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Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

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Journal of Financial Economics

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Political uncertainty and risk premia$

Ľuboš Pástor a,b,c,n, Pietro Veronesi a,b,c
University of Chicago, 5807 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, USA
CEPR, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e in f o abstract

Article history: We develop a general equilibrium model of government policy choice in which stock
Received 6 July 2012 prices respond to political news. The model implies that political uncertainty commands
Received in revised form a risk premium whose magnitude is larger in weaker economic conditions. Political
1 April 2013
uncertainty reduces the value of the implicit put protection that the government provides
Accepted 15 May 2013
to the market. It also makes stocks more volatile and more correlated, especially when the
Available online 20 August 2013
economy is weak. We find empirical evidence consistent with these predictions.
JEL classification: & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Political uncertainty
Government policy
Risk premia

1. Introduction about what governments around the world have done or

might do. As an example, consider the ongoing sovereign debt
Political news has been dominating financial markets crisis in Europe. When European politicians announced a deal
recently. Day after day, asset prices seem to react to news cutting Greece's debt in half on October 27, 2011, the Standard
& Poor's (S&P) 500 index soared by 3.4%, while French and
German stocks gained more than 5%, presumably in response

We are grateful for comments from Jules van Binsbergen, Nick Bloom,
to the increased likelihood of the preservation of the euro-
Mike Chernov, Brad DeLong, Art Durnev, Francisco Gomes, Peter Kondor,
Francesco Trebbi, Mungo Wilson, the conference participants at the 2012 zone. Early in the following week, stocks gave back all of those
Fall NBER AP meeting, 2012 Western Finance Association meetings, 2012 gains when Greece's prime minister announced his intention
European Finance Association meetings, 2012 Utah Winter Finance to hold a referendum on the deal. When other Greek
Conference, 2012 Duke/UNC Asset Pricing Conference, 2012 Jackson Hole politicians voiced their opposition to that initiative, stocks
Conference, 2012 Asset Pricing Retreat at Cass Business School, 2012
rose sharply again. It seems stunning that the pronounce-
CNMV Conference on Securities Markets (Madrid), 2012 University of
Chicago conference on Policy Uncertainty and Its Economic Implications, ments of politicians from a country whose economy is smaller
and the workshop participants at Berkeley, Bocconi, Boston University, than that of Michigan can instantly create or destroy hundreds
Cambridge, Chicago, Chicago Fed, EIEF Rome, Emory, Fed Board of of billions of dollars of market value around the world.
Governors, FSFM, Goethe, INSEAD, Iowa, LBS, LSE, Lugano, Maryland,
Regrettably, our ability to interpret the impact of political
Michigan, MIT, New York Fed, NYU, Oxford, Penn State, Pompeu Fabra,
Purdue, Toronto, Wisconsin, and WU Vienna. We are also grateful to news on financial markets is constrained by the lack of
Diogo Palhares for excellent research assistance and to Bryan Kelly for theoretical guidance. Models in which asset prices respond
data assistance. This research was funded in part by the Fama-Miller to political news are notably absent from mainstream finance
Center for Research in Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School theory. We try to fill this gap, and we use our model to study
of Business.
n the asset pricing implications of political uncertainty.
Corresponding author at: University of Chicago, 5807 S. Woodlawn
Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, USA. Political uncertainty has become prominent not only
E-mail address: lubos.pastor@chicagobooth.edu (Ľ. Pástor). in Europe but also in the United States. For example, the

0304-405X/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 521

ratings firm Standard & Poor's cited political uncertainty is the source of political uncertainty in the model. We
among the chief reasons behind its unprecedented down- interpret political uncertainty broadly as uncertainty about
grade of the U.S. Treasury debt in August 2011.1 Even prior the government's future actions. Agents learn about poli-
to the political brinkmanship over the statutory debt tical costs by observing political signals that we interpret
ceiling in the summer of 2011, much uncertainty sur- as outcomes of various political events.
rounded the U.S. government policy changes during and Solving for the optimal government policy choice, we
after the financial crisis of 2007–2008, such as the various find that a policy is more likely to be adopted if its political
bailout schemes, the Wall Street reform, and the health cost is lower and if its impact on profitability is perceived
care reform. Yet, despite the apparent relevance of political to be higher or less uncertain. As a result of this decision
uncertainty for global financial markets, we know little rule, a policy change is more likely in weaker economic
about its effects on asset prices. conditions, in which the current policy is typically per-
How does uncertainty about future government actions ceived as harmful. By replacing poorly performing policies
affect market prices? On the one hand, this uncertainty in bad times, the government effectively provides put
could have a positive effect if the government responds protection to the market. The value of this protection is
properly to unanticipated shocks. For example, we gen- reduced, though, by the ensuing uncertainty about which
erally do not insist on knowing in advance how exactly a of the potential new policies will replace the outgoing
doctor will perform a complex surgery; should unforesee- policy.
able circumstances arise, it is useful for a qualified surgeon We explore the asset pricing implications of our model.
to have the freedom to depart from the initial plan. In the We show that stock prices are driven by three types of
same spirit, governments often intervene in times of shocks, which we call capital shocks, impact shocks, and
trouble, which might lead investors to believe that govern- political shocks. The first two types of shocks are driven by
ments provide put protection on asset prices (e.g., the shocks to aggregate capital. These shocks affect stock
“Greenspan put”). On the other hand, political uncertainty prices both directly, by affecting the amount of capital,
could have a negative effect because it is not fully and indirectly, by leading investors to revise their beliefs
diversifiable. Non-diversifiable risk generally depresses about the impact of the prevailing government policy. We
asset prices by raising discount rates.2 Both of these effects refer to the direct effect as capital shocks and to the
arise endogenously in our theoretical model. indirect effect as impact shocks. We also refer to both
We analyze the effects of political uncertainty on stock capital and impact shocks jointly as fundamental economic
prices in the context of a general equilibrium model. In our shocks.
model, firm profitability follows a stochastic process whose The third type of shocks, political shocks, are orthogonal
mean is affected by the prevailing government policy. The to economic shocks. Political shocks arise due to learning
policy's impact on the mean is uncertain. Both the govern- about the political costs associated with the potential new
ment and the investors (firm owners) learn about this impact policies. These shocks, which reflect the continuous flow of
in a Bayesian fashion by observing realized profitability. At a political news, lead investors to revise their beliefs about
given point in time, the government makes a policy decision the likelihood of the various future government policy
—it decides whether to change its policy and if so, which of choices. For instance, in the example from the first para-
potential new policies to adopt. The potential new policies graph, the Greek prime minister's announcement of his
are viewed as heterogeneous a priori—agents expect differ- wish to hold a referendum must have led investors to
ent policies to have different impacts, with different degrees update their beliefs about the probability that Greece will
of prior uncertainty. If a policy change occurs, the agents' decide to leave the eurozone in the future.3
beliefs are reset: the posterior beliefs about the old policy's We decompose the equity risk premium into three
impact are replaced by the prior beliefs about the new components, which correspond to the three types of
policy's impact. shocks introduced above. Interestingly, political shocks
When making its policy decision, the government is command a risk premium despite being unrelated to
motivated by both economic and non-economic objec- economic shocks. Investors demand compensation for
tives: it maximizes the investors' welfare, as a social uncertainty about the outcomes of purely political events,
planner would, but it also takes into account the political such as debates and negotiations. Those events matter to
costs (or benefits) associated with adopting any given investors because they affect the investors' beliefs about
policy. These costs are uncertain, as a result of which which policy the government might adopt in the future.
investors cannot fully anticipate which policy the govern- We refer to the political-shock component of the equity
ment is going to choose. Uncertainty about political costs premium as the political risk premium. Another compo-
nent, that induced by impact shocks, compensates inves-
tors for a different aspect of uncertainty about government
The “debate this year has highlighted a degree of uncertainty over
the political policymaking process which we think is incompatible with
the AAA rating,” said David Beers, managing director of sovereign credit
ratings at Standard & Poor's, on a conference call with reporters on
August 6, 2011. For another example, consider November 19, 2012. When U.S.
For example, some commentators argue that the risk premia in the stocks jumped 1.5% at the open, the CNN Money ‘Breaking News' headline
eurozone have been inflated due to political uncertainty. According to read: “U.S. stocks open higher as investors see signs of progress in
Harald Uhlig, “The risk premium in the markets amounts to a premium resolving the fiscal cliff.” Note that stock prices here respond to the signs
on the uncertainty of what Merkel and Sarkozy will do.” (Bloomberg of progress, not to the eventual resolution of the fiscal cliff. That is exactly
Businessweek, July 28, 2011). how stock prices in our model respond to political shocks.
522 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

policy—uncertainty about the impact of the current policy While our main contribution is theoretical, we also
on firm profitability. conduct some simple empirical analysis. To proxy for
The composition of the equity risk premium is highly political uncertainty, we use the policy uncertainty index
state-dependent. Importantly, the political risk premium is of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012). We examine the
larger in weaker economic conditions. In a weaker econ- following predictions of our model: political uncertainty
omy, the government is more likely to adopt a new policy; should be higher in a weaker economy; stocks should be
therefore, news about which new policy is likely to be more volatile and more correlated when political uncer-
adopted—political shocks—have a larger impact on stock tainty is higher; political uncertainty should command a
prices. The political risk premium is also larger when risk premium; the effects of political uncertainty on
political signals are more precise (e.g., when political volatility, correlation, and risk premia should be stronger
debates are more informative) as well as when there is when the economy is weaker. Our evidence is consistent
more political uncertainty. with all of these predictions.
In strong economic conditions, the political risk pre- There is a small but growing amount of theoretical
mium is small, but the impact-shock component of the work on the effects of government-induced uncertainty on
equity premium is large. When times are good, the current asset prices. Sialm (2006) analyzes the effect of stochastic
policy is likely to be retained, so news about the current taxes on asset prices, and finds that investors require a
policy's impact—impact shocks—have a large effect on premium to compensate for the risk introduced by tax
stock prices. Impact shocks matter less when times are changes.4 Tax uncertainty also features in Croce, Kung,
bad because the current policy is then likely to be Nguyen, and Schmid (2012), who explore its asset pricing
replaced, so its impact is temporary. implications in a production economy with recursive
The equity premium in weak economic conditions is preferences. Croce, Nguyen, and Schmid (2012) examine
affected by two opposing forces. On the one hand, the the effects of fiscal uncertainty on long-term growth when
premium is pulled down by the government's implicit put agents facing model uncertainty care about the worst-case
protection, which results from the government's tendency scenario. Finally, Ulrich (2013b) studies the policy problem
to change its policy in a weak economy. This protection of a government that cares about welfare as well as public
reduces the equity premium by making the effect of spending. He analyzes the bond market implications of
impact shocks temporary and thereby depressing the Knightian uncertainty about the effectiveness of govern-
premium's impact-shock component. On the other hand, ment policies. All of these studies are quite different from
the premium is pushed up by political uncertainty, as ours. They analyze fiscal policy, whereas we consider a
explained earlier. Political uncertainty thus reduces the broader set of government actions. They use different
value of the put protection that the government provides modeling techniques and none of them feature Bayesian
to the market. learning.
Political uncertainty pushes up not only the equity risk Our model is also different from the learning models
premium but also the volatilities and correlations of stock that were recently proposed in the political economy
returns. As a result, stocks tend to be more volatile and literature, such as Callander (2011) and Strulovici (2010).
more correlated when the economy is weak. The volati- In Callander's model, voters learn about the effects of
lities and correlations are also higher when the potential government policies through repeated elections. In Stru-
new government policies are perceived as more hetero- lovici's model, voters learn about their preferences
geneous a priori. through policy experimentation. Neither study analyzes
The government's ability to change its policy has an the asset pricing implications of learning.
ambiguous effect on stock prices. We compare the model- Pástor and Veronesi (2012) develop a related model of
implied stock prices with their counterparts in a hypothe- government policy choice. Their study differs from ours in
tical scenario in which policy changes are precluded. We three key respects. First, in our model, agents learn about the
find that the ability to change policy makes stocks more political costs of the potential new policies. This learning
volatile and more correlated in poor economic conditions. introduces additional shocks to the economy, political shocks,
Interestingly, this ability can imply a higher or lower level which are the source of all of our main results, including the
of stock prices compared to the hypothetical scenario. political risk premium. None of our main results would obtain
Specifically, the government's ability to change policy is in Pástor and Veronesi's model, which features no learning
good for stock prices in dire economic conditions, but it about political costs and, by extension, no political shocks.
depresses prices when the conditions are typical or below Given this modeling difference, stock prices respond to the
average. stream of political news in our model but not in theirs.
We also show analytically that the announcement Second, in their model, all government policies are perceived
of a welfare-improving government policy decision need as identical a priori, whereas we consider heterogeneous
not produce a positive stock market reaction, nor does policies. Policy heterogeneity is crucial to our results;
a positive market reaction imply that the newly adopted for example, it induces an endogenous increase in political
policy is welfare-improving. Among policies delivering the uncertainty in poor economic conditions. When the
same welfare, the policies whose impact on profitability is
more uncertain, such as deeper reforms, elicit less favorable
stock market reactions. The broader lesson is that one cannot 4
Other studies, such as McGrattan and Prescott (2005), Sialm (2009),
judge government policies solely by their announcement and Gomes, Michaelides, and Polkovnichenko (2013), relate stock prices
returns. to tax rates, without emphasizing tax-related uncertainty.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 523

