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Study of Environment Concern among Youth

*Priyadarshini,V K., Aruna Kumari,K, and Saileela,M.

Dept. of Home Science, St. Joseph’s College for Wo men (A), Visakhapatnam

The objective of the present study was to assess the level of environmental awareness
of the women students in different streams of education. A questionnaire was developed and
administered to the students who have undergone a course in Environment education. It is
time to remind ourselves that this course was made compulsory for the college students all
over the country, most probably to sensitize them and inculcate a concern in them for the
environment they live in. Young women on the threshold of productive years have a major
role to play in creating awareness and educating the future generation regarding
environmental issues. The present study may be considered as evaluation of the
effectiveness of the central government’s initiative in sensitizing the youth. The consolidated
results indicate that lots need to be done apart from educating the students, to create
environmental and social concerns.
The paper also discusses strategies to bring about better sensitization among the

The World Environment Day (WED) is observed annually on 5 June as an opportunity

to raise awareness and promote action on environmental issues. WED was established by
the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm
Conference on the Human Environment held in Sweden. At this historic conference, nations
of the world gathered to share their concerns over human progress at the expense of the
environment. WED is observed to inspire action by governments, individuals, NGOs, youth
and general community to improve their environment.
* Paper presenter
“Environmental research and development, education, training, information
and awareness and Environmental health” are two mandates among various others of
the Ministry of Environment and Forests. In line with these mandates, the slogan
announced by UNEP has been adapted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in
2008, to “CO2, Pick Right! Towards Sustainability and Growth”..  Pick Right! is a positive
message which encourages each individual to reflect on lifestyle choices which matter in
dealing with Climate Change. The choices we do make in our everyday living are vital in the
carbon footprint that we leave on earth. By making the right choices we can lead our future
towards sustainability and growth.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, through its various programmes reaches
out to students, youth and people in general and creates awareness on environmental
issues. It has been interacting with the MHRD, NCERT, State Departments of Education etc.
to ensure that environmental components are adequately covered at the school levels by
infusion into the school curricula at various levels. The major initiatives taken by the Ministry
in this direction is Environment Education in School System. Under this project, which was
initiated in 1999, an exercise to strengthen environment education in the formal school
curriculum has been undertaken.

1. To assess the level of environmental awareness of the women students in different

streams of education.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Central Government’s initiative in sensitizing the
youth, through nationwide introduction of Environmental education / studies in the curriculum
at various levels of education.
The final Degree students attending a Women’s College in Visakhapatnam were
selected as subjects for the study. The criterion for selection of the particular population was
the completion of the Environment Studies programme mandatory for all the students. A
questionnaire on environmental issues related to industry, Government, Civic sense and
Global concerns was developed. The questionnaire was pre-tested and modified accordingly.
The statements given in the questionnaire are provided in Table -1. The questionnaire was
administered on 125 final year degree students by stratified random sampling method, who
have undergone the course on Environmental issues studies. The results obtained were
analysed for the awareness of the college students on the various environmental issues.
The results obtained by analysis are presented in Tables 1- 6. It can be observed from
Table-1, that 36% of students agree on various issues while 33% disagree and 19% and 12%
were undecided or not aware of the issues. It is indicated that the students were conscious of
most environmental issues, especially those related to air pollution. They had awareness of
the linkage between the industries and the environment. Most of them (41%) were
appreciative of the government’s efforts in environmental protection. Many students had
positive opinions about nuclear power generation to stop air pollution (66), willingness to pay
more for food and housing it would improve the environment (76), role of environmental
sudies in making the youth adopt environmental friendly practices (109), encouragement of
Organic farming to improve community health (74), effective role of United Nations in
stopping air and water pollution in the world (53) and large industries being guilty of spoiling
the environment (64). They however disagreed to the statements like -- the magnitude of
global warming hyped by the politicians, the countries should learn from others about not
cutting trees, allowing poor people to subsist by cutting down trees, water pollution is lesser
problem, low magnitude of AIDS in India etc. They had negative opinions about the role of
Municipal Corporation in controlling pollution and the consciousness of Indians about
environmental cleanliness.
To two statements about Corporations responsibility to make a profit than to
adopt environmental ethics program and the right to force other people to not smoke, their
response was not encouraging. There was mixed response to issue of ethics in genetic
engineering and were not aware of the number of children to be planned by a couple etc.
From the foregoing results it is understood that there are several issues which
needs to be emphasized in the curriculum.
Table1: Awareness on various environmental issues among final year degree students

