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Exemple : de (monkey and fruit planning)

𝑆0 = { monkey is on the floor, the box is window, monkey does not

have the banana}.
A= {go to loc 1, go to loc 2, push the box, grab the fruit}.
𝑆𝑔 = { monkey has the fruit }.
Programme sur PDDL:
Exemple : de ( puzzle 8)
𝑆0 = {la case vide dans P1P1, tile 1 in P2P1 , tile 2 in P3P1 ,tile3 in
P1P2,tile4 in P2P2 ,tile5 in P3P2, tile 6 P1P3, tile7 in P2P3,tile8 in
P3P3 }.
A= {move up, move down, move left, move right}.
𝑆𝑔 = {la case vide (blank) dans P3P3, tile 8 in P2P1 , tile 7 in P3P1
,tile6 in P1P2,tile5 in P2P2 ,tile4 in P3P2, tile 3 P1P3, tile2 in
P2P3,tile1 in P3P3 }.
define problem :

define domain :
Exemple de ( minimize the fuel used):

𝑺𝟎 = {truck in Meknes , car in rabat }.

A= {drive vehicle from loc1 to loc 2}.
𝑆𝑔 = {car in rabat, truck in meknes }.
Cost function : (total fuel used )
Contrainte :( fuel-level > fuel-required )

define domain :
define problem :

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