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Quarter I —Week 7
Factoring Polynomials



Lesson 1
Factoring Polynomials
MELC: The learners should be able to factor-polynomials. MIO-AL-Ih-l
Objectives: 1. Enumerate all possible factors of a polynomial.
2. Find other factors of a polynomial given one of the factors.
3. Factor polynomials completely.

Let's Try
Directions: Read, analyze, and solve each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.
1. Which of the following is the factored form of x3 + 3x2— lox- 24?

2. Factor p(x)= x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x completely.

3. What is the value of the remainder to consider that a certain binomial is a factor
of polynomial?
A. 100
B. 10

4. Which of the followingcannot be used to determine factors of a polynomial?

A. Degree of a Term C. Remainder Theorem
B. Factor Theorem D. Synthetic Division

5. Macky is about to apply synthetic division to get the depressed equation in order
to find other factors of a given polynomial. He will be dividing a 5 thdegree
polynomial by x + 3 as one of the factors. What will be degree of the depressed
equation as a result?
A. 5th C. 3rd
B. 4th D. 2nd

6. One of the factors of polynomial 2x3 + 9x2 —33x + 14 is (x 2). What are the other

7. If p(-2)=0, which of the followingstatements is TRUE about p(x)?

A. x + 2 is a factor of p(x) C. p(()) has two negative factors
B. 2 is a factor of p(x) =

8. Detennine the first dcpressed equation when (r 2) ig proven to be a factor of
polynomial x
A. x 2 —2x—4
D, + 2r--4

9. Jane has already solved that the factors of polynomial + 4r 2 -llr —30 are
What was the last facto"

10. One of the factors of kx3 + 3x2 + 8x + 1 is x + 1. What is the value of

Let'e Explore and Discover

• i4...S
Recall that polynomialscan be linear, quadratic, or cubic expression. A detailed
discussion of these types Ofpolynomials, a review of your lesson on factoring when you were
in Grade 8 may be done, One factoring techniques is the presence of common monomial.
Study the given examples in the table.

Polynomial Common Monomial Common Monomial

10x 3 + 15x 2 —5x + 20 Numerical coefficients are divisible by 5 5x(2x 2 + 3x 1)
4x2 + 8x4 —12x6 Numerical coefficients are divisible by 4 4x 2(1 + 2x 2 —3x4)
6x + 9 Numerical coefficients are divisible by 4 3(2x + 3)

Stud the followin 01 omials whose rime factors are •venin another table below.
Degree of Number Leading Constant
Polynomial of Factored Form
Polynomials oefficient Term
x 2 + 15x +36 2 2 1 36 (X 12)

6X2 + 11 X 3 2 2 6 3

Y2 + loy + 21 2 2 1 21
8x 5 + 20x 4 -12x 3 5 5 8 -12 4x 3(2x —l)(x + 3)

The followingis the summary of the information presented in the table above:
The degree of polynomials and the number of factors is equal. This means that the
degree of polynomials determines the number of factors a polynomialhas.

The leading coefficient or the coefficient of the highest degree term is equat to
the product of the coefficients of the x-terms in the factored form. For example, in the
polynomial 6x2 + 11x + 3, the leading coefficient is 6, and is equal to 6 as the product of the
coefficients 3x and 2x of the x-terms in the factored form (3x + 1)(2x + 3).

The constant term of the given polynomials to the product of the constant terms
in the factored form. For example, in polynomial x2 + 15x+ 36, the constant term 36 is
equal to 36 as the product of 3 and 12 of the constant terms in the factored form
(X + 3) (X + 12).

Let us now use the techniques presented above to deepen our understanding in
factoring polynomials.

Factor the followingpolynomials completely.

Example 1. x 2 + 15x + 36
Which pair of factors of 36 has a sum of 15?
Try factors of 36 for the constant terms in the binomials. Which is correct? Check
your answer by finding the product of its factors.
Possible Factors Product of Factors
l. (X + 36) + 36
2. (X 18) X2 + 36
3. (X 12) x2 + 15x+ 36 e- correct
Thus, (x + 3) and (x + 12) are the factors of x2 + 15x + 36.
Example 2. 6x2 + 1 Ix + 3
The possible fact0rs Of6 as the leading numerical coefficientare 6 and 1 or 3 and 2.
Thus, the first term Ofthe factors may be written as follows:
(6x + ) or (3x +

Try the possible factors of 3 for the constant terms of the binomial factors.

Check by multiplying the factors to get the product using FOILmethod or

horizontal method.

= 6x2+ 19x+3
Thus, (6x+ l)and (x + 3) are not the factors.

= 6x2 + 9x+ 1
Thus, (6x + 3)and (x + 1) are not the factors.

6x2+ + 2x+3

Thus, (3x + 1) and (2x + 3) are the factors of the given polynomial 6x2 + 1Ix + 3.

Example 3. 8x 5 + 20x 4 —12x 3

A primary consideration in factoring polynomials is the presence of common
monomial. Common monomial is a one term factor that is present in all the terms of the
given monomial. In the given polynomial, 4x3 is a common factor.
8x 5 + 20x 4-12x 3 = 4x 3 (2x 2 + 5x-3)
Note that the trinomial (2x2 + 5x —3)can still be factored.

