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Tulip - 7

The Tiger in the Tunnel 1

Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Why did Baldeo have to take up the job of a Khalasi?
Ans. The family's small rice fields did not provide them with more than a bare living,
so Baldeo had to take up the job of Khalasi at the small station in the jungle.
2. Why did Baldeo decide to fight the tiger?
Ans. Baldeo decided to stand and fight the tiger because he realized that trying to
escape in the dark would be useless. The tiger would be more sure-footed than
Baldeo and could spring on him from behind in an instant.
3. Why did the tiger enter the tunnel?
Ans. The tiger was in agony because of its wounded leg and did not notice the faint
rumble in the earth, caused by the moving train. The train entered the tunnel and
the tiger saw it but found himself trapped. Since there was no escape through
the cutting, the tiger entered the tunnel, running as fast as his wounded leg
would carry him.
4. What happened to the tiger?
Ans. The train passed through the tunnel and the tiger was cut into half by the engine.
A major portion of the beast's body got stuck in the train's cow-catcher.
5. Why was there excitement at the station?
Ans. When the engine slowed down at the next station, the driver decided to examine
the head-lamps. His discovery of the dead tiger's body lying above the cow-
catcher created considerable excitement at the station.
6. What was happening at the cutting?
Ans. While there was an air of excitement at the next station, back at the cutting there
was no sound except for the sobs of the boy sitting beside the body of his father.
7. Why did Tembu sit by his father's body?
Ans. Tembu sat there for a long time, unafraid of the darkness, guarding his father's
body from jackals and hyenas until the relief-watchman arrived at the first light
of dawn.
8. Why did Tembu take up his father's job soon after his death?
Ans. His father's death plunged Tembu, his sister and mother in grief for two whole
days. Tembu took up his father's job soon after his death because life had to go
on and he was now the only earning member of the family. The responsibility of
providing for the family now fell on Tembu.
Little Wings 46 Tulip English-[6-8]
u Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
1. Baldeo was responsible for signalling whether or not the tunnel was clear of
obstruction, and his manual signal stood before the entrance. At night it was his
duty to see that the lamp was burning and that the overland mail passed through
(i) Who was Baldeo? What was his work?
Ans. Baldeo was a watchman. He was responsible for signalling the trains
whether or not the tunnel was clear of obstruction, and his hand-worked
signal stood before the entrance.
(ii) Where was Baldeo stationed?
Ans. Presently Baldeo was stationed at a station which was more life a shack
amidst the heavy jungle. It was a station only in name as the trains rarely
stopped there. Most trains only slowed down before taking the sharp curve
before the cutting.
(iii) Whom did Baldeo responsible to pass safely?
Ans. Baldeo was responsible for the overland mail passed through safely.
2. There was no shelter for Baldeo, but he grasped his axe firmly and tensed his
body, trying to make out the direction from which the animal was approaching.
For some time there was only silence, even the usual jungle noises seemed to
have ceased altogether. Then a thump and the rattle of small stones announce
that the tiger had sprung into the cutting.
(i) Why did Baldeo have no shelter?
Ans. Baldeo was in the jungle. The cutting led to the tunnel. He knew that
running away was of no use and hence he had no shelter. The tiger could
easily run and catch him.
(ii) What did Baldeo grasp firmly?
Ans. He grasped his axe firmly.
(iii) Who was the animal being talked about here?
Ans. The animal being talked about here is a tiger.
u Long answer type question :
‘The Tiger in the Tunnel’ is a story of extraordinary courage of an ordinary
watchman while performing his duty. Justify this statement by narrating
incidents from the story.
Ans. Baldeo was a watchman. His duty was to signal the trains, entering the tunnel
through the cutting, whether the passage was clear or not. His home was three
miles away from the station. He had a wife and two children. Their small rice
fields could not provide them much and Baldeo considered himself to be lucky
to have landed in the job as a watchman on the station.
Baldeo, being a tribal, moved confidently through the jungle. He always carried

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an axe with him. He had mastered it. He could also use it to hunt. The axe-head
was of pure steel and it was like another organ of Baldeo's body. He carried it
with himself all the time. He had no intention of parting away with it.
Baldeo was out to perform his duty. As he was approaching the cutting, he saw
that the signal light was out. He had to light it up again. After lighting it and
setting it up, he came to the entrance and waited for the train to come.
Back in the hunt, Tembu was woken up by the trembling of the sound,
signalling the approaching train. Baldeo was also snapped out of his dizziness as
he heard a tiger. He could not run away from it. The ferocious beast was ready
to attack him. He was also prepared with his axe. The tiger pounced but Baldeo
hit him with his axe. Then another attack and this time Baldeo had a true aim.
Unfortunately, to his terror, the axe was stuck in the tiger's bones. Baldeo was
defenseless without a weapon and the tiger killed him. Baldeo had wounded the
tiger gravely. He could not walk properly and sat nursing its wounds. The train
was approaching. Now, the tiger was trapped like Baldeo. It could not run away
and the train mauled him. The driver found about it only at the next station.
Ans. Do yourself.
u Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the pairs of words given :
1. bore : boar
(a) The film that we went to last night was badly made. It was quite a bore.
(b) A wild boar is a very dangerous animal.
2. herd : heard
(a) A large herd of spotted deer came out of the forest onto the road last night.
(b) I heard that the examinations are to be postponed again this year.
3. root : route
(a) Some root (s) like that of the tapioca are good to eat.
(b) The route to Jaisalmer is long and complicated.
4. weather : whether
(a) The weather has been cold and damp all month.
(b) Baldeo was responsible for signalling whether the tunnel was free of
obstruction or not.
5. male : mail
(a) The mail has been delayed due to the strike by postmen.
(b) The male birds are always more decorative than the females.
6. threw : through
(a) Amar threw away all the fish curry thinking it had gone bad.
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(b) The train to Mumbai goes through many tunnels.
7. bare : bear
(a) The black Himalayan bear is very dangerous.
(b) People have been cutting trees so carelessly that many beautiful forests
have become bare of vegetation.
8. steel : steal
(a) Steel utensils are easy to keep clean.
(b) Ravi knew that there was ` 10 in his father's almirah, and he needed some
money. But he did not take it because it is wrong to steal .
9. their : there
(a) There is no time to go shopping before we leave for the station.
(b) Ravi and Neha are friends. I have forgotten their phone numbers.

Grammar Skills
u Underline the infinitives in the following sentences :
1. He agreed to postpone the meeting.
2. It is dangerous to play with a gun.
3. We tried to open the door, but it had jammed.
4. We have to learn more about infinitives.
5. Bank is a place to deposit money.
u Fill in the blanks using the infinitive form of the verbs in the box :
go, post, sleep, report, accompany
1. I forgot to post you letter.
2. He wants to go to the station.
3. She pretended to sleep.
4. Would you like to accompany us?
5. He asked her to report the progress of the project.
u Underline the gerunds in the following sentences :
1. Anju likes reading novels by Thomas Hardy.
2. Boys like playing cricket.
3. Riding is an interesting hobby.
4. Giving is better than receiving.
5. Singing gives us joy.
u Use the gerund form of the verb given in the brackets and fill in the blanks :
1. Bathing (bath) is necessary for good health.
2. Seeing (see) is believing (believe).
3. We go to school for studying (study).
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4. He dislikes wearing (wear) a green shirt.
5. Baldeo was responsible for signalling (signal).
u Pick out the present participles in the following sentences :
1. The boy sitting in the corner is my friend.
2. He jumped into a moving bus.
3. The frightening cry was followed by a crashing sound in the under growth.
4. They disapproved of playing cards.
5. The winning athlete gets a trophy.
u Fill in the blanks with the present participle form of the words given in the box :
speak, menace, excite, learn, yawn, write
1. We got some yawning news last evening.
2. We had a speaking activity in class today.
3. The black entrance to the tunnel looked exciting.
4. The train entered the menacing tunnel.
5. She was busy in writing letters.
6. It was a learning experience for us.
u Pick out the past participles in the following sentences and underline them :
1. A frightened child ran to his mother.
2. He is a changed man now.
3. Don't use a broken scale.
4. Here is the laminated copy of document.
5. I saw his swollen eyes.
u Fill in the blanks with the past participle form of the verbs given in the box :
write, complete, paint, steal, break
1. Submit a completed report.
2. The police found the stolen goods.
3. Please submit your written assignment.
4. Don't play with broken toys.
5. It is a painted picture not a photograph.
Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.
Little Wings 50 Tulip English-[6-8]
No Men are Foreign 2
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Why do we consider one country as ours and the rest as foreign?
Ans. Human race is still under a great but slow evolution. Because it is still under
progress and development, most countries encourage a negative patriotism and
nationalist feeling. Under such a situation, every child is taught to love his nation
more than others and consider the other nations as enemies at a time of war.
2. What does the poet mean by the word “uniform”?
Ans. Word “uniform” signifies the armies of the several countries who are constantly at
war in the name of nationhood, religion and castes.
3. What is the poet trying to remind us?
Ans. The poet is trying to correct our extreme and uncivilized nationalism and brewing
differences. We inhabit the same planet, drink the same water and breathe the same
air but we feel different and behave like enemies at times. The poet wants us to
eliminate our patriotism for a limited area called a nation or state.
4. How does air remind us of our sharing the earth?
Ans. While land remains divided, the air we breathe remains undivided. Air doesn't
belong to any country or territory. Air moves from one country to another and is
breathed by all men and women.
5. What you mean by the innocence of the air?
Ans. Air is essentially clean so is it innocent. Because we raise dust and emit smoke, the
air appears to be calamitous and dark. Air doesn't mean to bring destruction but
human activities pollute the air and make it poisonous.
6. What is meant by “our hells of fire and dust”? What does this hell outrage?
Ans. The Hells of fire and dust are the fire and dust caused by wars between countries.
Fire and dust outrage the innocence of air
u Read the extract and answer the following questions :
1. Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognise and understand.
(i) What is common between the eyes of two nationals?
Ans. The common between the eyes of two nationals is the fact that they sleep and
wake just like others do and follow the same pattern in life.

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(ii) How can one win over the strength of the stronger people?
Ans. One can win over the strength of the stronger people by following the path of
love. Only when we love someone can we stand up for them. That is why it is
absolutely necessary for every man the love his fellow beings.
2. Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.
Remember, we who take arms against each other.
(i) Who tells us to hate our brothers?
Ans. War tells us to hate our brothers.
(ii) How do we dispossess, betray and condemn ourselves by hating our
Ans. By hating our brothers and taking up arms against them, we dispossess,
ourselves as we rob ourselves of their love. When we hate them, they too react
destructively and stop loving us. We deceive ourselves as our hatred leads to
wars, and wars cause widespread death and devastation. This leads to the
piling up of waste that pollutes our mother land earth. The dust and war-smoke
obstruct the air that we breathe.
Ans. Do yourself.
u Find out the meaning of following expression in the poem :
1. Beneath all uniforms- the people of different countries wear various dresses but
the human body is the same beneath them.
2. in their lines we read- we all have same hands by which we all produce the same
type of goods, products and literature.
3. In every land is common life - in every country, the people are leading the same
life. They feel pain and sorrow similarly.
4. Whenever we are told To hate our brothers - the selfish people instigate the
innocent to harm each other.
5. Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange - we should not forget
that we all are the citizens of the world. Here, no one is a foreigner and no
countries are strange. We have similar body and mind everywhere.
u Write down the synonyms of following words of the poem :
Strange Unusual Foreign Abroad Beneath Under neath
Peaceful Calm Harvest Reaping Starv'd Cease
Labour Work Wake Arose Strength Power

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Common Usual Recognise Know Understand Know

Grammar Skills
u Read the following sentences, underline the verbs and state whether they are used
transitively or intransitively :
1. She has written a novel. Transitive verb
2. Mira teaches English in a municipal school. Transitive verb
3. I took a book from the library. Transitive verb
4. The sage smiled knowingly. Intransitive verb
5. The boy sat on the bench. Intransitive verb
6. She always carries an umbrella. Transitive verb
7. He went to the market. Intransitive verb
8. The dog barked menacingly. Intransitive verb

Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

The Selfish Giant 3

Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Describe in brief the Giant's garden.
Ans. The Giant's garden was very beautiful. It had soft green grass. Here and there over
the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars and there were twelve peach trees that in
the spring time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in autumn
bore rich fruit.
2. Where had the Giant gone? Why was he annoyed when he came back and
what did he do?
Ans. The Giant had gone to his friend, the Cornish Ogre and had stayed with him for
seven years. He was annoyed when he saw the children playing in the garden. He
cried," What are you doing there?" The children run away out of fear.
3. What did the children do once the giant had chased them away from the
Ans. Once the giant had chased the children away from the garden they had nowhere to
play. They tried playing on the road, but it was very rough and dusty and full of hard
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stones. They used to wander around the high walls of the garden and talk about the
happy times they had spent playing inside the beautiful garden in the past.
4. Why was there always winter in the Giant's garden?
Ans. In the giant's garden it was always winter. There were no summers or spring. Not
even autumn visited the garden of the giant. Autumn gave fruits everywhere except
in the giant's garden. Since the giant was so selfish none of the other seasons ever
visited the garden. Only the snow, hail, frost and the north wind were seen dancing
around in the garden.
5. What did the Giant hear one morning? What happened after that?
Ans. One morning the giant awoke from bed and heard some lovely music. It was so
enchanting and pleasant that he thought it was the king's musicians passing by. It
was a linnet who was singing so beautifully. It had been so long since the giant had
heard a bird sing in his garden. To the giant it seemed to be the most beautiful song
in the world. Soon after that the hail stopped dancing and the north wind ceased
roaring and a sweet perfume came to the giant through the casement. The giant was
overjoyed and thought that spring had finally visited his garden.
u Long answer type questions :
1. Why did the Giant's heart melt? What did the Giant do? What was the
reaction of the little boy?
Ans. In the corner of the garden it was still winter where a little boy was standing. The
boy was weeping as he was small and tiny and could not reach up to the branches of
the tree. The tree in turn tried to encourage the boy to climb up those branches were
still covered with snow, but could not reach its branches as he was very tiny. The
giant's heart melted to see the helplessness of the little boy who was so tiny and
could not get on to the branches of the tree.
The Giant then went downstairs into the garden. The children ran away for fear of
the giant. The little boy did not run away as did not see the giant approaching. His
eyes were full of tears as he was sad he could not climb up the branches of the tree.
The giant quietly went behind the boy and gently put him on the branch of the tree.
Immediately there were blossoms on the tree and the birds came and sang on it. The
little boy was so happy that he stretched out his arms and flung them around the
giant's neck and kissed him.
2. Why did the Giant get very angry on seeing his little friend? What as the
child's reply?
Ans. On seeing the little boy under the tree with white blossoms and golden branches,
the giant hastened to meet him. But on coming near, he got furious to see prints of
two nails on the hands and feet of the child. He asked the child that who had dared to
wound him and he would kill the person with his big sword. The child replied
saying that these were wounds of love. The giant then knelt before the little child.
The child went on to tell the giant that once he had allowed him to play in his garden
and today the giant would be in Paradise in his garden. When the children returned
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to play in the garden that afternoon, they found the giant lying dead under the tree
and covered with white blossoms.

Ans. Do yourself.
u Match the words in column 'A' with their meanings in column 'B' :
Column 'A' Column 'B'
prosecute kill
trespasser balls of ice
hasten to take legal action
hail intruder
slay walk quickly
u Write down the opposites of the underlined words :
1. Everyone longs for heaven but no one longs for hell.
2. I found the ring which my mother had lost.
3. Don't walk slowly you must walk faster to catch the train.
4. The Giant felt very sad while the children were very happy.

Grammar Skills
u Write 'a', 'an' or 'the' in the short dialogues given below :
1. A : Is this the book you were telling me about ?
B : Yes, it is about the fashion of the forties and fifties.
2. A : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest clinic?
B : It is just down the road on the left.
3. A : A boy came to my stall and walked away with an apple without paying!
B : It must be the same boy who came around last week taking a piece of
cake from my tray.
4. A : I can't understand why there is such a big fuss over the missing book.
After all, it costs only 50 cent.
B : It is not the cost that matters. It is finding out who the culprit is and
putting a stop to it.
u Rewrite this story, putting in 'the', 'a' or 'an' where necessary :
A Cat and a Mouse
Once there were a cat and a mouse who were very much in love with each other. One
day, the cat went down on his knees and proposed to the mouse. The mouse accepted
the proposal and the lovers decided to inform their families. When the mouse told her
Little Wings 55 Tulip English-[6-8]
family about a plan, her mother was aghast and said, "My dear girl, you can't possibly
marry a cat! The cat is our enemy." When the cat announced a marriage to his family,
they were terrified. The cat's father pulled him aside and said, "Son, you can't marry a
mouse. It is against our tradition." Since both of them did not want to disappoint their
families, they decided to go their separate ways and pursue their own interests. The cat,
who was very musical, joined a town's philharmonic orchestra and the mouse, who was
a good singer became an opera singer in another city. As fate would have it, the two of
them met again when an opera troupe of which the mouse was a member, was invited
to perform at a diamond anniversary celebration of the town's foundation day. The cat
and the mouse met up for dinner after the show. They were eager to catch up on what
they had been up to since they last saw each other. Although the cat and the mouse
could not get married, they remained the best friends.
u Complete with the right words (that, those, this or these) :
1. Waiter, I'm sorry to say it but the cake that you have just served me is awful.
2. I met him too five hours ago that morning.
3. Look at these kids playing in the garden over there; they're so cute.
4. Take one of those files from that table.
5. He was sitting on the rocking chair that he had bought from the flea market.
6. Many parents complain about their children these days.
7. Are you leaving this weekend?
8. The jeans you have bought today are better than that you bought last month.
u Replace the personal pronouns by suitable possessives :
1. Where is (I) my book?
2. Here is (we) our teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she) her brother.
4. (They) Their father works in a car factory.
5. (You) Your laptop is very expensive.
6. (He) His favourite hobby is tennis.
7. (I) My husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it) its report cards.
u Complete the following blanks with suitable possessives :
1. Two students didn't do their mathematics homework.
2. I have a car. Its colour is black.
3. We have a dog. Its name is Pancho.
4. Nancy is from England. Her husband is fromAustralia.
5. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. Their little brother goes to primary school.
6. Alan has a van. His van is very old.
7. We go to a high school. Our high school is fantastic.
8. I like singing. My mother sings with me too.
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Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

The Bangle Sellers 4

Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. 'Man has drawn all colours and freshness from various aspects of nature.'
Ans. The relationship between man and nature has been an intimate one ever since the
beginning of life. In the primitive age, his aesthetic pleasures and physical needs
were gratified by nature. The snow-clad mountains and sweet carols of various
birds ,the rich landscape, radiant flowers and their colours, the murmuring rivers,
the snowy mountains and the melodious songs of birds enchant humans. Man and
nature enrich and complement each other. Their dependence is mutual. There is a
common stream of life, a rhythmic power, which animates both nature and man.
2. The whole poem deals with bangles. Why has the poetess titled 'Bangle
Ans. The poet has titled the poem 'Bangle Sellers' because they are the ones who give the
description of the bangles and suggest different bangles for a maiden, a bride and a
middle-aged woman.
3. 'Worships the gods at her husband's side.' What is the significance of the
woman's presence by her husband's side during worship?
Ans. The middle aged woman who is concerned with her household and prays to the
gods with her husband for the good of her family. She is considered as the pillar of
her family. She takes care of everyone and almost everything in the family. Her
only wish is the well-being of her family. This also signifies her respect for the
cultural tradition of the society.
4. Bring out the main idea or theme of the poem.
Ans. In Sarojini Naidu's poem “The Bangle Sellers“, some bangle sellers go to the
temple fair to sell their bangles. They shout their trade cry by glorifying those
bangles and describing their colours and suitability for girls and women of various
ages. The main idea is to present the stages of woman life and the cultural tradition
of a typical Indian society of the poet's time. The bangles are compared with natural
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objects to symbolize the feelings and emotions attached with the life of Indian
women and the roles played by the bangles.
u Read these extracts from the poem and answer the questions that follow :
1. Whose hands have cherished :
(i) Whose hands are being referred to?
Ans. Hands of middle aged woman are being referred to here.
(ii) Whom have these hands cherished?
Ans. The hands have cherished her children.
(iii) How are these hands ornamented?
Ans. These hands are ornamented with purple and gold flecked grey bangles.
(iv) Discuss the importance of these hands in the development of human race.
Ans. These hands have brought up faithful sons who serve the nation with sincerity
and devotion.
2. 'Some, like the flame of her marriage fire,
Or rich with the hue of her heart's desire;
Tinkling, luminous, tender and clear, like her bridal laughter and bridal tear.
(i) Whom does 'her' refer to?
Ans. 'Her' refers to the bride.
(ii) List any two adjectives used by the poetess to describe the bangles of the
Ans. Tinkling, luminous, tender and clear are the adjectives used by the poetess to
describe the bangles of the bride.
(iii) What colour do you think would appropriately describe 'heart's desire'?
Ans. Red colour is used to describe heart's desire because colour of blood is also
red. Red is the symbol of warmth and love.
(iv) The poetess has compared the bangles of the Indian bride to her laughter
as well as her tears. Why?
Ans. The poetess has compared the bangles of the Indian bride to her laughter as
well as her tears because that moment is the mixture of happiness and sadness.
Happiness is because she is going to be united with her husband and her new
family. Sadness is because she is leaving her parent's home where she was
brought up.
3. 'Some are meet for a maiden's wrist,
Silver and blue as the mountain mist.'
(i) Why has the word 'some' been repeated in the poem?
Ans. The word 'some' has been repeated to indicate wide variety of bangles the
bangle seller are carrying.
(ii) What kind of bangles are suitable for the maiden?
Ans. Silver and blue colours of bangles are suitable for the maiden.

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(iii) Name the poetic device used in the above lines.
Ans. Simile is the poetic' device' used in the above lines.
Bangles are not mere ornaments or accessories for women; the are a part of
their identity. Discuss.
Ans. Bangles are more than accessories for Indian women. They are a part of their
identity. Bangles have always been an inseparable part of Indian culture. For Indian
women, bangles are not just mere ornaments. Indian women love their bangles. It is
a tradition to wear bangles after marriage for the sake of health, luck and prosperity.
u Write the feminine gender of following masculine forms :
Bachelor Bachelorette Conductor Conductress
Duke Duchess Emperor Empress
Hunter Huntress Master Mistress
Shepherd Shepherdess Stepson Step-daughter
Widower Widow Wizard Witch
Grammar Skills
u Fill in the blanks with the definite article the. If you do not need the article, put a
cross (7) mark :
Hi John,
I arrived in the USA last Monday. We left 7 Rome, flew over the Alps and made a
quick stop in 7 London. There we went shopping at 7 Harrods, visited the Tower and
enjoyed a sunny afternoon in 7 Hyde Park. On the following day we left for 7 New
York. The time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on the monitor.
The people on the plane were all 7 Italian.
Before we landed at 7 JFK airport, we saw the Statue of Liberty, 7 Ellis Island and 7
Empire State Building. The hotel I stayed in was on the corner of 7 42nd Street and 7
5th Avenue. I don't like 7 hotels very much, but I didn't have 7 time to rent an
Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.
Let's Write
u Sarojini Naidu's 'Bangle Sellers' is rooted in Indian culture and tradition.' Explain it in a
short paragraph not more than 80 words.
Ans. As Sarojini Naidu has depicted it, bangles are directly connected to the happiness and
well-being of a family in the traditional Indian society. People buy bangles for their
daughters and wives, on occasions like fairs to make them look good and make them
happy. Women also find joy in wearing bangles. Naidu has presented how various
Little Wings 59 Tulip English-[6-8]
colours of bangles match the emotions and aspirations of a woman in various stages of
her life. In short, bangles are an integral part of woman life, be it a maiden, a bride on
her marriage ceremony or a middle aged woman who has journeyed through life. To
express the happiness connected with bangles, Naidu calls them “lustrous tokens of
radiant lives.” Bangles also play an important part in keeping the cultural traditional of
the Indian society.

