, the eloquent Praver gives Yoga, which stress meditation, service to others awanshi said. “The teachings have helped me warm and receptive to all newcomers.
an inspirational sermon and more songs and and introspection. become that way too. I have been following “I enjoy Ananda’s openness and forth-
chants are sung throughout the service. “Yoga leads to inner stillness,” Clark said. Ananda for around three years now, and al- rightness,” Lightbearer and Ananda Com-
“What I like about Ananda is that it has “And in the inner stillness, you can perceive ready my friends see a difference in the way munity manager Rick Bonin said. “It’s just
given me a very deep and profound sense of a clearer and broader perspective.” I react.” up to you to change.”
The Campanile Spotlight January 28, 2008 • A7

l ttle By Sarah Stringer perform other holy rituals on their own. Esther
Spotlight Section Editor says that, as a solitary, she mainly practices
her religion by following basic Wiccan ideals
While her family was wrapping Christmas in daily life.
presents for their celebration during winter “Right now, I’m applying its principles
break, Esther celebrated her winter holiday, to living my life,” Esther said. “For example,
the Winter Solstice, on Dec. 22. With a Yule there are a lot of Wiccans who are vegetarians,
cake and a spell, she commemorated the date but I choose not to live as a vegetarian because
as Wiccans have done for centuries. the Mother Goddess presides over all of nature
“Esther,” a Paly sophomore who wishes and plant life while the Lord God is the lord
to remain anonymous, said she first became of all animals. So I see it as a tribute to both
interested in Wicca after her middle school deities to eat both plants and animals.”
friend talked to her about it. Wiccan rituals and morals are subject
“A few years ago, when I was in eighth to change because of the different sects and
grade, I had a friend who was a practicing flexibility of the religion. There is generally no
Wiccan, and she told me about it,” Esther said. subject on which all Wiccans will agree, which
“I had researched it a few years before and I adds to the diversity of the religion.
found the idea really interesting. I didn’t know “We all have our own different prefer-
that there was an actual reality surrounding it ences,” Esther said. “Instead of having a rigid
until I met her, though.” set of rules, Wiccans base their religion on
Wicca is a predominately nature-based, nature itself. Nature is based on adaptation,
duotheistic religion honoring a god and and Wicca is built to change based on what
goddess. It began to gain popularity around is required for it to survive.”
1954, when Gerald Gardner started ad- Still, there are a few symbols and rituals
vertising it as a religion that predated in which most Wiccans believe. The most
Christianity. Many believe that Wic- important symbol is the pentacle, a pentagram
cans practiced in secret until Gardner within a circle. Believed to represent the
revealed the religion because they were union of body and spirit as well as the four
often condemned for their religious elements of nature — earth, wind, water and
views. However, there is also the belief fire — it is used in many ceremonies. Other
that Wicca’s earliest origins date back objects involved in practices include athames,
only to the early twentieth century. or black-handled knives, wands, crystals and
There are many different ways Wic- incense. These objects are involved in religious
cans choose to practice their religion; first, one ceremonies and spells, or rhyming prayers.
may either join a coven or decide to practice One ritual anyone can perform for spiritual
individually, as Esther does. cleansing is a visual exercise: a person imag-
“According to tradition, people can only ines standing in the middle of a circle that is
enter a coven when they’re 18 because of the nine feet in diameter with a central pentacle.
various rights and all the secretiveness,” Esther “Wiccans traditionally visualize being
said. “I could not be in a coven unless I recruited surrounded by a world of energy,” Esther
at least a few other underage Wiccans and form said. “It may seem kind of weird to the nor-
my own underage coven, but I haven’t met any mal person, but it is actually very spiritually
other teenage Wiccans at Paly.” rewarding and helps calm me down.”
Covens are groups of Wiccans, usually Wicca is based on respect for all nature.
with 13 members, led by a High Priest and Despite these ideas of appreciation, there is
Priestess. Those two leaders have thoroughly a stigma associated with Wiccans. Many feel
studied Wiccan myth and tradition and are that movies and cultural icons have portrayed
capable of teaching the religion to others. witches, or practicing Wiccans, as evil, and as-
Sometimes, Covens grow and break off sociate and Wiccan objects such as cauldrons,
to form subsections. As such, many sects of spellbooks and knives as dangerous. While

Wicca have formed over these objects are used
the years. Well-known harmlessly in rituals,
sects include Gardnerian society still views
Wicca, which is tradi- them negatively.
tional; Dianic Wicca, which is women-centered “Wiccans are very open and accepting
and focuses only on the feminine aspects of and unlike the other main religions, we are
life, and Christian Wicca, which aims to unite accepting of homosexuality,” Esther said.
the two religions. “But unfortunately, people don’t accept Wicca
Wiccans who practice on their own are because there is lots of fear that we are as-
known as Eclectic Wiccans or “solitaries,” sociated with witches. All we really are are
who join local community celebrations but healers, teachers and guiders.”

By Lindsay Yang “With children, you have to meet them on their level,” Both Hanna and Jonathan have attended Camp Quest
Staff Writer Berry said. “You have to provide a certain amount of for the past two years, a California summer camp for
structure so that things are consistent. This way, they know freethinkers ages seven to 17 years old. Bishop, who first
In a classroom at the Mitchell Park Community Center, what they can count on, but at the same time, you have to met Hanna and Jonathan at the camp, helped them find
a group of about ten children and a teacher surround a mul- keep it new and interesting because they get bored pretty the family program in Palo Alto so they could pursue their
ticolored parachute and energetically shake it, propelling easily due to their short attention spans.” beliefs in their local community.
the attached balloons in every direction. While most of the In a rotating system, each parent plans the curriculum “We had been searching for something like this for
kids jump up and down and grab tightly to the edges of for a particular class, with a goal to instill an important “real Jonathan and Hanna and could not find anything,” Kitty,
the parachute, two others chase after the escaping balloons world” value. For the New Year, children drew pictures Jonathan and Hanna’s mother, said. “This is perfect.”
and a few simply observe the flurry of action. reflecting on 2007 and wishing for 2008, celebrating their For many members, the Humanist Sunday program
Somehow amid the chaos, the teacher, Jennifer Can- accomplishments while setting goals for themselves. is the first religious group they have attended.
nell, quiets the children and challenges them to create a “This is 2007 and my soccer team got a goal,” seven- “It has just been good to have [my children] come
dome with the parachute. On the count of three, all of the year-old Isabel Cannell said. “What I want to happen this here and have a group of friends who share similar values,”
participants fling the parachute upwards and attempt to year is my birthday.” said Jennifer Cannell, whose children have been attending
crawl inside the tent. Once inside, Cannell continues to However, the younger class’ Sunday sessions tradi- the Humanist Sunday school for about two years.
ask the children questions, an implicit way of teaching tionally begin with sharing toys and experiences, through Cannell said she believes many kids feel anxious to
the scientific method. which children can develop communication skills. “belong” and say what they feel. Other parents in the pro-
Launched two years ago, the Humanist community “Paying close attention to what they say is important gram feel the Sunday school allows participating children
Sunday School family program teaches children about not only because it is a reasonable way to communicate, but to be comfortable trusting science instead of God.
Humanism, which discusses ethical decision-making based also because kids have not tended to do that yet,” Berry said. “It gives them a sort of permission to explore different
on scientific reasoning and human compassion rather than “They are not used to that kind of social interaction.” ideas and see different perspectives instead of feeling that
supernatural beliefs. Atheism, often considered as part of Likewise, the older students, located in a different there is only one way,” Cannell said.
Humanism, educates children how to be at ease with not classroom, are taught to feel comfortable with their indi- Bishop also incorporates decision-making skills into
believing in God. vidual beliefs and to better express their ideas to others. the older group’s curricula through poems and discussions.
Lois Kellerman heads the program. The Humanist “When [people] question what I believe in, I know what He is also writing a textbook, Primer of Humanist Philoso-
Community in Palo Alto serves the Silicon Valley Chapter to say and how to explain it because of going to Sunday phy, as material for future Humanist Sunday schools.
of the American Humanist Association and has connections school,” said Cupertino Middle School sixth grader Hanna, The younger group is led with more general, experi-
with other national Humanist groups, such as Atheists of who wishes that her last name be withheld. mental and improvisational techniques.
Silicon Valley, Bay Area Communities of Reason and the According to Bishop, the curricula teach kids to “The group here is determined to create something
Pro-Choice Coalition. separate myth from reality. The older kids engage in more even if they don’t know how,” Berry said. “There is a
The Sunday family program, which is split into two explicit, intellectual discussions about naturalistic assump- value to inventing things. People around here are not re-

sections, offers different ways of conveying ethical ally concerned with making mistakes. Mistakes
values. The younger session of the program, with are what we learn from.”
ages ranging from less than one year to nine years Nevertheless, another part of the program’s
old, is led by parents. The older group is taught by goal is to minimize the common mistakes made
Humanist activist Peter Bishop. tion and they are motivated to become freethinkers. by many and to help the children develop into responsible,
Although the method of teaching depends on the “I enjoy discussions about science,” said Jonathan, respectful, and passionate individuals.
student, it is generally recognized that children will be Hanna’s brother and an eighth grader also at Cupertino “We are trying to imbue the children with is a sort of
able to discern logical arguments beginning at seven or Middle School. “We discussed biology, genetics, technol- intentionality,” Berry said. “You don’t have to let the world
eight years old, parent Tom Berry said. ogy and the future of technology.” happen to you; you can happen to the world.”
A8 • January 28, 2007 Opinion The Campanile
A Campaign
College tuition prices out of control Sojourn
Increasing college tuition places more stress on college bound students
By Kevin Harvey
Staff Writer Stanford University Tuition Cost
As most Palo Alto High School
students know by now, the competition
involved with college admissions is
enormous and steadily increasing. Of
the 2008 national graduating class of
3.2 million students, about 30 percent Jon Shan
will attend a college or university, It was a balmy summer evening
the largest number in United States and the 2004 Democratic National
history. Convention was live on TV. A man at
Many students resort to the help the podium was speaking to a cheer-
of private college counselors for guid- ing crowd, saying, “There is not a
ance, reassurance and such prepara- liberal America and a conservative
tion as aid in essay and application America –– there is the United States
writing. of America.”
Last year, over 120,000 high Fast forward to early January of
school seniors applied to colleges and 2008. The weather outside is cold, the
universities with the help of a private moon is piercing bright. The location
counselor. This increasing competi- is 250 miles away from the aforemen-
tion allows colleges and universities tioned scene. I am standing in front of
to raise their tuition and application a poster with the same words written
prices. in blue and red colored markers, jux-
As the competition and tuition taposed against a map of Nevada.
prices continue to increase, the number The campaign headquarters was a
of students who are able to attend col- mess, but that was the last thing anyone
leges and universities will decrease. was thinking about. It was the eve




However, according to The College of the Nevada caucus and there was
Board, there is more than $130 bil- only one thing on everyone’s minds:
lion available for financial aid this helping Senator Barack Obama win
coming year. the Nevada caucus. After traveling
Despite this, financial aid will for eight grueling hours from Palo
continue to be increasingly difficult Alto, I and three others from Students
to receive because of the increasing for Barack Obama arrived at the Reno
number of eligible applicants. campaign headquarters.
Private colleges and universi-
ties are being run like corporations, 1990 1994 2000 2005 2008 At the beginning our sojourn, we
faced heavy traffic on 101 North and
striving to gain profit and forgetting I-80. Soon, traffic started to smooth
about providing their services for a According to The College Board, These assumptions are incor- Arbor, are trying to prevent under- is most common among middle class
out and the road yielded to the flat
reasonable fee. Universities are raising students should expect to pay between rect. Almost all universities in the graduate tuition prices from increas- families because their income is not
agricultural land. There were four of
their tuition prices because they can, $95 and $1,404 more for tuition this United States pay their expenses, in- ing. But graduate school tuition prices low enough to make them completely
have heavily us in the car: our driver, Amanda, a
due to demand. year than last year, depending on the cluding their dependent on financial aid, but not
increased to freshman at Stanford, as well as Sam
The price of tuition among private type of college or university. staff mem- high enough to prevent them from
Of the 2008 national graduating compensate and Ian, who are both involved with
universities increased by 6.3 percent In 1990, the tuition price for an bers’ salaries, struggling with payments and tuition
Junior State of America, a student-run
this year, while public colleges in- undergraduate student living on the with the fees class of 3.2 million students, about for the profit costs.
organization promoting political activ-
creased tuition by a drastic 6.6 percent, campus of Stanford University was they charge 30 percent will attend a college or lost through If colleges and universities low-
keeping the ity. We discussed the states the primary
according to The College Board. $14,280 per year. The tuition price for applica- university, the largest number in ered their tuition costs, they would
undergradu- candidates needed to win in order to
Moreover, The College Board increased about 300 percent to an tion papers. allow more students that were previ-
United States history. ate tuition rel- receive their party nominations, who
recently announced that it will no astonishing $44,267 for the 2008 The fee that ously dependent on financial aid to
atively low. would make a good vice-presidential
longer support the Federal Family academic year. they charge attend.
As tuition prices increase rapidly, nominee, reasons we each didn’t
Education Loan Program, one of the Many people assume that this is attending students for tuition is almost This would raise profit margins
many students apply for financial aid, want Hillary to win and our favorite
largest student loan providers in the because Stanford is expanding their entirely for profit. because universities would have more
episodes of the West Wing.
nation. After Oct. 15, the College facilities and needs to increase tuition However, many universities, such but most students who apply for aid do students attending who pay lower
Sam’s encyclopedic memory of
Board refused applications. prices to compensate. as the University of Michigan at Ann not end up receiving it. This problem tuition costs.
poll numbers and U.S. Senators proved

Youth should turn to books, not technology

to be insightful and Ian’s reports from
political blogs added an interesting
twist to the conversation.
the genre has yet to reach the diversity and depth When we finally arrived in
of film, much less reading. Reno at 9:36 p.m., we checked into
Combined, the various technological campaign headquarters and camped
achievements of the digital age could possibly overnight in an Obama supporter’s
equal reading for depth, information and intel- home. The next morning at 5 a.m.
lectual stimulation. But that’s what sets reading we woke up and headed back to the
apart from the other three: it is more versatile campaign headquarters. A few of us
than all of them. managed to get coffee, which kept us
People don’t ignore the value of books awake enough to appreciate the sun-
because there is so much else to occupy their rise. We started our work by driving
time. Other forms of entertainment are simply around and placing doorknob leaflets
perceived as better. that directed caucus-goers to the right
Television offers immediate gratification locations.
when a person craves entertainment and dis- I soon discovered the rudeness
penses it in hour-long, bite-sized doses. A good that campaign volunteers face. When
book takes hours to read and requires analysis we were out earlier waving our Obama
to dredge out a deeper meaning. signs on the street, many people gave
Unfortunately, one cannot force-feed books us dirty looks or thumbs downs. One
to society. There is, however, a solution and it’s guy who shouted “n****r lovers”
not posters of celebrities emphatically holding and a few senior citizens gave us
books. the bird.
By the time a child sees those in his or her We laughed it off and continued
school library, he or she has already formed an to wave our signs because for every
opinion whether artichokes are tasty — why demeaning insult we received, there
shouldn’t have he or she formed opinions about were five encouraging supporters who
Morgan Pichinson/The Campanile
books as well? honked and cheered at us. I learned
Technology has caused teens to stray away from books and libraries more than they have previously. Although technology, like No, tomorrow’s youth must be reached the art of attracting attention by jump-
the Internet, is a useful tool for reducing storage space, its information lacks citation and is not equivalent to a good book. much earlier. It is the parents’ responsibility to ing up and down like an Apple OS X
teach their children to read, early and often. By icon, which seemed silly but turned
By Ryan McLeod ago, TV only had a handful of channels and is a true replacement. The advantage of reading the time a child is indoctrinated to the wonders out to be very effective. Up until 11
Staff Writer things like personal computers and the Internet is in the information it delivers, the many layers of television, the little tyke should have a healthy a.m. when the caucuses started, we
were unheard of. of depth each phrase can contain and the way a appreciation for the written word. manned the phone banks and watched
In the war against stupidity, America is Two generations ago, phonographs were the book makes you think as you read. The Internet Reading obviously has an impact on CNN as the tallies came in.
losing and it’s largely because today’s society only form of home entertainment. In just two may have replaced encyclopedias, but the infor- students. At the very least, if a kid can slog At the end of the day, our precinct
doesn’t read enough. generations, books have gone from being the mation it offers either lacks citation or costs far through War and Peace he’s far less likely to solidly went to Senator Obama, the
The simple truth is that in today’s high-tech sole form of widely distributed entertainment to more than a public library to access. start doodling on his homework ten minutes most rewarding aspect of the trip.
world, there just isn’t time or interest to sit down a rarity, replaced by the Internet, TV and video TV and movies often offer the same story into math class. The adventure and the experience of
with a good book for a few hours. Technology games — who would read with the beckoning depth as books, but film is a different medium: More importantly, good books contain mes- being on the campaign trail was truly
and entertainment have evolved over the years lights of a digital display so near? saying that film can replace books is like saying sages that can make the reader a better person. memorable, and with the California
to capture more and more free time, yet the day Admittedly, the digital age provides excel- that sculpting can replace painting. Video games There are still books that every person should primaries coming up, it’s back to
remains the same length. A single generation lent supplement to books, but nothing it offers often require thinking, the way a book does, but read. It would be a shame if we gave that up. work again.

