Việt Anh Topic 2

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Innov Green Quang Ninh Co., Ltd. (belonging to Green Elite Group, a multinational corporation
operating in the field of afforestation, exploitation and processing of forest products) has decided to invest
in a large-scale afforestation project. Based on the feasibility study of the project, at the end of April, the
People's Committee of Quang Ninh province granted an investment license for this project.
The total investment capital of this project is more than 45 million USD (of which the investment capital
for afforestation is 35 million USD, the infrastructure construction capital is 10 million USD) with an
implementation period of 50 years. As calculated, the land area to implement the project needs about
100,000 ha. It is expected that the greening plan of the entire land area will be completed within 7 years
(from now to 2014). It is estimated that this area is capable of stably supplying 2-3 million m3 of timber
per year. The project also employs for 25 0000 local laborers.
Not only creating jobs for the local people, the company also guides them to plant forests and apply
science and technology into forests care. In addition, it also supports the construction of infrastructure,
cultural and public facilities, etc..., in order to improve the living and spiritual life of local people, step by
step eradicating poverty and building new rural areas.
The investment and development project of raw wood in the province not only contributes to convert bare
land into forest and improves the environment, but also creates opportunities for people to escape poverty.
After 30 years of renovation since 1986, Viet Nam has recorded significant and historic achievements.
From a poor, war-ravaged, centrally planned economy country, Viet Nam has become  a middle-income
developing country and a dynamic and integrated market economy, strong integration into the global
economic system. Vietnam's economic growth is relatively high, continuous, stable and inclusive,
ensuring that all people benefit from the development process.
Vietnam has reduced its extreme poverty rate from nearly 60 percent in the 1990s to less than 3 percent in
2016. This is an impressive record as well as a pride of Vietnamese, thanks to the valuable cooperation
and assistance of the international community. The success of 30 years of innovation also sets higher
expectations and heavier responsibilities for the future. The developed goal of VietNam is aptly captured
in the Vietnamese constitution “ a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized
country”. Vietnam has a strong aspiration that by 2035 it will have become a modern industrialized
country, towards prosperity, creativity, justice and democracy.

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