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1. After reading the crocodile story.

rank the characters according to the

degree of worstness and explain the reason for each. Rank from 1 to 5. 

Character Reason
1 Lisa She is the worst, in my opinion, because she cheated on
Salik, and although her intention was good, the method
she used to accomplish her goal was not, and it is still
deemed wrong. The tactics do not justify the end result.
The end doesn’t justify the means. She even asked Maria
to do it with Lucio instead of her, without considering
Maria's feelings.
2 Lucio He's the second, in my opinion, because he took
advantage of the situation. Even though he gave Lisa the
option of doing it or not, the fact that he offered it shows
that he had a wrong motive.
3 Tomas Tomas mauled Salik out of anger because he was hurt for
Lisa, but I don't think he had the right to do so because it
was a personal issue between Salik and Lisa. She can
console Lisa, but he doesn't have to do that to Salik.
4 Salik I believe he is the fourth because, despite everything Lisa
had done just to meet him, he still rejected her, and I felt
bad that he had abandoned her after knowing about what
had happened. But I believe Salik has the right to choose
whether or not to continue in a relationship after being
cheated on.
5 Maria I don't think Maria is a bad person for declining Lisa's offer
since she was simply doing what was best for her, which
was not sacrificing her body and rejecting Lisa doesn't
make her responsible for what happened to Lisa.

2.  What did you learn from the lessons in unit 3? How will you apply it? Do
you think it will help in resolving conflicts?

This lesson taught me that communication is important in resolving

conflict, and when we say communication, we don't mean communicating
so that both parties are happy; we mean communicating so that you can
listen with your heart and be willing to understand each situation thoroughly
and openly, regardless of the differences

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