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Mahfud Sholihin
Accounting Department Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ayu Chairina Laksmi

Accounting Department Universitas Islam Indonesia


This study examines the relationship between Total Quality Management (TQM), Bal-
anced Scorecard (BSC), and organizational performance. In particular, this study investigates
whether TQM affects performance; and if so, whether the effect is influenced by BSC implementa-
tion. In examining the relationship between TQM, BSC and performance, this study proposes two
different models, namely intervening/mediating model and moerating model. This study employs
the intervening model to test whether the effect of TQM on performance is mediated by BSC. On
the other hand, this study uses the moderating model to examine whether BSC moderates the re-
lationship between TQM and performance. The results of this study demonstrate that both TQM
and BSC are positively and significantly associated with performance. The path analysis reveals
that partially, BSC mediates the relationship between TQM and performance. The results of mod-
erated regression analysis, however, indicate there is no moderating effect of BSC on the rela-
tionship between TQM and performance. Thus, the results of this study provide support for the in-
tervening model, but not for the moderating model. The results, however, should be interpreted
cautiously due to the limitations contained in this study.

Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, Total Quality Management, performance


Penelitian ini meneliti hubungan antara Total Quality Management (TQM), Balanced
Scorecard (BSC), dan kinerja organisasi. Secara khusus, penelitian ini menyelidiki apakah TQM
berpengaruh pada kinerja; dan jika demikian, apakah pengaruh tersebut mempengaruhi
penerapan BSC. Dalam meneliti hubungan TQM, BSC, dan kinerja, penelitian ini mengajukan
dua model berbeda yaitu model intervening/mediating dan model moderating. Penelitian ini
menggunakan model intervening untuk menguji apakah pengtaruh TQM terhadap kinerja
dimediasi oleh BSC. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan model moderating untuk
menguji apakah BSC memoderasi hubungan antara TQM dan kinerja. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa baik TQM maupun BSC secara positif dan signifikan terkait dengan kinerja.
Analisis path menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial BSC memediasi hubungan antara TQM dan
kinerja. Meskipun demikian, hasil dari analisis regresi termoderasi mengindikasikan bahwa tidak
ada pengaruh moderasi BSC pada hubungan antara TQM dan kinerja. Dengan demikian, hasil
penelitian ini mendukung penggunaan model intervening, namun tidak mendukung model
moderating. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini harus diinterpretasi dengan teliti karena
penelitian ini masih memiliki beberapa keterbatasan.

Kata kunci: Balanced Scorecard, Total Quality Management, kinerja

JAAI VOLUME 13 NO. 1, JUNI 2009: 13–28

INTRODUCTION previous empirical studies on the effect of

Increasing globalization and competi- TQM on performance provide support for the
tion in the market has driven companies to two models. An example of empirical support
adopt various new approaches, such as Total for the intervening model is provided by
Quality Management (TQM) and Balanced Kaynak (2003) who finds that there are direct
Scorecard (BSC), in managing their business- and indirect effects of TQM practices on or-
es. An analysis by Hoque (2003) suggests ganizational performance. For the moderating
there is an interaction between TQM and BSC model, supports are provided, among others,
in affecting firm performance. The aim of this by Chenhall (1997); Hendrick and Singhall
study is mainly to empirically test his proposi- (2001); and Chong and Rundus (2004). Chen-
tion. In examining the relationship between hall (1997) finds the effect of TQM on organi-
TQM, BSC, and performance, this study pro- zational performance is moderated by reliance
poses two different models, namely interven- on manufacturing performance measures.
ing and moderating effect models as portrayed Hendrick and Singhall (2001) find the effect
in figures 1a and 1b, respectively. The test of of TQM on performance is moderated by
the two models will enable us to understand firms’ characteristics, such as size and the ma-
how the mechanism of the interaction between turity of TQM implementation. Meanwhile,
TQM and BSC affecting performance. This Chong and Rundus (2004) discover that the
understanding is important both for theoretical effect of TQM on organizational performance
and practical reasons. By using the intervening is moderated by market competition.
model, this study will test whether the effect The remainder of the paper is orga-
of TQM on performance is mediated by BSC. nized as follows. The next section of this pa-
On the other hand, with the moderating model, per will discuss literature review and hypothe-
this study will test whether BSC moderates the ses development. In section three, the research
relationship between TQM and performance. method will be discussed and this will be fol-
Those two models are examined in this lowed by research findings and discussion in
study because they are “…conceptually dis- section four. The final section will discuss
tinct and should be analytically distinguished” conclusion, limitations and suggestions for
(Bisbe and Otley, 2004, p. 712). Moreover, future research.

