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Mindfulness with Reflection

Analyze each case How Mindfulness Am I? Answer the following questions:

1.       Has someone ever asked you a question that you really didn’t want to answer?
How did you respond?

There was a time that someone asks me a question that I don't want to respond.
I found the question a little bit personal but at the same time, I found it disrespectful for
the person who asks if I didn't respond. The only thing that I do is to tell to the person
that "I don't know" even it is a lie. I think it is the safest answer that you may respond to
the person especially if they ask a question that is a little bit personal or confidential.

2.  Have you ever gotten (or give) a “compliment” that really wasn’t a compliment? How
did you feel afterwards?


I remember some of my friends frustrated over their artwork/project that they made.
They tell me that their output is ugly and even share it with me to enable myself to see
and relate to their problem. When I saw it, I knew that there was something needed to
develop over their artwork. But despite the disaster that happens, I always tell them that
their outputs are still ok and beautiful. The reason why I did respond that way is to
enable them to boost their confidence despite what happens. I also trying to be humble
during that time.

3.        Did you ever do something to be helpful that turned out badly? What happened?
What do you wish had happened?


I remember that time when one of my classmates is fighting with one of my friends.
They were both very mad with each other and even near to rumble. I try my best to
intervene and even try to defend my friend over my classmate. The thing that I didn't
know is that my friend was the real one who had the mistake. I was so ashamed of
myself because I thought I was doing the right thing but I didn't know that I am just
tolerating my friend's mistake. My only wish is that I let myself first to know the real
problem before intervening with that fight.

4.    Have you ever caught someone cheating (either on attest or on a

boyfriend/girlfriend)? Did you say anything? Why or why not?


During our exam, I have been able to see one of my classmates scanning his notes
during our final exam. I didn't respond because I felt that it may cause more problems if
I tell it to my teacher. Also, it was his choice and I am sure that he knows what was the
consequence of his action.

5.     Have you ever gotten in trouble because someone caught you cheating (or thought
you were cheating)? What happened? What do you wish had happened?


I remember that time during my junior high days when we are taking a periodical test in
our math class. One of my classmates asks me a favor to help her to get the formula in
one item. She told me that she memorizes that formula but in some instances, she
forgot it. I gave her the formula but our teacher caught us. I try to explain to my teacher
but she already marked my paper minus 5. I was so sad because I just only trying my
best to help my classmate with that item. Giving a formula for me is no big deal because
I didn't share my final answer with her, only the formula that she needs to analyze and
derive to the equation. I wish I could turn back time and didn't able to commit that

6.    In what other situations have you seen someone T.H.I.N.K (or not) before
speaking? What happened?

There's a situation that my aunt got very angry in one of the restaurants in Naga. The
waiter serves her a soup with strands of hair. During that time, even before we enter the
restaurant, the mood of my aunt is already unstable. She could easily be pissed that
day because maybe she is tired from work plus the unaccommodating service of the
restaurant. As a result of the mishap happens in her order, she directly shouted at the
waiter. She said different unpleasing words and phrases that make us shocked at the
moment. I could also see the reaction of the waiter shocked and scared during the time
that my aunt is shouting. As a result, the restaurant manager offers us different menus
for free. In the car, after we ate from the said restaurant, my aunt opens us that she felt
guilty about her actions. She was just so frustrated from her work that's why she said
those things to the waiter. She realized that she hurt and cause damages to the waiter
because of her actions. She let her emotions eat her and never had an opportunity to
think wisely.

Write a reflection

Decision making is an important part of the management processes and is

considered a key skill in the workplace as well as other scenarios where critical
decisions are to be taken. If decision making can lead to success at work, it can also
lead to failure at times if the conditions at the time of decision making were not right and
there is a misfit between what is required to be done and what has been done. With the
help of this activity, we can able to see and realize how mindful we are in our decisions
in life.

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