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Ans.1 The super cyclone uprooted the trees. It had also destroyed all crops and the
buildings. The water entered the houses and fields. There was water and water
everywhere. Strong winds blew. They beat the houses with great fury. It rained and
rained continuously.

Ans.2 Prashant is a teenager. He brings a large number of orphan children together. He puts
up a polythene sheet shelter for them. He asks women of his village to look after
them. He lays the children on the sand with utensils on their stomachs the helicopters
see them. Then they drop food items.

Ans.3 The people of the community help one another through cooperation. They gather
together the orphan children. They build a polythene shelter for them. Men secure
food and materials for the shelter. Women work in the food for work programme of
the Non-Government Organisation.

Ans.4 Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and
widows. They feel that in them the children would grow without love. Women will
suffer from stigma and loneliness. These would be bad for their proper and normal ss.
They feel that orphans should be resettled in their own community itself.

Ans.5 I think that Prashant is a good leader. He organises all together to face the super
cyclone’s ruin. He becomes a kind of saviour for these cyclone hit people of Ersama. I
also think that young people can surely get together. They can help people during
natural calamities like Prashant.

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