Cibercity Hong Kong

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Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No.

12, 2287 – 2313, 2000

An Entrepreneurial City in Action: Hong Kong’s

Emerging Strategies in and for (Inter)Urban

Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum

[Paper Ž rst received, September 1999; in Ž nal form, April 2000]

Summary. The paper applies a Schumpeterian analysis of entrepreneurial cities to Hong Kong.
It argues that the concept of entrepreneurship can be applied to cities as strategic actors,
identiŽ es various objects of urban entrepreneurship, and refers to the important role of
entrepreneurial discourses, narratives and self-images. Despite its laissez-faire reputation, Hong
Kong has a long history of urban entrepreneurship, but its strategies have been adapted to
changing circumstances—most recently with its key role in an emerging cross-border region
(Greater China) and its favourable insertion into the global economy. This has prompted a
debate over the most appropriate strategies for Hong Kong, notably regarding the respective
futures of manufacturing, services and the virtual economy. The concept of ‘glurbanisation’ as
one form of the more general phenomenon of ‘glocalisation’ is introduced to illuminate these
issues. The paper concludes by noting the increased importance of ‘Siliconisation’ as an
accumulation strategy in east Asia.

There is widespread interest among policy- in which entrepreneurs innovate in normal

makers and observers alike in the en- economic activities; our analysis identiŽ es
trepreneurial city. It is less obvious what parallels in urban entrepreneurialism. We
exactly being an entrepreneurial city in- then critically consider how far such an
volves. To help resolve this conundrum, our analysis is valid given the differences be-
paper Ž rst provides a Schumpeterian analysis tween the types of actor involved and the
of the entrepreneurial city and then illustrates objects of their innovation—answering
it with the Hong Kong case. We Ž rst offer a afŽ rmatively in both respects and suggesting
three-part deŽ nition of the entrepreneurial the conditions in which cities can be de-
city in capitalist societies. This relates urban scribed as strategic actors with entrepreneu-
entrepreneurship to changing forms of com- rial ambitions. This theoretical analysis is
petitiveness, changing strategies to promote further reŽ ned and justiŽ ed from recent de-
interurban competitiveness in both the econ- velopments in Hong Kong and east Asia.
omic and extra-economic Ž elds and en- Conventionally regarded as a paradigm case
trepreneurial discourses, narratives and of laissez-faire and ofŽ cially described in the
self-images. Schumpeter identiŽ ed Ž ve ways decades before 1997 as practising ‘positive
Bob Jessop is in the Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YL, UK. Fax: 01524 594256.
E-mail: Ngai-Ling Sum is with the International Centre for Labour Studies, Williamson Building, University
of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK. E-mail: The authors have have beneŽ ted from
discussions with Neil Brenner, Carolyn Cartier, Anne Haila, Gordon McLeod, Jamie Peck and Ngai Pun. The usual disclaimers apply.

0042-0980 Print/1360-063X On-line/00/122287-27 Ó 2000 The Editors of Urban Studies

DOI: 10.1080/0042098002 0002814

non-intervention’, Hong Kong actually has a see Sum, 1995). Moreover, shortly after the
long history of urban entrepreneurship based 1997 return of Hong Kong to the mainland,
on public – private partnerships. But its strate- the outbreak of the Asian crisis initially dis-
gies have been modiŽ ed as the economic and oriented and disrupted these strategies. When
political environments have changed. Our the crisis stabilised in early 1999, however,
contribution is particularly concerned with the competing visions took on a new life and
the recent period, when Hong Kong’s en- generated even more explicit and re exive
trepreneurial city strategies have been devel- urban entrepreneurialism. In particular, since
oped against the background of an emerging urban economic growth is locked into a prop-
cross-border regional space (Greater China) erty-related path, the government is now
and its favourable insertion into the global seeking to build a new urban bloc.1 This
circuits of capital. In this context we intro- would consolidate real estate, commercial
duce the concept of ‘glurbanisation’ as one and technological interests around new en-
form of the more general phenomenon of trepreneurial projects such as a science park,
‘glocalisation’ and show how it can be used cyberport and Chinese-medicine port. 2 Such
to illuminate current entrepreneurial city projects serve to unify different interests in
strategies in east Asia. Hong Kong and are also mediating the
Thus the second part of the paper de- emergence of a global – regional– national
scribes how, between the 1970s and the early bloc of economic actors involved in infor-
1990s, Hong Kong responded in two ways to mation and communication technologies and
the growing relocation of its local manufac- services—in the case of the cyberport, for
turing activities to the mainland. It became example, these include Microsoft, Acer from
the key node in co-ordinating ‘sub-contract- Taiwan and IT Ž rms from Hong Kong and
ing management’ for the ‘Greater China’ China. These entrepreneurial projects are by
region; and, in addition, its increasingly in- no means unique to Hong Kong and, indeed,
ternationalised Ž nancial and producer ser- they are facing competition from similar
vices sectors expanded to Ž ll the gaps created projects in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and
by the ‘hollowing-out’ of Hong Kong’s local Beijing.
manufacturing base. Hong Kong’s continu-
ing rise from the mid 1980s onwards as a
1. What is an Entrepreneurial City?
regional Ž nancial centre provided ample
funds for further expansion by local property It might be argued that entrepreneurial cities
capital. These structural shifts strengthened have existed for centuries, if not millennia
the position of Ž nance and property capital in and, in terms of institutional structures and
the local power bloc. As property became an strategies supporting economic innovation,
increasingly important sphere of capital ac- this could well be true (see, for example,
cumulation, industrial and commercial capi- Hall, 1998; Braudel, 1984; Jacobs, 1984;
tals worried about the lack of high-tech Taylor, 1995). But this argument views cities
investment and the rising cost of all econ- as engines of wealth creation regardless of
omic activities in Hong Kong. This was the speciŽ c form in which this occurs—and
re ected in the development of two major so fails to capture what is novel about the
alternative urban strategic orientations or- role of entrepreneurial cities in capital accu-
ganised around the competing interests of mulation. (On the distinction between wealth
industry and producer services and con- and capital, see Postone, 1993). The litera-
cerned in their different ways with problems ture on urban growth machines does combine
of interscalar articulation and chronotopic a focus on wealth creation with interest in the
governance. Mobilising support for, and pur- dynamics of property capital and in this re-
suing, these strategies was complicated in the gard has some similarities with our own ap-
mid 1990s by the primacy of political calcu- proach. But urban growth machine studies
lations around the transition (on this period, have been more concerned with local devel-

opmental strategies and the political alliances rial self-identity as well as an entrepreneurial
that support them than with issues of inter- strategy.
scalar articulation and they have also exam- Our approach to the Ž rst and second cri-
ined a restricted range of the entrepreneurial teria for identifying entrepreneurial cities is
strategies that we identify below. In addition, in uenced by Schumpeter, an emblematic
our own approach highlights the importance thinker for contemporary capitalism, who
of entrepreneurial discourse and narratives deŽ ned entrepreneurship as the creation of
and is concerned with the periodisation of opportunities for surplus proŽ t through ‘new
strategies—something that is neglected in the combinations’ or innovation (Schumpeter,
urban growth machine literature (for com- 1934); and by Harvey, an arguably more
mentaries on the latter, see Jonas and Wilson, controversial thinker on post-modern capital-
1999). In particular, we propose three ism, who has presented some in uential
deŽ ning features of entrepreneurial cities: ideas on the shift from urban managerialism
to urban entrepreneurialism (Harvey, 1989).
—An entrepreneurial city pursues innovative Their work is very useful in deŽ ning the
strategies intended to maintain or enhance nature of entrepreneurial strategies oriented
its economic competitiveness vis-à-vis to enhancing the competitiveness of cities
other cities and economic spaces. and regions.
—These strategies are real and re exive. Schumpeter listed several ways in which
They are not ‘as if’ strategies, but are more innovation can occur:
or less explicitly formulated and pursued
(1) The introduction of a new good—that
in an active, entrepreneurial fashion.
is one with which consumers are not yet
—The promoters of entrepreneurial cities
familiar—or a new quality of a good. (2)
adopt an entrepreneurial discourse, narrate
The introduction of a new method of pro-
their cities as entrepreneurial and market
duction, that is one not yet tested by ex-
them as entrepreneurial.
perience in the branch of manufacture
concerned, which need by no means be
The Ž rst and second criteria distinguish cities
founded upon a discovery scientiŽ cally
that happen for whatever reason(s) to per-
new, and can also exist in a new way of
form well economically from those that are
handling a commodity commercially. (3)
entrepreneurial. For not all cities that per-
The opening of a new market, that is a
form well are entrepreneurial; and not all
market into which the particular branch of
entrepreneurial cities perform well. Adopting
manufacture of the country in question has
the second criterion directs attention to the
not previously entered, whether or not this
conditions under which cities can be said to
market has existed before. (4) The con-
act in a relatively uniŽ ed and strategic man-
quest of a new source of supply of raw
ner and/or in which speciŽ c social forces are
materials or half-manufactured goods,
able to deŽ ne the interests of the city and be
again irrespective of whether this source
seen to act for and on behalf of the latter.
already exists or whether it has Ž rst to be
Only where explicit strategies are pursued
created. (5) The carrying out of the new
can we talk of an entrepreneurial city. The
organization of any industry, like the cre-
third criterion is useful in distinguishing the
ation of a monopoly position (for example
entrepreneurial city from non-entrepreneurial
through trustiŽ cation) or the breaking up
urban regimes. Urban regimes and urban
of a monopoly position (Lim, 1990,
blocs pursue many different kinds of econ-
p. 215; summarising Schumpeter, 1934,
omic, political and socio-cultural strategy—
pp. 129 – 135).
for example, religious centre, dream factory,
imperial capital, modernist utopia, municipal Schumpeter was concerned with entrepreneu-
socialism or tourist centre (Hall, 1998). rial innovation in the supply of commodities
Only some adopt an explicitly entrepreneu- by Ž rms as economic actors. One might ob-

