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Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm Abstract

Project Description:

Round-robin is one of the simplest scheduling algorithm for processes in

an operating system, which assigns time slice to each process in equal portions
and in circular order, handling all processes without priority (also known as cyclic
executive). Round-robin scheduling is both simple and easy to implement,
and starvation -free. Round-robin scheduling can also be applied to other
scheduling problems, such as data packet scheduling in computer networks.

Existing system:

Round-robin job scheduling may not be desirable if the sizes of the jobs or tasks
are highly variable. A process that produces large jobs would be favored over
other processes. This problem may be solved by time-sharing, i.e. by giving each
job a time slot or “Time Quantum” (its allowance of CPU time), and interrupt the
job if it is not completed by then. The job is resumed next time a time slot is
assigned to that process.

Disadvantages of existing system:

The time quantum or time slot value which is taken in scheduling algorithm is
purely a random value, so the output which the algorithm will generate may be a
optimal or a flawed value.

Proposed System:

In order to over come the problems of existing system here, we will analyze the
burst time (time taken to compete one operation one task) of all the processes
and then calculate the average waiting time(awt) and turn around time(tat) for all
values of time quantum(1…n) where n is the least burst time value,and then we
select the time quantum value of that ,whose tat and awt are low. Thus that time
quantum value will be the optimal solution for round robin proposed system.

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