Script Cinderella Fixxx

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named cinderella she was lived with her stepmother

step sister they treat Cinderella fairy badly. Cinderella was treated like a servan, clean the house,
washing the clothes, wash the dishes and all the house work.

Ibu tiri : Cinderella Cinderella!

Cinderella: Yes I'm coming what can I do for you?

Ibu tiri: Look at this the floor is dirty, clean up quickly!

Kakak tiri: No no no! I’m hungry Cinderella make me some food

Ibu tiri: Alice the floor is dirty!

Kakak tiri: Mom I'm hungry!

Ibu tiri: I don’t care the floor is dirty!

Cinderella: Yes mom I will do it right now

Kakak tiri: Look at that! There’s a rat, kill it now!

Cinderella: No! Don’t kill it, please let it go

Ibu tiri: Cinderella are you sure?

Cinderella: Yes I’m sure mom, if we let it go it won’t comeback

Ibu tiri: Okay... Then, now the floor and cock some food. You can’t dinner tonight because you let
the rat go!

Cinderella: Yes mom

Narator: Mean while in the Castle...

Pangeran : It’s time for me to get married. But with whom I have to marry? Hmm I don’t know I
think, I need to throw a Party. And to invite all ladies in this country.. And then choose who i deserve
to marry

Pengawal: It’s right prince, i hope you can find someone who can be your partner.

Narator: After that the Castle’s Guard spread the invitation letter to every girl. All lodidies in the
castle Could Come to that party. Then the Guard had come to the Cinderella’s house and give an
invitation letter.

Pengawal: Excuse me, hello I have an invitation card, its for you and all the girls in your home.

Kaka Tiri: OMG thank u!

Kaka Tiri: Oh mom, I have a good news. Read it!

Ibu Tiri : what does it say ?

Kaka Tiri: It's says that every woman is invited to ball.

Ibu Tiri: Then we must go there.

kaka tiri: Ooh.. I want to look beatiful woman in the ball.

Cinderella: Mom, May go to the ball too, i never go to ball before.

Kaka tiri: You want to go to ball?? Are you crazy!! The guard will kick you from there

Ibu tiri: Stay at home or i will throw you to the jungle

Kaka tiri: poor you, cinderella!!

Narator: After they left, Cinderella sit in her kitchen and start crying, suddenly, a fairy come to her

Ibu peri: What happen Cinderella, why are you crying?

Cinderella: Who are you??

Ibu peri: I will help you, what do you want??

Cinderella: Actually, i want to go to the ball, but i dont have a dress and my stepmother forbid me to

Ibu peri: Dont be afraid i will help you

Narator: The fairy waver her magic wand and make Cinderella have a very beautiful dres and a pair
of glass shoes she also make six mice to be horse and two coachmen, and change the pumpkin into a

Cinderella: Woah... It’s amazing!!

Ibu peri: Cinderella you can go now... But remember the magic only last until midnight, you should
back before then

Cinderella: Oke fairy, thankyou!

Narator:in that party,the prince feel so bored all ladies invited prince to dance with the but the
prince didn't want to do it then.when cinderella came lately.she was very suprised and fall ini love

Cinderella look like a beautiful Princess.but no one knew of she was Cinderella.except.fairy and the

Kaka tiri:will you dance with me?

Pangeran:i'm sory ,i cant

Kaka tiri:but why?

Pangeran: i'want to see my mother now thaks for the offer

Pangeran:Ooouh the beautiful girl will you dance with me?

Cinderella:yess,i will


Pengeran:youre so beautiful,can i ask you something!


Pangeran:my i know your named?

Cinderella:absolutely,my name is
Narator:suddenly cinderella see the big clock show that it is eleven to twelve in the midnight.she
suddenly run

Pangeran:what happened cinderella?

Cinderella:i'm sory prince i must go now !

Pangeran:wait...wait please tell me your name

Pengawal: i’m so sorry prince i cant stop him

Narator:cinderella run fast and make on or her glas shoes left when she runaway,cinderella has
leave the part

Narator : in the next day Prince and his guard looking for the owner of glass shoes, but no one can
use that shoes.

Then they come to Cinderella house.

Pangeran : excuse me... Wait

Ibu tiri : oh... the prince what happened? What can I do for you?

Pangeran : do you have a daughter? Did she come to the party last night?

Ibu tiri : Alice come quickly!

Kaka tiri : why did you call me mom?, Oh Prince what happened?

Pangeran : I looking for Shoes owner, please try this!

Kaka tiri : look ! I’m the one you are looking for

Pangeran : how many daughter do you have?

Ibu tiri : just her, I don’t have any daughter

Pangeran : what is that?! Let me check it... Who is she?

Ibu tiri : she is our servant

Pangeran : please, call her I want the girl try this.

Kaka tiri : no, I must no her

Pangeran : i want all the girl to try. Please call her

Ibu tiri : Cinderella !

Cinderella : yes mom

Pangeran: please try this. Wonderful you are the girl I have been looking for. Tell me your name!

Cinderella : Cinderella, my name is Cinderella

Pangeran : Cinderella. Will you marry me?

Cinderella : hmmm.... But

Pangeran : hmmm, why? If that the best for you. Why not?

Cinderella : sure

Pangeran : thank you Cinderella

Narator : finally, the prince bring Cinderella to the palace and marry her there. They live happy ever
after in the castle. Then Cinderella also bring her stepmother and stepsister to lived with her. Then
they are become a good stepmother and stepsister.

The message of the story: Cinderella never hated her stepmother and stepsisters who had done evil
things to Cinderella.

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