1/ Discuss How Countries Can Benefit From Their Physical/ Human Geography?

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The chart illustrates China’s GDP growth rate, unemployment rate and poverty level.

China had high GDP growth rate and the unemployment rate in urban over a ten-year period
decreased and were forecast keeping drop in the near future.
In detail, according to the first graph, China’s GDP growth rate were at the second place of
the world which was just less than the US and the gaps among China and other countries were
quite high, more than three times. Besides, the second chart shows that the unemployment rate
droped from 4.2% to 3.62% within 11 years. Although the rate increased in 2020 due to
Covid-19 pandemic but it was forcased to be back at 3.64% after only a year and continue
decreased until 2025 to 3.51% which is the lowest point.
In my opinion, China is a powerful country in economic and they are doing well in
controlling the market as well as showing the world their strength and wealth. Nowaday, the
majority of countries around the world are facing Covid-19 pandemic which makes the GDP
drops and unemployment rate goes up rapidly but China still controls the situation when they
forecast the unemployment rate will go back to normal just after one year and even continue
decreasing in the following years.

1/ Discuss how countries can benefit from their physical/ human geography?
Physical geography can bring many benefits for countries. Physical geography includes:
Location, Climate Modeling, Natural Resources. Because each country is different in each
factor, it will bring its own specific benefits and conveniences. Vietnam will be a specific
example to see this more clearly.
Vietnam is geographically located on the eastern edge of the Indochinese peninsula, to the
north by China, to the west by Laos and Cambodia, to the east by the East Sea and to the
Pacific Ocean. This is the location of the exchange center of the cultures of the region and the
world. Moreover, Vietnam is located on the international trade route from East to West and
vice versa, so it should be considered as an international crossroads. With the above
geographical position, Vietnam has been creating great opportunities for cooperation and
absorbing valuable experiences in socio-economic development. With a coastline of 3260km,
it has created favorable conditions for Vietnam's maritime transportation industry to develop,
promoting economic and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and other countries in the
region and the world.
Secondly, Due to the geographical feature that is close to the sea, Vietnam has a lot of rich
natural resources. The continental shelf of Vietnam has many sedimentary basins containing
oil and gas and there are many prospects for exploiting this mineral source. Therefore, our oil
and gas industry has become one of the spearhead economic sectors, and also one of the
export industries and earns the most foreign currency for the country. In addition to oil,
Vietnam's sea also has many placer and glass sand mines with reserves of industrial
exploitation and construction materials... the potential for gas-power-fertilizers and marine
energy is also great such as wind energy. , solar, tidal, wave and even hydrothermal.
Finally, the general feature of the climate in Vietnam is tropical monsoon climate. This type
of climate creates a favorable living environment for organisms to grow, and trees to flower
and bear fruit all year round. That is the natural basis for Vietnam's tropical agriculture to rise
strongly in the direction of large production, specialized cultivation and polyculture. There are
specific examples such as products from industrial plants: coffee, cashew, rubber, pepper,
etc., or even tropical fruit trees such as durian, rambutan, mangosteen, jackfruit, mango, etc.,
In conclusion, physical geography plays an extremely important role and creates a lot of
benefits for different countries. It is also indispensable that countries need to know how to
take advantage of those advantages and advantages wisely in order to maximize the benefits
that can be received. (424 words)

2/ Differences between Vietnamese culture and a foreign culture of your own choice.
Every country has a different culture. It can be obviously known as the differences of
lifestyle, encompassing language, religion, social habit or celebration. Besides, there are some
different between two culture that the American and Vietnamese cultures are totally different
without any explanations such as the way of acting, greeting.
First of all, American and Vietnamese have a big difference about greeting. When the
Americans meet strangers with affection, they can greet anybody they see first. The
Vietnamese, on the other hand, greet the head of a family or an older person first, followed by
the younger members of the family. In Vietnamese culture, greetings are taught in a very rigid
manner. The man and the elder are seen as superior. Respect for others, particularly the
elderly, is extremely important. The Vietnamese do not meet each other with a friendly
greeting, but the Americans do so with cheek kisses or hugs. Vietnamese people think it's
absurd, that it should only be done in a private setting. It will never happen between two
women, and kissing in front of children, even if it is a cheek kiss, is unacceptable. Otherwise,
it may be considered normal when two Vietnamese girls touch or hold hands in public while
an American finds it strange.
Another difference is about the lifestyle. The American lifestyle is more open than the
Vietnamese lifestyle. People in the United States want to leave their parents' homes when they
reach the age of eighteen. They want to be able to make their own decisions and have more
personal rights or freedom. It could be caused by the American society; the country's
independence and freedom. When compared to Vietnamese young people, the American
characteristic can be described as an early independent personality. Everyone in Vietnam
wishes to live with their parents until they marry. Even after they marry, the couples want to
live with the husband's family. The Vietnamese way of life is more closed than the American
way of life. When they reach the age of eighteen, people in the United States want to leave
their parents' homes. They want more personal rights and freedom, as well as the ability to
make their own decisions. It could be attributed to American society, specifically the
country's independence and freedom. When compared to Vietnamese youth, the American
trait can be described as an early independent personality. In Vietnam, everyone wishes to
live with their parents until they marry. The couples want to live with the husband's family
even after they marry.
Every country has a distinct culture. There are still many differences between countries, and it
is beneficial to learn more about other cultures and lifestyles. It's interesting to learn
something new so that we can understand and avoid bad situations caused by differences in
cultures. (464 words)

