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Midterm Examination (Part 1)

Your answers should be emailed to not later than 12MN. May 19, 2021
with the subject: (Last, First Name. GS2021 MIDTERM Part1)

INSTRUCTION: Below it the presentation of data from the recent survey related to the “Gender Role
Analysis of Mothers and Fathers and their alternate figures” Based on your knowledge of basic gender
and society, write at most 3 sentences interpreting the data.


1. Mother’s Occupation

58.4% above is “Others” Mothers’ “other” occupation

1. Analysis: The pie graph represents the mother’s occupation while the bar graph represents the
most mother’s occupation. Other occupation is 58.4% but we can we see most of the mother is a
Interpretation: The graph shows the most mother do is a housewife and few of them work as a
medical worker and LGU personnel.

2. Father’s Occupation:

2. Analysis: The pie graph shows the most father’s occupation is like kasambahay, a farmer, a
fisherman, an entrepreneur, a government worker, and also a teacher. Most of the father work for
non-government only few of them work as a government official.
Interpretation: The graph shows 53.7% of father’s occupation and it is under non-government like
construction worker, tricycle driver, fisherman, carpenter, electrician, and many more.


Doing the laundry

Cleaning the surrounding ang go to the market
To prepare food (breakfast) for my father who's a construction worker.
Exercise sometimes/cook for breakfast
To be able to do many work and to be early at job.
To make an exercise and preparing to take the household.
For cooking breakfast
Household chores
Prepare the ingredients of the menu for the days and clean the house
Preparing for the food that she sale.
She goes to school (weekdays)
To Prepare breakfast
To prepare food for the family and help husband get ready for work
Go to market
To cook food
To prepare breakfast
She has to prepare us breakfast or she might go out to seek for our food.
Household chores
Cooking for breakfast and getting ready for work.
To prepare our food for breakfast and clean our house
To prepar herself early for work
To facilitate goods to be sell at 5 am
To prepare the breakfast and getting ready for work.
they preparebreakfast, and getting ready to go for work.
To prepare our breakfast and prepare herself in going in the office.
To go to the school to do her job
To clean, prepare meal and wash clothes. Serving her family
To prepare breakfast, and do house holds chores
Its because she's not working
Doing household chores
The kids are already awake.
In order to do household chores
Cooking packed lunch for my father.
To clean the house,water the plants and cook
Preparing for breakfast
Preparing for business
not having enough sleep because of tiredness
Preparing for breakfast and for the upcoming classes.
My mother needs to prepare for breakfast because my father will work
Prepare breakfast and for the rest of the day
To cook our breakfast and prepare her things and herself to work
She is working that is why.
Wake up to open store.
To prepare food, and prepare for work. She also cleans our frontyard early in the morning, and
water her ornamental plants.
To prepare breakfast
First thing in the morning, she wakes up at seven o'clock. Then she gets up and she has a shower.
Afterwards, she has breakfast at half past seven and brushes her teeth. She gets dressed and she
combs her hair.
Prepare for Work
She wants to make our breakfast and before my father go the work she wants to arrange the stuff
that needs of my father to his work. Aside from that, I think she wants us her children to do the
same things for us to be more productive every day.
To cook food for breakfast
1. its her body clock
Taking coffee and cooking breakfast
She will accompany my father in the shore, she will help him carry his things in fishing.
- preparing for work - cook breakfast
To prepare for her work To cook food for breakfast
She always cooked and preparing breakfast in the morning
Going to market to sell fish
To cook food for us and to clean our backyard.
For the Family
Aside from that is her routine everyday, she is cooking food for us and for our brother who is
working early in the morning
To start the day
To Produce more product for their work
Preparing for coming to work
She wakes up early because she would cook or buy food for us in the morning and/or usually
clean our backyards
Preparing breakfast
I needed more sleep time to fully replenish my energy and do my son's modules
To do household chores
To the household chores.
To prepare and cook food.
Magluluto ng umagahan at maghahanda para sa mga gawain.
no early obligations
My mother wakes up after 6:00 AM to do household chores like cooking food for breakfast,
clean the house and soaking clothes for laundry.
Because she will going to clean the backyard and water her plants.
Household chores and she's used in waking up early.
Readig the Bible and Pray
It's their usual wake up time or their body clock.
For preparing food for ourfamily and waiting for my father from fishing.
It's her routine tho.
To clean the house and preparing a food for their children.
To be ready at Morningggg and Preparing things
Preparing self to enter work, cooking foods for the family
reason to work and enjoy her life at the same time, and communicate with the family with none
working hour.
To prepare food for my grandmother.
Need to prepare for breakfast and go to work
To prepare food and other household chores.
Cook breakfast for the family
To prepare for breakfast and to exercise.