“Become a better “Record hella “Get the freak out “Not get kicked out
What is your second arm wrestler.” music” of here.” of school.”
—Antonio —Kelvin —Khalin ­—Courtney
semester resolution? Cantanza Wang Sandifer Forgatsch
sophomore senior senior freshman
The Campanile

Sports January 28, 2008 • A9

Girls soccer loses sight of league title

By Zal Dordi target by only a few feet. Another Viking op-
Staff Writer portunity was snuffed out when sophomore
Kelly Jenks’s breakaway shot was saved by
After winning their first nine matches Gunn’s goalkeeper.
of the 2007-08 season, the girls’ Varsity That was the last bit of good news for
soccer team suffered their first defeat at the Titan fans because in the fifty-seventh min-
hands of the Los Altos High School Eagles ute Noyola tapped in her second goal of the
on Dec. 14. evening from middle of the box.
With league play just beginning, the girls The Vikings put the finishing touches
looked to build off of their pre-season success on the match when junior Jessie Duller took
which included four non-league victories and a cross and laid it off perfectly to Jenks, who
a Palo Alto Winter Classic title. stroked it into the far corner of the net giving
To begin the official season, the girls had Paly their third and final goal of the match.
a rematch with Los Altos. The Vikings handed According to captain Caitlin Watson, this
the Eagles a 3-1 loss in the Palo Alto Winter match was an important one for the Vikings
Classic championship game just two weeks not only because of the rivalry, but also the
earlier but this time the girls had to travel to game’s implications in league play.
Los Altos for the game. Gunn had beaten Mountain View High
The defense, which has been very strong School, a team the Vikings tied, so it was
for the Vikings all season, allowed the only goal essential the girls drew a victory here to put
of the match to the Eagles, while the offense themselves back on track.
struggled to find the back of the net, ending “I think last time was a little stressful,”
their nine game winning streak. Watson said. “But we proved that we’re better
However, the Vikings did not hesitate to [than Gunn and Mountain View].”
create a new winning streak as they beat the However, Gunn and Mountain View are
Los Gatos High School Wildcats by a final not Paly’s biggest fears in league play this
score of 4-1. season.
The first match of 2008 was an odd one for After suffering a 2-0 defeat at the hands of
the Vikings. Despite scoring four goals against lowly Monta Vista High School, the Vikings
Mountain View High School, the Vikings could took yet another step backwards after drop-
only manage a tie as the defense could not shut ping their match to De Anza league leader
the door in their usual manner. Los Altos 2-0.
The tie put them at 1-1-1 for the big game The loss drops the Vikings to 11-3-1 so
against Henry M. Gunn High School. far this season and 3-3-1 in league. These
The Vikings began the match versus Gunn losses put the team in second place, five
with a 4-3-3 formation instead of the standard points behind league leader Los Altos, making
4-4-2 in order to put more pressure on their their chance of a league title much slimmer.
cross-town rivals.
In the early going, the girls dominated the Julia Benton/The Campanile Girls’ Soccer
Titans using the extra attacker to place more Sophomore Sophie Cain struggles to keep control of the ball in a recent game against Gunn High School. The girls’
pressure on Gunn’s defensive unit, keeping soccer team has lost several recent games but is still holding on to a slim chance at winning the league title this year. Scores Upcoming games
it on its heels for much of the match. After Noyola’s left-footed shot one-hopped past faced multiple attacks, usually through To begin the second half, the Vikings aban- Los Altos H.S. @ Paly- Paly @ Stanford
several missed chances in the first 20 minutes the goalkeeper to put Paly up 1-0 and give the dribbling brilliance of Noyola. doned the 4-3-3 formation and returned to January 18, 0-2 L February 1, 5:30 PM
the girls finally netted their first score via the the girls a lead they would never relin- At the end of the first half, Paly their usual 4-4-2. Paly @ Los Gatos H.S. Paly @ Homestead H.S.
excellent dribbling skills of senior captain quish. The Vikings continued to mount went to the bench with plenty of confidence. Noyola began things with an early fast January 23, 2-6 L February 4, 3:30 PM
Teresa Noyola. pressure on the Titans’ defense as Gunn Gunn barely had an opportunity to score. break but unfortunately missed wide of the

Wrestlers prepare for state championships

By Zach Harris
Staff Writer

With a first place finish from 119-pound sophomore Chris Tang and
second place finishes from junior Kasey Fields and senior Kevin Hall, 135
and 215 pounds respectively, Palo Alto High School wrestling finished fifth
out of 28 schools at the Lynn Dyche Classic held at James Lick High School
on Dec. 22. 
Varsity Head Coach David Duran has high hopes for the team as the
Photo courtesy of Ian Dunbar
season comes to a close.
“Our main goals for the season are to finish in the top three in the Santa
Clara Valley Athletic League (SCVAL) finals and top five in the Central Coast
Section (CCS) finals,” Duran said.
Paly had a disappointing showing at the Reno Sierra Nevada Classic on
Dec. 27-28. This tournament was attended by more than 90 schools. Most
Paly wrestlers finished with a 2-2 record excluding standout captain Cooper
Newby who finished seventh in the 140 pound weight class. 
With the new year came new found success for the Vikings. Paly took
fifth place at the Cupertino Memorial Tournament on Jan. 1 due in large part
to first place finishes from Newby at 135 pounds with a close 7-5 decision in
the championship and Hall at 189 pounds. Hall was voted outstanding wrestler
for the upper weight classes.
Paly also enjoyed success in Cupertino from captains Patrick Sheehan and
Ryan Drebin who finished third and fourth in the 152 and 171 pound weight
classes, respectively. Sheehan, who is coming off of a knee injury that kept
Stacy Levichev/The Campanile
him out of the first part of the season, was not content with a third place finish
at his first tournament of the year. Entangled on the mat, freshmen wrestlers Michael Cullen and Jackson Moses work on new techniques and forms. The wrestling team has
“I should have done better,”  Sheehan said. “I should be at the stage I high hopes for the rest of the season as four of their wrestlers are expected to advance to CCS and then hopefully on to compete in states.
want to be at by the time CCS comes, but I don’t want to settle for something but I have been working hard and I hope to beat the first and second place Despite strong performances from veteran team members, Paly lost their
like third place.” wrestlers in the upcoming weeks.” most recent dual meet at Fremont High School. Fields, who beat his opponent
Sheehan, along with seniors Drebin, Newby and Hall, all have high hopes Duran also has high expectations for his wrestlers as league (Feb. 8-9), by a decision of 14-0 in the 140-pound weight class, was not content with
for the rest of the season. After placing high in many recent tournaments, CCS (Feb. 22-23) and state (Feb. 9 and Mar. 1) matches rapidly approach. the teams effort.
Newby has his sights set on the CCS and state matches. “We’re aiming high for the end of the season,” Duran said. “Kevin, Coo- “[Fremont] was a meet we should have won.” Fields said. “Some people
“I am really aiming to place high in states this year,” Newby said. “I also per, Patrick and Ryan all expect to be wrestling that last weekend of February didn’t try as hard as they should have and as a team we just didn’t follow
hope to get to the finals and win CCS. I’m ranked third in CCS right now, and competing at state.” through.”

Students take to designing, building custom longboards

By Miki Kenrick own board and looked it up on the internet. On Web sites the board’s nose. This is because the nose is used to turn “I have made six boards in total, but only two of them
Staff Writer like, there are  clear cut instructions on the longboard. have worked well for me,” Dunbar said. “It all depends
   how to make longboards, skateboards, snowboards and Once two pieces of plywood have been cut for the on the rider, their weight and their style.”
Common teen hobbies include playing sports, creat- countless other items. main part of the longboard, they are laminated and glued Decorating the longboard is a completely different
ing art and learning an instrument. Palo Alto High School According to Dunbar, the process involves only a few together using a thick, even layer of glue. story. Once the basic longboard layout is finished, the
junior Ian Dunbar and other students have taken up the simple steps. The first time he tried making a longboard, After gluing, one screw on each nose of the board is creator has an infinite number of options to decorate and
hobby of making their own longboards. he used plywood for the actual board. screwed in to hold the two boards together. Clamps are personalize their own board.
“I had been longboarding for a couple months before But because plywood is much more flexible than used to make sure that everything is extremely tight and Many longboarders tag their boards to personalize
I made my first one [longboard] and it just seemed like a other types of woods, the board became much harder to will not fall apart while the longboard is being used. them, but stickers and paint are also popular.
fun thing to do,” Dunbar said. control. For an even curve of the board, which makes turn- Dunbar painted racing stripes on his first longboard.
A longboard is, simply put, a long skateboard. This “My first board could have worked out well for another ing and flexibility easier, weights must be placed on the There are many Web sites that give decorating ideas for
makes the board significantly more flexible and easier person,” Dunbar said. “Since my brother is much lighter board one-third of the board’s length from the nose until longboards and skateboards.
to turn. than me, he can control it better but I was too heavy for the maker is happy with the curvature. “If someone works hard enough, they can finish a
Many longboarders have taken to personalizing this one.” “You have to kind of get a feel for the process, so longboard in one day, depending on what glue they use,”
them by decorating their boards with paint, stickers or Dunbar said he should have used fiberglass instead it takes experience, but it is a really simple process,” Dunbar said. “Painting the longboard and waiting for the
graffiti. of plywood to prevent the erratic control. Dunbar said. paint to dry could take up to a couple days.”
However, Dunbar decided to not only decorate his According to, the first step to the process A polyurethane varnish is the ideal varnish to use Depending on the person making the longboard, the
longboard, but build it as well. is cutting out two pieces of wood of equal sizes, in this on a longboard and a thick, even layer is applied with a whole process can be finished fairly quickly, but the end
“It sounds a lot harder than it is,” Dunbar said. “It’s case plywood. paintbrush. product can be used for years.
not exactly easy, but it’s pretty straightforward.” Most longboards are 30 by 150 cm long, but the size Then sandpaper is used to sand the board down to “My first boards didn’t quite work out for me, but the
After Dunbar had been longboarding for a couple varies by the rider. The shape is a simple oval, with the prevent slipping during a ride. Holes are drilled into the one that actually works has been with me for a while.”
months, he became curious as to how he could make his widest part about one-third of the board’s length from four places where the wheels will be screwed in. Dunbar said.
A10 • January 28, 2008 Sports The Campanile

Girls’ basketball team looks to gradually improve

After losing to St. Francis, Wilcox and Los Gatos, Vikings fight back to beat Milpitas, Fremont
By Allison Whitson “However, the next game, they will
Staff Writer do well in a different area, and not so
well in the area that they did well in
After a rough start to the season, a previous game.”
the Palo Alto High School girls’ The Vikings are showing im-
basketball team looks to improve provement though. Junior point guard
their game. Olivia Garcia shows her composure
The young team played many on the court by running the Vikings’
good teams to begin the season and offense and communicating well with
are 4-10 overall, 1-3 in league. other players.
The team has been focusing on Junior Taylor Lovely demon-
one of their main strengths, defense. strates her leadership skills by con-
Their defensive work in practice paid stantly playing hard and rallying her
off when they played the St. Francis teammates.
Lancers on Dec. 29, holding the Lanc- The team’s improvement was
ers’ best player to only two points the displayed when the Vikings defeated
entire game. the visiting Milpitas High School team
However, too many turnovers 59-51 in an exciting overtime game
throughout the game allowed the on Jan. 11.
Lancers to make easy baskets and win With five seconds left in the fourth
the game 43-22. quarter, freshman Mariah Philips
The Vikings had another disap- launched the ball towards the basket
pointing loss to Wilcox High School from the three point line, making the
on Jan. 5, losing 47-24. shot and tying the game at 49-49.
A few days later, the girls were “The girls never quit,” Peters
defeated again, 40-30, this time by said. “They kept their composure Michela Fossati-Bellani/The Campanile
the Mountain View High School and believed in themselves. It takes Madison Hoffacker holds off opponents on the Fremont High School team. After being down seven points in the first half of the game,
Spartans. With four turnovers in the a lot of belief to come back and they
never gave up.”
Paly’s girls’ basketball succeeded in winning the game 44-34. The team hopes to see continual improvement for upcoming games.
fourth quarter, the Vikings lost despite
their strong zone defense. In the four-minute overtime that game],” junior Kirsten Atkinson said. bring home their first league win of Freshman Katerina Peterson led fought back, outscoring Fremont 16-5
Senior Liz Slater led the Vikings followed, the Vikings outscored Mil- “We needed it to win the game.” the season. the Vikings with 12 points and Slater in the third quarter, and won the game
with 10 points in the game. pitas 10-2, winning the game. Philips agrees with Atkinson. However, the Vikings lost at added another 11. 44-34. Peterson, Lovely and Slater led
“We made some good shots when “We played our hearts out,” Slater “I was feeling pretty good,” their next game against Los Gatos Because of finals week, their the scoring for the Vikings with 11,
we didn’t turn the ball over,” Head said. “We moved the ball around and Philips said. “I had a strong feeling High School on Jan. 15, with the final game against Pinewood, originally 10 and 9 points respectively.
Coach Scott Peters said. played good defense.” something good would happen.” score 39-30. scheduled for Jan. 19, has been The team’s main goal, however,
Peters recognizes that the girls’ Philips’ three-pointer at the That shot was Philips’ only basket “The game at Los Gatos was a postponed. is to have fun.
strengths each game differs. buzzer was a turning point for the of the game, yet it was worth much tough loss for us,” Peters said. “The The Vikings rallied back to win “I really enjoy coaching teams
“Each game the girls do really Vikings. more than one mark on a stats sheet. game was played at the pace we their next game against Fremont High like this,” Peters said. “I like that
well in one area of the game, and “The three-pointer was defi- It made the difference between losing wanted and we had good shot oppor- School on Jan. 22. Down seven points make mistakes, but ones that want to
not so well in another,” Peters said. nitely more exciting [than winning the the game and allowing the Vikings to tunities. We just didn’t hit them.” at the end of the first half, the girls correct them and get better.”

Thai tennis sensation serves his way onto Paly team

Wongbanchi ranks third in Northern California and top-10 in Thailand for his age group
By Kairen Wong developed and have more stamina than the school, because he has a demanding competi-
Lifestyles Editor under-16 players,” Wongbanchai said. “But I tion schedule.
get to the semifinals or finals, which gives me “I have tournaments almost every week-
Palo Alto High School tennis player the points I need to move up in rankings.” end,” Wongbanchai said. “The small tourna-
freshman Baramee Wongbanchai, currently Wongbanchai trains with Sylvano Si- ments last around two days, but the big ones
ranked third in Northern California for junior mone, who runs the Sylvano Tennis Academy take a week.”
boys under 16, began playing tennis at the in Santa Clara. When Wongbanchai played in Thailand,
age of five. The program has been producing top- he went to several tournaments in Europe.
“At first, I just played for fun,” Wongban- ranked junior NorCal players for nine years, “When I was younger, I went to Europe
chai said. “Then I went to a tournament and I including 30 junior boys and girls who are and played some tournaments to see how
won. That’s why I kept playing.” currently ranked in the top 20 of their age people outside of Thailand play,” Wongban-
Now, a decade later, Wongbanchai says divisions. chai said. “Now I usually compete in Northern
that he would like to play professional tennis “Baramee can play really well and con- California, but when it’s a bigger tournament,
when he grows up. sistently,” Simone said. “He has an aggressive perhaps a national one, I may have to go to
“After high school, I want to go profes- style, and I’m trying to get him to come in Southern California.”
sional,” Wongbanchai said. “If I cannot play more [to the net]. His ground strokes are his Wongbanchai says that he is considering
professional tennis, I will try to play college strengths. He should work on his English, playing some International Tennis Federation
tennis.” because then he can learn more from me.” tournaments this year, because the scores are
Born in Thailand, Wongbanchai moved Simone played professional tennis before available worldwide.
to the United States in 2006, and attended a starting his training program. Wongbanchai’s favorite part of playing is
private Catholic school before coming to Paly “Most of my kids want to go professional the challenge, but he also likes making new
this year. The transition, especially learning in the beginning but there’s one thing they friends. At Paly, despite being a freshman, he
English, has been difficult. forget,” Simone said. “Continual hard work said he has developed close friendships with
“It has not been so easy because of the – that’s the key to becoming great. They’ll Paly tennis players senior Kushal Tantry, and
language,” Wongbanchai said. “I can’t com- work hard and then get lazy.” juniors Sam Wong and Dan Schwartz.
municate that well.” Simone says that he looks for passion and Tantry says that Wongbanchai’s arrival at
In Thailand, Wongbanchai was ranked a good attitude in his students. Paly is timely for the tennis team.
in the top 10 of all Thai children 14 and “Baramee works really hard,” Simone “When I was a freshman, the team was
younger. says. “I love his attitude. He’s a sweet kid.” really good,” Tantry said. “And basically after
“Here, it’s a lot harder than Thailand,” Wongbanchai trains every day for around that I had to rebuild the team from its founda-
Wongbanchai said. “There are a lot more three hours, he said. tion. But this year we’re going to be really
good players.” “My training includes drills and some- good. It’s like the culmination of my high
His win percentage has recently de- times we play points,” Wongbanchai said. “I school tennis career, all because of Baramee.
creased, Wongbanchai says, but that is due can run fast and get every ball, but I would He has a huge forehand.”
to a new level of competition. like to be more consistent. I miss a lot of my Tantry says Wongbanchai has a bright
Morgan Pichinson/The Campanile “I don’t win so much now because I’ve shots.” tennis future.
Baramee Wongbanchai is a freshman on the Paly tennis team. He was a top-ranked started playing in the under-18 category and In order to maintain the level of compe- “He’s already very good,” Tantry said.
tennis player in Thailand and is currently ranked third in Northern California. my opponents are more experienced, more tition, Wongbanchai must sometimes miss “And the potential he has is just ridiculous.”

Spring season will see long-awaited girls’ lacrosse team

By Cassie Wedemeyer hoping that we can become more aggressive and make a
Staff Writer name for ourselves in the league.”
The Tomahawks had not known what to expect though,
After years of controversy, Palo Alto High School has team members said.
finally decided to add a girls lacrosse team to the spring “We all worked so well together and really grew to-
sports lineup. gether,” sophomore Natalie Gauthier said. “Our team was
“It’s been a really long process,” senior Kati Dahm always so energetic and I enjoyed every minute of it.”
said. “I think in order to make any changes at Paly, there With preparations for the new team under way, the girls
are a lot of hurdles you have to get over, but I think that are excited to finally bring lacrosse to Paly. The Varsity
in the case of lacrosse, the large number of girls interested coach for the team is Jennifer Gray, a Maryland native who
has really made an impact.” played lacrosse at Princeton University. Nicole Hyde, who
Last year, the high school girls interested in playing played lacrosse at the University of Pacific, will coach the
lacrosse opted to play for the Tomahawks club team when JV team and Mark Dahm and Jenny Testrake will return as
they learned Paly would not have a team. assistant coaches for both teams this season. Mark Dahm
“The team was really fun because most of us were is confident these first few years will be successful.
just starting and we all got along really well,” sophomore “Last year most of the girls were first time lacrosse
Emily Fowler said. players; we relied on several girls to do much of the
Paly parent Sherry Bijan has been the driving for the scoring.” Dahm said. “This year we look to build more
creation of a girl’s lacrosse team. depth and experience at all positions and I think we will
“We have been working with all levels within the surprise a few people.”
[Palo Alto Unified School] District,” Bijan said. “The Because it is a relatively new sport on the west coast,
PAUSD prides itself on equity within the schools and it Paly did not have a boys’ or girls’ lacrosse team and does
was inevitable that eventually the adoption of the team not plan to have one for boys anytime soon.
Courtesy of Mollie Hart
would take place since Henry M. Gunn High School has “The guys might be a little hurt,” senior Mollie Hart
Lacrosse players from last year’s Tomahawks club team have finally managed to persuade the district
had a team for several years.” said. “But they have the majority of sports. So one for the
Most of the girls who played on the Tomahawks team girls is a great change.” to bring a girls’ lacrosse team to Paly. They are optimistic and enthusiastic for the sport’s future.
last year were beginners, but this year, the girls hope to The Tomahawks will continue to have boys’ and girls’ so enthusiastic about trying a new sport and we actually “I like the fact that it isn’t really like any other sport,”
bring their experience to the new Paly team. lacrosse teams for the high school level. were incredibly successful for our first season.” Fowler said. “It instead combines a lot of familiar sports
“Even though last year was really fun, we did not “The first season of Tomahawks went better than I Although lacrosse is not as common as other sports, the to make a game that most people do not know much
win very many games,” Fowler said. “So this year I am could have imagined,” Kati Dahm said. “Everyone was girls’ lacrosse team is sure to draw attention this season. about.”
The Campanile Sports January 28, 2008 • A11

