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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de San Pablo
San Pablo City
F.Y. 2021 – 2022


(Do not submit this learning module.)

Week 1
San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System
Diocese of San Pablo
Liceo de San Pablo
San Pablo City
F.Y. 2021 – 2022



This learning kit is an innovative tool produced by the SP-DCSS (Liceo de San Pablo) to
meet the standards of the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in English 10.


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of

literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine

Education Type: Secondary

Grade Level: 10
Learning Area: English
Intended Users: Grade 10


Lesson: Argumentation

Target Dates: November 8-19, 2021

Competencies: Identify key structural elements, e.g.:
o Exposition - Statement of position,
o Arguments,
o Restatement of Positions
and language features of an argumentative text, e.g.:
• modal verbs: should, must, might, and modal adverbs: usually, probably, etc.;
• attitudes expressed through evaluative language;
• conjunctions or connectives to link ideas: because, therefore, on the other hand, etc.;
• declarative statements;
• rhetorical questions;
• passive voice
o Compose an argumentative essay
Prayer before doing this module
A Student's Prayer (by St. Thomas Aquinas)
Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of
wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the
darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a
penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease
in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in
expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress,
and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ,
true God and true man, living and reigning with You and the Father,
forever and ever.



As you grow older, you tend to become more aware on issues that are happening. It can
vary from usual concerns within your family, community to matters that may largely
affect a country or society. As a person, it is normal for you to state your opinion or stand
on those issues. But behind those opinion or stand on issues, there are reasons or
explanations for which side you take. At times, some people will ask you to provide
explanations to support your claims/ideas. In this lesson, you will learn how to put your
opinions into writing. This part of the module focuses on deeply understanding the concept of
argumentation. As part of your learning tasks, you will be involved in identifying the key elements
and language features of argumentative texts. You are also expected to analyze given samples and
write your own argumentative essay based on given guideposts.

While learning this lesson, keep asking this question to yourself. Use one sentence to describe your answer.

Question: What is the main objective of an argumentative essay?




Share your thoughts!

Share your opinion about this topic by completing the table below. You can discuss this
topic with your classmate or family.
Requiring Vaccine Card in Entering Establishments
Pros Cons



For modular students, get a copy of an editorial written in English from old newspapers (e.g.
broadsheets, school publications). Cut and paste it in you notebook. For online students, use
an online editorial for this task.

Read and examine the editorial, then, answer the questions below.

1. What is the main idea portrayed by the editorial you have just read?

2. Are there evidences that support the main idea? Cite at least three examples.

3. How would you describe the way the editorial board proved its point?

4. What can you say about the use of language and the words used in the given reading

5. Were you prompted to believe the claims based on the ideas presented in the material? Why
or why not?


An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents the writer’s position or stance on a specific topic
and uses evidence to support that position. The goal of an argumentative essay is to convince your reader
that your position is logical, ethical, and, ultimately, right. In argumentative essays, writers accomplish
this by writing:

1. A clear, persuasive thesis statement in the introduction paragraph

2. Body paragraphs that use evidence and explanations to support the thesis statement
3. A paragraph addressing opposing positions on the topic—when appropriate
4. A conclusion that gives the audience something meaningful to think about.

Study the following chart about defining and explaining the parts and features of an argumentative essay:

Part/Feature Description Example

Purpose To convince the audience to To persuade online gamers that
agree with the author’s opinion or excessive online gaming is
assertion. hazardous to their health.
Introductory Paragraph
 Background The first paragraph gives the Studies have shown that
contexts or background teenagers and adults alike have
information about the issue, been hooked to online gaming to
problem, or topic. the point of being addicted to it.

 Thesis Statement It may (in) directly state the Little did they know that excessive
Information author’s position and the reasons online faming can lead to physical,
behind this stance regarding the emotional, and mental harm.

