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Benjamin Schweinberg

Professor Cook

ENG 1201-508

25 September 2021

Rhetorical Analysis of “A Moment Like This”

“Some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this” Leona Lewis and Kelly Clarkson

say. They both describe their most famous moments and when they felt most accomplished,

inspired and appreciated for the talent they shared which was their ability to sing. Both artists

sang this song with different background videos of them going to world-renowned talent shows

showing how incredible of a “Moment” they had. As you can see in the beginning of the music

video, they are both singing alone. They are seen in a room where nobody is there to appreciate

their talent and work they’ve put in but then, it shoots to a scene where the room is filled with

thousands of people listening and amused by the utter talent these artists share. Explaining that

before they were able to be recognized by the world they were alone and scared but then, had

their “moment” that sparked their flames. Although this isn't a spark that occurs out of nowhere

but rather, a spark that forms after long and hard work.

The writer of this song remains very brief about word choice; making this a very relatable

song. In the music video they both share their experiences of winning a talent show which is

completely different from a lot of most people's goals in life. This is a very high level they

reached but they explain in the song everyone can do it if they put their mind to it. The writers

of this song, Jörgen Elofsson and John Reid, wanted to share a message that everyone should

have goals and practice to get better while no-one's watching. When you get better everyone will

notice you and you’ll stand out of the crowd. This is a genius idea considering the popularity of
the song when it was released. They spread this message to a ton of people and it's such a simple

idea to grasp that everyone caught onto it. This made all the listeners want to shoot for their

goals such as Kelly Clarkson and Leona Lewis did.

Everyone has ideas in mind of what they want to accomplish but never sets them as

goals. Many people never complete their goals but rather try and end up failing once and giving

up. It’s very hard to tell yourself you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it and practice

it but the few that do figure it out, end up achieving their goals. For reference, Kelly Clarkson

was a nobody in 2000. She worked and practiced every second she could to get better and work

towards her goals in mind. She never gave up but never thought it would take her as far as

becoming a well-known artist and a celebrity. Through her hard work and dedication, she was

able to put her mind to singing and ended up auditioning for American Idol and winning it all.

Kelly Clarkson showing what can be done with the effort and commitment of practice. Anyone

in the right mindset can achieve any goal they seize to possess.

“Moments” happen when you see yourself at your best point. You will only know when

you have such a moment when deep in your heart you feel completely fulfilled as if you just had

your first kiss, 100% on a test, and even coming home to a clean and made bed. This gut feeling

is what makes you feel your best to achieve greatness and pursue your dreams compared to your

‘little’ goals. These artists have achieved their dreams of becoming world-known singers. They

accomplished their dreams by checking off their lists of challenges and goals to achieve dreams.

Their moment will never be forgotten as said in the song “Some people wait a lifetime for a

moment like this” saying that a moment like this only happens once in a lifetime. That once-in-a-

lifetime experience always sticks with you.

This song is very important to all audiences because of its diversity and reference to

society as a whole. Its main purpose is to expose everyone who is giving up on their goals and

give them a push forward; showing people what life is like when you reach that moment of

achievement. What should be taken away from this song is that you will only get your special

moment if you work for it and never give up. It takes a lot of time and effort to be the best at

something and to win first place in American Idol. Not being able to land a job, open a business

or even get a faster time in a triathlon is all procrastination. You have to work and give it your all

to succeed.

“Kelly Clarkson – a Moment like This.” Genius,


kellyclarksonVEVO. “Kelly Clarkson - a Moment like This (VIDEO).” YouTube,

YouTube, 25 July 2011,

leonalewisVEVO. “Leona Lewis - a Moment like This (Official Video).” YouTube,

YouTube, 2 Oct. 2009,

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