conditions get worse, the probability of a policy change rises, are financed entirely by equity, so Bit can also be viewed as
and so does the importance of uncertainty about which of the book value of equity. At time 0, all firms employ an equal
potential new policies will be adopted. In contrast, such amount of capital, which we normalize to Bi0 ¼ 1. Firm i's
uncertainty would be irrelevant if all potential new policies capital is invested in a linear technology whose rate of
were identical a priori, as in Pástor and Veronesi's model. We return is stochastic and denoted by dΠ it . All profits are
find that policy heterogeneity can have a substantial effect on reinvested, so that firm i's capital evolves according to
the equity risk premium, as well as on other properties of dBt ¼ Bit dΠ it . Since dΠ it equals profits over book value, we
stock prices such as their level, volatility, and correlations. refer to it as the profitability of firm i. For all t A ½0; T,
Third, our study has a different focus. Pástor and Veronesi profitability follows the process
examine the stock market reaction to the announcement of i
dΠ it ¼ ðμ þ g t Þ dt þs dZ t þ s1 dZ t ; ð1Þ
the government's policy decision, whereas we analyze how
stock prices respond to political signals about what the future where ðμ; s; s1 Þ are observable constants, Zt is a Brownian
policy decision might be. Accordingly, our focus is on the risk motion, and Z it is an independent Brownian motion that is
premium, volatility, and correlation induced by political specific to firm i. The variable gt denotes the impact of the
uncertainty. prevailing government policy on the mean of the profit-
There is a modest amount of empirical work relating ability process of each firm. If g t ¼ 0, the government
political uncertainty to the equity risk premium. Erb, Harvey, policy is “neutral” in that it has no impact on profitability.
and Viskanta (1996) find a weak relation between political The government policy's impact, gt, is constant while
risk, measured by the International Country Risk Guide, and the same policy is in effect. The value of gt can change only
future stock returns. Pantzalis, Stangeland, and Turtle (2000) at a given time τ, 0 oτ o T, when the government makes
and Li and Born (2006) find abnormally high stock market an irreversible policy decision.6 At that time τ, the govern-
returns in the weeks preceding major elections, especially ment decides whether to replace the current policy and, if
for elections characterized by high degrees of uncertainty. so, which of N potential new policies to adopt. That is, the
This evidence is consistent with a positive relation between government chooses one of N þ 1 policies, where policies
the equity premium and political uncertainty. Brogaard and n ¼ f1; …; Ng are the potential new policies and policy 0 is
Detzel (2012) find a positive relation between the equity risk the “old” policy prevailing since time 0. Let g0 denote the
premium and their search-based measure of economic policy impact of the old policy and gn denote the impact of the
uncertainty in an international setting. Santa-Clara and Valk- n-th new policy, for n ¼ f1; …; Ng. The value of gt is then a
anov (2003) relate the equity risk premium to political cycles. simple step function of time:
Belo, Gala, and Li (2013) link the cross-section of stock returns 8 0
<g for t rτ
to firms' exposures to the government sector. Bittlingmayer
gt ¼ g0 for t 4 τ if the old policy is retained ði:e:; no policy changeÞ
(1998), Voth (2002), and Boutchkova, Doshi, Durnev, and >
: gn for t 4 τ if the new policy n is chosen; nA f1; …; Ng:
Molchanov (2012) find a positive relation between political
uncertainty and stock volatility in a variety of settings. Finally,
0 n
while our focus is on the financial effects of political uncer- A policy change replaces g by g , thereby inducing a
tainty, others have analyzed the real effects.5 permanent shift in average profitability. A policy decision
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents becomes effective immediately after its announcement at
the model. Section 3 analyzes the government's policy time τ.
decision. Sections 4 and 5 present our results on the The value of gt is unknown for all t A ½0; T. This key
pricing of political uncertainty. Section 6 analyzes an assumption captures the idea that government policies
extension of our model. Section 7 shows our empirical have an uncertain impact on firm profitability. As of time
analysis. Section 8 concludes. The Appendix contains some 0, the prior distributions of all policy impacts are normal:
details as well as a reference to the Technical Appendix,
g 0  Nð0; s2g Þ ð3Þ
which contains additional material as well as all the
g n  Nðμng ; s2g;n Þ for n ¼ f1; …; Ng: ð4Þ
2. The model The old policy is expected to be neutral a priori, without
loss of generality. The new policies are characterized by
Similar to Pástor and Veronesi (2012), we consider an heterogeneous prior beliefs about gn. The values of
economy with a finite horizon ½0; T and a continuum of fg 0 ; g 1 ; …; g N g are unknown to all agents—the government
firms iA ½0; 1. Let Bit denote firm i's capital at time t. Firms as well as the investors who own the firms.
The firms are owned by a continuum of identical
For example, Julio and Yook (2012) find that firms reduce their investors who maximize expected utility derived from
investment prior to major elections. Durnev (2012) finds that corporate terminal wealth. For all j A ½0; 1, investor j's utility function
investment is less sensitive to stock prices during election years. Baker,
Bloom, and Davis (2012) find that policy uncertainty reduces investment
and increases unemployment. Gomes, Kotlikoff, and Viceira (2012) find The assumption that τ is exogenous dramatically simplifies the
that uncertainty about government policies regarding taxes and Social analysis. If the government were allowed to choose the optimal τ, the
Security results in welfare losses. Fernández-Villaverde, Guerrón- double-learning problem analyzed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 would become
Quintana, Kuester, and Rubio-Ramírez (2012) find that changes in intractable. Conceptually, though, we do not see why relaxing this
uncertainty about future fiscal policy have a negative effect on economic assumption should affect our conclusions about the asset pricing effects
activity. of political uncertainty.
524 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

is given by benevolent social planners is widely accepted in the

political economy literature.9 This literature presents var-
ðW jT Þ1γ
uðW jT Þ ¼ ; ð5Þ ious reasons why governments might not maximize aggre-
1γ gate welfare. For example, governments care about the
where WT is investor j's wealth at time T and γ 4 1 is the distribution of wealth.10 Governments tend to be influ-
coefficient of relative risk aversion. At time 0, all investors enced by special interest groups.11 They might also be
are equally endowed with shares of firm stock. Stocks pay susceptible to corruption.12 Instead of modeling these
liquidating dividends at time T.7 Investors always know political forces explicitly, we adopt a simple reduced-
which government policy is in place. form approach to capturing departures from benevolence.
The government's preferences over policies n ¼ 0; …; N In our model, all aspects of politics—redistribution, cor-
are represented by a utility function that is identical to that ruption, special interests, etc.—are bundled together in the
of investors, except that the government also faces a political costs fC n gn ¼ 1 . The randomness of these costs
nonpecuniary cost (or benefit) associated with any policy reflects the difficulty investors face in predicting the out-
change. Specifically, at time τ, the government chooses the come of the political process, which can be complex and
policy that maximizes non-transparent. For example, it can be hard to predict the
( "  ) outcome of a battle between special interest groups.
C n W 1γ 
T  By modeling politics in such a reduced-form fashion,
max Eτ policy n ; ð6Þ
n A f0;…;Ng 1γ  we are able to focus on the asset pricing implications of
R1 the uncertainty about government policy choice.
where W T ¼ BT ¼ 0 BiT di is the final value of aggregate
n We create a wedge between the government and the
capital and C is the “political cost” incurred by the
social planner by adding random political costs to the
government if policy n is adopted. Values of C n 4 1
government's objective function. Modifying the objective
represent a cost (e.g., the government must exert effort
function in this way is a modeling device that we employ
or burn political capital to implement policy n), whereas
to capture uncertainty about the government's future
C n o 1 represents a benefit (e.g., policy n allows the
actions; we do not mean to imply that politicians must
government to make a transfer to a favored constituency).8
have distorted objectives. A plausible alternative interpre-
We normalize C 0 ¼ 1, so that retaining the old policy is
tation is that the government operates under complex
known with certainty to present no political costs or
political constraints arising from various conflicts of inter-
benefits to the government. The political costs of the
N est, and those constraints preclude it from achieving the
new policies, fC n gn ¼ 1 , are revealed to all agents at time
social planner's solution. That is, even if the government
τ. Immediately after the Cn values are revealed, the
had exactly the same objective as investors, its politically
government makes its policy decision. As of time 0, the
constrained optimal policy choice could be different from
prior distribution of each Cn is lognormal and centered at
the social planner's unconstrained choice. Instead of trying
Cn ¼1:
to model the complicated and stochastic web of political
1 constraints, we model the random deviations from the
cn  log ðC n Þ  Nð s2c ; s2c Þ for n ¼ f1; …; Ng; ð7Þ
2 social planner in a simpler way through the government's
where the cn values are uncorrelated across policies as objective function in Eq. (6).
well as independent of the Brownian motions in Eq. (1). The same objective function could potentially be applied in
N corporate finance theory to model the preferences of chief
Uncertainty about fC n gn ¼ 1 , which is given by sc as of time
0, is the source of political uncertainty in the model. executive officers (CEOs). While CEOs generally act in the
Political uncertainty—uncertainty about the government's shareholders' interest, they might also deviate from this
future policy choice—is related to sc because when inves- objective in an unforeseeable manner (e.g., to derive private
tors are less certain about political costs, they are also less benefits, to enhance their own personal careers, etc.). The
certain about which policy the government will adopt in main difference from our setting is that a CEO's decisions
the future. In addition, if sc ¼ 0, then the government's affect mostly his own firm and its competitors whereas the
policy choice is perfectly predictable immediately before government's decisions can affect all firms. Therefore, uncer-
time τ, whereas sc 40 introduces an element of surprise tainty about a CEO's actions is largely firm-specific whereas
into the policy decision. Due to the uncertainty about uncertainty about the government's actions is largely
political costs, stock prices before time τ respond to
political news, as explained later in Sections 2.2 and 4.2.
Given its objective function in Eq. (6), the government For example, in his well-known graduate textbook, Drazen (2000)
is “quasi-benevolent”: it maximizes the investors' welfare argues that “the very starting point of political economy is the inapplic-
ability of the paradigm of policy being chosen by a social welfare
on average (because E0 ½C n  ¼ 1 for all n), but it also
deviates from this objective in a random fashion. The 10
Redistribution of wealth is a major theme in political economy.
assumption that governments do not behave as fully Prominent studies of redistribution include Alesina and Rodrik (1994)
and Persson and Tabellini (1994), among others. Our model is not well
suited for analyzing redistribution effects because all of our investors are
No dividends are paid before time T because the investors' identical ex ante, for simplicity.
preferences (Eq. (5)) do not involve intermediate consumption. Firms in See, for example, Grossman and Helpman (1994) and Coate and
our model reinvest all of their earnings, as mentioned earlier. Morris (1995).
We refer to Cn as a cost because higher values of Cn translate into 12
See, for example, Shleifer and Vishny (1993) and Rose-Ackerman
lower utility (as W 1γ
T =ð1γÞo 0). (1999).
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 525

systematic. The non-diversifiable nature of government- to the prior Nðμng ; s2g;n Þ. Agents continue to learn about gn in
induced uncertainty is crucial for our results since it perme- a Bayesian fashion until time T.
ates the stochastic discount factor, as we show later in Section
4.1. 2.2. Learning about political costs
Government policies also merit more discussion. We
interpret policy changes broadly as government actions that N
The political costs fC n gn ¼ 1 are unknown to all agents
change the economic environment. Recent examples include until time τ. At time t 0 oτ, agents begin learning about
the Wall Street reform, health care reform, and the various each cn by observing unbiased signals. We model these
ongoing structural changes in Europe, such as labor market signals as “signal¼true value plus noise,” which takes the
reforms and tax reforms. More extreme examples include the following form in continuous time:
shift from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe some n n
20 years ago and decisions to go to war. Deeper reforms, or dst ¼ cn dt þh dZ c;t ; n ¼ 1; …; N: ð11Þ
more radical policy changes, tend to introduce a less familiar The signals
are uncorrelated across n and independent
regulatory framework whose long-term impact on the private of any other shocks in the economy. We refer to these
sector is often more difficult to assess in advance. Such policies signals as “political signals,” and interpret them as captur-
might thus warrant relatively high values of sg;n in Eq. (4). In ing the steady flow of political news relevant to policy n.
contrast, a potential new policy that has already been tried Real-world agents observe numerous political speeches,
(and learned about) in the past might merit a lower sg;n . We debates, and negotiations on a daily basis. The outcomes of
abstract from the fact that government policies may affect these events help agents revise their beliefs about the
some firms more than others, focusing on the aggregate political costs and benefits associated with the policies
effects. being debated. Taking a broader perspective, government
actions are not fully predictable, and learning about cn is a
2.1. Learning about policy impacts simple modeling device that we employ to capture the
gradual resolution of uncertainty about those future
As noted earlier, the values of the policy impacts actions.
fg n gN
n ¼ 0 are unknown to all agents, investors and the Combining the signals in Eq. (11) with the prior
government alike. At time 0, all agents share the prior distribution in Eq. (7), we obtain the posterior distribution
beliefs summarized in Eqs. (3) and (4). Between times 0 of cn, for n ¼1,…,N, at any time t r τ:
and τ, all agents learn about g0, the impact of the prevail- n
ing (old) policy, by observing the realized profitabilities of cn  Nðb b 2c;t Þ;
ct ; s ð12Þ
all firms. The Bayesian learning process is described in where the posterior mean and variance evolve as
Proposition 1 of Pástor and Veronesi (2012). Specifically, n
b 2c;t h dZb c;t
n 1
the posterior distribution of g0 at any time t r τ is given by db
ct ¼ s ð13Þ
bt ; s
g t  Nðg b 2t Þ; ð8Þ 1
b 2c;t ¼
s : ð14Þ
where the posterior mean and variance evolve as 1
þ 12 ðtt 0 Þ

dg b 2t s1 dZb t
bt ¼ s ð9Þ Eq. (13) shows that agents' beliefs about cn are driven by
the Brownian shocks dZb c;t , which reflect the differences
1 n
between the political signals dst and their expectations
b 2t ¼
s : ð10Þ n
þ s12 t b 1 n n
(dZ c;t ¼ h ðdst Et ½dst Þ). Since the political signals are
independent of all “fundamental” shocks in the economy
Above, dZb t denotes the expectation errors, which reflect n
(i.e., dZt and dZ t ), the innovations dZb c;t represent pure
shocks to the average profitability across all firms.13 When political shocks. These shocks shape agents' beliefs about
the average profitability is higher than expected, agents which government policy is likely to be adopted in the
revise their beliefs about g0 upward, and vice versa (see future, above and beyond the effect of fundamental
Eq. (9)). Uncertainty about g0 declines deterministically economic shocks. In reality, political shocks might poten-
over time due to learning (see Eq. (10)). Before time τ, tially be related to economic shocks in a complicated way.
there is no learning about the impacts of the new policies, Our assumption of independence allows us to emphasize
so agents' beliefs about fg n gN
n ¼ 1 at any time t r τ are given later that even when political shocks are orthogonal to
by the prior distributions in Eq. (4). economic shocks, they command a risk premium in
If there is no policy change at time τ, then agents equilibrium.
continue to learn about g0 after time τ, and the processes Our model exhibits two major differences from the
(9) and (10) continue to hold also for t 4τ. If there is a model of Pástor and Veronesi (2012). First, we allow agents
policy change at time τ, agents stop learning about g0 and to learn about Cn before time τ. There is no such learning in
begin learning about gn, the impact of the new policy n Pástor and Veronesi's model; their political cost is drawn
adopted by the government. As a result, a policy change at time τ from the prior distribution in Eq. (7). Learning
resets agents' beliefs about gt from the posterior Nðg bτ ; s
b 2τ Þ about Cn introduces political shocks to the economy, which
play a crucial role here. Due to these shocks, stock prices
The dZb t shocks are related to the dZt shocks from Eq. (1) as follows: respond to political news in our model but not in theirs.
dZb t ¼ dZ t þ ½ðg 0 g
b t Þ=s dt. Second, we let the government choose from a set of
526 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

policies that are perceived as heterogeneous a priori. if and only if

Pástor and Veronesi assume that the prior beliefs about
μ~ n 4 μ~ m : ð20Þ
the impacts of all policies are identical, which corresponds
to μng ¼ 0 and s2g;n ¼ s2g for all n in our setting. In contrast,
Lemma 1 shows that the policy with the highest utility
we allow μng and s2g;n to vary across policies, as a result of
score delivers the highest utility to investors at time τ. It
which uncertainty about which of the new policies the
follows immediately from the definition of the utility score
government might adopt becomes important. Due to this
that investors prefer policies whose impacts are perceived
uncertainty, policy heterogeneity generates an endogen-
to have high means and/or low variances, analogous to the
ous increase in political uncertainty when economic con-
popular mean–variance preferences in portfolio theory.
ditions get worse and the probability of a policy change
The government's preferences differ from the investors'
rises. In addition to these modeling differences, our focus
preferences due to political costs, as shown in Eq. (6). The
differs from that of Pástor and Veronesi. They emphasize
government chooses policy n at time τ if and only if the
the announcement returns associated with policy changes,
following condition is satisfied for all policies m an; m A
whereas we analyze the risk premium, volatility, and
f0; …; Ng:
correlation induced by political uncertainty. They concen-
2  3 2  3
trate on the instantaneous price response at time τ, n 1γ  m 1γ 
C W  C W 
whereas we emphasize the asset pricing effects of a Eτ 4 T
policy n5 4 Eτ 4 T
policy m5 8 m a n:
1γ  1γ 
continuous stream of political shocks before time τ.