3/ Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Nationalism in contemporary era.

Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the
state. As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation,
especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.
Nationalism has its advantages and disadvantages in the contemporary era.
Nationalism contributes to the promotion of culture and literature. It has provided a
significant stimulus to art and literature by assisting in the development of group languages,
traditions, history, and culture, among other things. Literature is the only image of a culture,
which is the history of the development of nationalism. It teaches people to love their
emotions as well as the triumphs and tragedies of their heroes and heroines. In addition,
nationalism supports the ideas of democracy. Today is the age of democracy in that
sovereignty, liberty, self-government, equality, justice and peace are the main symbols of
democracy. One nation having common interest and common aim try to develop these ideas
of’ democracy among its people through its political institutions, powers and functions of
governmental organs. Opinion and well of the people in both the economical and political
field is also superseded due to national sense of deliberation. In this regard we have the
example of the USA, Germany, India and Pakistan that have respective nature of ideals of
democracy owing national interest and national feelings.
Although nationalism has certain merits and considered as blessing, yet it has certain demerits
that make it as curse. First of all, nationalism is a danger to world peace and civilization. The
small national sovereign states are a source of rivalry and war between strong and powerful
nations. In this context we have the examples of Kashmir, Bosnia etc that stop the way of
peaceful process in the world. In addition, nationalsim makes negligence of Human Rights.
Human rights are ignored all over the world, where in Israel on the name of nationalism
thousands of people were killed. Similarly, in the former South Africa before Nelson Mandela
came to power a lot of people sacrificed their lives against the racial nationalism.
To sum up, we may say that nationalism is neither good nor bad. It is all our thoughts to
recommend it or condemns it. It can be used in a good way and in a bad way also.
(390 words)

4/ What is meant by the phrase “American Dream”? How does it impact to the
migration trend of Vietnamese people?
I can be sure that none of us are unfamiliar with the phrase "American Dream" and in this
essay, Iam going to dicuss about this topic.
At first, I would like to define the phrase “American Dream”. The American Dream is a
national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity,
and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as
an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a
society with few barriers. The term "American Dream" can be considered that "life should be
better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or
achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.
It can be said that in the current era of world integration, the American Dream has a great
influence on the migration trend of Vietnamese people. If surveying a certain number of
Vietnamese people about the country you want to live in, the US will certainly account for a
large part. The specific reason for this issue is that in the mind set of Vietnamese people, the
American dream has built an extremely ideal America to live and work, an ideal life that you
can get richer and richer easily, ignoring the dark side of immigrating to this country.
Moreover, the American Dream is also "in the United States, you can live with your passion
and are given the conditions to live your passion"; and in the US, even when you do nothing,
you will also receive subsidies from the government, which Vietnam does not have; not to
mention that the living conditions in the US are extremely good, modern, and dynamic. All
those things are extremely attractive to Vietnamese people, extremely today's young
generations when in Vietnam, there are still too many prejudices and constraints. (311 words)

5/ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Direct Democracy.

Each country has its own unique approach to governing its people, and political systems can
create broad categories on which people classify their types based on the similarities that bind
countries together. Direct democracy, which places power directly in the hands of the people,
is one of the more evolved forms of democracy. A political system based on unmediated and
direct participation of the people, it seeks to achieve a specific government goal.
The advantages of direct democracy are clearly visible. First of all, people are typically
happier when they live in a direct democracy. Because the administration is concerned with
the satisfaction of the society, when the direct democracy composition is used, there is usually
greater happiness with life and the structures of government. Secondly, direct democracy
promotes transparency. The progress and improvement of society can lie in the hands of its
people. It provides people with the opportunity to obtain necessary information in order to
clearly and widely understand issues within the government and its laws, thereby increasing
transparency and allowing citizens to discuss political issues in an informed manner.
On the other hand, direct democracy also has certain disadvantages. First of all, the cost of a
direct democracy must be taken into consideration. If a country as large as the U.S. were to
implement this system, the cost of lost productivity would be enormous. During the average
election day, over $500 million is lost to accommodate voting rights. When you add the cost
of ballots, counting, and distribution of information, each referendum could cost $2 billion or
more. The second drawback that can be easily seen is that direct democracies don’t have a
way to make fast decisions. Direct democracy requires individual participation for everything.
That means every decision must go to the people for a vote. That includes sending money to
people in need or authorizing military use. By the time a final tally becomes possible, it could
be too late to do anything about what is going on.
Like any other form of government, direct democracy can certainly bring about changes in a
certain country one way or another. To make sure all consequences direct democracy would
bring can be prevented, it is important for the people to be aware of its advantages and
advantages. (380 words)