BSC usage

TQM Performance

= Direct effect
= Indirect effect

Figure 1.a: The Intervening effect of BSC on the relationship between TQM and performance

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

BSC usage

TQM Performance

Figure 1.b: The Moderating effect of BSC on the relationship between TQM and performance

LITERATUR REVIEW AND HYPOTHE- and it is used to be seen as the doctrine that
SES DEVELOPMENT would rescue many businesses from loose
TQM and performance management technique and poor products. On
TQM is an integrated management the other hand, many executives and consult-
philosophy and set of practices that emphasiz- ants have moved on to other methods, and
es, among other things, continuous improve- while some organizations still believe in
ment, meeting customers’ requirement, reduc- TQM, it has slipped badly over its premature
ing rework, long range thinking, increased and overstated expectations. Fuchsberg (1992)
employee involvement and teamwork, process finds that many corporate quality programs are
redesign, competitive benchmarking, team- failing and the main reason for the failures is
based problem-solving, constant measurement that the programs are vague. Fuchsberg (1993)
of results, and closer relationships with sup- also maintains that small companies are strug-
pliers (Ross, 1994). Similarly, Oakland (1993, gling to keep up with big-business strategy
p. 22) defines TQM as “…an approach to im- such as TQM. Some small businesses are just
proving the competitiveness, effectiveness and not impressed with latest management trends
flexibility of a whole organization”. As main- and they only adopt total quality practices af-
tained by Wilkinson et al. (1992), the most ter being pressurized by their big clients.
convincing reason for many businesses in There even a case of a small firm, that has
adopting TQM is its promises to increase been very successful in implementing TQM,
long-term business performance and profita- that ends up filing for bankruptcy (Hill, 1993).
bility. The followers of TQM assert that, man- In brief, many companies have been disap-
agers can implement TQM in any organiza- pointed with TQM (Fuchsberg, 1993).
tions and that it generates improved products Despite the criticisms, some evidence
and services, reduced costs, more satisfied suggests that TQM do increase performance.
customers and employees, and improved bot- Errikson and Hansson (2003) investigate the
tom line financial performance (Walton, impact of TQM on financial performance in
1986). However, critics suggest that TQM im- Swedish companies. In particular, they com-
plementation involves significant costs and pare between Swedish quality award recipi-
obstacles (Powell, 1995). In addition, there is ents to branch indices and to identified com-
also a concern that the impact of TQM on per- petitors. The results demonstrate that during
formance is not conclusive (Errikson and the TQM implementation period, the award
Hansson, 2003). recipients do not necessarily perform better
Mathews and Katel (1992) elucidate than their competitors and the branch indices.
that TQM depends on small teams of workers In contrast, the award recipients perform bet-
to clean up poor procedures and work habits ter than their competitors and branch indices

JAAI VOLUME 13 NO. 1, JUNI 2009: 13–28

on all studied indicators during the post im- This result supports the contingency theory,
plementation period. The findings indicate that which is based on the common proposition
the financial performance, measured by the that organizational performance is a conse-
indicators of change in sales, change in num- quence of the fit between two or more factors,
ber of employees, and return on sales, develop such as an organization environment (i.e. mar-
more advantageous for companies that have ket competition) and the adaptation of TQM
successfully implemented TQM, than their practices. Hence, the adaptation of TQM prac-
branch indices and indicated competitors. tices and market competition jointly enhance
Another positive relationship between organizational performance. In line with other
TQM and performance is found by Prajogo TQM literature, the results of the study by
and Brown (2004). Prajogo and Brown (2004) Chong and Rundus (2004) also demonstrate
investigate the relationship between TQM that TQM practices are the primary determi-
practices and quality performance in Australi- nant of quality performance. As quality per-
an organisations. In their study, Prajogo and formance improves, cycle times are reduced
Brown (2004) make a comparison between because there is less non-value added times
organisations which have adopted formal resulting from the need to rework the defec-
TQM and those who do not have formal tive products Chong and Rundus (2004).
TQM. The first result of the study suggests A study by Kaynak (2003) examines
that TQM firms outperform non-TQM firms in the relationship among TQM practices and
most of the key elements of TQM practices as also to identify the direct and indirect effects
well as quality performance. However, the se- of TQM practices on the various dimensions
cond part of data analysis suggests that a TQM of performance. The findings as a whole sug-
program does not entirely impact quality per- gest that a positive relationship exists between
formance since it only slightly improves pro- the extent to which companies implement
cess management and strategic planning. The TQM and firm performance. The findings of
third part of findings further negates the posi- the study also show that assessment of man-
tive value of TQM programs by suggesting agement leadership is necessary when the ef-
that it does not improve the total relationship fectiveness of TQM implementation is exam-
between TQM practices and performance. Re- ined. The three TQM practices that have direct
gardless of the mixed findings, the study by effect on operating performance (inventory
Prajogo and Brown (2004) provides important management and quality performance) are
insights into the benefits of formal TQM pro- supplier quality management, product/service
grams implementation. Most importantly, the design, and process management. Meanwhile,
study reveals that TQM practices always show management leadership, training, employee
a significant predictive power on quality per- relations, and quality data and reporting affect
formance. Therefore, it is critical for organiza- operating performance through supplier quali-
tions to seriously implement TQM principles ty management, product/service design, and
as a set of practices rather than simply estab- process management; and the positive effect
lishing formal TQM programs. of TQM practices on financial and market per-
The study by Chong and Rundus formance is mediated through operating per-
(2004) also supports the positive effects of formance. From the abovementioned literature
TQM practices on organization performance. review, it can be expected that the TQM prac-
In their study, Chong and Rundus (2004) ex- tice affects performance. However, it is likely
amine the impact of market competition on the that the effect of TQM on performance is in-
relationship between the use of TQM practices fluenced by other variables.
of customer focus, and product design and or-
ganizational performance. The results of the TQM and BSC
study show that market competition is another Hoque (2003) argues that BSC usage is
important contingent (moderating) variable. a natural follow up of the TQM implementa-