The above condition yields our first proposition.

3. Optimal government policy choice Proposition 1. The government chooses policy n at time τ if
and only if the following condition holds for all policies
In this section, we analyze the government's policy m an; m A f0; 1; …; Ng:
choice at time τ. After a period of learning about g0 and
fC n gn ¼ 1 , the government chooses one of N þ1 policies, μ~ n c~ n 4 μ~ m c~ m ; ð21Þ
f0; 1; …; Ng, at time τ. Recall that if the government
replaces policy 0 by policy n, the value of gt changes from where we define
g0 to gn and the perceived distribution of gt changes from
the posterior in Eq. (8) to the prior in Eq. (4). It is useful to c~ n ¼ ; n ¼ 0; 1; …; N: ð22Þ
introduce the following notation: ðγ1ÞðTτÞ

μ~ n ¼ μng  ðTτÞðγ1Þ; n ¼ 1; …; N ð15Þ
Proposition 1 shows that the government chooses the
policy with the highest value of μ~ n c~ n across all n A f0; …; Ng.
s Recall that c~ 0 ¼ 0 and that policy 0's utility score μ~ 0 is a
bτ  τ ðTτÞðγ1Þ:
μ~ 0 ¼ g ð16Þ
2 simple function of g bτ (see Eq. (16)). We thus obtain the
following corollary.
To align the notation for the old policy with the notation
for the new policies, we also define Corollary 1. The government changes its policy at time τ if
and only if

μ0g ¼ g ð17Þ
b 2τ
bτ o max fμ~ n c~ n g þ
g ðTτÞðγ1Þ: ð23Þ
n A f1;…;Ng 2
bτ ;
sg;0 ¼ s ð18Þ The government finds it optimal to change its policy if
bτ , the posterior mean of g0, is sufficiently low. That is, the
keeping in mind that μ0g as well as μ~ 0 are stochastic, unlike old policy is replaced if its impact on firm profitability is
their counterparts for the new policies (for which there is perceived as sufficiently unfavorable. This result is related
no learning before time τ). Under this notation, at time τ, to our interpretation later on that the government effec-
agents' beliefs about each policy n are given by Nðμng ; s2g;n Þ, tively provides put protection to the market.
where this distribution is a prior for n ¼ 1; …; N but a Before time τ, agents face uncertainty about the gov-
posterior for n ¼0. ernment's action at time τ because they know neither g bτ
We refer to μ~ n in Eqs. (15) and (16) as the “utility score” nor the political costs. From Proposition 1, we derive the
of policy n, for n ¼ 0; 1; …; N. This label can be easily probabilities of all potential government actions as per-
understood in the context of the following lemma. ceived at any time t r τ.

Corollary 2. The probability that the government chooses

Lemma 1. Given any two policies m and n in the set
policy n at time τ, evaluated at any time t rτ for any policy
f0; 1; …; Ng, we have
n A f1; …; Ng, is given by
"  # 2  3 Z
W 1γ  1γ 
Π m a n;m A f1;…;Ng ½1Φc~ m ðc~ n þ μ~ m μ~ n ÞΦμ~ 0 ðμ~ n c~ n jg
bt Þϕc~ n ðc~ n Þ dc~ n :
T  W  pnt ¼
Eτ policy n 4 Eτ 4 T
policy m5 ð19Þ 1
1γ  1γ 
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 527

Above, ϕc~ n ðÞ and Φc~ n ðÞ are the normal probability density state variables, including time t, by
function (pdf) and cumulative density function (cdf) of c~ n , 1 N
bt ; b
St  ðg c t ; …; b
c t ; tÞ: ð27Þ
respectively, and Φμ~ 0 is the normal cdf of μ~ 0 .14 The prob-
ability that the old policy will be retained is p0t ¼ 1∑N n
n ¼ 1 pt . The following proposition presents an analytical expres-
sion for the state price density.
4. Stock prices
Proposition 2. The state price density at time t r τ is given by

π t ¼ λ1 Bγ ðγμ þ ð1=2Þγðγ þ 1Þs 2 ÞðTτÞ

In this section, we derive the asset pricing implications t e ΩðSt Þ; ð28Þ
of political uncertainty. First, we analyze the effect of this
where the function ΩðSt Þ is given in Eq. (A.1) in the Appendix.
uncertainty on the state price density. Next, we study how
stock prices depend on economic and political shocks. The dynamics of π t , which are key for understanding
Finally, we examine the stock price response to the the sources of risk in this economy, are given in the
resolution of political uncertainty when the government following proposition, which follows from Proposition 2
makes its policy decision. by Ito's lemma.
Firm i's stock is a claim on the firm's liquidating
dividend at time T, which is equal to BiT . The market value Proposition 3. The stochastic discount factor (SDF) follows
of stock i is given by the standard pricing formula the diffusion process
πT i dπ t n
M it ¼ Et BT ; ð25Þ ¼ ðγs þsπ;0 Þ dZb t þ ∑ sπ;n dZb c;t ; ð29Þ
πt πt n¼1

where π t denotes the state price density. The investors' where

total wealth at time T is equal to W T ¼ BT ¼ 0 BiT di. Since 1 ∂Ω 2 1
investors consume only at time T, there is no intertemporal sπ;0 ¼ s
b s ð30Þ
Ω∂gbt t
consumption choice that would pin down the risk-free
interest rate, so this rate is indeterminate. We set it equal 1 ∂Ω 2 1
to zero, for simplicity.15 Our choice to model consumption sπ;n ¼ nsb c;t h : ð31Þ
from final wealth ensures that our asset pricing results are
not driven by fluctuations in the risk-free rate but rather
by risk premia, which are the focus of this paper.16
Eq. (29) shows that the SDF is driven by two types of
Assuming complete markets, standard arguments imply
shocks, which we refer to as economic shocks (dZb t ) and
that the state price density is uniquely given by b n ).17 We discuss economic shocks first.
political shocks (dZ c;t
π t ¼ Et ½Bγ
T ; ð26Þ
λ 4.1.1. Economic shocks
where λ is the Lagrange multiplier from the utility max- Economic shocks are represented by the Brownian
imization problem of the representative investor. This motion dZb t , which drives the aggregate fundamentals of
state price density is further characterized below. the economy. In the filtered probability space, capital Bt
follows the process
4.1. The state price density dBt
bt Þ dt þs dZb t ;
¼ ðμþ g ð32Þ
Our main focus is on the behavior of stock prices before
which shows that stochastic variation in total capital is
political uncertainty is resolved at time τ. Before time τ,
perfectly correlated with dZb t . We further subdivide eco-
agents learn about the impact of the old policy as well as
nomic shocks into capital shocks and impact shocks.
the political costs of the new policies. This learning
Capital shocks, measured by γs dZb t , would affect the
generates stochastic variation in the posterior means of
SDF in the same way even if all of the parameters were
g0 and fcn gN
n ¼ 1 , as shown in Eqs. (9) and (13). The N þ 1
bt ; b 1 N known. Capital shocks are unrelated to government policy.
posterior means, ðg c t ; …; b
c t Þ, represent stochastic state
Impact shocks, measured by sπ;0 dZb t , are induced by
variables that affect asset prices before time τ. The poster-
learning about the impact of the prevailing (old) policy.
ior variances of g0 and fcn gN n ¼ 1 vary deterministically over
Recall from Eq. (9) that the revisions in agents' beliefs
time (see Eqs. (10) and (14)). We denote the full set of Nþ 2
about g0, denoted by dg b t , are perfectly correlated with dZb t .
It follows from Eq. (30) that impact shocks affect the SDF
As of time t, c~ n  N ðb b 2c;t =ðγ1Þ2 ðTτÞ2 Þ and
c t =ðγ1ÞðTτÞ; s more when the sensitivity of marginal utility to variation
b t ðb
μ~ 0  N ðg s 2τ =2ÞðTτÞðγ1Þ; s
b 2t b
s 2τ Þ. in gbt is larger (i.e., when ∂Ω=∂g bt is larger), when the
This assumption is equivalent to assuming that a riskless zero-
uncertainty about g0 is larger (i.e., when s b t is larger), as
coupon bond with maturity T is chosen as the numeraire in all stock price
calculations. Both assumptions are commonly made when utility is well as when the strength of the g b t shocks is larger (i.e.,
defined over final wealth; e.g., Kogan, Ross, Wang, and Westerfield when s1 is larger). While a general characterization of
(2006) and Cuoco and Kaniel (2011).
We do not want to give the impression that the risk-free rate is
unimportant. Ulrich (2012) argues that a substantial fraction of the We suppress the time t subscripts in sπ;0 and sπ;n even though both
variation in the aggregate price–dividend ratio is driven by the real quantities are time-dependent. Similarly, we suppress the time subscripts
risk-free rate. later in sM;0 , sM;n , and μiM .
528 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

∂Ω=∂gbt (and thus also sπ;0 ) is cumbersome, we obtain 4.2. Stock prices and risk premia
elegant and insightful simplifications in the limiting cases.
First, we derive the level of stock prices in closed form.
Corollary 3. The market price of risk associated with impact
shocks is given by Proposition 4. The market value of firm i at time t r τ is given
s 2t s1
sπ;0 -γðτtÞb bt -1
as g ð33Þ
ÞðTτÞ HðSt Þ
M it ¼ Bit eðμγs
; ð35Þ
ΩðSt Þ
s 2t s1
sπ;0 -γðTtÞb bt -1:
as g ð34Þ
where ΩðSt Þ and HðSt Þ are given in Eqs. (A.1) and (A.2) in the
This corollary shows that impact shocks have a larger The dynamics of stock prices are presented in the
effect on marginal utility when g b t -1 compared to
following proposition.
bt -1 (because T 4 τ). Intuitively, as g
g bt decreases, the
current policy becomes increasingly likely to be replaced Proposition 5. Stock returns of firm i at time t r τ follow the
by the government at time τ (Corollary 1). In the limit as process
bt -1, the current policy is certain to be replaced.
i N
dM t n
Therefore, the policy's impact is temporary, lasting only ¼ μiM dt þðs þ sM;0 Þ dZb t þ ∑ sM;n dZb c;t þs1 dZ t ;
until time τ, and the market price of risk associated with Mit n¼1
learning about this impact is proportional to τt. In
bt -1, the current policy is certain to be where
contrast, when g
retained. Its impact is permanent, lasting until time T, and 1 ∂H 1 ∂Ω 2 1
sM;0 ¼  b s
s ð37Þ
the price of impact risk is proportional to Tt. The b t Ω∂g
H ∂g bt t
corollary also shows that sπ;0 o 0 in both limiting cases,
indicating that good news about g0 reduces marginal 1 ∂H 1 ∂Ω
utility. sM;n ¼ n  n s b 2c;t h1 ð38Þ
c t Ω∂b
H ∂b ct

