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M Wild
Professor Cambell
WRDS 1104
Studio One
Author Jill Parrot composed this entry into Bad Ideas About Writing in an effort to help
explain why America has created a stereotype of deep rooted beliefs that writing can only be
created by geniuses and professional authors. This essay is directed toward those intermediate
writers and those who teach such writers, it calls to action a change in the education system and a
push toward teaching perseverance and reflection rather than comparison to other works. The
purpose of this entry is to not only educate the audience on the education system put in place by
past beliefs but to persuade teachers and mentors to adopt a newer method of instructing.
Frustrated by the lack of proper literacy in America and the influx of immigrants coming
into the country, a form of teaching was adopted that portrayed authors as untouchable artists
who were given the unborn talent to write. Education systems around the country prevented
these immigrants from receiving literary education and much like we read in Sherman Alexie’s
Superman and Me education was not a given it had to be earned in other ways for those who
were not fortunate enough. Universities only cemented this practice as all those enrolled were
from wealthy families and were already considered more than literate.
Times have changed, everyone with access to the internet has the ability to learn and to
grow as not only an author but as a reader, editor and publisher. The invention of social media
apps like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook has made authors out of all who post and comment on
the sites. Ideas are challenged, creativity is found and used all around the world. Writing is no
longer something to be considered a task or a hoop to jump through but as a means of socially
connecting with others.
It's time for the education system to change along with these ideas. Teachers should no
longer compare young aspiring authors to those of the greats but reflect on their work and
provide feedback on how to improve. Perseverance was stressed as the trait that should be taught
to every writer, professional or intermediate. The idea of writing often and writing with the
ability to reflect on one's own writing is what truly makes writers.
I chose this entry because I relate to in wholy, I was never a good writer growing up and I
considered it a chore to be handed countless assignments and essays all due by a certain day. The
key importance I found in my writing was to make it my own and enjoy it, be able to reflect on it
and do it often. I keep a journal to write in when I'm stressed or when I just feel like writing, I
credit this for my sudden interest in writing. Parrot wrote with truth as she explains how writing
should be reflective and authors need to have the ability to persuade throughout their writing. At
first it wasn't the easiest to keep a journal everyday but now I look forward to making my entries
and summarizing my day before I go to bed. This entry could be the first few steps into changing
the education system and shattering the stigma of writing and authors forever. I have a very
personal connection to this topic and the entry supported all thoughts I have about writing
currently the author's main arguments are supported by evidence of a deep rooted stigma around
Ryan. M Wild
Professor Cambell
WRDS 1104
Studio One
authors and the idea that writing is art and that all works of writing must be in close fashion to
the classics of literature which couldn't be more incorrect. As explained by the author writing has
become a mainstay in America's social culture with the creation of social media, I have
commented on someone's instagram post, making me an author, I've edited my captions on my
pictures, making me an editor and I'm the one who posts my pictures for everyone to see, I am
the publisher.

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