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3850 Certificate in English - Sample Paper - Set 2

Reading and Writing

Stage 1
Social Media

Source Document and Question Paper

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 The duration of this test is 2 hours.
 There are five sections in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 40.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.
3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Complete this test using a blue or black pen.
 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Read the source documents and each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

What you will need

 This test paper.
 A dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 A blue or black pen.

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Section 1 (5 marks)

Read the document and answer the questions.

Social Networking News

Marketing Background News Sponsors Site map Status

The boom of social networking technology

"Let's take a selfie! No let's tag, like and share this post," are some of the most
used phrases of today's media world. Many people have become enthusiastic
social networkers creating an increase in
social media platforms.
Social networking has captured the imagination
of many. People of all ages across the world
are daily users. They are signing up to networks
such as Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest (a tool
for collecting and organising things that inspire
you). Even companies are now communicating
with their clients through Facebook, which
according to statistics, has a whopping 901
million users.
Social networking is the new way to communicate. For some, it gives them a sense of
belonging. It provides a platform for even the most timid of voices to be heard. Others use
it to stay connected with friends and family. And it helps us to stay up to date with the

In Jamaica social networking has: Want more information?

- helped to raise funds for the Jamaican Send us your details and we will send
bobsled team through crowd-funding. you our weekly updates.
- helped to create support for the Voice Name
winner Tessanne Chin. Email
- assisted in finding missing children.
When an Ananda Alert is declared users Telephone
share the missing persons report.
- helped not-for-profit organisations to gain
sponsorship and volunteers. Address
- brought awareness of women's rights
issues, such as equal pay and sexism.
Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Press

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

1 What is the document about? 1 mark


2 From the image, which site has the highest number of users? 1 mark


3 Give two examples of how social networking has been of particular 2 marks
benefit to Jamaica.



4 What is the main purpose of the document? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) To complain. 

b) To amuse. 

c) To inform. 

d) To instruct. 

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Section 2 (3 marks)

Read the document and answer the questions.

Managing the dangers: Social Media

For one reason or another, online privacy is not a priority in the Caribbean. However,
with increased threats online from dishonest people, many are taking steps to ensure
personal privacy and security.
In Jamaica, the government are taking steps to protect classified material regarding the
state and its agencies.
While you may think that these problems will never affect you, you should also think
about your personal privacy and security online? This is especially important for young
people, who spend many hours on the internet.

Protecting Yourself
There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from online predators. The
tools you need are knowledge of online safety and the ability to detect people with fake
online identities.

Let us use Facebook to give some online

safety tips.
Most importantly, never accept a friend
request from someone you do not know.
This can be difficult if their profile picture is
not a person, for example a picture of their
dog or it is a bad photo. If that is the case,
here are some useful pointers.

Only accept a friend request when you have

checked that:

1. you have mutual friends

2. their page is not restricted
3. you are familiar with their name,
picture or both
4. you know who they are from their profile.

If you suspect anyone is giving false information or you receive any kind of unwanted
messages; block them and tell someone immediately.

Stay safe online

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

5 What information does the Jamaican government want to protect? 1 mark


6 Which social media site is used to give advice about online safety? 1 mark


7 What advice is given to deal with unwelcome messages? 1 mark


3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Section 3 (10 marks)

Complete the form.


Enter our FREE

competition to win
a 3GB touch screen
mini-tablet with
Personal Details
Title: (Please delete) Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms

Family Name: (Block capitals) ______________________________________________

First Name: (Block capitals) _______________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________


Write at least two sentences to explain why you would like to win a 3GB touch screen
mini tablet



Post your completed entry form to:
The Digital Corporation, Brinston Place, PO Box 652, Kingston

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

8 Have you checked your completed form for spelling, punctuation and 1 mark
 Yes

9 What should you do with the completed form? 1 mark


3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Section 4 (8 marks)

Complete the tasks.

10 Here are six words connected with social media. Put the words into
alphabetical order.


post tag

platform share







11 Choose one of the words from the box above and look up the 1 mark
meaning in a dictionary.
Write the word and the definition.



3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

12 There are four words are missing from the information below. Use the
words across the top to complete the text. Use each word once. 2 marks

are latest popular more

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social media sites

some of the most websites visited by Jamaicans. More

and Jamaicans are getting access to the internet, especially

via mobile phones. Social media sites often buzz with the ____________

stories and events.

13 In this piece of text there are four missing capital letters and two missing 3 marks
punctuation markers.

Write this out again correctly.

are you aware that you can access the internet on some mobile phones You can
only do this if it is a smart-phone Research by kingston Digital corporation shows
that using smart-phones can make you smarter. what do you think?










3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

14 There are three spelling errors in the quote below. Underline the errors and 1 mark
write the corrections.

Evary time you post a foto ___________________________

or update your status you

are contributing to yore own
digital footprint and personal ___________________________

Amy Jo Martin

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Section 5 (14 marks)

Write about social media.

Think about:
 different social media sites
 the benefits of using social media
 the dangers of using social media
 how you would use social media.

We suggest you write between 75 – 150 words.

You will be tested on

 planning and writing a clear and ordered piece of text
 writing in paragraphs
 using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Use the boxes below to outline the key points you would like to include.

Key Points

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

Write here.

























3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media




















Have you checked your piece of writing for spelling, punctuation and
 Yes

Have you checked that your piece of writing is clear and easy to read?
 Yes

End of Test

3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

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3850 Certificate in English - Reading and Writing (Stage 1) Social Media

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