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3850 Certificate in English - Sample Paper – Set 2

Speaking & Listening

Stage 2
Social Media

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 There are two activities in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 24.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.
3850 Certificate in English – Speaking & Listening (Stage 2) Social Media

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Complete the two activities in this test using a blue or black pen.
o Activity 1 - listen to the recording and answer the questions. You may listen to
the recording up to three times.
o Activity 2 - take part in a group discussion with three or more people.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

3850 Certificate in English – Speaking & Listening (Stage 2) Social Media

Activity 1 (5 marks)

Listen to the recording about social media then answer the following questions.

1 What is the social media issue in the headlines? 1 mark


2 What are scientists concerned about? 1 mark


3 What are parents concerned about? 1 mark


4 Write down two of the tips given for a healthy online life. 2 marks



3850 Certificate in English – Speaking & Listening (Stage 2) Social Media

Activity 2 (19 marks)

In a group, have a discussion. The discussion should take at least 5 minutes.

This could be about social media OR another topic given to you.

A group is defined as three or more people.

You will be tested on

 deciding what you want to say
 making relevant contributions
 allowing others to give their points of view
 responding appropriately to others
 using appropriate non-verbal communication
 asking questions to gather additional information.

You may use this space to plan what you want to say.

3850 Certificate in English – Speaking & Listening (Stage 2) Social Media

Answer the following questions about your discussion.

5 What topic was discussed?



6 What points did you make in the discussion?



7 What questions did you ask in the discussion?



8 How did you demonstrate non- verbal communication (eg gestures, facial
expressions) in the discussion?



End of Test

3850 Certificate in English – Speaking & Listening (Stage 2) Social Media

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