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

tion in a sense that while TQM is may be TQM and JIT and specific features of man-
viewed as a strategic initiative, BSC is a sys- agement accounting systems. They also main-
tem which provide information to support the tain that there is a possibility that an important
decision making and evaluating that strategic reason some firms have not experienced per-
initiative. Kaplan and Norton (1996, 2001) formance gains from implementing TQM and
explain that by using both financial and non- JIT is reliance on inappropriate management
financial performance measures, the balanced accounting systems. Although adherents of the
scorecard (BSC) approach focuses on a set of BSC claim that it is suitable for implementa-
integrated strategic management ideas which tion of any strategy, Hoque (2003) argues that
appraise organizational performance from four a TQM firm needs a BSC-like performance
dimensions: customers, financial (or share- management system if it wants to achieve con-
holders), learning and growth, and internal tinuous performance improvement. The litera-
business processes). Although the concept of ture suggests that there should be a link be-
balanced scorecard is not new (Epstein and tween strategy and management control sys-
Manzoni, 1998); Hoque (2003) argues that the tems and that a congruent match of the two
approach can actually give benefits to organi- variables is essential to performance (Go-
zations. Firstly, the BSC helps an organization vindarajan and Gupta, 1985; Simons, 1987).
translate its vision and strategies into opera- Likewise, a performance measurement system
tional measures. Secondly, it communicates should promote actions that are congruent
strategies to all levels of the organization. The with organizational strategy (Whittington,
communication is improved by setting goals 1993; Kaplan and Norton, 1996). Otherwise,
and linking rewards to performance. Thirdly, a strategic control systems can hinder perfor-
BSC can combine strategic planning and oper- mance (Ittner and Larcker, 1997).
ational budgeting through the allocation of Concerning the relationship between
resources (budgeting) to management initia- TQM and BSC, Hoque (2003) explains how
tives in the strategic plan. Lastly, a BSC pro- all four dimensions of BSC can contribute to
vides feedback and learning. When strategies the effectiveness of TQM programs. BSC sys-
are linked to objectives and measurement of tem integrates a wide range of performance
objectives becomes a component of strategy indicators, financial as well as non-financial,
evaluation, then this provides learning as to which together can provide managers with
whether strategies are in fact working or continuous signals as to what is most im-
whether changes need to be made. Hoque portant in their day-to-day work, and where
(2003) also comments that TQM firms should efforts must be directed. Therefore, to achieve
employ BSC to identify appropriate multidi- such strategic goals, TQM firms should im-
mensional, non-financial and financial, indica- plement a BSC to identify appropriate multi-
tors to motivate and to reward employees for dimensional, non-financial and financial, indi-
achieving desired outcomes, and also to en- cators so that employees are motivated and
courage and to reward them for providing rewarded for achieving desired outcomes, and
feedback on areas where improvements can be also encouraged and rewarded to provide
made. feedback on areas where improvements can be
Chenhall (1997) acknowledges that made. By empowering employees to contrib-
global competition leads firms to enhance ute towards achieving continuous performance
their performance by adopting TQM and ad- improvement, TQM success can be achieved.
vances the notion that TQM should be devel- The strategic management accounting
oped in conjunction with management per- literature suggests that traditional accounting
formance evaluation systems that employ systems do not support the drivers of quality
measures of manufacturing processes. Sim and and the evaluation of drivers of quality, and
Killough (1998) find that performance gains that management control systems should
can come from complementarities between change to support TQM (Langfield-Smith,