The Umbrella Man 5

Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Who are the main characters of the story?
Ans. Agirl, her mother and the Umbrella man are the main characters of the story.
2. Where did the event take place?
Ans. The event takes place in London. However, the different character's actions happen in
different settings. First we have a cafe, then the street and finally a pub.
3. What did the girl and her mother do there?
Ans. The girl and her mother went to cafe after seeing the dentist and when they left the
cafe, it was raining very hard.
4. How does the narrator describe the old man? What details are given to
characterise him?
Ans. The old man is described by the narrator as an old man, he was probably seventy
years old, and seemed to be a nice person, he was polite, well-spoken and well
5. What was the first reaction of the girl's mother to the old man's request and
Ans. The first reaction of the girl's mother was suspicious when the old man asked the
woman a small favour in very polite way. She stared at him, being very cool and
distant. She believed that the man was a trickster so she was being very careful.
6. What were the mother's golden rules of social behaviour?
Ans. The mother has some golden rules which says.'' The nicer the man seems to be, the
more suspicious you must become.'' and another one was'' you can always spot a
gentleman by the shoes he wears.''
7. What made the woman and the girl follow the old man?
Ans. When the woman and the girl get the umbrella they became very happy as the
woman had never had silk umbrella before as she couldn't afford it and also she was
glad that she had helped the old man. But all their happiness disappeared when they
saw the man running very fast. He didn't look very tired as he had said and wasn't
trying to get a taxi. He was totally in hurry. The woman left worried enough to

Little Wings 60 Tulip English-[6-8]

decide to follow him and see what was happening.
8. What was the end of the old man's trick?
Ans. The old man's trick was not ended as he always stole umbrella and lied to people to
get what he wanted.And at last in the story he entered to the another pub.
u Give arguments from the text supporting the following statements :
1. The girl did not want to leave the café.
Ans. The girl did not leave the cafe as she wanted another of these banana splits.
2. The girl and her mother needed a taxi.
Ans. The girl and her mother needed a taxi as there was raining very hard and they
wanted to go home.
3. The old man looked respectable.
Ans. The old man looked respectable as he had a fine white moustache and bushy white
eyebrows and wrinkly pink face. He was sheltering under an umbrella which he
held high over his head.
4. The girl's mother didn't trust strangers.
Ans. The girl's mother didn't trust strangers as she was a suspicious person. She was
especially suspicious of two things. strange men and boiled eggs.
5. The girl didn't approve of her mother's manner to speak to the old man.
Ans. The girl didn't approve of her mother's manner to speak to the old man as she left
quite embarrassed by her mother's sharpness. She wanted say to her,'' oh mummy,
for heaven's sake he's a very very old man, and he's sweet and polite, and his in
some sort of trouble so don't be so beastly to him.'' But she didn't say anything.
6. The old man's trick was a complete surprise to the girl and her mother.
Ans. The old man's trick was a complete surprise to the girl and her mother as they
thought the old man was a gentleman and needy at some point. And sold his 20
pound silk umbrella for merely 1pound.
u Long answer type questions :
1. Which of the character do you like, dislike, feel sorry for? Why?
Ans. Do yourself.
2. What words and phrases does the author use to create the comic situation in
the story?
Ans. Do yourself.
3. What message does the author want to convey to his readers?
Ans. The menage of this story seems to be that charity is wasted on the undeserving.
4. Find in the story some details that describe the British way of life?
Ans. Do yourself.
u Put the following sentences into the right chronological order in the story by numbering
them 1 to 12 :
5 The girl feels embarrassed by her mother's sharpness.
2 The two women are getting soaked in the rain and want to call a taxi.
Little Wings 61 Tulip English-[6-8]
3 An old man approaches the ladies and asks for a favour.
11 The old man is having a drink.
6 The old man offers to give his umbrella in exchange for a pound note.
4 The mother looks at the old man suspiciously.
12 The old man steals an umbrella.
8 The old man crosses the street and disappears into a side street. He is walking very
10 Mother and daughter spot the old man in The Red Lion Pub.
1 Mother and daughter are in a café eating banana splits.
9 The mother decides to follow the old man.
7 The woman gives the old man a one pound note.
Ans. Do yourself.
u Match the words/expressions with the correct definitions. You may look for the
words in the text for help :
Getting soaked to the skin a way to look at someone very
seriously and coldly
In the first place he is not ashamed of himself
nor sorry for his behaviour
Bushy a dishonest person
Frosty-nosed stare he is (secretly) planning
something mischievous
It's a rotten thing to do to begin with
Crook to pass your tongue on your
Summing someone up being very wet because of rain
Clutching (to clutch) it is a very bad action
He's got a nerve holding on to someone firmly
and not letting go
Neat figuring someone out by the
way they look
He's up to something smart, clever
To lick thick and unkept
Little Wings 62 Tulip English-[6-8]
Grammar Skills
u Write in 'will/would' or 'shall/should' :
1. We shall certainly have time for lunch. Where shall we go?
2. "You will suffer for this," he swore. "I shall see to it that you do!"
3. He said that it would be all right for you to enter, but I think you should wait until
he gets here.
4. Would you not reconsider your decision ? You will regret it if you do not.
5. I Shall do whatever pleases me. No one will tell me what to do!
6. If anything should go wrong while I am away, you would let me know, would n't
7. Will you please lower your voices? You will wake up the baby if you do not.
8. I shall not stop her from leaving. She will go if she wants to.
u Write in 'ought to', 'dare', or 'used to' :
1. This is where my father used to study in his younger days.
2. He seems to be in a foul mood today; I dare not ask him anything.
3. How dare you speak so rudely to me! You ought to be spanked.
4. They never used to have such a pessimistic outlook on life, did they?
5. Dare he dive into the water from this height?
6. She is behaving very strangely. She used to be very quiet, but now she is making a
lot of noise.
7. The boy used to be very hardworking, but now he is very lazy. He ought to pull up
his socks.
8. I dare not ask for his permission in case he says 'no'. I wish he were as lenient as he
used to be.
u Write in 'need', 'must' or 'their negative forms’:
1. We have enough chairs in here; you need not bring in any more.
2. You must not eat those mushrooms; they are poisonous.
3. You need not attend the forum, but he must as he is one of the speakers.
4. You must see that film. You will find it very educational.
5. You need not buy the tickets as I have a few complimentary passes.
6. The invigilator said that we must not take any books into the examination hall.
7. You must study hard. You must not neglect your studies.
8. They need not have paid for the damage. The fault was not entirely theirs.
u Complete each sentence with a suitable modal verb :
1. You must queue up before boarding the bus.
2. The players ought to come for practice if they want to beat the other team.
3. If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the extra class.

Little Wings 63 Tulip English-[6-8]

4. Would you like to come to my house on Deepawali?
5. She should listen to her father's advice about her future husband.
6. You must help your parents at home.
7. He can cook a delicious meal for ten in one hour.
8. You should not take advantage of people's weaknesses.
Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.

A Devoted Son 6
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. What was the cause of great celebration in Rakesh's family?
Ans. When the results appeared in the morning papers, Rakesh scanned them barefoot
and in his pajamas, at the garden gate, then went up the steps to the verandah where
his father sat sipping his morning tea and bowed down to touch his feet. “A first
division, son?” his father asked, beaming, reaching for the papers. “At the top of the
list, papa,” Rakesh murmured, as if awed. “First in the country.” Bedlam broke
loose then. The family whooped and danced.
2. How did neighbours respond to Rakesh's achievement?
Ans. The whole day long visitors streamed into the small yellow house at the end of the
road to congratulate the parents of this Wunderkind, to slap Rakesh on the back and
fill the house and garden with the sounds and colors of a festival. There were
garlands and halwa, party clothes and gifts (enough fountain pens to last years,
even a watch or two), nerves and temper and joy, all in a multicolored whirl of pride
and great shining vistas newly opened: Rakesh was the first son in the family to
receive an education, so much had been sacrificed in order to send him to school
and then medical college, and at last the fruits of their sacrifice had arrived, golden
and glorious.
3. What sort of a woman was Rakesh's wife?
Ans. Rakesh's wife was a self possessed, selfish woman from a countryside. She had no
love for anyone – not to mention her father-in-law. She was tactful so quite tactfully
she kept herself out of Varmaji's way. She would smirk sliding merrily through the
air as if it showVarmaji that she didn't care.
4. What for did Varmaji bribe his grandchildren?
Ans. Varmaji was fond of sweets like halva but Rakesh had imposed strict ban on serving
Little Wings 64 Tulip English-[6-8]
sweets. Driven by his love for sweets, Varmaji bribed his grandchildren into buying
him sweets. Although Rakesh's children were unwilling to accept the bribe money,
they had to obey their grandfather. The deal was to buy him thirty paise worth of
jalebis, and the buyer could spend the remaining twenty paise on himself.
5. What turned out of Varmaji's attempts to bribe?
Ans. Varmaji's attempts to buy sweets through his grandson were twice successful but
the child was caught by his parents. Rakesh scolded his son for disobeying his
orders and accepting his grandfather's offer. Rakesh found this act of his father
extremely disturbing. He blamed the old man for making a liar out of his son. He
said that his father was spoiling his children besides spoiling his stomach.
6. Why was Rakesh uncontrollably furious over the bribe incident?
Ans. Rakesh had always been a devoted son in his way so he was particular that his
children grew up with devotion to their parents. Having caught his son for doing a
secret job for his father, Rakesh could not contain his anger to see the way his father
made a liar out of his son. Apart from this, Rakesh was very particular that he never
bought unhygienic food from shops. His son had bought the jalebis in shabby
newspapers and this reminded him of epidemics that killed many during those
u Long answer type questions :
1. Why was Mr Varma jealous of his neighbour, old Bhatia?
Ans. Old Bhatia, Varmaji's neighbour, was luckier than him in several aspects. He was
still very active and lively. He didn't need his children's support to bathe and was in
all position to have a bath outside the tiled bathroom indoors. Like he always did,
old Bhatia carried his brass mug and towel, in all seasons and usually at impossible
hours, into the yard and bathed noisily under the garden tap. He had a way with his
style and there was no one to give him directions. Unfortunately, Varmaji had been
denied all these rights and freedom. He felt jealous of Mr. Bhatia, especially when
he saw the other man looked over the hedge to see if Varma were out on his
verandah and call to him and talk while he wrapped his dhoti about him and dried
the sparse hair on his head. Even the sight of Mr. Bhatia shivering with enjoyable
exaggeration hurt Mr. Varma and it reminded him of his lost freedom.
2. How did Rakesh change his father's diet?
Ans. Seeing his father's health declining, Rakesh took certain strict steps to cut down his
father's diet. At first he stopped all provisions of Halva to the old man and it was
only the first item to be crossed off the old man's diet. The meals that arrived for him
on the shining stainless steel tray twice a day were frugal to say the least-dry bread,
boiled lentils, boiled vegetables and, if there were a bit of chicken or fish, that was
boiled too. If he called for another helping – in a cracked voice that quavered
theatrically – Rakesh himself would come to the door, gaze at him sadly and shake
his head and inform his father that it was his duty to be careful about what he ate and
how he ate as his health was at risk.

Little Wings 65 Tulip English-[6-8]

3. Discuss the change of family relations in the long run.
Ans. Family relationships change as time passes when the roles and responsibilities for
an individual are reversed.The story “ADevoted Son” byAnita Desai demonstrates
a relationship between father and son change from one of utmost admiration,
devotion and respect to one of resentment and hostility. The son in the story,
Rakesh, makes his parents extremely proud by becoming a brilliant doctor,
venturing from his run down colony in India to the United States, and receiving
distinguished accolades while working in the most prestigious of hospitals.
Returning home to live with his parents however, to marry the girl they selected for
him and to take care of them, made them more proud than any other feat. Not letting
his success affect the morals his parents instilled in him, Rakesh was a great son and
always put his parents first. With his success came fortune and fame and as an
intensely devoted son he became the most devoted doctor. The change of authority
figure from parent to child can have a negative effect on their relationship. The
family dynamic changed by Rakesh being not only his parents` son but doctor as
4. Bring out the sarcastic elements in the story.
Ans. As any doctor would have suggested, Rakesh too clung on to a safe diet and
lifestyle for his father. He banned most foods his father liked because they were
unhealthy. He strung him up with medications that the old man did not want; he
refused to let his father die, even though this was finally the only thing the old man
wanted. At last, the old man refusesd to take any more medicine. He lay down and
demanded that his son let him go to God.
5. Do you like Varmaji's outlook as a father?
Ans. Do yourself.
1. Was Rakesh being hypocrite about touching his father's feet?
Ans. Whether Rakesh was aware of it or not, he was a hypocrite. He knew how to please
his father and mother and probably everyone in the world around him for his own
benefit. More than fame and money, he held his ideal-son status super high. His
back bones were always ready to bend to please his parents and get their blessings.
If he were a really devoted son, the first rank holder had to know that an ageing
father's first need is freedom to breathe, eat and drink. Unfortunately, Rakesh didn't
know that.
2. Was Rakesh really a successful son?
Ans. Rakesh was more unsuccessful than successful. All that he achieved in life was
good marks, reputation and money on one hand and his father's appreciation on the
other. As a duty-bound son, Rakesh was an excellent son to his father and mother.
He left prime place for his parents first and never failed to show them respect. If
touching a father's feet day in and day out while treating them like patients in their
old age and breaking their heart could be called devotion, Rakesh was a devoted
son. But the flat reality is that Rakesh ceased to be a devoted son somewhere in the

Little Wings 66 Tulip English-[6-8]

long run. We do not know if Rakesh's devotion from the beginning was customary.
All his actions was based on traditions. He had been taught by his uneducated
parents and society that touching one's father's feet was respect and Rakesh took
that to his heart and never thought otherwise.

