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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

MAY and MIGHT (possibility)

● Complete these eighteen sentences by choosing the best answers.

1. My family and I … travel to Montreal 10. I think that you … wrong. I

think next summer. the meeting is tomorrow, not
a) might Resp : might a) may
b) might be b) may be

2. John isn’t in class today. I think 11. It … rain later today, so I’m
going he … sick. to take my umbrella.
a) might a) might
b) might be b) might not

● Resp : Minght be

3. I … at work tomorrow morning 12. Hurry! Let’s get to the store

because I have a bad cold. before it closes. It … open after six.
a) may be a) might be
b) may not be b) might not be

● Resp : may not be

4. We … have a grammar exam next 13. Oh, no! The airplane … be
week. Let’s study! delayed because of the bad
a) may a) may
b) may be b) may not

Resp : may
5. There’s no sound coming from 14. I’m not sure who she is. She …
the radio. It … broken. our new teacher.
a) might a) may be
b) might be b) may not

Resp : Minght

6. I … late today because I may 15. There … cookies inside this

have some extra work to do. Let’s open it and find out!
a) may not a) might be
b) may be b) might not
● Resp : may not

7. Many scientists think that there 16. No, calling Mr. Smith at two o’clock
… life on other planets. in the morning … a good idea.
a) may a) might be
b) may be b) might not be
● Resp : may be

8. This bag … your bag. I can’t see 17. I don’t feel well. I … have to see a
your name on it. doctor.
a) might be a) might
b) might not be b) might be

● Resp : Minght be

9. I don’t know what kind of insect 18. (A) What is the capital city of
this is. It … some kind of ant. (B) I’m not sure but it … Madrid.
a) might a) might
b) might be b) might be
● Resp : might be

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