Agree nor Don't

S.No Agree Disagree  Disagree know
Environmental Issues    
No. % No. % No. % No.
1. Most manufacturing companies have
43 35 41 33 29 24 10 8
programs to eliminate toxic wastes
2. To cut down on air pollution, it should
be more expensive to own and drive a 55 45 22 18 29 24 17 14
private vehicle.
3. The government of India is doing a
good job with its environmental 41 33 30 24 42 34 10 8
protection efforts.
4. No country should be able to tell
another that they should stop cutting 32 26 14 11 63 51 14 11
down their trees.
5. The United Nations is effective in
stopping air and water pollution in the 53 43 20 16 22 18 28 23
6. Corporations have a stronger
responsibility to make a profit than
45 37 33 27 29 24 16 13
they do to adopt environmental ethics
7. No person has the right to force other
48 39 22 18 52 42 1 1
people to not smoke.
8. Poor people in developing countries
have a right to burn their forests in 24 20 29 24 61 50 9 7
order to grow food.
9. Large industries are guilty of spoiling
64 52 26 21 24 20 9 7
10. Ethics should not be an issue in
31 25 20 16 47 38 25 20
genetic engineering.

11. Water pollution is no longer the big

10 8 16 13 93 76 4 3
problem it used to be.
12. Everyone should be able to have
8 7 3 2 7 6 105 85
as many children as they want to.
13. AIDS is not the problem here that it
17 14 5 4 96 78 5 4
is in Africa and other countries.
14. Nuclear power generation is the
best way to stop polluting the air by 66 54 24 20 15 12 18 15
burning coal or oil to generate electricity.
15. I would be willing to pay more for food 76 62 22 18 21 17 4 3
and housing if I knew it would improve
the environment.
16. Global warming is not the problem
23 19 23 19 58 47 19 15
politicians are making it out to be.
17. Municipal Corporation is doing a good
34 28 37 30 45 37 6 5
job of controlling pollution
18. Indians in general are very conscious
26 21 37 30 56 46 3 2
of environmental cleanliness.
19. Environmental Studies will make the
youth adopt environmental friendly 109 89 7 6 5 4 1 1
20. Encouragement of Organic farming
74 60 27 22 6 5 15 12
will help to improve community health.
Average 36 19 33 13

It can be observed from Table 2 that there was uniform agreement on issues related to
industry, government and civic sense while there were several global issues on which the
students have disagreed. A small percent (about 10 – 12) were not aware of issues in all
categories. This indicates that even though education is imparted, there is still some part of
the population that need constant education to sustain the learning in order to bring about
long term impact.

Table 2: Percentage distribution of opinions of the subjects on various issues

Category Agree Agree nor Disagree Don't Know

Industrial 43.1 23.2 21.6 12.0
Government 35.6 24.8 29.5 10.0
Global Issues 27.2 13.8 47.0 11.9
Civic Sense 39.4 16.3 27.4 16.7

Table 3 : Opinion of students on Industrial issues

S.No. Agree Agree nor Disagree
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Most manufacturing 43 35.0 41 33.3 29 23.6 10 8.1
companies have
programs to eliminate
toxic wastes
2. Large industries are
guilty of spoiling 64 52.0 26 21.1 24 19.5 9 7.3
3. Ethics should not be
an issue in genetic 31 25.2 20 16.3 47 38.2 25 20.3
4. Encouragement of
Organic farming will
74 60.2 27 22.0 6 4.9 15 12.2
help to improve
community health.
Average  43.1 23.2 21.6 12.0

