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Old Testament Survey I

Helyer Worksheet #2

Text: Yesterday, Today and Forever: The Continuing Relevance of the Old Testament,
by Larry Helyer (second edition).

Read All of the Assigned Chapter.
After downloading and saving this file to your computer/laptop, answer the first
question about your reading.
Complete the following worksheet by typing your responses underneath each
Save your finished worksheet in a Word or PDF file format, and upload it to the
course home page by clicking on the applicable assignment link.

Student Name: Sarah Matute      

Date: 11/11/2021      

Have you read the entirety of the assigned chapter in preparation for answering the
questions on this worksheet (Type ‘Yes’ or ‘No’)? Yes    

***If you have not read the entire chapter, there is no need for you to submit the
worksheet. You must read the entire chapter and answer the questions below to
have your worksheet graded.

Summarize: What are four distinguishing characteristics of “The Completely
Literal Approach” to the Creation Account of Genesis?

A. The first characteristic of "The Completely Literal Approach" is that Genesis 1 is a

historically-based narrative, meaning that what actually happened was described. It
is not an outline of the text, and the details are taken to be literal.

B. The second characteristic is that of stance toward a modern scientific consensus

which in my view is what scientists today have come to an agreement about
scientific dating techniques. In most cases, it has a denialist and distrustful attitude
towards modern science. A lot of time is spent refuting.

C. The third distinguished characteristic is the argument for mature creationism on

the question of how old Adam was on the first Sabbath. In the literal sense of the
word, he looked like an adult male, but he was one day old.

D. The last one would be theories to account for the fossil record. Since this is an
issue that must be resolved for mature creationism to be valid there are two theories
that propose a solution. In the gap theory, Genesis 1:1 refers to the original
beginning, which scientists believe occurred 4.5 billion years ago. Verse two, on the
other hand, refers to the result of a judgement upon the universe that overwhelmed
the creation. The second one is the flood geology which states that the fossils
remaining are a result of the Noahic flood. This theory is compatible with a literal
understanding of Genesis 1.

1) Essentially Literal: The characteristics are literally interpreted and make

questionable statements in order to align with biblical and scientific data

2) Essentially non-literal: Accepts scientific theories without question and threatens

to challenge religious beliefs.  

List the four Divine principles in God’s Creation:

A.  Creation and the person of God: God does not possess physical parts, but there
is a figure of speech used to describe God in human terms, known as an
anthropomorphism. This is used in order to understand God’s senses and emotions.
Two of God’s attributes can be exalted through this his supremacy and

B. Creation and the plan of God: The world in which we live displays a clear pattern
which can be broken down into five main components. In the five main components
of an announcement, "And God said...", command "Let there be...", report "And so it
was...", evaluation "And God saw it was good.", and finally the temporal framework
"And there was evening, and there was morning,".
Essentially, this is a method that is carefully controlled, planned, and designed.
There's a firm hand behind the method. Creating the six days also follows a climactic
pattern. Vertical and horizontal relationships are also evident. Days 1-3 demonstrate
the need for form on earth, then days 4-6 address the need for filling emptiness.

C. Creation and the power of God: A main theme of Genesis 1, which is God
creating through his words, accompanied by energy and power. All of the commands
were carried out with no difficulty, opposition, or strain which then shows God's
omnipotence. Since we were created by God, we should submit to His word. If we
do this peace will follow.

D. Creation and the people of God: This point shows that God was personally
involved in all of creation. Which means that nothing in this world is without purpose,
all of creation is valuable.

What are the “two primary competitors that challenge the Genesis version of
origins today?”

A. We start with pantheism which means that all that exists is God. This competition
denies that God is everything because this ideology affirms that all evil is an illusion.
According to pantheism evil is accredited to God however the Bible teaches that
neither God nor matter are the source of evil.

B. Secondly, materialism or naturalism which holds that our thoughts and feelings
come from the universe. This theory is very similar to the big bang theory. According
to materialism, all of God's creation derives from preexisting matter.

What are the three fundamental options with regard to origin confronting us

A. Matter is eternal

B. God is eternal

C. Nothing is Eternal

The revelation dealing with creation underscores what four attributes of God?

A. The transcendence of God over the natural order, which means that he is above
all and does not need anyone or anything since He is independent and exists on
His own. There are many ways in which the Old Testament displays this
attribute, with one of them being referring to God as "Most High" and noting that
He is eternal.

B. God’s immanence or His spirit dwelling in all places is another one of His
attributes shown in the OT. The best example of this attribute is found in Psalm
139, which indicates that we cannot run away from God's spirit

C.The third mentioned characteristic is God’s sovereignty meaning that His promises
and purpose stand forever. God's sovereignty is frequently illustrated in the OT by
saying that He is a King who reigns over his kingdom. Theologians tend to portray
God as a lover and ignore his wrath and justice, which make a worldly moral
government unattainable.
D. The last attribute spoken about is His goodness which is seen in creation. God’s
near perfect life support system for humans shows that He has our wellbeing at
heart. In Him we find everything we need, and His goodness is not only reserved for
the righteous, but it is promised to them as well.    

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