6/ What are the differences between the party spectrums: Left wing and Right wing?
The main distinctions between left-wing and right-wing philosophies are upon
individual rights vs. government power.
Left-wing attitudes are liberal in that they believe the government should play a larger role in
society. Right-wingers believe that the best outcome for society is obtained when individual
rights and civil liberties are prioritized and the government's role — and especially its
authority — is reduced. The two camps embrace diametrically opposed views on law and
order, foreign policy, social welfare, economic equality, racial equality, women's rights,
sexual freedom, patriotism, social customs, religion, family values, and business, labor, and
private enterprise orientations.
For instance, Government programs such as social security and Medicare, Medicaid, universal
healthcare, food stamps, free public education, unemployment assistance, strong
environmental legislation, and other industry restrictions are examples of expanding
government roles. Right-wing ideology favors market-based solutions to the problems that
these government programs are attempting to address. For example, fostering a more open
healthcare market that is driven by consumer choice in order to reduce costs. Alternatively,
instead of government-guaranteed Social Security, private retirement savings could be used.
In the orther hands, the left-wing ideology will fully believe and support the decisions and
solutions the government makes and owns. When the ideas of the far left and far right are
compared to the normal left–right ideological dimension, they can be classified as being on
different sides of the political spectrum. However, when the two groups are compared in
terms of political and psychological styles, how they handle political opponents, and the
techniques they are willing to use to attain their goals, they exhibit many similarities that can
rightfully be labeled authoritarian.
In conclusion, right wing politics refers to a conservative or reactionary political party, while
left wing politics refers to a liberal or progressive political party. The major distinction
between left and right wing politics is that the former emphasizes equality, freedom, rights,
progress, and reform, whereas the latter emphasizes duty, hierarchy, authority, order,
tradition, and nationalism. (311 words)

7/ What are distinguish features of the US/UK electoral system?

Us and Uk electoral system have many features that are diffent from each other and I would
like to discuss about four main differences.
At first, people in the United States vote individually for their president and state legislators,
however in the United Kingdom, the vote is combined. People in the United Kingdom and
Northern Ireland vote in general elections to elect their local MP. In most cases, the party with
the most MPs forms the government, and the head of that party becomes Prime Minister. As a
result, a vote in a British general election signifies a vote for a local MP, a party, and a prime
minister to varied degrees.
Secondly, on polling day in the United Kingdom, voters mark their choice with an X, and the
candidate with the most votes at the end of the night's count is elected as the constituency's
MP. The ruling Government (the Executive) is formed by the party with the most elected
MPs, and the head of that party becomes Prime Minister. In the United States, presidents are
elected via the electoral college system, in which each vote for a presidential candidate is cast
by a group of persons known as "electors," each of whom is a member of a political party and
has pledged to vote for that party's candidate. Depending on the size of the state's population,
each state is represented by a different number of electors.
Thirdly, Unlike in the United Kingdom, where elections are held every five years unless the
administration of the day obtains Parliament's agreement to move the date forward. In the
United States, presidential elections are held every four years, House members every two
years, and Senators every six years, with overlapping terms so that only a third of the seats are
up for election each cycle.
Last but not least, one of the key differences between the British and American systems
stems from the use of campaign money: America is huge, and that means it takes a lot of cash
to spread the word. In Britain, there are tight controls on what parties can spend on
campaigning, and private contributions are relatively modest. (360 words)

