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1. What are some characteristics of a healthy relationship?

Some characteristic I believe are a healthy relationship is loyal, trust ,

faithful ,communication and understanding .
2. If a relationship is stressful what advice would you give to
yourself or others?Communicate and express your feelings to
your partner. If its difficult to express your emotion at the moment
write them down and express them.
3. Please list from your Chapter reading a few examples of both
positive and negative relationships.Un healthy relationship
● One or both of you feel pressure to change to meet the other person's
standard and is afraid to disagree or voice ideas
● one of you makes all the decisions and controls everything without listening
to the other's input

Healthy relationship
● You respect each other's individuality embrace your differences, and allow
each other to "be yourselves"
● You discuss things with each other , allow for differences of opinion, and
compromise equally.

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