ject that cities are not Ž rms and do not hance competitive advantages. Examples
produce commodities.3 But a Schumpeterian include new sources or patterns of immi-
interpretation of cities focuses on cities’ gration, changing the cultural mix of cit-
overall capacities to promote innovation in ies, Ž nding new sources of funding from
urban form and also adopts a broader account the central state (or, in the EU, European
of competition that includes extra-economic funds), attracting inward investment or
as well as economic factors. Thus cities can reskilling the workforce.
be entrepreneurial not only in regard to com- (5) ReŽ guring or redeŽ ning the urban hier-
modities and Ž ctitious commodities, but also archy and/or altering the place of a given
in regard to economically relevant factors city within it. Examples include the de-
that are not monetised and/or do not enter velopment of a world or global city pos-
directly into exchange relations. The chang- ition, regional gateways, hubs,
ing forms of competition are especially im- cross-border regions and ‘virtual re-
portant here because extra-economic factors gions’ based on interregional co-oper-
have become more central to economic com- ation among non-contiguous spaces.
petitiveness (see Veltz, 1996).
In these terms, we can identify Ž ve analyt- Each of these forms of activity can be seen as
ically distinct (but perhaps empirically over- innovative or entrepreneurial in the Schum-
lapping) Ž elds in which directly economic peterian sense and each of their objects also
and/or economically relevant innovation can provides a possible basis for explicit urban
occur in relation to urban form and functions. strategies. This does not mean, of course,
These Ž elds comprise: that each and every new place or space, new
method of space or place production, new
(1) The introduction of new types of urban market, new source of supply or new urban
place or space for producing, servicing, hierarchy results directly from successful re-
working, consuming, living, etc. Recent alisation of explicit entrepreneurial strate-
examples include technopoles, intelligent gies. This qualiŽ cation is required not only
cities, cross-border cities, multicultural because highly original innovations can soon
cities and cities organised around inte- become routinised through ‘swarming’ ef-
grated transport and sustainable develop- fects (for example, science parks,
ment. technopoles or waterfront regeneration re-
(2) New methods of space or place pro- development schemes) but also because new
duction to create location-speciŽ c advan- phenomena can emerge from the impersonal
tages for producing goods/services or play of the market mechanism rather than
other urban activities. Recent examples explicitly formulated entrepreneurial or
include the installation of new physical, managerial strategies. Indeed, whilst Ž rst
social and cybernetic infrastructures, the movers often introduce innovations in a more
promotion of scale and agglomeration spontaneous, less re ective way, it is follow-
economies, regulatory undercutting or ers who tend to be more explicitly en-
creating new forms of labour market re- trepreneurial. An interesting example
lation. relevant to our concerns below is the rise of
(3) Opening new markets—whether by Silicon Valley as an innovative milieu com-
place marketing speciŽ c cities in new pared with attempts to replicate its success
areas and/or modifying the spatial div- elsewhere.
ision of consumption through enhancing Regarding the second criterion, cities can
the quality of life for residents, com- be deŽ ned as ‘entrepreneurial’ actors only if
muters or visitors (for example, culture, they are meaningful units of competition and
entertainment, spectacles, new city- able to pursue competitive strategies. Other-
scapes, gay quarters, gentriŽ cation). wise they could at best be said to be re-
(4) Finding new sources of supply to en- presenting or marketing themselves as such

through entrepreneurial narratives and/or to Tong, Prime Minister of Singapore, provide

be serving as sites more or less favourable to clear parallels to such mayoral leadership.
entrepreneurial initiatives emanating from New Labour’s promotion of city mayors in
elsewhere. Nonetheless, Cox and Mair sug- Britain, beginning in 2000 with London, also
gest that represents a move in the direction of creating
conditions for more effective mobilisation
If people interpret localized social struc-
behind urban entrepreneurial projects. But
tures in explicitly territorial terms, come to
we must look beyond city dignitaries to a
view their interests and identities as ‘lo-
wider range of actors who might be mo-
cal’, and then act upon that view by mobi-
bilised behind a collective project and to the
lizing locally deŽ ned organizations to
institutional factors that might help to con-
further their interests in a manner that
solidate their support. Such actors can in-
would not be possible were they to act
clude branches of the local, central and,
separately, then it seems eminently reason-
where relevant, supranational state; quangos
able to talk about ‘locality as agent’ (Cox
and hived-off state agencies; political parties;
and Mair, 1991, p. 198).
Ž rms; consultancies; trade associations and
These conditions would also apply (without chambers of commerce; employers’ organi-
being sufŽ cient) to the mobilisation of di- sations; business roundtables; trades unions;
verse social forces and organisational capac- trades councils; citizens’ and community
ities around common entrepreneurial groups; voluntary-sector organisations; pub-
projects. Key elements here would include: lic– private partnerships; local educational
the discursive constitution of economic and religious institutions; social movements;
paradigms, identities and modes of calcu- and diasporic communities. In this sense, the
lation that justify claims about an ‘imagined capacity to pursue entrepreneurial strategies
community of entrepreneurial interest’ and and the sort of strategies that are likely to be
its associated collective project, the nature pursued will clearly depend on state institu-
and competencies of the actors (not necess- tional and/or territorial structures as well as
arily local or locally dependent) who are on broader economic, political and socio-
mobilised behind the entrepreneurial strat- cultural factors. More speciŽ cally, the solid-
egy, the interpersonal, organisational and (in- ity of such projects will depend on their
ter)organisational mechanisms through interpersonal, interorganisational and institu-
which such forces are mobilised and given tional embeddedness (hence the existence not
coherence, and the manner in which these only of partnerships but networks of partner-
mechanisms are embedded in broader social ships structured both horizontally and verti-
arrangements so that the capacities of the city cally) as well as their feasibility in the light
(or localised social structure) are in some of existing structural constraints and horizons
sense collective and thus irreducible to those of action.
of individual actors resident or active therein. The ability to engage in collective action
In considering how entrepreneurial cities is linked to capacities for re exion and self-
can acquire coherence as collective social observation and the transformation of what
forces, we might start with political struc- Lipietz calls ‘space-in-itself’ into ‘space-for-
tures and city politicians. In this context, for itself’. This occurs through the development
example, Clarke and Gaile (1998, p. 13) note of a ‘regional armature’ (or regional state
that entrepreneurial strategies are more likely apparatus) organised around an urban or re-
in US cities with strong mayoral leadership gional bloc (Lipietz, 1985/1994). Indeed,
(and, for similar arguments about Europe, re exivity has become more important in
see Harding, 1995; Parkinson and Harding, tandem with the emergence of new forms of
1995; and Le Galès and Harding, 1998). The uncertainty and risk as market forces and the
roles of the Tung Chee-Hwa, the Chief extra-economic environment of economic ac-
Executive of Hong Kong, or Goh Chok tion become more turbulent, more in uenced

by the strategic calculation of other actors Daly, 1993). And they also seek to get social
and more open to in uence on a wide range forces on various scales (not just local actors)
of spatial scales. These changes privilege to identity their interests with the promotion
forms of urban organisation that enable econ- of this (imagined) local, urban or regional
omic actors to share risks and cope with economy and the economic and extra-
uncertainty through dense social and institu- economic conditions presented as necessary
tional networks (Storper, 1997; Veltz, 1996). to its future success. Where this strategy
This is why a well-established regional arma- involves explicit reference to entrepreneurial
ture is useful. Moreover, because the dy- narratives, strategies and self-identities, then
namic competitive advantages that derive the third criterion for an entrepreneurial city
from innovation are likely to be competed is also satisŽ ed.
away as other economic actors adopt them, it It is worth noting here that the scope for
is essential to sustain the economic and ex- urban entrepreneurialism has grown in
tra-economic capacities for ‘permanent inno- tandem with the expansion of discourses
vation’. This typically requires a degree of about competitiveness and potential means of
(self-)re exivity that is absent in weakly enhancing it. In particular, there has been a
competitive entrepreneurial cities and/or shift from simple Ricardian concepts of com-
those that merely engage in boosterism or petitiveness, based on the relative abundance
city marketing. and relative cost of different factors of pro-
The third criterion appears more straight- duction, to a concern with complex forms of
forward. For it requires that the promoters of structural or systemic competitiveness. These
entrepreneurial cities adopt an entrepreneu- involve not only socially embedded econ-
rial discourse, narrate their cities as en- omic relations (as well as disembedded fac-
trepreneurial and market them as tors of production), but also extra-economic
entrepreneurial. This involves the articulation phenomena, such as education, public –
of diverse economic, political and socio- private partnerships, industry – Ž nance rela-
cultural narratives and complementary non- tions, state forms, intellectual property
narrative discourses to contextualise and regimes, enterprise culture and so on (on
reinforce calls for entrepreneurial action. structural competitiveness, see Chesnais,
These narratives often seek to give meaning 1986; on systemic competitiveness, Messner,
to current problems by construing them in 1996). We will illustrate these arguments
terms of past failures and future possibilities. below (see also Jessop, 1997 and 1999).
In the case of entrepreneurial cities, such
narratives typically refer to (actual or poten-
2. Interscalar Strategies
tial) losses of competitiveness and the imper-
atives and opportunities to restore it in one Cities engage in different kinds of interscalar
way or another. This is typically deemed to strategy. Even if they do not act directly as
require decisive changes in the purposes, or- economic entrepreneurs producing commodi-
ganisation and delivery of economic strate- ties (for example, as sponsors of property-led
gies that are focused on the local, urban or development, tourist spectacles, etc.), cities
regional levels and infused with some kind of may still promote an entrepreneurial environ-
entrepreneurial spirit. Such calls involve the ment on a range of scales that might help to
portrayal of the local, urban or regional econ- sustain local growth and make the best use of
omy as a distinctive object (of analysis, regu- any opportunities to promote entrepreneur-
lation, governance, conquest and/or other ship and/or market their places/spaces. In this
practices) with deŽ nite boundaries, 4 econ- regard, several strategies can be identiŽ ed.
omic and extra-economic conditions of exist- These differ in at least three respects: their
ence, typical economic agents and respective concepts and discourses of com-
extra-economic stakeholders, and an overall petitiveness, the spatial and scalar horizons
dynamic (see Barnes and Ledubur, 1991; over which they are meant to operate and