8/ Discuss at least 2 differences and/or similarities between the school systems in 2

countries of your own preference.
In this essay, I will discuss the differences and similarities between the American and
Vietnamese school systems. Admittedly, the results of American education are too
outstanding and impressive. No wonder why the US is always the number 1 chosen
educational environment for many international students and parents. Objectively, if
compared with Vietnam, our education still must try a lot.
The first thing is about the division of education levels, US and Vietnam are quite like each
other. In the US, before going to university, you have to study for 12 years from Elementary
to High School. Like Vietnam, at about 6 years old, children start primary school. Each class
has about 20-30 students, they are taught mainly how to read, write, and count. The duration
for this level of study is 5 years, after which the next level of education begins. After
completing the Primary school program, they will continue at the secondary level with 2
educational programs: Middle School (3 years) and High School (4 years), which slightly
different in Vietnam (4 years and 3 years respectively).
Secondly, the biggest difference is that in the US, students are very proactive about their study
time as well as being allowed to choose their own teachers, the amount of homework is as
high as a mountain, which is rare for students. Like other advanced educations such as
Germany, France, England... American education focuses on developing the personality and
natural ability of people through organizing many extra-curricular activities. Accordingly,
teachers will monitor and detect the qualities of each student so that they can focus and
develop that quality. Moreover, the school and family will create conditions for students to
pursue their interests and future aspirations. In contrast, in Vietnam, parents or teachers are
cramming and "making ideas" for their children to orientate to study subjects according to
their parents' wishes. Although in recent years our country has promoted the organization of
extra-curricular activities, it is still limited in detecting qualities and orienting according to the
aspirations or interests of students. (338 words)

9/ Compare and contrast private and public school system in Vietnam and other
A public school is a school affiliated with the central or local state. It has investment in
funding as well as facilities such as houses, land ... as well as activities mainly with public
finance or non-profit contributions. What about a private school? A private school, also
known as a private school, is a private school established and operated by a private institution.
Private schools are also known as independent schools that are not administered by a local
government or agency. They therefore retain the right to choose their students.
In VietNam, Technical facilities at private schools are usually more modern and spacious
compared to public schools. Because the investment capital from the leaders of the people-
founded system will have the right to decide in the renovation, repair or upgrade as well as the
construction of additional classrooms. As for public schools that will have to rely heavily on
state capital, the process of applying for funding also needs to go through many very
complicated steps. This is considered the most basic difference between public and private
schools. Often public schools will receive support from the state as well as financial resources
to be able to operate.
However, in contrast to private schools, tuition fees will be from students and other donations,
so the tuition fees at these schools will be higher than that of public schools. In the current
learning process, public schools often set very strict admission standard through the National
High School Graduation Exam. However, for private schools, it is through the form of
examination of academic records as well as high school exam scores to consider recruiting
candidates to the school. In Viet Nam, most employers will prioritize students who have
graduated from top public schools, so it can be seen that Vietnamese people prefer public
schools. In other countries, the public and private school systems are quite similar in Vietnam.
The most obvious difference is that in terms of job opportunities after graduation, foreign
businesses often do not pay attention to which school you go to, but mainly rely on your real
ability. (348 words)

10/ Business etiquette refers to a set of behavior codes that are based on common
sense and cultural norms in a business context. Give examples to illustrate these 2
aspects of B etiquette.
Business etiquette is important because it creates a professional, mutually respectful
atmosphere and improves communication, which helps an office serve as a productive place.
People feel better about their jobs when they feel respected, and that translates into better
customer relationships as well.
Business etiquette is the customs or rules governing behavior regarded as correct or
acceptable in Business life. Business etiquette based on common sense is a set of rules that
applies for everyone from around the world. It governs the way people interact with one
another in business, with customers, suppliers, with inside or outside bodies. It is all about
conveying the right image and behaving in an appropriate way. For instance, DON’T use your
cell phone during business or social events. It implies that you believe the call to be more
important than the event you’re attending or the people you’re with. Exceptionally, if a family
member has a medical emergency or condition that you need to be monitoring (e.g., your
spouse/partner is pregnant and due any moment, or your parent is having major surgery that
day), most people will understand. But let them know why you’re checking your phone. Then,
if you must take or make a call, DO quietly remove yourself and speak in private.
On the other hands, Business etiquette based on cultural norms is its own unique dimension
that includes getting off on the right foot, meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use,
internships and work placements and other elements. A business etiquette based on cultural
norms will encompass as organisation’s values, visions, working style, beliefs and habits. For
example, Unlike in Western countries, bowing is a way to greet someone in the majority of
East Asia, Japan included. There are mainly 3 ways to bow, depending on how much you
respect someone or how apologetic you are. Bowing slightly at 15 degrees is the more casual
or informal way of greeting someone. During meetings, however, people would normally bow
at 30 to 45 degrees and hold it for a couple of seconds. In this same aspect, when the host
shows you to the elevator, don’t be surprised if they bow for a few seconds or until the
elevator comes. When this happens, it’s good to mimic the motion for about the same time to
be polite. (383 words)