Fixed-gear bicycles gain popularity among students

Fixies’ one-speed-gear allows for complete control and stationary tricks on bike
By DJ Hsueh place. Experienced riders can “track
Staff Writer stand” for hours at a time.
Skids are performed when the
Among many cyclists at Palo Alto rider locks his pedals and shifts his
High School, “fixies” are becoming weight towards the front tire.
more and more popular. The back tire then stops rotating
Fixed-gear bicycles, or fixies, are and skids on the ground as the bike
bikes without a free wheel and with slows to a stop.
only one gear. “I really like skidding to a stop
These bikes don’t allow for coast- and then track standing at a red light,”
ing as the bike moves when one pedals, sophomore Eoin Whitney said. “It’s
and stops when one really convenient
stops. “I nearly crashed while and it’s fun.”
Although these Skidding is
bikes do not seem learning how to ride it, easier when riding
very special to most however, once I got used on slippery or wet
people, fixie riders to it, I couldn’t ride it surfaces.
enjoy many ben- enough.” “Even though
efits. skidding wears out
“What attracted the back tire, I can’t
me to the fixie was John Mitchell help myself when
the feeling of being junior I see a wet patch,”
able to control my Mitchell said. “When
speed as organically you skid across a wet
as possible instead of just coasting surface on a fixie it feels like you’re
and then using a hand brake,” junior flying.”
John Mitchell said. “It’s awesome not Although riders can stop their
to have to rely on handbrakes ­because fixies by backpedaling or skidding
you can control how much you want to a stop, some still have brakes on
to slow down.” their bikes.
Fixies are also less complicated “I have a brake, but I never use
and weigh less than normal coasting it,” Pitt said. “I ride as if it’s not there. Michela Fossati-Bellani/The Campanile
bikes because they don’t have the My opinion is that whether or not you Junior John Mitchell attempts to be in a full stand as he preforms a fixie trick, the track stand, on a wet and slippery surface. When
same intricate derailleurs and gears use the brake, it needs to be there as a the fixie rider stops pedaling, the chain locks up, allowing for tricks such as skidding, track stands, fish tailing and riding in reverse.
as other bikes. safety measure. I keep my brake lever
“I got a fixie because I was look- away from where my hands are when I’m riding one of my other bikes,” Because fixies are not as popular Other riders prefer to build their The first time most people ride a
ing into something more efficient for I ride, but I can use it if I ever need to Pitt said. as regular geared bikes, many bike bikes from separate parts. fixie, they are surprised by the con-
riding to school and around town,” save my life. I know two fixie riders at Riders have to be much more shops do not stock “I started with stant movement of the pedals and the
sophomore Julian Pitt said. “My dad Paly who have been hit by cars while aware of their surroundings when them. “My bike does not have any a spray-painted gold inability to stop.
has a real track bike from 1978 and riding and to be honest, I’m just not riding a fixie. A l t h o u g h , brakes because I can stop frame, and my friend “The first time I rode a fixie, I was
I love riding it, but it’s in such good into that.” “I’m usually looking a block some bike shops and I painted it or- completely caught off guard by the fact
shape that I’m scared to scratch it or However, some riders still main- or two ahead of me to see if there in the Bay Area just by skidding, As long ange and black, be- that I couldn’t stop pedaling,” Mitchell
ruin his tires by skidding around all tain that brakes are not necessary. is anything I need to worry about,” carry some mod- as you’re paying attention cause those were the said. “I nearly crashed while learning
the time, so I built my own. I love “My bike does not have any Whitney said. els of track bikes, when you’re riding, you paint colors we had,” how to ride it, however, once I got used
the simplicity and the bikes’ overall brakes because I can stop just by One of the many misconceptions many riders prefer shouldn’t have any trouble Pitt said. “I continued to it I couldn’t ride it enough.”
feeling.” skidding,” Whitney said. “As long as people have of fixies are that they are to buy their bikes the black and orange Once the riders get used to their
Fixies are also popular because of you’re paying attention when you’re track bikes. on the web. stopping.” theme by building fixies, they feel more connected with
the many tricks that can be performed riding, you shouldn’t have any trouble Although some people do ride “I got my my wheelset with their bikes.
on them. stopping.” track bikes on regular streets, most fixie from a Stan- Eoin Whitney orange Deep V rims, Although fixies are gaining
Track stands, skids and back- Because stopping takes longer fixies are known as conversions. ford student on sophomore black bar tape, black popularity, people may still feel un-
wards riding are some of the most on a fixie, most riders are more alert “My bike is a conversion,” Pitt Craigslist who seat, black brake comfortable riding them because of
popular tricks. when they ride, especially when riding said. “I got the frame for free from thought it was a lever and black tires, the unchangeable gearshift.
Track stands are when the rider without brakes. Mike’s Bikes, and then I bought the commuter bike, but he quickly sold not to mention the black and orange “If someone is interested in get-
comes to a balance on a fixie, and is “I’m definitely more focused rest of the parts off Craigslist and other it after he realized that he couldn’t top-tube pad, which helps protect the ting a fixie, they should test ride one of
able to stop and stand in the same when I’m riding my fixie than when sites on the Internet.” coast,” Mitchell said. paint job.” their friend’s first,” Whitney said.


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A12 • January 28, 2008 Sports The Campanile

Boys soccer still strong despite inconsistency

Vikings manage to capture important victories, but suffer disappointing losses to Los Gatos, Saratoga
for their next league match against Los
By Sam Jones Gatos on Jan. 23.
Sports Editor Paly started forcefully, scoring
early, but Los Gatos countered with
The Palo Alto High School boys’ three successive goals before the
Varsity soccer team has continued to half ended, leaving the score at 3-1
build onto a strong start of the season, at halftime.
racking up a 10-2-5 overall record and Paly came out strong, looking
holding onto a second place in the to even the score, and Stewart man-
De Anza Division of the Santa Clara aged to put a goal past the Los Gatos
Valley Athletic League. defense.
The squad is alone in the second The team continued to dominate
place position, with a strong 5-3-1 the field throughout the remainder
league record. of the game, managing many shots
The Vikings opened league play on goal. The squad was not able to
with a tight match against Milpitas capitalize on their opportunities,
High School on Dec. 12. Junior Greg however, and the game ended with a
Stewart scored early to put Paly ahead disappointing loss, 2-3.
1-0, but Milpitas equalized later in The Vikings have been strong but
the half. inconsistent in league play thus far,
It took a second half goal by capturing some crucial wins while
junior Michael Hanabusa and a suffering a few disappointing losses
strong defensive performance by the and ties.
Viking defensive line to pull out a “In general, our team chemistry
2-1 victory. has been here and there,” Paguirigan
The team’s next match played said. “When we play as a team, we
out differently, with a dominating tend to win big, but when we lose, it
effort against Los Altos High School is normally because we aren’t playing
on Dec. 14. together.”
The Vikings controlled the Nevertheless, the Paly squad has
game from the outset, scoring early continually picked up its play when it
and often. Juniors Kevin Ashworth, has been most important, showing a
Hanabusa, Stewart and senior Ian resiliency that characterized the team
Kelly all scored in a 4-0 dismantling last year when the Vikings made it all
of Los Altos. the way to the Central Coast Section
This win set the stage for a huge tournament finals.
game against Los Gatos High School. “We have started to pick up our
The winner would hold sole position of play recently, so things are starting
first place in the De Anza League. to look up,” Wilson said. “The guys
Los Gatos took the lead with a are continually looking to improve
first half goal, forcing the Vikings to their game.”
go on the offensive to try to equalize. The Vikings still strive to con-
Unfortunately, the opposing defense tinue improving, though, with their
held strong and Los Gatos added Julia Benton/The Campanile
eyes set on a league title and a for-
another goal in the last minute, deal- Junior Michael Hanabusa battles against a Gunn defender. Junior Kevin Ashworth scored two goals on assists from junior Adam midable performance in the CCS
ing the Paly squad its first loss of the Zernick during the match, which Paly won 2-1. The Vikings hope to win league this year, but they will have to beat rival Los Gatos. tournament.
season. “We want to win leagues and CCS
“Losing against Los Gatos was re- tended break, the Vikings worked “We are a very defensive-oriented to get back from the break and get right Ashworth scored twice in the this year,” Paguirigan said. “We are
ally demoralizing,” senior midfielder extremely hard to return to top form team, so to give up so many unneces- back on track.” first half, and Zernik and senior Scott just going to keep last year’s tourna-
Max Wilson said. “It was a game we for the next games. sary goals was uncharacteristic of the Despite their important league vic- Ostrau added goals in the second half ment in mind, and try to go all the
really needed to win, so to suffer a The squad needed wins to contend program,” Kelly said. “Getting that tory over Gunn, the squad was not able to cement a vital 4-2 win that put the way this season.”
big loss so early in league play was for the top spot in the division, so the powerhouse defense back was of huge to sustain its strong momentum against Vikings back into a second place tie
definitely tough.” focus during practices shifted to clos- importance.” Saratoga High School on Jan. 14. in the division standings.
The Vikings wrapped up the ing out games well. The Vikings returned to league Saratoga took a two-goal lead in The squad faced Los Altos for Boys’ Soccer
calendar year with a match against “Every once in a while, we tend play on Jan. 11 with a match against the first half, and though sophomore a second time on Jan. 18, achieving
Santa Clara High School on Dec. 21. to get in a rut over a two or three cross-town rival Gunn High School. Jenner Fox scored in the second half, similar results to the first blowout. The Scores
The squad grabbed an early lead on a game period,” senior midfielder Ian Ashworth and Zernik put on an Paly fell in an upset 1-2 loss. Vikings dominated in a 3-0 victory, Los Gatos @ Paly
goal by senior Matt Nguyen, assisted Kelly said. “But we overcome these offensive clinic in the first half, with “Our chemistry was off during the with goals by Ashworth, Ostrau and Jan. 23, 2-3 L
by junior Adam Zernik. because we always believe in our two Ashworth goals on Zernik assists. Saratoga game,” senior Bubba Pagu- Hanabusa and a solid defensive effort Paly @ Los Altos
However, Santa Clara put the abilities and when we step out on the Gunn took the offensive in the second irigan said. “We are definitely a better led by Zernik and senior Zal Dordi. Jan. 18, 3-0 W
ball past Paly’s goal keeper, junior field we always believe that we are half, but they were unable to keep the team than they are, so to not be able to It was the team’s second straight
Peter Johnson, to even the score at the better team.” heat up long enough to tie the score. finish them off was really tough.” shut out against Los Altos, and an Upcoming games
1-1. Both teams’ defenses had solid The team returned to its defen- The Paly defense bent but did not Needing another win to stay in important victory that put the Vikings Gunn @ Paly
performances for the remainder of the sive roots over the break, placing a break, holding the lead en route to a contention for the league title, the alone in second place in the De Anza Feb. 1, 3:30 p.m.
match, leading to a 1-1 tie. large emphasis on the strong defense 2-1 victory. Viking offense responded in a power- division. Saratoga @ Paly
Disappointed by their last two that traditionally characterizes the “It was an uplifting victory for ful way against the Milpitas Trojans The Vikings, however, were not Feb. 6, 3:30 p.m.
league matches and entering an ex- squad. the team,” Wilson said. “It was nice on Jan. 16. able to keep up the same level of play

Paly basketball works to earn a first place finish in league

By Austin Smith The team suffered a disastrous 29-35
A&E Editor loss to Cupertino High School on Jan. 9, in
which they lost their key play maker when
It has been an up and down road this Scott went down nursing his left ankle in the
season for the Palo Alto High School boys’ second quarter.
Varsity basketball team. Injuries and poor Without Scott, who averages 11.8 points
shooting have plagued the Vikings thus far, and 2.5 assists per game, running the point and
but the team has been resilient, posting a 12-5 distributing the ball, the Pioneers’ defense was
(3-1 league) record. allowed to collapse on Powell and contain him
After winning nine of their first 11 games, inside. The result was that the Vikings did not
the Vikings were riding high going into the start score double-digit points in any of the four
of league play. With an impressive 18-point, quarters of play.
11-rebound performance from senior forward “It was tough in the beginning without
Dom Powell on Dec. 21, the team passed their me,” Scott said. “It’s hard for a team to play
first big test of the season, defeating Menlo- without their quarterback.”
Atherton 61-55. Diepenbrock, however, believes that it
Powell has anchored the team this season was not Scott’s scoring that was missed.
with his aggressive play in the front court. “We don’t get as many steals without
Through the season’s first 16 games, Powell Mike [Scott],” Diepenbrock said. “We need
is averaging a team-high 15.6 points and 7.2 his leadership down the court when we score
rebounds per game. fast break points.”
“Dom [Powell] needs to play well for this Scott, who plans to return on Jan. 23
team to win,” head coach Peter Diepenbrock against Fremont High School, averages 3.5
said. “He’s the key to our offense. Everything steals per game.
we do revolves around his game.” Moving forward in league play with
After this win, the team struggled to put confidence, even without Scott, the Vikings
up points, losing three of their next four games celebrated a 53-39 win over Milpitas High
and averaging just 43 points in each of the School on Jan. 11 followed by an inspiring
three crushing losses. These included disap- 64-39 victory at Los Gatos High School, one
pointing play during the St. Francis Holiday of the Vikings’ toughest league rivals.
Tournament in which the Vikings lost to both “It was the best game we’ve ever played
St. Francis High School, 48-56 on Dec. 28, against Los Gatos,” Diepenbrock said. “Every Hannah McGovern/The Campanile
and San Ramon Valley High School, 53-58, time it comes down to the last possession, Junior guard Nick Robinson, under pressure from a Milpitas defender, passes the ball to a wing player as senior Dom
a day later. but this time was different. We outplayed
Powell prepares to cut to the basket. The Vikings defeated Milpitas 59-39 on Jan. 11 and rival Los Gatos 64-39 on Jan. 16.
“We just weren’t shooting as well as we them.”
wanted,” senior forward Jordan Jefferson said. Replacing Scott’s production were junior Brown has been one of the most pleasant chemistry and made the guys believe that they allowing 42 points per game. With hard work
“The opportunities were there, we just didn’t guards Nick Robinson and sophomore Joseph surprises for the Vikings this season, surpass- can win games playing without me.” the team feels they can assess their weaknesses
capitalize on them.” Lin. Robinson scored nine points and racked ing expectations and averaging 8.4 points and With five league games left, the Vikings sit and compete against any team in the league.
The team rebounded by improving to 3-0 up seven assists, while Lin had seven points 5.8 rebounds per game. in second place. In order to ascend the stand- “We match up very well against all the
at home on Jan. 5 against Saratoga High School and five assists. “Kevin [Brown] gives us another inside ings, Diepenbrock believes that there must be teams in our league,” Diepenbrock said. “We
in their first league game of the year, cruising “Joseph [Lin] has stepped up a lot,” presence,” Diepenbrock said. “He brings improvement on his team in many areas. have a slight height advantage but, overall, the
past the Falcons 70-37. Paly jumped ahead on Scott said. “He’s been real good for this team. strong interior defense and scoring, and he can “We can still work on our full court, league should be competitive.”
a 26-5 first quarter run and never looked back, He’s the best shooter we have and that adds a also step out and hit a fifteen-footer.” pressure defense,” Diepenbrock said. “We The players believe that anything short
receiving great play from Powell, senior guard dimension to our game. He’s got an uncanny The players give credit to coach Diepen- also need to be more productive in our half of a league title is a disappointment.
Mike Scott and sophomore forward Kevin feel for the game.” brock for pulling the team together after the court offense and improve our free throw “This league title is going to come down
Brown. The Vikings displayed great move- The Vikings’ play looked much more bal- loss of their leader. shooting.” to the end,” Scott said. “We want to win it
ment in the open court, scoring frequently off anced, with both Powell and Brown tallying “Diepbenbrock built trust amongst the The Vikings are currently only shooting outright and then, when the playoffs come,
turnovers and fast breaks. double-double performances in the paint. players,” Scott said. “He created a strong team 55 percent from the free throw line and are it’s a whole new ball game.”
The Campanile
Life styles Features • A&E • People Monday, January 28, 2008

