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2020 International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (ICPAI)

The Risk Classification of Ergonomic

Musculoskeletal Disorders in Work-related
Repetitive Manual Handling Operations with Deep
Learning Approaches
1st Yu-Wei Chan 2nd Tzu-Hsuan Huang
College of Computing and Informatics Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Providence University Providence University
Taichung, Taiwan Taichung, Taiwan

3rd Yu-Tse Tsan*

Institute of Occupational Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Taichung, Taiwan

4th Wei-Chen Chan 5th Chih-Hung Chang

Institute of Occupational Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine College of Computing and Informatics
Taichung Veterans General Hospital Providence University
Taichung, Taiwan Taichung, Taiwan

6th Yin-Te Tsai

Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Providence University
Taichung, Taiwan

Abstract—The injury resulted from the repetitive and load- ders, deep learning, occupational medicine;
bearing works is the most frequent work-related musculoskeletal
disorders (WMSD) or cumulative trauma disorders (CTD). It I. I NTRODUCTION
comes from the overload of repetitive load-bearing actions, which
resulting in fatigue, inflammation, even injuries of musculoskele- Ergonomics [1] is the study of the interaction between
tal system. According to the annular report of Labor Insurance people, tools, machines, equipment and the environment in our
Bureau in Taiwan, WMSD is up to 85-88% payment. Thus, daily lives and work, so that the tools, machines, equipment
the aim of this study is to evaluate the risk of WMSD during and the environment in which they are used can be related
work by using the simple, quick, and correct methods by using to our own capabilities, limitations and needs. Ergonomics is
the deep learning algorithms. In the proposed research method,
after collection the videos of hand repeated movements, the the design of the interactions between people, tools, machines,
ergonomic injuries are evaluated by using the 2D human pose equipment and the environment to achieve the best possible
estimation method, which is based on the Key Indicator Method fit. Poor ergonomics design has various direct and indirect
- Manual Handling Operations (KIM-MHO). Then, a model of effects on workers, including causing/contributing to human
predefined classifications through deep learning approaches for errors, accidents, musculoskeletal disorders, reduced quality
manual handling operating tasks is built. The analysis results
show that the classification accuracy is more than 80%, compared of work and life, poor production performance, and fatigue,
with the doctor’s judgment. The goal of this study is to get the which seriously affect the health, safety, and well-being of
accuracy up to 90%, so as to achieve fast and accurate assistance workers.
for deciding the risk of ergonomics, and immediately give proper The causes of musculoskeletal disorders include work load,
feedback. work posture, repetition, and work schedule breaks, etc.
Index Terms—ergonomics, work-related musculoskeletal disor- Among them, musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive

978-1-6654-0483-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 268

DOI 10.1109/ICPAI51961.2020.00057

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and weight-bearing work are the most common occupational instead. In complex work activities, how to effectively stream-
diseases. Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) is a disease line and quickly decide the musculoskeletal injury caused by
caused by fatigue, inflammation, and injury to musculoskeletal the work becomes the key point to the implementation of the
or related tissues caused by repetitive work overload, which plan. This problem is also the main problem of this work.
accumulates over a long period of time. In Taiwan, since The goal of this work is to apply the deep learning technol-
the occupational safety and health action was amended and ogy to the injury identification and risk assessment of repetitive
enforced in 2003, it is stipulated that employers should plan musculoskeletal injuries and diseases through the KIM-MHO
properly to prevent the occurrence of musculoskeletal injuries [8], [9]. In addition, the machine can automatically learn
and diseases caused by repetitive work. The risk of muscu- and interpret the video recordings of workers’ daily work to
loskeletal injury is increased when workers in various indus- achieve fast, simple, and effective results, which can be used
tries repeatedly engage in a certain work load and complete the as a reference for physicians to evaluate the risk of injury.
work in unnatural postures for a long period of time [2]–[7]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
According to the statistics from 1990 to 2011, repetitive presents the proposed method. In Section III, the analysis
musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses caused by work in results are given. Finally, the concluding remark is given in
Taiwan accounted for 85% to 88% of all diseases covered Section IV.
by workers’ compensation insurance, and they are the most
common occupational diseases. Due to the high prevalence and
long duration of the disease, it is the main factor that causes In recent years, with the improvement of computing power
long-term disablement of workers and has a great impact on of in hardware devices and algorithms, deep learning technol-
workers, enterprises, and the national society. For workers, ogy has become one of the hot information technologies today.
musculoskeletal injuries and diseases cause mobility problems, Compared to the traditional method of manually selecting
reduced physical strength, poor quality of life, reduced income, specific features, deep learning has made many breakthroughs
and even hardship. In addition, according to other related and advances in the fields of image recognition and image
surveys on musculoskeletal injuries, the seriousness of this recognition, and has been applied to a variety of tasks. In
problem is also evident. According to the occupational injury the field of human action recognition, many video datasets
surveys in the United States, Japan, Europe, and Korea, the have been published for researchers to study and use as
number of lost workdays due to cumulative musculoskele- benchmarks for model accuracy, such as HMBD51, UCF101,
tal injuries and illnesses accounts for a high proportion of kinetics human action video datasets, and so on. These model
all occupational injuries and illnesses. The overall loss due frameworks do not select features manually as input, but use
to repetitive musculoskeletal injuries and diseases is about the video itself or different forms such as the theoretical flow
US$216 billion in the European Union (EU), accounting for and the RGB difference of the continuous frame as model
1.6% of EU GDP [4], and about US$168 billion in the input. Fully online learning on how to use the extracted
United States (US), accounting for 1.53% of US GDP [5]. features to classify the final result.
According to a survey report [6], the number of work-related In this study, we used the 2D human pose estimation
musculoskeletal injuries in Korea increased from 124 in 1998 method [?], [10]–[12] to mark the coordinates of wrist, elbow,
to 6,234 in 2009. The inclusion of musculoskeletal injuries in shoulder, head, and foot in the video, and normalized all the
the list of occupational diseases also indicates the prevalence coordinates to the range of 0 1. The framework of the model
of musculoskeletal injuries. Therefore, in order to eliminate or takes these coordinates as inputs, and learns to transform them
reduce the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal injuries into features that can determine the risk level; these features
and diseases, all industrialized countries have been making are transformed from the inputs and combined with data such
great efforts in recent years to promote the prevention of as the type of job, total number of working days, total distance
repetitive musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. worked, load, etc., to determine the risk level of this operation
In recent years, Taiwan has been actively promoting pre- by using the holo-linked layer.
ventive measures, among which, employers should properly A. Data sets
plan for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders caused by
repetitive work, and the contents should include the following The data sets mainly come from the following sources:
items: 1) Raising and transporting action videos by public data
collection: The CRCV-University of Central Florida
1) Workflow, content, and action analysis. provides 25 types of action videos, 101 types of action
2) Confirmation of human factors injuries. videos, and each type of action video is composed of
3) Improvement methods and implementation. 4 7 videos. In this study, we will use public data to
4) Effectiveness evaluation and improvement. determine the movements in the videos.
5) Other related safety and health issues. 2) Video recordings of lifting and moving exercises by
For companies with less than 100 employees, records or researchers themselves: The video is recorded at 30fps,
documents are required instead. If the number of workers in a 640x480 or 480x640, and lasts 20 40 seconds. When
company is less than 100, records or documents can be kept recording the video, the entire body of the operator must