11/ Compare and contrast Management styles in 2 cultures of your own choice.
Management styles in different countries can be extremely diverse. To clarify this statement, I
will compare managment styles of America and Japan.
American management style can be described as individualistic in approach in so far as
managers are accountable for the decisions made within their areas of responsibility.
Although important decisions might be discussed in open forum the ultimate responsibility for
the consequences of the decision lies with the boss – support or seeming consensus will
evaporate when things go wrong. The up side of this accountability is, of course, the
American dream that outstanding success will inevitably bring outstanding rewards.
Therefore, American managers are more likely to disregard the opinions of subordinates than
managers in other, more consensus or compromise- oriented cultures. This can obviously lead
to frustrations, which can sometimes seem to boil over in meeting situations.
Meanwhile, the key task for a Japanese manager is to provide the environment in which the
group can flourish. In order to achieve this he must be accessible at all times and willing to
share knowledge within the group. In return for this open approach, he expects team members
to keep him fully informed of developments. This reciprocity of relationship forms the basis
of good management and teamwork. Japanese management emphasises the need for
information to flow from the bottom of the company to the top. This results in senior
management having a largely supervisory rather than hands-on approach. As a result, it has
been noted that policy is often originated at the middle-levels of a company before being
passed upwards for ratification. The strength of this approach is obviously that those tasked
with the implementation of decisions have been actively involved in the shaping of policy.
The higher a Japanese manager rises within an organisation, the more important it is that he
appears unassuming and lacking ambition. Individual personality and forcefulness are not
seen as the prerequisites for effective leadership. (319 words)

12/ Compare and contrast Business communication styles in 2 cultures of your own
Effective communication in the workplace is essential — not only does it play a role in
achieving your daily goals but it has a significant impact on your career. You and your
colleague’s business communication styles play an important part in successful collaboration.
Understanding how you communicate and the communication styles of those around you is a
game-changer. Communication is so much more than the words we speak. It includes our
body language, non-verbal cues and the behavior that follows our words. However, business
communication in each country has its own unique points and I would like to compare Japan
and France.
In Japan, Physical contact like hugging, kissing on the cheek, or even touching elbows is also
a definite no-no. While your friendship or acquaintance may seem close, those kinds of
touching can be seen as far more intimate acts than you may intend. While Japanese
coworkers or potential business partners may shake your hand, they are likely doing that to
help make you feel comfortable. In contrast, In France, people exchange "la bise", which
consist on giving a first kiss on one cheek and after that first kiss, another kiss is given at least
once on the opposite cheek and while you are exchanging "la bise", you should not shake the
other person hands.
Secondly, In the West, it’s often polite to find and hold eye contact, and can even be
interpreted as a sign of friendship in business settings. In Japan, however, prolonged eye
contact can be seen as aggressive, and sometimes makes Japanese people very uncomfortable.
This is once again the opposite of the French side; Direct eye contact is understood as a form
of respect. It is considered to be extremely rude not to make and maintain eye contact.
Lastly, using a card case is proper Japanese etiquette, while placing cards into your wallet or
pocket gives the impression of disrespect or that the other person’s card is of no importance to
you. Whereas there is no ritual for exchanging business cards in France. However, when you
are given a business card, examine it thoroughly before putting it away, which shows your
respect to your partner. (360 words)

13/ What are some criteria for ethical decision making of corporations?
Making ethical business decisions consistently is a key to long-term success for any business,
although ethical decision makers may, at times, achieve weaker short-term financial results
than their shadier counterparts. Knowing how to make ethical business decisions can help you
to set the standard throughout your organization, helping your company to garner a strong,
positive reputation in the marketplace while securing a loyal customer base. The three ethical
decision criteris are utiliratrianism, rights and justices.
First, utilitarianism criterion is on their outcomes, which has a goal such as efficiency,
productivity, and high profits. With the increase in efficiency, productivity increase and if the
productivity increases automatically profit increase. In this technique, a decision maker is
supposed to examine the impact of each choice option on all parties and choose the one that
maximizes the number of people satisfied. Because actual computations can be complicated,
it's a good idea to simplify them.
The second ethical decision is rights. A right in decision is to protect and respect the basis
rights like free speech, privacy right, etc. of the coporation. Managers must avoid interfering
with others' basic rights when making ethical judgments. A choice to spy on workers, for
example, is a violation of the right to privacy. Human beings have basic rights and liberties,
which cannot be taken away by an individual's decision, according to the moral rights
perspective. As a result, an ethically sound action is one that best protects the rights of
individuals who are impacted.
The last ethical decision criterion is justice. The decision must be fair and impatial, also the
equal distribution of benefits and costs. Managers are expected to specify the characteristics
that justify differing treatment of personnel. It's tough to answer questions like how minorities
should be compensated for past prejudice. This perspective, on the other hand, justifies
attempts to right past wrongs, play by the rules, and insist on job-relevant disparities as the
foundation for various levels of compensation or advancement prospects as ethical conduct.
(331 words)