An international


Ryan Pfleiderer
During the current post-civil war
transitional period in the Democratic By Peter Lee drug user, it can reside there for a long time,
Republic of the Congo, the role of Editor in Chief causing long-term or permanent damage.
women is becoming an international “Snorting it is sketch because it’s really easy
issue. After a recent “60 Minutes” Shane and several of his friends are at one to OD [overdose],” Shane said. “I’ve definitely
segment that publicized the horrible of their houses. The boys have been drinking thought about it, but I’m not too worried. You
treatment of women and the ongoing all night long and are looking to get high. They just have to be smart about it.”
problem of widespread sexual abuse, smoke marijuana almost daily and snorted The amount of Vicodin that should be
it seems as if the topic faded out of the cocaine just the other weekend. Looking to taken within a 24-hour-period varies based
spotlight. But the reality of this issue throw some variety into their drug use, one of on the severity of the patient’s pain. However,
will not go away, and it is up to the Shane’s friends takes out a plastic bag filled doctors rarely prescribe patients more than a when they conveniently acquire some pills that
international community to help bring with Vicodin tablets. Instead of popping them couple pills a day. they abuse the drug.
change to the war-torn country. like they have in the past, Shane and his friends While Vicodin users can receive toxic doses “We started snorting it this summer when
There have been countless ac- go to the bathroom, crush up the tiny pills and of the active ingredient acetaminophen when that kid gave us a bunch of pills,” said Shane,
counts of rape and female-genital mu- snort the lines of grainy powder. as few as four tablets are swallowed within who has snorted Vicodin about ten times. “It’s
tilation, so many that these events are Almost immediately after the drug enters 24 hours, snorting the drug magnifies its sort of random. Like the last time we did it was
commonplace in the DRC. Although his body, “Shane,” who like all the other sources effect, making the chance of overdosing about a month ago.”
there is a United Nations Peace- in this article is a Palo Alto High School student much greater. Jake, who has snorted Vicodin three times,
Keeping Force in the DRC attempting who wishes to remain anonymous, feels his According to the packaging that said that it was only a big thing among their group
to protect civilians from combatant body go numb and his mind relax. comes with Vicodin pills provided of friends while their free supply lasted.
soldiers, thousands of women are still Vicodin is a commonly prescribed pain- by Abbot Laboratories, the com- “Snorting “There was that one or two-month period
abused every day, and it will take more killer that is used to alleviate moderate post- pany that manufactures Vicodin, where a lot of the guys did it a bunch,” Jake
action in order to protect this helpless surgical pain. Like Advil is a brand name ibu- overdosing on hydrocodone typi- gets it said. “We don’t go out of our way to get it
population. profen, Vicodin is a brand name hydrocodone cally puts the drug abuser into a in your though.”
Over the past ten years, the DRC and is perhaps the most well-known abused coma and death can come with the When high on Vicodin, Shane and his
Civil War created larger death counts painkiller. consumption of between 20 and 30 bloodstream friends report feeling calm and relaxed.
than in Iraq, Afghanistan and Darfur Because Vicodin and other hydrocodones tablets within a 24-hour-period. faster. It “Your body gets really numb and you get
combined. Over four million people are commonly prescribed medication, they But Tommy said the benefits of hella lazy,” Shane said.
died during the DRC Civil War. How are vulnerable to widespread abuse and ad- snorting Vicodin outweigh the risks. goes to your Although they have each tried snorting
can the United States turn a blind eye diction. “Snorting gets it in your bloodstream head and hits you Vicodin on three separate occasions, neither Jake
to this horrific situation? Painkillers are easy to procure by means of faster,” Tommy said. “It goes straight to your nor Tommy really enjoyed their experiences.
The problem lies in part with the forged prescriptions, over-prescription or “doc- head and hits you quicker.” quicker.” “It’s alright, but it’s not worth how bad it
media, and only now are some jour- tor shopping.” “Jake,” one of Shane’s friends, Shane said that snorting Vicodin also makes my stomach feel,” said Tommy, who
obtained a large supply of leftover Vicodin pills has other unexpected, “beneficial” side has since stopped abusing Vicodin. “I think it’s
nalists attempting to piece together
for free from one of his co-workers who had effects.
-”Tommy” kind of pointless.”
information regarding the terrible
conditions that the people of the DRC received a prescription for a broken leg. “After you snort Vicodin, you However, both Shane and another one of
have lived through over the past ten In previous years, Jake, Shane and some get drunk a lot faster,” Shane said. his friends “Chris” said that they liked the drug
years. But the violence continues and of their other friends tried Vicodin by taking When used in large amounts or and would use it again.
women are still the main targets of leftover pills from prescriptions for common over a considerable length of time “It hasn’t really come around recently,”
militia groups as soldiers use rape as operations, like the removal of wisdom teeth. (far more than the usual prescription), Shane said. “But I would do it again.”
a weapon of war. The situation in the Shane said that finding Vicodin pills is the narcotic ingredients in Vicodin can According to Shane and Tommy, they
DRC is tragic, and it is time for us to never hard to do. become both physically and psychologi- both first tried the drug because their friends
make a change. “Once you turn 18, it’s really easy to get cally habit-forming. were doing it.
Volunteer doctors are attempting a prescription,” Shane said. “All you have to According to Shahnaz Peyman, a phar- “I just did it because a friend had a
to help victims of rape and sexual do is go to the doctor and pretend you broke macist at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation bunch and was doing it and I wanted to try
abuse, trying to reverse the damage left something or have chronic back pain.” Pharmacy, hydrocodones are a frequently it,” Tommy said.
by militant soldiers. One doctor said in While most people who abuse painkillers abused drug. Shane said that while his situation may
a Human Rights Watch Report: “pop” or swallow the pills, Shane and his friends “It’s very addictive and heavily abused,” sound like peer pressure, no one was ever forced
“In this war, the most insane are part of a growing number of prescription drug Peyman said. “There are some very serious to do anything.
fantasies have found their expression. users who have taken to snorting the crushed side effects, like liver dysfunction, when it’s “I started doing it because some of my
When seven soldiers rape a women tablet’s powder. taken over a long period of time or used with friends would do it, but we never make any-
or little girl, and thrust a knife or fire “I first learned about snorting it from a alcohol.” one try anything,” Shane said. “Some of them
shots into her vagina, for them the friend who heard about it in rehab,” Shane said. Peyman also said that it’s usually a generic just choose not to touch it. And I’m cool with
woman is no longer a human being, “I also knew some people who had done it, so hydrocodone, not Vicodin, that is abused. that. Half of the guys have never tried snorting
she is an object ... combatants pour I knew it was possible.” “The name brand Vicodin is very expen- Vicodin.”
out their anger and their madness on “Tommy,” another one of Shane’s friends, sive, so people who abuse the drug normally Chris had taken Vicodin pills orally before,
to women and little girls.” said that he hadn’t heard of snorting painkillers get a generic form of it,” Peyman said. but tried snorting the powdered tablets for a
Although there are doctors in before, but figured it out on his own. However, since Shane, Jake and Tommy more intense feeling.
the DRC treating rape victims, there “I kind of assumed that snorting the Vicodin don’t use Vicodin regularly, they are not con- “I had eaten it before, but wanted to snort
are not nearly enough available to would work,” Tommy said. “It’s sort of common cerned with potentially developing a habit. it so I could actually feel it and feel it faster,”
treat the numerous victims of these sense. I mean, people snort pills all the time.” “It would take forever to get addicted,” Chris said.
sexual war crimes. How do we let Since Vicodin is meant to be taken orally, Shane said. “You would have to be doing it every Jake’s reasons for snorting Vicodin were
these combatants continue to commit snorting the pill is dangerous. day. But when you do it a lot, you have to start much more practical.
these vicious crimes? And why does The ingredients in the drug are designed doing more and more to feel a difference.” “It was something to do,” Jake said.
the media cover insignificant stories to be dissolved by stomach acids, so when the According to Shane, he and his friends
like those pertaining to the recent powder enters the nasal passages or lungs of a don’t use Vicodin very often. Rather, it’s only See VICODIN, Page B4
escapades of Britney Spears? Are we
are too afraid to accept the idea that
these events are actually happening
in the world? Perhaps some Ameri-
cans do not care about what happens
beyond our borders. But the truth is
that we live in a global community.
The United States attempts to present
itself as a country that supports peace
and freedom, but if this were true,
then our country would try to make a
difference in other places around the
world that lack these values.
Despite our nation’s foreign apa-
thy, Palo Alto is a community that can FEATURES A&E FEATURES

fitted for genes Eternal Sunshine director

make a difference and help transform

the lives of rape victims in the DRC.
Most local residents have disposable

talks with The Campanile

incomes, and instead of helping others
with this money, they tend to focus
their wealth on materialistic goods. Internet
If the citizens of Palo Alto devoted
a portion of their income to help-
by Security
ing the people of the DRC, then the
region could be transformed and the
women of the DRC could be saved
stringer By Sara
from everyday torture.
BY Jonathan shan
I hope this issue will be placed
in the national spotlight, especially
with the current presidential election
race going on. The candidates need
to address the problems going on in

Africa, especially the DRC. If more
people understand the gravity of the
current situation, then it is more likely
that actions will be taken to fix this
tragic problem.
B2 January 28, 2008

Features The Campanile

23andMe: Genetics just got personal

In memory of Robert
James Fischer
DNA saliva test aids customers in discovering disease risks and personal ancestry

By Sarah Stringer lives. Yet, as the company’s disclaimer

Spotlight Editor states, it is not intended to be taken as
sound medical diagnosis.
From 1856 to 1863, Augustin- As with all new technology, es-
ian Priest Gregor Mendel performed pecially concerning those that delve
ground-breaking research with pea deep into the root of certain human
Chris Clayton plants, which eventually led to his characteristics, moral issues inevi-
theory about the laws of inheritance. tably arise. Some argue that genetic
When I think of some of the Now, over 150 years since the start of testing does not help those trying to
greatest chess players in history, I his experiments and only 5 years after prevent certain diseases, as often times
think of older players like José Raul the Human Genome Project sequenced physicians do not have the knowledge
Capablanca and Frank Marshall, and the entire human genome, people are or resources to deal with the informa-
of more recent players such as Gary learning how to discover their personal tion that genetic tests give.
Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. Then, genetics and the specific letters of the Similarly, others state that ge-
of course, I think of Robert James genetic code that define them. netic testing will encourage people
Fischer, 1943-2008. 23andMe, founded by Anne to demand treatments even when they
When I think of some of Amer- Wojcicki and Linda Avey, is one do not show signs of disease, or that
ica’s heroes, I think of George such company that allows customers knowing a child’s genetic predisposi-
Washington, of Abraham Lincoln to learn about their genotypes from a tion to a certain talent, parents will
and of Martin Luther King, Jr. Then, simple DNA test. For $999, 23andMe push their child forcefully in that
of course, I think of Robert James will send customers a 2.5 mm vial, in direction. Another argument is that
Fischer, 1943-2008. which they must spit and then send once someone knows about his or her
My chess professor always jok- back to the company. From there, the genetic code, they will need counsel-
ingly refers to Fischer as “Bobby the saliva will travel to Illumina Inc. in ing to know how to deal with it.
Fish,” a sort of double-pun, referring San Diego, which is where the DNA While 23andMe does not offer
to Fischer’s name, and also employ- will be sequenced. Two to six weeks genetic counseling after they provide
ing the adjective “fish,” which my after sending in the kit, customers genetic information, there is a wealth
professor uses as a synonym for will receive an e-mail saying that of information on the Web site con-
inexperienced or incompetent. their genetic information is available cerning DNA. There are pages for both
Of course, I refer to this as a joke, online. Logging on, they will be able amateurs and experts in the fields of
as Fischer was far from inexperienced to view their genotype, discover their genetics and biotechnology, which
and incompetent. He was easily one genetic ancestry and learn about their risk genes involved in Huntington’s “It’s going to run the gamut,” hand-selected based on past and cur- offer general tutorials about the site
of the greatest minds in chess history, predisposition to certain traits, such as Disease and breast cancer. Instead of Avey said. “There will be people rent research about the prognostic and the genetic information.
assaulting his opponents with complex athletic agility and medical conditions, simply providing medical informa- who are adopted and really want to values of those SNPs. Also, the company stresses the
combinations and sacrifices that only such as lactose intolerance and mul- tion, the company gives knowledge understand more about their ances- Customers will be able to access importance of discovering everything
the most experienced players could tiple sclerosis. about genetics try, or they have no idea about their their genetic information in three the human genome can reveal and
follow. In one match, he sacrifices Other organiza- “Our mission for the busi- and genotyping family history of disease and then main forms on the 23andMe Web site not only what the genetic codes can
his queen, then promptly moves to tions have also been ness was to make genetics to those who we have people who are interested in ( First, there is the say about the possibility of acquiring
demolish his opponent. In another, his recently founded to want it. contributing information to research. Genome Lab, which allows users to diseases. The goals of the company
opponent resigns because he realizes help people under- fun and interesting.” “Our mis- They say, ‘I don’t really care about my explore the raw data of their chromo- are for research, for general social
he shall soon face defeat; he resigns, stand their genetic sion for the busi- ancestry, I’m not really interested in somes. Then, there is Ancestry, with networking and for allowing people
nonetheless, with a significant mate- codes; DeCode Ge- Anne Wojcicki ness was to make those things, but I have a disease and which people can trace their genetic to find others similar to themselves
rial advantage, which would have netics and Navigen- 23andMe co-founder genetics fun and I want to make sure that I can do ev- history to certain parts of the world who are interested in the same aspects
proven insufficient to counter the ics are two such interesting,” erything to prevent my children from and link DNA with relatives to form of human genomes that they are in-
indomitable position Fischer inten- businesses that al- Wojcicki said in getting the same disease.’” a family tree. Finally, there is the terested in.
tionally established. low customers to access their genome, an interview with the San Francisco To determine factors such as program called Gene Journals, which As the 23andMe Web site states,
By no accident, Fischer arrived particularly to find information such Chronicle. ancestry and disease risk, researchers offers information about diseases and “23andMe was founded to empower
in the World Chess Championship in as genetic inclination to disease. 23andMe founders see possible look at single nucleotide polymor- tendencies towards certain traits. individuals and develop new ways
1972 to overthrow defending cham- Unlike other similar companies, clientele with many different reasons phisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”) The Gene Journals are expected of accelerating research.” In an age
pion Boris Spassky. This victory signi- 23andMe does not emphasize their for using the service. From curiosity that are the essential buildings blocks to make the biggest splash, as they when humans are finally beginning to
fied not only a victory for Fischer, but information as diagnoses but simply about the subject to a desire to learn of DNA. They are the individual letters offer information that people can use access their own building blocks and
also for the United States, as the United data that should help people stay about one’s family, many people can of the genetic code – the nucleotides to discover the genetic likelihood of learn about what they are essentially
States had triumphed over Russia in healthy and analyze possible risks. For find the service helpful. In speculating A, T, G, and C that comprise the ge- certain traits. Tracking everything comprised of, companies like this
chess, the game which many Russians example, 23andMe shows tendencies as to who the main customers would netic alphabet. Overall, 23andMe’s from bitter-taste blindness to chances are springing up to show people the
devoted their lives to studying. towards diseases that can generally be be in an interview with Wired Science, service provides information about of prostate cancer, it provides infor- wealth of information this technol-
This may sound farfetched in the prevented through the proper lifestyle, Avey mentioned the variety of reasons over 600,000 of these SNPs, based mation people can then use to learn ogy brings and the many advances to
modern world, in which the menace omitting information about high- people would use the service. on a list of nucleotides the company more about how nature influences their which it leads.
of the Soviet Union and the Cold War
are but a threat and a time period for
students to read about in history books.
But at the time, this triumph signified
Thousands demonstrate at San Francisco pro-life rally
a moral victory similar to the one ex- By Crystal Wang
perienced when Neil Armstrong and Staff Writer
Buzz Aldrin successfully completed
the first lunar landing. The noise of over 25,000 pairs of feet
Most people, especially those of sounded through San Francisco as pro-life sup-
the modern generation, do not con- porters peacefully marched during the fourth
sider Fischer when they list American annual Walk for Life on Jan. 19, a 2.5 mile walk
heroes. They think mostly of people on the San Francisco waterfront.
of great political influence, whether Co-founders Dolores Meehan and Eva Mun-
national or international. In truth, tean hosted the first Walk for Life in 2005 with
Fischer, “Bobby the Fish,” must be goals of reaching out to those hurt by abortion
considered among these heroes for and offering support and healing. The Walk for
his moral contributions to a United Life’s mission is to establish a new West Coast
States living in perpetual fear of war tradition of celebrating life.
with the Soviet Union. The event began at 11 a.m. at Justin Her-
However, Fischer’s contributions man Plaza on The Embarcadero and ended
are not limited to one mere victory. He at around 3:30 p.m. at Marina Green Park on
contributed greatly to numerous chess Marina Blvd.
openings, including the Grünfeld Both Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Lu-
Defence, the Nimzo-Indian Defence ther King, Jr. and Gianna Jessen, a saline abortion
and the Najdorf Sicillian, as well as survivor, delivered speeches for the event. King
established the Fischer Defense to the connected the pro-life movement to her uncle’s
King’s Gambit. own perseverance towards civil rights.
Fischer, perhaps more so than any “Dr. King said that the Negro cannot win if
other player, is a chess hero to me, as he is willing to sacrifice the future of his children
I admire his talent and aspire to even for personal comfort and safety,” King said.
a fraction of his grandeur. I am fas- “So, here we are on behalf of the children, the Stacy Levichev/The Campanile
cinated by his brilliant combinations future generation.” Pro-life advocates protest abortion at the fourth annual Walk for Life rally in San Francisco, which was founded to protect the
and try to understand them, although Jessen spoke about her personal experiences unborn and to celebrate life (left). Pro-choice supporters standing along the procession’s sides advocate their stance (right).
they are difficult to understand, even of almost getting aborted by her 17-year-old
for brilliant players. I admire him for mother in Los Angeles. as San Diego and Nevada. People of all ages the pro-choice supporters also had a rally with “In the first year, there was between 3,000 to
all of his contributions to chess and “My life is not defined by abortion,” Jessen ranging from newborns to 80-year-old seniors speeches on the other side of the plaza. 4,000 people walking for life and maybe 2,000
for the moral victory he won for the said. “I am not a victim. I am a victor.” walked together. “I was shocked to see some of the stuff I counter-protesters,” Wen said. “It was kind of
United States. Seminarian Colin Wen, an alumni of “I got to run into little kids, families, old saw because there were lots of children with like a battlefield the first year.”
Most of all, however, I admire Henry M. Gunn High School and University of people and a lot of different people I knew and their parents in the walk too,” Kim said. At that time, the pro-life opponents even
Robert James Fischer for his sheer California at Davis and currently attending Saint also a lot of people I didn’t know,” Wen said. “It When the official walk began, pro-choicers blocked off portions of the Walk’s planned
brilliance, and for his ability to play Patrick’s Seminary and University, has partici- was cool seeing all the kinds of people walking walked or stood on the sidewalks alongside route, causing the Walk to take a detour around
this game that I enjoy so much so well. pated in every Walk and felt that Jessen’s speech for life, the celebration of life and the positive the road with policemen lined in the space be- the blockade.
Fischer, in his latter days, may have expressed an especially significant message. message.” tween the pro-life walkers and the pro-choice “The problem with rallies like this is that
become senile and anti-America, yet I “The speech had a powerful impact, saying, As the Walk for Life took place, a group onlookers. there is no way the two sides discuss the situa-
will always remember him as “Bobby ‘Hey, here’s someone who’s actually affected of pro-choice supporters formed along the sides “The pro-life side was typically quieter tion like rational people,” Hsiao said.
the Fish,” one of the greatest chess by abortion on the other side and lived to tell of the street. than the pro-choice side besides the occasional In the succeeding years, however, there has
players in history. about it,’” Wen said. “She’s a voice of that whole “I didn’t realize that there would be people prayer or motivational pep talk,” junior Florence been a great increase in the pro-life supporters
Goodbye, Robert James Fischer. silence that no one else can speak from.” against the Walk for Life, saying and doing Hsiao, who also experienced the Walk for the and a significant decrease in the pro-choice side.
A great talent and brilliant mind passed After two more speeches from Pastor some obscene things,” junior Jean Kim, who first time, said. “The pro-choice side seemed to According to the Walk for Life Web site, this
from our world on January 17, 2008, Clenard Childress, National Director of the attended Walk for Life for the first time this shout their views at the pro-life side whenever year had the biggest turnout in the Walk’s his-
when Fischer died in Reykjavik, Life Education and Resource Network (a year, said. “The atmosphere was pretty hostile possible.” tory. On the other hand, only about 150 people
Iceland, at the age of 64. We may pro-life, evangelical ministry) and radio host at times with the pro-choice people yelling and The Walk for Life has been an annual event showed up as part of the pro-choice side, ac-
not, and probably will not, see the Jesse Romero, the walk commenced down The screaming at those people participating in the for both supporters as well as opponents. When cording to Wen.
likes of Robert James Fischer again Embarcadero. Families, individuals, church Walk for Life.” the first annual Walk for Life was organized, San “The pro-life movement is slowly grow-
in our lifetime. Goodbye, “Bobby youth groups and political activists came from As the pro-life supporters had the Walk for Francisco rallied people together to counter- ing,” Wen said. “Each year it’s gathering a lot
the Fish.” all around the Bay Area and even as far away Life rally on one side of Justin Herman Plaza, protest it, according to Wen. of momentum.”
The Campanile Features January 28, 2008 • B3