Grammar Skills
u Write the correct prepositions :
1. The country is divided into six regions.
2. I prefer travelling by train to driving. It's much more pleasant.
3. Somebody broke into my car and stole the radio.
4. I felt quite cold but Peter insisted on having the window open.
5. Some words are difficult to translate from one language into another.
6. What happened to the money I lent you ? What did you spend it on?
7. The teacher decided to split the class into four groups.
8. I filled the tank but unfortunately I filled it with the wrong kind of petrol.
9. I felt sorry for the children when we went on holiday. It rained very day and they
had to spend most of the time indoors.
10. Who looked after you when you were ill ?
u Write in suitable prepositions of place, position or direction :
1. I looked around the place but there was no sign of the puppy. Later I found it fast
asleep under my bed.
2. He saw the little boy fall into the pond. He quickly took off his shoes and dived into
the water.
3. When all the students had got on the bus, the bus began to move from the bus-stop.
4. Lambert leaned the ladder against wall. Then he climbed up ladder onto the roof.
5. The motorboat was heading towards the quay when it crashed into a ship. The two
men in the motorboat were flung into the water.
6. The tourists threw pieces of bread to the swans in the pond. The swans glided
across the water to catch the bread.
7. The thief climbed in through the window. Then he tiptoed up the stairs and into the
master bedroom.
8. As Alvin was walking past the building, he saw smoke coming out of one of the
windows. He quickly ran to the nearest telephone booth and called the fire brigade.
9. I walked along the beach for a while. Then I sat on a rock and looked out to the sea.
10. I asked my friend to wait for me at the corner of the street outside the baker's shop.
11. The fishermen threw their nets. The nets sank into the water but the floats bobbed
on the surface.After some time they hauled the nets in.
12. The coin she dropped rolled away from her, and disappeared from view
underneath a cupboard.
Little Wings 67 Tulip English-[6-8]
13. The bird flew above the tree, circled round it once or twice and then flew down to
settle on one of its branches.
14. We roamed about the town, lingering among the stalls and looking into shops until
we were exhausted.
15. When I was young, I used to visit my uncle who lived in the countryside. I loved to
wander about the place. Sometimes I would hike up the hill near my uncle's house.

Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer Day? 7

Get Set Go
u Tick (3) the correct option :
1. The darling buds of May are shaken by rough winds in :
(a) March (b) May 3
(c) April (d) June
2. 'But thy eternal summer shall not fade.' The word opposite in meaning to 'eternal' is
(a) universal (b) temporal 3
(c) momentary (d) decayed
3. 'So long lives this.' Here 'this' refers to :
(a) poet's love (b) poet's verse 3
(c) poet's beauty (d) friend's beauty
4. The poet claims to have immortalised his friend through :
(a) love (b) praise
(c) poetry 3 (d) magical medicine
5. The gold complexion of the sun is dimmed by :
(a) rough winds (b) clouds 3
(c) buds of May (d) fog
Little Wings 68 Tulip English-[6-8]
6. According to the poet, the 'summer's lease' is :
(a) long lasting (b) brief 3
(c) eternal (d) perennial
u Answer the following questions :
1. What does ‘eye of heaven’refer to?
Ans. Eye of heaven refers to the sun.
2. 'And summer's lease hath all too short a date'. What is meant by 'summer's
Ans. 'Summer' lease means that summer doesn't last very long; it will end and is only for
a short lease. The summer must abide by the agreements made to the weather.
3. 'Shall I compare thee to a summer day?' Does the speaker think that the
comparison is proper or improper?
Ans. The speaker is in confusion whether he should compare the young man's beauty
with that of summer or not. And then he drops the idea as be believes that his friend
is too perfect to be compared with the summer. So the comparison is improper.
4. How is the 'gold complexion' dimmed?
Ans. The gold complexion refers to the golden face of the sun and it is dimmed due to the
clouds in the sky.
5. What shall death not brag of?
Ans. Death will not be able to brag of beloved as he is immortal.
6. How is death personified in this sonnet?
Ans. The speaker personified death in the poem and opines that although death has
always had an upper hand over life. The beauty of his friend will live in his poem
through eternity.
7. What will 'give life' to the poet’s friend?
Ans. The poet's poem will give life to be poet's friend. His poem will be read by men and
women and through his poem, his love will also live.
8. How will the beauty of the poet's friend remain unfaded?
Ans. The beauty of the poet's friend will remain unfaded by reading the sonnet.
9. Who is being compared to a ‘summer's day’in this sonnet?And by whom?
Ans. The young man's beauty is being compared to a summer's day in this sonnet by the
poet' William Shakespeare'.
10. Why is the poet’s friend more 'lovely and temperate' than the summer's day?
Ans. The poet's friend is more lovely and temperate than the summer's day as the
summer is extreme with is harsh days, his love's beauty is gentler and more
restrained than the summer.
u Long answer type questions :
1. How does Shakespeare celebrate the beauty of his friend in this sonnet?
Ans. Here in this poem his friend has a gorgeous beauty as summer's day at winter-
special place. But he claim that his friends beauty is eternal and unchangeable .
Winter in European countries is very powerful , so there summer is the great time to
Little Wings 69 Tulip English-[6-8]
enjoy deeply. And poet says in this poem that his friend's beauty is also relief full as
2. How does Shakespeare treat the theme of Time and Beauty in this sonnet?
Ans. The sonnet is not only about Shakespeare's “eternal lines”, but it is also about how
in time Shakespeare's observations grow. In the final line of the third quatrain
Shakespeare notes “in eternal lines to time thou grow'st”.. The beloved's beauty not
only remains unchanged in perpetuity, but it also grows parallel to time. In the
couplet Shakespeare confirms this observation: “this gives life to thee”.
Shakespeare's observations will not only be read “so long as men can breathe”, but
they will also offer life to the object which Shakespeare appreciates and this life
giving force will give the object the potential to live in perpetuity. As the object
grows eternally Shakespeare's observations too receives perpetual growth from
within—critics even today continuously enrich Shakespearean “eternal lines” with
new interpretations.
3. Do you consider ‘Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?’as a sonnet?
Ans. Do yourself.
Ans. Do yourself.
u Identify whether the comparison is a metaphor or a simile. Write M or S on the line :
1. Katie swims like a dolphin. S
2. The wind was a wolf howling in the dark. M
3. The alarm clock is my siren, warning me of a new day. M
4. The small boy jumped around and played like a monkey at the doctor's office. S
5. An ocean of garbage is taking over the garage – it's time for a yard sale! M
6. The house was lit up like a Christmas tree. S
7. Jan dove into the water as quickly and as effortlessly as a seal. S
8. The kicking baby was a little kangaroo. M
9. The voice of the principal over the intercom was as loud as thunder and startled all
of the children. S
10. This blanket is a soft bag of feathers. M

Grammar Skills
u Write in little / a little / few / a few :
1. We must be quick. We have little time.
2. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you a little advice.
3. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
4. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so few tourists come here.

Little Wings 70 Tulip English-[6-8]

5. I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got little patience.
6. ‘'Would you like milk in your coffee?’‘Yes, please a little.’
7. This is a very boring place to live. There's little to do.
8. ‘‘Have you ever been to Paris?’’‘‘Yes, I've been there a few times.’’

Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

The Necklace 8
Get Set Go
u Tick (3) the correct option :
1. Mathilde was born into a family of :
(a) ministers (b) officers
(c) clerks 3 (d) shopkeepers
2. What did Mathilde suffer from?
(a) Delicacies (b) Luxuries
(c) Poverty 3 (d) All of the above
3. Whom was Mathilde married to?
(a) Apetty clerk 3 (b) Aminister
(c) An officer (d) Abusinessman
4. How did Loisel feel on receiving the invitation?
(a) Sad (b) Elated 3
(c) Puzzled (d) Surprised
5. What did Mrs Loisel borrow from Madame Forestier?
(a) Abracelet (b) Anecklace 3
(c) AVenetian cross (d) All of the above
6. What spoiled Mr and Mrs Loisel’s pleasure?
(a) The loss of necklace 3 (b) The loss of the dress
(c) The loss of money (d) All of the above
7. What was the actual cost of Madame Forester's necklace?
(a) Five hundred francs 3 (b) Ten thousand francs
(c) One hundred francs (d) Five thousand francs
Little Wings 71 Tulip English-[6-8]
u Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Mathilde married to a clerk?
Ans. Mathilde belonged to a family of clerks. Her parents were not rich. They did not
have a big dowry for Mathilde. She had no means to be married to a rich and famous
man. So she was married to Mr. Loisel who was a clerk.
2. What things tortured and angered Mathilde?
Ans. Mathilde was not among those who take or accept life what it is. She was never
satisfied with her lot. Het humble family background didn't match with her grand
dreams. She believed that she was born for all delicacies and luxuries of the world.
Her dreams were beyond her means. She dreamt of a big and grand house,
marvelous dishes, costly clothes and jewels. The harsh realities of life dashed her to
the ground from the seventh heaven of her dreamy world. Hence, she suffered and
remained dissatisfied.
3. What did her husband bring home one evening? Why was he so elated?
Ans. One evening, her husband brought home an invitation card. They were invited to a
party at the residence of the Minister of Public Instruction. He was so elated
because he thought that it would make his wife happy.
4. Why was Mrs Loisel not delighted on receiving the invitation to the party?
Ans. Mrs. Loisel wanted to lead a life of luxury. She wanted to attend parties. One day
her husband got an invitation to attend the party given by the Minister of Public
Instruction. But she did not have a good dress to wear at the party. So she was not
happy to get the invitation.
5. What were the reasons for Mathilde's unhappiness?
Ans. Mathilde was a pretty young lady but belonged to a poor family. She was married to
a petty clerk. Her poverty and lack of recognition made her angry and unhappy.
6. Why did Madame Loisel go to visit her friend, Madame Forestier?
Ans. Madame Loisel visited her friend MadameForestier twice. First, she went to her
house to borrow a diamond necklace for the ball which she lost the same day.
Secondly, she visited her house to return the necklace that she had bought for
36,000 francs in compensation for the lost necklace.
7. How was Mr Loisel able to arrange thirty six thousands francs?
Ans. Loisels possessed eighteen thousand francs, which his father had left. For him.
Rest of the money he borrowed from usurers and a whole race of lenders. He made
ruinous promises for that. And to repay this debt they had to change their lodgings.
Madame Loisel had to do all tedious jobs like washing, grocery shopping and
carrying water upstairs herself.
8. What kind of a husband was Mr Loisel?
Ans. Her husband is a very caring and a loving man. He is not greedy as he stays happy
with whatever he has. He appreciates the little things that life has given him and
does not want to see his wife unhappy for which he sacrifices his own needs.
Little Wings 72 Tulip English-[6-8]
u Long answer type questions:
1. What made Mathilde a grand success at the ball?
Ans. It was a great test for Mathilde to present herself at the ball. And she was a grand
success there. She was the prettiest of them all. She was elegant, graceful and full of
joy. She danced with enthusiasm. All the men noticed such a wonderful lady, asked
her name and wanted to be introduced to her.
2. Mathilde realised that one little act of negligence can lead to total ruin. How
would you prefer to be guided to move on in life?
Ans. Mathilde lost the necklace that she borrowed from Madame Forestier. She had to
buy a new necklace for thirty-six thousand francs which ruined all her savings. She
had changed her lodgings and does all odd jobs like washing, cleaning and
shopping grocery while her husband had to do extra work of copying after his
office time. She lost all her chars' and beauty. Now she realized that one little act of
negligence can lead to total ruin. We will prefer to move on in life according to the
situation. If we had committed any mistake we have to pay for it. And we should
pay it bravely. There is no harm in doing household jobs or in earning extra money
after office time. If we can live in a big house, we should learn to live in a small one
too with the demand of time.
u Read the extract and answer the following questions :
1. He threw over her shoulders the wraps he dad brought, the modest wraps of
common life, the poverty of which contrasted with the elegance of the ball dress.
She felt this and wished to escape so as not to be remarked by the other women, who
were enveloping themselves in costly furs.
(i) Who is she?
Ans. She is Mathilde.
(ii) What was the cause of her inferiority complex?
Ans. She thought that they are poor and all the guests of the party belong to the
upper class. This was the cause for her inferiority complex.
(iii) How can you say that Mr Loisel was a loving husband?
Ans. Mr. Loisel was a loving husband because when his wife was enjoying the
dance and gratifying her vanity through the admiration of the men-folk, he
waited patiently.
2. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way fo being known, understood, loved,
married by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little
clerk of the ministry of public Instruction.
(i) Who is the description about?
Ans. The description is about Mrs. Loisel.
(ii) What sort of person is she?
Ans. She is a pretty lady who is ambitious and discontented with her life..
(iii) What did her husband do?
Ans. Her husband was a petty clerk in the office of the Ministry of Public
Little Wings 73 Tulip English-[6-8]
What, do you think, were the feelings of Madame Forestierwhen she came to know
thatMathildereturned hera diamond necklacein placeofan artificialone?
Ans. Mathilde borrowed a necklace from Madame Forestier to wear at a party. She lost it
somewhere and in that place returned a diamond necklace to her. She was unaware
of the fact that it was an artificial one. Madame Forestier was shocked to know the
whole story. Madame Forestier thought that situation could be avoided if Mathilde
had the dare to accept the truth and share it with Madame Forestier.
u Now with the help of your teacher, try to find out the meaning of following idioms.
And also use them in the sentences of your own :
1. Couch potato : Aperson who takes little or no exercise and watching
old of Television
Use - The episode featured female cheerleaders competing against male couch
potato sports fans.
2. Early bird : Aperson who rises early or acts before the usual.
Use - Remember that the early bird gets the worm.
3. Fair-weather : Someone who offers help to someone.
Use - It is not easy to see a fair-weather friend.
4. Jack of all trades : Aperson who can do many different types of work.
Use - They are required to be jack-of-all-trades, and masters of each.
5. Night owl : Aperson who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
Use - Since Philip has started work on his book he has become a night owl.
Grammar Skills
u Join the following sentences with suitable conjunctions :
1. They postponed the match. The ground was muddy after the rain.
They postponed the match as the ground was muddy after the rain.
2. He was camping in the jungle. He was bitten by a snake.
He was camping in the jungle when he was bitten by a snake.
3. I would have bought that dress. It had not been so expensive.
I would have bought that dress if it had not been so expensive.
4. He walked fast. I could not keep up with him.
He walked fast so I could not keep up with him.
5. He wiped his shoes on the mat. He entered the house.
He wiped his shoes on the mat before He entered the house.
6. We are going to the concert early. We can get good seats.
We are going to the concert early so that we can get good seats.
7. I was completely out of breath. I ran all the way there.
I was completely out of breath as I ran all the way there.
8. The lecturer waited for everyone to take their places. He began the discussion.
The lecturer waited for everyone to take their places before He began the
Little Wings 74 Tulip English-[6-8]
Let's Listen Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Speak Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Write Ans. Do yourself.

The Wind 9
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza?
Ans. The wind breaks the doors of the window, scatters the papers and throws down the
books on the shelf. It also tears the pages of the books and brings rain.
2. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What do
people use for winnowing?
Ans. Yes, I have seen ladies winnow grain in my village. People winnow grains to
remove straws, chaff and dust found in grains there. It is called 'Barsana'.
3. Why does the poet say "the wind god winnows"?
Ans. The poet says that the wind god winnows the weak crumbling houses, doors,
rafters, wood, bodies, lives and hearts, and then crushes them all.
4. What should we do to make friends with the wind?
Ans. To make friends with wind we need to build strong homes with firm doors. We
should also make ourselves physically and mentally strong by building strong, firm
bodies and having steadfast hearts.
5. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?
Ans. The last four lines convey the message that those who are not determined and lack
confidence face defeat. And those who set their targets and make sincere efforts are
not disturbed by any obstacle.
How does the poet speak to the wind – in anger or with humour? You must also
have seen or heard of the wind “crumbling lives”. What is your response to
this? Is it like the poet's?
Ans. The poet speaks to the wind with anger. Yes, strong winds are known to cause
plenty of damage and destruction to both life and property.
Storms, cyclones, gales and strong winds cause havoc on land. They uproot trees,
bring down houses, tear down electric posts and claim lives. They also cause
Little Wings 75 Tulip English-[6-8]
damage to boats and frighten the poor sailors and fishermen out at sea. Yet, I do not
agree with the poet that the wind only 'crumbles lives'. The wind is responsible for
bringing rain; it cools the land and makes the climate pleasant.
Today, wind energy is harnessed for several useful purposes including turning
windmills, wind turbines and generating electricity.

Grammar Skills
u Write in a/an/the :
1. He is not a friend of mine.
2. Have you read the book I bought?
3. This is a town of some importance.
4. She has to catch a bus or a train?
5. She is a girl.
6. Is he a European or an Indian?
7. He lives in a hut.
8. He sent me an urgent message.
9. He found a one dollar note.
10. She waited for an hour.
11. Ram is an artist.
12. The Nile is a famous river.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

One Friday Morning 10

Get Set Go

u Tick (3) the correct option :

1. Which statement best reflects the main idea of the chapter?
(a) People must have the courage to stand up for their ideals.
(b) Even when life is unfair, we must hold fast to our ideals.
(c) When life is unfair, people give up their ideals.
(d) The ideals in the pledge of allegiance are essentially racist. 3
2. Who is the narrator of ‘One Friday Morning’?
(a) Nancy Lee (b) Afirst person narrator
(c) Athird person limited narrator (d) Langston Hughes 3
Little Wings 76 Tulip English-[6-8]
3. Which word best describes the mood of the chapter at the beginning?
(a) Excitement 3 (b) Anticipation
(c) Disappointment (d) Fear
4. What is the most likely reason for Nancy Lee's tears as she recites the pledge of
allegiance at the end of the story?
(a) She is overcome with disappointment at having the award taken away.
(b) She is determined to fight for liberty and justice regardless of how she has been
treated. 3
(c) She is feeling deeply patriotic as she recites the pledge of allegiance.
(d) She realises that the pledge of allegiance is a lie and has lost all hope.
5. Which statement best describes Miss O'Shay's feelings toward Nancy Lee?
(a) Miss O'Shay believes Nancy Lee can overcome prejudice. 3
(b) Miss O'Shay believes that Nancy Lee should give up her dreams.
(c) Miss O'Shay believes that Nancy Lee was unfairly given the award.
(d) Miss O'Shay believes that Nancy Lee should become an artist.
6. Why does the author most likely use the pledge of allegiance in this chapter?
(a) To demonstrate his patriotism
(b) To illustrate the irony of the pledge of allegiance
(c) To explain why some people refuse to say the pledge of allegiance
(d) To encourage the reader to have faith in the pledge of allegiance 3
7. Which statement best describes how Nancy Lee and Miss O'Shay are similar?
(a) They are both students at the same high school.
(b) They are both women who have experienced disappointment.
(c) They are both members of a group that has been discriminated against.
(d) They are both artists who enjoy saying the pledge of allegiance. 3
8. In which way is this story typical of other stories?
(a) It follows the plot structure of fictional stories
(b) It shares a universal theme with all stories.
(c) It is written with a third person narrator.
(d) It describes the life of anAmerican teenager. 3

Little Wings 77 Tulip English-[6-8]

u Answer the following questions :
1. Was Miss Dietrich a good art teacher? What details from the story support
your response?
Ans. Miss Dietrich was the tall red-haired woman who taught law and order in doing
things and the beauty of working step by step until a job is done or a picture finished
or a design created or a black print carved out of noting. She was the kind of teacher
who brought out the best in her students-but their own best, not anybody else's
copied best.
2. What was the dream of being held in the triangle of Nancy Lee's picture?
Ans. The flag, the spring and the women were the dream of being held in the triangle of
Nancy Lee's picture.
3. Do you think that Nancy Lee would have preferred never to have known that
the committee was going to give her the scholarship, or was it better that the
situation happened the way it did? Why?
Ans. Nancy Lee does not lose her pride and self worth because these were neither
created nor nurtured by the committee. All the sensation of pride in winning the
scholarship were formulated and devloped before she learned the bad news. Nancy
Lee savored the knowledge that she had win. She wrote a moving, heartfelt speech
about the meaning of the award and of American democracy. Although she will be
prevented from giving the speech and from receiving the scholarship. She has
already internalized what it meant to her.
4. Do you think Nancy Lee will tell her parents the whole story? Why or why not?
If so, how will she tell them?
Ans. Do yourself.
5. Langston Hughes titled the story, “One Friday Morning.” What title would
you have given it and why?
Ans. Do yourself.
6. Discuss the irony of this story. Why do the words of Nancy Lee's planned
speech take on an ironic meaning?
Ans. The One friday morning is a great example of seeing someone being discriminated
against while putting the reader in the main character's shoes to feel what it feels
like to be them. Discrimination occurs for many reasons. A good reason is we
become wiser from it and realize that no one deserves to be treated unfairly , from
her personal experiences Nancy Lee will go on to motivate other people to move
closer to achieving the high ideal extolled in the pledge of Allegiance. One nation
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
u Read the extract and answer the following questions :
Miss O'Shay’s calling her to the office had been in the nature of a preparation and a
warning. The kind, elderly vice-principal said she did not believe in catching young
ladies unawares, even with honours, so she wished her to know about the coming
award. In making acceptance speeches she wanted her to be calm, prepared, not
nervous, overcome, and frightened.
Little Wings 78 Tulip English-[6-8]
(i) How did Miss O'Shay prepare and warn Nancy Lee?
Ans. Miss O'Shay was calling her to her office and wished her to know about the coming
award. Because Nancy Lee was very excited about the award, she wanted her to be
calm and prepared for the speech and not nervous, over come and frightened.
(ii) What really was in Miss O'Shay mind when she thought Nancy Lee should be
calm and prepared?
Ans. Miss O'Shay wanted that Nancy Lee's speech should be perfect and praise worthy
at the Art scholarship ceremony. She made sure that her speech should be in calm
and prepare manner. She should not be nervous and frightened.
Ans. Do yourself.
u Complete the given blanks phrasal verbs choosing the correct from the box :
ended up, tore up, backed away, look forward, broke down, put off, part with, get on
1. I look forward to see my friends again.
2. It's time to get on the plane.
3. Put off your shoes before you walk on the carpet.
4. Afriend of mine has part with her wedding.
5. I backed away when the man took out a knife.
6. I just cannot broke down my mobile. I always keep it with me.
7. The car ended up two miles out of town.
8. Ella tore up the letter after she read it.
Grammar Skills
u Match the numbers with the letters to form conditional sentences :
1. (b), If I were a millionaire. (a) If I finish early
2. (c), she wouldn't have had an accident. (b) I would buy a beautiful car
3. (a), I'll watch the film. (c) if she had driven carefully
u Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (First conditional) :
1. If I (finish) finish early, I will call you.
2. I (catch) will catch the 9:00 p.m. train if I hurry up.
3. She will know the answer, if she (try) tries to understand.
u Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Second conditional) :
1. If I (be) became a star, I would help the needy.
2. He (buy) would buy a house if he had a job.
3. She (be) would be happy, if she married him.
u Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Third conditional) :
1. If he (be) had been careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.
Little Wings 79 Tulip English-[6-8]
2. I (pass) would have passed the exam if I had worked hard.
3. Her father would not have died, if he (go) had gone to the doctor.
u Write the suitable conditionals in the following sentences :
1. If I (wake up) wake up early, I'll go jogging.
2. He (visit) will visits his uncle, if he finishes early.
3. If she had taken care of her son, he (not become) would have not become a
4. If I were a star, I (help) would help the poor.
5. She would have been top of her class if she (work) had worked hard.

Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

The Pedestrian 11
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. What social trends does Bradbury observe and see as potential problems for
Ans. Ray Bradbury observes a number of potential problems with the social trends of his
time and the fate of the future. He warns his reader about the possibility of losing
our humanity in the face of advancements. Leonard Mead walks every night
simply because he can, but no one else in the city leaves their home once they have
come home from work. Presumably humanity simply goes from home to car to
work and back again, never experiencing the outdoors. There is no evidence that
humanity has done anything other disconnected from the earth : “in ten years of
walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person
walking, not one in all that time.” Leonard Mead knows why people have vacated
the streets- their TV's have replaced reality and society no longer requires direct
contact. Even the laughter is limited and there are no voices heard in the house
despite being surrounded by family: “Was that a murmur of laughter from within a
moon-white house? He hesitated, but went on when nothing more happened.”
Human contact is at a minimum and TV has stripped society of sincere
Little Wings 80 Tulip English-[6-8]
communication, knowledge, and earthly experiences. It may be dramatic, but these
trends are present whenever there is a new piece of technology which makes life
supposedly easier and more entertaining. As humans we must ensure that the
advances that we are capable of do not strip us of our humanity- our capacity for
communication, both verbal and written.
2. Why is Mead arrested?
Ans. Mr. Mead is not arrested by a policeman but by a car that functions like a robot. It
does not have robots driving it, but the car itself is the robot. Mr. Mead, technically
speaking, is not being arrested but being taken into protective custody on the
grounds that he is a danger to himself. There must be something wrong with him if
he goes out walking in the dark. Maybe he is a victim of Alzheimer's disease!
Maybe he is lost. That apparently is why the robot-car tells him to get in the car.
3. What is his punishment going to be? Why?
Ans. To the police and the world of 2053, Mr. Mead's activity is so odd that he must be
certifiably insane. The police car assumes he is a danger to himself and the general
public; therefore, the police car arrests Mr. Mead and plans to take him to a
psychiatric facility.
u Match the questions with the answers :
What is Mead's profession? No where, he was just walking.
Who does Mead ask, "What's up on The person doesn't think that being a
channel 4, channel 7, channel 9?" writer is a real profession.
What does Mead's profession Awriter.
reveal about his character
and his place in society?
What is Mead's attitude toward the He dislikes it. He finds it damaging and
shows on television? useless and mocks people who watch it.
Why does the police car He didn't commit a crime, but was
respond "No profession"? exhibiting weird behaviour by walking
outside at night
Where was Mead on his way To the houses on the street.
to when he was stopped by
the police car?
What crime did Mead commit? He is creative and imaginative but is not
recognised in society because no one
reads anymore.
Little Wings 81 Tulip English-[6-8]
Ans. Do yourself.
Ans. Do yourself.
Grammar Skills
u Fill in the blanks :
1. Man and woman are complementary to each other. (is/are)
2. Plenty of mangoes and bananas are available in this season. (is/are)
3. Adictionary and an atlas are missing from the library. (is/are)
4. The leader as well as his brother belongs to the same lube. (belong/belongs)
5. Cats and dog do not get along. (do/does)
6. The brothers as well as their sister are good at this slide. (is/are)
7. The students accompanied by their teacher have gone for a picnic. (has/have)
8. Alot of houses have collapsed in the station. (has/have)
9. The children as well as their mother are missing. (is/are)
Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

On Killing a Tree 12
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. In the phrase 'consuming the earth', who consumes the earth and how?
Ans. It is the tree that consumes the earth by drawing its nourishment from the soil
through its root. The diet required by the tree lies deep inside the earth and the root
sucks and absorbs nutrients and nourishes the tree.
2. What is meant by 'years of sunlight, air and water'?
Ans. Years of sunlight, air and water means that the tree takes years together to grow up
fully. In this course of time, it draws energy from sunlight, air and water.
3. Why has the tree's 'hide' been called leprous?
Ans. The bark of the tree is uneven in texture and colour. Leprosy also robs the skin of
the leper of its colour and evenness. Hence, the poet has drawn a metaphorical
Little Wings 82 Tulip English-[6-8]
comparison between the discoloured bark of a tree and the diseased skin.
4. What is the role of hacking and chopping in killing a tree?
Ans. Hacking and chopping wound the body of a tree causing it great pain. They peel the
bark of the tree and it appears to be bleeding when the sap oozes out. However, this
pain or bleeding does not manage to kill the tree.
5. What will rise from 'close to the ground'? Why?
Ans. Curled green twigs and miniature boughs will rise from the stump of the tree that is
close to the ground. They will rise because the tree rejuvenates and revives itself as
long as its root is intact.
6. What will happen if the miniature boughs are left 'unchecked'?
Ans. 'Unchecked' here means left free to grow without any harm or danger. If left
'unchecked', the new, green, delicate branches from the stump of a tree will expand
and regain their original size.
7. What is the meaning of ‘anchoring earth’and ‘earth cave’?
Ans. “Anchoring earth” means the earth which gives a firm grip to the tree and keeps it
from falling. Just as a ship anchored in the sea stays in its place securely and
steadily, similarly the tree stands secure and stable with the support of the earth.
“Earth cave” refers to the depth under the earth where the root of a tree remains
sheltered safely for years. It is firmly attached to this point and a cave-like hollow is
created when the root is pulled out.
8. How is the root of the tree to be pulled out? What is the result of this pulling?
Ans. The root of the tree is to be tied to a rope and pulled out with a great force. This
pulling results in creating a cave-like hollow in the earth and exposes the root to the
vagaries of weather that eventually cause the death of the tree.
9. What is 'the most sensitive' part of the tree? What is it sensitive to and why?
Ans. The root of the tree is its most sensitive part. It is sensitive to the heat and vagaries
of weather on the open surface of the earth. It is so because it remains hidden safely
under the earth.
10. How is the exposed root affected by the sun and air?
Ans. Sun and air start drawing life out of the exposed root. It becomes discoloured, dry
and hard. It starts withering and becomes gnarled and twisted. Devoid of all its
moisture, it gradually becomes lifeless and the process of killing the tree is
u Read the extract and answer the following questions :
1. So hack and chop
But this alone won't do it.
Not so much pain will do it.
The bleeding bark will heal
And from close to the ground
Will rise curled green twigs,
Little Wings 83 Tulip English-[6-8]
Miniature boughs
Which if unchecked will expand again
To former size.
(i) How should we kill a tree?
Ans. We should kill a tree by hacking and chopping it.
(ii) What will happen to its bleeding skin?
Ans. It's bleeding skin will heal very soon.
(iii) What rises from close to the ground?
Ans. Small green twigs rise from close to the ground.
(iv) What is the meaning of 'miniature boughs'?
Ans. 'Miniature boughs' means small branches.
2. Out from the earth-cave,
And the strength of the tree exposed
The source, white and wet,
The most sensitive, hidden
For years inside the earth.
(i) What is taken out of the earth's cave?
Ans. The root of a tree is taken out of the cave.
(ii) What is the source of the strength of a tree?
Ans. Root is the source of the strength of a tree.
(iii) Where does the root remain hidden for years?
Ans. The root remains hidden for years under the earth.
(iv) How is the strength of the tree exposed?
Ans. The strength of a tree is exposed by pulling out its root.
u Long answer type questions :
1. How does a tree grow up?
Ans. A tree takes years together to grow to its full size. After sprouting out from the
surface of the earth from a seed it grows gradually. Its root nurtures it by drawing
nutrients from deep under the earth. Sunlight, air and water further nourish it. Out
of its bark, tender green branches shoot out and leaves grow all over them. After a
long span of time, the tree stands so strong and sturdy that it can survive even the
wounds inflicted with a knife. In fact, chopping and hacking are not sufficient to
kill it as the wounds get healed. Branches appear again even from the stump and in
due course attain their original size. As long as the root of the tree remains intact
under the earth, the tree keeps growing.
2. What relationship does the tree have with the earth?
Ans. A tree has a deep relationship with the earth. It owes its very existence to the earth.
The seed germinates in the womb of the earth and the baby plant sprouts out over

Little Wings 84 Tulip English-[6-8]

the surface of the earth. The tree draws nutrients for it from the soil. It is the earth
that gives it support to stand erect and protects it from falling. Giving a firm grip to
its roots, the earth gives it ground to grow and assume a massive size. The earth
keeps roots of the tree concealed, protecting it from exposure to the sunlight and
the air which can prove to be very injurious for its existence. Thus, the earth helps a
tree right from its birth to its survival. Even a chopped tree grows again out of the
stump and gains the original, big size because the earth supports it.
Trees are our lifeline. So they must not be killed. Write your suggestions on
how trees can be protected.
Ans. Trees have great importance in our life. They teach us that life is made for others.
They bear fruits for others and provide shelter to them. All creatures are equal in
their eyes. Besides, trees take several years to become fully grown up. When they
are full-grown, they enhance the beauty of nature. But we are recklessly cutting
down trees for our selfish needs. We have to check this useless cutting of trees. We
have to make strict rules and protect them. The government should also come
forward in this regard. The forest should be declared protected areas and people
must be encouraged to plant more trees. They should be made aware of how trees
are valuable for human beings. On the other hand, we should organize ourselves in
some groups or associations and prohibit people from cutting down trees.
Moreover, everybody should develop a love for trees.
u Match the following expressions of the poem with their meanings :
Years of sunlight, air, water Discoloured bark.
Leprous hide Tree consumes lots of sunlight, air
and water to become a completely
grown tree.
Anchoring earth When the trees are uprooted, they
dry up.
And the strength of the tree When trees are uprooted and
exposed exposed to the sun, they become
hardened, twisted and start
Scorching and choking With the help of roots, the earth
holds the trees.
Browning, hardening, Twisting, The strength of a tree lies in its
withering roots. So to kill a tree its roots are
to be exposed to the sun for
Little Wings 85 Tulip English-[6-8]
Grammar Skills
u Tick (3) upon the right word in the brackets to complete the sentences :
1. My mother is as (strong, stronger, strongest) as her mother.
2. Not everyone agrees, she is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister.
3. Can an elephant be (tall, taller, tallest) than a giraffe?
4. That pond is the (shallow, shallower, shallowest) in this area.
5. That has to be the (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) film I have seen.
6. Of the two paths, this is (short, shorter, shortest) to get there.
7. This clown is not as (funny, funnier, funniest) as the other one.
8. He is easily the (bad, worse, worst) player in the team.
9. The second half of the play was (little, less, the least) exciting.
10. What is (far, farther, the farthest) distance you have ever run?
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

