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Life, Intermediate, Unit 3 Test


1 Use the word given in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Secretly____________ , I never really liked our holiday home, even though I told my parents that I did.
1 ____Diving________ can be dangerous if you don’t follow safety procedures. DIVE

2 I’m ___passionate_________ about the sea – I really love it. PASSION

3 ___Rowing_________ is a popular sport at many British universities. ROW

4 Amy spoke _angrily___________ about how people had sent her hate mail. ANGER
5 I loved our visit to the Eden Project in Cornwall – it was a ___memorable_________ day out. MEMORY

6 They carried the priceless old table_gently___________ into the museum. GENTLE
7 _Bravely___________, Grant went back into the house to help other people. BRAVE

8 __Conservation__________ of the rainforest is a key part of the government’s plan. CONSERVE

9 Please drive _carefully___________. Those roads are dangerous, especially at night. CARE
10 We had a very __enjoyable__________ time at the concert. ENJOY
(10 points)

2 Decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits the gap in each sentence. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 ____________ is a fun sport you can do underwater.
A Jet-skiing B Snorkelling C Windsurfing
1 You can drink the fresh water in the ____________.
A lake B sea C ocean
2 Our holiday was boring at first, but ____________ better in the second week.
A set B had C got
3 Jamie never really ____________ himself seriously. He likes to have fun.
A makes B puts C takes
4 I don’t like being ____________. I prefer being with other people.
A with myself B on my own C at my alone
5 Please get ____________ the pool. It’s time to go home.
A off B away C out of
6 It was ____________ with rain all night.
A pouring B falling C throwing
7 Fire! Quick! ____________ your bag and get out of the building.
A Hold B Clutch C Grab
8 It was ____________ hot on the beach yesterday. It was almost forty degrees!
A boiling B frying C cooking
9 You have to be really ____________ to win the lottery.
A luck B lucky C luckily
10 After swimming across the river, Joe was so tired he ____________ out of the water and collapsed.
A wandered B turned C crawled
(10 points)

3 Choose the correct verb form (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 I first ____________ June while she was teaching in Japan.
A met B was meeting C had met
1 One hundred years ago, people in this region ____________ enough to eat.
A didn’t have B weren’t having C hadn’t had
2 Our car broke down as we ____________ home.
A drove B were driving C had driven
3 We wanted to go to Mexico for our holidays because we ____________ there before.
A went B were being C had been
4 Hello, Helen. I thought you ____________ in the Manchester office this week?
A worked B were working C had worked
5 At the airport, Sam couldn’t get on the flight because she ____________ her passport.
A forgot B was forgetting C had forgotten
6 When I was a student I ____________ my weekends studying in the library.
A spent B was spending C had spent
7 By the time we got to the party, most people ____________. Only Ruth and Susie were there!
A left B were leaving C had left
8 We decided not to go out because it ____________ and we didn’t have an umbrella.
A rained B was raining C had rained
9 I was working on my computer when it suddenly ____________ working.
A stopped B was stopping C had stopped
10 As soon as I got to the bus stop I realized I off ____________ the heating.
A didn’t switch B wasn’t switching C hadn’t switched
(10 points)

4 Complete the text with the correct past simple, past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. There is an example at the beginning (0).
On 26th December 2004, a deadly tsunami in the Indian Ocean (0) __killed__________ (kill) more than
230,000 people. Many holidaymakers (1) __were__________ (be) among the dead.

Here is one person’s story. ‘We (2) _were staying___________ (stay) in a beautiful beach village called
Unawatuna when the tsunami (3) (reach) reached us. We (4) had arrived____________ (arrive) in the

resort only three days before. It was all so sudden. In fact, it (5) __took__________ (take) just a few
seconds for a wall of water of about two metres in height to start coming into our hotel.
Immediately, we (6) ___ran_________ (run) outside. Everybody (7) _was shouting___________ (shout) and
screaming. My younger brother realized he (8) __had left__________ (leave) his money and passport in

the hotel so he tried to get back in. I (9) _grabbed___________ (grab) him around the waist. Just in time.
The hotel doorway (10) _collapsed___________ (collapse) suddenly. It was the scariest moment of my
(10 points)
The survivors of the USS Indianapolis
On 30th July 1945, an American ship called the USS Indianapolis was returning from a secret mission in
the South Pacific when a Japanese submarine fired two torpedoes and sank it. Most of the ship’s crew
escaped before the ship went under the water, but they found themselves in the middle of the ocean,
without any lifeboats. For the next five days, until an American ship arrived to rescue them, the men
could only stay together and swim. At the time of the rescue, out of a crew of 1,196, only 317 men had
survived. Of the rest, most had died of thirst or salt water poisoning, and many had got exhausted and
drowned. Others had died from shark attacks. The survivors were in shock. They had lived in fear of
being eaten by sharks for five days. It was something they would never forget.
Since 1960, the survivors have been meeting for reunions in Indianapolis to see their old shipmates, tell
their stories and remember the worst week of their lives. In 2015, 14 of the 31 remaining survivors got
together for the 70th anniversary of the incident. It was not lost on the hundreds of family members,
friends and dignitaries in attendance that there may not be a similar gathering on the 75th. The reunions
have been held annually for the last few years (after being biannual for several years before that), but
with most of the survivors in their nineties, a vote is now taken every year whether to continue. ‘Our
numbers are dropping fast,’ says Harold Bray, a retired police officer from Benicia, California, who at 88
is the youngest survivor left. ‘We’ve lost three since the last reunion. It’s really tough to belong to a club
like this.’
The reunion, however, doesn’t only remember the terrible experience the men had in the waters of the
South Pacific. It also recalls the secret mission the USS Indianapolis had carried out four days before the
ship sank. The crew of the Indianapolis had landed at Tinian Island south of Japan and delivered the
components for the atomic bomb that would be dropped on Hiroshima less than two weeks later. By the
time the survivors recovered from their ordeal – most were close to death when they were accidently
spotted by a passing air force pilot – World War II was over.