14/ Give illustrations to conflicting ethics across culture (for example, universalists

vs particularists)
Every country has its own unique culture. It entails a lot of outstanding issues that specifically
need to be mentioned is the conflict of ethics between cultures. A comparison between
universalism and Particularism will give a better insight into the issue of ethics across
The first difference is in terms of rules and contracts applied to the circumstances. In a
Universal society such as the U.S., rules and contracts are developed which can apply in any
situation. There is a belief that what is good or true can be discovered, defined, and applied to
every situation. Because of their Universalist approach, in a business situation Americans will
want to rely on a contract to communicate the terms of an agreement and to define the
relationship between the parties. China is a particularisticic culture where people look at
relationships and circumstances in a specific situation to decide what is right. For the Chinese,
the legal contract communicates a starting point for an agreement. As circumstances change
so too should the terms of the agreement. For the Chinese, the situation and the particular
individuals involved are what define relationship. The second difference is about relationship
and context. Universalist cultures focus normally more on rules than on relationships. For
instance american employees compete hard for better job positions and to climb up in the
hierarchy and earn more money. They do this without caring for colleagues and the
relationship with them. In comparison, particularistic cultures like China focus heavily on
relationships. When working with/managing particularistic, universalists should build
informal networks and create private understandings as well as they should try to look for
fairness in doing business by treating and looking on cases each as a specific one.
In conclusion, conflicting ethics across culture is always inevitable. Therefore, Cultural self-
awareness is an important factor in determining business and economic success, and should
be encouraging through university education. (315 words)

15/ Explain the role of business ethics to the development of Corporations. Why is it

important to gain an insight into business ethics of countries?
Sustainable economic growth is not just the ultimate goal of commercial enterprises, but it is
also the major goal of local governments, regional economies, and the global economy. Ethics
is one of the pillars of long-term economic growth.
Corporation development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from
customers, markets, and relationships. To develop business it is vital to take care of its
business ethics. Ethics in the business is the most important sector in leading to profits and
being successful in the long run, an organization needs to be driven by strong ethical values,
not only profit. Ethics in business plays an extremely important role and has a great influence
on the development of enterprises with 2 important roles.
Business ethics improves the company's public image. It is impossible to examine business
ethics as an academic discipline without considering the relationship between business ethics
and public image. Each corporation has a distinct public image that represents how the public
perceives the corporation. For example, despite the fact that Wal-Mart manufactures things of
reasonable quality at incredibly low prices, the company has a poor public image. A
company's reputation is one of its most valuable assets, and it is also one of the most difficult
to rebuilt if it is lost. As a result, public image is one of the reasons as to why business ethics
are important to a company’s overall success.
Business ethics can affect socio - economic development. One of the most effective factors
leading to socio-economic problems in society is the businessmen’s breaching the ethical
issues concerning the government. For example, the delays in tax payment and not fulfilling
the responsibilities towards the government bodies by the enterprises. Payment of taxes on
time and in correct form will lead to sound formulation of country budget, prevent tax evasion
and thus provide the socio-economic development of the country. In addition, safety of
employees and health of consumers should be mentioned. The establishment of a safe
workplace is not only ethical but also social responsible of every enterprise. Products on the
market must be ensured the safety of consumers. That would cause the reputation and long-
term survival of the business.
It is important to gain an insight into business ethics of countries because it contributes to the
strength of nations. Countries with a good business ethics system will be able to create an
environment of high productivity, reduce transaction costs, monopolies, and corruption that
can make competition more efficient and competitive. more social benefits. Doing business in
an ethical and responsible manner builds trust and leads to relationships that enhance
productivity and innovation. For example, in a market-based system with great trust such as
Japan, Canada, the United States, China, etc., businesses can succeed and develop thanks to a
high spirit of cooperation and a strong belief.
Setting a system of rational ethical principles in behavior and business is the foundation for
business systems to reach sustainable development in general progress of humanity. Ethics is
particularly important for the development and prosperity of a nation. Corporations are
expected to produce good results across all balance sheets - financial success, ethics, social
justice and sustainability. (528 words)
16/ Why is it important to gain an insight into business  ethics of countries? In your
opinion what are the 2 major ethical dilemmas faced by businesses?
Sustainable economic growth is not just the ultimate goal of commercial enterprises, but it is
also the major goal of local governments, regional economies, and the global economy. Ethics
is one of the pillars of long-term economic growth.
It is important to gain an insight into business ethics of countries because it contributes to the
strength of nations. Countries with a good business ethics system will be able to create an
environment of high productivity, reduce transaction costs, monopolies, and corruption that
can make competition more efficient and competitive. more social benefits. Doing business in
an ethical and responsible manner builds trust and leads to relationships that enhance
productivity and innovation. For example, in a market-based system with great trust such as
Japan, Canada, the United States, China, etc., businesses can succeed and develop thanks to a
high spirit of cooperation and a strong belief.
An ethical dilemma is a problem in the decision-making process between two possible
options, neither of which is absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective. Almost every
aspect of business can become a possible ground for ethical dilemmas. It may include
relationships with co-workers, management, clients, and business partners.
In my opinion, there are two major ethical dilemmas faced by businesses. The first obvious
ethical dilemma in business is discrimination. In an ideal world, we should live in a world
where discrimination is not present. However, this is not often the case in the real world.
People discriminate against people for a wide variety of reasons. Some discriminate on the
basis of gender, while others do on the basis of social standing. However, when people
discriminate in a business setting, it can lead to some problematic practices. For example,
people may or may not be hired for things that have nothingto do with their qualifications for
the job. The second ethical dilemma in business is about breaches in privacy. This is another
common source of complications in business relationships. You shouldn't breach private
information, except information that can potentially cause harm to you and others. It is
unethical for both employee and employer to divulge information without the implied consent
of the other party. However, for many reasons, either party chooses to use such information
without consent.
Ethical dilemma can easily occur in many aspects of every business. Therefore, the enterprise
must take quick remedial measures as well as improve the ethics for each member. The more
businesses have a good business ethics system, the more it will help the country become more
developed in many aspects. (421 words)