4.1.2. Political shocks
The second type of shocks from Eq. (29), political N
bn μiM ¼ ðγssπ;0 Þðs þ sM;0 Þ ∑ sπ;n sM;n : ð39Þ
shocks, are given by ∑N n ¼ 1 sπ;n dZ c;t . These shocks arise n¼1
due to learning about political costs fC n gn ¼ 1 (see Eq. (13)).
Eq. (36) shows that individual stock returns are driven by
Political shocks are orthogonal to economic shocks in that n
n both economic shocks (dZb t ) and political shocks (dZb c;t ), as
dZb c;t is independent of dZ b t . It follows from Eq. (31) that i
well as by the firm-specific dZt shocks. The latter shocks do
political shocks have a bigger effect on the SDF when the
n n not command a risk premium because they are diversifiable
sensitivity of marginal utility to b c t (i.e., ∂Ω=∂b c t ) is larger,
across firms. The risk premium of stock i is equal to the
when the uncertainty about political costs (b s c;t ) is larger, as
1 expected rate of return μiM since the risk-free rate is zero.18
well as when the accuracy of the political signals (h ) is
This risk premium, given in Eq. (39), does not depend on i, so
it also represents the market-wide equity risk premium. The
Similar to impact shocks, the magnitude of political
premium can be further decomposed as follows:
shocks is state-dependent as a result of the dependence of
the sensitivity ∂Ω=∂b c t on g bt . When g bt is large, this μiM ¼ γs2 þ ðγssM;0 ssπ;0 sM;0 sπ;0 Þ
|{z} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
sensitivity is close to zero, and so is sπ;n . In the limit,
political shocks do not affect the SDF. Capital shocks Impact shocks
bt -1; sπ;n -0 for all n ¼ 1; …; N.
Corollary 4. As g Economic shocks
This corollary shows that the number of priced factors  ∑ sπ;n sM;n : ð40Þ
is effectively endogenous. There are N þ 1 shocks in Eq. |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl
(29) but as g b t grows, the influence of the N political shocks
Political shocks
diminishes, and in the limit as g bt -1, the SDF depends
only on economic shocks dZb t . Eq. (40) shows that the risk premium has three components
The logic behind this corollary is simple. As g bt corresponding to the three types of shocks introduced ear-
increases, the current policy becomes increasingly likely lier. Recall that impact shocks are induced by learning about
to be retained by the government (Corollary 1). In the g0 (i.e., by dgbt ), whereas political shocks are induced by
limit, it is certain to be retained. Since the new policies are learning about Cn (i.e., by dZb c;t ; n ¼ 1; …; N). Also recall that
certain not to be adopted, news about their political costs both capital shocks and impact shocks are driven by the
does not matter. More generally, learning about the same economic shocks dZb t . A positive shock dZb t increases
politicians' preferences for the various potential new
policies matters more if the old policy is more likely to 18
Alternatively, μiM can be interpreted as the equity risk premium
be replaced, which happens when g bt is lower. We return to relative to the zero-coupon risk-free bond that we use as the numeraire.
this key point later on. Recall the discussion at the beginning of Section 4.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 529

not only current capital Bt (Eq. (32), a capital shock) but also Political shocks affect stock returns through
b t (Eq. (9), an impact shock). ∑N bn
expected future capital via g n ¼ 1 sM;n dZ c;t in Eq. (36).
The last term in Eq. (40) represents the risk premium
bt -1; sM;n -0 for all n ¼ 1; …; N.
Corollary 6. As g
induced by political shocks. It is interesting that political
shocks command a risk premium despite being orthogonal This corollary shows that the contribution of political
to fundamental economic shocks. We refer to this premium as shocks to stock return volatility diminishes as g bt -1. The
the political risk premium, to emphasize its difference from the intuition is the same as that behind Corollary 4. Since both
more traditional economic risk premia that are driven by b t -1, so does the political risk
sM;n and sπ;n go to zero as g
economic shocks. The political risk premium compensates premium. More generally, we show later that the political
investors for uncertainty about which of the new policies the risk premium is larger when g b t is lower.
government might adopt in the future. The volatility and correlation of stock returns follow
The second term in Eq. (40), the risk premium induced from Proposition 5. The variance of firm i's returns, ðsit Þ2 ,
by impact shocks, represents compensation for a different and the correlation between firms i and j, ρijt , are given by
aspect of uncertainty about government policy—uncer-
tainty about the impact of the prevailing policy on profit- ðsit Þ2 ¼ ðs þ sM;0 Þ2 þ ∑ s2M;n þ s21 ð45Þ
ability (g0). If g0 were known with certainty, this impact n¼1

risk premium would be zero. Learning about g0 affects

agents' expectations of future capital growth, as well as ðs þ sM;0 Þ2 þ∑N
n ¼ 1 sM;n
ρijt ¼ : ð46Þ
their assessment of the probability that the government ðs þsM;0 Þ2 þ ∑N
n ¼ 1 sM;n þ s1
2 2

will change its policy. Since the signals about g0 are

b t ), the The correlations are always positive, due to firm homogeneity.
perfectly correlated with economic shocks (dZ
In addition, the correlations and volatilities comove perfectly
impact risk premium is an economic risk premium.
over time. Their only time-varying determinants are sM;0 and
The risk premium induced by capital shocks, γs2 , is
sM;n (whose time subscripts are suppressed); in contrast, s1 is
independent of any state variables. In contrast, the risk
constant. Therefore, any time variation in sM;0 or sM;n pushes
premia induced by both impact shocks and political shocks
both ðsit Þ2 and ρijt in the same direction.
are state-dependent because both sM;n and sπ;n depend on
Beyond these properties, it seems difficult to character-
St for all n¼0,…,N.
b t in ize volatility or correlation in more analytical detail. While
Impact shocks affect stock returns through sM;0 dZ
we can simplify sM;0 and sM;n in certain limiting cases
Eq. (36). While the general formula for sM;0 is unwieldy, its
(Corollaries 5 and 6), Eqs. (37) and (38) are very compli-
limiting values, given below, are simple.
cated in their full generality (see the Technical Appendix).
Corollary 5. The contribution of impact shocks to stock return Even the signs of sM;n are ambiguous—they depend not
volatility is given by only on the parameter values but also on the investors'
beliefs about all available policies. To illustrate this point,
s 2t s1
sM;0 -ðτtÞb bt -1
as g ð41Þ consider a given policy nn in two different scenarios. In
Scenario 1, investors assign zero probability to all other
s 2t s1
sM;0 -ðTtÞb bt -1:
as g ð42Þ new policies except for one that is less desirable than nn.
In that scenario, a political shock dZ c;t 4 0, which increases
the perceived political cost of policy nn, is bad news
This corollary is closely related to Corollary 3. Combin- because it increases the probability that the less desirable
ing Corollaries 3 and 5, we obtain simple formulae for the policy will be adopted. Therefore, an increase in c^ t
impact risk premium at time t in the limiting cases: depresses stock prices, so that sM;nn o 0. In Scenario 2,
investors assign zero probability to all other new policies
b4t s2
s 2t þ γðτtÞ2 s
Impact risk premium-2γðτtÞb as gbt -1
except for one thatn is more desirable than nn. The same
ð43Þ n
political shock dZ^ c;t 4 0 is then good news because it
makes the adoption of the more desirable policy more
Impact risk premium-2γðTtÞb b4t s2
s 2t þ γðTtÞ2 s bt -1:
as g likely; therefore, sM;nn 4 0. Note that sM;nn o 0 in Scenario 1
ð44Þ but sM;nn 4 0 in Scenario 2: how stock prices respond to
political news depends on current beliefs about alternative
Both expressions are intuitive. Similar to our discussion of
bt -1, impact shocks are temporary, policy options. The same news about the same policy can
Corollary 3, when g
be good or bad, depending on what we believe about the
lasting only until time τ, and the impact risk premium
bt -1, impact shocks alternative policies.19
depends on τt. In contrast, when g
are permanent, lasting until time T, and the impact risk
premium is related to Tt. The impact risk premium is 4.3. Stock price reaction to the policy decision
lower when g bt -1 compared to g b t -1. This difference
is related to the implicit put protection that the govern- When the government announces its policy decision at
ment provides to the market, as discussed later. Finally, time τ, stock prices jump. Let M iτ denote the market value
we see that the impact risk premium is positive in both of firm i immediately before the announcement, and M i;n τþ

limiting cases. In general, this premium varies with eco-

nomic conditions in an interesting non-monotonic fashion, 19
Similar logic applies to sπ;n whose signs are also ambiguous. See
as we show later. the Technical Appendix for more detail.
530 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

denote the firm's value immediately after the announce- example, this result obtains also in a standard Lucas
ment of policy n. Closed-form expressions for M iτ and M i;n
τþ economy with intermediate consumption, a time-
are given in the Appendix. We define each firm's separable constant-relative-risk-aversion utility function
“announcement return” as the instantaneous stock return with risk aversion greater than one, and stock prices
at time τ conditional on the announcement of policy n: defined in terms of the consumption good. In that econ-
omy, an increase in consumption growth improves welfare
Rn ðSτ Þ ¼ 1: ð47Þ but decreases stock prices, due to consumption smooth-
M iτ ing: higher consumption growth leads investors to sell
The announcement return depends on Sτ but not on i: all stocks and bonds to consume more today, pushing interest
firms experience the same announcement return as they rates up and stock prices down. There is no such inter-
are equally exposed to changes in government policy. temporal smoothing in our model. We identify a new
Therefore, Rn also represents the aggregate stock market mechanism that can drive a wedge between prices and
reaction to the announcement of policy n. welfare, namely, policy risk. Corollary 7 shows that if
policies m and n are equally risky, so that sg;m ¼ sg;n , then
Proposition 6. If the government retains the old policy, the prices and welfare coincide (i.e., Rm ¼ Rn if and only if
announcement return is μ~ m ¼ μ~ n ). It is differences in policy risk that separate prices
n γðTτÞðμ~ n
μ~ 0 Þ þ ðγ=2ÞðTτÞ2 ðs2g;n b
sτ Þ
from welfare in our model.
n ¼ 0 pτ e
R0 ðSτ Þ ¼ ð48Þ
∑N n ð1γÞðTτÞðμ~ μ~ 0 Þ 1: Corollary 8. Holding the utility score μ~ n constant, policies
n ¼ 0 pτ e
with higher uncertainty sg;n elicit lower announcement
If the government replaces the old policy by the new policy n,
for any n A f1; …; Ng, the announcement return is equal to
Corollary 8 follows immediately from Corollary 7.
μ~ 0 ÞðTτÞðγ=2ÞðTτÞ2 ðs2g;n b
Rn ðSτ Þ ¼ ½1 þ R0 ðSτ Þeðμ~
s τ Þ1:
ð49Þ Among policies delivering the same utility, the policies
with higher values of sg;n elicit less favorable stock market
Proposition 6 provides a closed-form expression for the
announcement return associated with any government
policy choice. The proposition implies the following 5. A two-policy example
In this section, we use a simple setting to illustrate our
Corollary 7. The ratio of the gross announcement returns for main results on the asset pricing effects of political
any pair of policies m and n in the set f0; 1; …; Ng is given by uncertainty. We consider a special case of N¼ 2, allowing
the government to choose from two new policies, L and H,
1 þRm ðSτ Þ 2 2
¼ eðμ~ μ~ ÞðTτÞðγ=2ÞðTτÞ ðsg;m sg;n Þ:
m n 2
ð50Þ in addition to the old one. We assume that both new
1 þ Rn ðSτ Þ
policies are expected to provide the same level of utility a
priori, μ~ L ¼ μ~ H . This simplifying iso-utility assumption can
be motivated by appealing to the government's presumed
The corollary relates the announcement returns to the
good intentions—it would be reasonable for the govern-
utility scores for any policy pair. Interestingly, a given
ment to eliminate from consideration any policies that are
policy choice can increase investor welfare while decreas-
perceived by all agents as inferior in terms of utility. We
ing stock prices, and vice versa. Consider two policies m
also assume, without loss of generality, that policy H is
and n for which the following condition holds:
perceived to have a more uncertain impact on firm profit-
n 1 γ ability, so that sg;L osg;H . As argued earlier, policy H can
0 oμm 2 2 2 2
g μg  ðTτÞðγ1Þðsg;m sg;n Þ o ðTτÞðsg;m sg;n Þ:
2 2 then be viewed as the deeper reform. To ensure that both
ð51Þ new policies yield the same utility, policy H must also have
Even though policy m yields higher utility (because μ~ m 4 μ~ n ), a more favorable expected impact, so that μLg o μH g . It
policy n yields a higher announcement return (Rm o Rn ). follows immediately from Eq. (15) that to ensure μ~ L ¼ μ~ H ,
Utility is maximized by the policy with the highest utility we must have
score μ~ n , whereas stock market value is maximized by the μH L 1 2 2
g μg ¼ 2ðsg;H sg;L ÞðTτÞðγ1Þ: ð52Þ
policy with the highest value of μ~ n ðγ=2ÞðTτÞs2g;n . To under-
stand this difference, recall from Eq. (4) that sg;n measures the Table 1 reports the parameter values that we use to
uncertainty about the impact of policy n on firm profitability. calibrate the model. Given the model's simplicity, we do
This uncertainty cannot be diversified away because it affects not attempt a serious calibration; what we aim for is a
all firms. As a result, this uncertainty increases discount rates sensible parametric illustration. For the first eight para-
and pushes down asset prices. Adopting a policy with a high meters (sg , sc , μ, s, s1 , T, τ, and γ), we choose the same
value of sg;n can thus depress stock prices even if this policy is annual values (2%, 10%, 10%, 5%, 10%, 20, 10, 5) as do Pástor
welfare-improving. Overall, Corollary 7 shows that one cannot and Veronesi (2012). The remaining three parameters (h,
judge government policies solely by their announcements sg;L , and sg;H ) do not appear in Pástor and Veronesi's
returns. model. We choose h¼5%, equal to the value of s, so that
The result that stock prices and welfare can move in learning about Cn is as fast as learning about gn. We choose
opposite directions is not unique to our setting. For sg;L ¼ 1% and sg;H ¼ 3%, so that the prior uncertainties
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 531

Table 1 100
Old policy
Parameter choices. 90 New risky policy
New safe policy
This table reports the baseline parameter values used to produce the
theory figures. All variables are reported on an annual basis except for γ,
which denotes risk aversion. The parameter choices for the first eight 70
parameters are the same as in Pástor and Veronesi (2012). The value of 60

h ¼ 5% is chosen equal to the value of s, to equate the speeds of learning 50
about the policy impacts and political costs. The prior uncertainties about
the new policies, sg;L ¼ 1% and sg;H ¼ 3%, are chosen to be symmetric
around the old policy's sg ¼ 2%. 30
sg sc μ s s1 T τ γ h sg;L sg;H 10
2% 10% 10% 5% 10% 20 10 5 5% 1% 3% −0.02 −0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Economic conditions (ĝt)

Fig. 1. Probability of adopting the given government policy. This figure

about the new policies are symmetric around the old plots the probabilities of the three government policy choices—the old
policy's sg ¼ 2%. We require that the new-policy means policy, the new risky policy (H), and the new safe policy (L)—as a function
be symmetric around the old-policy mean of zero, that is, of g^ t , which is the posterior mean of the old policy's impact g0 as of time
t. High values of g^ t indicate strong economic conditions; low values
μg;L ¼ μg;H . It then follows from Eq. (52) that μg;L ¼ 0:8%
indicate weak conditions. All quantities are computed at time t ¼ τ1
and μg;H ¼ 0:8%. Finally, we assume that learning about when the political debates begin. The values of b
c t and b
c t are set equal to
Cn begins at time t 0 ¼ τ1, which means that political their initial value at time 0 (b
ct ¼ b
c t ¼ s2c =2), so that both new policies
debates about the new policies begin one year before the are equally likely; as a result, the solid and dotted lines coincide. The
policy decision. All of these parameter choices strike us as parameters are from Table 1.

reasonable, but we also perform some sensitivity analysis.