JAAI VOLUME 13 NO. 1, JUNI 2009: 13–28

1997). Traditional accounting supports cost BSC and performance

and production analysis well, but not quality Kaplan and Norton (1993) contends
analysis and problem solving (Hoque and that BSC may positively affect performance
Alam, 1999). This is because quality is driven because the BSC is capable of providing con-
by non-financial factors such as product de- tinuous signals and motivating breakthrough
sign, process design, rework, and on-time de- improvements in critical activities in critical
livery. Ittner and Larcker (1998) identify that areas such as product, process, customer and
achieving a balance requires managers to per- market development. Moreover, the BSC can
form well on multiple dimensions. They rec- provide continuous signals since it incorpo-
ognise that managers need to focus on both rates both financial and non-financial
financial and non-financial measures to measures. Financial measures provide infor-
achieve organisational goals, both at a strate- mation on past performance and, “indicate
gic business unit level, and at the corporate whether the company’s strategy, implementa-
level. However, under the traditional financial tion, and execution are contributing to bottom-
focus, management is incapable of taking a line improvement” (Kaplan and Norton, 1992,
holistic view of how their actions correspond p. 77). On the other hand, non-financial
to organisations’ strategic goals attainment. measures (e.g. customer, internal business
There is also a view that non-financial per- process and innovation and learning perspec-
formance measures are better than financial tives) provide the information on the driver of
performance (Ittner and Larcker, 1995, 1997; future success (Kaplan and Norton, 1992,
Ittner et al., 1997; Banker et al., 2000). There- 1996a). Kaplan and Norton (1996b) also argue
fore, non-financial measures must supplement that BSC might function as the cornerstone for
financial measures in providing support for future success because, “…combining the fi-
TQM. Goals and objectives for non-financial nancial, customer, internal process and inno-
factors can be set and measures used to pro- vation, and organisational learning perspec-
vide feedback and rewards. BSC with its em- tives…helps managers understand …many
phasis of supplementing financial information interrelationships. This understanding can
with non-financial information then supports helps managers …and ultimately lead to im-
TQM. proved decision making and problem solving”
Yamin and Gunasekaran (1999) argue (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, p. 79). Kaplan and
that the pursuit of continuous quality im- Norton (1993, 1996a) provide evidence that
provement requires firms to identify the cogni- companies which use the multiple measure-
tive needs of employees to create a shared ment system can operate in a more efficient
values approach to quality, and must identify way.
the cognitive needs of customers in order to In a balanced scorecard, outcome
understand their buying behaviours. Accord- measures are combined with measures that
ingly, to be successful, the firm must align the describe resources spent or activities per-
cognitive needs of its customers’ values and formed (Olve et al., 2000). Traditionally,
resources. The whole drive of a TQM philoso- management control put emphasis on decen-
phy is that quality, and its management, have tralized profit goals which means that it is
to be built in from the beginning and that the mostly focused on outcomes. However, by
achievement of quality standards and im- focusing solely on decentralized short-term
provement is the responsibility of everyone profit, the management control will fail to pre-
(Morgan and Murgatroyd, 1994). For that rea- sent a large part of this fuller picture of an op-
son, it is crucial for TQM firms to have an ap- eration. Furthermore, Olve et al. (2000) argue
propriate strategic management control system that although profit is a good measure, it does
such as BSC. Hence, it can be expected that not tell us enough about how an operation is
there is a relationship between TQM practices managed. Good scorecards will combine out-
and BSC.

