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The essay is about academic of educational leadership journals which have been

reviewed. According to Rajesh Das journal analysis on the impacts of covid-19 on the index

and the education of a given country, He states that, the study looks in to the study of coid19,

confirmed cases and the recovery cases with the help of the regression analysis. In other

meaning the study gives a recommendation that the stock market is the most sensible market

and due to that fact, index returns to a given country is highly affected due to the high

infection of covid-19. Rajesh has a point since if the stock market goes down that means that

the public market that exists to conduct, buying, and selling of stock that are traded during

stock exchange to represent the ratio of ownership in businesses would reduce. A strong and

stable functioning stock market is considered to be very important to the development of the

economy, since it gives businesses or companies’ immediate access to acquire capital from

the public.

Covid-19 affected all the economic sectors of the country including agriculture

sector, production sectors, and service sectors (Fornell & Larcker, 1981).i agree with the

point since, if the covid-19 attacks a country people lose jobs and some businesses go low on

capital hence leading them to close down. This was evident during the year of 2020 where a

lot of people lost their jobs. Peoples’ emotions are also reflected into the market returns and

the same thing happens during covid-19 pandemic as increase into the confirmed cases worst

is the situation of index returns of the particular Country (Taylor & Todd, 1995). If the coid-

19 breaks in to a country then it weakens the country’s economy and also the index returns of

the country and dropping the portfolio that are representing the stock market or even a

segment of it. Though I agree with most of the authors pints, the point that he say that

countries like the USA, Germany, china and Canada stock market performance has dropped

at a high rate but countries like India which have a different situation since their stock market
is giving them a lot of profit and generating a lot of returns. Every country stock market has

dropped because of the high unemployment rate caused by the coid-19. So I disagree with the

authors point but I agree with all of the journal points and the argument of the author.


According to Alsharayri Alqatan from Jadara University, The study on impacts on tax

evasion in E-commerce in education has been put into place to examine and show the effect

of the changed tax laws and the rules on the evasion of paying taxes through using electronic

sources i.e. online business in order to buy and sell goods. It also aims at showing the effects

that companies using have, their size and their nature. When companies tend to use electronic

ways of buying and selling, it increases the evasion of tax payment which lead companies to

chase its and conduct most of its commercial activities through the electronic network, Hence

they can be able to hide their real earnings and allow them to evade tax payment. The

increasing number of companies doing this has led to an increasing concern by the

department of income tax, pushing them to search for methods which improve the tax

assignment on the calculated returns of the company operation. The point on tax evasion has

been discussed well and so I agree. Some of the companies evade tax payment by mostly

doing online transactions with either clients or suppliers which lead to a miscalculation of the

companies’ real income and returns. The bigger the company grows, the harder it is to

calculate its returns because there would be a difficulty in auditing and examining the data of

the family (Alqatan, 2021)

Tax evasion is normally caused by many reasons i.e. the tax system of the

government has highly difficult and complex laws and rule, If the tax collection procedure is

difficult, and if the people of a given place or a country see it that the taxation is too much in
such that the money received from the taxes is not being well used on programmes that

benefit the community or people or good people in the world. (Agrawal & Fox, 2017). In this

point, the author is correct and I agree with him since everybody has got his or her own

mentality of thinking so everyone has his or her own assumption on tax payment. But in the

modernised world now, the internet is spreading hence online trading is considered to be the

best option. It limits a buyer to travel to go and buy an equipment from a seller far away and

vice versa. Although E-commerce hides the real income of a company, it is still very helpful

to the growth of the business, the author was right on his argument.


According to Rajashekar Merugu, in todays’ world elders and leaders are charged with more

added additional duties and responsibilities which were brought up by technology and the

ride of economy. Unlike the past where the leaders were assumed to have super human

extraordinary powers that could motivate, inspire and keep the employees committed

(Merugu, 2021). Acting during a simply and accountable manner will result in protection of

structure interest over self-interest of its members, consequently promoting the welfare and

stability of society (Mitreva & Gjorshevski, 2021). This will promote morale in the members

coming from the leader hence giving good leadership. The leader needs to show good morale

behaviour in order to be able to sole morale problems which enable the people to lean good

morale values and pass through generations giving the new generation good moral standards.

In the authors view, To fulfil the responsibility and duties while in the system, The leader

needs to treat some of us like students, teacher, Parents and also work members which in

return will improve the decision making process without messing up with the moral standard.
Moral faculty leaders have 3 responsibilities. Firstly, they need responsibility towards

themselves in projected to the moral principles over any (Sabir, 2021).

Good leadership will determine the success of a company. I agree with the point since

wit good leadership comes with cooperation from the colleges which gives the leader easy

time in decision making. With faculty improvement as a primary responsibility of principals

and shared by assistant principals, distinguishing and understanding educational leadership

practices that result in faculty improvement is preponderant (Merugu, 2021). Successful

leadership come with, good intuition, knowledge and gives the leader good strategy to think

and improve the company. Rajashekar Merugu point I agree with it fully and it is self-


Das R., The impacts of covid-19 on index and education of the country, Volume 25, Issue 3,


Alqatan A., Impacts on tax evasion in e-commerce in education, Volume 25, Issue 3, 2021

Merugu R., Editorial note on importance of leadership, Volume 25, Issue 3, 2021

Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F., (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with

unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.

Taylor, S., & Todd, P.A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: A test of

competing models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144-176

Agrawal, R.D., & William, F.F. (2017). Taxes in an e-commerce generation, International

Tax and Public Finance, 24, 903-926

Mitreva, E., & Gjorshevski, H. (2021). Improving the Performance of the Faculty of Tourism

and Business Logistics for the Needs of the Business Community. International Journal of

Educational Leadership and Management, 9(1), 2-27

Sabir, S. (2021). A study on ethical leadership perceptions and its impact on teachers’

commitment in Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management,

9(1), 28-53

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