Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

In my opinion, classroom management is an important aspect in order to maintain order in a

classroom. An effective classroom management helps the students have an effective and

proficient learning environment. It also provides a safe environment for the students.

Philosophical Statement

I believe that building trust with my students will help this year be a great learning experience. In

my opinion, a talkative classroom helps students develop their communication skills and

interaction with others. Of course, there will be times for discussions and times to be focused.

I think that asking students about their days or their weekends helps create a comfortable and

trusting environment. I believe that when students feel comfortable around their teachers and

among other students it helps create an environment where students will feel comfortable to

participate more in class.

Room Arrangement

Even though my classroom is a high school classroom and it won’t be as brilliant and colorful as

an elementary classroom, it will still be decorated and a little colorful. I believe that a classroom

where students feel encouraged to come into is an important part of learning.

As students come into my classroom they will notice some maps on the walls and flags from all

around the world since this is a history classroom. Another important aspect from my classroom

is the sitting arrangement. In my classroom the tables will be arranged in circles (4 tables

together) so that 4 students can sit there. This will increase communication and this way students

can learn from others and view a topic from different perspectives. I believe that with this sitting
arrangement students will be able to turn to each other and discuss important topics in class.

Some other things that they will notice on the walls are posters of famous people, inspiring

quotes, and drawings from other students.

In my classroom, at one corner of the room you will be able to see my desk, which includes

paper, pencils, stapler, sticky notes, and other tools students might need in class. Additionally,

each circle of tables in the classroom includes a container of pencils, markers, highlighters, and

sticky notes that the students can use. I decided to include some materials that students can use in

case some of them don’t have them, this way every student will be prepared for class and won’t

fall behind.

At the other corner of the classroom, there will be a small shelf which has some books that the

students can read during their free time, this will also improve their reading skills. As you can

see on one side of the classroom next to the wall there is a table which has some fidget toys for

students with anxiety or concentration problems. I believe these toys can help students relax,

focus, and feel better in class.

Classroom Rules

As everyone should expect, the first rule in my classroom is the “Golden Rule”. In my classroom

respect is my number rule, students should treat others the way they want to be treated. Of course

students should follow the handbook that was given to them by the school. I also created a

Welcome Letter that includes some rules and expectations for my classroom which is included in

my Weebly website.

I would like to go into detail about some rules such as raising your hand. Whenever you need to

speak or use the bathroom, I would like students to raise their hands. This way the class won’t be
disturbed. Also, when you raise your hand for permission to speak you avoid speaking over other

students or teachers. By raising your hand you are being respectful of other students talking.

Following directions quickly is another important rule in my classroom. By following directions

quickly we create a smooth environment that will facilitate learning. The last rule I would like to

address is making smart choices. Since in my classroom there are only high school students, they

should be able to behave as such. Students should know to be responsible and behave in class.

Classroom Procedures

I believe that having a routine in the classroom would facilitate the students' learning experience.

First of all, as students walk into the classroom and take a seat, the first thing they will do is take

out a piece of paper and a pencil. In case they don’t have one, there will always be materials on

each table and my desk. One acronym that I learned throughout the years is SLANT, which is

something that I will be using in my classroom. SLANT stands for sit up, listen, answer and ask

questions, nod your head, and track the speaker. I believe that this routine will get them ready for

class, so I hope my students will SLANT as soon as they come into my classroom. Before I start

my lesson of the day, I will ask the students a bellwork, would you rather questions, or any

interesting questions that would wake them up and get them engaged in the class.

After that, the students will notice that the objective of my lessons, agendas, and homework will

be written on the board. This way the students will be ready for the lesson and will know what to

do next, it will also help them keep track of the class.

Finally, at the end of class, students will clean up their areas and I will ask a question related to

the lesson of the day, students will write their answers in a sticky note and give it to me at the

door. By answering these questions, I can keep track of their understanding of the lessons.
In terms of grading and late homework policy, in case a student cannot turn in their homework

on time, I will ask them to send me an email or to let me know about it in advance, that way we

can have communication and come to terms with a solution. I believe communication is a key

point in their education. If a student contacts me in advance I will give them one more day to

turn in their homework. The extension on the homework could vary depending on the student’s

situation. If a student doesn’t communicate on time the grade will go down. Homework and

other assignments will be due on Sundays.

Bad behavior

I do not expect bad behavior from high school students since they are older and more mature, but

of course there will always be students who don’t follow the rules. Instead of focusing on the bad

behavior I will only focus on the good. This is something I learned from my mentor when I was

doing my internship, focusing on the good. Instead of calling out a student’s bad behavior I will

call out a student who is following directions properly. I know that calling out a student for bad

behavior could embarrass them or make them feel awful. This is why focusing on the good is a

better option. When a certain student is not following directions, I will call out a student who is

following directions, this way other students will notice their mistake and correct themselves.

In case that a student is not listening at all there will be consequences. The first consequence will

be a verbal warning. The second consequence will be losing privilege, for example changing

their seat placement. On the third consequence I will be sending the student to the principal’s

office. The last consequence will be a call to the parents.

I hope there won’t be any problems in my classroom and that students follow directions properly,

this way we will have a great school year.

Good behavior

If a student excels in class there will be rewards. Of course I will not reward a student for just

following directions since that is an expectation that every student should be able to do. I will

acknowledge their efficiency following directions, but I will not praise them for it. This is

something very important that I learned from my mentor. Rewards will only be given to students

who perform exceptionally in class. Some examples of that is when a student helps another one

when they need help or when they constantly participate in class. Some rewards that could be

given are extra time for lunch. A treat, for example popcorn or cookies. Homework passes are

also rewards that could be given. In case the whole class performed exceptionally well I could

give the class free time or watch a movie together.

I believe that giving rewards is a good incentive to encourage students to do well in class. I think

that this method keeps the class interesting and engaging.


As I stated before, classroom management is a key component to maintain an effective,

proficient, and safe learning environment for students. I believe that having a routine in the

classroom facilitates and accelerates learning. When there is order and students follow directions

it creates a safe environment in which students are able to focus and engage better in the


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