their association with different local contexts tion. The Ž rst option is to build horizontal
and positions in prevailing urban hierarchies. linkages on the same scale (for example,
What they share is an important role for cross-border regions, translocal alliances and
urban or metropolitan authorities in their ‘virtual regions’ linking non-contiguous
overall framing and promulgation. In this locales with shared or complementary inter-
sense, for all the talk of the crisis of the state ests—such as the European ‘Four Motors’
(at whatever level), public authorities still regions). These horizontal strategies often
appear to have a major role in organising build on common territorial interests and
entrepreneurial policies for the city (includ- identities and exploit complementary or joint
ing inner cities and metropolitan regions), resources and capacities. Bodies on higher
re ecting on them and narrating such poli- tiers or scales may also promote them—
cies in entrepreneurial terms. witness the case of the European Union. The
A common neo-liberal strategy is con- second option is to pursue structured comple-
cerned to attract inward investment and/or to mentarities based on a scalar division of
retain extant investment through a Ricardian labour in an integrated, vertically nested set
cost-cutting and deregulatory strategy of scales. This strategy typically involves
(Leicht and Jenkins, 1994). This is associated promoting economic development (on what-
with a static comparative advantage approach ever scale) by exploiting growth dynamics at
to competitiveness, an indifference to scalar progressively ascending spatial scales from
articulation and a weak rank in urban hier- the local through the regional and the na-
archies. A broadly similar but more neo- tional to the supranational or global. This
statist strategy occurs where urban strategy may be promoted from above and/or
authorities seek resources from higher tiers may emerge from below. It is re ected dis-
of government and, perhaps, deploy these to cursively in attempts “to position places cen-
lever additional private investment. Overall, trally on ‘stages’ of various spatial scales:
these strategies involve weak forms of com- regional, national, international, global”
petition that are unlikely to be sustainable in (Hall and Hubbard, 1996, pp. 163 – 164). The
the long term and they also pose an awkward third option involves building what one
dilemma over the trade-off between main- might call ‘transversal’ linkages—i.e. by-
taining local autonomy and accepting re- passing one or more immediately neighbour-
sources that come with restrictive strings ing scale(s) to seek closer integration with
attached. processes on various other scales. This can
Another broad set of strategies, linked to occur in cases such as export-processing
neo-corporatist and neo-statist as well as zones, free ports or regional gateways where
neo-liberal approaches, involves pursuing the links to an immediate hinterland or even
some form of structured coherence across the national economy are less important than
scales by building favourable linkages to the the connection between local and suprana-
wider economy. Such strategies are usually tional scales.
based on a dynamic comparative advantage One relatively novel form of interurban
approach to competitiveness—often linked in competition is ‘glurbanisation’. We have
turn to notions of structural and/or systemic coined this term to distinguish urban from
competitiveness (see above)—and a strong Ž rm-level strategies within the broader con-
concern with interscalar articulation. More- cept of ‘glocalisation’, which has lost its
over, depending on cities’ position in various original precision as it has become the vogue
urban hierarchies or networks, they can cre- word for all kinds of multiscalar strategies
ate weaker or stronger forms of competition. with at least some global aspect. As such it
In this regard, there are three possible strate- clearly differs from the initial usage of glo-
gies (by no means mutually exclusive, let calisation to distinguish the strategy of global
alone exhaustive) that are linked to differ- localisation pursued by Japanese Ž rms from
ences in the preferred form of scalar articula- the strategy of globalisation favoured by

many US multinationals. 5 In this context, Brenner relates his work to Lefebvre’s

whereas globalisation is oriented to building notion of trial by space. This implies that
a worldwide intraŽ rm division of labour with
production oriented to world markets and the viability of all strategies of capital
standard tastes, glocalisation is concerned accumulation, modes of state regulation
with establishing a geographically concen- and forms of socio-political mobilization
trated interŽ rm division of labour in the three has come to depend crucially upon the
major trading blocs (Ruigrok and van Tulder, ability to produce, appropriate, organise,
1996, p. 180). 6 These two contrasting glo- restructure and control social space (Bren-
bally oriented strategies can be distinguished ner, 1997a, p. 1).
from export-oriented domestic production In this context, Brenner uses ‘glocal’ and its
with decentralised marketing; multidomestic cognates, ‘glocally oriented’ and ‘glocalisa-
production based on establishing foreign pro- tion’, to refer to at least four different phe-
duction on a country-by-country basis; screw- nomena:
driver assembly in one or more domestic
economies based on imported components; (1) The impact of the after-Fordist global –
macroregional divisions of labour within tri- local restructuring or rescaling of the
ads; and diadic division of labour strategies national territorial state so that it be-
oriented to relatively autonomous operations comes a ‘glocal’ state—i.e. a polymor-
in two macroregions (Ruigrok and van Tul- phic, hollowed-out, denationalised,
der, 1996, pp. 181 – 182). No doubt further multitiered or multiscalar form of state
strategies could be added that are oriented to territorial organisation that is the na-
plurispatial and multiscalar operations across tional equivalent to the urban ‘exopolis’
different national economies. But the com- as an expression of post-Fordist capital
mon feature of all these strategies is that they accumulation.
are the strategies of potentially mobile Ž rms (2) The ‘glocally oriented’ rescaling strate-
and thus distinct from the multiscalar strate- gies of national states to enhance the
gies of cities or other immobile economic locational advantages and productive ca-
units. This suggests that glocalisation will pacities of cities and regions in their
have very different meanings for mobile and territorial jurisdictions as maximally
immobile economic units—let alone for pol- competitive nodes in the global economy
itical as opposed to economic units. and/or to enforce the devalorisation and
‘Glocalisation’ has also been used to de- revalorisation of capital within declining
scribe deterritorialisation and reterritorialisa- cities and regions.
tion strategies by political units (see initially (3) Changes in cities themselves as they be-
the work of Swyngedouw, 1997, later Bren- come massive, polycentric urban re-
ner, 1997– 99). But this is the other side of the gions, megalopolises or exopolises that
contradiction of mobility– immobility in capi- are turned ‘outside in’ and ‘inside out’
tal accumulation and has a very different due to new global – local scale ge-
dynamic. We suggest that it is more sensible ometries, which entail an increasingly
to differentiate strategies on the immobile dense ‘superimposition and interpenetra-
territorial side as well as on the mobile deter- tion’ of multiple, overlapping sub-state
ritorialising or even aterritorial (i.e. cyber-) and suprastate scales.
side of the accumulation of capital. Failure to (4) The internationalisation of policy
do so leads to the conceptual morass of a regimes through the roles of suprana-
‘glocalisation’ concept that simply refers to tional agencies such as the EU, the IMF
any and all forms of global – local interaction. and the World Bank in regulating and
The problems involved here are well- restructuring the internal territorial
illustrated in Brenner’s otherwise excellent spaces of national states (Brenner,
work on ‘glocal’ states and ‘glocal’ cities. 1997a, 1997b, 1998, 1999a, 1999b).

