Body Image Social Media

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Answer the following question: Why do you think eating disorders are on
the rise for both men and women?
I think disorders are in the rise because of how people are displayed themselves.
We are in an era where being fit is on the rise. People during the Covid 19 shut
down people began to exercise and get fit will other gain more weight.Those who
gain weight compare themselves to those who lost weight.Causing frustration to
lose weight and end up causing disorders.
2. Search the internet and find a photo that reflects how social media has
shaped society's thinking and maybe our own. Please make good choices
when choosing your picture! When you find that perfect photo please post the
URL and discuss the following questions in 1-2 well-thought out paragraphs.
(Please don’t just write your answers to the questions – try to write down your
ideas in an organized way.) Once they are all uploaded we will comment on
the photos and discuss the reality behind these photos (If there is any).

1. What is the ‘reality’ behind these photos?

This image shows the future of body image. Before we tend to skinny
women in vogue but now we are seeing every shape. This shows you can
be beautiful in every aspect if you believe in yourself.
How does a photo like this affect your own thinking about body
I think this imagine has open my eyes that you don’t have to be this skinny
person to beautiful. Lizzo is a great example she provides body positivity.
She loves her image which is affectionate. I never loved my body until I
started seeing Lizzo in social media.
2. How do you feel the media has shaped your thinking?
I think social media has both a positive and negative in shaping people
thinking of body image. For me social media has opened my eyes that we
don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful and confident. Take Lizzo she is a
confident women who loves her image. I love social media has given her a
great platform. There will be girls who can see her and see they can love
their bodys and be happy like her.
3. What do you think we as a society can do to change how
photos like this create our perceptions of body image?
This question is so hard to answer because I think every photo can be a
trigger in body image because people tend to have different perception of
what is a perfect body image. I think if we show more body types because
we can see we don’t have to look like a barbie to be happy. And it's okay
to have a different body.

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