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Name: Alyanna L.

Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Topic: Conformity and Deviance
a. Social Control (gossip, social ostracism, laws and punishments)
b. Forms of deviance (ritualism, retreatism, rebellion, and innovation)
Instructor: Mr. Mark Christian Roble Almazan
Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or
behavior in order to fit in with a group[ CITATION Sau16 \l 13321 ].
Two types of conformity
 Normative conformity 
Normative conformity is conformity that occurs because of the desire to be liked
and accepted. 

 Informational conformity
Informational conformity is conformity that occurs because of the desire to be
Social Control
 Sociologist define social control as the way that the norms, rules, laws, and
structures of society regulate human behavior[ CITATION Ash19 \l 13321 ].

 Gossip
Gossip is an informal method of social control, particularly in small scale
societies. Gossip may be seen as a negative or positive form of social control [
CITATION Bar18 \l 13321 ]

 Social Ostracism
Ostracism, the act of ignoring and excluding, is the universal tactic of social
control[ CITATION Car08 \l 13321 ]

 Laws
Social Control entail rules of behavior that should be followed by the members
of society[ CITATION Den06 \l 13321 ]

 Punishment
Some formal sanctions include fines and incarceration in order to deter
negative behavior.
 Sociologist define deviance as a behavior that violates rules and
norms[ CITATION Con16 \l 13321 ]
Forms of Deviance
 Ritualism here the person gives up on goals of society, accepting that he/she
will never obtain them, but continues on with the means [ CITATION Bra08 \l
13321 ]

 Retreatism is the rejection of both cultural goals and means [ CITATION Bra08 \l
13321 ]

 Rebellion is when a person rejects culturally and society-defined goals and
means and actively replaces them with culturally unacceptable ones [CITATION
Kar \l 13321 ]

 Innovation is when one accepts the cultural goals, but they reject the
traditional or legal means to obtain them[CITATION Kar \l 13321 ].


Carter-Sowell, A. R., Chen, Z., & Williams, K. D. (2008, August). Ostracism increases social
susceptibility. Retrieved from Taylor & Francis Group:

Contreras, A. P., Dela Cruz, A. D., Erasga, D. S., & Fadrigon, C. C. (2016). Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics. 927 Quezon Ave., Quezon City: PHOENIX PUBLISHING HOUSE INC.

Crossman, A. (2019, October 13). Definition of Social Control. Retrieved from ThoughtCo:

Gonzales, K. (n.d.). Rebellion in Sociology: Definition & Examples. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2016, January 14). What is Conformity? Retrieved from Simply Psychology:

Michael, B. J. (2018, November 11). What is the social value of Gossip? Retrieved from

O'Neil, D. (2006, July 10). Social Control: Law. Retrieved from

Wright, B. (2008, October 14). Merton's Strain Theory, Crime, And My Pants. Retrieved from
Everyday Sociology:

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