Student escapes history of violence

Senior George Kuria moves to California in order to escape corruption in Kenya
By Laura Kurtz learners classes, the majority of his
Senior Staff Writer learning came through interacting
with his classmates.
To the majority of Americans, the “I learned through people, talking
crisis in Kenya is a far-away tragedy. It to people,” Kuria said.
is something that Americans find sad, However, Loh thought that the
but cannot or do not do anything about. hardest transition for Kuria was the
However, to Palo Alto High School culture shock.
senior George Kuria, this tragedy is “Since our course was embedded
extremely personal. in American culture and one’s knowl-
One of the reasons Kuria’s fam- edge of it, George would sometimes
ily moved to California in May 2007 lack that background knowledge,”
was to escape the combatant group of Loh said. “We’d have to explain
Kenyans called the Mungiki. characteristics about American culture
The Mungiki are known for com- that many of us take for granted and
mitting ethnic violence. Kuria and the assume that others know.”
other residents of Nairobi lived in fear Loh said that there were three
of the Mungiki, who Kuria said killed other students who had also recently
many people. moved from foreign countries.
Kuria said that the Mungiki would The four of them added interest-
come to Nyeri and kill people and ing new perspectives to her class
burn houses. discussions.
“We couldn’t do anything about Loh said Paly could better help its
[the violence],” Kuria said. “We just English language learners by teach-
had to live with it.” ing the teachers more about how to
Kuria said that most of the vio- work with students who do not have
lence was caused by the police fighting as strong an understanding of the
with the Mungiki. English language.
As of August 2007, Kenyan po- “I think that teachers could do
lice had killed 8,000 people in raids a better job catering to English lan-
against the Mungiki. guage learners because, generally, in
The group was banned in 2002 teaching, we learn that using these
and now operates under a cover of methodologies constitutes teaching
secrecy. anyway and helps everyone attain
Mungiki, or “a united people,” solid reading and writing skills,” Loh
is a secretive group that began in the said. “I think there could be more pro-
late 1980’s and was modeled after the fessional development for teachers on
Mau Mau rebellion of 1950. how to help second language learners.
The group operates by taking In the five years I’ve been here, I’ve
control of services such as public never been to a meeting specifically
transportation, garbage collecting and about working with them.”
construction. Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile While Kuria has much to learn
The Mungiki is most active in Senior George Kuria and his family escaped from the dangers of Kenya and its corrupt militia, the Mungiki, in May of 2007. Kuria about American culture and ideals,
Mathare, Nairobi’s second largest now attends Paly and said that he finds security, opportunity and trust in Palo Alto that he was not able to experience in Kenya. he has already learned the most
slum. The group charges the residents important lesson that he can: he has
of Mathare for their protection from In addition to engaging in extor- Kuria said the police would give morning and walk 30 minutes to get did not know English upon entering learned to trust.
gang violence and to use the public tion, fraud and robbery, the Mungiki people guns so that they could steal. to school. school. Kuria said that it took him only
toilets and other facilities. has been known to kidnap, torture However, the biggest change for Once he arrived, there were not Paly English teacher Jeanne Loh two months to learn to trust the people
Mungiki leaders claim to have and murder its victims, often people Kuria in moving to the United States enough books for every student to taught Kuria in her class during his around him.
over two million members, some of who have leaked information about was not having running water every- have for themselves. Eventually, many junior year. Loh helped Kuria to keep Hopefully, Kuria will learn many
which have infiltrated government of- the sect. day, nor was it finally being able to students dropped out of school to help up with his challenging course load. more positive aspects of his new life,
fices, factories, schools and the armed Kuria and many other Kenyans trust people. their parents manage the house or to Loh was concerned about Kuria and he shows promise in this area.
forces. However, these numbers are feel that the government has been It was the idea that an education get a job. because he could not speak fluent Kuria continues to appreciate
never consistent due to the secrecy of too lax in its approach to wipe out was a valuable asset, one that every Kuria said that his biggest sur- English. new aspects of the Paly community
the organization. the Mungiki. Many Kenyans also person should be able to is obtain. prise in coming to the United States Furthermore, the class focused every day.
Mungiki members value tradi- believe that government officials are Kuria said that acquiring a good educa- was that everyone was attending more on the analysis of writing and “Every day I woke up, it was so
tional African culture and fight against not to be trusted. tion was one of the reasons his family school regularly. He soon would find content, rather than teaching writing new,” Kuria said.
westernization. They ban miniskirts, “People are waiting in the road moved to the United States. the difficulty in the transition. and grammar, Loh said. Given Kuria’s difficult past, being
Hollywood movies and other forms to kill you,” Kuria said. “The police Kuria said that in Kenya, students While Kuria rejoiced in his new Kuria felt that even though he in a new environment is definitely a
of Western culture. over there are so corrupt.” had to wake up at four o’clock in the education, it was not easy, since he did not take any English language positive change.

Web site offers volunteer opportunities

Non-profit organization Volunteer Match assists, encourages student participation in community service
By Annie Vought Registered members can notify volunteer
Staff Writer organizations of their interest in a position
with only a few clicks and registration is free
Hundreds of Palo Alto High School of charge.
students yearn to put their time, energy and “It’s great to see a place where orga-
passion towards a good cause, but are unaware nizations can reach out to the community,
of the many volunteer opportunities that await especially online,” junior Yuko Kanai said. “I
them within their own hometown. think this is a really good idea because a lot
Volunteer Match, an online-based non- of my friends talk about wanting to volunteer
profit organization, is but don’t know where to find an
dedicated to solving opportunity and Volunteer Match
such a dilemma: the
“I think this is a really makes it convenient.”
group works to match good idea, because a lot The organization is an im-
would-be volunteers of my friends talk about portant asset for nonprofit and
with local organiza- wanting to volunteer volunteer groups because of its
tions like YES! Read- sheer ability to reach possible
ing and Lytton Gardens
but don’t know where to volunteers.
through their Web site, find an opportunity and According to a fact report on
www.volunteermatch. Volunteer Match makes it its Web site, Volunteer Match is
com. convenient.” the number one result for “volun-
Teenagers and teer” on both Google and Yahoo!
adults from across search engines.
America use the Web Yuko Kanai The group’s reach can also be
site to locate oppor- junior hugely convenient during times
tunities based in their of national or widespread crisis,
own communities. when large numbers of volunteers
Site visitors can take advantage of the are deeply needed.
search function without having to create an “I think this will definitely help organiza-
Mika Ben-Shaul/The Campanile
account with the site. tions find volunteers, because it is efficient and
The search function allows users to find easy for users to navigate the site and locate Volunteer Match is an online non-profit organization that provides users with volunteer opportunities within their
nearby organizations that are in need of vol- something that they would really like to try communities. Web site users have the chance to volunteer for organizations such as YES! Reading and Lytton Gardens.
unteer workers. out,” Jonathan Kunkel, a junior at Albany High
According to its mission statement, Vol- School in Albany, California, said. to help businesses present their employees the 55,000 nonprofit organizations that have Users who are satisfied with their vol-
unteer Match aims to use online technology Kunkel, who was referred to the Web site with bond-strengthening group volunteer registered with the site to date, the organiza- unteer work are invited to share their stories
to advance “the values and partnerships that by a friend three years ago, quickly paired opportunities. tion reports. on the site community, inspiring others with
strengthen our civil society” and to create a up with a local nature conservancy program Volunteer Match has official partnerships Since its launch in 1998, Volunteer Match their stories of great volunteering.
community of people “who believe in the and has since been volunteering on a weekly with many influential organizations such has successfully referred over 3.3 million A nonprofit organization itself, Volunteer
power of volunteering to enrich [their] lives basis. as the American Red Cross, Senior Corps, volunteers to various organizations around Match depends on donations from users and
and the world around [them].” “My favorite part is that you are able to Second Harvest, Habitat for Humanity and the country, earning the group world recog- businesses.
Volunteer Match’s search function allows narrow down your search by things like spe- the Peace Corps, as well as with corporate nition with awards from Time magazine, The The site offers a variety of options for
potential volunteers to narrow lists of volunteer cial interests,” Kunkel said. “It is much more groups like Charles Schwab, General Mills, International Academy of Digital Arts and supporters, including a function that allows
organizations in their area based on various fun and rewarding to volunteer when you can Dell and REI. Sciences, the Smithsonian Institute, MIT and users to “adopt a zip code.”
criteria, including users’ particular skills, apply your personal skill set or passion to the A representative from a nonprofit or tax- the Yale-Goldman Sachs Foundation. This service gives donators the opportu-
interests and willingness to commute. job at hand.” exempt charitable organization can create a Resources abound for both volunteers nity to personalize a banner graphic at the top
Listed are not only regular positions, but Volunteer Match took a strategic initiative free online profile for their group in just 15 and organization leaders on the Volunteer of their zip code’s page in return for a small
one-time opportunities or events held by orga- in collaborating with Senior Corps to prepare minutes (an estimate provided by the Web Match site. monetary donation.
nizations. Users who are inspired to work in for the incoming wave of 77 million Baby site), instantly sharing their program with Advice for both volunteers and for orga- Now beginning its tenth year of opera-
direct response to a particular problem in their Boomer retirees. the millions of American visitors who use the nizations looking to recruit more helpers is in tion, Volunteer Match continues to increase
local communities, such as an earthquake or The organization also gathers helpers for Volunteer Match Web site each year. ample supply and an optional e-mail newsletter its reachable audience and to help nonprofit
an oil spill, can find opportunities to volunteer the Red Cross disaster relief organizations Over 115,000 visitors each week surf helps share information about more opportuni- organizations match up with dedicated vol-
for disaster relief on the site. and is partnered with “Corporate America” Volunteer Match, accessing information from ties and goings-on in communities. unteers.
B4 • January 28, 2008 Features The Campanile

Computers lack effective Internet protection

Inadequate knowledge, protection leaves users unaware of possible hacking
By Jonathan Shan e-mail systems all around the world,
Staff Writer overwriting files on host computers,

Securing your computer

and forcing computers to upload
With a single click, the entrance spyware, effectively compromising
into the digital universe is completed. the user’s identity.
A nanosecond later, the floodgates are According to TechNet, the dam-
opened and data streams through. First age was so extensive that it went
contact is made. through the mailing lists of contacts
In the brief moment following the within the Pentagon and into the in-
computer’s connection to the Internet, boxes of CIA employees. Run Windows Automatic Update or Apple Update
a low-level system scan begins, yet this
action happens without the owner’s
In its aftermath, “ILOVEYOU”
forced major corporations to shut
1 Get the latest security patches for all your software.
knowledge, approval or consent. down their e-mail servers, costing
The computer’s security vener- these companies between $5.5 and
abilities and other information are sent $10 billion dollars in damages. Install an anti-virus program
to an unknown source that is based in In 2007, Estonia’s Internet in- The anti-virus software program included with your computer may not necessarily be the best.
an unknown location.
If an unpatched software hole is
discovered, malware (in the form of a
frastructure was attacked by Russian
hackers in retaliation for the removal
of a statue of a Soviet soldier.
2 Free Windows anti-virus programs include AVG ( and Avast! (http:// ClamXav ( is a popular anti-virus program for Apple
worm or virus) may enter the system The attack was carried out using users.
and wreak havoc, eventually hijack- “zombie computers,” regular com-
ing the system to send thousands of puters hijacked to execute Denial of
e-mails with the same worm to other Service attacks.
Install an anti-spyware
When defense contractors at the
Defense Advanced Research Projects
The hijacked computers all
logged on to a specific Web site in an
attempt to consume as much band-
3 Prevent ID Theft. ThreatFire ( is a highly rated anti-spyware software.
Agency developed the beginnings of width as possible, causing the server
what evolved into the Internet, they to crash.
Install Firefox or Internet Explorer 7
did not envision opening a Pandora’s Some of these hijacked systems
Box that unleashes viruses, adware comprise Storm botnet, a network of Internet Explorer 6 contained insecure default settings that IE7 and Firefox have fixed.
and spyware, invading personal and thousands of hijacked computers used
corporate servers and incurring bil- to send mass spam to individuals and
lions of dollars in damages.
Knowledge and application of
take down system networks.
Many students at Palo Alto High Avoid unsafe surfing behavior
Internet security are just as imperative School experience malware attacks. In Firefox, periodically remove private information (Tools > Clear Private Data). Avoid peer-to-
as locking the front door at night or
knowing self-defense in a dangerous
After surfing online, senior Alok Sub-
barao discovered that his computer
5 peer file-sharing and illegal software and movie downloads. Scan all files that you download
neighborhood. refused to boot. before opening them!
Microsoft TechNet defines mal- “I turned on my computer it
ware as “malicious software typically wouldn’t boot up, and said the boot
used as a catch-all term to refer to any sector was missing,” Subbarao said.
software designed to cause damage After attempting to restart the
to a single computer, server, or com- computer numerous times, Subba- said. “There was one time when I was of Spyware Report, some form of Gina Trapani, editor of the blog “It’s a good way to roll back sys-
puter network, whether it’s a virus, rao still encountered the same error downloading an AIMBOT [a game unwanted program, such as trojan, “Lifehacker.” tem changes like driver or software in-
spyware, etc.” message. hack] for Battlefield 2 and I didn’t run system monitor, cookie or adware, The United States Computer stallations,” Trapani said. “However,
A computer virus is defined as To fix the problem, Subbarao used my antivirus on it. It took me about was found in over 88 percent of con- Emergency Readiness Team reports if you’re convinced your system has
a piece of code that is secretly intro- an advanced repair method. half an hour to fix it because I didn’t sumers’ computers. that new security breaches and ven- been infected, the best way to make
duced into a system in order to corrupt “I took the old hard drive and put initially know what to do. Restarting “I used to use the McAfee bundled erabilities are discovered between sure it’s sparkling clean is to re-install
it or destroy data. Often viruses hide a new one in and installed Windows didn’t help. I wasn’t sure if this was with my computer, but after it failed the time when computers are manu- Windows from scratch.”
in other programs or documents and, [operating system],” Subbarao said. a virus but something kept me from to delete a few virus infections, I factured and when they arrive in the For Mac users, Trapani recom-
when opened, the virus is let loose. “My dad figured out a way to reconnect opening my task manager.” switched over to Nod32 [Anti-virus],” household. mends turning on the firewall which
Worms are a specific type of virus the other hard drive, so I was able to Zhang then discovered the file Zhang said. “I also switched my in- Windows XP’s default settings is located in System Preferences.
that spread automatically, exploiting pull the important files off, and wipe was a “fork bomb,” which makes ternet browser to Firefox, and I didn’t are insecure. He also suggests making sure
software holes. Spyware secretly the old hard drive. I had essays in multiple processes that consume have any more trouble after that.” CERT recommends a series of Software Update is run on a regular
saves and transmits keyboard strokes progress, music and most importantly, system resources, keeping him from Many people wonder why Win- steps, including running Windows basis to keep OS X updated and not
to unscrupulous hackers, who perpe- family photos.” ending the process. dows, Apple and Firefox require Update, installing an anti-virus, add- clicking on links in e-mails or instant
trate identity theft. Adware bombard While Subbarao managed to “I went through the list of pro- constant updating. ing software patches and avoiding messages from unknown users.
computers with pop-ups and system fix his computer, most users would cesses and searched for any suspicious “Security is an arms race: as fast unsafe surfing behaviors, such as the “Above all else, install malware
menus, promoting cheap Viagra and hesitate to open their computer cases process names,” he said. “It had a as malware developers come up with use of peer-to-peer file sharing and and spyware detectors and cleaners,”
free iPhone pyramid schemes. to replace the hard drive. strange process filename so I tried new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, downloading or purchasing illegal Trapani said.
A common vector for malware Senior Robert Zhang also experi- a process killing application, and it which are often just software features software. Additional information can be
is through e-mail. In May of 2000, enced the effects of malware. worked.” used for unintended purposes, that’s When things go wrong, Trapani found on Microsoft (http://www.mi-
the “Love Bug,” also known as the “People create fake files dis- According to Webroot’s, a lead- how fast the software developers recommends running Windows XP’s as well as CERT
“ILOVEYOU” worm, spread through guised as legitimate ones,” Zhang ing anti-spyware company, State have to patch up those issues,” said System Restore. (

Paly students experiment with Vicodin, cocaine

VICODIN, Continued from B1 Shane said that some of his friends are “I’m not a coke fiend yet,” Shane said.
concerned about his health. “It’s not a habit until you can get it a lot. I
The attitude that Jake demonstrates is “A couple of my friends warn me against hope it won’t get bigger next year.”
common among his group of friends. In addi- doing coke and other drugs, but I don’t care,” Nevertheless, Shane still feels that his
tion to Vicodin, Jake and his friends use other Shane said. “It’s my choice.” pursuit of a new high to try will make him
narcotics such as cocaine. Chris, who says he “doesn’t like drugs that continue to experiment.
“I’m always down to feel different,” aren’t natural,” is one of Shane’s friends who “I think I’ll probably move on to harder
Shane said. “When I’m high, I don’t give a discourages him from using cocaine. drugs,” Shane said. “Lately, I’ve wanted to
s**t about anything. All my bad feelings turn “I try to stop my friends from doing hard try ecstasy.”
into good feelings.” drugs,” Chris said. “I give [Shane] s**t about Jake, who prefers snorting cocaine to
Shane said that he felt that he had his drug it all the time. As long as he’s not doing it ev- Vicodin, is more concerned than Shane about
usage under control. ery day, then it’s not too bad, but if it became developing a cocaine habit.
“I once did cocaine three times in one every day, I’d slap him around.” “I sometimes worry about getting ad-
week and realized it was too much,” Shane Tommy, who tried cocaine three times but dicted,” Jake said.
said. “You can really feel it when you’re has since stopped using it, dislikes it when his Snorting Vicodin may be just a phase for
smoking or doing other drugs too much. You friends abuse the drug. Jake, Shane and the rest of their friends, but
just have to know to control yourself. I’m not “I give my friends a hard time about do- their drug abusing habit is not. The lack of
worried yet.” ing coke,” Tommy said. “I don’t like seeing concern about the harmful effects of narcotics
Shane is also motivated to keep his drug them do it. Being addicted would be a problem and the possibilities of developing addictions
use in moderation by what he has seen drugs because none of us have enough money to that these, and other, teenagers demonstrate
do to some of his friends. support a habit like that.” is truly a cause for alarm.
“One kid I knew got really into all sorts While Shane uses cocaine occasionally, Julia Benton/The Campanile
of drugs, tried everything and really messed like with Vicodin, the frequency of his usage Additional reporting provided by Michael Recently, more and more Paly students have been snorting Vicodin, a commonly
himself up,” Shane said. depends on the availability of the drug. Hamada and Hannah McGovern. used pain relieving medicine, along with cocaine, to get a high. (Staged Photo)

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The Campanile Features January 28, 2008 • B5

