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No. of pages - 31 (M) PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION (FIRST) 2021-22 CLASS : XII SUBJECT: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Time Allowed : 90 Min. Maximum Marks : 35 wr : 90 fire after ata - 35 rare Freer- Faw wa a dh ae ti as &, @ ait Gs & F 24 wer Zi FH 20 wer eat BHT ae uF 24 wes G1 wR 20 wee ee IT Ge 7H 12 we ei FH 10 we eat FH eet wet & of war & she wets wer 0.70 i HI area Sat & fore SH Tas sie eT ZI General Instruction- The question paper contains three sections namely Section-A, B and C. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions. ‘All questions carry equal marks and each question has 0.70 marks. There is no negative marking for wrong answer. eee S-% (Section-A) wt Wa atea_at_oTenfta_ (Knowledge and Understanding) ae 8 24 wef, ga Gs & fast 20 vet at eet HY, TaN TERT TT feu me 20 weet ar et yaRT fear sem Section-A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section. The first 20 attempted questions will be evaluated. 1. eltiran (a A ae) er fara faerfier at at Setar 2? ayPpynyner Swe eNm (@) faatra-# (oe) faafia-c (¢) faerfra-ai-12 (@) faarfia-g 1 ‘XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M Deficiency of which vitamin causes Anacmia disease? (a) Vitamin-K (b) Vitamin-A (©) Vitamin-B12 (qd) Vitamin-E ‘cin am cin’ five zatle ar wren 3? (a) tes ealtz (c) Afar sae zabiz (b) fener itt catic @) ele able Which type of tournament has the format of league-cum-league? (a) Challenge toumament (b) Single league tournament (c) Knock-out tournament (d) Combination tournament nis frost & fats ar fram fret grr wheats set fara eH? @) Rae =e (>) effert Afar ©) ay @ Oak © Who has not propounded the law of reaction from laws of motion? (a) Sir Issac Newton (b) Galileo Galilei (c) Aristotle (a) Both (b) and (c) aN FEA S wher F afecnsit F fee an fruits 2 : @) sts (bo) 3 tis (©) 2% @ sts The weight prescribed in Arm Curl test for woman is : (a) 81b (be) 3b () 21b (@) Sib ait ora geau HF ATER Alergy ga 7 (a) 9K 24.9% TERS afr = (b) AR 29.9 S THR aifetwe (c) FR 185 HERS afew =) Sea aN eT 2 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M As per body mass index, obesity is : (a) Body weight above the score of 24.9 (b) Body weight above the score of 29.9 (c) Body weight above the score of 18.5 (d) None of the above ana at yen stafine gem faster afse TAH ghrT (a) Wet Aware (b) Wah. Aetertr (©) tatfay (@) worn Aeetatt Name the first woman Olympic Medalist from India. (a) Saina Nehwal (b) M.C. Marycon (©) PV. Sindhu . (@) Karnam Malleshwari aha ar aef fire sick HY sitgat 2? (a) ada a afar () ada @ afar © aaa a ada (sated we ae Planning means to bridge the gap between: (a) Past and future (b) Present and future (c) _ Past and present (d) None of the above “gga” #1 faa ort Tat - (a) fa a tect Fram (ob) Tfa ar gaa fra (co) afa ar drag fra (d) fa a ten fra Law of “Inertia” is know as : (a) First law of motion (b) Second law of motion (c) Third law of motion (@ Fourth law of motion 3 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M. tg Bt weet Walt ora fara wee: @) Fas WS semgeara &) te est wr tarragon (©) Ta ea @ Fas amt Fyqert It is not related with spinal postural deformities. (a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Round Shoulders (d) _ Lordosis So aifrat fra fava at aren 2 - @ ifret fear (b+) 3 (©) sia far @ wk wa far Bio-mechanics is the branch of : (a) Physics (b) Performance (c) Biology (d) Anatomy aa, St Sat S aa HK ate wet 3, at ont 2 - @) dra aa ) Sa sat (©) FART zat @ wea wa Fat remain solid at room temperature is known as : (a) Saturated fat (b) Unsaturated fat (c) Simple fat (d) Complex fat aafaa waft gm, a dei st den fees @ tows feb a a e (a) Sai at den & aaa (o) ait et der () ata et dem +1 @ = (2)* 4 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M Formula for determining the number of rounds, if odd teams are participating in cyclic method is : (a) Equal to no. of teams (b) No. of teams—1 (c) No. of teams +1 (@) @ ate (um Ate) emt cafe Ft AT ATT TA Bl (a) Tae (b) whet (©) ames a aftreaa srr (d) WIT Rockport (one mile) test measures of a person (a) Flexibility (b) Strength (c) VO2 max (d) Co-ordination faa & aie afatafa ) wR (©) TRA @ war Increases angle between two bones is known as : (a) Flexion (b) Extension (c) Adduction (a) Abduction fee a ta ata... BR FAT TT - @ Faw fern (>) feet we sia (©) writ w mt @ ater Sit and Reach test was designed by (a) Wells and Dillon (b) Rikli and Jones (©) Rockport and Henry (d@) Brouha write aren at ang & - @) 1-3 a8 (b) 4-10 af (©) 1-12 a8 @ 3-8 a The age for early childhood is : (a) 1-3 years (b) 4-10 years (c) © 1-12 years (a) 3-8 years ITT aaa a are yer eye : @) Sea at aera a (>) am eA at stferite ae aa (©) ae dat ore ae a @) TR aaa 8 ‘XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 24. Function of Accreditation committee is related to: (a) Food arrangement (b) To give official recognition (c) Arrangement related to transport (d) Publicity frat Pret fina a feat A aera BRT HRT aT wae - (a) wat a (b) wet ar (c) Ser Baeit fafa er (star aie ot ei The persistent poor posture in any activity or situation may cause: (a) Scurvey (b) Night blindness (c) Postural deformity (d) _ None of the above arant wa sea ara oenfta_ wet _(Appliocation & HOTS) em i 24 wet, ga Ws B feet 20 wed at eet aif aaa SAT fax me 20 Wed art et yeast fret aM Section-A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section. The first 20 attempted questions will be evaluated. 25. a an ta wet ef ar 8 a3 we tl oR S oe oa TH TR wen WeqE fren, gaa Was - (@) fer at wea (b). aft at sea () faeraa et Sea @ at sea Two car racer are sitting in a moving car. The jerk experienced by them when the car stops is related to : (a) Inertia of rest (b) Inertia of motion (c) _ Inertia of displacement (d) __ Inertia of distance 9 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 26. 1 she 2 a frera art ge feu me she AA A aR a wife wi-1 @ Aah. fey Gi) waeiat state Gil) afefa state Gv) Wat thang ap ale - @ (a) (b) ©) (d) Match list-1 with lis 2 3 1 4 below: @ Gi) (iv) Saikhom Mirabai Chanu List-1 P.V. Sindhu Gi) i vn s (iii) (iv) 4 2 3 1 3 1 4 3 Lovlina Borgohain (iii) Aditi Ashok Code: (i) (a) 2 (b) 3 @ 1 (4 Gi) 1 4 2 ii) (iv) 4 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 ail-2 GQ) ter (2) aif (3) antter (4) Sefer ist-2 and select the correct answer from the code given List-2 (Golf (2) Boxing (3) Weight lifting (4) Badminton XIL-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 27. ei ak aei-2 an froma wed ge fea me ale A a ae oR ier (i) Gi) (iii) (iv) (a) (b) © qd) a1 RS a Bs. Af (i) Git) (iv) 2 3 4 4 1 3 3 4 2 4 3 1 il a Q) @) 4 aat-2 are He ay Us ah ada an fae we ta wary ar es ahem ary, Area ar Teta XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer from the code below: List-1 (ii) (2) ¢ (iii) @) (iv) (4) Code: G@) Gi) ii) (iv) eal 2h o ed ®e2 4217 3 @ 1 3 4 2 @ 2 4 3°41 an fae a ta adam way 3 - (a) Wa (b) (Cc) ere (d) Chair sit and reach test is related to: (a) Flexibility (b) (c) Endurance (d) 12 List-2 Eight foot up and go test Chair sit and reach test Chair stand test Arm curl test Ae: dae afconfem faentat & fore yea wen 27S waa ut Only for visually impaired students, in lieu of QN.27. ay Fait ti at ufaa Strength of hands Strength of legs XU-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 28. wei sit qt-o ar frome we ee REE ais A A a oe aT arte : aal-2 aa-1 of 7] 7 () Raa fra fafir deo hs ji) FE (2) arefrcrn