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Rapu-Rapu Community College

Rapu-Rapu Albay


Dayvie B.Ballaran. 3rd year block -A


ASESS: Consider the grade level standard for grade1-3 vis a vis the curriculum guide for Grade 1 art. We
noted that the standards imply that art is simply to be done in Grade 1-3, yet the curriculum guide list
topics. How will you, the classroom teacher, reconcile the two? Discuss your answer in class.

> By implementing the lesson curriculum guide provide the ideas, suggestions, recommendation that h
lp to the teachers on how it specify the task, objectives, materials, and also the contents to make the
flow of topic become constant to assure that they follow the curriculum guide that was reconcile the
grade level standard because teacher must guide their learners to understand the specific sequence of
their knowledge and skills to know the learning progression of their learners.

CHALLENGE: Appreciating the product and process of art is a major objective of Art Education in the
Elementary grades but what does it really mean to appreciate art? How will we know that the students
appreciate art? And what are the different ways in which art educators can foster this appreciation?
Discuss your answer in class.

> Appreciating art is that learners must need to know the importance of it, because art is not just in
drawing, painting but l arners know the real meaning of it on how it worked in education. Learners must
aware the importance of art in some matters because art can also define in music, math, cooking, dance
and so many more because art is life therefore we must know how art is really important to us. We
notice if the Students know how to appreciate art if they tried to engaged in creating art, and if they give
a lot of time to make artistic work and they know the real mean of their artwork, and also if the learners
are trying to develop their skills, ability and their knowledge in terms of art. As a future Educator the
different ways to foster appreciation in art I will conduct an event or a contest in a school that learners
need to create art to enhance and develop their skills and their talents and to enhance also their
interaction to other. I will encourage them to explore the process and the worked of art how meaningful
and valuable it.

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