Table 1. Mothers’ Reasons for Waking Time

Reasons Type of work* Frequency Rank

To Prepare breakfast Reproductive Work 45 1st
Going to Market Reproductive Work 3 3rd
Doing Households Reproductive Work 13 2nd
Doing Laundry Reproductive Work 2 4th
*there are 4 types of work

# 3. Tabulate the above raw data by completing Table 1 and write your analysis and interpretation for
Mothers’ waking time
Analysis: The mother’s waking time is around 4am up to 6am. Most of the mother do when they woke
up early is to prepare food, going to market, doing household and doing laundry.
Interpretation: The data shows that mother woke up early because they are preparing breakfast,
second is doing household, going to market, and the last is doing laundy.


to eat breakfast
Going to work
To prepare for the day.
Early job schedule, patients assist.
To help my Mother to cook our foods in the morning.
Helping mom managing households
he cook for breakfast
Eat breakfast
To prepare for his work
Find some food
To prepare to go to work early.
To make money by driving tricycle
Going to the farm
He have activities or works to be done.
The same with my mother, he also preparing the food products that we're going to sale.
Doing his everyday routine
i don't know
To take coffee time
Has work
Go to work
He has to take care of the farm and our carabao, goats and chickens.
Early coffe and exercise
Body clock, doing activites in the household, and getting ready for work.
To visit his pets
Because his work time is 8am and he has a lot of time to prepare himself for work
Usual waking time
Going to port
preparing go to his work
Since my father is away from us, he needs to wake up early to prepare his breakfast and dinner
and to prepare himself before going to the office.
To assist my mother and fixing some stuff on his boat.
He need to go to farm and take extra job at the irrigation project of the government
Because he's going to farm early
Household chores
Preparing to go to the farm.
Body clock
Helping other fisherman to carry their boats ashore in exchange of fishes.
He will go to our rice field which is far from us
It became his routine to wake up that early.
Preparing for work
Preparing for our business
Sleep late at night
Preparing the food
To prepare for work
Preparing for work and to do some of the house chores.
He had a work.
Arrange the tools he will use for farming/construction.
He prepares to his work as a bus conductor. He eats breakfast also at this time.
Farm work
Beacuse he is a care taker of the farm in where we are living.
He prepares his things he needed on his work and my mom helps him.
To eat breakfast, preparing to go in the work
He decided to wake up during that period because he has a lot to do in our farm
Talking to my mother preparing in going to work
He will drink his coffee and prepare his fishing materials. He also wakes my mother up to
accompany him at shore.
Preparing for his clothes going to his job
To buy foods in the market and to cook
Prepares for work
Just like my mother, that is their everyday routine. Also he goes to the farm before the sunrise
Because its time to start the day
To help my mother at their business
Preparing to come at work and exercising
He has to go to work at 8AM
Cleaning and preparing tricycle for safety purposes.
Feeding their chicken
Preparing tools for farming/construction.
Kakain at maghahanda para sa trabaho sa bukid.
To prepare himself for his duty as Barangay Captain (current year) of our barangay.
Prepare breakfast
He will go to work.
It's just his waking time.
To be ready for the possible work
To go to farm
His body clock is 5:00 am. If he gets late to woke up he will have headache.
To feed his pets
To preparing himself for work
To drink coffee and Prepare to do field works
To drink coffee, and prepare himself to go to his animals and to the plants he's been taking care
to prepare the land for crop and provide a foods for family
He needs to go to work @ 8am.
Need to visit the farm
To watch the news on television .

Table 2. Fathers’ Reasons for Waking Time

Reasons Frequency Type of Work Rank

Eat breakfast 15 Reproductive Work 2nd
Preparation to Work 58 Productive Work 1st
Doing Households 7 Reproductive Work 3rd
Visit the Pet 4 Reproductive Work 4th
Sleep Late 1 Reproductive Work 5th
Watch TV 1 Reproductive Work 5th

#4. Tabulate the above raw data by completing Table 2 and write your analysis and interpretation for
Fathers’ waking time
Analysis: The father’s waking time is around 4am up to 6am. Most of the father do when they woke
up early is to prepare to work, eat breakfast, visit the pet, sleep late and watch TV.
Interpretation: The data shows that father woke up early because they are preparing go to work,
second is eating breakfast, doing household, sleep late ansd lastly watch TV.


Fig 3.a Mothers’ Activities Fig 3.b Fathers’ Activities

Your answers to #4-6 should be handwritten on a bond paper, a picture of which should be attached
along with your answers to Questions 1-3.
#5. Compare and contrast the activity profiles of the mothers and fathers
#6. Write your interpretation and conclusion based on #5

#7. What is gender issue? Based on the above data, write at least three gender issues.



ANSWER IN #4 - #6

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