Process Modelling and System Dynamic Project 4 Dynamic Simulation

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Process Modelling and System Dynamic

Project 4
Dynamic Simulation

Arranged by:
Muhammad Husaini Zaidan (18/428877/TK/47379)
David Yudha Prasetya (18/431237/TK/47830)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Dynamic Simulation
Process Description
A natural gas stream containing nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbon (C1
through n-C4) is processed to remove the heavier hydrocarbon in a refrigeration system. The
combined feed stream enters an inlet separator to removes the free liquids. Overhead gas from
the separator is fed to gas/gas exchanger to be pre-cooled by refrigerated gas. The cooled gas
is then fed to the chiller where further cooling occurs through heat exchange of evaporating
propane so that we will have condense heavy hydrocarbon such that the sales gas meets a
pipeline dew point specification. The cold stream is then entered a low-temperature separator
(LTS) to separate the liquid and vapor phases. The condensed liquids are mixed with free liquid
from the inlet separator and processed in a depropanizer column to produce a low propane-
content-bottom product.

a. Steady State Model Modification
The steady state model is based on the Separator and Chiller taken from the Gas Processing
Simulation Project (Project 1). The streams are isolated to simulate dynamic conditions on
the Separator and Chiller independently.

To create the steady state model sufficient for dynamic simulation, extra steps and
modifications are necessary.
i. Separator sizing
When the case is switched to dynamics mode, it shows that the separator needs to
be sized. Quick sizing is used for this simulation.

ii. Specifying outer streams (Dynamics Assistant)
The case is switched to dynamics mode again. It shows that the outer streams need
to be specified, using dynamics assistant, changes are made by the program. Valves
are automatically added by the program. Adjustments may be necessary to specify
the outer streams dynamic specifications.

iii. Adding PI controllers
PI controller is added for 2 process variables, the vessel pressure and liquid volume
percentage. VLV-100 and VLV-101 are used as the final control element. PI
controllers connection and specifications are shown below.

• Pressure controller

• Level controller

iv. Creating face plates
Face plates are created through the controller specification. Face plates will be used
to carry out manual and automatic control.

v. Creating strip charts

Strip charts are created through the controller specification, choosing the SP, PV,
and OP variable set. This variable set is chosen to observe the response of setpoint
change to the controlled process variable and valve opening. Strip charts are useful
to observe the response to various variables in the system.

vi. Making changes in the setpoint
Initial conditions are set at 50% valve opening for both the liquid level percentage
and vapor outlet pressure. This is done through manual control. The integrator is set
to active to observe the initial values for the process variable. The integrator is then
turned off to carry out the desired setpoint changes. The integrator is then switched
to active to observe the systems response after setpoint changes are carried out.

Initial conditions


vii. Adding temperature controller chiller

viii. Creating and showing Stripchart

Design and Specification
b. Flowsheet

a. Setpoint Change Simulation in Feed Separator
In this simulation. The setpoints for pressure and level is changed simultaneously.

Initial conditions
Vapor outlet pressure: 4129 kPa
Valve VLV-100 opening: 50%

Liquid level percentage: 73.707%

Valve VLV-101 opening: 50%

Setpoint change

Vapor outlet pressure: 4133 kPa
Liquid level percentage: 50%
Valve Response

From this simulation it is observed that initially VLV-101 opening dropped to 0, and then
oscillates before settling at 29.10%. The process variable liquid level percentage dropped
around 45%, before reaching the new desired setpoint at 50%. For the pressure controller,
the setpoint change is fulfilled faster and with less oscillation than the liquid level setpoint
b. Setpoint Change in Heat Exchanger
In this simulation. The setpoints for temperature cold gas is changed.

Initial Condition
Temperature cold gas: 5 °F
C3 duty: 2e5 Btu/h

Set point change:

Temperature cold gas: 10 °F
C3 duty: 9,5e5 Btu/h

From this simulation, it was observed that the heat flow for the C3 task initially remained
at 2e5 btu/hr, and then increased to 9.5 btu/hr when the setpoint temperature was increased
to 10 F. Temperature control did not occur significant oscillations but tuning was necessary
so that the temperature could be maintained.


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