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

come measures, of which profit is only one, Norton, 1996, 2001; Atkinson et al., 1997; Itt-
with performance drivers. ner et al., 1997; Ittner and Larcker, 1998;
The BSC has been adopted by many Hoque and James, 2000; Malmi, 2001). How-
companies and its format and content appear ever, several authors criticize the BSC philos-
to meet several management needs (Butler et ophy. Butler et al., (1997) consider the BSC
al., 1997; Lipe and Salterio, 2000). The score- idea to be too general, often tends to ignore
card guards against sub-optimization by forc- complex corporate culture. Norreklit (2000)
ing senior managers to consider all the im- strongly argues that BSC makes invalid as-
portant operational measures together. It alerts sumptions, which may lead to the anticipation
them to improvement in one area being of performance indicators which are faulty.
achieved at the expense of another, or to an Regardless the criticisms, some au-
objective being badly met. The scorecard puts thors believe that BSC is indeed a powerful
strategy and vision at the centre. Traditional management tool. Otley (1999) comments that
measurement systems have a control bias, i.e. a major strength of the BSC approach is the
they specify the particular actions they want emphasis it places on linking performance
employees to take and then measure to see measures with business unit strategy. Alt-
whether or not the employees have taken these hough it has some weaknesses, the BSC is a
actions-they try to control behaviour. The bal- potentially powerful tool by which senior
anced scorecard, on the other hand, assumes managers can be encouraged to address the
that people will adopt whatever action is nec- fundamental issue of effectively deploying an
essary to arrive at these goals. In summary, the organisation’s strategic intent. It focuses on
scorecard is more than a performance meas- establishing links between strategic objectives
urement technique, it is a management system. and performance measures. It also pays some
Although offering a sample template, attention to measuring the achievement of the
adopted by all of their collaborating firms, components of the strategic plan the organiza-
Kaplan and Norton (1996) acknowledge that tion has promoted. Similar to Otley (1999),
the BSC has to be tailored to each specific Malmi (2001) supports the use of BSC for im-
company. In particular, the resulting scorecard proving organizational performance. In inves-
of indicators should be driven by the firm’s tigating the implementation of BSC in Finnish
strategy if it is not to consist merely of a list- companies, Malmi (2001) finds that BSC have
ing of indicators. Individual firms have to be replaced traditional budgeting as a means for
selective by linking explicitly their choice of setting targets. Hence, it appears that in these
indicators to their corporate strategy. A major companies the BSC extend the traditional
task facing a company or division introducing profit responsibility to include other, non-
a balanced scorecard is how to devise a set of financial measures as well. This in turn may
measures explicitly linked to its strategy. Un- indicate changes in accountability and ulti-
derlying this need is the essential condition mately changes in firm performance. In addi-
that the strategy is widely understood and ac- tion, Hoque and James (2000) empirically
cepted within the organization, especially found that the use of BSC was associated with
among those responsible for devising the organizational effectiveness. Hence, it is ex-
scorecard itself. pected that that the use of BSC is positively
There is a view that the BSC approach associated with performance.
should help management to measure how divi- The aforementioned literature review
sions or strategic business units within the indicates that both TQM and BSC may affect
company to create value for current and future organizational performance. As the purpose of
customers, how they relate to the internal this paper is to test the moderating and inter-
structure and the investment in people, sys- vening model, the following hypotheses will
tems and procedures to improve the business be tested:
drivers for future performance (Kaplan and

JAAI VOLUME 13 NO. 1, JUNI 2009: 13–28

Ha1: There is an indirect effect of TQM on structure is similar to the intended construct.
organizational performance via BSC. Reliability analysis assists to assess the stabil-
Ha2: BSC moderates the relationship between ity of a measure over a variety of conditions
TQM and organizational performance. and the internal consistency of the scale. In
For high BSC implementation, the effect this study, factor analysis is performed using
of TQM on performance is more posi- the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
tive. method and reliability is assessed by means of
Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient.
To investigate the effects of BSC on Data and Sample
the relationship between TQM and perfor- Data for this study were collected us-
mance, this study employs a survey method ing a questionnaire survey sent to managers
using mail questionnaires. A survey using working in manufacturing organizations listed
mail questionnaire approach is selected be- on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The compa-
cause of its flexibility, low cost, easiness to nies included in this study are those which
administer and lack of potential bias from in- have more than 100 employees in order to
terviewer-respondent interaction compared control the size of the organizations. In addi-
with personal and telephone interviews. How- tion, as argued by Brownell and Dunk (1991),
ever, the results of this study have to be inter- companies with less than 100 employees are
preted with cautions due to the nature of stud- not likely to have clearly defined areas of re-
ies based on mail questionnaires, which may sponsibilities and formal management control
be influenced by the respondents’ understand- systems.
ing and interpretation to the questionnaire and We only selected the manufacturing
the response rate problems. sector for the study because of the following
In order to test the hypotheses, a path reasons. First, manufacturing sector the largest
analytical technique using regression approach sector (52%) in the Jakarta Stock Exchange.
and moderated regression analysis are used to Second, the questionnaire used in this study is
test the intervening/mediating model and designed for manufacturing organizations.
moderating model, respectively. Path analysis Third, it is very common in management ac-
is considered as an appropriate tool since this counting research to study a single sector, but
type of analysis can detect the direct and in- involving a number of organizations. Listed
tervening effects (Duncan, 1966; Chenhall and companies were selected because almost all
Morris, 1986; Chong and Chong, 1997). Using the largest and most advanced Indonesian
path analysis, both the direct effects of TQM companies were listed on the Jakarta Stock
on performance and its indirect effects via Exchange. In addition, it is very unlikely that
BSC can be isolated from their total effects. In small companies in Indonesia will implement
addition, all variables in this study were meas- TQM and BSC.
ured on an interval scale which satisfies the The respondents of this study were se-
requirements of path analysis (Lau and Buck- lected by making telephone calls to each of the
land, 2001). Moderated regression analysis is companies to explain the purpose of the study
selected because the type of moderation effect and to ask the companies to supply the names
of BSC on the relationship between TQM and of the managers appropriate to participate in
performance will be tested is “form and mono- the study. This method is aimed at ensuring
tonic interaction” (Hartmann and Moers, the respondents understand the contents of the
1999). questionnaire, to receive the questionnaires,
Prior to hypotheses testing, factor and also to ensure that it is the respondents
analysis and reliability analysis are employed themselves who answer the questionnaires.
in this study. Factor analysis assists to check Amongst the targeted companies, one compa-
whether or not an empirical factor pattern or ny has less than 100 employees. Hence, it was