firaerar faftr (at at taaaae wen wa) a) BRR G) arfere frac fates, (at at em fasr a) (iv) EES Ba 4) ater arse fran fat ais - @ @) Gi) Gv) @ 4 1 2: 3 () 4 1 3 2 @ 1 4 °2 3 @ 1 4 3 2 Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer from the code below: List-1 List-2 @ fs ] (1) Staircase Method jist saJ4 Gi) (2) Cyclic Fixture Method (Team 4 24 number even) ai RE (3) Cyclic Fixture Method (T oe number Odd) oad (vy I] [3] (4) Knock-out fixture ‘XI-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M ‘ 13, Code : @® i) ii) (iv) @ 4 1 2 3 O) 22 8° © 1 4 2 3 (@) er nan nna 3 re We: act qfearfer frantic & fore wer dem 28 S waa ae Only for visually impaired students, in lieu of Q.N.28. 29. Wifein wax aT Mat @ - @) () Rae fafr The term seeding is related to: (a) Rank (c) Staircase method (b) @) b) @) afar fat ortad ag of et Cyclic method None of above We otk aet2 ar fra ara ee feu me ae a aet see fa aa-1 2 i) \ ti \ (iii) "fh “4 qd) @) G3) @) aat-2 wit nm we ge ue WS sae fees a ae SRA Fer Bet eT XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M @ (a) 1 (b) 4 (©) 1 @ 4 @) Gi) 4 3 3 1 (iii) (iv) 3 2 2 1 4 2 ea 4 Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer from the code below: List-1 List-2 % (1) Walking on toes 7 (2) Walking on inner edge of the feet Gi) (iii) a) Code : (a) (b) ©) qd) ee Gi) 4 3 3 1 M\ fr (4) _ Practicing Trikonasana (3) Practicing Bhujangasana (ii) (iv) 3. 2 21 4 2 2 4 15 ‘XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M te: Sant sfeanrfis frenfiat & fora wea Wem 29 S eA Only for visually impaired students, in lieu of Q.N.29. 30. pment ot day f - (a) eaiferatfere ® wk (©) yaWeR at @® wea Bhujangasana related to: (a) Scoliosis (b) Flat foot (c) , Bow legs (@) __ Kyphosis ara fea me wea 8, at wert at afireem (A) ok ar (R) A wT fates fen war @1 at oat al ae Ru me ale H VER GATTI afmer (A) - aeleges Ua aa dal S cerahee a-ar, TESA a Sree IO (R)— faa B7 w FAT AH aah Ht 21 ale - (a) (A) ait (R) Sei Bet @ eT BR), (A) FT BE Sie 21 (b) (A) att (R) St aa @ Serr (R), (A) HT BAL CART ae Bi © Awe RQ 7H t (d) (A) Tet @ WEY (R) Et I Choose the correct answer from the code given below from the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) given: Assertion (A) — Both carbohydrates and fat are have having same chemical elements — carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Reason (R) — Vitamin B7 is known as Thiamin. 16 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M ( 31. 32. Code: (a) both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (b) both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (©) (A)is true but (R) is false (@) _— (A)is false but (R) is true aafiner (A) - ygal ar can “Sq Serr” AH A ot STAT ST 21 RU (R) - BEA ar cae ale aa a HUE Halt feria 21 Wet fraca a aaa alfare - (a) (A) ait (R) SHY wet 3 ae (R), (A) BE BRITT 21 () (A) site (R) Sei Te ifr R), (A) HT BET PHT FE I © (Ae TT RTH eI @) (Ate 2 Ry Re Choose the correct answer from the code given below from the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) given: Assertion (A) — “Genu Valgum” is also known as knock-knees. Reason (R) — Knock knee is lumbar region postural deformity. Choose the correct option: (a) both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (b) _ both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (c) (A) is true but (R) is false (d) (A) is false but (R) is true ais & deel Fare wert Tat vet 2? (@) ase rag Bae eat t her vated A am Het e (©) ase TaNSA A aerre eet ed) aisrT vee send & 17 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 4 33. 