Fig. 1 plots the adoption probabilities of the three govern- policies (about which there is no learning before τ).
ment policy choices: the old policy 0 and the new policies H Therefore, the old policy is likely to be replaced only if
and L. The probabilities are computed as of time t ¼ τ1 its perceived impact g bt is sufficiently negative.
when the political debates begin.20 They are plotted as a Fig. 1 implies that the amount of political uncertainty in
function of g bt , the posterior mean of g0 at time t, which is the the economy is endogenous and dependent on economic
key state variable summarizing economic conditions. The conditions. In good conditions (i.e., when g bt is high), there
variable g b t is a natural measure of economic conditions is little political uncertainty because the government is
because it is the only economic state variable in the model.21 expected to retain its current policy. In bad conditions,
We set the values of b c t and b
c t equal to their initial values at though, political uncertainty is high because a policy
time 0 (b ct ¼ b
c t ¼ sc =2) to make both new policies equally
change is expected but it is uncertain which of the new
likely. We label policy H as the “new risky policy” and policy L policies will be adopted.
as the “new safe policy” (since sg;H 4sg;L ).
Fig. 1 shows that when g bt is very low, the probability
that the old policy will be retained is close to zero. A low g bt 5.1. The level of stock prices
indicates that the old policy is “not working,” so the
government is likely to replace it (Corollary 1). Both new We now analyze how the level of stock prices depends
policies receive equal probabilities of almost 50% when g bt on economic and political shocks. We measure the stock
is very low. In contrast, when g b t is very high, the old policy price level by the market-to-book ratio (M it =Bit , or M/B).
is almost certain to be retained because a high g bt boosts bt for three different
Fig. 2 plots M/B as a function of g
the old policy's utility score. It is possible for the govern- L H
combinations of b
c t and b
c t . In the baseline scenario (solid
ment to replace the old policy even when g bt is high—this L H
ct ¼ b
line), we set b c t ¼ 12s2c , which is the prior mean from
happens if the government derives an unexpectedly large
Eq. (7). In this scenario, policies H and L are perceived as
political benefit from one of the new policies—but such an
b t increases. Inter- equally likely to be adopted at time τ. In the other two
event becomes increasingly unlikely as g
estingly, when g bt ¼ 0, the old policy has about 90% prob- scenarios, we maintain b
c t ¼ 12s2c but vary b
c t . In the first
ability of being retained. This result is driven by learning scenario (dashed line), b
c t is two standard deviations
about g0. By time t, agents have learned a lot about the old L
below b
c t , so that policy H is more likely. In the second
policy's impact, and the resulting decrease in uncertainty H
improves the old policy's utility score relative to the new scenario (dotted line), b
c t is two standard deviations above
ct , and policy L is more likely. All quantities are computed
at time t ¼ τ1 when the political debates begin.
As of time 0, the probabilities of policies 0, L, and H are 63.4%, Fig. 2 highlights the effects of both economic and political
18.3%, and 18.3%, respectively. shocks on stock prices. First, consider economic shocks. These
Recall that gb t fully captures persistent variation in aggregate shocks are perfectly correlated with shocks to g bt (see Eqs. (9)
profitability. We abstract from government-unrelated business-cycle and (32)), so they represent horizontal movements in Fig. 2.
variation, for simplicity. In the presence of such variation, g b t would be
The figure shows that the relation between M/B and g bt is
an imperfect proxy for economic conditions. But as long as at least some
of the persistent variation in profitability is government-related, the monotonically increasing. Higher values of g bt increase stock
effects identified here will be present. See Section 6 for more information. prices because they raise agents' expectations of future profits.
532 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

3 Fig. 2. These shocks matter especially when g b t is very low, i.e.,

in poor economic conditions. For example, when g bt ¼ 2%,
increasing b c t by two standard deviations pushes M/B up by
8% (dashed line vs. solid line), and then by another 9% (solid
line vs. dotted line). M/B rises because a higher value of b ct
2.6 makes policy H less likely relative to policy L, and policy H has
a more adverse effect on stock prices (Corollary 8). In contrast,
political shocks do not matter in strong economic conditions—

when g bt is above 1% or so, the three lines in Fig. 2 coincide.
When g bt is very high, the old policy is almost certain to be
2.2 retained, so news about the political costs of the new policies
is irrelevant.
The effects of political shocks on stock prices are
summarized by sM;n from Proposition 5. In this two-
policy example, the signs of sM;H and sM;L in the limiting
1.8 case of g b t -1 are unambiguous: sM;H 40 and sM;L o0.
−0.02 −0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 H
These signs are intuitive. Consider an increase in b c t , the
Economic conditions (ĝt)
perceived political cost of policy H, which is less desirable
Fig. 2. The level of stock prices: the effects of economic and political than L from the stockholders' perspective (Corollary 8).
shocks. This figure plots the aggregate stock price level, measured by the
Since the higher political cost makes policy H less likely, it
market-to-book ratio M/B, as a function of g^ t , which is the posterior mean
of the old policy's impact g0 as of time t. High values of g^ t indicate strong represents good news for investors, and it increases the
economic conditions; low values indicate weak conditions. The solid line stock market value (sM;H 40). Similarly, a political shock
corresponds to the scenario in which b ct ¼ b c t are both equal to their initial that makes policy L less likely is bad news, and it decreases
value, so that both new policies—the risky policy H and the safe policy the market value (sM;L o 0). Similar logic applies to sπ;n
L—are equally likely to be adopted at time τ. The dashed (dotted) line
L H from Proposition 3, for which we obtain sπ;H o 0 and
corresponds to the scenario in which b c t is equal to its initial value but b
is two standard deviations below (above) the same initial value, so that sπ;L 4 0. For more details, see the Technical Appendix.
the new risky (safe) policy is more likely. Shocks to g^ t represent To summarize, Fig. 2 shows that economic and political
economic shocks, whereas shocks to b c t and b c t are pure political shocks. shocks, which are orthogonal to each other, exert independent
All quantities are computed at time t ¼ τ1 when the political debates
influences on stock prices. Political shocks matter especially in
begin. The parameter values are in Table 1.
poor economic conditions, whereas economic shocks matter
more in good conditions.
More interesting, the relation between M/B and g bt is
highly nonlinear. This relation is nearly flat when g bt is low,
5.2. The risk premium and its components
steeper when g bt is high, and steeper yet when g bt takes on
intermediate below-average values. To understand this We now examine the equity risk premium and its three
nonlinear pattern, recall from Fig. 1 that the probability components from Eq. (40). Fig. 3 plots the three components
of retaining the old policy, p0t , depends on g bt . When g bt is bt . The component due to capital shocks is
as a function of g
very low, the old policy is likely to be replaced at time τ plotted in dark-gray at the bottom, the component due to
(i.e., p0t  0). Therefore, shocks to g b t are temporary, lasting
impact shocks is plotted in light-gray in the middle, and the
one year only (cf. Corollary 5). As a result, shocks to g bt have
component due to political shocks is plotted in black at the
a small effect on M/B, and the relation between M/B and g bt L H
top. As before, b
c t and b c t are set equal to their prior mean, so
is relatively flat. This result is indicative of the put protec- that policies L and H are equally likely, and all quantities are
tion that the government implicitly provides to the stock computed at time t ¼ τ1.
market. Indeed, the pattern in Fig. 2 looks roughly like the Fig. 3 shows a hump-shaped pattern in the risk premium.
payoff of a call option. Loosely invoking the logic of put- The premium is 4% per year when g bt is low, 3.7% when g bt is
call parity, stockholders own a call because the govern- high, and 5.5% for intermediate values of g bt . This hump-shape
ment wrote a put. is not induced by the capital-shock component, which con-
In contrast, when g bt is high, the old policy is likely to be bt . Instead, this pattern
tributes a constant 1.25% regardless of g
retained (i.e., p0t  1). Therefore, shocks to g bt are perma-
results from the state dependence of the political-shock and
nent and the relation between M/B and g bt is steep. The
impact-shock components, which are discussed next.
relation is even steeper for intermediate values of g bt . For
The political risk premium is the largest component
those values, a positive shock to g b t substantially increases b t is low. This component
of the total risk premium when g
p0t (see Fig. 1), so it gives a “double kick” to stock prices—in accounts for almost two-thirds of the total premium when
addition to raising expected profitability, it also reduces the bt is below 1.5% or so, contributing 2.5% per year.22 This
probability of a policy change. The latter effect lifts stock prices
because retaining the old policy, whose uncertainty has been
reduced through learning, tends to be good news for stocks The Appendix provides an analytical expression for the political
for those intermediate values of g bt . risk premium as gb t -1. Also note that the 2.5% number is only
illustrative. In a more realistic extension of our model in Section 6, we
Political shocks also exert a strong and state-dependent obtain smaller magnitudes of the political risk premium in weak condi-
effect on stock prices. These shocks are due to revisions in b ct tions, such as 1.3% in Panel A of Fig. 8. Neither 2.5% nor 1.3% are empirical
and b c t (see Eq. (13)), so they represent vertical movements in estimates; both come out of parametric illustrations of simple models.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 533

Capital shocks
indirect effect is negative because a higher likelihood of a
Impact shocks
Political shocks
policy change is bad news for stocks for intermediate
values of g bt , as explained earlier. Given the double effect
of the gbt shocks, investors demand extra compensation for
Percent per year

holding stocks in intermediate economic conditions. For

3 example, when g bt ¼ 0, impact shocks account for about
two-thirds of the 5% total risk premium.
2 Overall, Fig. 3 shows that the composition of the equity
risk premium depends on economic conditions. In strong
conditions, the equity premium is driven by economic shocks,
whereas in weak conditions, it is driven mostly by political
−0.02 −0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 shocks. In those weak conditions, the risk premium is affected
Economic conditions (ĝt) by two opposing forces. On the one hand, the premium is
Fig. 3. The equity risk premium and its components. This figure plots the reduced by the implicit put option provided by the govern-
equity risk premium and its components as a function of g^ t , which is the ment. On the other hand, the premium is boosted by the
posterior mean of the old policy's impact g0 as of time t. High values of g^ t uncertainty about which new policy the government might
indicate strong economic conditions; low values indicate weak condi- adopt. An additional force, which operates in intermediate
tions. The flat (dark-gray) area at the bottom represents the component
of the risk premium that is due to “capital shocks,” i.e., shocks to capital
economic conditions, is the uncertainty about whether the
Bt in the absence of any updating of beliefs about g0. The middle (light- current policy will be replaced. Due to that uncertainty, the
gray) area represents the component of the risk premium that is due to largest values of the equity premium in Fig. 3 obtain in
“impact shocks,” which reflect learning about the old policy's impact g0. slightly below-average economic conditions.
The top (black) area represents the component of the risk premium that
is due to “political shocks,” which reflect learning about CL and CH. The
three areas add up to the total equity risk premium. The values of b
c t and 5.3. Comparative statics
c t are set equal to their initial value at time 0, so that both new policies
are equally likely. All quantities are computed at time t ¼ τ1 when the Figs. 4 and 5 examine the robustness of the results from
political debates begin. The parameter values are in Table 1. Fig. 3 to other parameter choices. In Panels A and B of
Fig. 4, we replace the baseline value sg ¼ 2% by 1% and 3%,
contribution shrinks as g bt increases, and for g bt 4 0:3% or while keeping all remaining parameters at their values
so, the political risk premium is essentially zero. The from Table 1. We see that sg affects primarily the impact
nonlinear dependence of the political risk premium on g bt risk premium, which is higher for larger values of sg . This
is closely related to the nonlinear probability patterns in is intuitive because when sg is larger, the impact g0 is more
Fig. 1. When g bt o1:5%, the probability of a policy change uncertain, and the g b t shocks are more volatile (see Eqs. (9)
one year later is essentially one, so the uncertainty about and (10)). In Panels C and D, we replace sc ¼ 10% by 5%
which new policy will be adopted has a large impact on and 20%. We see that sc affects mostly the political risk
the risk premium. In contrast, when g bt 40:3%, the prob- premium, which is higher when sc is larger. This makes
ability of a policy change is very close to zero. Since it is sense because larger values of sc make political costs more
virtually certain that the potential new policies will not be uncertain, thereby increasing the volatility of political
adopted, news about their political costs does not merit a shocks (see Eqs. (13) and (14)). In Panels A and B of
risk premium. Fig. 5, we replace h ¼5% by 2.5% and 10%. Similar to sc , h
The impact risk premium is the largest component of affects mostly the political risk premium. This premium is
the risk premium when g bt is high. When g b t is above 0.5% lower when h is higher because the signals about political
or so, this component contributes about 2.5% per year to costs are then less precise. As a result, learning about those
the total premium. Its contribution is much lower, only costs is slower and political shocks are less volatile (see
about 0.2%, when g b t is very low. This difference is not Eqs. (13) and (14)). In Panels C and D, we replace τt ¼ 1
surprising since impact shocks are temporary when g bt is year by 1.5 and 0.5 years. This change affects mostly the
low but permanent when g bt is high (compare Eqs. (43) and impact risk premium. When time τ is closer, two things
(44)). Recall that when g bt is low, the probability of a policy happen. First, the posterior uncertainty about g0 is smaller,
change is high; as a result, shocks to g bt are temporary and which pushes the impact risk premium down. Second, the
they have a small effect on the risk premium. By essen- probability of a policy change is more sensitive to the g bt
tially guaranteeing a policy change if economic conditions shocks for intermediate values of g bt , which pushes the
turn bad, the government effectively provides put protec- impact risk premium up. Overall, Figs. 4 and 5 lead to the
tion to the market. same qualitative conclusions as Fig. 3 about the relative
This put protection is worth little when g bt is high importance of economic and political shocks in different
because a policy change is then unlikely. Given the economic conditions.
permanent nature of the shocks to g bt , the impact risk The iso-utility assumption (μ~ L ¼ μ~ H ), which we make
premium is higher when g bt is high. The premium is even for simplicity, is not crucial to our results. We obtain very
higher, about 3.5%, for intermediate values of g b t for which similar results when we let the new policies yield different
the probability of a policy change is highly sensitive to g bt . levels of utility a priori, as long as there is nontrivial
A negative shock to gbt then depresses stock prices not only uncertainty about the adoptions of the two policies. For
directly, by reducing expected profitability, but also indir- example, in the previous version of the paper, we replaced
ectly, by increasing the probability of a policy change. The the baseline values ðsg;L ; sg;H Þ ¼ ð1%; 3%Þ by (0.9%,3.1%) and
534 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

σg = 1% σg = 3%
7 7
Capital shocks
6 6
Impact shocks
Political shocks 5

Percent per year

Percent per year

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)

σc = 5% σc = 20%
7 15

Percent per year

Percent per year



0 0
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)

Fig. 4. The equity risk premium and its components: the effects of sg and sc . Each of the four panels is analogous to Fig. 3—the flat (dark-gray) area at the
bottom represents the risk premium due to capital shocks, the middle (light-gray) area represents the risk premium due to impact shocks, and the top
(black) area represents the risk premium due to political shocks. The three areas add up to the total equity risk premium. The parameter values are in
Table 1, except for sg (prior uncertainty about policy impact) and sc (prior uncertainty about political costs), which vary across the four panels. (A) sg ¼ 1%
(B) sg ¼3% (C) sc ¼5% (D) sc ¼ 20%.

