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The Role of the Personal Support Worker

Thomas Keeble

Personal Support Worker - 110, Mohawk College

Foundations 1 - HSCI-10188-02 - 11478.202135

Jordana Taylor

Due: September 19, 2021

2. Keys to True Professionalism

Review the keys to true professionalism and choose four key areas and provide a

description and example for each area.


As defined on by Avtar On (2021) “[Character] is

what you do when no one is looking”, which I would also define as a person’s integrity.

An example of this could be something as simple as showing up for work ontime,

and not cutting corners on job tasks when the opportunity arises.


Attitude or in this case a positive attitude is the ability to view situations from a

positive viewpoint and act accordingly. Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support

Worker describes it as the belief that you and the work you do are valuable which is

then reflected in the way you act. Displaying enthusiasm, consideration, courtesy,

honesty, and a willingness to cooperate are all qualities of a positive attitude (Mary J.

Wilk et al., 2021).

The textbook also gives several examples such as, “Speak in a professional

manner, and avoid the use of slang terms or profane language. Always think before you

speak, do not gossip, and do not complain” (Mary J. Wilk et al., 2021). I will also add

that it is important to approach tasks with a “can do” approach and not be afraid to ask

for help when necessary.

Competency is defined by Mirriam-Webster’s dictionary as “possession of

sufficient knowledge or skill” (Mirriam-Webster, 2021). The importance of competency

is stated in Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker.

“Never act beyond the legal limits of your role. Also, never perform a function or

task that you have not been trained to do. If you perform a task that is outside

these limits, you could harm a client and create serious legal problems for

yourself and your employer” (Mary J. Wilk et al., 2021, p.12)

An example of competency would include knowing when to admit that either a

job is beyond the scope of practice of a support worker, or when to seek additional

training when necessary to complete a task before attempting it.


Conduct is the manner in which a person acts and presents themselves

according to Avtar On (2021) in their article titled “Seven Keys to Professionalism for

Support Workers. In the article it emphasises the importance of; dressing appropriately,

confidentiality, and punctuality, and also mentioned; appropriate responses to questions

and comments, maintaining personal boundaries and clear and concise communication

are also of great importance to the conduct of a personal support worker.

An example of conducting oneself professionally as a personal support worker

would be to not have personal relationships with your clients outside of work hours.

3. Case Study #1

You are working in a Home Care setting and assigned to provide care for a young male

client who recently was injured in a motor vehicle accident. You are expected to assist
with showering and light meal prep. Over the course of several weeks of providing care

you have developed a positive relationship with the client. He has requested that only

you come to help him and asked you to tell your supervisor this. He has also requested

that you attend a family BBQ with him, he stated if you don’t go, he will not be able to

physically go, as he needs your assistance. This BBQ is not on a normal scheduled


How would you deal with the client’s requests? What would you communicate to your

supervisor? What would be your best course of action with this client?

This client’s request could fall under the support worker’s potential

responsibilities if that was part of the client’s care plan. This particular category of

support would be considered Social Support by Sorentino’s Canadian Textbook for the

Support Worker which is stated as “[helping] client’s participate in social activities” (Mary

J. Wilk et al., 2021). However this particular client’s care plan only covers assistance

with showering and light meal preparations so therefore would fall outside of the scope

of the care to be provided for this client. As also stated by Sorentino’s Canadian

Textbook for the Support Worker, “Support workers must understand what to do, what

not to do and the limit and extent of the health care worker’s role...” and that “If you

perform a task that is outside these limits, you could harm a client and create serious

legal problems for yourself and your employer” (Mary J. Wilk et al., 2021). It is quite

possible that acting outside of the care plan for this client would go against the policies

of the employer and would more than likely be considered a moral dilemma.
Sorentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker describes a moral dilemma as

“a situation in which there is an apparent conflict between opposing moral choices, and

choosing one would result in going against another moral choice”(Mary J. Wilk et al.,


Despite the ethical concerns involved in this situation it is still possible to resolve

the situation professionally and advocate for the client by documenting their concerns;

the client’s desire to go to their family BBQ, and reporting them to the appropriate

supervisor. It is also important to include any ethical concerns about the situation

regarding the moral dilemma when documenting and reporting. This ensures that the

client receives “Client Centered Care'' which means “having concern for the dignity,

independence, preferences, privacy and safety of the clients and their families at all

times.” (Mary J. Wilk et al., 2021). The client has stated their preferences, and cannot

safely or independently attend the family function, however, providing unethical care for

a client does nothing for anyone’s dignity, client or caregiver. It is better to find a more

ethical solution.

Once the situation has been reported the supervisor can notify the appropriate

people who are responsible for the client’s care plan and have them make any

amendments if they are needed and, who, where, how and when those services are to

be provided. Making these kinds of decisions are not part of the support worker’s role

which is something that should be clearly communicated to the client so that there is no

misinterpretation for the scope of the care being provided. It is okay to tell the client that

you will pass their request along to the appropriate people so that something can be

4. Case Study #2

You are working in a Long Term Care setting as a Personal Support Worker and you

are caring for a resident who fell on your shift and injured themselves. When you get

home your best friend calls you, the resident who was injured was her uncle. She

wants details about the fall and his condition.

What would you do?

As a personal support worker I would not have the authority to share the

information my friend is requesting. I would try to comfort my friend and console them

with their distressing situation, but for any details or medical information regarding their

uncle I would suggest that they contact their uncle’s physician. The client’s information

is confidential and my knowledge of the situation may be incomplete regardless of what

I may think I know. Sharing this incomplete information “can lead to misinformation and

confusion, which can be distressing to those affected”(Mary J. Wilk et al., 2021, p.15).

Breaching the confidentiality of the client may also be in conflict with the employer’s

policies and could result in professional consequences.


Avtar On (2021) Seven Keys in Professionalism for Personal Support Workers,

Mary J. Wilk, Sheila A. Sorrentino, Leighann N. Remmert, (2021) Sorrentino’s Canadian

Textbook for the Support Worker Fifth Edition. Elsevier,

Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Britannica Digital Learning (2021)

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