34, 35. Which of the following statements is not true with reference to planning? (a) Planning helps in co-ordination (b) Planning minimise mistakes (c) Planning helps in recreation (d)_ Planning improve performance 32 det F aim suse frager 8 ada at den ehh - @ 0 (b) 2 (©) 32 (d) 16 If 32 teams are participating in a knock-out tournament, number of byes will be: @ 0 (b) 2 () 32 (d) 16 Waa at act a stra Wr eta 2? (a) wait (bo) -adt (©) =alfeeiker @ wr Protein deficiency disease is: (a) Night blindness (b) Beri-beri (c) Kwashiorkor (4) Goitre faatia-# a ard @ - (Qa) wee & Haat st aT (b) TS oa TH A ae (©) RR BT TA FA TER A ay (dd) a3m at frafra wet Function of Vitamin-K is : (a) _ Repairing of body tissues (b) Helping in blood clotting (c) Maintain body temperature (d)_— Control body weight 18, XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 36. 37. 38. fret wk at ofa ar aan aren 2, at ge A fear ara F eft @ 7a (&) Fremr, (©) The @) =O What causes the motion of a body which was initially in the state of rest: (a) force (b) displacement (c) speed (d) acceleration CiqERA’ a sere fren om ze - @) Bag amt & faa (ot) Feat S car & few (co) Fas ett F fare (d) Salferifere & fora ‘Gomukhasana’ is practiced for : (a) Lordosis (b) Knock knees (c) Bow legs (d) Scoliosis wa wean a agai & feu da at Sad ae ath a @ @) 16% ; (o) 20 #4 (©) 1034 (d) 30 34 What will be Bench height for boys for this test: a a 2 (a) 16 inch (b) 20 inch (c) 10 inch (d) 30 inch 19 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M we: dant qheentia frenkiat & fore wea We 38 FH wt WT Only for visually impaired students, in lieu of Q.N.38. ads ey dee 8 opin a aren sea ze - @ a (b) fregt ar aESt © @ sa Equipment used for Harvard step test is: (a) Bench (b) Sand pit (©) Track (d) Dumbell 39. Fa adam 8 wafr gfe wea a saat at on are aac 3 - IS @) weneen 4 aaa (ob) afess amftai FY caer (©) fexivaen 4 waa @ was (ait oy & fear) Name the fitness component and stage related to this test: IS (a) Flexibility in childhood (b) Flexibility in senior citizens (c) Flexibility in adolescence (d) Flexibility (for all ages) We: ahact aftcanfira feenfehet & fore wes wen 39S waa ue Only for visually impaired students, in lieu of QN.39. ferct ve sia a1 wie frm — (a) wea ada (b) a Feat weer (wae vee @ Wear wen 20 XUL-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 40. 41. 42. Choose the test of Rikli and Jones: (a) Rockport test (b) Armcurl test (©) Harvard test (d) _ Push-up test RS iat a, WE ST ae Lar wt a sit Heer T - @ FR | (b+) 3SRA () RAR @ wre Body parts moving towards the body line is known as: (a) Abduction (b) Adduction (©) Flexion (d)_ Extension rerae fran fay a 7 dal & freee Wo ad et Wem - (a) 1 (b) 2 (©) 3 (d) 0 In staircase method, if number of teams are 7, then number of byes will be: (@ 1 (b) 2 © 3 @ 0 see & wet FY sae Her Bra (a) aeTeR a unite a aftr parse st 31 (bo) emer @ We a aa aH thet 21 (c) SeqeR we ae waft wt MR sits @ oP ze Ara ) sean 4 ram A wa ef att 21 Choose the false statement in respect of dieting: (a) Dieting cause physical and mental tiredness (b) Dieting cause loss of body weight (c) Dieting followers does not require food and water (d) Dieting reduces interest in exercise 21 XII-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M 43. RAS nfs SF get fem ar ators eq ed - (@) RU = em x aT (\) 4a = 3m x aT (©) Fa = cer x aT @ oft = gat FS ara a ar St Mathematical form of Newton’s second low of motion is : (@) acceleration = mass x volume (b) force = mass * acceleration (c) force = mass x momentum (4) __ speed=distance divided by time 44. aT UH feea 3 - (a) Wen aia aan ar (ob) gea afts aan aT (©) faa a (d) araterggen aI - Iron is a part of (a) Micro minerals (b) Macro minerals (©) Vitamins (d) Carbohydrates 45. 3 8 far at gfe - 3 4 @ 4 (b) 1 () 3 (@ 2 Identify the odd one : | oo! = g SES | THT | Ss \ =) NI 1 2 3 4 22 XU-PHYSICAL EDUCATION-M | ited = a

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