(1.1%,2.9%). In the former case, we find a larger political of ðsg;L ; sg;H Þ, we choose μH
g and μg ¼ μg such that both

risk premium compared to the baseline because the two new policies yield the same level of utility. Panel A plots
new policies are more different from each other, making the probability of retaining the old policy, as perceived at
the choice between them more important. In contrast, the time t ¼ τ1. The new policies are equally likely as we set
premium is smaller in the latter case because the two b
ct ¼ b
c t ¼ s2c =2, as before. Panel B plots the total equity
policies are then more similar. Apart from these quantita- premium, whereas Panels C and D plot its components due
tive differences, we reach the same broad conclusions. to economic and political shocks, respectively.
Fig. 6 shows that the risk premium is generally higher
5.4. The effects of policy heterogeneity when the new policies are more heterogeneous, except in
strong economic conditions. This relation is driven mostly
In Fig. 6, we examine how the risk premium depends by the premium's political-shock component in poor
on the degree to which the potential new policies differ economic conditions. At large negative values of g bt , the
from each other while providing the same level of welfare. political risk premium is 0.7% when H ¼ 1% and 5.7%
As before, we keep policies H and L on the iso-utility curve. when H ¼ 3%, compared to 2.5% in the baseline case. Not
We define policy heterogeneity as H ¼ sg;H sg;L . To vary H, surprisingly, when the new policies are more heteroge-
we vary sg;L and sg;H while keeping all other parameters neous, uncertainty about which of them will be chosen is
fixed at their values from Table 1. In the baseline case more important. In addition, more heterogeneity increases
examined in Fig. 3, we have sg;L ¼ 1% and sg;H ¼ 3%, so the importance of the decision whether to retain the old
that H ¼ 2%. In Fig. 6, we consider three levels of H: 1%, policy, resulting in a higher impact risk premium. Adding
2%, and 3%, by choosing ðsg;L ; sg;H Þ ¼ ð1:5%; 2:5%Þ; ð1%; 3%Þ, up the two effects across Panels C and D, the total risk
and ð0:5%; 3:5%Þ, respectively. For each of the three pairs premium in Panel B strongly depends on the menu of
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 535

14 7
Capital shocks
12 6
Impact shocks
Political shocks
10 5

Percent per year

Percent per year

8 4

6 3

4 2

2 1

0 0
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)

7 7

6 6

5 5
Percent per year

Percent per year

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)
Fig. 5. The equity risk premium and its components: the effects of h and τt. Each of the four panels is analogous to Fig. 3—the flat (dark-gray) area at the
bottom represents the risk premium due to capital shocks, the middle (light-gray) area represents the risk premium due to impact shocks, and the top
(black) area represents the risk premium due to political shocks. The three areas add up to the total equity risk premium. The parameter values are in
Table 1, except for h (the volatility of political signals) and τt (the time remaining until the policy decision), which vary across the four panels.
(A) h = 2.5%, (B) h = 10%, (C) τ  t ¼ 1.5 and (D) τ  t ¼ 0.5.

policies considered by the government, except in good only in weak economic conditions. This result is easy to
economic conditions when no policy change is expected. understand. More policy heterogeneity means more poli-
Fig. 7 describes the same setting as Fig. 6, but it focuses tical uncertainty, especially in weak conditions, as dis-
on the stock price level (M/B), the volatility of individual cussed earlier. The higher political uncertainty translates
stock returns, and the correlation between each pair of into higher risk premia (see Panel A), which push stock
stocks. First, consider the baseline case of H ¼ 2% (solid prices down. Higher heterogeneity also generally implies
line). The stock price level in Panel B exhibits the same higher volatilities and correlations, as shown in Panels C
hockey-stick-like pattern as it does in Fig. 2, for the same and D. For example, in weak conditions, the correlation is
reason—the government's implicit put supports stock 86% when H ¼ 3% but only 48% when H ¼ 1%. Again, more
prices in poor economic conditions. Panels C and D show heterogeneity means more political uncertainty, and poli-
that stocks are more volatile and more correlated in poor tical shocks affect all firms. Finally, note that in the special
conditions. Comparing very good conditions (g bt ¼ 2%) case of H ¼ 0 (not plotted), the political risk premium in
with very bad ones (g b t ¼ 2%), volatility is almost 50% Panel D of Fig. 6 is zero, and both volatility and correlation
higher in bad conditions (19.7% versus 13.4%) and the are independent of economic conditions. That is, the state-
correlation is 70% higher (73% versus 43%). The reason is dependence of both volatility and correlation in Fig. 7 is
that political uncertainty is higher in bad economic con- solely due to political uncertainty.
ditions, as discussed earlier. This uncertainty affects all
firms, so it cannot be diversified away. 5.5. Policy changes allowed versus precluded
Departing from the baseline case and looking across the
three values of H in Panel B of Fig. 7, we see that higher In this subsection, we compare the model-implied
heterogeneity generally implies lower stock prices, but stock prices with their counterparts in the hypothetical
536 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

100 8


Percent per year


High H
Med H 3
Low H
0 2
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)

6 6

Percent per year 4
Percent per year



1 −2
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)
Fig. 6. The equity risk premium and its components: The effect of policy heterogeneity. Panel A plots the probability of retaining the old policy, as
perceived at time t ¼ τ1, for different values of g^ t and three different levels of heterogeneity among the new policies. Heterogeneity H is defined as
H ¼ sg;H sg;L . The solid line corresponds to H ¼ 0:02, which is the benchmark case from Table 1. The dashed line corresponds to H ¼ 0:03, whereas the
dotted line corresponds to H ¼ 0:01. For each of the three pairs of ðsg;L ; sg;H Þ, we choose μH
g and μg ¼ μg such that both new policies yield the same level of
utility. All other parameter values are in Table 1. The values of bc t and b
c t are set equal to their initial value at time 0, so that both new policies are equally
likely to be adopted at time τ. Panel B plots the total equity risk premium as a function of g^ t for the same three values of H. Panel C plots the component of
the total risk premium that is due to economic shocks, which include both capital shocks (i.e., shocks to Bt in the absence of learning about g0) and impact
shocks (i.e., learning about g0). Panel D plots the component of the risk premium that is due to political shocks (i.e., learning about CL and CH).
(A) Probability of retaining old policy, (B) total risk premium, (C) economic shocks and (D) political shocks.

scenario in which policy changes are precluded. This heterogeneity. When H is low, the put option affects the
scenario matches our model in all respects except that risk premium more than political uncertainty does, and so
the government cannot change its policy at time τ. The key precluding policy changes raises the risk premium. The
pricing quantities—the equity risk premium, M/B, stock opposite happens when H is medium or high. In contrast,
volatility, and correlation—in this hypothetical scenario are precluding policy changes always reduces the volatility
plotted by the dash-dot line in each panel of Fig. 7. and correlation, for all three levels of H. The reason is that
bt , the dash-dot line coincides
At high positive values of g uncertainty about the political costs of the potential new
with the other lines plotted in Fig. 7. The reason is that policies is irrelevant when the government cannot change
when g bt is high, the government finds it optimal not to its policy. Due to political uncertainty, the government's
change its policy, so the constraint precluding it from ability to change its policy makes stocks more volatile and
changing policy is not binding. more highly correlated.
The dash-dot line is flat in three of the four panels. Interestingly, Panel B of Fig. 7 shows that precluding
Eliminating the government's ability to change its policy policy changes can increase or decrease the level of stock
eliminates both political uncertainty and the put option prices: it decreases M/B when g bt is highly negative, but it
discussed earlier. As a result, the risk premium, volatility, increases M/B when g bt is only slightly negative. When gb t is
and correlation are all independent of g bt when the policy highly negative—in dire economic conditions—the govern-
cannot be changed. Precluding policy changes can increase ment's ability to change policy is valuable because the
or decrease the risk premium, depending on policy positive effect of the put protection is stronger than the
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 537

8 3
High H
7 Med H 2.8
Low H
Percent per year

6 No change 2.6

5 2.4

4 2.2 High H
Med H
3 2 Low H
No change
2 1.8
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)

30 90
High H High H
Med H 80 Med H
25 Low H Low H
Percent per year

No change No change



10 40
−0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
Economic conditions (ˆgt) Economic conditions (ˆgt)
Fig. 7. Stock price level, volatility, and correlation: the effect of policy heterogeneity. This figure is constructed in the same way as Fig. 6 except that it plots
additional quantities of interest—the stock price level, measured by the market-to-book ratio, the volatility of each stock's return, and the correlation
between each pair of stocks. All quantities are plotted at time t ¼ τ1 for different values of g^ t and three different levels of heterogeneity among the new
policies, defined as H ¼ sg;H sg;L . In addition, the dash-dot line in each panel represents the value of the given variable in the hypothetical scenario in
which the government cannot change its policy at time τ. Comparing the dash-dot line to the other three lines thus highlights the effect of precluding the
government from changing its policy. (A) Total risk premium, (B) market−to−book ratio, (C) return volatility and (D) correlation.

negative effect of political uncertainty. In contrast, political economic conditions continue to hold. In addition, since
uncertainty is stronger in slightly below-average condi- the extended model is closer to reality, the parametric
tions. Since political uncertainty increases with policy illustration in this section provides a more realistic assess-
heterogeneity, higher values of H make it more likely that ment of the likely magnitude of the political risk premium.
precluding policy changes increases M/B. Overall, we see We find this magnitude is smaller than in our baseline
that the government's ability to change its policy has a model when economic conditions are poor, but it remains
substantial but ambiguous effect on stock prices. substantial.23
We modify the profitability process in Eq. (1) as
6. Model extension: business cycles follows:

In our model, the perceived government impact g bt is i

dΠ it ¼ ðμt þ g t Þ dt þs dZ t þs1 dZ t ; ð53Þ
the only economic state variable that fully characterizes
economic conditions. In reality, the economy can also
exhibit government-unrelated business-cycle variation in
profitability. We omit such variation from our baseline
model to simplify the exposition of the key economic In a separate extension of our model, we allow the precisions of
mechanism. In this section, we extend the model to allow political signals to vary across policies (i.e., we allow policies to have
different values of h in Eq. (11)). We find that the basic implications of our
for policy-unrelated persistent variation in profitability. To model generalize to a setting with different signal precisions. We also
preview our results, we find that our main conclusions find that policies with more precise political signals contribute more to
about the political risk premium and its dependence on the political risk premium. The details are in the Technical Appendix.
538 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

where μt follows the mean-reverting process We calibrate the model for the two-policy case and the
parameter values in Table 1, as before. We choose μ ¼ 10%
dμt ¼ βðμμt Þ dt þ sμ dZ μ;t : ð54Þ for consistency with Table 1. We also choose β ¼ 0:35 and
sμ ¼ 2%, which correspond to estimates of the mean-
Agents do not observe μt , but they learn about it by
reverting process for aggregate profitability reported in
observing dΠ it and an additional signal:
Pástor and Veronesi (2006). We vary sS from 1% to 5%, 10%,
dSt ¼ μt dt þ sS dZ S;t : ð55Þ and infinity. Similar to Fig. 3, we plot the components of
the risk premium as a function of economic conditions,
Above, β, μ, sμ , and sS are known constants, and dZ μ;t and redefined here as μ b t (see Eq. (53)).
bt þ g
dZ S;t are Brownian motions uncorrelated with all others. We Fig. 8 shows that the political risk premium depends on
assume normal uncorrelated priors about μt and gt at time 0 economic conditions in a manner similar to that in Fig. 3.
and characterize the resulting learning process. We show that The premium is substantial when the conditions are weak,
the government's decision rule is the same as in our basic but it dwindles as the conditions improve. The magnitudes
model, except for an additional term that reflects the persis- depend on the value of sS . When sS -1, the political risk
tent variation in μt . We show that the signals dSt introduce an premium is 2.5% in weak conditions and zero in strong
additional state variable μbt , the posterior mean of μt , whose conditions, just like in Fig. 3. For smaller and more realistic
variation represents the second set of economic shocks to values of sS , the premium is smaller than in Fig. 3 in weak
stock prices. The details of the calculations are in the Technical conditions but larger in strong conditions. For example,
Appendix. when sS ¼ 1%, the political risk premium is about 1.3% in

σS = 1% σS = 5%
7 7

6 6

5 5
Percent per year

Percent per year

4 4

3 3
Capital shocks Capital shocks
2 Impact shocks 2 Impact shocks
Signal S shocks Signal S shocks
1 1
Political shocks Political shocks
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Economic conditions (ˆgt + µ
ˆ t) Economic conditions (ˆgt + µ
ˆ t)

σS = 10% σS → ∞
7 7

6 6

5 5
Percent per year

Percent per year

4 4

3 3
Capital shocks Capital shocks
2 Impact shocks 2 Impact shocks
1 Signal S shocks Signal S shocks
Political shocks Political shocks
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Economic conditions (ˆgt + µ
ˆ t) Economic conditions (ˆgt + µ
ˆ t)