Teenagers mentor underprivileged children

Big Brothers and Sisters provide guidance and support for young students
By Mira Parekh to spend time with their big brother of
Staff Writer big sister outside of the appointed time
and place, due to liability issues.
While most high school students “When I meet with Crystal, we
spend their time after school working usually play games and talk,” Liu
on homework and playing sports, said. “BBBSBA provides board games
there are some students who spend and arts and crafts and since Crystal
time making crafts with their younger enjoys hands-on activities, we prefer
siblings. to work on those.”
Paly sophomore Whitney Dra- Children participating in BBB-
zovich however, takes time during the SBA are usually recommended to
week to play board games and crafts the program by teachers who think
with her “little sister.” that they would benefit from having
Drazovich and other local high a mentor.
school students participate in the Big Kids can also nominate them-
Brothers and Big Sisters of the Bay selves and often come to the pro-
Area program and spends one day a gram on their own, requesting to
week as a “big brother” or “big sister” participate.
to a younger child. “We have many kids who just
The idea for Big Brothers and come to us and say they would love
Big Sisters was born 103 years ago by to be in the program because they
a New York City court clerk, Ernest know other kids in the program who
Coulter, who noticed how the same like it,” Kruger said.
troubled, young boys kept appearing Youth who participate in the
in court. program tend to improve in many
Concerned for their welfare, he aspects of their life from behavior and
started the Big Brothers organization, relationships with elders to standard-
which then spread rapidly throughout ized test scores and grades.
the country. “It absolutely helps the kids,”
The Big Sisters organization was Kruger said. “They stay in school and
later formed and the two organizations also stay out of trouble.”
officially merged in 1977 to become Statistics taken by the BBBSBA
an international organization that is program in Menlo Park and East
now operating in 35 different countries Palo Alto show that 40 percent of
across the world. the children in the program reported
The Bay Area chapter of the grade improvement and 54 percent
organization, which celebrated its had higher standardized test scores. 60
50th anniversary this year, helps serve percent of participants also improved
children in the East Bay, San Fran- relationships with family members at
cisco and the Peninsula by providing home and 52 percent were less likely
them with support from responsible to skip class.
mentors. The organization’s Web site,
Specifically, the program is to, also states that
help kids who will benefit from hav- many of the children become the first
ing a mentor, such as children who members in their family to complete
lack family support or have unhealthy high school or college.
relationships with their parents or Julia Benton/The Campanile Drazovich feels that the program
guardians. (Staged photo) Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area pair up younger children with high school students who meet once a week to has had a positive impact on her
“Our mission is to match children do activities together. The older student acts as a mentor for the younger student, who often lacks support from their family members. “little.”
with caring mentors and provide “The program gives her a place
support for the match,” said Dawn “I’m supposed to help instill on compatibility that will work best for personality and interests that will be to a younger child because it is a to come after school, and have a good
Kruger, program manager of the Big confidence in her and encourage her to both the mentor compatible.” more structured program and offers time,” Drazovich said. “She enjoys
Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area strive for the best,” Liu said. “We also and “little.” N o r m a l l y, more support. talking to me and telling stories about
(BBBSBA). “A lot of these kids might have the opportunity to do homework “When I
“A lot of these kids might have volunteers must The teen mentors are asked to her family and school.”
have parents who work two jobs together, but Crystal doesn’t need help was interviewed, parents who work two jobs to be adults to par- come for a couple of hours once a Liu agrees and feels that she has
to support the family. The program with that.” I asked to be support the family. The pro- ticipate, however week to specific school sites around learned many valuable lessons from
gives the kids someone to talk to and To become a big brother or sister, paired with a girl gram gives the kids someone BBBSBA offers the San Francisco Bay Area. There, the program as well.
look up to.” an interested volunteer must first be that is somewhere a high school they meet with their individual little “I think one thing this program
Senior Jillian Liu has been a big interviewed and get a recommenda- between third
to talk to and look up to.” program which brother or sister and participate in a made me realize is how much I took
sister for two years to younger sister tion to ensure that they are responsible and fifth grade,” teens can volun- variety of fun activities, crafts and some things for granted and how I
Crystal. Liu said that a major aspect and will act as good role models and Drazovich said. Dawn Kruger teer for. sports together. have so many unnecessary luxuries,”
of the program is to help the “littles,” mentors. “The program BBBSBA program manager The high Although adult mentors are able Liu said. “I also feel that Crystal and
or younger student, with character The organization takes both men- also interviews school program to take their “littles” for hikes or out I aren’t that different from each other,
development and growth, in addition tors and “littles’” preferences into ac- the “littles” and makes it easier to the movies and are encouraged to at all, despite age differences and ste-
to learning and schoolwork. count and then makes matches based then matches each pair on account of for teens to be a big brother or sister do so, teen mentors are not allowed reotypes. We’re simply people.”

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B6 • January 28, 2008 Features The Campanile

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B7 Jan. 28, 2008

A&E The Campanile

Paly junior writes and directs psychological thriller Chu On This:
Caffeine Fix
Requiem, which took five years to write, is similar in plot to the notorious horror film Saw
Ryan Coe, who plays Benjamin Price, a cocaine
addict; and Alex Nee who plays Ethan Baker,
a sex addict with abandonment issues. After
seeing his father go through a series of casual
girlfriends, Ethan now associates sex with love
and affection.
The movie’s psychopath is known only as
“the Caller” and is never seen.
While the plot is similar to that of the Saw Alan Chu
trilogy, Lamb began drafting her screenplay The man’s words started to slow
prior to Saw’s release in 2004. down into an indistinct murmur.
“I was inspired purely by the Japanese novel Everything started to swirl about
Battle Royale and the climax of the horror novel me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I first
Phantom of the Opera,” Lamb said. “I’ve lost slumped over my knees. Then I slid
count of how many people have said that the off and onto the floor. I woke up sev-
plot reminds them of Saw.” eral minutes later due to the awkward
Ever since she was young, Lamb has been position of my body. My arms became
interested in criminology. numb since both were under my chest.
The killer that fascinates Lamb the most My neck felt like it had tried to push
is “Jack the Ripper,” who murdered victims off of my shoulders; evidently it failed
in public areas of London in the late 1800s. before I woke up.
This interest contributed to her creation of the There I was, sprawled out like a
script. rag doll on the floor. It had been 22
“I was eleven when I started the script,” hours since I last saw my bed. Odds
Lamb said. “I had only drafted eight characters, were that I would not see it again for
including the Caller and it was an on-and-off another couple of hours. First thing’s
project until I seriously focused on it in eighth first, I had to turn off the television.
Julia Benton/The Campanile grade and then completely, 100 percent finished After several minutes of struggling, I
Juniors Ashley Lamb and Ryan Coe discuss a scene in Lamb’s film, Requiem, which was recently finished. The film, which in late 2007. My skills and ideas as a writer finally pushed the power button. The
contains complex characters whose lives intertwine as a psychopath methodically kills them all, features many Paly students. have grown a lot, but I give a lot of credit to my Godfather was making a deal when
11-year-old self. The Caller was the only fully he disappeared into a sea of black.
By Alex Greene Shooting has not started yet due to a short- they were pretty realistic for kids our age. But I fleshed-out character when I was 11.” Shaking my head, I pushed off the
Staff Writer age of cast members, which are mostly Paly mean, seriously, how many Paly students have The movie is extremely low-budget. Lamb ground and started my search for
students. gone to rehab?” is mainly using camera equipment borrowed coffee ­— good coffee I mean, not just
While most teenagers are busy spend- The basic plot of the movie, which, for now In the movie, Lamb crafts her characters as from Paly’s video production class and char- some steaming cup of engine oil that
ing their free time playing a sport, working a Lamb has decided to title Requiem, is slightly a panoply of exotic persona. The plot involves acters wear regular clothes instead of elaborate some people call “coffee.”
job or playing an instrument, Palo Alto High grim. a lesbian teenager, Lora Lawliet (Lamb), who costumes. My thoughts rushed over to the
School junior Ashley Lamb is shooting her “There’s this bored psychopathic genius is kicked out of her house after coming out to “I probably have to buy blank DVDs if instant coffee in the kitchen. I gripped
own film. who pits these kids with problems against each her parents. Lora’s best friend is Quinn Davis I don’t have enough at home, but other than my head in my hands. Apparently, I
Lamb spent five years writing her screen- other in a ‘game,’” Lamb said. (Sebastian Milla), who has a drinking problem that, my production budget is five bucks,” was more tired than I felt. Propping
play, inspired by a book she had read. The actors include Lamb and juniors Sebas- due to depression. Lamb said. myself up against the wall, I remem-
“Back in 2002, I read Battle Royale and tian Milla, Alex Browne, Ian Quigley, Caitlin In addition, Lora is in love with a girl named Lamb also expects to receive donations of bered a café being near my house.
decided to work on a short story that was Watson, Ryan Coe and Alex Nee. Naomi (Caitlin Watson). As a child, Naomi props from friends. I could not picture the name of the
similar, but instead took place in America and Each of the movie’s characters has a trou- had a major heart surgery, making her parents “An older friend of mine is donating lots of place. Instead, I recalled the friend
with a smaller cast,” Lamb said. “It ended up bling problem that leads them to be vulnerable extremely overprotective. fake blood; maybe a gallon or so,” Lamb said. who told me about it. I put my fate
developing into a screenplay, which was finally to mind games that the killer plays. Naomi is shy, introverted and claustropho- “Her boyfriend will also play the cop.” into his hands and dialed his number
finished last year.” “I was hesitant about some of the problems bic. Alex Browne plays Peter, Naomi’s older Lamb doesn’t expect her film to take her into my phone. After three rings from
Lamb not only wrote and edited the I gave my characters,” Lamb said. “This obvi- half-brother, who was molested as a child and to any film festivals, but is creating the movie the other end, he answered. I popped
screenplay, but is also working every role of ously isn’t a PG-13 movie, but I didn’t want is now severely homophobic. solely for the fun of it. the question before I even mentioned
the film production. Her jobs on the movie their problems to be melodramatic. Even when Jackson Green (Ian Quigley) is an angry “I just hope I finish this film with my sanity my name. I got my answer just as fast:
include director, producer, lead actress, direc- I read about them in my psychology books, young man who blames his father for his mother’s intact,” Lamb said. “Aside from that, I just want Coupa Café. I hung up the phone in
tor of photography and editor. they sound cliche, but my friends told me that death from lung cancer. The cast continues with my friends to enjoy making and watching it.” the middle of his sentence. Some
things were much more important

Vegetarians find plenty of unique restaurant options than friendship at that moment. Grab-
bing my keys I walked over to my car
and shoved the key into the ignition.
With a rumble, I was off to Coupa
Café. With speeds deemed unsafe
for several school zones, I arrived in
front of the famous café.
Compared to several well-known
cafés, it did not look like it was the best
café in Palo Alto. It did not even look
like a café, with shrubs and bushes
blocking the front window. I tried
to hide the frown that now plastered
my face. Shrugging, I approached the
door and pulled it open, only to see a
long line of worn and haggard people.
Strangely enough, the people already
sipping their cups of lattes and other
coffee drinks had a look of refresh-
ment and serenity. I eventually lost
interest and melded into the line.
After forever and a half, I walked
Courtesy of Madras Café, Hannah McGovern/The Campanile
up to the counter. Unfortunately, luck
would have it that the man did not
The vegetarian food offered at Garden Fresh, Madras Cafe and Merit Vegetarian bring high class and affordability to local vegetarians. People can order from a variety speak my language — he only spoke
of ethnic dishes, including the Spinach and Wanton Soup on the left, from Garden Fresh, and the crispy crepes stuffed with vegetables on the right, from Madras Café. in his tongue of “café-ese.” What
was Tall happened to be small and
By Cat Benson extremely filling. Sadly, the Singapore-Style Rice Noodle is Merit Vegetarian Grande now medium. Thankfully, the
Staff Writer disappointing. The dish is made from stir-fried curry rice noodles Merit Vegetarian in Sunnyvale serves up delicious Vietnam- man understood my inept attempt to
with shredded soybean gluten and mixed vegetables. While the ese food, many vegan options and has a romantic atmosphere, decipher the language. I got my plain
Vegetarians yearn for the perfect restaurant to ease their hun- consistency of the dish is fine, it lacks the strong curry flavor although the prices are over the average-student’s budget. The old cup of coffee and started to walk
ger. However, ideal vegetarian food can be hard to find. Garden of traditional Singapore-Style Noodles and so the end result is atmosphere of Merit Vegetarian is soothing and relaxing, with away. The steam wafted up from the
Fresh, Madras Café and Merit Vegetarian each offer remarkable only lackluster. low table lighting, leather booths and richly colored walls. The lid, but I chose to ignore the omen.
vegetarian food and vegan options for impressive prices. Although the restaurant is entirely vegetarian, also avail- service is prompt and inviting and the atmosphere encourages The first sip went down like some-
able on the menu are many vegan options including soy-based customers to make themselves comfortable. thing along the lines of lava and a red
Garden Fresh chocolate ice cream. Although some dishes disappoint, Garden The menu has a huge array of options, including appetizers, hot branding iron; burning everything
Garden Fresh, Mountain View’s own hole-in-the wall all- Fresh’s helpful service, low prices and huge portions demand salads, soups, noodles, rice plates and traditional Vietnamese it touched. After desperately trying to
vegetarian restaurant, offers large portions of authentic Chinese an encore performance. entrees. After ordering, the food arrived quickly, starting with the cool it, I took another tentative sip. It
and Asian food without sky-high prices. Vietnamese Sweet and Sour Soup ($9.50), served in a kerosene was now along the lines between fire
The restaurant is a tiny well-lit room with many tables Madras Café burning hot pot. Although the soup is designed to be a meal for and an oven. The taste finally started
clustered together with a somewhat funky, but welcoming atmo- Madras Café, a vegetarian South Indian restaurant located one person, it is easily enough to share for two. The soup is served to come through after another sip. It
sphere. The hostess is very enthusiastic and welcoming and the in Sunnyvale, offers an array of traditional Indian food for low topped with celery, tomato, pineapple, bean sprouts, cabbage, was good. It would have been better
atmosphere of the restaurant is upbeat and pleasant. The waiter prices in a comfortable setting, if able to navigate through the bamboo shoots and tamarind. The dish is deliciously sweet and if my tongue was not burnt to a crisp.
is quick to answer any request and fills water glasses promptly. menu. As customers arrive in Madras Café, they are impressed spicy at times and the base are complemented perfectly with the Adding cold cream lessened the heat
The restaurant is sometimes a bit crowded but customers are by the large, clean dining area and the welcoming brightly textures of the vegetables. to less than scalding.
usually served immediately. The menu is well-organized and colored walls. The Spicy Mongolian Delight ($8.00), a soy “chicken” The taste of the coffee is difficult
offers the customer an extensive choice of vegetarian vegetable, The food is ordered at the counter and can either be eaten served with onion, bell pepper and other vegetables are perfectly to describe. This coffee was not ac-
tofu and wheat-gluten dishes. The menu also offers appetizers, in the restaurant in to-go packaging or taken to go. After order- drenched in a sweet and spicy sauce. companied by the usual bitterness.
soups and vegan desserts, along with brown rice which is served ing customers sit down to wait for their food to be brought to a The Curry Vegetable ($8.00) dish is a combination of fresh The flavor, however, made up more
with nearly every entree. table. The restaurant offers an array of vada snacks, made with vegetables stir-fried in a coconut curry sauce. The coconut curry than enough. It was like a strong man
Before appetizers arrive, customers are given complimentary fried lentil flour, dosas, crispy crepes stuffed with vegetables, sauce is undoubtedly the main appeal of the dish, rich, creamy doing push-ups on my tongue. Now I
corn chowder soup. Although it is not very flavorful, the soup lentils, rice and uthappans, pancakes made with rice, lentils and and spicy with a strong curry taste. The entrees are better enjoyed understood the Zen-like looks around
warms the stomach for the meal to come. The Spinach and Wonton vegetables. The Vegetable Dosa ($5.00) consists of a crispy crepe with brown rice ($1.50) ordered on the side, which should be me. Suddenly the sun broke through
Soup ($2.25) is a hardy portion of traditional miso soup with soft made with rice and lentils and stuffed with tomatoes, peas, onions, included with the meals. The menu also offers a choice of vegan into the window and shone at my
wontons and spinach. The Taro Spring Rolls ($2.25) came with carrots and potatoes and garnished with cashnut raisins. desserts including Vegan German Chocolate Cake ($3.50) that feet. When I got out of the building,
four, crispy rolls and a traditional spicy dipping sauce. The dosa is spicy at times and evokes many different taste is so rich and creamy, it is hard to believe that it’s vegan. flowers bloomed at my every step.
The Sweet and Sour Vegetarian Pork ($7.50) is enough for combinations. The Mango Lassi ($2.50), which is a traditional Overall, Merit Vegetarian does an excellent job of cater- Maybe it was my imagination fueled
two people. The dish consists of crispy vegetarian pork made Indian mango-flavored yogurt drink is perfectly sweetened and ing to the vegetarian and vegan customer to making dining out by caffeine and fatigue. Who knows
from soybean-gluten sautéed with sweet and sour sauce and calms the spiciness of the doma. If a vegetarian is in the neigh- hassle-free. Although the prices are too high to dine at Merit what? But when I drank the Coupa
served with broccoli and other vegetables. The faux-pork had borhood, Madras Café is sure to be a very interesting location, frequently, the service, food and atmosphere make the restaurant coffee, the whole world just seemed
a very meat like consistency and is the perfect spiciness and but otherwise the confusing service makes it a cafe to ignore. a purely pleasant experience. a bit brighter.
B8 • January 28, 2008 A&E The Campanile

