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“Everything must go somewhere”

In today’s society it seems impossible to avoid the undesirable waste

(garbage) in our environment. Plastic bags, Styrofoam, plastic bottles and
wrappers are just some example of our waste. Unfortunately, this
unwanted garbage we often seen on streets, in fields and even in our
waterways and most of these items are non-biodegradable, they will
remain in the environment because it will not decompose. Garbage is
visually unattractive and eventually provides breeding ground for
disease-carrying insects and rats. Thus, it is a threat in our health.

Everybody should know on how to dispose their garbage properly.

Therefore, they must learn the proper segregation or in separating
garbage and where to put in. It all starts within us. We as a human being
have a big responsibility to take in action. We must not only throw trash
in our trash can, we must learn also on how we can reuse it, reduce it,
and recycle it. Remember everything must go somewhere.

Do what is right before it’s too late. Take some time, action and think
about your trash: the next generations depends on it.

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