Fig. 8. The equity risk premium and its components: business-cycle model extension. For the model extension on policy-unrelated business cycles, this figure plots
the equity risk premium and its components as a function of economic conditions. The four panels correspond to different values of sS , which reflects the precision
of the additional signal S, or dSt from Eq. (55), that agents use to learn about the business-cycle variable μt (higher sS means a less precise signal). The flat area at
the bottom represents the component of the risk premium that is due to “capital shocks,” i.e., shocks to capital Bt in the absence of any updating of beliefs about g0.
The area second from the bottom represents the component of the risk premium that is due to “impact shocks,” which reflect learning about the old policy's
impact g0. The area third from the bottom represents the component of the risk premium that is due to the additional signal S. Finally, the black area at the top
represents the component of the risk premium that is due to “political shocks,” which reflect learning about CL and CH. The four areas add up to the total equity risk
premium. The values of b c t and bc t are set equal to their initial value at time 0, so that both new policies are equally likely. All quantities are computed at time
t ¼ τ1 when the political debates begin. The parameter values are in Table 1; in addition, μ ¼ 10%, β ¼ 0:35, and sμ ¼ 2%.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 539

weak economic conditions (for which μ b t ¼ 0) and half

bt þ g We have also constructed a number of additional plots
that in strong conditions (for which μ bt ¼ 0:2; the prior
bt þ g to investigate the properties of the extended model. We
mean of μt þ g t is 0.1). Such magnitudes of the political risk summarize the results here while relegating the plots to
premium seem economically plausible. the Technical Appendix, to save space. First, we examine
When sS -1, the additional signal in Eq. (55) is plots of stock prices and risk premia as functions of g b t and
worthless. As a result, g bt and μ bt are perfectly correlated μ
bt . Holding gb t constant, we find that M/B increases with μ bt
and it makes no difference whether economic conditions while the risk premium and its components do not depend
are defined as μ b t or g
bt þ g b t . Smaller values of sS imply a on μ bt . Holding μ bt constant, we find the same nonlinear
stronger signal and thus more independent variation in μ bt . dependence of M/B and risk premia on g bt as in the basic
As a result, economic conditions are less dependent on g bt , model. Second, we analyze the sensitivity of the risk
which in turn weakens the dependence of the political risk premia to various parameter choices. We find that the
premium on economic conditions. But that dependence is political risk premium increases with sc , Tτ, and h ,
clearly present even for relatively small values of sS , as which is intuitive. There is also some dependence on β, sμ ,
discussed in the previous paragraph. The model's main and sg . Note that if either β-1 or sμ -0, then μt becomes
implications thus continue to hold when we broaden the a constant quantity (equal to μ), and we converge back to
definition of economic conditions to include government- our baseline model.
unrelated business-cycle variation.
The risk premium plotted in Fig. 8 includes not only the 7. Empirical analysis
three components analyzed in Fig. 3 but also a fourth
component induced by the additional signal from Eq. (55). In this section, we conduct some simple exploratory
That component is equal to 1% when sS ¼ 1%, regardless of empirical analysis to examine the seven main testable
economic conditions, but it disappears as sS -1 because predictions of our model. First, the model predicts that
the additional signal is then worthless. political uncertainty should be higher when economic

60 Political uncertainty
Stock correlation
Correlation (percent)






1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Standard deviation (percent per year)

60 Political uncertainty
Stock volatility





1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Fig. 9. Political uncertainty versus stock market correlation and volatility. The solid line in each panel plots the policy uncertainty (PU) index of Baker,
Bloom, and Davis (2012), which is our proxy for political uncertainty. In each panel, PU is scaled to have the same mean and volatility as the other variable
plotted in the same panel. In Panel A, the other variable is the equal-weighted average of pairwise correlations for all stocks that comprise the S&P 500
index. In Panel B, the other variable is the realized volatility of the S&P 500 index. Both correlation and volatility are computed monthly from daily returns
within the month. The dashed lines plot both variables' six-month moving averages between January 1985 and December 2010. The shaded areas represent
NBER recessions. (A) Political uncertainty vs stock correlation and (B) political uncertainty vs stock volatility.
540 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

Table 2 Table 3
Political uncertainty and economic conditions. Political uncertainty, volatility, and correlation.
This table addresses the question “Is there more political uncertainty This table asks: “Are stocks more volatile and more correlated when
when economic conditions are worse?” The table reports the estimated there is more political uncertainty?” The table reports the estimated
slope coefficients b and their t-statistics from the following two regres- slope coefficients b and their t-statistics from the following two regres-
sions: sions:

Specification 1 : PU t ¼ a þ bEt þ et Specification 1 : VC t ¼ aþ bPU t þ et

Specification 2 : PU t ¼ a þ bEt þ cPU t1 þ et : Specification 2 : VC t ¼ aþ bPU t þ cVC t1 þ et :
Political uncertainty PUt is proxied by the policy uncertainty index of PUt is the policy uncertainty index of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012),
Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012), which we scale down by 100. We use five divided by 100. VCt stands for either volatility or correlation. We use two
different monthly proxies for economic conditions Et: the Chicago Fed correlation measures, which represent equal-weighted (EW) and value-
National Activity Index (CFI), minus the NBER recession dummy (  REC), weighted (VW) averages of pairwise correlations for all stocks that
industrial production growth (IPG), Shiller's price-to-earnings ratio for comprise the S&P 500 index. We use two market volatility measures:
the aggregate stock market (P/E), and minus the AAA-BBB corporate bond realized volatility of the S&P 500 index, computed from daily index
default spread (  DEF). Since higher values of each proxy indicate better returns within the month, and implied volatility, measured by the
economic conditions, our theory predicts b o 0. The t-statistics, reported average daily value of the VIX index within the month. The t-statistics
in parentheses, are computed based on Newey-West standard errors with are computed based on Newey-West standard errors with three lags. The
three lags. The sample period is January 1985 through December 2010. sample period is January 1985 through December 2010, except for the
regressions that involve VIX, for which the sample begins in January 1990
Measure of economic conditions due to limited data availability.

CFI  REC IPG P/E  DEF Correlation Volatility

Specification 1  0.31  0.69  20.95  0.02  0.75 EW VW Realized Implied

(  7.24) (  5.12) (  4.10) (  3.38) (  8.61)
Specification 1 0.17 0.15 0.01 0.08
Specification 2  0.05  0.09  2.90  0.00  0.09
(9.81) (7.25) (4.81) (5.27)
(  3.90) (  2.75) (  1.85) (  1.58) (  3.06)
Specification 2 0.09 0.07 0.00 0.01
(6.43) (5.14) (3.45) (2.53)

conditions are worse. Second and third, stocks should be

more volatile and more correlated when political uncer-
tainty is higher. Fourth, political uncertainty should com- second component is the number of federal tax code provi-
mand a risk premium. Finally, the effects of political sions set to expire in coming years, obtained from the
uncertainty on volatility, correlation, and risk premia congressional Joint Committee on Taxation. The third compo-
should be stronger in a weaker economy. To preview our nent, the extent of disagreement among forecasters of future
results, the empirical evidence is consistent with all of inflation and government spending, is intended to capture
these predictions, although the degree of statistical sig- elements of uncertainty about future U.S. monetary and fiscal
nificance varies across the predictions. policies.24 Fig. 9 plots the monthly time series of the PU index
All of the above predictions are illustrated in Section 5 for for January 1985 through December 2010.25 Baker et al. note
several sets of parameter values. Let us briefly remind the that their index “spikes around consequential presidential
reader why the model makes these general predictions. elections and major political shocks like the Gulf Wars and 9/
Political uncertainty is higher in weaker economic conditions 11. Recently, it rose to historical highs after the Lehman
because in such conditions, the government is more likely to bankruptcy and TARP legislation, the 2010 midterm elections,
change its policy, and it is uncertain which of the potential the Eurozone crisis, and the U.S. debt-ceiling dispute.” The PU
new policies will be adopted. Political uncertainty makes index seems to represent a plausible way of measuring
stocks more volatile because it makes political signals more uncertainty about what the government might do in the
potent. It also makes stocks more correlated because political future. Moreover, there are no obvious alternatives as of this
signals affect all firms. It commands a risk premium because it writing.
is non-diversifiable. Finally, the effects of political uncertainty We use two monthly measures of aggregate stock
on stock prices are stronger in a weaker economy because market volatility: realized and implied. Realized volatility
investors are then more uncertain about which of the new is computed from daily returns of the S&P 500 index
policies will be chosen by the government, which leads them within the given month. Implied volatility is the average
to respond more strongly to political signals. daily value of the Chicago Board Options Exchange's VIX
index within the month. We also use two measures of
7.1. Data
The same measures of forecast dispersion, which come from the
To proxy for political uncertainty, we use the policy
Survey of Professional Forecasters, are used by Ulrich (2013a, 2013b) to
uncertainty (PU) index of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012). analyze Treasury bond prices. Ulrich (2013a) attributes half of all
The PU index is constructed as a weighted average of three variation in bond market volatility to uncertainty about future monetary
components. The first component, which receives the largest policy. Ulrich (2013b) finds that uncertainty about fiscal spending raises
weight, captures news coverage of policy-related uncertainty. bond yields as well as option-implied bond volatilities.
We downloaded the PU index data from Nick Bloom's Web site on
Beginning in January 1985, this component is obtained by October 17, 2011. The index data are regularly updated on www.policy
month-by-month searches of Google News for newspaper uncertainty.com. In both panels of Fig. 9, PU is scaled to have the same
articles that refer to uncertainty and the role of policy. The mean and volatility as the other variable plotted in the same panel.
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 541

Table 4
Political uncertainty, volatility, correlation, and economic conditions.
This table addresses the question: “Are stock volatilities and correlations more positively associated with political uncertainty when economic conditions
are weaker?” The table reports the estimated slope coefficients b and their t-statistics from the following two regression specifications:

Specification 1 : VC t ¼ a þ bPU t Et þ cPU t þ dEt þ et

Specification 2 : VC t ¼ a þ bPU t Et þ cPU t þ dEt þ eVC t1 þ et :
PUt is the policy uncertainty index of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012), divided by 100. VCt stands for either volatility or correlation. We use two correlation
measures, which represent equal-weighted (EW) and value-weighted (VW) averages of pairwise correlations for all stocks that comprise the S&P 500
index. We use two market volatility measures: realized volatility of the S&P 500 index, computed from daily index returns within the month, and implied
volatility, measured by the average daily value of the VIX index within the month. We use five proxies for economic conditions Et: the Chicago Fed National
Activity Index (CFI), minus the NBER recession dummy (  REC), industrial production growth (IPG), Shiller's price-to-earnings ratio for the aggregate stock
market (P/E), and minus the AAA-BBB corporate bond default spread (  DEF). Since higher values of each proxy indicate better economic conditions, our
theory predicts b o 0. The t-statistics are computed based on Newey-West standard errors with three lags. The sample period is January 1985 through
December 2010, except for the regressions that involve VIX, for which the sample begins in January 1990 due to limited data availability.

Measure of economic conditions


Panel A: Specification 1
Correlation: EW  0.03  0.04  3.53  0.00  0.00
(  2.41) (  0.96) (  2.36) (  0.00) (  0.08)
Correlation: VW  0.03  0.03  3.54  0.00 0.04
(  1.92) (  0.60) (  2.03) (  0.26) (1.28)
Volatility: Realized  0.00  0.01  0.39  0.00  0.00
(  5.46) (  4.39) (  4.52) (  3.74) (  3.17)
Volatility: Implied  0.04  0.12  3.48  0.01  0.05
(  4.50) (  3.69) (  3.18) (  5.48) (  1.91)

Panel B: Specification 2
Correlation: EW  0.02  0.03  2.35 0.00  0.00
(  2.04) (  1.07) (  1.97) (0.05) (  0.05)
Correlation: VW  0.02  0.03  2.04  0.00 0.02
(  1.48) (  0.79) (  1.54) (  0.10) (1.13)
Volatility: Realized  0.00  0.01  0.21  0.00  0.00
(  4.11) (  3.86) (  3.11) (  2.77) (  2.58)
Volatility: Implied  0.01  0.05  0.19  0.00  0.03
(  2.81) (  3.71) (  0.36) (  2.76) (  2.70)

stock correlation, representing equal- and value-weighted the yields of AAA and BBB corporate bonds, from the Federal
averages of pairwise correlations for all stocks that com- Reserve. All five variables represent natural choices at the
prise the S&P 500 index. The underlying correlations for all monthly data frequency.
pairs of stocks are computed from daily returns within the
month. Since both pairs of measures are highly correlated,
we only plot one of each in Fig. 9: equal-weighted 7.2. Political uncertainty and economic conditions
correlation in Panel A and realized volatility in Panel B.
For aesthetic purposes, we smooth both variables by The model predicts that uncertainty about the govern-
plotting their six-month moving averages (we use the ment's future policy choice is generally larger in weaker
unsmoothed raw values in subsequent regressions). The economic conditions, because that is when the govern-
figure shows strong comovement between both variables ment is more likely to change its policy.26 Indeed, Fig. 9
and PU, especially in this century. shows that the PU index tends to be higher during
We use five monthly measures of economic conditions. recessions. To examine the prediction more formally, we
Three of these are macroeconomic variables: the Chicago Fed first run a simple regression of the PU index on a measure
National Activity Index (CFI), constructed by the Federal
Reserve from 85 monthly indicators of economic activity;
the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) recession There is some independent empirical support for the model's
prediction that governments are more likely to change their policies in
dummy (REC), equal to one during recession months and zero
weak economic conditions. For example, Bruno and Easterly (1996) find
otherwise; and industrial production growth (IPG), obtained that inflation crises tend to be followed by reforms. Drazen and Easterly
from the Board of Governors. The other two measures are (2001) and Alesina, Ardagna, and Trebbi (2006) also find evidence
financial market variables. Our stock market measure of supporting the hypothesis that crises induce reforms, although the
economic conditions is the cyclically adjusted price-to- former study finds this evidence only for a subset of the crisis indicators.
The following quote is also telling: “You never let a serious crisis go to
earnings ratio for the aggregate stock market (P/E), down- waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think
loaded from Robert Shiller's Web site. Our bond market you could not do before.” (Rahm Emmanuel, White House chief of staff,
measure is the default spread (DEF), the difference between November 2008).
542 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

of economic conditions: run the following regressions with interaction terms:

PU t ¼ a þ bEt þ et ; ð56Þ VC t ¼ a þbPU t Et þcPU t þdEt þ et ð60Þ
where Et is one of the five measures of economic condi-
VC t ¼ a þbPU t Et þcPU t þdEt þ eVC t1 þ et : ð61Þ
tions: CFI,  REC, IPG, P/E, or DEF. We flip the signs on
REC and DEF so that higher values of each of the five The model predicts b o0. Table 4 shows strong support for
measures indicate better economic conditions; as a result, this prediction when VC stands for volatility but weaker
the model predicts bo 0 for each measure of Et. In support when it stands for correlation. For correlation, the
addition, we run the regression point estimate of b is negative in 17 of the 20 specifications
(two measures of correlation times five measures of Et times
PU t ¼ a þ bEt þ cPU t1 þ et ; ð57Þ
two regressions), but only five estimates are significantly
adding a lag of PU to soak up the serial correlation in the negative at the 5% level. For volatility, all 20 point estimates
PU index. The autocorrelation of the residuals from the are negative, and 18 of them are significant.
regression of PUt on PU t1 is essentially zero ( 0.01). As a
further precaution against autocorrelated residuals, we 7.4. The equity risk premium
compute Newey-West standard errors with three lags,
and verify that using one or six lags leads to identical The model predicts that political uncertainty com-
conclusions regarding the statistical significance of b in mands a risk premium, especially in weak economic
each of the ten regressions (two regressions times five conditions. However, the model also predicts that an
measures of Et). The sample period is January 1985 opposing force, the government's put protection, reduces
through December 2010. risk premia in weak conditions. Either force can prevail,
Table 2 reports the ordinary least squares (OLS) esti- depending on the parameter values (Figs. 3–5). The two
mates of the slope coefficients b, together with their forces are difficult to separate empirically because they
Newey-West t-statistics. Consistent with the model's pre- operate in similar states of the world—we tend to be more
diction, all ten point estimates of b are negative. Eight of
the ten estimates are statistically significant at the 5% Table 5
level, and one other estimate is significant at the 10% level. Political uncertainty and the equity risk premium.
This table asks: “Does political uncertainty command a risk premium
This evidence suggests that political uncertainty indeed
that is higher in weaker economic conditions?” Panel A reports the
tends to be higher when economic conditions are worse. estimated slope coefficients b and their t-statistics from the regression

