Class 6 (B11)

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Basic 11 (Class 6)

We start at 21:15 p.m.

Don’t forget to turn on your camera. Thank you! 😃

Vera is throwing a party on Saturday.

I’d love to go, but I’m busy that day
Do you want to go to the festival with me?
Do you want to go with me to the festival?

After the graduation ceremony, there is a party

When you receive a gift, you say thank you.
Write a paragraph about your favorite Peruvian festival or holiday (10 lines minimum).

Duration: 20 minutes
Don’t forget to:
Type your text on a Word document
● Use word partnerships with party
● Use so, too, neither and/or either
● Use vocabulary about festivals and holidays Letter size: Arial 12
● Use time clauses with before, after and/or when
Send your document on CANVAS

Maximum grade: 2 points

Go to TAREAS Click on “Seleccionar Click on “Submit

Click on “Start archivo” and look for Assignment” to send
and send it here Click on “Upload File”
Assignment” your document your document
Let’s answer together
1. Where are the people?

They are ________________.

2. What are they doing?

I think they are ________________.

3. What kind of stories do you think they are telling?

I think they are telling _________ stories.

4. What is a fairy tale? Choose the correct definition.

a) It’s a traditional story, usually written for children, which often

involves imaginary creatures and magic

b) It’s a historical event that changed the world significantly.

5. What is a famous fairy tale you know?

I know ______________. It’s about _____________

Look at the pictures and answer

What is this unit about?

a) It’s about stories

b) It’s about nutrition
c) It’s about technology

● Describe a story and explain why people like it

or don't.
● Use transitions to keep a story going.
● Talk about fairy-tale characters and what
stories mean
● Describe how something is done.

To talk about stories and events

using the past continuous tense
Let’s answer together
Do you like to watch movies? Which is
I like to watch movies because ____.
your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is ____, it is about _____.

I don’t like to watch movies because ______.

PAGE 110

What do you know about the

Who are these characters? What do you know about them?
movie Star Wars?

They are __________ I know that __________ I know that __________

PAGE 110

Where are the people? What are they doing?

The people are on a train/a subway The people are ______

PAGE 110

3 2
5 7

1 4

What happens in the video?

First, ____. Second, _____. Then, ______. Later, ______.

Next, _____. After that, ____. Finally, _____.
Let’s answer together

Who are the people under the costumes? The people under the costumes are _______

Why are they acting out the Star Wars

They are acting out the Star Wars story because _____

How would you feel if you saw these

If I saw this, I would feel _____________
characters in public?
Let’s answer together

Have you ever seen this TV show Which is your favorite TV

What is it about?
before? series?

Yes, I have
It’s about ________ My favorite TV series is _____

No, I haven’t
VOCABULARY: Read the sentences and choose the correct answer
1. A story / history is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain.

2. This story is invented and created by the imagination. In other words, it is a real / made-up story.

3. My best friends usually invent stories. In other words, they make up / buy stories.

4. You cannot predict the future. In other words, the future is predictable / unpredictable.

5. Some sports are nonviolent / violent because they are aggressive.

6. Some movies are hard to follow / easy to follow because they are difficult to understand.

7. Fantasy / Real stories are imaginary and they usually involve magic.

8. 4D games are realistic / unrealistic because they represent and show things as they are in real life.

9. My parents always narrate a new story. In other words, they tell / say a new story.

10. Game of Thrones tells the story of / says the story of three royal families fighting for control of a made-up world.

11. True Detective is really interesting. The story is about / The history is about a small team of detectives solving one major crime.

12. Batman and Spiderman are real people / characters because they are people represented in a film, play, or story.

13. Harry Potter movies come from books. In other words, Harry Potter movies are based on / make up a book.

14. Cinderella is a character in / on a story. It tells the story of a woman who achieved happiness and married a prince.
Read about two popular TV shows. Which one is more interesting? Why?

Which one is more interesting?

I think _____ is more interesting because _____

Let’s practice with a partner

Which is your favorite TV show?

My favorite TV show is _____, the

characters are _____. The story takes
place in _____. It is / isn’t based on a
book. It is about _____. I think this
series is _____.


Which is your favorite TV show?

1) Friends
2) Rachel, Mónica, Ross, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey My favorite TV show is Friends, the characters are
3) New York Rachel, Monica, Ross, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey. The
4) No, it isn't story takes place in New York. It isn’t based on a book.
5) A group of friends It is about a group of friends. I think this series is easy
6) Easy to follow, realistic and not violent. to follow, realistic, and it is not violent.
ACTIVITY Graded or Ungraded? Deadline (Plazo de entrega)

Workbook (page 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49) Ungraded Thursday 15th until 20:00 p.m.

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