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

excluded from the sample. One other company Likert-type scale, anchored on “no action” and
regarded itself as a service rather than a manu- “achieving outstanding performance, a leader
facturing organization. Hence, this company in your industry, is a way of life with employ-
was also excluded from the sample. Thirty two ees.” Factor analysis shows that all the items
companies informed the researcher that it was loaded satisfactorily in a single factor account-
their policies not to disclose the name of their ing for 60% of the variance, and all items
managers. Taking into account those compa- loading greater than 0.68. The factor loadings
nies’ policies, 217 names of managers were are presented in Table 1. The reliability check
obtained. of the instruments in this study indicates a co-
efficient of 0.8762.
Survey Administration
A questionnaire together with a pre- Table 1: Factor loading of TQM
paid return addressed envelope and a covering Factor
letter explaining the objectives of the study 1
was mailed to each of the 217 intended re- TQM1 .817
spondents. The questionnaires are marked to TQM2 .813
easily trace the targeted respondents who did TQM3 .714
not reply. A reminder letter was mailed three TQM4 .805
TQM5 .758
weeks after the mail date. Managers who did
TQM6 .680
not respond to the questionnaire two weeks TQM7 .818
after the reminder letters sent out were con- Eigenvalue 4.194
tacted by phone. Out of the 217 questionnaires Variance explained 59.907%
mailed, 66 responses (30.4%) were returned. Cumulative variance explained 59.907%
Fourteen responses were excluded from the
study because of the failure of the respondents Balanced Scorecard usage
to complete the whole questionnaire. As a re- This variable is measured using an in-
sult, there were 52 usable responses. Given strument developed by Hoque et al. (1997)
that the survey was undertaken in Indonesia, and subsequently used by Hoque and James
such a response rate may be considered very (2000), Hoque et al. (2001), and Hoque
high. Gudono and Mardliyah (2001) note that (2005). The instrument consists of 20 items
response rates in Indonesia generally range which cover the four perspectives of the BSC,
from 10% to 16%. three financial items and 17 nonfinancial items
from three perspectives of customer, internal
Variables and Their Measurements business process, and learning and growth
Total Quality Management perspective. It asks respondents to indicate the
To measure TQM practice, the instru- extent to which each item is used to assess the
ment developed by Chenhall (1997) is used in performance, using a seven point scale. Factor
this study. This instrument consists of seven analysis is undertaken for all the 20 items. The
items and focuses on material procurement three financial items loaded satisfactorily on a
programs (quality and reliability), production single factor. For the 17 nonfinancial items,
efficiency, improved cycle time, employee the factor analysis results indicate that four
involvement in quality improvement pro- items, do not load satisfactorily into their ex-
grams, involvement of functional personnel in pected perspectives. Hence, they were exclud-
strategy formulation, development of contact ed from further analyses. The factor loadings
between manufacturing and customers, and are presented in Table 2. The Cronbach alpha
coordination of quality improvements within coefficient for the three financial items was
the organizations. Respondents were asked to 0.69. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the
indicate the extent to which the above pro- remaining 13 nonfinancial items was 0.69.
grams are implemented using a seven-point

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard on The Relationship Between ... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

Table 2: Factor loading of BSC

Item Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4* Factor 5
Operating income .076 .058 .069 -.125 .863
Sales growth .081 -.082 .718 -.010 .512
Return on investment .177 -.095 .277 .495 .605
Manufacturing lead time .276 .750 .001 .029 .198
Rate of material scrap loss .177 .767 .095 .274 .068
Labor efficiency variance .046 .814 .067 .177 -.204
Material efficiency variance .504 .612 .151 .071 -.061
Percent defective products shipped* .771 .374 .106 -.042 .047
Ratio of good output to total output .367 .534 -.131 -.131 .482
Number of new patents* -.083 .190 .163 .833 .105
Number of new product launches .083 .267 .700 .304 .039
Time to market new products .026 .283 .663 .515 .122
Market share* .053 -.139 .799 .175 -.055
On-time delivery .670 .256 .523 -.046 -.040
Number of customer complaint .793 .223 .072 .062 .292
Survey of customer satisfaction .455 .321 .392 -.001 .045
Warranty repair cost* .353 .090 .192 .762 -.209
Customer response time .482 .173 .195 .654 -.168
Cycle time from order to delivery .792 .069 .073 .410 -.058
Percent shipments returned due to poor quality .783 .047 -.136 .265 .241
Eigenvalue 6.975 2.686 2.067 1.625 1.252
Percentage of Variance explained 20.186 15.511 13.942 13.637 9.744
Cumulative Variance Explained (%) 20.186 35.697 49.638 63.276 73.019
*Items (and factor) are not used to test the hypotheses