Rt þ 1;t þ h ¼ a þ bPU t Et þ cPU t þ dEt þ et :

7.3. Stock market volatility and correlations
Rt þ 1;t þ h is the aggregate stock market return in excess of the one-month
T-bill rate over h ¼ 3, 6, and 12 months following month t. Panel B runs
According to the model, stocks should be more volatile the same regression, but it replaces Rt þ 1;t þ h with a month-t fitted value
and more correlated at times of higher political uncer- from the predictive regression of the next quarter's return (Rt þ 1;t þ 3 ) on
tainty. Indeed, Fig. 9 reveals a strong association between the current values of three predictors: the aggregate dividend yield, the
one-month T-bill rate, and the term spread. The dividend yield is equal to
PU and both volatility and correlation, especially in the
total dividends paid over the previous 12 months divided by the current
second half of the sample. To assess the significance of this total market capitalization. The term spread is the difference between the
association, we consider the following regressions: yields on the five-year and one-year zero-coupon Treasury bonds. PUt is
the policy uncertainty index of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012), divided by
VC t ¼ a þb PU t þ et ð58Þ 100. We use five proxies for economic conditions Et: the Chicago Fed
National Activity Index (CFI), minus the NBER recession dummy (  REC),
VC t ¼ a þb PU t þ c VC t1 þ et ; ð59Þ industrial production growth (IPG), Shiller's price-to-earnings ratio for
the aggregate stock market (P/E), and minus the AAA-BBB corporate bond
where VC stands for either volatility or correlation. Adding default spread (  DEF). Since higher values of each proxy indicate better
VC t1 in the second specification removes most of the economic conditions, our theory predicts b o 0. The t-statistics, reported
serial correlation in VC; the autocorrelation of the residuals in parentheses, are computed based on Newey-West standard errors with
the number of lags equal to h. The slope coefficients in Panel B are
from the regression of VCt on VC t1 is always within 0.17 of
multiplied by ten to show more significant digits. The sample period is
zero, for all four measures of VC (two volatilities, two January 1985 through December 2010.
correlations). As before, we compute Newey-West stan-
dard errors with three lags, and verify that using one or six Measure of economic conditions
lags leads to identical conclusions.
Table 3 reports the OLS estimates of b and their t-
statistics. We find b4 0 in all eight regressions (four Panel A: Equity premium: Future realized excess return
measures of VC, two specifications), as the model predicts. 3 Months  0.02  0.05  0.89  0.01  0.03
All eight coefficients are highly statistically significant. This (  1.30) (  1.24) (  0.71) (  2.17) (  1.19)
6 Months  0.04  0.11  2.50  0.01  0.09
evidence suggests that stocks are indeed more volatile and
(  2.09) (  1.53) (  1.17) (  3.18) (  1.97)
more correlated when there is more political uncertainty. 12 Months  0.09  0.21  6.48  0.02  0.15
The model also predicts that the associations between (  2.41) (  1.78) (  1.76) (  2.85) (  1.69)
political uncertainty and VC should be more positive when
economic conditions are worse. The reason is that political Panel B: Equity premium: Fitted value from a regression
 0.09  0.27  6.46  0.02  0.01
shocks exert a larger influence on stock prices in a weaker (  3.42) (  3.12) (  2.35) (  4.75) (  0.10)
economy (see Figs. 2 and 7). To evaluate this prediction, we
Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545 543

uncertain about government actions when the put protec- year zero-coupon Treasury bonds, obtained from CRSP. In a
tion is more valuable. The PU index may thus reflect not simple regression of EPt on PUt, the estimate of the slope
only political uncertainty, which it was designed to cap- coefficient is positive and statistically significant. When we
ture, but also some degree of put protection. If the put's control for the five measures of economic conditions, the
influence on the PU index is small, then the model predicts slope remains positive but turns insignificant. We also run
a positive PU risk premium, but if it is large, the prediction the regression (62) with Rt þ 1;t þ h replaced by EPt. The
is unclear. results are in Panel B of Table 5. Those results indicate
To proxy for the equity risk premium, we use realized b o0, and they are stronger than in Panel A: all five point
future excess market returns, denoted by Rt þ 1;t þ h . We estimates of b are negative, and four of them are signifi-
construct Rt þ 1;t þ h by computing the cumulative return on cant at the 5% level. Again, the political risk premium
the value-weighted market portfolio over months tþ 1 seems to be higher in weaker conditions.
through tþh and subtracting the cumulative return on Finally, we emphasize that our simple empirical analy-
the one-month T-bill. Both returns are obtained from the sis is only illustrative. We do not attempt to establish
Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) at the causality. Also, despite the commendable effort of its
University of Chicago. We consider h¼ 3, 6, and 12 months. authors, the PU index is not a perfectly clean measure of
In a simple regression of Rt þ 1;t þ h on PUt, the estimate of uncertainty about future government policy. For example,
the slope coefficient is positive at all three horizons, but it the index might also reflect broader economic uncertainty
is never statistically significant. Even when we add the five to some extent. If that is the case, then some of our
measures of economic conditions on the right-hand side of empirical results are consistent not only with our model
the regression, all three estimates of the slope on PUt but also with other economic mechanisms. Its shortcom-
remain positive but insignificant. There might be no ings notwithstanding, we view the PU index as adequate
unconditional risk premium associated with the PU index. for our purposes because it is the only index of its kind, to
It is also possible that 26 years of monthly realized returns our knowledge, and because constructing a purer index is
are not enough to ensure decent power for this test. well beyond the scope of this paper. This paper's main
We then look for a conditional political risk premium, contribution is theoretical—to develop and analyze an
motivated by the model's implication that political shocks equilibrium model in which stock prices respond to
have a larger effect on stock prices in weaker economic political news. The model makes a rich set of predictions,
conditions (see Figs. 2–6). To see whether the PU index and the purpose of our empirical analysis is to provide a
indeed commands a higher risk premium when the quick first look at the empirical validity of these predic-
economy is weaker, we run the regression tions. We do not go beyond our brief examination in an
effort to keep the paper focused. Since our first look
Rt þ 1;t þ h ¼ a þ bPU t Et þ cPU t þ dEt þ et : ð62Þ indicates preliminary success, we hope that future
research will examine the model's predictions in more
Panel A of Table 5 reports the OLS estimates of b for 15
specifications (five measures of Et times three h's). The t-
statistics are computed based on Newey-West standard
8. Conclusions
errors with h lags. The evidence suggests that bo 0,
though not overwhelmingly: while all 15 point estimates
We examine the effects of political uncertainty on stock
are negative, only six of them are significant at the 5%
prices through the lens of a general equilibrium model of
level. The evidence is strongest for h¼12 months, when b
government policy choice. In the model, the government
is significantly negative at the 10% level under all five
tends to change its policy when the economy is weak,
measures of Et. We conclude that despite the relatively
effectively providing put protection to the market. The
short sample, there is some evidence of a political risk
value of this implicit put protection is reduced by political
premium that is higher in weaker economic conditions.27
uncertainty. This uncertainty commands a risk premium
As an additional test, we rerun the same regressions on
even though political shocks are orthogonal to fundamen-
a different estimate of the equity premium, EPt, obtained
tal economic shocks. The risk premium induced by poli-
as the fitted value from the predictive regression of the
tical uncertainty is larger in a weaker economy. Political
aggregate excess stock market return over the following
uncertainty also makes stocks more volatile and more
quarter on the current values of three predictors: the
correlated, especially when the economy is weak. Larger
aggregate dividend yield, the one-month T-bill rate, and
heterogeneity among the potential new government poli-
the term spread.28 The dividend yield is equal to total
cies increases risk premia as well as volatilities and
dividends paid over the previous 12 months divided by the
correlations of stock returns. We find some empirical
current total market capitalization. The term spread is the
support for the model's key predictions.
difference between the yields on the five-year and one-
Our analysis opens several paths for future research.
For example, it would be useful to extend our model by
In related analysis, Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2012) use their index endogenizing the political costs of government policies,
to examine the determinants of large daily U.S. stock market movements relying on the insights from the political economy litera-
since 1980. They find “a dramatic increase in the proportion of large stock ture. Such an extension could link asset prices to various
movements driven by policy news or policy changes” post-2007 while
the economy was weak.
political economy variables. Other extensions could shift
We thank the referee for suggesting this additional equity pre- the focus from stocks to other assets; for instance, by
mium measure. adding intermediate consumption, it might be possible to
544 Ľ. Pástor, P. Veronesi / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 520–545

derive the model's implications for bond prices.29 We A.2. Definition of H in Propositions 4 and 5
empirically examine one time-series proxy for political
uncertainty in the U.S.; future work could construct other
N 2
=2ÞðTτÞ2 s2g;n
HðSt Þ ¼ ∑ pnt Gn ðSt Þeð1γÞμg ðTτÞ þ ðð1γÞ
proxies, look across countries, and test the predictions of ; ðA:2Þ
our model in a variety of other settings. More work on the n¼0

government's role in asset pricing is clearly warranted. where

Gn ðSt Þ ¼ eð1γÞΔbτ f ðΔbτ jg
bt ; n at τÞ dΔbτ ; n ¼ 1; …; N

Appendix A qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Z ð1γÞðE½Δbτ  þ ðb
g τ b
gtÞ V bτ =V Þ þ ð1γÞðTτÞðb
g τ b
bg τ b τ jg
bt ; 0 at τÞ dg
bτ :
G0 ðSt Þ ¼ e f ðg
The appendix contains selected formulas that are
mentioned in the text but omitted for the sake of brevity.
The proofs of all results are available in the companion
Technical Appendix, which is downloadable from the
A.3. Formulae relevant for announcement return
authors' Web sites.

Lemma A.1. Immediately before the policy announcement at

A.1. Definition of Ω in Propositions 2–5
time τ, the market value of any firm i is given by
ÞðTτÞ þ b
g τ ðTτÞ þ ðð12γÞ=2ÞðTτÞ2b
M iτ ¼ Biτ eðμγs sτ
N 2
γμng ðTτÞ þ γ2 ðTτÞ2 s2g;n
ΩðSt Þ ¼ ∑ pnt F n ðSt Þe : ðA:1Þ n ð1γÞðμng b g τ ÞðTτÞ þ ðð1γÞ2 =2ÞðTτÞ2 ðs2g;n bsτ Þ

n¼0 ð1 þ∑N n ¼ 1 pτ ðe 1ÞÞ

ð1 þ ∑N p
n b
n ðeγðμg g τ ÞðTτÞ þ ðγ =2ÞðTτÞ ðsg;n b
2 2 2 2
sτ Þ
In Eq. (A.1), we have n¼1 τ

Z ðA:3Þ
n γΔbτ
F ðSt Þ ¼ e f ðΔbτ jSt ; n at τÞ dΔbτ ; n ¼ 1; …; N
Lemma A.2. Immediately after the announcement of policy n
at time τ, for any n A f0; 1; …; Ng, the market value of any firm
Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i is given by
γðE½Δbτ  þ ðb
g τ b
gtÞ V bτ =V ÞγðTτÞðb
g τ b
bg τ bτ jSt ; 0 at τÞ dg
bτ ;
F 0 ðSt Þ ¼ e f ðg ðμγs 2
þ μng ÞðTτÞ þ ðð12γÞ=2ÞðTτÞ2 s2g;n
M i;n i
τ þ ¼ Bτ þ e : ðA:4Þ

where V bτ  Varðbτ jSt Þ ¼ b 2t ðτtÞ2 þ s2 ðτtÞ,

s Vb

bτ jSt Þ ¼ s
ðg b 2t bs 2τ , and the conditional densities f ðΔbτ j A.4. The political risk premium in the two-policy setting
St ; n at τÞ and f ðg bτ jSt ; 0 at τÞ are defined below. The density
of Δbτ ¼ bτ bt ¼ log ðBτ =Bt Þ conditional on St and policy n Consider the setting from Section 5, in which N ¼2 and
being chosen at time τ is bt -1,
μ~ L ¼ μ~ H . As g
 Political risk premium ¼ sπ;H sM;H sπ;L sM;L
f ðΔbτ St ; n at τÞ
0 !2
ϕc~ L ðc~ Þdc~
-2@ ϕc~ H ðc~ Þ
Z n
ϕΔbτ ðΔbτ Þ μ~ Et ½μ~ ðΔbτ Et ½Δbτ Þb
s t =ððτtÞb
2 2
s t þ s2 Þ s^ 4c;t h ; ðA:5Þ
∏ ð1Φc~ j ðc~ n μ~ n þ μ~ j ÞÞϕc~ n ðc~ n Þ dc~ n ; ðγ1ÞðTτÞðG1 1 þpt Þ
1 jan

where ϕΔbτ ðΔbτ Þ is the normal density with mean nγ o
Et ½Δbτ  ¼ ðμþ g bt 12s2 ÞðτtÞ and variance V bτ . In addition, G1 ¼ exp ðs2g;H s2g;L ÞðTτÞ2 1 4 0:
b t ðb
Et ½μ~ 0  ¼ g s 2τ =2ÞðTτÞðγ1Þ. 2
The density of g bτ conditional on St and the old policy In the limit, we also obtain ð1=ΩÞ∂Ω=∂b c t ¼ ð1=ΩÞ∂Ω=∂bct
being retained at time τ is and ð1=HÞ∂H=∂b c t ¼ ð1=HÞ∂H=∂b
c t ¼ 0. As a result, sπ;H ¼ 
 sπ;L , sM;H ¼ sM;L , and both policies contribute equally to
 b 2τ
s the political risk premium.
 ∏N n b
n ¼ 1 ð1Φc~ ðμ
n ~ g
 τþ ðTτÞðγ1ÞÞÞ
bτ St ; 0 at τÞ ¼ ϕbðg
f ðg bτ Þ 2 ;
g N
1∑n ¼ 1 ptn


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