In using this term, Brenner sometimes focuses In addition to noting the four analytical and
on the ‘global – local’ couplet and sometimes empirical distinctions between these two
stresses the multiplicity of the scales of terri- strategies, we would recommend that glur-
torial organisation that are involved in glocal- banisation be analysed differently from the
isation. Nowhere does he refer to functional manner in which glocalisation is usually stud-
scales or to the impact of cyberspace. In some ied.7 First, studies of glocalisation tend to
contexts, he also explains the emergence of work with a crude global – local dichotomy
global – local state rescaling as a major stra- (even though actual Ž rm-, alliance- or net-
tegic response to the political and administrat- work-level glocalisation strategies are often
ive crises as well as to the economic crisis of more sophisticated). This belies the multi-
after-Fordism. And, in the latter regard, he scalar, multitemporal nature of globalisation.
notes the speciŽ cally capitalist dialectic that Studies of glurbanisation should be attentive
 uctuates around the contradiction between from the outset to the multiplicity of scales,
capital’s constant striving to enhance its spa- including the creation of new scales of ac-
tial mobility by diminishing its place- tivity that might weaken traditional ideas of
dependency and states’ attempts to Ž x capital ‘nested’ territoriality. Secondly, accounts of
within their territories through the provision glocalisation tend to privilege the spatial and
of immobile, place-speciŽ c externalities than neglect the temporal dimension of Ž rm strate-
either cannot be found elsewhere or cannot be gies. In contrast, glurbanisation is explicitly
abandoned without considerable devalorisa- concerned with how time as well as space is
tion costs to capital. governed in the production of urban-based
To avoid these problems, we propose the competitive advantage. This is the aspect
term ‘glurbanisation’ strategies to refer to listed in Table 1 as chronotopic governance
entrepreneurial strategies that are concerned and one that we recommend be introduced
to secure the most advantageous insertion of into glocalisation as well as glurbanisation
a given city into the changing interscalar studies. Thirdly, whereas past studies of glo-
division of labour in the world economy. For, calisation tend to focus on the Ž rm- or sector-
whilst glocalisation is a strategy pursued by speciŽ c competitive advantages that it
global Ž rms that seek to exploit local differ- generates, future research on glurbanisation
ences to enhance their global operations, glur- should also include its impact on the extra-
banisation is pursued by cities to enhance economic dimensions of competitiveness. In
their place-based dynamic competitive advan- other words, it should address the issue of
tages to capture certain types of mobile capi- structural or systemic competitiveness; and
tal and/or to Ž x local capital in place. More this implies that the analysis of competition
recently, of course, glocalisation has been would go beyond narrow economic issues to
used to refer to a wide range of strategies include a wide range of ‘combinations’
associated with an equally diverse range of (Schumpeter) that bridge the economic and
actors that involve multiscalar strategies, extra-economic. Fourthly, whereas analyses
jumping scales between local and global or, of ‘glocalisation’ tend to emphasise its advan-
as noted above, transversal strategies. tages to Ž rms, our analysis is just as con-
The key analytical (and empirical) differ- cerned with the problems posed by
ences between glurbanisation and glocalisa- entrepreneurial activity. These include the
tion as we propose them within the broader tendential exhaustion of the ‘rents’ derived
framework of concerns with global – local (or, from any given entrepreneurial innovation (a
better, multiscalar) articulation are sum- tendency already noted by Schumpeter), the
marised in Table 1. This table is not intended costs of ‘glurbanisation’ strategies for less
to present a complete typology of multiscalar privileged or powerful groups and the typical
strategies, but aims simply to highlight some forms of failure of entrepreneurial city strate-
differences important for the ensuing dis- gies.
cussion. The concept of glurbanisation is very use-

Table 1. Glurbanisation versus glocalisation

Glurbanisation Glocalisation

Strategic actors Cities (perhaps as national champions) Firms (perhaps in strategic alliances)
Strategies Place- and space-based strategies Firm- or sector-based strategies
New scales of activities Create local differences to capture Develop new forms of scalar and/or
and temporalities  ows and embed mobile capital spatial division of labour
Chronotopic governance Re-articulate time and space for structural Re-articulate global and local for dynamic
or systemic competitive advantages competitive advantages

ful for exploring the emerging strategies of governmental as well as private economic
contemporary entrepreneurial cities. For it actors proposed their own (competing) glur-
complements the concept of glocalisation banisation strategies for Hong Kong—some
and thereby provides a means of exploring more favourable to a reinvigorated manufac-
the articulation between Ž rm-level, city-level turing strategy, some more favourable to the
and state-level strategies in the current period development of a producer service role
of globalisation. It also highlights the con- within a changing regional– global economy.
trasting moments of ‘glocalisation’ in its These ‘glurbanisation’ responses in Hong
broadest sense—i.e. the tendential deterrito- Kong took a new turn with the outbreak of
rialising mobility of  ows in space versus the Asian crisis and its impact on interurban,
reterritorialising attempts to Ž x capital in interregional and international competition in
place. It is also highly relevant to the pursuit east Asia and more widely. We develop these
of dynamic competitive advantage in so far ideas in the remainder of this paper.
as ‘entrepreneurial cities’ must position
themselves not only in the economic sphere,
3.1 ‘Glocalisation’ Strategies: From Industry
but also in the many extra-economic spheres
to Services
that are so important nowadays to effective
structural or systemic competition. In doing China’s declaration of its open door policy
so, they continue to reproduce local differ- was followed Ž ve years later by the signing
ences that enable transnational Ž rms to pur- of the Sino– British Joint Declaration in 1984.
sue their own ‘glocalisation’ strategies. This promised that Hong Kong’s capitalist
way of life would not be changed for 50
years after its return to the mainland in 1997.
3. An Entrepreneurial City in Action: The
This provided a temporary calming effect on
Case of Hong Kong
Hong Kong society and thereby encouraged
Hong Kong has a long history of urban en- manufacturers to look for short- to medium-
trepreneurialism, with different strategies be- term opportunities in the immediate region.
ing pursued as its economic and political In particular, taking advantage of the low
environments changed. Our paper focuses on land and labour costs, manufacturing Ž rms
the period since 1979—i.e. from the year that relocated their activities to southern China.
China Ž rst opened its doors to foreign invest- By the mid 1990s, almost 25 000 Hong Kong
ment through to Hong Kong’s current efforts factories, mostly in textiles and clothing, toys
to reposition itself in the light of the Asian and consumer electronics, moved there to
crisis. At stake here is a complex and still exploit low labour and rent costs. They then
evolving dialectic between glocalisation and employed directly about 3 million workers—
glurbanisation strategies in the broad sense in i.e. three times the total manufacturing
which these terms have just been deŽ ned. labour force left in Hong Kong.
The opening of China provided opportunities The shifting of manufacturing northwards
for Hong Kong Ž rms to adopt glocalisation was the result of the coalescence of glocali-
strategies to enhance their competitive ad- sation/glurbanisation strategies pursued by
vantage in the export market. This was partly various actors—private and public, economic
facilitated by the corresponding glurbanisa- and political—in Hong Kong and the region.
tion strategies of different provinces, cities More speciŽ cally, the Hong Kong govern-
and townships in southern China. This ment, with its commercial and industrial
resulted in the so-called hollowing-out of bases of support, continued with the so-
Hong Kong as a manufacturing centre. The called positive non-intervention strategy to
gap has been Ž lled by Hong Kong’s emerg- enhance Hong Kong’s core commercial com-
ence as a services centre for local, regional petitive advantages. This is re ected in in-
and international companies. In response to creased emphasis on the provision of the
these changes, governmental and quasi- physical, organisational and informational

infrastructure for a developing gateway role; private agencies in the region and consoli-
a continuing commitment to low and simple date them through the socio-cultural prac-
taxation; regulation of Ž nance and com- tices of guanxi (relationship). These cultural
merce; and the maintenance of Hong Kong’s time– space aspects of ‘Greater China’ help
free port and free trade status. There is also to consolidate a coalition of local party/
an interesting complementarity here between administrative ofŽ cials, their afŽ liates and
the Hong Kong government’s strategy and Hong Kong (and Taiwanese) capital. They
the PRC’s desire to attract FDI and exper- form the social bases of support for a trans-
iment with its growth-inducing potential. The border division of labour as Hong Kong
resulting decentralisation strategy allowed shifts labour-intensive manufacturing to
Guangdong and Fujian to adopt preferential southern China.
treatments for Hong Kong and Taiwanese This process not only deepens Hong
investment in their development of a ‘glur- Kong’s entrepôt role, but also enhances its
banisation’ strategy (Nee, 1992; Sum, 1996, capacity as a global-regional gateway city to
pp. 60 – 62). co-ordinate investment, trade and services in
In response to these changes, Taiwan in- and beyond the ‘Greater China’ region.
dustrial and commercial capital also became Basing themselves in Hong Kong as a gate-
more interested in establishing commercial way city, the glocalisation strategies of capi-
links with the mainland through Hong Kong. tal involve a rearticulation of the chronotopic
Moreover, following the depreciation of Tai- dimensions of production, trade and Ž nance.
wanese currency from 1986 onwards, the More speciŽ cally, Hong Kong’s industrial,
rising cost of land and the high standards set commercial and Ž nancial capital innovate
by the Taiwanese government’s 1984 Basic new organisational practices that can be use-
Labour Law, Ž rms also became more inter- fully described as ‘sub-contracting manage-
ested in China as an industrial base. This ment’ which involves sourcing, production,
reorientation has since been promoted by the authority and distribution management. In
KMT government itself on condition that response to the demand for global out-
trade and the movement of factors of pro- sourcing, industrial and commercial capital
duction pass through a third site—which, in locate Chinese partners through formal con-
practice, usually meant Hong Kong (with tact and informal kinship and communal ties.
Macau playing a secondary role). As a result, This intensiŽ cation of the social space
Hong Kong and Taiwan are the two biggest through guanxi helps to speed up the border-
investors in Guangdong and Fujian provinces crossing time across the private – public div-
with Hong Kong alone supplying 80 per cent ide as well as the rural– urban; and also to
of all FDI. The region became a major pro- build the mutual relations needed to establish
duction base for its more labour-intensive sub-contracting partnerships and joint ven-
products aimed at the global market. tures. After establishing these sourcing net-
This regional production space is also co- works, Hong Kong capital then engages in
ordinated by private actors who are pursuing production management across time and
various glocalisation strategies to rearticulate space. The production process involves the
time and space across borders. This is co-ordination and supervision of time-bound
re ected in the increasing importance at- projects dispersed across various sites with
tached in Hong Kong at all levels of action to the more skill-intensive sub-processes in
the time– space dimensions of competition. Hong Kong and the more labour-intensive
Thus, industrial and commercial capitals ones in southern China. Production man-
from Hong Kong (and Taiwan) draw on their agers, quality controllers, line managers and
linguistic afŽ nities and kinship ties to build so forth from Hong Kong are at the forefront
socioeconomic connections in the region. here in rearticulating spatial scales and tem-
They also enter strategic networks with vari- poral horizons to realise time-constrained
ous local Chinese public, quasi-public and projects. This often involves further in-