Jin Sho serves up savory sushi meals

Outstanding but pricey sushi dishes satisfy customers’ appetites
By Chris Gonnerman covered all in a delicious, golden,
Senior Staff Writer flaky tempura batter.
The chewy to slippery ratio of
Another new restaurant was re- the shrimp is perfect, and along with
cently added to the California Avenue the tempura-covered vegetables, the
lineup. The historic Palo Alto street is dish is a real treat to eat. It comes
now armed with the classy Japanese with a bowl of white rice and sauce
sushi restaurant, Jin Sho. for dipping.
Jin Sho is located close to Quiz- The sushi dinner ($20.00) con-
no’s Subs and Country Sun, and across sists of eight pieces of raw fish, spicy
the street from Izzy’s Bagels. tuna roll and miso soup. The various
The restaurant now occupies the pieces of raw fish are shrimp, tuna,
space where the Mexican restaurant white tuna, salmon and trout. Jin Sho
Salsa used to be. Jin Sho’s space is makes raw fish about as tasty as raw
quite bigger then Salsa’s was, due to fish can be.
a kitchen enlargement. The raw fish itself is bland, but
Upon entering Jin Sho, the luxuri- wasabi and rice are served as well,
ous tone is immediately set by the dim giving the dish more zest. The raw
lighting cast on the jet-black counters, fish has great texture and is, hopefully,
tables and floor. extremely low in mercury content. The
Light jazz music plays overhead spicy tuna roll is absolutely delicious
and the restaurant is flawlessly clean and made to perfection.
from the floor to the tables. The carrots, tuna, seaweed and
Once inside, waiters greet cus- rice all blend together flawlessly with
tomers in an upbeat manner, throwing a clear-red sauce that is slightly spicy
in an occasional Japanese greeting, for some added tang. The sauce has
such as Arigato Gozaimasu (Thank a bit of a sweet tang to it for further
you very much), and later, a salutation exhilaration. These are some of the
for authenticity. best tasting rolls available locally.
Customers are then promptly Despite the mouth-watering,
seated with the option of sitting at scrumptious sushi, Jin Sho falls short
the sushi bar, where one can watch in a critical area of a reputable restau-
the chefs prepare the sushi and other rant as their prices are extraordinarily
dishes with lightning-fast chopping high for a student’s budget.
ability, or at a conventional restaurant Jin Sho is not a teenage-friendly
table. restaurant because of their expensive
Once seated, the restaurant scen- Morgan Pichinson/The Campanile dishes. The prices, unfortunately,
ery and lighting arrangement continue limit the number of people who can
Working in a contemporary atmosphere, Jin Sho chefs are busy preparing appetizing Japanese meals consisting of delightful sushi, enjoy Jin Sho’s tasty and healthy
to capture the eye. The area where
diners sit is dim with a soft, romantic sashimi (raw fish), tempura and white rice. Waiters greet their customers enthusiastically and serve them the freshly prepared dishes. sushi dishes.
light. The kitchen is right next to the able service ensures an enjoyable and help is exceptionally genuine. While an appreciation or love of sushi will $90, depending on how many dishes In general, Jin Sho is the place to
dinning area, and is only separated by comfortable dining experience for the waiting for the food to be prepared and relish the essence of this eloquent one purchases. go to enjoy a delightful environment
the brightly-lit sushi bar. This contrast customer. served, a small sushi cuisine. Customers can also order indi- and delicious sushi, as long as one has
between the lights grabs the attention When the bowl of chilled, Like most restaurants, Jin Sho vidual pieces of sushi and various rolls. the money for it.
Anyone with an appreciation
of diners. Also, the ceiling is pleasantly time comes to fresh edamame offers various salads, soups, appetiz- These include California rolls, spicy
observable due to the way the lights order appetiz- or love of sushi will relish the (immature soy- ers and entrees. tuna rolls, rainbow rolls, volcano rolls,
hang down and the woodcarvings that ers and entrees, essence of this eloquent sushi beans in pod) is What makes the menu unique is spider rolls, lobster rolls and dragon Jin Sho
hang parallel to the ceiling carved in waiters pa- cuisine. delivered to the the section called “Omakase,” which rolls, for between $2.50 and $14.00 Location: 454 S. California Ave.,
a wave motion. tiently answer table. This is a gives the customer the opportunity per sushi piece. Palo Alto
The service that one receives at any questions customary ap- to create their own dinner set with The shrimp tempura ($18.00) is Hours: 11:45 a.m-2 p.m
Jin Sho is phenomenal. The restaurant about the menu, explaining and de- petizer at typical sushi restaurants. either two or three dishes from the deep fried to perfection. It contains Mon.-Fri.
tries its best to give the impression scribing aspects of any dish in great de- The food itself is extremely sushi bar, two dishes from the kitchen, four separate, crisp pieces of jumbo 5:30 p.m-9:30 p.m.
that waiting on the customer is of the tail, clearly displaying a deep knowl- well-crafted in presentation and, most soup and dessert. The price of one of shrimp and vegetables including Mon.-Sat.
highest importance. This commend- edge for the fine art of sushi. Their importantly, in taste. Anyone with these dinner sets ranges from $60 to broccoli, carrots and sweet potato Prices: $2.50-$28.00
The Campanile A&E January 28, 2008 • B9

Little Sheep provides big taste Rick’s renders routine cuisine

Mongolian Hot Pot offers tasty soup selections By Erik Krasner-Karpen
Graphics Editor
The Bacado (bacon and avocado) Omelet ($8.59) almost
achieves greatness with its thick, juicy bacon, but the
sometimes-bruised avocados ruin the effect.
The bagels at Rick’s Café, which for some reason The eggs benedict ($11.29) show promise: the English
come with nearly every breakfast order, exemplify the muffins are crispy, the Canadian bacon is thick and the
main problem with the restaurant’s menu. The bagels are poached eggs are perfectly done. However, the hollandaise
in fact round pieces of buttered toast with holes in the on top is bland and far too thick. Since hollandaise is the
middle, which resemble bagels in basic geometry but have most important part of eggs benedict, these are probably
nothing to do with bagels in taste. worth avoiding.
Rick’s Café in Los Altos has mastered the basic The huevos rancheros ($11.89) feature reasonable
forms of American breakfast and lunch cuisine but has fried eggs over a dry, tasteless vegetable and bean mix.
misconstrued some of the details. The salsa that comes with them has an exciting taste, sweet
The design of the restaurant tries for whimsy but ends but spicy, but the dish is almost too dry to eat.
up obnoxious. Maroon and sea-foam green walls, lined Some of the more adventurous options on the Rick’s
with trite photographs of nature, jut out at inexplicable menu are the scrambled eggs with unconventional ingre-
angles. It looks sort of like a modern art museum threw dients mixed in. The flavor of the lox scramble ($12.69)
up in a Best Western hotel room. Acoustically, the design almost works, but the saltiness of the lox ends up over-
makes it impossible to talk at times: the kitchen opens whelming the rest of the flavor.
directly into the serving area, whose high roof makes it a Rick’s offers fewer options for lunch than for breakfast,
giant echo chamber. The menus follow suit: their layout but they tend to show higher quality.
makes Denny’s look modest. The burgers are tasty and filling, and their flavor
The service, at least, is top-notch. The servers make does not rely on grease or salt. Each one consists of half
pleasant conversation and they keep hot coffee on the table. a pound of juicy ground chuck on a toasted wheat bun. In
They foster the most welcoming atmosphere they can, given the Spicy Cajun Burger ($9.49), the meat comes mixed
the noise level and the food’s occasional faults. with spices that complement the meat’s flavor, though
Rick’s specializes in breakfast, which they serve until they don’t quite live up to the liveliness that the word
3 p.m. Breakfast portions are large, but is small in com- “cajun” implies.
parison to the steep price. While never inedible, breakfast The meatball sandwich ($9.89) resembles a full la-
at Rick’s tends to taste blander than it should.The waffles sagna on a French roll, with meatballs, tomato sauce and
Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile are some of the best items on the menu, crunchy with a melted cheese. While hearty and satisfying, an Italian meal
Little Sheep allows customers to create their own Mongolian soup by ordering a variety of flavorful soft interior, accompanied by a broad selection of syrups. on white bread feels a little incongruous.
ingredients. Diners may add a meat medley of chicken or shrimp balls to this mild soup of noodles. The blueberry waffle ($7.59) comes with a generous Given the number of great breakfast places such as
portion of tangy blueberry glaze on top and homemade Stacks, Joanie’s Cafe and Dinah’s in the area, breakfast
By Josh Lo pot of nutritious herbal broth. There The beef and lamb meat are juicy whipped cream on the side, which combine into a sweet at Rick’s is hard to justify. The lunch menu warrants a
Staff Writer
are two kinds of herbal broth to be and tender, cooked just right after but layered flavor. couple of tries, but not any special notice.
chosen from, medicinal and spicy. five minutes. However, the crab and The egg dishes at Rick’s reach some high notes, but
When most people think of popu- There is also the option of ordering shrimp are a little hard to eat, espe- they tend to come out wrong. They come with home fries, Rick’s Cafe
lar chain restaurants, McDonald’s may both broths with a metal divider down cially with chopsticks. The fish balls some of which are appropriately crispy and some of which
come to mind. However, many are the center of the pot to divide the two are absolutely delectable. The udon Location: 205 State Street, Los Altos
are slightly undercooked. Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily
now raving about a new Asian chain herbal broths. noodles are generally eaten last and The omelettes are well-shaped with fluffy eggs, but
restaurant, Little Sheep Mongolian Although the hot pot may be the the potato and eggplant take a while Price Range: $7-20
they come covered in an unappetizing film of grease.
Hot Pot. With over 700 restaurants only the thing on the menu, there are to cook.
in China, the Little Sheep Company about 50 types of ingredients to be All the ingredients can be dipped
is an immense success that is said to added and cooked in the hot pot. There in sauce to add more flavor. Although
outsell McDonald’s in China and has is a vast buffet from which one can cooking and eating the hot pot take a
also now spread to the United States. select various types of ingredients. considerable amount of time, the meal
There is one in Union City, and another Diners are given the independence to is definitely worth it in the end. The
that just opened in San Mateo. decide which ingredients to add from meals are not generally expensive, but
As customers enter the restaurant, the buffet table. it varies depending on the day. For
the first thing that catches their eye is Some popular ingredients that lunchtime, Monday through Friday,
the numerous decorations. They are are selected are baby corns, fish balls, the meal values at $10.99. However
smart and elegant with Mongolian udon noodles, shrimp, mussels, crab- on weekday nights, the price is about
ethnic patterns, custom attire and meat, tofu, enoki mushrooms, to ho $16 with an extra dollar added on
traditional paintings decorating the leaves and broccoli. weekends.
wall. However, the meat, generally Also, each ingredient is priced
On the adjacent wall are leafy beef, lamb and pork, are served at the differently. The meat tends to be more
bamboos growing along brick, giving table and sliced thinly for faster cook- expensive but all ingredients vary
off a natural Asian feel. The enchant- ing in the hot pot. After selecting all between $5 to $10. There is also an
ing water wall is alluring with violet, the ingredients, they are to be slowly extra charge on the spicy broth. The
green and orange colors decorating the put in the pot to avoid burning. wait for a table can be long and a little
water. There is also a special hot pot bar The meal is delicious, especially chaotic at times, but it is definitely
in the hall for people to enjoy. With the the herbal broth, which fills the nose worth visiting Little Sheep Mongolian
beautiful decorations, it sets a peaceful with various spices such as garlic and Hot Pot to see and experience what
environment for customers. Szechwan pepper. the hype is all about.
The Little Sheep restaurants spe-
cialize in Mongolian hot pots, which Little Sheep
is virtually the only item on the menu.
A hot pot is a simmering metal pot, Location: 215 Ellsworth Ave, San Mateo
in which ingredients are placed and Hours: Mon-Fri 11:30a.m-3:00p.m. and 5:30-10:30p.m.
Michela Fossati-Bullani/The Campanile
cooked at the table. Sat-Sun 5:00-10:30 p.m.
When customers are seated, Price Range: $5-10 Rick’s Cafe serves breakfast and lunch at reasonable prices, providing a cheery atmosphere. Although
they are presented with a steaming the breakfast meals offers too little taste, the lunch menu presents a variety of distinctive dishes.

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B10 • January 28, 2008 A&E The Campanile

Café serves up spicy Caribbean cuisine

Mango Café offers unique dishes at downtown Caribbean-style restaurant
By Alan Chu
Senior Staff Writer

Finding Mango Caribbean Café during night time

is not the easiest thing to do. Instead of glowing brightly
against the darkness, the structure is dimly illuminated by
a few candles inside.
The neighboring buildings are lit up like Christmas
trees in comparison to the restaurant. There are several
old-fashioned paper signs around the front that tells po-
tential customers when it is open.
The ambiance of Mango Café seems to be a clash
between a romantic outlook and a Caribbean setting.
Various wooden carvings hang decorative on the walls.
With the candles flickering below, it would almost be
romantic except for the fact that a fishnet is dangling
from the ceiling, complete with plastic fish. That and the
reggae music playing in the background quash any notion
of romance.
The sitting area consists of cushioned wicker chairs
and wicker table mats. A room is separated from the
immediate sitting area by bead curtains. To the room’s
immediate right is the entrance to the kitchen.
Right beside the room is a tiny bar. Since the bar is the
waiters’ and waitresses’ waiting station, it can be awkward
to eat there with the entire staff looking on.
Due to the closeness, the servers are almost always
on hand, efficiently fulfilling orders. Depending on the
type of fish chosen, the food can come out in 10 to 15
The Jamaican turnovers ($3.50) comes in pairs of
beef or chicken. The serving size is small and the price
does not even begin to reflect the portion size.
The beef is extremely tender but the bread’s texture
seems to blend right into the beef, making each ingredient
indistinguishable from the other.
However, the beef and the bread differ in taste as the
meat gives the whole turnover a salty taste, but leaves
little to the imagination. Only the spicing saves the dish
from being forgotten as it begins in the back of the throat
and slowly envelops the whole mouth.
This spicing is used in many other entrees as well.
The Boston Bay barbecue chicken sandwich ($8.50)
is one of the only entrees that is not heavily spiced.
Instead, it has three layers of bread and is stuffed with
cucumbers, tomatoes and a chicken lightly blanketed by
barbecue sauce.
Instead of the chicken taking the spotlight, the flavors
seem to mesh and swirl together until only the wheat bread
is left for the aftertaste. The sandwich itself is impos- Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile
sible to handle, coming apart at the seams with each bite. The Mango Caribbean Café on Hamilton Avenue in downtown Palo Alto serves unique and novel Caribbean-style food that will fill up any customer
When separated from the actual sandwich, the chicken with delicious flavors. Their dishes such as the jerked chicken and the goat curry are uncommon and hard to find at other local restaurants.
is lathered in barbecue sauce, which does not mask the
chicken’s taste. base of the stew lacks any substance, it accounts for most its taste depends on the separate ingredients of potatoes, Mango Café is unique in the fact that it is a Caribbean
The Reggae Platter ($12.00), on the other hand, is one of the salty taste. goat and carrots. style restaurant in Palo Alto. Though the dishes are novel
of the spiciest entrees. The dish comes on a huge plate, All of the ingredients absorb the base, so none of Instead of being too spicy for its own good, the curry and unique, spiciness and saltiness dominate the repertoire
with a purple lettuce bowl filled to the brim with jerked their original flavors are present. Like the jerked chicken contains the subtle spice. Fortunately, there is not a lot of of flavors. Regardless of their slightly overused subtle
chicken. On the platter are peas and rice, but the peas are and turnovers, this too has some spice, but it is not as spice mixed in the curry. spice, Mango Café will fill up any customer.
a deep magenta shade instead of the traditional green. subtle. The spice immediately jumps into the mouth and The goat meat, like every other meat, is tender beyond
The chicken looks burnt and is heavily spiced with stays put. belief. Evidently in exchange for this, the taste of the meat
pepper, which not only dominates the surface of the meat, The Mi Good ($13.00), or goat curry, is a Caribbean is lost in translation. All the meat does is just add to the Mango Café
but the taste as well. curry containing various spices and goat meat. However, texture. The carrots and potatoes mold beautifully into
Once past the peppery taste, the subtle spice sets in, the curry looks vaguely Asian with its thick brown sauce one aggregate taste.
spreading around with each bite. The rice extinguishes pooling beneath the goat meat and the vegetables. All in all, the dish may not be worth its cost. Maybe
Location: 435 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto
the spice. The plate even has plain white rice next to the bowl for a few dollars less, but the charged price would be
Hours: Sun-Wed, 11 a.m.-10p.m.
The No Problem Man jerked chicken soup ($5.50) of curry, making the dish even look more Asian. The reasonable only if the dish were made entirely of imported
Phone: (650) 324-9443
Prices: $5.00-$15.00
is basically a stew with a very thin base. Even though the base, unlike the soup, is not salty as the sea, but rather, lobster and sirloin beef.

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B10 • January 28, 2008 A&E The Campanile

Fleming’s offers upscale dining experience

Steakhouse attracts a variety of customers with its new look, healthy menu items
By Anna Waldron Although Fleming’s is a steak-
Staff Writer house, vegetarians, seafood-eaters and
poultry-lovers will all be satisfied by
A year and a half after Piatti Ris- the variety of choices on the menu.
torante closed at the Stanford Shop- Whether the customer wants their
ping Center, Fleming’s Prime Steak- food to have a Creole, Thai, Tex-Mex
house and Wine Bar has moved in. The or French influence, all those assorted
once rustic Italian restaurant has been flavors can be found in dishes across
restored to an upscale steakhouse. As the menu.
soon as customers enter through the As far as appetizers go, the jumbo
massive wood-framed glass doors, lump crab cakes ($16.50) are an ex-
they are hit with a feeling of luxury ample of why seafood lovers will be
and newness from the restaurant’s drawn to Fleming’s. Two large crab
extensive renovations. It is s if for a cakes adorned with chives and diced
moment, the customer has left Palo red bell peppers are presented on a
Alto and has walked into a hip hotel plate with a lovely, light-pink sauce
restaurant in a metropolitan city. made of roasted red bell peppers and
Fleming’s is in a massive building lime-scented butter. The cakes are
and everything inside the restaurant is delectable because the minimal bread-
huge, from its oversize leather-bound ing which leaves room for lots of fresh
menus to its diverse ethnic flavors to crab pieces. Unlike typical crab cakes,
its portion sizes. There are two large the ones at Fleming’s are not greasy or
dining rooms filled with circular tables overloaded with mayonnaise, so the
and red-burgundy leather booths crab flavor can really be enjoyed.
draped with white tablecloths. Along While there are many appetizers
the dark wood-paneled walls are to choose from, Fleming’s does not
paintings of filled wine glasses, which have a wide variety of salads. The
makes sense to have in the restaurant Fleming’s salad ($9.50) is fresh and
as Fleming’s has an extensive wine is served in a bowl, so the components
and cocktail list. of the salad can easily be mixed to-
The atmosphere is very pleasant gether. Dried cranberries and candied
and even though the restaurant is huge walnuts compliment the somewhat
and has incredibly high ceilings, there sweet lemon dressing splashed on
is a feeling of coziness. Dim lighting the romaine lettuce. The dressing is
from chandeliers and upbeat, classic favorable and is similar to a Caesar
jazz music lets diners relax and sink dressing with its anchovy flavor, but
deep into their upholstered chairs is much tangier.
and booths. After the appetizers are taken
Once seated, a friendly waiter away, so is the appetizer plate. Usu-
promptly welcomes diners to the res- ally at this time the bread basket is
Elizabeth Petit/The Campanile
taurant and shortly an appetizer plate brought out for diners to snack on,
arrives, consisting of crostini toasts, but Fleming’s serves its bread with Felming’s Steakhouse includes a variety of foods: (clockwise from top left) the tender petite filet mignon, the salad and the crab cake
celery sticks, baby radishes and two the entrees. It is an awkward time to and the jump lump crab cake. The restaurant’s flexible menu attracts many customers who want to eat healthy and delicious meals.
dipping choices: a garlic cheese spread serve the bread because the meals are
and a black olive tapenade. so big and rich that bread is almost potatoes ($7.95). The mashed potatoes that desire a taste of Thanksgiving vegetables given in the main courses. to eat rich food that promises to be
The crostini toasts are crisp and unnecessary. come with a large dollop of roasted during the off-season, they will find The vegetables are simply seasoned high-quality and satisfying. Although
garlicky, but look like bagel chips from Since Fleming’s is a steakhouse, garlic paste which the server stirs into that unmistakable turkey-dinner flavor with salt, pepper, parsley and olive oil the prices are more on the expensive
the store. Nonetheless, they are deli- it is particular about its beef and how the potatoes. The potatoes are more in this dish. and have the same flavor as the other side, the caliber, flavor and portion
cious when dipped into the whipped, it should be served. The meat is aged whipped than mashed and have a silky The Australian lobster tail vegetable side-orders. size of the food are worth the extra
cheddar cheese spread composed of four weeks and is cut daily by the smooth texture. Although customers ($56.00) was a disappointment Like the salad list, the dessert dollars.
cream cheese and scallions with a chef. Fleming’s seasons its meat with can see the amount of garlic puree because unlike the chicken and the menu is skimpy. However, after such It is a relief to finally have ac-
hint of paprika and garlic. The olive a simple combination of salt, pepper, going into the potatoes, the garlic steak, it was dry, bland and tough to a filling and satisfying meal, it is easy cess to a new restaurant filling the
tapenade, full of chopped sun-dried fresh parsley and butter and then broils does not overwhelm the flavor, so cut. The butter is served on a dish that to pass up the desserts because they empty space at the shopping center
tomatoes and garlic, is equally good it at 1600 degrees for optimum flavor the buttery and creamy accents are is held above a lighted flame. It is a are nothing special. and to have another steakhouse in
when slathered across the crispy and juiciness. still powerful. nice and interesting presentation, but The dessert sampler ($14.95) is Palo Alto that has a healthier, more
toast. The petite filet mignon ($33.95, 8 Another succulent entree is the 16 it did not liquefy the butter as lobster the best choice for diners to have a taste sophisticated menu.
Fleming’s is unique in that it oz.) should not be passed up because oz. double breast of chicken ($25.50). should and only succeeded in turning of all of the desserts Fleming’s offers
offers healthy alternatives, such as it leaves the customer savoring each Served on a hot plate, the chicken it into a clumpy mess. on one plate. On the plate are miniature +
celery sticks to the appetizer plate. bite. Although filet mignon has less is surrounded by finely-chopped Entrees consist only of meat, versions of the cheesecake, chocolate Fleming’s
Steakhouses are usually known for marbling and contains less fat than aromatic vegetables including yellow so sides of vegetables should be or- lava cake, peach cobbler and crème
serving indulgent food, but Fleming’s other cuts, it is extremely flavorful onion, thyme leaves, celery and carrots dered if customers want to get their brulée. The creme brulée outshines the Location: 180 El Camino Real,
makes it easy for customers to tailor and juicy. and is immersed in a light broth of greens. The Season’s Best Vegetables other desserts because it gives off a Palo Alto
their meals to fit their dietary needs. The filet is so tender that it cuts white wine, mushrooms and shallots. ($17.95) is a platter of sauteed mush- very pleasing aroma coming from it Hours: 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Sun-
For example, diners can request their like butter and melts in the mouth. As diners cut into the chicken, juices rooms, parsnips, tomatoes, asparagus, strong Tahitian vanilla flavor. Thurs.; 5 p.m.-
meal to be made without added salt or Customers will be very satisfied with seep onto the plate. The breast, like bok choy and stringy onions. It is an Overall, Fleming’s is a good 11 p.m. Fri.-Sat.
butter, or have their meal altered due this meal that goes wonderfully with the beef filet, is compounded with odd mixture of vegetables, but never- place to have a nice dinner because its Prices: $6.50-$56.00
to allergy concerns. a side-order of roasted garlic mashed flavor and is tender. For customers theless helps to supplement the lack of atmosphere is comforting and pleasant