17/ Explain the need for ethical behavior in either social or business contexts.
I cannot deny one thing that the need for ethical behavior is always essential regardless of the
context whether it is in society or in business.
Ethical behavior is based on written and unwritten codes of principles and values held in
society. Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person’s behavior. These morals are
shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics reflect beliefs
about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad
in terms of human behavior. Therefore, they serve as a compass to direct how people should
behave toward each other, understand, and fulfill their obligations to society, and live their
In business, ethics, also called corporate ethics, is a form of applied ethics or professional
ethics that examines the ethical and moral principles and problems that arise in a business
environment. It can also be defined as the written and unwritten codes of principles and
values, determined by an organization’s culture, that govern decisions and actions within that
organization. It applies to all aspects of business conduct on behalf of both individuals and the
entire company. In the most basic terms, a definition for business ethics boils down to
knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to do what is right.
Ethics are a central concern for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike. Behaving in a
way that adds value without inappropriate conduct or negative consequences for any other
group or individual, organizational leaders must be completely aware of the consequences of
certain decisions and organizational trajectories and ensure alignment with societal interests.
There are many examples of ethical mistakes in which organizational decision makers
pursued interests that benefited them at the cost of society. The 2008 economic collapse saw a
great deal of poor decision-making on behalf of the banks. The Enron scandal is another
example of individuals choosing personal rewards at the cost of society at large. These types
of situations are extremes, but they highlight just how serious the consequences can be when
ethics are ignored. (350 words)

18. What are some current intense conflicts (at least 2) between countries?
Talking about current intense conflicts, I cannot ignore two extremely hot conflicts recently,
one is between the US & Iran and the another is between Russia and Turkey. I would like to
discuss about the conflict between the US and Iran first.
In January 2020, the U.S. killing of Iranian commander Qassem Suleimani brought U.S.-Iran
tensions close to a boiling point. In the end, Iran’s response was relatively limited, and neither
side chose to escalate, though the temperature remained perilously high. The new U.S.
administration could calm one of the world’s most dangerous standoffs, notably by returning
to the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The Trump administration's Iran policy pulled the US out of the JCPOA so throughout
Trump’s presidency, Iran’s nuclear program grew, increasingly unconstrained by the JCPOA.
The regional picture grew more, not less, fraught, with incidents – from Suleimani’s killing
on Iraqi soil to attacks on Saudi energy industry targets widely attributed to Tehran –
triggering multiple brushes with open war. After Trump, Biden has signalled that he will shift
course, agree to rejoin the JCPOA if Iran resumes compliance, and then seek to negotiate a
follow-on deal tackling ballistic missiles and regional policy. But if they return to the JCPOA,
the larger challenge will be to address the regional tensions and polarisation that, left to fester,
will continue to jeopardise the deal, and could trigger conflict.
About the conflict between Russia and Turkey, these two coutries are not at war, often in
cahoots, yet frequently backing opposing sides. They often see one another as partners,
compartmentalise discord on one issue from discussions on others. Yet as Turkey’s 2015
downing of a Russian jet near the Turkey-Syria border and the 2020 killings of dozens of
Turkish soldiers in airstrikes by Russian-backed Syrian forces show, the risk of unexpected
confrontations is high. Any falling-out could exacerbate the conflicts in which they are both
entangled. (322 words)