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be filmed so that the overall posture and movement the best model parameter on the validation set to achieve
of the operator can be identified from the video. The the best training result.
recorded videos are classified into four categories: low,
medium, medium-high, and high-risk by using the KIM- 1 
MHO (Kinetic Material Handling Checklist) as a key J(w) = H(pn , qn ), (1)
N n=1
indicator. Due to the lack of data, in order to have
sufficient data for training and sufficient data to reflect the equation (1) can be presented in detail as follows:
the generalized performance of the model for model N
selection, 50% of the data are used as training set and 1 
J(w) = [yn log ŷn + (1 − yn )log(1 − ŷn )] (2)
the other 50% are used as validation set for model N n=1
performance after training.
3) Video recording of hand movements for clinical health III. T HE A NALYSIS R ESULTS
services: The occupational medicine physician conducts A. Results of the risk assessment
on-site interviews with the employees in the course of In the section, we will introduce the risk assessment tool for
their work, and makes 20-40 seconds video recordings of determining the risk level of human-induced injury by using
the entire body of the employees for lifting and carrying the KIM-MHO. The key indicators considered in the KIM-
operations. MHO which are referred by [13] are given as follows:
B. Operation processes 1) Total duration of manual handling operations per shift.
The overall operation of the proposed method is divided 2) Type, duration and frequency of force exertion(s).
into the following four steps: 3) Force transfer/gripping conditions.
4) Hand-arm position and movement.
1) Data pre-processing: We use the OpenPose API to
5) Working organization.
retrieve the coordinates of key points of human body
6) Working conditions (e.g. noise, climatic conditions).
from the video, because sometimes the key points of
7) Body posture.
human body cannot be marked correctly from the frame.
After filling in the missing values, divide the coordinates Different key indicators are classified according to different
by the video height and width, and normalize all coor- levels. The total value can be calculated by multiplying the
dinates to a range of 0-1 for better learning and faster daily activity time scale value (KI 1) by the sum of other
training. scale scores (KI 2 to KI 7). This score can be assigned to
2) Data augmentation: Since it is not easy to record video one of the four risk categories, which is characterized by the
data and the amount of data is too small, we randomly increasing intensity of manual operations and the increasing
pan the body coordinates horizontally and vertically to risk estimates of overload and work-related adverse health
produce data about the human body in different parts effects [13]:
of the video; and zoom in and out to represent different • The risk category 1 (less than 10 points): Low exposure,

sizes of the human body. body overload caused by MHO is unlikely.

3) Model structure: We select a fixed number of frames • The risk category 2 (10–24 points): With increased ex-

from each movie, and input the coordinates of key points posure, certain groups of workers may be physically
of the human body in the frames at each time point as overloaded due to MHO. Redesigning the workplace may
one-dimensional data, such as (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) be especially useful for this group.
combined into [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]. After the one- • The risk category 3 (25–49 points): Exposure is highly

dimensional (1D) convolution model, the characteristics increased, and there is a high possibility of body over-
are combined with other values such as the load, the load due to MHO. It is recommended to redesign the
total number of working days, etc., through the full workplace.
concatenation layer and the Softmax function to obtain • The risk category 4 (greater than and equal to 50 points):

four values between 0 and 1, [p1, p2, p3, p4], which Under high exposure conditions, body overload due to
represent the probability of each risk level. MHO is likely to occur. Redesigning the workplace is
4) Training process: Since the number of data for each necessary.
category is uneven, we use a weighted random selec- The KIM-MHO worksheet includes a short manual that ex-
tion method to select the training samples, so that the plains how to conduct the assessment. The manual is provided
probability of each category being selected is equal, in [14].
and the probability of each sample within the same
category being selected is also equal. During training, B. The analysis results of the proposed method
the cross-entropy loss which is presented by Eq. (1) This study was conducted in collaboration with the Depart-
between the predicted and actual values is reduced by the ment of Occupational Medicine at Veterans General Hospital
gradient descent of the SGD. Set batch size=54, learning in Taichung, and focused on the upper body tapping action
rate=0.01, training response=400 to train, and train with based on the KIM-MHO method for the classification of risk


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a model for identifying and classifying lifting, holding, and
carrying operations on the KIM-LHC scale. The goal of this
project is to achieve a classification accuracy of more than
90% compared to that of expert interpretation.


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