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1 Krumholtz

Hannah Krumholtz

Professor Leonard

English Composition II

26 September, 2021

“Girl Crush”

One way or another everyone seems to have a girl crush. The real question is, is it a crush

on a girl or girl envy. Harry Styles' rendition brings a new light to the ever so popular country

hit, "Girl Crush" by Little Big Town. The original displays the overarching message of jealousy,

Harry’s version also represents that while also exhibiting acceptance and equality for those in the

LGBTQIA+ community. Although these two artists released their performances only three years

apart they still provide their own flare while giving off the same aching desire that the song is all


Little Big Town released their hit “Girl Crush” in 2014. At the time it was a huge shock

to all audiences due to the chorus of the song being, “I’ve got a girl crush,”. It was rumored that

the lead singer (Kimberly) was gay, which was really suprising because their arent many country

stars open about their sexuality. But Kimberly later made a statement about the true meaning

behind the song; jealousy. “I got it real bad, want everything she has,” this represents the

resentment that she has for the woman who is with the guy she loves. When she says she has a

girl crush she doesn’t mean she likes the girl, it means she envy’s her.

Similarly in Harry styles rendition he also envies the girl for having everything he wants,

the guy he wants. Over the years Harry Styles has grown into an avid supporter of the

LGBTQIA+ community, but at the time that he released his cover back in 2017, his fans were

shocked! Since the release he has had various interviews stating that gender doesn’t matter to
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him but that he also doesn’t feel the need to label it. “I want her long blond hair, I want her

magic touch, Yeah, 'cause maybe then, You'd want me just as much,'' In Harry’s take on the song

he delivers the same message of desire as Little Big Town, only his is often used as an anthem

for those who are questioning their sexuality. So yes, although the lyrics of the song doesn’t

change, the meaning behind it and the audience it reaches does.

Neither of the videos have a complex storyline, but that's okay! The Lyrics of “Girl Crush

'' hold so much meaning so the song stands for itself, an intricate video isn’t really needed. In

Little Big Town’s version it can be implied that the band is playing at some sort of dance/party.

The band is simply on stage with clips of a disco ball being spread throughout. The entire video

is also shot in black and white which allows the viewer to focus in on the message of the song

and makes the overall mood of the song more serious. Harry Styles's video in contrast was a live

performance filmed in color. Not only that but Harry was wearing a colorful floral suit. For years

flowers have been used to symbolize different groups in the LGBTQIA+ community so it is very

fitting of his rendition of the song. Both of these performances do a great job of portraying the

overall theme of the song to the viewers, but in their own ways!

Both Artists use pathos to connect with the audience allowing for a deeper understanding

of what the song is all about. Harry Styles uses pathos to connect with people who are struggling

to accept their sexuality and does a great job of showing emotion throughout the whole video.

Little Big Town also uses pathos through the use of black and white video and the intense

lighting displayed. Neither of the Artists use ethos or logos in their videos, yet somehow they

still both captivate the audiences allowing the song to win five music awards including 2

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After watching these emotional music videos it is understandable why so many people

fell in love with the song. The message being portrayed in the song is something everyone can

relate to and joins people of all communities. Both artists do a great job of provoking thought

while keeping it simple in the videos. It's crazy how two artists can sing the same exact song and

yet reach two separate audiences. I guess people just can't help but have a girl crush!
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Works Cited

bbcintroducing. “Harry Styles - Girl Crush (at the BBC).” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Nov. 2017,

LittleBigTownVEVO. “Little Big Town - Girl Crush (Official Music Video).” YouTube, YouTube, 8

Apr. 2015,

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