19/ What are some reasons for conflicts between nations in modern world?
In today's modern world, there are still many conflicts between nations. In addition to efforts
to maintain peace and expand cooperation for development, humanity is still witnessing many
large and small international conflicts in the region and in the world. Therefore, understanding
and analyzing the causes of international conflicts is an extremely urgent issue. International
conflicts are rich and diverse in nature, stemming from many causes, but focusing mainly on
two causes.
The first and most obvious cause is political. Territorial disputes among nations are also
political causes of international conflicts. Border and territory issues are often associated with
a long and complicated historical process in relations between countries and ethnic
communities. For example, a major territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, which
erupted shortly after India was partitioned in 1947 – Pakistan split off, becoming an
independent nation. At the heart of disagreements in India-Pakistan relations is the disputed
act in the Kashmir border region left by history. In addition, differences in ideology, political
institutions create riots and political coups, specifically that have been and are taking place in
Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, are now typical witnesses for these political
conflicts. conflicts have political causes.
Ethnicity and religion are also one of the reasons for conflicts between nations. Religious
conflicts are also very complex and difficult to resolve, because they involve the ethical and
value standards of ethnic communities, have a long history, and often involve many countries
and different regions of the world. For example, Jews and Arabs in the Middle East are all
related to the Holy Land of Jerusalem and that has become the historical cause of conflicts
and wars between two nations for many decades. Conflicts and wars between Iran and Iraq
are not excluded from ethnic conflicts and religious power struggles, when the two ethnic
groups share the same belief, Islam, but belong to two different lineages, namely the Xun-ni
and Si-ai.
In conlusion, international relations always move and take place more strongly under the
impact of globalization. Although peace, cooperation and development are still major trends,
conflicts with different causes will still be fierce, with many potential uncertainties.
Understanding international conflicts allows us to better perceive international relations so
that we can prevent and promptly resolve conflict situations and risks, and proactively and
actively promote international and economic cooperation. (389 words)

20/ Discuss major current issues (at least 2) facing by countries.

The world is making great strides and has accomplished many things that will aid in the
development of humanity. Along with development in many areas, each country must also
deal with the problems that the development itself brings.
The first and most urgent problem today is climate change occurring in many countries.
Climate change, which is manifested mainly by global warming and sea level rise, has created
the current extreme weather phenomena. It is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in
the 21st century because climate change is directly affecting ecosystems, environmental
resources and human life. According to research by scientists, the subjective cause is due to
the impact of humans on the natural environment which is the cause of climate change.
Accordingly, the increase in CO2 due to industrial production, deforestation, water use as
well as other harmful gases is the cause of the above situation. In addition, objective factors,
including changes in the intrinsic nature of nature, including changes in solar activity, the
earth's orbit, the movement of continents, etc. also have an impact cause for this situation. The
impacts of climate change can have serious consequences for both developed and developing
countries. The sea level is rising due to the increasing temperature causing the ice to melt on
the earth. It is estimated that if the ice continues to melt, the sea level will rise by at least 6m
by 2100. At this rate, most of Indonesia's islands, and many other coastal cities will
completely disappear. In addition, climate change also causes destruction of ecosystems and
loss of biodiversity. About 50% of plant and animal species will face extinction by 2050 if the
earth's temperature increases by another 1.1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius. Moreover, it also entails
the increase of War, conflict, disease, drought, etc. Therefore, it is clear that all countries
around the world are facing a huge challenge. The urgent action now is to make commitments
as well as solutions to minimize this situation. A typical example is the United Nations
climate change conference COP26 - where countries will join hands to propose urgent
measures for this issue.
The second problem that countries especially developed countries are facing is population
aging. The world population is aging rapidly, people over 60 years old account for 12.3% of
the global population. By 2050, this number is projected to increase to 22%. Although the
increase in life expectancy attests to success in the areas of nutrition, sanitation, health care,
education and economics, it also presents an economic and social challenge. It cannot be
denied that the contribution of the elderly to society is invaluable. however, population aging
can reduce labor productivity and economic growth. The rapid increase in the aging
population means a decline in labor force growth, leading to a decrease in capital growth, and
inhibiting the growth of labor productivity, especially the productivity of synthetic factors.
Countries must ensure income for the elderly, increasing poverty and inequality in society.
Moreover, it also puts pressure on the healthcare system for the elderly and the health system.
In addition, there is pressure on public finances with pressures on ensuring health care needs
for the elderly. Therefore, countries need to put population aging as one of the priority issues
in their socio-economic development strategies and know how to take advantage of
opportunities and transform challenges from population aging. In addition, countries need to
ensure income for the elderly and improve the health care system as well as improve the
capacity of medical examination and treatment for the elderly.
Every country today has many inadequacies that need to be solved. Therefore, each citizen as
well as the governments of countries need to join hands and synergize to be able to solve
these global problems. (625 words)

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