Body Paragraphs These paragraphs discuss the Physically, prolonged use of the
 Reasons reasons behind the author’s computer may lead to…
position. For each reason, there Emotionally, excessive gaming
should be at least one paragraph can take its toll on…
devoted to discussing, supporting, Mentally, those who spend
and expounding it. Facts and several hours trying to compete
figures, statistics, personal with…
experiences, or experts’ opinion
can help the author defend his/her

 Counterarguments or Effective argumentative essay There are those, however, who

opposing views from those writers recognize ideas or argue that online gaming can
who may disagree with the counterarguments from those who actually be beneficial…
author may oppose them.

They allot one paragraph to Still, the harmful effects of

 Refutation discuss this opposing view but excessive online gaming…
they also provide a discussion as
to why this opposing view is
flawed, defective, or questionable.
Conclusion This part may restate the author’s In light of the figures and medical
position and his/her reasons to records cited, excessive online
summarize his/her points. gaming can do more harm than
good to those…
It may also tell the audience what What then can we do? Here are
to do next (call to action). some…

Language Features of an Argumentative Essay

Modal Verbs Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity.
Because they’re a type of auxiliary verb (helper verb),
they’re used together with the main verb of the sentence.

Ex. Should, must, might

Modal adverbs A specific group of adverbs that gives additional meaning

to modal verbs.

Ex. Usually, probably, necessarily, actually, apparently

certainly, definitely, essentially, in fact, possibly,
Evaluative Words Positive or negative language that judges the worth of
something. It includes language to express feelings and
opinions, to make judgments about aspects of people
such as their behaviour, and to assess quality of objects
such as literary works.

Ex. Unusual, limited, ambitious, modest, small, restricted,

important, flawed, useful, significant, innovative,
interesting, careful, competent, impressive, elegant,
simple, traditional, complex, small scale, exploratory,
remarkable, preliminary, unsatisfactory
Transitional Devices The use of conjunctions or connectives to link ideas help
carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one
idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. These
devices link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly
so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between

Ex. because, therefore, on the other hand,

Declarative Statements A declarative sentence is a sentence that makes a
statement, provides a fact, offers an explanation, or
conveys information. These types of sentences are also
known as declarative statements
Rhetorical Question A rhetorical question is a question asked to make a point,
rather than get an answer. Rhetorical questions are a
useful technique in persuasive writing. As there is nobody
to answer the question, a rhetorical question is usually
designed to speak directly to the reader. It allows the
reader a moment to pause and think about the question.
For that reason, they are effective in hooking a reader’s
interest and making them think about their own response
to the question in hand.


 'Who wouldn't want to be a millionaire?'

 ‘Do we really want our planet to survive?’
 'Wouldn’t you feel happier if you could wear what you
wanted to school?'

Passive Voice Passive voice produces a sentence in which the subject receives
an action.

The passive voice can be useful in academic writing in the

following ways:

1. To avoid the first person

I will discuss Kant’s philosophical theories in this essay.


Kant’s philosophical theories will be discussed in this essay.


2. In scientific writing

The scientists added reagent to the sample. (active)

Reagent was added to the sample. (passive)

3. To emphasise the thing being acted on

Developers launched Google Translate in 2006. (active)

Google Translate was launched in 2006. (passive)

4. When the person/thing carrying out the action is not known

or unclear

Someone ambushed the troops at night. (active)

The troops were ambushed at night. (passive)



Make a draft of an argumentative essay for a given topic. Provide the key
elements using the template given.
You can choose from these topics:

1. Curfew for teenagers

2. Strict implementation of waste segregation
3. Impounding of stray dogs and cats
4. Learning martial arts in/ as a PE class/es for high school students
5. Management of time for online games
Main Argument






Study the following list of social issues. Choose one and write an argumentative essay discussing in
detail your stance and arguments regarding your chosen topic. For online learners, use your Genyo
account to submit your work. For modular student, write your essay on a typewriting. Consider the
parts and features of an argumentative essay you have just learned.
1. Curfew for teenagers
2. Strict implementation of waste segregation
3. Impounding of stray dogs and cats
4. Learning martial arts in/ as a PE class/es for high school students
5. Management of time for online games

**If you want another topic to discuss, please inform Mrs. Young.

We all have different opinions or stand regarding an issue. How show your respect to
a person whose opinion or stand is different from yours?

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