Garib ki Hai-Power of Curse 13

Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Why did everybody call Munshiji an attorney?
Ans. Everybody in the village called Munshiji 'attorney' because villagers were respect
and trust him. Whenever he opened his court the people crowded after him. He was
renowned for possessing the eloquence of the divine Saraswati herself.
2. Why did widows of the village hand over money to Munshiji?
Ans. Widows of the village hard over money to Munshiji because they had trust on him
and through their would be safe in hand of Munshiji.
3. What happened to Munga's husband?
Ans. Munga's husband had been a sergeant in the native Indian Battalion in Burma and
had died in battle there.
4. Why did Munga make this argument 'Give me back the full amount!'?
Ans. Being a widow, Munga entrusted all her money to Munshiji and begging back tiny
Little Wings 86 Tulip English-[6-8]
sums every month. When Munga had grown old without any sign of dying and he
realised that perhaps from the whole amount she did not intend to leave even half
to pay for her funeral expense, he said to her one day ," Munga, are you going to die
or aren't you! or just say straight out that you'll look after your own funeral fees."
That day Munga's eyes were opened, and she said." Give me back the full amount.
5. How did Ramsevak dupe panchayat against Munga?
Ans. When the panchayat met, people gathered from several village. Munshi Ramsevak
was ready and agreeable, he stood up in the council and addressed the members.
"Friend! You are all noble and devoted to the truth. I bow to you all. I am grateful to
the core to you for your generosity and mercy, your charity and love. Do you think I
really took, the money of this unfortunate widow!" With one voice the councillors
said. " No ,no! you could't do such a thing!' Then Munga said to herself," If I'm not
to get it here, then all right, I won't, but I'll get it back in heaven.
6. How did Munga spend her life after being insulted in the panchayat?
Ans. After being insulted in panchayat, Munga was obsessed with the thought of her
money of her money. All day and all right, walking or sitting, she had only one idea
: to inveigh against Munshi Ramsevak .
She would sit in desolate places in bare-headed bare-bodied and with a little hatchet
in her hand. She abandoned her hut and was seen wandering around the ruins in
cremation ghat along the river dishevelled, red-eyed, grimacing crazily, her arms
and legs emaciated. When people saw her like this, they were frightened.
7. How did Munga earn the title of local mad woman?
Ans. Munga became mad after losing her money. People got afraid to see her. When ever
she come out in the village women shut the doors of their houses, men slunk away
and children ran off screeching. Having lost her mind along with her money she
had earned the title of the local mad-woman.
8. Describe Munshiji's wife.
Ans. Munshiji 's wife Nagin was a very shrewd woman.. She advised her husband about
all his business dealings. She was as brilliant in speech as he in writing.
9. How did Munshiji wife die?
Ans. One midnight Nagin was started from her sleep. It seemed to her that Munga, with
her red eyes and sharp teeth, was sitting on her chest. Nagin screamed. Then she
started running towards the courtyard like a mad woman and suddenly she fell
senseless to the ground, sweating all over and died. The fear of Munga had killed
10. Why did Ramsevak encounter the sandy wastes of disappointment in the
Ans. When Munshiji reached to the court, he thought that there would be client who
nock around him and condoled with him. Then there would be an abundance of
fore closures, settlements and mortgages and he had be rolling in money but
instead of these, he encountered the sandy wastes of disappointment. He sat for
Little Wings 87 Tulip English-[6-8]
hours with his satchel open but nodody came near him.
11. What happened to Ramgulam at last?
Ans. After the disappearance of Munshiji, Ramgulam lived with an uncle and stayed
there a while. One day he was digging up radishes in somebody's field. The owner
gave him a few slaps. This made him so angry that he went into the man's granary
and set in on fire. It burned down completely and thousands of rupees went up in
smoke. The police investigated and Ramgulam was arrested for this offence he is
at present in the reformatory at Chunar.
u Long answer type questions :
"This is Munshi Ramgulam door where you can expect such fine manners!" what
behaviour were villagers expecting from Ramsevak and how was he behaving
when Munga lying dead before his doorstep?
Ans. Ramgulam, the son of Munshiji crossed all the limits of humanity when he droped cow
dung on Munga. She had completely covered with it. The villagers criticised
Ramgulam by saying. " This is Munshiji Ramgulam door where you can expect such
fine manners!" On the following day, Munga died at the doorstep of Munshi Ramsevak.
The same people who ridiculed her in her pursuit of justice knowing that she had, in
fact, been cheated, are now compelled to act when and only when, there is an ostensible
sign that propriety has been neglected.
After the death of Munga, Munshi Ramsevak and his family had lost the peace of mind.
They realised that Munga was present everywhere with them. The family became
vicitm in everyone's eye. They meet with miserable end. Nagin, Munshiji's wife died in
the fear of Munga. Munshiji left the place and after months returned in a guise of saint
and that very day his house was put on fire. His son Ramgulam had caught by the police
for setting fire in the granary of his owner for whom he worked. He was sent to the
reformatory at Chunar.
In this way, the exploiter and the exploited both faced the bitterness of life.
Ans. Do yourself.
u With the help of dictionary find out the meaning of the following words :
Precincts The area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular
building or place.
Tribunal Abody established to settle certain types of dispute.
Tradition The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to
generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
Funeral A ceremony or service held shortly after a person's death, usually
including the person's burial or cremation.
Little Wings 88 Tulip English-[6-8]
Generosity The quality of being kind and generous.
Munificent Characterized by or displaying great generosity.
Poverty The state of being extremely poor.
Emaciated Abnormally thin or weak especially because of illness or a lack of
Screeching Give a loud, harsh, piercing cry.
Hamlet Small village or a group of houses.
Noble Belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy.
Innocent Not guilty of a crime or offence.
u Write the synonyms of the following words :
Tradition Custom Funeral Cremation Account Journal
Devoted Committed Grateful Thankful Climax Culmination
Courage Bravery Fear Terror Solitary Alone
u Write the antonyms of the following words :
Offence Defence Owner Servant Disappeared Appeared
Merry Depressed Prisoner Captor Lost Found
Refused Accept Dark Bright Close open

Grammar Skills
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Indefinite, Passive voice :
1. This text (to write) in pencil.
This text is written in pencil.
2. This question (to discuss) everywhere.
This question is discussed everywhere.
3. The table (to cover) with a red cloth.
The table is covered with a red cloth.
4. Most New York skyscrapers (to make) of steel and glass.
Most New York skyscrapers are made of steel and glass.
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Past Indefinite, Passive voice :
1. No echo (to hear) for three seconds.
No echo was heard for three seconds.
2. All the details (to know) to the scientists.
All the details were known to the scientists.
3. Anew island (to find).
Anew island was found.
4. Our ship (to send) to explore that area.
Our ship was sent to explore that area.
Little Wings 89 Tulip English-[6-8]
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Future Indefinite, Passive voice :
1. The criminal (to detain) by the police.
The criminal will be detained by the police.
2. The letter(to write) by Jagmohan.
The letter will be written by Jagmohan.
3. Afish (to catch) by me.
Afish will be caught by me.
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Perfect, Passive voice :
1. His novel just (to publish).
His novel just has been published.
2. The thief (to detain) by the police today.
The thief has been detained by the police today.
3. I (to tell) about it only yesterday.
I have been told about it only yesterday.
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Past Perfect, Passive voice :
1. I was told yesterday that their plan (not to accept).
I was told yesterday that their plan had not been accepted.
2. He told us that his leg (to break).
He told us that his leg had been broken.
3. We were glad to hear that our invitation (to accept).
We were glad to hear that our invitation had been accepted.
u Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Future Perfect, Passive voice :
1. The work (to do) by the end of the month.
The work will have been done by the end of the month.
2. Acar (to bring) by you till Monday.
Acar will have been brought by you till Monday.
3. The letter (to written) by Sam.
The letter will have been written by Sam.
Let's Listen
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Speak
Ans. Do yourself.
Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.
Little Wings 90 Tulip English-[6-8]
Messy Room 14
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. What does the poem describe about?
Ans. The poem describe a teenager's untidy room in each line. It shows the average
teen's room that it's almost always messy. The poet thought he was looking at some
one elss's room, but is reality the was looking at his own room.
2. What does the poet remind you?
Ans. The poet reminds us to clean up our room. He told us that messy rooms are a bad
3. Why do children mind to clean up their room?
Ans. Children mind to clean up their room usually because they are lazy.
4. Name the brothers of the poet.
Ans. Donald, Robert and Willie are the names of poet's brother.
5. In reality, whose room is described in the poem?
Ans. In reality, it was poet's own room described in the poem.
Ans. Do yourself.
Vocabulary Household items
Fill in the crossword and find the hidden words.
1 2
1 S A W
4 2 H A N G E R
3 H O O K 3
4 P O T
5 L A 5 U N D R Y B A S K E T
6 I R O N I N G B O A R D
6 7 K E Y
8 S C I S S O R S 7

8 9 B U C K E T 9
10 D U S T P A N
11 B A S K E T
12 11 12 N E E D L E
13 M A T C H 13
C 14 L O T H E S P E G
16 15 L A D D E R 14 15
16 B R O O M
17 P I C T U R E F R A M E
18 M O P 18
17 19
19 I R O N

Little Wings 91 Tulip English-[6-8]

Grammar Skills
u Fill in with some or any :
1. I'm going to buy some eggs.
2. They didn't make any mistakes.
3. I can't pay. I haven't got any money.
4. There aren't any shops in this part of the town.
5. Mrs and Mr Singh haven't got any children.
6. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
7. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.
8. Are there any letters for me?
9. I haven't got any stamps butAnita has got some.
10. Do you know any good hotel in London?
u Write much or many :
1. She has so many friends!
2. Too much cooks spoil the broth.
3. Hurry up. I don't have so much time.
4. We went to a dairy yesterday. I had never seen so many cows before.
5. It's also quite amazing how much milk these cows produce everyday.
6. You have too much money. Won't you share it with me?
7. There are so many poor people in the world.
8. There are too many children in the house.
9. My father doesn't drink much coffee.
10. How many of you have ever been to London?
u Fill in the blanks with little, a little or the little :
1. Alittle precaution is necessary in landing an electronic device.
2. We have got a little bacon and a few eggs.
3. Could I try a little wine?
4. Give the plants a little water everyday.
5. We have little of this phenomenon.
6. The little influence that he has he uses to his advantage.
7. The professor spends little time in company.
8. The little grain we had was damaged in the ram.
u Fill in the blanks with few, a few or the few :
1. His ideas or difficult, but a few people understand them.
2. The few public gardens that we have are not properly maintained.
3. Afew days rest is all that I need.
4. I can’t express my gratitude in a few words.
Little Wings 92 Tulip English-[6-8]
5. He spent the few days that were left to him in solutions and meditation.
6. The few points that he made were quite significant.
7. Few people were interested in the exhibition.
8. She has few relatives.

Let's Write
Ans. Do yourself.