tensiŽ cation of production practices, such as works and their co-ordination of the indus-
Ž ner differentiation of pre-production plan- trial, commercial, Ž nancial and cultural
ning and greater intensiŽ cation of production forms of chronotopic governance. These ad-
schedules and monitoring. Such practices vantages were created primarily by local
build the capacity to co-ordinate transborder Ž rms and networks. This ensures the most
production processes so that goods reach the favourable insertion of Hong Kong as a city
global market just-in-time. into the emerging local– regional– global div-
Also essential to this chronotopic gover- ision of labour and makes it attractive
nance network is the building of good rela- enough to capture and Ž x the global – regional
tions with local/central ofŽ cials and cadre ‘space of  ows’ in Hong Kong. In this re-
entrepreneurs in China. After all, these au- gard, Hong Kong’s emerging position as a
thorities still control enormous resources, global-gateway city enables it to stay at the
such as land, labour, capital and regulations. leading edge of the ‘fast world’ (Knox and
In addition to production and authority man- Taylor, 1995) in an era of increasing ‘time-
agement, Ž nished goods in the ‘supply based’ competition.
pipeline’ need to be exported/distributed to
the global market. Distribution management,
then, involves the rearticulation of factory 3.2 The ‘Hollowing Out’/‘Filling In’ of Hong
time and global lead-time through the activi- Kong
ties of service-based Ž rms in the region as
This combination of ‘glocalisation strategies’
well as trading and customs authorities. This
pursued by Hong Kong Ž rms and a ‘glurban-
transborder private– public network is co-
isation’ strategy pursued by provincial, urban
ordinated in the ‘electronic’ and ‘social’
and township authorities in southern China
spaces that synchronise transport schedules,
contributed to Hong Kong’s transformation
export procedures of import/export licensing,
from an industrial centre to a global-gateway
custom liaison, international payments, in-
city. But it also prompted the so-called hol-
surance, packaging and logistic management,
lowing-out process in its status as a manufac-
etc., so that goods can be delivered just-in-
turing centre. The resulting gap has been
time and ‘right-in-place’ for the global-
Ž lled by the growing importance of producer
regional buyers. Practices such as these help
services such as retail and import/export
to speed up the transit- and pipeline-time
trades, Ž nancial services, insurance, real es-
crucial to time-bound projects (Sum, 1999,
tate and business services as well as owner-
pp. 139 – 142).
ship of premises (see Table 2). Hong Kong’s
The sub-contracting management practices
development as a service-based economy can
that are developed and co-ordinated across
be analysed on the material and discursive
the border by these various political and
economic actors are a form of process inno-
vation. The role of these actors and practices
in consolidating a cross-border ‘structured The emergence of Ž nance and real estate
coherence’ between mode of growth and sectors. On the material level, the northward
modes of regulation-governance lie at the march of Hong Kong’s manufacturing turned
heart of urban entrepreneurialism in Hong it into a (sub-contracting) management hub.
Kong. In this regard, Hong Kong’s competi- This new ‘temporal– spatial Ž x’ for the indus-
tive advantages (for example, quick response trial and trade circuits has been coupled with
and lead-times for product procurement and developments on the Ž nancial front, for,
sub-contracting, great  exibility in order- since the early 1980s, Hong Kong has be-
taking and product manufacturing, the ease come a regional Ž nancial centre. Among
of international sourcing, the proximity and contributory factors here are: Hong Kong’s
ease of access to the PRC, the availability of market-friendly environment; the opening of
trade Ž nance) are embedded in these net- China for inward and outward investment;

Table 2. Selected GDP at current prices by economic activity (unit percentage)

1985 1990 1995 1997

Industry 29.8 25.3 16.6 14.7

Manufacturing 21.9 17.6 8.3 6.5
Construction 5.0 5.4 5.4 5.8
Others 2.9 2.3 2.9 2.4

Services 74.5 80.3 83.8 85.2

Wholesale/retail, import/export 21.8 24.3 26.6 26.1
trades, restaurants and hotels
Transport, storage and 8.1 9.4 10.1 9.3
Financing, insurance, real estate 16.3 20.8 24.4 26.5
and business services
Community, social and 17.3 15.0 17.3 17.4
personal services
Ownership of premises 11.0 10.8 13.3 13.0

Sources: Hong Kong Annual Report, Hong Kong SAR Government

(various years).

the growing economic importance of the 1984 to 1997, it was property that provided
Asia-PaciŽ c region; global Ž nancial liberali- this Ž eld. This was facilitated by the follow-
sation and development of international ing structural and conjunctural contexts:
banking and Ž nancial markets; and, develop-
ments in information technology and (1) the Hong Kong government’s historical
telecommunications. Local, regional and dependency upon land and property-
multinational banks/Ž nancial institutions related activities for 40 per cent of its
came to specialise in on-shore and off-shore revenue;
activities—for example, syndicated loans for (2) the pegged exchange rate between the
the south-east Asian region and acting as a Hong Kong and the US dollars, which
Ž nancial entrepôt for ‘Greater China’. As a meant that local interest rates were lower
regional Ž nancial centre, Hong Kong became than the rate of in ation;
a net recipient of overseas funds, which (3) the low real interest rates, which made
amounted to about HK$138 billion in 1988. property purchases attractive;
About half of these funds came from Chinese (4) the signing of the Sino– British Joint
banks (Taylor, 1991, p. 48). In addition, Declaration in 1984, which allowed the
Ž nancial deregulation in Japan and tougher extension of land leases up to 2047;
competition among Japanese banks meant (5) the accumulated hard currency from
that Hong Kong became one of their destina- mainland China searching for investment
tions for off-shore activities. Thus, by the outlets in Hong Kong;
end of 1989, Japanese institutions came to (6) the growth in population during 1991 –
dominate Hong Kong’s foreign-currency 93, due to an increase in the numbers of
loan market and accounted for 66 per cent of returning emigrants, imported workers
Hong Kong’s total foreign currency assets and expatriates working in Hong Kong;
(Goldstein, 1990, p. 71). (7) the growth in GDP per capita income at
This ample supply of funds was not easily 4.4 per cent per year between 1985 and
absorbed by Hong Kong’s immature debt 1997; and
market. Thus excess capital was hunting for (8) the desire of the new middle classes for
a new Ž eld of capital accumulation. From property, which was seen both as a sym-

bol of better lifestyle and as a rational competitive advantages (for example, the
hedge against 8 per cent annual in ation. Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and the
Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries).
Together, these factors made property invest- Such issues frequently triggered public de-
ment and speculation a way of life and not bates in the Legislative Councils, pro-
just a form of business. Between 1985 and fessional meetings and the mass media.
1997, property estate investment and specu- Around 1996, these concerns were re ected
lation pushed real estate prices up eight-fold. in the concurrent commissioning of two con-
The emergence of property as an object of sultancy reports that were sponsored and/or
capital accumulation has consolidated a close supported by different fractions of capital,
relationship between Ž nance and property public organisations (for example, the Trade
capital. This can be seen in three key phe- Development Council and the Hong Kong
nomena: loan exposure of Ž nancial institu- Productivity Centre) and government depart-
tions to construction and real estate in Hong ments (for example, the Trade and Industry
Kong averaged 40 per cent during 1983 – 97; Departments). The two reports were pub-
more than half of the Hang Seng Index is lished in 1997 and represented alternative
made up of property and property-related glurbanisation strategies, each of which
shares; and, well-developed interlocking di- sought to envision and promote new scalar
rectorships exist between banks and real es- and temporal horizons for a capitalist restruc-
tate/infrastructural development companies turing of the city. They thereby re ect public
(for example, Li Ka-Shing was a deputy debates on what constitutes the most advan-
chairman of Hongkong Bank as well as the tageous mode of inserting Hong Kong into
Chairman of Cheung Kong). This property – the changing multiscalar and multitemporal
Ž nance relationship formed only part of a division of labour. In turn, this involves
broader cross-border urban bloc that com- redeŽ ning the objects of Hong Kong’s en-
prised not only multinational/local banks (in trepreneurialism, its forms of competitive-
the form of project Ž nance/mortgages) and ness and the ‘new combinations’ involved in
construction companies (in the form of land/ creating and sustaining its structural and sys-
property assets) but also legal/property pro- temic competitiveness. Constructions of this
fessionals (in the form of services), the kind are always contested and different frac-
government (in the form of land and rev- tions of capital and their associated interests/
enues), the middle classes (in the form of networks are deeply involved in redeŽ ning
newly acquired wealth and investment) and the changing geography of Hong Kong’s
cross-border capital from China (in the form competitiveness. In so far as a wide range of
of legal and clandestine capital). economic, political and social forces come to
share one of these competing visions and
Competing discourses on Hong Kong’s glur- mobilise behind it, Hong Kong can be seen
banisation strategies: service versus indus- as a re exive city committed to changing its
try/Harvard versus MIT. This ‘Ž lling in’ of insertion into the changing global (dis)order.
Hong Kong has given rise to continuing The following accounts of two recent consul-
re exive discussions about Hong Kong’s tancy reports on Hong Kong aim to demon-
economic future. First, worries about the de- strate the contested nature of ‘glurbanisation’
cline of industry and the lack of high-tech strategies of Hong Kong as an ‘entrepreneu-
investment were voiced by industrial frac- rial city’.
tions, especially the larger manufacturers (for The Ž rst study is a Harvard Business
example, the Federation of Hong Kong In- School consultancy report entitled The Hong
dustries). Secondly, rising residential and Kong Advantage (Enright et al., 1997). This
ofŽ ce rental costs were rendering the service report was sponsored by the Vision 2047
sector vulnerable and this fraction was won- Foundation, which groups together commer-
dering how best to enhance its service-based cial and Ž nancial capital interests. This group