Performance measure of each variable which is obtained by

This variable is measured using summing up the responses of each variable.
Swamidass and Newel (1987) which has also Table 3: Factor loading of Performance
been used by Chenhall (1997). Respondents Item
were asked to evaluate their organization’s 1
performance compared to industry average on Performance 1 .904
a seven-point Likert-Type scale, anchored on Performance 2 .922
“below average performance” and “above av- Performance 3 .901
erage performance”. Factor analysis indicates Eigenvalue 2.479
Variance explained 82.625%
that the items measure a single item of per-
Cumulative variance explained 82.625%
formance (Eigenvalue greater than 1 and total
variance explained is 82.62). The factor load-
ings are presented in Table 3. A reliability
This study investigates whether TQM
check produce Alpha coefficient of 0.8896. is associated with performance and if so,
For the hypotheses testing we use the overall whether such relationship is influenced by
BSC. This study tests two models of the effect

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

of BSC on TQM-performance relationships. was not detected. Therefore, no problem is

The first model is mediating/intervening mod- detected with regard to the regression models
el and the second model is moderating model. used in this study.
To test the mediating and moderating models, Table 4: The zero-order correlations between
this study employs a path analysis using re- the variables examined in this study
gression approach and moderated regression BSC Performance
analysis, respectively. Cohen and Cohen TQM 0.507** 0.588**
(1983) suggest that to assess the adequacy of BSC 0.666**
regression models, the residuals of the esti- ** p<0.01
mated values of the regression should be test-
ed. Therefore, before testing the hypotheses, Table 5: Multicolinearity detection with per-
tests were performed to ensure that the inher- formance as dependent variable
ent assumptions of the regression models were Colinearity statistics
satisfied. Tests undertaken in this study in- Variable
Tolerance VIF
cluded testing for the normality of residual, Constant n/a n/a
homogeneity of variance of residuals and the TQM 0.907 1.338
appropriateness of the linear models. The re- BSC usage 0.907 1.444
sults of these tests indicate that the inherent
assumptions of the models used were validat-
ed. Hypotheses Testing
In addition, it is also important to con- Intervening effects
duct non-response bias test before analyzing The hypothesis states that there is an
the data as suggested by Oppenheim (1966). indirect effect of TQM on performance via
In conducting the test, the responses were di- BSC. As indicated in Table 4, there is a signif-
vided into two groups based on their dates of icant zero order correlation between TQM and
arrival. The first half comprises the 50 percent performance. To ascertain if there is an indi-
of responses, which came in early, and the se- rect effect of TQM via BSC, further analysis
cond half comprises the last 50 percent of re- is needed. The indirect effects of TQM on per-
sponses received. These tests were performed formance which is mediated by BSC usage is
by running t-tests to compare the mean of re- calculated as follows based on the values of
sponses for each variable between the two the path coefficient in Table 6:
groups. The results indicate that there are no TQM – BSC - P = 0.358 x 0.370= 0.13246
significant differences between the early re- The results show that the relationship
sponses and the late responses for all the vari- between TQM and performance comprises
ables examined in this study.
two effects. First, there is a direct effect of
Table 4 shows the zero-order correla-
tions between the variables examined in this 0.455 and second, there is an indirect effect of
study. These results provide preliminary sup- 0.133, which is mediated by BSC usage (see
port for the hypotheses. TQM is positively as- table 7). Since the indirect effect exceeds 0.05,
sociated with performance. Additionally, Ta- the indirect effect can be considered meaning-
ble 4 also shows that BSC is positively and ful (Bartol, 1983). Table 6, however, shows
significantly associated with TQM. This fact that after controlling the indirect effect of
suggests that multicolinearity may exist. In BSC, the direct effect of TQM on performance
addition to the three inherent assumptions of (0.358) is still significant (p<0.005). The re-
regression models, therefore, the presence of sults indicate that BSC usage mediates partial-
multicolinearity was also assessed by perform- ly (Baron and Kenny, 1986) the relationship
ing variance inflation factor (VIF) tests for the between TQM and performance. Thus, the hy-
regression model. Multicolinearity exists pothesis, which states that there is an indirect
when variance inflation factor (VIF) value effect of TQM on performance through BSC,
more than 10 (Hair et al., 1998). The results of is supported. Table 7 provides a summary of
multicolinearity test as presented in Table 5 the decomposition of the zero order correla-
indicate that multicolinearity among variables