Table 4 : Opinion of students on issues related to Government

S.No GOVERNMENT Neither Agree nor Don't

Agree Disagree
Disagree Know
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. To cut down on air pollution,
it should be more expensive
55 44.7 22 17.9 29 23.6 17 13.8
to own and drive a private
2. The government of India
is doing a good job with its
41 33.3 30 24.4 42 34.1 10 8.1
environmental protection
3. Corporations have a stronger
responsibility to make a profit
45 36.6 33 26.8 29 23.6 16 13.0
than they do to adopt
environmental ethics program.
4. Municipal Corporations is
doing a good job of controlling 34 27.6 37 30.1 45 36.6 6 4.9
Average 35.6 24.8 29.5 10.0

Table 5: Opinion of students on Global issues


Agree Agree nor Disagree
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. No country should be
able to tell another
that they should stop 32 26.0 14 11.4 63 51.2 14 11.4
cutting down their
2. The United Nations
is effective in
stopping air and 53 43.1 20 16.3 22 17.9 28 22.8
water pollution in the
3. Water pollution is no
longer the big
10 8.1 16 13.0 93 75.6 4 3.3
problem it used to
4. AIDS is not the
problem here that it
17 13.8 5 4.1 96 78.0 5 4.1
is in Africa and other
5. Nuclear power
generation is the
best way to stop
66 53.7 24 19.5 15 12.2 18 14.6
polluting the air by
burning coal or oil to
generate electricity.
6. Global warming is
not the problem
23 18.7 23 18.7 58 47.2 19 15.4
politicians are
making it out to be.
Average 27.2 13.8 47.0 11.9

Table 6 : Opinion of students on Civic issues


Agree Agree nor Disagree
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. No person has the
right to force other 48 39.0 22 17.9 52 42.3 1 0.8
people to not smoke.
2. Poor people in
developing countries
have a right to burn 24 19.5 29 23.6 61 49.6 9 7.3
their forests in order
to grow food.
3. Everyone should be
able to have as many
8 6.5 3 2.4 7 5.7 105 85.4
children as they want
4. I would be willing to
pay more for food and
housing if I knew it 76 61.8 22 17.9 21 17.1 4 3.3
would improve the
5. Indians in general are
very conscious of
26 21.1 37 30.1 56 45.5 3 2.4
6. Environmental
Studies will make the
youth adopt 109 88.6 7 5.7 5 4.1 1 0.8
environmental friendly
Average 39.4 16.3 27.4 16.7

It is clear from Tables 3-6, that the students have strong opinions on the issues related
to the civic sense, global issues etc. From the foregoing tables and discussion, the critical
aspect appears to be the students lack of knowledge on the family planning issue and the
mixed response regarding the smoking habit . These issues will have to be addressed with
more emphasis. It is felt that as newer issues are taken up for publicity, the campaigns on old
issues like family planning and smoking etc. are relegated to the background and as such the
present generation students are not informed of these aspects. These issues may not be
touched upon at home, in the family or elsewhere due to disintegration of Joint families.
Moreover earlier these issues were addressed in the form of ads in theatres, movies etc. With
the changes in the society and the emergence of newer issues, the planners must have felt
less need for campaigns of such issues. It should however be remembered that the illiteracy
among our population is still rampant and the society is in the transformation stage with
respect to cultural and traditional practices. The campaigns and education of public on earlier
issues needs to be continued for a sustained favourable change in the society.
It is concluded that campaign of newer issues should not become substitutes
for older issues, since the illiteracy rates continue to be high in our country, there is lot to
be desired in health care and civic responsibilities. Hence it is essential to continue to
sensitize the youth on issues like family planning, hazards of smoking etc. to sustain the
headway of achievements in these areas...









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