As You Like It 15
Get Set Go
u Tick (3) the correct option :
1. "As You Like It" opens with a dispute between two brothers, and the theme of brotherly
relationships is central to the play. There are two sets of brothers in the play. What are
their names?
(a) Duke Frederick and Duke Charles; Oliver and Orlando de Boys
(b) Duke Frederick and Duke Senior; Oliver, Orlando and Jaques de Boys
(c) Duke Frederick and Duke Senior; Oliver and Orlando de Boys 3
(d) Duke Frederick and Duke Charles; Oliver, Orlando and Jaques de Boys
2. Why does Duke Frederick dislike Orlando?
(a) Orlando finds Rosalind more beautiful than the Duke's own daughter, Celia.
(d) Orlando's brother, Oliver, owes the Duke a considerable sum of money.
(c) Orlando beat the Duke's prized wrestler, Charles.
(d) The Duke and Orlando's father were enemies. 3
3. What does Rosalind give Orlando after he defeats Charles, the wrestler?
(a) Aring from her finger
(b) Alock of her hair
(c) Achain from her neck 3
(d) Aletter from her father
4. What is Celia's name while she is disguised in the forest?
(a) Audrey
(b) Aliena 3
(c) Phebe
(d) She does not change her name
Little Wings 93 Tulip English-[6-8]
5. What does the disguised Rosalind promise to do for Orlando?
(a) Woo Rosalind on his behalf
(b) Help him to overthrow his brother, Oliver
(c) Help him to overcome his lovesickness 3
(d) Provide him andAdam with shelter
6. Why does Duke Frederick return his crown to his banished brother, Duke Senior?
(a) He is persuaded to by Jaques
(b) He is converted by hermit. 3
(c) He is attacked by a lion, and thus achieves enlightenment.
(d) He falls in love.
u Answer the following questions :
1. Describe how Rosalind and Orlando fell in love with each other at first sight.
Ans. One day there was a wrestling match at court. There was a wrestler who had killed
many man in contest of the kind. There was a Orlando, the young men who was
ready to fight with that wrestler, Charles, Orlando fought with him and defeated
him. Duke Frederick was pleased with his courage and asked his name. Orlando
said that he was the son of Frederick's old friend. Rosalind was delighted to hear
that this handsome young stranger was the son of her father's old friend. She gave
him her neck's chain and fell in love with him. Orlando also fell in love at first sight
with Rosalind.
2. Write in brief the escape of Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone from the Duke's
Ans. Celia Rosalind's sister suggested a plan to her. The plan was that both of them
would slip out of the palace in disguise. It was decided that Rosalind would
disguise herself as a male by the name of Ganymede whereas Celia assumed a new
name Aliena. They now acted like a brother and sister. They took all their wealth
and jewels with them. They also took Touchstone, the court jester with them and
fled from, the palace unnoticed. The forest ofArden was their destination.
3. How did Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone manage to get food and shelter in the
forest ofArden?
Ans. Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone had reached the forest of Arden. There, they met
Corin, as old shepherd. Rosalind asked him if he could arrange for them some food
and shelter in the forest. The Corin told that his master wanted to sell his property
including his cottage and flock of sheep. Rosalind expressed her willingness to
make a deal with his master. They bought the cottage and the sheep from his master.
In this way. Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone managed to get food and shelter in the
forest ofArden.
4. Describe the first meeting between Orlando and Duke Senior and his lords.
Ans. Orlando and his old loyal servant Adam fled to the forest of Arden. Both were
Little Wings 94 Tulip English-[6-8]
exhausted and extremely hungry. Being young Orlando. Could tolerate hunger and
fatigue butAdam was a eighty years old man, could not bear hunger. So Orlando put
Adam under a tree in a safe place and went in search of food.
There Duke Senior with his companions were also there in the forest. They were
sitting in front of their cave. They were about to start their meal and suddenly
Orlando burst upon them with his sword down. He warned them not to touch food
until he had taken some share of food for the staring old man. Duke Senior assured
him that he was welcome to their camp. In this way Duck Senior and Orlando met
first time.
5. Describe briefly the love game which Rosalind played with Orlando.
Ans. Orlando in the cave of Duke Senior dream about Rosalind and went about the forest
carving her name on trees and writing love sonnets and hanging them on the bushes.
One day Orlando met Rosalind and Celia but couldn't recognized Rosalind as she
was in the dress of a man and pretended like the man. Rosalind said that there was a
foolish lover who haunted those woods and hanged sonnets on the trees. If she
found him, she would soon cure him of his folly Orlando confessed that he was the
foolish lover and then she said if he would come and saw her everyday. She would
be pretended to be Rosalind and she would taken her part till she made him ashamed
of his folly in loving her. In this way, for many days love game between them was
going on.
6. How was Oliver saved from the attack of a lioness by Orlando?
Ans. One day, Orlando , was going to visit Ganymede, he saw a man asleep on the ground
and that there was a lioness crouching near waiting for the man was asleep to wake.
Then Orlando looked at man and saw that it was his wicked brother, Oliver, who had
tried to take his life. He fought with the lioness and killed her and saved his brothers
7. Describe in brief Oliver and Celia's love at first sight.
Ans. After saving his brother's life from the lioness, Orlando sent his brother to ask
Ganymede to come him. Oliver went and told the whole story to Ganymede and
Aliena , And Aliena was so charmed with his manly way of confessing his faults
and fell in love with him at once. Oliver went back to his brother and told him that
the also lovedAliena so much.
u Long answer type questions :
1. Describe in short the scene in which Oliver fell in love with Celia.
Ans. One day there was a wrestling match at court. There was a wrestler who had killed
many man in contest of the kind. There was a Orlando, the young men who was
ready to fight with that wrestler, Charles. Orlando fought with him and defeated
him. Duke Frederick was pleased with his courage and asked his name. Orlando
said that he was the son of Frederick's old friend. Rosalind was delighted to hear
that this handsome young stranger was the son of her father's old friend. She gave
him her neck's chain and fell in love with him. Orlando also fell in love at first sight
with Rosalind.

Little Wings 95 Tulip English-[6-8]

2. Write a short note on how Duke Frederick underwent a change of heart.
Ans. After the marriage of Orlando and Rosalind, and Oliver and Celia, they lived happy
ever. Frederick also changed himself and became a hermit. He gave back the
dukedom to his brother and went into a monastery to pray for forgiveness.
Ans. Do yourself.

u An anagram has the same letters as another word, but in a different order.
Try and sort out these anagrams :
1. Change mean into something used at the end of a prayer. Amen
2. Change skis into something you do with your
lips. Kiss
3. Change slime into something you do with your
face. Smile

4. Change vole into something you can feel or show. Love

5. Change nerve into an adverb meaning the opposite of always Never
6. Change keep into a verb meaning “to stare at something secretly” Peek
7. Change eat into something you drink hot. Tea
8. Change scar into something boys and men are into. Cars
9. Change balm into a word used for baby sheep. Lamb
10. Change odor into something you open to enter a house. Door

Handwriting Corner
Ans. Do yourself.
Grammar Skills
u Complete the following sentences by choosing appropriate phrase from the box
given below :
how to do it, to my door, on the table, on a wall, of gold
1. I asked my friend to show me how to do it .
2. My mother has a chain of gold .
3. There came a beggar to my door.
Little Wings 96 Tulip English-[6-8]
4. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
5. The duster lies on the table .
u Underline the group of words that forms a clause in the sentence :
1. People who pay their debts are trusted.
2. We cannot start while it is raining.
3. I think that you have made a mistake.
4. People who rise early stay healthy.
5. I think it is hard work that has made him successful.
u Underline the clauses and write it they are dependent or independent :
1. When the temperatures drop below freezing. dependent
2. Because my weight has increased this year. dependent
3. My parents came home early from their trip. independent
4. The class went on a trip to the museum. independent
5. Since the lights were turned off. dependent
6. First, we need to make a plan. independent
7. The thief broke into the house and stole her jewellry. independent
Let's Listen Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Speak Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Write Ans. Do yourself.

Giribala 16
Get Set Go
u Answer the following questions :
1. Describe Giribala and Gopinath early marriage?
Ans. Giribala and Gopinath were married in their childhood. They had to children and so
Giribala had very little work to do, Gopinath was a wealthy man. When he was
married, he was in college. Though they lived under the same roof. Gopinath
would create occasions to send Giribala letters on tinted paper perfumed with rose
water and would even gloat upon exaggerated grievances of imaginary neglect of
2. How did Gopinath become extravagant?
Ans. Gopinath become extravagant because he wanted to be a hero in his friends circle
and in front of his acquaintances. When his father died, he became the sole owner
of his property. He tried daily to invent new wonders in all meaner of extravagance.
By spending too much, he won a reputation among his followers.
Little Wings 97 Tulip English-[6-8]
3. What did Giribala feel as a queen of the house?
Ans. Giribala left herself like a queen who had her throne but no subjects. She knew that
she had possessed the power which could make the world of men her captive. She
wanted only that world itself.
4. How did Giribala's maidservant pamper her?
Ans. Giribala maidservant Sudha always pampered her by singing and dancing for her.
Sudha used to sing to her a song be ginning with the line "let me write myself a
slave upon the soles of they feet.'' and Giriballa in her imagination could feel that
her beautiful feet were fully worthy of bearing inscriptions of everlasting slavery
from conquered hearts, if only they could be free in their career of conquest.
5. Why did Gopinath not give concent to Giribala for visiting theatre?
Asn. Gopinath did not give consent to Giribala for visiting theater because he was firm in
his opinion that the theatre was a place not fit for any decent woman to visit.
6. Why did Giribala offend herself as Radha?
Ans. Giribala offended herself as Radha because she left it was her story with her
husband Gopinath. Giribala also felt the same like Radha these days. She felt that
she also had in her that woman's power to vindicate her pride.
7. What did Giribala feel when she saw her husband admiring the beauty of
actress Lavanga?
Ans. Giribala feel an intense disgust and prayed in her mind that a day might come when
she might have an opportunity to spurn him away with her contempt. When she
saw her husband admiring the beauty of actress Lavanga .
8. Why did Gopinath kick Giribala?
Ans. Gopinath wanted Giribals' keys but after so much struggle he could not find the
keys. Trembling with rage he came to her and said with an angry growl," Give me
your keys or you will repent. " Giribala did not answer and Gopinath, pinned her to
the wall, snatched away by force her bracelets, necklace and ring and giving her a
pasting kick and went away.
u Complete the summary of the play :
It's a story of a woman, Giribala, whose husband, Gopinath, falls out of love with
her, enchanted by a stage actress, Lavanga. He visits the theatre actress every night
after spending the evening watching the play. Giribala goes to the theatre one night
out of curiosity to see who Lavanga is, and to devise ways to save her marriage
She is enamoured by the lights, the colours and the costumes there. The world of
drama, the art itself pulls her in. Gopinath and Lavanga elope eventually to live in a
hill station. Months pass. Giribala, who once considered marriage as the purpose
of her life, immerses herself in art. When Gopinath returns to find out more about
the actress who has taken Lavanga place in the theatre group and is getting praises
and accolades, they are in for a surprise. She is none other than Giribala, the one
who plays Manorama with as much delicate poise.
u Read the extract and answer the following questions :
I will give you the keys and everything that is in the safe, but you must not leave me.
(i) Who said these words to whom?
Little Wings 98 Tulip English-[6-8]
Ans. Giribala said to Gopinath.
(ii) "but you must not leave me." Why did narrator say these words?
Ans. The narrator said there work because Gopinath was in influence of the actress,
Lavanga and was leaving Giribala.
(iii) How did Gopinath react at an unprecedented success of play 'Manorama'?
Ans. When the success of Manorama was as unexpected as it was unprecedented,
Gopinath could not resist his curiosity to come and see the performance.
(iv) Describe the concluding scene of play Manorama?
Ans. In the concluding scene, when the husband is going through his repenting period
and humiliation, as it fit in the play which has its moral, a sudden disturbance
arose among the audience. So long as Manorama appeared obscured in her
position of drudgery Gopinath showed no sign of perturbation. But when after the
wedding ceremony she came out dressed in her red bridal robe and took her veil
off, when with a majestic pride of her over whelming beauty she turned her face
towards audience and slightly bending her neck, shot a fiery glance of exultation
at Gopinath, applause broke out in wave after wave and the enthusiasm of
spectators became unbounded. Suddenly Gopinath tried out in a thick voice,
"Giribala and like madman tried to rush upon the stage. The audience shouted,"
Turn him out." the police come to drag him away and he struggled and screamed,
" I will kill her." while the curtain dropped.
Ans. Do yourself.
u What would you call these kinds of movies? You can take the help from the help
box :
comedy, horror, drama, western, romance, mystery,
comedy-drama, musical, action and adventure, documentary,
1. funny movies : comedy
2. serious movies : drama
3. movies about love (also romantic movie) : romance
4. funny movies about love : comedy-drama
5. scary movies : horror
6. story of something that really happened : documentary
7. a secret, something you don't know. In movies we have to wait to see the ending to
know how something happened : mystery
8. movies with a lot of action, for example fighting or : action and adventure
9. movies about cowboys : western
10. movies with singing and dancing : musical

Little Wings 99 Tulip English-[6-8]

Grammar Skills
u Change the following into reported speech :
1. Nikhil said, “I will come tomorrow.”
Nikhil said that he would come the next day
2. Paras said, “I have passed the examination.”
Paras said that he had passed the examination.
3. He said, “We are going for a picnic today.”
He said that they were going for a picnic that day.
4. She said, “Aayush is working hard.”
She said thatAayush was working hard.
5. She said, “I have been writing for an hour.”
She said that she had been writing for an hour.
6. Rita said, “The girls were singing in the music period.”
Rita said that the girls had been singing in the music period.
7. The teacher says, “Sehaj does not work hard.”
The teacher said that Sehaj did not work hard.
8. I said to her, “I can solve the sum.”
I told her that I could solve the sum.
9. Aman said, “Vinay may not come to school today.”
Aman said that Vinay might not come to school that day.
10. The teacher said, “The earth is round.”
The teacher said that the earth was round.
11. He said to his friend, “My sister has written a letter.”
He told his friend that his sister has written a letter.
12. The priest said, “God is great.”
The priest said that God was great.
13. Arjun said, “I can play sitar.”
Arjun said that he could play sitar.
14. Mohan said, “My sister has been studying since morning.”
Mohan said that his sister had been studying since morning.
15. We said, “We ran very hard.”
We said that we had run very hard.
16. They said to me, “We cannot help you now.”
They told me that they could not help me then.
17. Sambhav said, “My father is writing a letter.”
Sambhav said that his father was writing a letter.

Let's Listen Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Speak Ans. Do yourself.

Let's Write Ans. Do yourself.

Little Wings 100 Tulip English-[6-8]

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