5 You are going to read an article about the survivors of the sinking of a ship. For questions 1–10,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
0 On 30th July 1945, the USS Indianapolis was
A going to the South Pacific on a mission.
B heading towards Japan to carry out another mission.
C sailing on its way back from a mission.
D returning to the South Pacific from the USA.
1 Most of the men on the ship died
A as soon as the ship sank.
B within five days of the ship sinking.
C while trying to get into lifeboats.
D after being rescued.
2 The main reason why the men died was
A from not having fresh water to drink.
B because sharks attacked and killed them.
C from exhaustion.
D as a result of shock after the ship sank.
3 The reunions have always taken place
A at the same time of year.
B in the same location.
C over a one-week period.
D on a ship.
4 At the 2015 reunion,
A all the remaining survivors of the disaster came to the event.
B there were only survivors of the disaster at the event.
C they celebrated the 75th get-together since the disaster.
D not every survivor was able to attend the event.
5 Many people at the 2015 event
A felt that it had lost its original purpose.
B were there for the first time.
C felt that it was perhaps one of the last.
D were critical of its organization.
6 The article says that reunions
A now number seventy or more.
B haven’t always happened every year.
C have always ended with a vote.
D are usually a biannual event.
7 Since the last reunion
A three of the survivors died.
B two years passed by.
C the youngest of the survivors died.
D it’s been hard to keep in touch.
8 According to the article, the mission of the USS Indianapolis in July 1945
A is still a secret.
B is always remembered at the reunion.
C was a disaster.
D was forgotten for a long time.
9 The article does not reveal
A when the secret mission took place.
B what the ship carried on its mission.
C if a reunion has taken place since 2015.
D the place the ship went to.
10 The survivors were rescued
A before the secret mission was completed.
B after an organized search.
C when an air force pilot saw them in the sea.
D after the end of the war.
(10 points)

6 [Track 106] You will hear two people talking about doing water sports. For questions 1–10, complete
the sentences with a word or short phrase. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Speaker 1
0 Jet-skiing is enjoyable for adults as well as _teenagers___________ .
1 Learning how to jet-ski is _easy___________.

2 Whenever you go jet-skiing, make sure you are wearing a ____life jacket________ correctly.
3 It’s important not to ___speed up _________ when you try jet-skiing for the first time.
4 Turning the jet-ski and _moving___________ from one side to another are two things to practise when
you are a beginner.
5 Always __look around you__________ when jet-skiing so that you are aware of other people in the sea.
Speaker 2
6 The speaker and her brother first tried snorkelling __on holiday__________ last summer.

7 The speaker and her brother got their equipment from a shop in __sport center__________ not far
from where they were staying.
8 The speaker says that __using the mask________ was difficult when she first went snorkelling.
9 The speaker found most fish not far from ___the fishing boat_________ .

10 The speaker says that the weather was __boiling hot__________ on the day she went snorkelling.
(10 points)

7 Read the task below.
Think of a photo you have that you took on holiday and write about the story behind the photo.

Write your story (approximately 200 words). Make sure you:

• write about who or what is in the photo and what you were doing when it was taken.
• include interesting verbs and adjectives.
(10 points)

8 Read the task below and talk to a partner.

Prepare to tell a friend about one of the following:
• a time you got lost
• a time you missed a bus, train or plane
• a time you forgot an important event

(10 points)
I still remember when I was about 14 years old, I went to Sam Son beach. At
first everything was alright. Right after I had taken a picture with my family,

I swam quite far with my swimming float but I was attacked by a big wave
then my swimming float was flipped. Unfortunately, I couldn’t swim, I tried

to struggle under the water. As a result, I swallowed salt water while I was
trying to swim through the surf zone. I didn’t know what to do, all I thought

I need to do at that time was to find my swimming float, so that I could

swim to the safe area. However, the waves kept coming, I couldn’t go up to

take a breath. I though my life was going to end.

Luckily, my dad finally found that I was not there and he started going to

find me. When he saw me, I was nearly at the bottom of the sea. And then
he brought me to land, luckily, I didn’t have any problems except choking

of water. That was the most terrible experience in my life. After that I am
always afraid of going to the beach. I have learned my lesson. I shouldn’t

have swum so far from the land.

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