Tofu House serves up tasty meals Mad Money examines

comedy within greed
By Henry Becker rice noodles and tofu. This is on medium spice.
Features Editor The waiters ask for spiciness levels beforehand
and diners should mentally prepare themselves
Walk into Tofu House in Palo Alto at 6 for what they order. They get it according to
p.m. while it is empty and it appears aver- iron-tongued tastes. By Jillian Liu mother who is constantly conflicted between
age, out-of-the-way and slow. Things are just Like other spicy dishes, the assorted Staff Writer her strong moral values and her needs. One
heating up. mushroom tofu ($9.24) imbues its spici- example is when she finally agrees to try and
In ten minutes, the sparsely decorated ness into the tofu excellently and also adds Callie Khouri’s Mad Money is an excit- sleep with a suspicious guard (Roger Cross)
dining rooms are filled with hungry people and mushrooms ing ride with a trio of women as they rob the who likes her in order to prevent him from
the kitchen, which has been busy preparing and greens for a variety of flavors. Ar- Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. The film selling them out, so she will be able to stay
for hours, is producing food in factory fashion rowroot cold noodle with thornback ($9.24) captures hilarity, fun and, above all, a sweet with her children. Holmes’ Jackie acts so
with good quality. is an example of the cold noodle dishes and friendship, while questioning morality and cutesy that it’s funny.
Owner Jim Huang has made a living resembles a mass of red wire. The piled red mocking human nature’s attitudes toward a With these actresses perfectly embodying
with Tofu House, his second restaurant of the noodles are peculiarly topped with a hardboiled monetary definition of success. the feelings of their characters, Khouri man-
same name and continues to build off of an egg as a palette cleanser. While the noodles In Mad Money, Diane Keaton plays ages to shy away from the movie becoming a
extensive knowledge of Korean Tofu. This are served cold, the spice bites back almost Bridget Cardigan, an upper-middle-class female version of Ocean’s Eleven.
tofu isn’t the bland, industrial, preheated tofu as an afterthought. Spicier than the other woman caught in a sinking economy who As the plot develops, it becomes clear that
from boxed miso soup. The tofu borrows rich dishes, it only begins erupting in the mouth desperately tries to help her unemployed the movie exaggerates disregarding morality
flavoring from a punch of foreign sauces to halfway through the next bite. The hot-cold husband and herself from getting deeper and and greed for money in order to mock it, and
compliment its rich texture, typical of Korean combination works, though. It’s the perfect deeper into debt. that Mad Money in fact serves to show the
“soft” tofu. The tofu can take on any taste the winter dish. After finally resorting to a janitorial job heartwarming friendships and strengthening
dish’s spices provide, like eggs or habañero The BBQ beef ($11.55) was the most with one of the most secure banks in America, bond that can arise from years of partnership
sauce. Plates are priced from $9 to $12 and disappointing of the dishes. Cutlets of beef are Bridget sees on her first day millions of out-of- and excitement.
are large, even for the hungry. given on a minimalist onion platter still warm circulation dollars being shredded, whereupon Mad Money’s success is also upheld by
There’s no nonsense about the menu, just from the kitchen. The meat is well cooked, but she immediately devises a plan to get her its format. The story is told by the various
21 dishes broken down into soft tofu ($9.24), bland compared with the other dishes. It tastes hands on some. characters in a narrative, which adds to the
cold noodle dishes ($9.24), BBQ dishes like a normal beef platter anywhere else. Its After drafting the building blueprint and suspense as the audience wonders what is
($10.70 for lunch and $11.55 for dinner), volume is the only attention-grabber, a plate gathering her ideas together, Bridget pulls two going on.
bibimbob (a type of vegetable and rice dish for the truly starved. Bibimbob is as hard to more bank employees into her scheme: Nina However, this also leaves things unsaid,
cooked in stoneware for $11.54) and one tofu describe as it is to pronounce. BBQ pork and (Queen Latifah), a single mother of two who and the conclusion seems to leave the audience
salad ($3.46). For drinks, Tofu House serves vegetables came in sizzling stone bowl. One simply wants her sons to get a good education hanging in a confused state of mind, wanting
only sodas and tea ($1). first notices the unbroken egg yolk on top of Stacy Levichev/The Campanile
and Jackie (Katie Holmes), a free-spirited girl to understand the full picture.
A single meal comes with side dishes the rice, tofu, and strings of BBQ pork. The who is constantly dancing and doesn’t seem Fortunately, Bridget, Nina and Jackie
Tofu House serves Korean cuisine in
purple rice and Korean kimchi. Kimchi itself egg yolk is supposed to be broken so that it to consider the consequences. The three begin compensate for this uncertainty with com-
its small, out-of-the-way building. working out their plan, an unbelievably simple edy and ecstatic glee that make Mad Money
is made of heavily spiced vegetables, in this helps to fry the other foods. The rice hardens
case celery and lettuce. The spice isn’t over- until it is crispy and everything gets tossed large party or family. Tofu House is the kind idea that aids them into getting everything that worthwhile.
whelming, but a word to the wise: like most together like a salad. It cools quickly and of place where after notching back the belt they want — almost.
a few holes, one walks out into the parking +
other dishes, the spice creeps up over time. is tasty, not too spicy, with the crunchy rice
lot to see it filled.
Keaton is the paradigm of lust for money, Mad Money
The side dishes also include steamed potato offsetting the soft tofu and stringed BBQ. Not and she manages to persuade her friends to
and small noodle variations. The dishes are the most satisfying dish, but it is the most continue the plan for three years, until in their
+ Director: Callie Khouri
all good and help to balance a meal meant to interesting one. Tofu House excitement for wealth, they make a fatal mis-
rest heavily with the main course. The check comes with a stick of gum, the take that alerts the authorities and takes the Cast: Diane Keaton, Queen
The soft tofu comes bubbling and boil- dessert. Tofu House hits somewhere between audience along for a hilarious ride. Latifah, Katie Holmes,
Location: 4127 El Camino Real, Palo Roger R. Cross, Ted Danson
ing in a stew pot fresh from the kitchen like cheap and stylish in its sparseness, white walls Alto With Keaton acting Bridget’s shoes, the
a miniature volcano. Its appearance works as and few menu choices, but it all works out. Hours: 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Mon-Sat audience is fooled by her greed and selfish- Rating: PG-13
a warning for future spiciness. Once the dish The food is big, not necessarily great, but Prices: $9-$12 ness as Bridget continues to want more and Running Time: 104 min.
calms down, it is a spicy mix of sauce, small satisfying and the kind of place to visit with a more. Meanwhile, Latifah takes the part of a

B12 • January 28, 2008 The Campanile

Eternal Sunshine director releases new film in

By Sara Reihani
A&E Editor

As a teenager in Paris in the early 1980s, Michel

Gondry had a dream. The city’s old-fashioned movie
theaters were rapidly being replaced by multiplexes and
the small theaters were being destroyed.
“I always thought I could take one [theater], gather
a community of people, give them a camera and let them
shoot their own film,” Gondry said. “To watch it, they
would pay the money that they would usually pay to watch
a Hollywood movie, and then use that money to finance
the next film. Every week they would make a new film.
When I had the chance to make this story, I created a world
where this idea would work. I’m not sure it would work in
real life, but I believe it’s possible. I’m a utopian.”
From this idea grew the director’s most recent movie,
Be Kind Rewind, which premiered at Sundance Film Festi-
val in Utah on Jan. 20 and is set to be released on Feb. 22.
The comedy stars Jack Black and Mos Def as employees
of the titular video store in Passaic, New Jersey.
After a freak magnetic accident erases their entire
inventory, Black and Def attempt to appease angry cus-
tomers by remaking all the movies in the store, a process This edition featuring
they call “sweding.” The homemade versions are an un-
expected hit, and soon the whole community is involved Erik Roberts
in their creation. with The Campanile’s own
Gondry’s trademark low-tech style, which eschews
conventional digital effects in favor of more hands-on Peter Lee and Ryan Pfleiderer
image manipulation, is taken to new heights in Be Kind
Rewind. The “sweded” movies reveal the camera tricks
The Campanile: Where’d the nickname “Sunshine”
of the extremely low-budget and the makeshift quality of
sets and costumes. come from?
“I try to shoot people in an honest way,” Gondry said. Erik Roberts: Paly legend, I guess. I don’t know. There
“I don’t want to show people being condescending to the
are a bunch of different theories about it. Some people
audience, or do the opposite by being condescending to say it’s because I wore yellow a lot, another person said
French director Michel Gondry, poses for a self-portrait shot. Gondry’s new movie, Be Kind Rewind,
an actor. I like to keep people on a horizontal level.” I smiled all the time in middle school, but I think it was
which will be released Feb. 22, will incorporate a low-technology filming technique called “sweding.” actually from flag football in seventh grade.
Gondry is known for a visual style that he calls “gentle
chaos,” which employs surreal, fluid and dreamlike im- “I would not have done [the Director’s Label DVD] on As a follow-up, Gondry created “Michel Gondry TC: We noticed you wear a lot of Abercrombie. What’s
agery. He began directing as a graphic design student in my own,” Gondry said. “I would have been embarrassed. Solves a Rubik’s Cube With His Nose” in 2007. In it, he the deal with that?
Paris, creating music videos for his band Oui Oui. His But being side-by-side with Jonze and [video artist] Chris is seen with his nose a few inches above a tiny Rubik’s ER: Well, I have this hella rich grandmother in Europe and
work attracted the attention of Icelandic singer Bjork, Cunningham was really great; we could promote them by Cube on a table. As his brow furrows and he grunts with she always sends me these Abercrombie gift certificates
and their first collaboration, the 1993 video for “Human talking about each other’s work, and it was a very nice seemingly herculean effort, a pair of hands pop out of his for $400.
Behavior,” won him countless accolades. experience.” nostrils and quickly solve the cube. The video is currently TC: Do you like the brand?
Since then, Gondry has directed videos for Beck, Kylie Gondry plans to put together a new DVD in the near available on YouTube. ER: No. All their ads only have white people in them and
Minogue, Devendra Banhart, Radiohead, Sheryl Crow, future that will feature his latest work. Many of the short Be Kind is the second movie Gondry has both written only Asian people shop there. But it’s decent quality stuff,
The Rolling Stones, Daft Punk, Kanye West and most films that will likely be included on the new DVD are and directed; his first was The Science of Sleep (2006). it’s soft and comfortable.
recently Paul McCartney. His commercial work includes currently available on YouTube, where Gondry has posted Gondry has not yet directed a feature film in his native TC: Do your parents buy your clothes?
advertisements for GAP, Smirnoff, Polaroid and Levi’s. numerous videos, including sweded trailers for Be Kind French, although he did write and direct a French short ER: Sometimes, or sometimes I’ll go with friends. I
His Levi’s commercial, “Drugstore,” is in the Guinness Rewind and a parody of the famous Blendtec “Will It film in 1998. get little girls to pick out my wardrobe. Like junior and
Book of World Records as the most award-winning com- Blend?” promo series called “Will it Deblend?” In 2006, “I think the fact that I am not English can protect sophomore friends.
mercial of all time. Gondry posted a video entitled “Michel Gondry Solves me from embarrassment when I direct,” Gondry said. “It TC: Did you get a haircut recently?
He won critical acclaim and a Best Original Screenplay A Rubik’s Cube With His Feet.” feels safer because it’s not my language. To be honest, I
ER: Neal Ketchum said I had a lion’s mane last year, so
Academy Award for his collaboration with screenwriter “YouTube is interesting because you immediately never thought I would be able to write [a movie]. I’m glad
I sheared that off junior year. And short hair is better for
Charlie Kaufman on 2004’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spot- access a wide range of people,” Gondry said. “It is sort I did, because it’s amazing: the feeling you have when
less Mind, which he directed. of democratic, but you are still looking for fame. There is you emerge in your story, the feeling that everything
“I try not to take on a style from somebody else,” something very vain and very egotistical about posting on is possible. It’s really exciting; but of course, I’m more TC: What’s with the highlights? Are you going for
Gondry said. “I think the style must come from what you YouTube. I’m advertising myself, basically.” skilled in directing.” the surfer look?
have to say rather than what you have seen before.” Gondry took down the YouTube video of him solv- Gondry’s next project is a film called Master of Space ER: I don’t know, I was taking all of my pictures for
Gondry’s unique methods place him in a lineup of in- ing the cube with his feet due to the volume of negative and Time, based on the 1984 Rudy Rucker novel of the Facebook and MySpace, and my hair kept getting
novative directors who are bringing techniques from music comments the video received. The video was actually a same title. Ghost World screenwriter Daniel Clowes is underexposed; it blended in with the dark backgrounds,
videos into cinema, a group that includes David Fincher reversed footage of him messing up an already previously slated to adapt the book. so I wanted it to stand out a little bit. I used to be blond
(Se7en, Fight Club) and Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being solved cube While his films may not be conquering the box office, when I was little, so I wanted to get back to that.
John Malkovich). Jonze and Gondry worked together on the “I couldn’t stand being insulted 2000 times per day,” Gondry continues to work on his own terms. “I don’t know TC: Do you Photoshop your Facebook photos?
release of Spy Pictures’ “Director’s Label” series in 2003. Gondry said. “Sometimes when people insult me [on about being commercial or not, to be honest,” Gondry ER: Some. I really like computers, so it’s kinda fun to mix
Gondry’s DVD, The Work of Michel Gondry, included a YouTube] I make up a fake name and write ‘your mother said. “I’m just trying to entertaining myself. Hopefully, photography and computers.
collection of music videos, short films and a documentary is an elephant’ or something else silly and stupid, and it at least few people will like my movie, and then I can TC: What do you want to do when you grow up?
about Gondry called I’ve Been Twelve Forever. makes me feel better.” make another one.” ER: I want to go into medicine, like BME [Biomedical
Engineering]. That mixes science, engineering and
medicine, so I like that.
TC: Your Facebook profile says you’re conservative.
What is it like being at Paly and being conservative?
ER: You should ask Tyler Blake, he’s a little more
conservative than me. I’m not like, into Democrats or
Republicans, I think they’re both full of crap. My views
are pretty mixed: I’m extreme on both sides, so I guess I
am kind of in the middle. Where did you guys get all of
your information?
TC: From Facebook.
ER: You shouldn’t believe everything you read on
TC: How’s your love life been since Chelsea
ER: Chelsea was hella long ago. I’ve been dating chicks
from other schools, like Belmont.
TC: How do you meet them? Do you party a lot?
ER: Through friends just around, I’m not really into the
whole party thing. I’m kind of beyond that. I don’t want
to be a punk teen; I have big dreams, and I don’t want to
screw that up. I have bigger fish to fry later.
TC: What’s your life goal?
ER: I really want to become a doctor, have financial security
Stormy and travel a lot. I want to help people, people don’t help
other people enough.
Weather TC: Are you single right now?
ER: I’m dating, I mean, I’m not really into a relationship.
Julia Benton I want to meet more people, and get to know them. I’ve
Elizabeth Petit dated a couple of chicks.
TC: What is your perfect date?
Upon returning to school ER: Definitely not dinner and a movie, I would have to say
from winter break, students beach, like Capitola or Santa Cruz. Have dinner on the
wearing rain boots, scarves water, take a stroll into the sunset and see what happens
and mittens flooded indoors from there.
to escape the rain and wind. TC: So are you paying for college?
Paly began the new year ER: Yeah, I’m trying to save my money. I’ll wait until
dashing from class to class I’m loaded to buy a Porsche
while carrying umbrellas TC: Are you a reckless driver?
and dodging puddles. ER: I’m a smart teen driver. I’m not going to speed when
there are cops. I went 110 miles per hour on Christmas
morning. We spend a lot of time traveling from one place
to another, so I want to minimize that time.
TC: You’re a second semester senior now. Are you
going to let your grades slip a little?
ER: No actually, I was going to pull it together this year.
I started off with a bang, and I want to end with a bang.
TC: Any parting words?
ER: People need to be more honest. A lot of people here
are fake. People need to stop judging each other just based
on looks. People look at someone and label them. Take
five minutes to talk to someone to get to know who they
really are.

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