Module 2

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Practice Task 1 

This time, try to assess your aspects of development. Please be

honest in giving your answer/s in each of the aspects as it may
interfere with your output in the next activity.
Identify the aspects of development involved in each of the
questions below. Select your answer from the set of terms given then
write it inside the box before each number. Then, write your
responses/reactions on the given situation.  

Physical Spiritual

Emotional Social

Mental Interactional

 1. Do you have traits/features similar or not similar with your siblings?
How do you react with this especially when people tend to compare
you with them?

Some of our family relatives and friends always compare us (me and my
brother) due to our appearance. According to them, they always said that
my brother is much handsome than me because of his pointed nose. As
a reaction, I just only smile and laugh because I don't care. I am
contented with all I have and I love my whole self.

2. What are your cognitive skills? How did you acquire or master each
cognitive skill? 


Cognitive skills are the ways that your brain remembers, reasons,
holds attention, thinks, reads, and learns. Your cognitive abilities help
you process new information by taking that information and distributing
it into the appropriate areas in your brain. When you need that
information later, your brain also uses cognitive skills to retrieve and
use that information. Building my logic and reasoning skills can help
me to generate and master my cognitive skills.

3. What are the effects of cooperative learning structures? 


Cooperative Learning Structures are methods of organizing the

interaction of individuals in a classroom. Step-by-step procedures are
used to present, practice, and review material. Some regulate the
interaction between pairs, some are best for teamwork, and others
involve the entire class. Cooperative learning structures affect us to
develop our critical and reasonable thinking that contributes to student

 4. Where do you excel? How do you use this strength in learning?


In arts, this strength helps me to enable myself to excel in some activities

in school. It also tends me to develop my spatial learning, organizational
skills, visual memory, and emotional development. This strength (film
making) also develop some of my skills like scriptwriting and leadership.

 5. How do you deal with your competitor? Describe your relationship
with your family.


 I'm dealing with my competitor nicely. I treat them nicely if there

was an opportunity to interact with them. I also believe that
winning is a destiny so that I would going to accept whatever
happens to result. Dealing with competition means developing a
healthy attitude toward both winning and losing. Be proud when
you are successful and don't beat yourself up if you don't always
wind up on top.

 My relationship with my parents and family are very open. We

always tend to talk about our different issues and problems in our
house. I always share my thoughts with my mom when I feel sad
or angry with others. I also receive some good advice from them
which helps me to surpass some of my problems.

 6. What are the effects of your eating habits and food preferences?


Healthy eating habits affect both mental and physical wellness.

What you eat affects your immune system, bone health and athletic
performance, among other functions. It also plays a vital role in our mental
health. Healthy eating supports cognition, problem solving, memory,
alertness, sleep and information processing, which also notes that good
nutrition is important for proper brain development and maintenance of
normal cognitive function.

7. How do you react with your changing environment, a changing

socio-cultural experience? 


I think we need to adopt certain changes to enable ourselves to

follow the trend of society. I couldn't see any problems with that as
long as it couldn't harm my decisions, personality, or way of thinking.
Elevating perspective/thinking is also a part of life because there was
no constant in the world.

8. How do you show your spiritual strength?


Spiritual health fluctuates greatly by the amount of time an individual

use to develop personal spiritual values. Go to church more often and join
a spiritual group community to strengthen our spirituality. By doing those
activities, it strengthens our connection to the almighty one. Also helping
others who are in need helps our spiritual self.

After completing the above activity, you may now answer the following

1.          How do you react with stressors? 

 It depends on how hard and many of the problems were.
Usually, some problems are easy to resolve, but when the
problem starts to fluctuate, it tends me to cram out a lot. But
despite those instances that may happen, I will still try to be cool
and calm. Stressing yourself could cause unproductivity and
bad decisions.

2.          What do you do as a daughter, friend and sister/brother?

 I'm not a showy type of son or brother. I usually tend to stay in
my room during my free time. There was some time that I only
went outside in my room when we’re going to eat or I going to
take a bath. My role/task in our house is to clean our bathroom
twice a week and to wash dishes during nighttime.

3.          How do you get, process and use information?

 If I've been able to receive information, I'll try to analyze and
read it carefully. During this time, there's a lot of fake news
disseminating in our environment. That's why I always try my
best to analyze and understand information accurately. Usually,
we humans use information in different variety of situations.
Sometimes we use it for our job or if we're following a specific

4.          How do you solve problems? 

 In every problem that I counter, I'll try to resolve it positively.
Whatever problems you may be facing, you can solve them if
you trust yourself and believe in your abilities. If you don’t have
the know-how, you can get it. If you lack insight, you can find it.
If you don’t have the wisdom, you can obtain it. As long as you
are alive, you can do something about your problems. And if
you know that you cannot able to handle your problem, there's
no problem to ask help from others.

How are the aspects of selves related with one another?    

Physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects, all five aspects
are deeply intertwined and have a profound effect on one another. The five
aspects of selves are related to one another to find balance, wholeness, and
fulfillment in our lives. With the change in any of the aspects, other aspects are
directly or indirectly affected.

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