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Name: Angeles, Alfred Jeremy Date: August 23, 2021

III ACTIVITY : History of science

Review the history of science and make a timeline highlighting the major discoveries and developments
in science.

1543-The heliocentric model-Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus invented the heliocentric model, the heliocentric model, centered around the sun.
He claimed that all the planets, including Earth, moved in orbits around the sun, and showed how this
new system could accurately calculate the positions of the planets.

1600-Earth’s magnetic field

William Gilbert discovered the Earth’s magnetic field, he proposed that the Earth acts like a big magnet
whose field aligns the small magnet used as a compass needle.

1609-The Moon is observed.

Galileo observes the Moon. He discovered the Moon had mountains, valleys, and plains like the Earth.
He called the dark regions of the Moon Maria, the Latin word for seas.

1637- The Scientific Method

René Descartes discovered the Scientific Method in 1637

1643 The Mercury Barometer

Evangelista Torricelli invents the mercury barometer

1656-Saturns rings and a moon discovered.

Using a telescope he made, Huygens first identified Saturn’s rings and one of Saturn’s moon.

1666-Law of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. This is seen to be the start of Modern Astronomy.

1675-Microscopic Organisms

Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered micro-organisms in pond water.

1676-The speed of light

Ole Rømer did the first measurement of the speed of light.

1745-The Leyden Jar

Ewald Jürgen Georg von Kleist invented the Leyden jar

1781-Uranus is discovered
William Herschel discovers Uranus. While measuring the directions and brightness’s of stars, Herschel
found a fuzzy spot that moved among the stars. This was Uranus, the first planet that was not known to
the ancients.

1800-The electric battery

Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery


William Morton discovers anesthesia.

1869-The Periodic Table

Dmitri Mendeleev established the Periodic table


Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the X-ray

1913-The atomic number

Henry Moseley: defined atomic number

1927-The Big Bang

Georges Lemaître discovered the theory of the Big Bang

1943-The chromosome

Oswald Avery proves that DNA is the genetic material of the chromosome.

1969-Men Land on the Moon

Astronauts Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong land on the Moon.

1990-Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble Space Telescope put into orbit from space shuttle Discovery.

1997-A sheep is cloned

Roslin Institute cloned Dolly the sheep using the process of nuclear transfer.

A. Instruction: Read and answer the questions below

1.How did science shape society?

Science shaped the society through technological advancement and growth as it goes along with
the development of the society, while on the other hand, society shaped according to the demand of
the society. Such as health needs which includes the production of medicines and medical supplies, it
also includes the technological demands of the people for a comfortable and convenient living. A
beautiful example of this is the invention of cell-phones, washing machine and gadgets for effective

2.Do you think science literacy among people has contributed to the growth of our economy?

Scientific literacy refers to the education of people about the scientific concepts and processes
highly required in decision making, participating civic and cultural affairs and economic growth.
Therefore, i strongly agree that scientific literacy contributes to the growth of our economy.

3.How can science influence government policies?

Science influences the government by providing strong proof and evidence for politician to act
on. Example is the covid19 scientist have the proof and evidence that suggest covid19 is real and what
effect it can do to the community, science influence the government by providing its solutions to the
problem and were politician will act on it and make policies to prevent this virus(covid19) from
spreading throughout the community.

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