JAAI VOLUME 13 NO. 1, JUNI 2009: 13–28

tions between TQM and performance into di- rect effect and indirect effect.
Table 6: Path analysis results with multiple regression approach
Dependent Independent Path
t-value p-value
Variable variable coefficient
BSC usage TQM .358 2.715 .009
TQM .455 4.063 .000
BSC usage .370 3.307 .002

Table 7: Decomposition of the observed correlations

Observed Direct Indirect
Path Linkage
Correlation effect Effect
TQM- BSC .358** .358
TQM- Performance .588** .455 0.133

Moderating effects To avoid potential computational prob-

The hypothesis states BSC moderates lem, prior to fitting the equation to the data,
the relationship between TQM and perfor- the independent variables were centered
mance. For high BSC implementation, the ef- (Hartmann and Moers, 1999) by converting
fect of TQM on performance is more positive. the scores of independent variables into their
To test the hypothesis, a hierarchical approach deviation so that each variable has a mean of
of moderated regression analysis with the fol- zero (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001).
lowing equation is run. Table 8 Panel B presents the results of
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1 x X2 + ε, moderated regression analysis. From the table
it can be seen that the interaction between
where: TQM and BSC does not significantly affect
Y = Performance performance (coefficient value of β3 = -.826, p
X1 = TQM = 0.413). Hence, it can be concluded that BSC
X2 = BSC does not moderate the relationship between
X1 x X2 = Interaction between TQM and BSC TQM and performance.

Table 8: The results of Moderated Regression Analysis

with performance as dependent variable
Panel A.
Variable Coefficient Value t p
Intercept β0 15.135 56.576 .000
TQM β1 .337 2.960 .005
BSC β2 .495 4.345 .000
F-value 27.372 .000
Adjusted R2 .508

Panel B.
Variable Coefficient Value t p
Intercept β0 15.227 52.343 .000
TQM β1 .352 3.044 .004
BSC β2 .494 4.324 .000
TQM x BSC β3 -.083 -.826 .413
F-value 18.357 .000

The Effected of Balanced Scorecard... (Mahfud Sholihin & Ayu Chairina Laksmi)

Adjusted R2 0.505

The results of hypotheses testing show BSC does not moderate the relationship be-
that BSC mediates the relationship between tween TQM and performance. In the future,
TQM and performance. However, BSC only more studies should be conducted to elaborate
mediates partially the relationship between the effect of TQM on performance and how
TQM and performance. It means, in addition BSC can have an intervening effect in the pro-
to the indirect effect of TQM via BSC, TQM cess. More research should also be conducted
itself has direct effect on performance. On the to reveal why BSC does not moderate the rela-
other hand, this study fails to support the tionship between TQM and performance given
moderating effect of BSC on the relationship that there is an indirect effect of TQM on per-
between TQM and performance. A test of formance through BSC. Furthermore, the
multiple regression analysis by excluding the moderating model and intervening model de-
interaction effect (Table 8 Panel A) reveals veloped and tested in this study should be rep-
that both TQM and BSC positively affect per- licated fully to confirm the reliability and va-
formance. This is consistent with the results of lidity of those two models.
mediating effect where TQM in itself has ef- As other study, this study also has limi-
fect on performance. In addition, this also tations. First, since this study uses mail survey
support Hoque and James (2000) who find hat method, the results of this study should be in-
BSC positively affect performance. terpret cautiously as survey method has its in-
herent limitations. Future study can study the
CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS, AND same topic using other methods, i.e. case study
SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RE- approach or experimental design. Second, the
SEARCH conceptualization of BSC in this study is
The purpose of this study is to test em- merely operationalized as a combination of
pirically whether TQM affects performance; financial and nonfinancial measures. As the
and if so whether the effect is mediated and measures in “true” BSC is linked to and de-
moderated by BSC implementation. I so do- rived from strategy, future study should also
ing, this study proposes two models of hy- capture this dimension.
potheses: the mediating model hypothesis and Apart from the aforementioned limita-
the moderating model hypothesis. With medi- tions, overall, this study may contribute to the
ating model hypothesis, this study hypothesiz- discussion in the literature over whether TQM
es that there is an indirect effect of TQM on affects performance; and if so, whether the
performance via BSC. On the other hand, for effect is influenced by BSC implementation.
moderating model hypothesis this study hy- So far the discussions and, more importantly,
pothesizes that BSC moderates the relation- empirical evidence have been quite limited.
ship between TQM and performance. For Therefore, this empirical study will hopefully
higher BC implementation, the effect of TQM lay the underpinning, and also encouragement,
on performance will be more positive. for more similar studies in the future.
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