promotes a revisioning of Hong Kong’s fu- Thus it refers to certain features of Hong
ture time and space favouring its own inter- Kong’s entrepreneurial and/or governance
ests. The report notes Hong Kong’s capacities that are socially embedded on the
manufacturing decline and the challenge of interpersonal, institutional and societal lev-
interurban competition from Shanghai, Sin- els. On an interpersonal level, the “hustle and
gapore, Taipei and Sydney. It promotes a commitment strategies” [sic] of Hong
vision of the city’s new identity as a ‘busi- Kong’s “merchant manufacturers” should be
ness/service/Ž nancial centre’ with ‘hub’ combined with the embedded institutions of
functions (see Table 3). In Schumpeterian “government as referee” and with the activi-
terms, it portrays Hong Kong as a new type ties of “entrepreneurial and managerial
of urban economic space that will manage Ž rms” from Hong Kong and abroad (Enright
ever-expanding global – regional– local  ows et al., 1997, pp. 45– 46, 127, and 34– 40).
of production and exchange. In this regard, These networks would be supported by an
its entrepreneurial ambition is to establish a existing societal ethos of “hard-working peo-
‘beyond-the-gateway’ image, or, more ple” but this entrepreneurial culture must
speciŽ cally, to offer a ‘new combination’ of nonetheless be helped to win greater compet-
‘hub’ functions around a ‘knowledge-infor- itiveness. This is to be achieved through the
mation-based’ economy with access to main- provision of “inputs to industry” (p. 85) and
land China, Asia and the Asian-PaciŽ c by promoting strategic clusters of industries
region (Enright et al., 1997, pp. 25 and 167 – such as property, construction, infrastructure,
187). business and Ž nancial services, transport and
This urban entrepreneurialism remaps not logistics, light manufacturing and trading,
only Hong Kong’s spatial horizons, but also and tourism. Such clusters and their linkages
its temporal horizons of action. Thus, as a enable them to “draw upon common skill
key global-regional ‘hub’, it will capture and bases or inputs, and reinforce each other’s
manage ‘ ows’ rather than continue to serve competitive positions through dynamic inter-
as an export platform. The aim is to rearticu- action” (Enright et al., 1997, p. 95). In short,
late relations among global, regional and this Porterian construction of Hong Kong’s
local traders/investors by organising interna- structural competitiveness promotes a space-
tionally located systems of production, com- based and interscalar ‘glurbanisation’ strat-
bining inputs from a diversity of sources in egy to reinsert Hong Kong favourably into
many different countries, managing a diver- changing  ows produced by regional and
sity of supply outlets, furnishing the required global restructuring.
capital, technical support (design, construc- The MIT report, entitled Made by Hong
tion, engineering, legal, Ž nancial) and in- Kong (Berger and Lester, 1997), offers a
frastructural provisions (particularly real and more place-based account of Hong Kong’s
virtual port and transport facilities in south- entrepreneurial future (see Table 3). This
ern China and Asia). This central logistic report is sponsored by industrial capital with
role would enable Hong Kong to co-ordinate the support of certain parts of the bureauc-
new temporal horizons that would relink: racy (most notably the Hong Kong Govern-
factory and pipeline time crucial to time- ment Industry Department and the Hong
bound and compressed-time projects; and, Kong Productivity Council). It portrays
electronic time to tame the  ow of Ž nancial, Hong Kong as locked into a ‘made by Hong
logistic information and service-based Kong’ manufacturing trajectory—i.e. as or-
knowledge across borders as well as across ganising the low-cost manufacture of ‘Hong
the private – public divide. Kong’ goods in offshore locations such as
These new spatio-temporal horizons of ac- southern China and other parts of Asia. The
tion should, the report continues, be facili- report argues that this trajectory will prove
tated and mediated by new urban-based “unsustainable” due to rising labour and land
institutional arrangements and practices. costs in Guangdong province, to the “craze
Table 3. Two competing glurbanisation strategies for Hong Kong as an ‘entrepreneurial city’ in 1997

The Hong Kong Advantage Made by Hong Kong

Object(s) of Decline of manufacturing From ‘Made by Hong Kong’

entrepreneurial Promote trade, Ž nance and to ‘Made in Hong Kong’
intervention high-tech industry
City identity Business/service/Ž nance centre Hi-tech manufacturing centre
Information hub · Brand-name production
Logistic hub · Original design manufacturing
Innovative practices
Purpose Manage the  ows Fix capital/technology in place
New scales of activities Global– regional– local Regional– local technology
(re)articulation diffusion (with hints of global)
New temporal horizons Rearticulating transit/pipeline time Research and training time
Importance of electronic time for higher-value products
Development of electronic time
New governance capacities Dynamic clusters and linkages R&D base
Property, construction
Input to all industries Input to technology
· Location (proximity to China) · Government fundings
· Infrastructure (airport, port, telecom) · Private R&D investment

· Capital and Ž nance · Incentives for research

· Capital goods and components · Information services and technologies
· Human resources
· Regional and international specialists
Form of competitiveness Space-based and interscalar competitiveness Place-based form of competitiveness
Fraction(s) of capital Commercial and Ž nancial capital Industrial capital
(and its associated networks) (and its associated networks)

for property” in the region and to the com- based enterprises, education institutes,
petitive challenge coming from Japan’s suc- (virtual) science parks and private Ž rms;
cessful organisation of its own regional (3) acquiring new inputs such as govern-
networks in the area (Berger and Lester, ment fundings, human resources and in-
1997, pp. 52– 57). formation technology; and
The best response to such uncertainties (4) strengthening the technological capabili-
for Hong Kong is said to be ‘climb the ties of government by injecting more
technology ladder’ by producing higher- technical expertise and raising the proŽ le
value-added goods in Hong Kong itself. The of technology-related policies; etc.
report deploys the symbols of ‘Made in Hong
Kong’ and Hong Kong as a ‘high-tech manu- In short, we can argue that this construction
facturing centre’ to reorient its future com- of Hong Kong’s structural competitiveness is
petitiveness and urban character. Seen in based on a place-based notion.
Schumpeterian terms, this reconstruction
seeks to narrate Hong Kong in terms of a
new type of urban economic space that seeks 4. The Asian Crisis and Hong Kong’s New
to ‘reŽ x’ its role as a base for production. Urban Identities
The invocation of ‘technology’ is the key
These competing ‘glurbanisation’ visions re-
symbol here in building ‘Hong Kong’s
veal the contested nature of Hong Kong’s
new engine for growth’. And this will in-
urban restructuring and its embedded social
volve a different chronotopic Ž x from that
and economic relations. This debate was,
involved in the previous ‘made by Hong
however, interrupted by Hong Kong’s tran-
Kong’ mode of growth. It involves new
sition from a British colony to a Special
methods of producing and organising socio-
Administrative Region in 1997; and, more
economic space and will require the support
importantly and unexpectedly, by the Asian
of government.
crisis as it unfolded in 1997– 99.
Spatially, the team envisions a global –
regional– local diffusion of technology that
could launch Hong Kong on the path to its
4.1 The Asian Crisis
own brand-name production and original de-
sign manufacturing. This place-based com- On February 1997, speculators Ž rst attacked
petitiveness involves intensifying (including the Thai bhat and the Bank of Thailand
compressing) research and training time as allowed the bhat to  oat on 2 July 1997. This
well as exploiting possibilities in electronic triggered a Ž nancial contagion that quickly
time. This remixing of time– space horizons spread from Thailand to Indonesia, Malaysia,
requires  ows of information conducive to South Korea, the Phillippines, and then Hong
the development of an R&D base crucial to Kong (Sum, 1999). In Hong Kong, the dollar
Hong Kong’s competitiveness. This in turn came under speculative pressure on several
requires new urban-based institutional ar- occasions in July, August and October 1997.
rangements and practices. Accordingly, the These currency attacks put the government
report concentrates on institutional changes on short-term crisis management. It inter-
required to boost the entrepreneurial and vened in the money market initially by push-
self-governance capacities of Hong Kong’s ing up interest rates in the interbanking
technological base. These include: sector and later by imposing penalty interest
on borrowing of the Hong Kong dollar. The
(1) acquiring technical knowledge from the government was able to maintain the pegged
PRC, diasporic Chinese, international exchange rate under conditions of high inter-
experts and multinational corporations; est rates, capital  ight from the Hong Kong
(2) promoting R&D agglomeration econom- dollar and reduced external demand. These
ies based on universities, technology- pushed the local stock index and residential

