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Chapter 48 Review


Neurons- the nerve cells that transfer information within the body
-long distance is electrical signals
-short distance is chemical signals

Brain- Organ of the central nervous system where information is processed and integrated.

Ganglia- Clusters (functional groups) of nerve cell bodies in a centralized nervous system.
-analyze and interpret information from sensory neurons

Introduction to Information Processing

Three stages of information processing by the nervous system

-sensory input
-motor output

Central Nervous System (CNS)- The portion of the nervous system where signal integration
occurs; in vertebrate animals, the brain and spinal cord.

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- The sensory and motor neurons that connect to the central
nervous system.
-neurons that carry into and out of the CNS

Nerves- A fiber composed primarily of the bundled axons of PNS neurons.

Sensory Neurons- A nerve cell that receives information from the internal or external environment
and transmits signals to the central nervous system.
-transmit information

Interneurons- interpret
-vast majority of neurons in the brain

Motor neurons- transmit signals to muscle cells, causing them contract


Neurons Structure and Function

Cell body- The part of a neuron that houses the nucleus and most other organelles.

Dendrites- One of usually numerous, short, highly branched extensions of a neuron that receive
signals from other neurons.

Axon- (single) extension that transmits signals to other cells

Axon Hillock-cone-shaped base of the axon is where signals travel down the axon are generated.
Synpase- The junction where a neuron communicates with another cell across a narrow gap via a
neurotransmitter or an electrical coupling.

Neurotransmitters- A molecule that is released from the synaptic terminal of a neuron at a

chemical synapse, diffuses across the synaptic cleft, and binds to the postsynaptic cell, triggering a

-presynaptic cell- transmitting neurons

-postsynaptic cell- neuron, muscle ot gland cell that receives the signal

-Highly branched axons can transmit information to target cells.

-Highly branched dendrites can receive input through large numbers of synapses.

Glial cells- Cells of the nervous system that support, regulate, and augment the functions of
-Glial nourish neurons, insulate the axons of neurons and regulate the extracellular fluid
surrounding neurons.
-Glial cells outnumber neurons (10-50 fold)

Concept Check 48.1

1.) Describe the basis pathway of information flow through neurons that causes you to turn
your head when someone call your name.

2.) How might increased branching of an axon help coordinate responses to signals
communicated by the nervous system?

3.) Consider how communication occurs in a colony of bacteria. In what general ways is that
communication similar to and different from transmission of a nerve impulse by a neuron?
48.2: Ion pumps and ion channels establish the resting potential of a
Membrane potential- The difference in electrical charge (voltage) across a cell's plasma
membrane due to the differential distribution of ions. Membrane potential affects the activity of
excitable cells and the transmembrane movement of all charged substances.

Resting potential- The membrane potential characteristic of a nonconducting excitable cell, with
the inside of the cell more negative than the outside.

-rapid changes in membrane potential are what enable us to see a flower, read a book, or climb a

Formation of the Resting Potential

Potassium ion (K+)= highest inside the cell

Sodium ion (Na+) = highest outside the cell

-sodium-potassium pumps use ATP hydrolysis to actively transport Na+ out of the cell and K+ into
the cell.
-3 sodium ions out of the cell for every 2 potassium ions that it transports in

Ion channels- A transmembrane protein channel that allows a specific ion to diffuse across the
membrane down its concentration or electrochemical gradient.

-selectivity permeability- allowing only certain ions to pass

-Diffusion of K+ through open potassium channels is critical for formation of the resting potential.
-Resting neuron has many open potassium channels but very few open sodium channels.
-NA+ and other ions can’t ready cross the membrane, K+ outflow leads to a negative charge within
the cell.

Modeling the Resting Potential

-The net flow of K+ out of a neuron proceeds until the chemical and electrical forces are in

Equilibrium potential- The magnitude of a cell's membrane voltage at equilibrium; calculated

using the Nernst equation.

Concept Check 48.2

1.) Under what circumstances could ion flows through ion channels from regions of low ion
concentration to regions of high ion concentration?

2.) Suppose a cell’s membrane potential shifts from -700mV to -50mV. What changes in the cell’s
permeability to K+ or Na+ could cause such a shift?
3.) Ouabain, a plant substance used in some cultures to poision hunting arrows, disables the sodium-
potassium pump. What change in the resting potential would you expect to see if you treated a neuron
with ouabain? Explain.

4.) Figure 7.13, on page 132, illustrates diffusion by dye molecules. Could diffusion eliminate the
concentration gradient of a dye that has a net charge? Explain.

48.3 Action potentials are the signals conducted by axons

Gated ion channels- A gated channel for a specific ion. The opening or closing of such channels
may alter a cell's membrane potential.

-The opening or closing of gated ion channels alters the membrane’s permeability to particular
ions, which in turn alters the membrane potential.

Hyperpolarization and Depolarization

Hyperpolarization- A change in a cell's membrane potential such that the inside of the membrane
becomes more negative relative to the outside. Hyperpolarization reduces the chance that a
neuron will transmit a nerve impulse.

Depolarization- A change in a cell's membrane potential such that the inside of the membrane is
made less negative relative to the outside. For example, a neuron membrane is depolarized if a
stimulus decreases its voltage from the resting potential of -70 mV in the direction of zero voltage.

-If a stimulus causes the gated sodium channels in a resting neuron to open, the membrane’s
permeability to Na increases.

Graded Potentials and Action Potentials

-Sometimes the response to hyperpolarization or depolarization is simply a shift in the membrane


Graded potential- In a neuron, a shift in the membrane potential that has an amplitude
proportional to signal strength and that decays as it spreads.

-graded potential decay with distance from their source

Action potential- An electrical signal that propagates (travels) along the membrane of a neuron or
other excitable cell as a nongraded (all-or-none) depolarization.

-Unlike graded potential, action potentials have a constant magnitude and can regenerate in
adjacent regions of the membrane.
-Action potentials can therefore spread along axons, making then well suited for transmitting a
signal over long distances.

Voltage-gated ion channels- A specialized ion channel that opens or closes in response to
changes in membrane potential.

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