property prices down by over 50 per cent 4.2 A New Urban Identity for a Crisis-ridden
between October 1997 and June 1998. This Hong Kong
asset depreciation, especially in the property
The service versus industry (or Harvard ver-
sector, cut at the heart of Hong Kong’s inter-
sus MIT) debate took a new turn when the
nal ‘growth’ dynamics, since this had devel-
crisis began to stabilise in early 1999. The
oped since the opening of China. This
Asian crisis has disarticulated the previous
bursting of the ‘property bubble’ has given
structured coherence of Hong Kong’s politi-
rise to fear among this property-related bloc
cal economy and has exposed it to several
about further asset depreciation. In order to
prevent the asset from further depreciating,
the government’s short-term strategies were: (1) the decline in Hong Kong’s role as agent
to freeze land sales (until April 1999); to for China’s exports;
allocate HK$1390 million for home-buyer (2) over-dependence on property sector;
loans; and, to grant tax rebates to property (3) the vulnerability of Ž nancial and other
owners. services;
The Hong Kong dollar came under further (4) the effects of recession (see, for exam-
attack in August 1998 when the yen depreci- ple, negative growth rate, fall in asset
ated against the dollar, with hedge funds values 6 per cent unemployment rate);
selling the Hong Kong stock market short in (5) competition from other regional cities,
the expectation that the index would fall as such as Shanghai and Singapore; and
interest rates rose. Speculative attacks pro- (6) the rising ‘tide of the information revol-
pelled signiŽ cant amounts of capital out ow ution’.
as some people believed that this might also
Given that Hong Kong has become a global –
force a yuan devaluation. This time, the
regional – gateway city dependent on the local
government reacted with more short-term
real estate sector as well as cross-border
measures which included: drawing on its re-
manufacturing, innovative attempts to recast
serves to buy US$ 15 billion worth of se-
Hong Kong’s competitiveness cannot be en-
lected Hong Kong shares (60 per cent of
tirely divorced from this historical growth
these were property related—higher than this
path. Up to the time of writing, private and
sector’s weight in the stock market); and,
public actors alike are urgently seeking to
introducing a package of technical measures
construct new objects and projects of urban
to strengthen the transparency and operation
governance that might help to rebuild the
of the linked exchange rate system (for ex-
crisis-ridden economy. One high-proŽ le ob-
ample, a rediscount facility to reduce interest
ject-project is the ‘Cyberport’ (see Table 4)
rate volatility). The pegged system was once
that was originally the ‘brain child’ of ‘Hong
again maintained, but at the expense of high
Kong’s Bill Gates’ (Richard Li) and his
interest rates, weak domestic demand and
Singapore-based corporation called PaciŽ c
rising unemployment. Hong Kong’s GDP
fell 5 per cent and the unemployment rate
Li’s (and PaciŽ c Century’s) idea was to
had reached 6 per cent at the beginning of
1999. However, wages and rents are still
high. In April 1999, the government resumed a comprehensive facility designed to foster
land sales—an action that was seen as a the development of Hong Kong’s infor-
continuing of its support for the property mation services sector and to enhance
sector. These are short-term tactics that seek Hong Kong’s position as the premier in-
to maintain the conŽ dence of the property- formation and telecommunications hub in
related urban bloc. However, the debate over Asia (Hong Kong Cyberport, 1999, p. 1).
what constitutes Hong Kong’s ‘glurbanisa-
In addition,
tion strategy’ and new urban identity is far
from being over. the Cyber-port is meant to attract, nurture

Table 4. A new economic object of urban governance: Cyberport

Cost HK$13 billion (US$1.68 billion)

Size 64 acres (25.6 hectares)
Location Telegragh Bay, Pokfulam
Aims “To create a world class location for the conduct of a
variety of activities which through the use of information
technologies, can leverage Hong Kong existing strengths
in the service sector (e.g., in Ž nancial, media, retail,
transportation, education, and tourism services)”
(Hong Kong Cyberport, 1999, p. 1).
Built Environment I Cyber facilities (2/3 of the site)
Fibre-optic wiring
Satellite signal senders
Built-in high-speed modems
Media laboratories and studio facilities
Built Environment II Real estate (1/3 of the site)
Houses and apartments
Completion date 2007 (commencing from 2002)
Job creation 4 000 during construction
12 000 professional jobs on completion
(10 per cent from outside Hong Kong)
Partners PaciŽ c Century CyberWorks (HK$7 billion equity capital)
Government (land worth HK$6 billion)
Cluster of tenants Multinational corporations (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle,
HP, Softbank, Yahoo!, Hua Wei, Sybase)
Local tenants of small to medium-sized
information-technology companies
Metaphors/images used ‘Silicon Valley’ and ‘catching up’

and retain the relevant innovative talent space not only to global-regional ‘trade and
necessary to build a cyber-culture critical Ž nancial  ows’ but also to global ‘infor-
mass in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Cyber- mation  ows’.
port, 1999, p. 1). More speciŽ cally, this project aims to
redeŽ ne Hong Kong’s competitive advan-
In this regard, Li’s (and PaciŽ c Century’s) tages and chronotopic governance by: captur-
vision is interesting in two aspects. First, it ing global ‘information  ows’ and managing
can be seen as a re exive reinvention of the them within the service-space of Hong Kong
Harvard report. It adopts the idea of a ser- and its broader region (for example, as an
vice-based cluster; but one that narrates it in e-commerce hub); connecting Hong Kong’s
terms of the metaphor ‘Silicon Valley’ and services to fast cybertime and the knowl-
suggests that the Cyberport could help Hong edge-based economy; and, consolidating a
Kong to ‘catch up’ with the ‘information social space in which to build a ‘cyber cul-
revolution’. In other words, the creation of ture critical mass’ that links the global, re-
the Cyberport as an economic object can gional and local. This time– space
rearticulate Hong Kong’s imagined time and reimagination can be seen as an innovative

entrepreneurial city vision to create a new tegic project, 10 real estate developers jointly
techno-urban identity. denounced the government’s decision-mak-
Secondly, given that the Cyberport is an ing process as being ‘not open for bidding’
imagined service cluster that will be built to and declared that the government is using
capture the information-technology  ows, residential land to subsidise the Cyberport
this new object can symbolically (and, per- project. The Democratic Party, for different
haps, materially) bridge the traditional ser- reasons, challenged the government for lack
vice – technology – property divide in the of transparency, creating ‘favouritism/
cityspace of Hong Kong. It highlights the cronyism’ and departing from its ‘laissez-
role of (information) technology in expand- faire’ policy.
ing the activities of traditional service clus- Despite these challenges, the emerging
ters—a critical mass can be (partly) nurtured techno-urban discourse/identity continues to
by the physical form of the built environment resonate and has gathered some strength in
that is modelled on the ‘Silicon Valley’. The reorganising and reregularising economic
transversal potential of this construction has practices. Notable examples include new
not gone unnoticed by the government and consortia of property developers proposing
its advisory agency (the Commission for new innovative projects. Large developers
Innovation and Technology). In fact, the idea such as Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP)
was selected and (partly) appropriated by the and Hutchison Whampoa have reinvented
government when the Financial Secretary themselves as Internet companies. SHKP
unveiled it in the 1999 Budget. created its own Internet arm (SunEvision)
After the ofŽ cial announcement, this new and, together with the Hong Kong Industrial
object of urban governance seems to have Technology Centre (HKITC), launched the
resonated within a global – regional – local Cyberincubator project in August 1999. Un-
epistemic community comprising local capi- der this latter scheme, developers would pro-
tal (for example, Richard Li and the PaciŽ c vide rent-free space for new ‘infopreneurs’
Century), the government (for example, the for 3 years in return for 10 per cent stakes in
Chief Executive, the Financial Secretary, the their businesses. Other developers such as
Commission on Innovation and Technology, Cheung Kong (Holdings), Henderson Land
the Secretary for Information and Broadcast- Development, New World Development and
ing), quasi-governmental organisations (for Sino Land are planning to participate in simi-
example, Hong Kong Industrial Technology lar rent-for-equity programmes. The Chief
Centre) and global – regional capitals (for ex- Executive, Tung Chee-Hwa, visited Silicon
ample, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Yahoo!’s Valley in July 1999 to build new linkages
Jerry Yeung and IBM’s Craig Barrett). The with the local Internet communities. The
latter group of ‘cyber-gods’  ew to Hong Hong Kong-Silicon Valley Association,
Kong, publicly endorsed the idea and even which is mediated by a Chinese diaspora
highlighted their own roles therein. A tech- network, was set up to enhance possible glo-
nocultural regime of truth is beginning to bal– local  ows of knowledge, expertise and
emerge in this network of ‘infopreneurs’, manpower. Some investors even switched
which cuts across the private– public as well from blue chips to Internet and technology
as global – regional– local spheres. and Internet-related stocks—the share price
But this emerging regime of truth has also of PaciŽ c Century CyberWorks rose 1280
encountered resistance. Some market ana- per cent when it Ž rst came onto the market in
lysts (for example, Webb) criticise the Cy- May 1999. 8 In this regard, it can be argued
berport idea as comprising little more than that the technocultural imagination has cre-
“Cyber villas by sea” (i.e. a real estate proj- ated a post-crisis euphoria that may be con-
ect as opposed to a high-tech project) and ducive towards the rebuilding of a new form
claim there “is no ‘Silicon Valley’ ” (Webb, of urban governance that cuts across the
1999). Being left out of an important stra- global – regional– local scales as well as across

different fractions of commercial, Ž nancial, approval of the Chief Executive, has rein-
property and technological capital. In ad- forced the importance of the Ž nancial and
dition to its potential to re-ally different cap- business services sector. This is illustrated by
itals (and their organisational and an ofŽ cial blueprint for transforming Hong
interorganisational setups) for new strategic Kong into Asia’s ‘world city’ that would
projects, it is also facilitating the rebuilding rival the positions of London and New York
of cross-border private– public alliance based in Europe and North America respectively.
on the politics of (Internet) optimism. This would involve strengthening Hong
Riding on this politics of (Internet) opti- Kong’s links with the Pearl River delta and
mism, the Cyberport imagination was further other mainland regions (such as the Yangtze
reinforced and broadened in the Second and delta and basin and key central and western
Final Report of the Commission of Inno- regions) as well as enhancing its ability to
vation and Technology published in June exploit China’s imminent entry into the
1999. Acknowledging the importance of In- World Trade Organisation and position itself
ternet-based services linked to the Cyberport as a ‘knowledge-based economy’. This blue-
project, the Commission reintroduces some print envisages a complex array of private –
place-based manufacturing recommenda- public partnerships and networks
tions—some of which resonate with the MIT co-operating under Hong Kong’s leadership
report (for example, institutional/organisa- to promote the overall competitiveness of an
tional changes such as institutional arrange- emerging multicentred city-region, not only
ments, building up human capital, fostering in economic terms but also in cultural and
innovation and technology culture, and cre- community matters. This long-term develop-
ating an enabling business environment). ment plan is explicitly phrased in en-
However, it is also re exively seeking new trepreneurial terms, emphasises the
niches that would go beyond the MIT sug- importance of marketing Hong Kong as a
gestions. More speciŽ cally, one such niche world-class city and is strongly committed to
recommended by the Commission is the promoting a wide range of innovative, high-
building of a ‘Silicon Harbour’. This was tech Ž nancial and business services to secure
planned to comprise a semi-conductor manu- its position within an evolving interscalar
facturing project that would allegedly be able division of labour (Commission on Strategic
to ‘leapfrog’ existing microchip fabrication Development, 2000).
facilities. This state-of-the-art factory would
cost US$1.2 billion and comprise 4 factories
built in phases, along with infrastructure and
5. Hong Kong and its New Interurban
supporting facilities, on over 200 hectares
Competition: The Siliconisation of Asia
and would eventually accommodate 200 – 300
companies. Its main aim was to by-pass the Hong Kong is not the only city that has
PC age and enter directly into the ASICs imagined an information-technology fu-
(application-speciŽ c integrated circuits) era ture—whether service- or manufacturing-
by 2003. 9 This reintroduction of high-tech based. Inspired and worried by the hi-tech
manufacturing strategy back to Hong Kong boom in the US, other major cities in east
is not without sceptics, who see the chip- Asia are caught in this technology race. Gov-
manufacturing venture as going in the op- ernments and different fractions/scales of
posite direction from a service-based capital—for example, venture capital funds,
e-commerce and information highway. In- investment banks, real-estate companies, In-
deed, at the time of writing, it seems unlikely ternet (mega-)corporations—in different ur-
that the Silicon Harbour project will be ban centres co-ordinate and market
realised. themselves by offering different ‘temporal–
More recently (February 2000), the Com- spatial’ Ž xes that are related to some form of
mission on Strategic Development, with the hi-tech settlement such as Singapore’s ‘Intel-

Table 5. Hi-tech clusters in Singapore and Malaysia

Singapore’s Malaysia’s
Science Hub Multi-media Supercorridor

Project cost US$20 billion US$2.9 billion

Size 434 acres 750 sq kma
Major tenants Dell Microsoft
National University of Singapore Intel
Singapore Polytechnic Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
Completion date Before 2013 (Ž rst phase in 2002) 2020
Niches R&D development Software
Multimedia products
The Supercorridor connects Kuala Lumpur and its airport.

ligent Island’ and ‘Science Hub’, Malaysia’s and also encompasses Putrajaya, the govern-
‘Multimedia Supercorridor’ (see Table 5). ment’s new administrative centre. Its aim is
Singapore, a long-standing threat to Hong to become a test-bed for IT and multimedia
Kong’s aim of becoming the dominant re- solutions. In July 1999, the Ž rst township,
gional Ž nancial centre, is entering a new Cyberjaya, was launched claiming to be a
round of competition in the information age. ‘Far East version of Silicon Valley’ which is
As early as 1986, Singapore formulated its ‘intelligent, hi-tech, low-density and environ-
Ž rst national IT plan to enhance competitive- mentally friendly’. It would also be the
ness. In 1991, the National Computer Board MSC’s ‘nerve centre’ housing hi-tech com-
initiated the IT2000 vision. This examined panies, research centres and a multimedia
how IT might be leveraged to improve busi- university (Agence France Presse, 1999). It
ness performance and the quality of life. In has already attracted 21 companies to form
1996, the Singapore ONE (One Network for the core and is offering tax breaks and fast
Everybody) was announced with the aim of communication links to attract the regional
establishing Singapore as the world’s ‘intelli- headquarters of existing multinational com-
gent island’ modelled upon the ‘Silicon Val- panies as well as new communication and
ley’. This project involves building the multimedia Ž rms.
world’s Ž rst nation-wide broadband network Scattered around Asia, there are other
that wires up the entire island. This national planned information technology clusters—
network aims to deliver a new level of inter- for example, Beijing’s Zhongguancun area.
active, multimedia applications and services They are at some stage of high-proŽ le devel-
to its new breed of ‘netizens’. Up to 1999, opment, each one a self-proclaimed ‘next
the total number of users was about 70 000. Silicon Valley’ with a ‘Silicon Valley state
More recently, Singapore has proposed a of mind’. This process of siliconisation in
‘Science Hub’ that aims to attract hi-tech east/south-east Asia marks one of the ways
companies to engage in R&D development these cities aim to compete. Each is launch-
(see Table 5). ing an aggressive public-relations campaign
In 1996, Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Ma- both locally and internationally to market a
hathir Mohamad, launched the idea of a niche that goes beyond its (current or future
‘Multimedia Supercorridor’ (MSC) as the diminishing capacity to provide) cheap land
country’s new ‘thrust area for sustainable and labour. At the time of writing, the Singa-
growth’ (see Table 5). It covers 750 sq km pore ONE is feeling the pinch from the fast-
stretching south from the federal capital to track approach of Hong Kong’s Cyberport
the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Malaysia’s Multimedia Supercorridor.

Thus Singapore ONE is now seeking to re- and hegemonic projects. Even if this is re-
gain the initiative by boosting its usage and jected, it is certainly the case that urban blocs
consolidating additional global – local partner- claiming to speak for and on behalf of cities
ships that might wish to use Singapore as a or regions as ‘spaces for themselves’ (Lipi-
springboard to other broadband cities in Asia etz, 1985/1994) have become more explicitly
(James, 1999). entrepreneurial on all three criteria intro-
duced above.
Thirdly, in this context we believe it is
6. Conclusions
worth distinguishing between ‘glocalisation’
The analysis presented above is still prelimi- and ‘glurbanisation’ in terms of whether it is
nary for two reasons. It is based on an a Ž rm-level or city-level strategy that is at
emerging approach to entrepreneurial cities stake. We concede that both terms are mis-
that needs further theoretical development leading in so far as they seem to operate with
and reŽ nement; and it is illustrated from case a simple global – local or a simple global –
studies that are still at the early stages of urban dichotomy, which thereby fails to
design and implementation. Nonetheless we grasp the real complexity and perplexity of
believe that four themes are worth restating the proliferation of increasingly tangled
as key elements in an emerging research places, spaces and scales which can no
agenda on interurban competition in the cur- longer be treated as if they were ‘nested’ like
rent period of capitalist restructuring. so many Russian dolls. But it is this very
First, we believe that the crisis of the complexity, perplexity, proliferation and tan-
national framework of the ‘spatio– temporal gledness that poses uncertainties and risks
Ž x’ and compromise that helped to sustain demanding new entrepreneurial orientations.
post-war growth during the period of At- The concept of ‘glurbanisation’ represents a
lantic Fordism and the emergence of national Ž rst attempt to address some of these prob-
security and/or developmental states in east lems from the viewpoint of the city as actor
Asia has contributed to a ‘relativisation of rather than from the viewpoint of the Ž rm.
scale’. This phenomenon refers to the fact As we have also noted elsewhere, however,
that no new scale has emerged to replace the ‘glurbanisation’ can also be seen as a state-
primacy of the national level in the organis- level response in so far as cities are coming
ation and regularisation of the global econ- to replace Ž rms as ‘national champions’ in
omy. This is associated with the search for international competition (Jessop, 1998;
new forms of chronotopic (time– space) gov- Jessop and Sum, 1998).
ernance as well as new forms of material and Fourthly, we also relate these changes to
immaterial economic, political and social or- shifts in the modalities of competition in an
ganisation. Indeed, we Ž nd competing spatial increasingly ‘globally integrated’ but still
and scalar strategies on many different lev- multiscalar, unevenly developing and tangled
els, pursued by a wide range of actors; but economy, because these shifts have modiŽ ed
these have not yet evolved into an overall the nature of interurban as well as inter-
pattern of structural coherence analogous to national competition. Indeed, with the in-
the post-war period with its primacy of the creasing interest in dynamic competitive
national. advantages and the bases of structural and/
Secondly, in exploring the changing role or systemic competitiveness, the extra-
of cities in this regard, we believe that it is economic dimensions of cities have gained
useful to develop a Schumpeterian analysis as much signiŽ cance as what used to be seen
of the entrepreneurial city. We believe that it as their economic dimensions. So-called
is justiŽ ed to treat cities as actors under natural economic factor endowments have
certain conditions and that these are closely become far less important (despite the con-
bound up with capacities to realise particular tinuing path-dependent aspects of the posi-
discursive-material accumulation strategies tioning of places in urban hierarchies); and

socially constructed, socially regularised and (wysiwyg://38/

socially embedded factors have become more search/
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