Considering 2 as the leading numerical term and -3 as the constant term, the
possible factors are:

Check the product of the above possible factors using FOILmethod or horizontal
= 2x 2 —6x + x —3
= 2x2 —5x—3
= 2x 2 + 6x —x — 3
= 2x2 + 5x-3 correct
(2x + 3)(x —1) = 2x 2 —2x + 3x —3
= 2x 2 + x— 3
= 2x 2 + 2x — 3x —3
= 2x 2 —x —3

20x4-12X + fix 3)
4xÄ(2x— +3)

Thus. the complete factorization of the polynomial oxG+ 4—12xg ig

4.x3(2x l)(x 4 3).
(Source: MelvinM, Callanta ct al., Mathemattcq Grade JOLearners'
Module I)epartment of -- (MCS, 2013, 79.)

Example 4. q(x) = 3x4—16x3+14xz+ 24X 9.

Considering the leading numerical coefficientof the given polynomial, the factors are
in the form (3x + _ )(x + _ )(x + +

The possible factors arc (3x -- 1),(3x + 1 ), (x

Test for (3x

= -16 1 +14 — +24 -
— + 14(!) + 24

116 16 143
27 27 27
159 159

= 0,(3x —1) is a factor.

Test for (3x + 1):

— 16 +14 — +24 —
16 (2) + 14 (I) + 24 —

G) + (9 -8
116 143
27 27
59 259
27 27
0,(3x + 1) is not a factor.

Test for (x + 1):

q(—l) =

= 33—33
q(—l) = 0, (x + 1) is a factor.

Test for (x —1):

— + + 24(1) —9
Thus, 0, (x -- 1) is not a factor.
Test for (x + 3):
+ + 24(-3)
432+ 126-72-9
- 801-81
- 720
0, (x + 3) is not a factor.

Test for (x —3):

+ + 24(3)
= 243-432 + 126+ 72 -9

3) is a factor.
Test for (x + 9):
- + + 24(-9)
19683 + 11664 + 1134 - 216
- 32,481-215
= 32,266
q(—9) 0, (x + 9) is not a factor.

Test for (x —9):

— + + 24(9) —9
- 19683 - 11664 + 1134 + 216

O, (x —9) is not a factor.

It is interesting to note that only the binomials (3x —1),(x + 1), and (x —3) satisfy the
Factor Theorem.This suggests that one of these binomials is a double factor. To find the
other factor, divide 3x4—16x 3+14x2 + 24x —9 by the product (3x —l)(x + l)(x —3). You may
divide the given polynomial by each binomial.

14 24 —9
4 —16 x 3 + 14x 2 + 24.1—9
3 —

3 -15 9 27 0 First depressed equation

b. Dividethe first depressed equation by the second factor
3 —15 9 27
—3 18 ¯ 27
3 —18 27 0 + Second depressed equation
Dividethe second depressed equation by the third factor
3 —18 27

3 3

The last factor is x —3.

Thus, the factors of polynomial 3x4—16x3+14x2 + 24x —9 are (3x —I)(x + I)(x

Example 5. f (x) = 5a —5b —xa + xb
In factoring polynomials with four tcrms, onc of the techniques that can bc used is to
group the first two terms and the last two terms together.
5a —5b —xa + xb =(5a 5b) + (—xa+ xb)
=5(a —b) — —b) Bring outside the quantity their common
—(a b)(5 —x) Monomial

Thus, the factors of polynomial 5a 5b —xa + xb are (a b)and (5 x).

Example 6. x2 + 6x + 9 Y2
The given polynomial has 2 variables, namely x and y. In this case, the term with
variable y can be separated from the group by grouping the first three terms.
Group the first three terrns
Get the factor of the group
Distribute factors with the
factors of the last term

Hence, the factors of polynomial x2 + 6x + 9 —Y2 are (x + 3 + y) and (x + 3 —y).

Example 7. Y2 —x 2 + 6x —9
The given polynomial has 2 variables, namely x and y. In this case, the term with
variable y can be separated from the group by grouping the last three terms.
Group the last three terms.
Consider the proper use of sign.
Get the factor of the group.
Distribute Factors with the
factors of the last term.

Hence, the factors of polynomial x 2 + 6x —9 are (y + x —3) and (y —x —3).

Y2 —-

(Source: Soledad J. Dilao, EdD. et. al. Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry

and Statistics. SD Publications, Inc., 2009, 94.)

Let's Practice
1 Directions: Enumerate all possible factors of p(x) based on its
leading coefficient and constant term.
1. p(x) = x 4 —2x3 —3x2 + 8x —4

2. p(x) = 3x3 + 2x2 + 8x +3

3. p(x) = x 3 + 4x 2 + 7x— 11

2 Directions: Factor each polynomial completely. Show your

1. 2x 3 — 4x 2 —30x

2. - 13x2 +36

3. x 4 — 10x2 +9

Which concepts in factoring do you need clarification?

Let's Do More
ACTIVITY1 Directions: Given onc Ofthe factors of cach polynomial, determine
the other factors. Usc the space provided below for your solution.

1 x3 2x 2 —x + 2; x —2
2. X3 9X2 + 23X + 15; X +3
3 . 3x 4 — 16x 3 +21x 2 + 4x — 12;3x+2

ACTIVITY2 Directions: Solvethe given problem. Show your complete

The product of the speed of 2 bicycle riders from the City Coliseum going to
Nagtabon Beach at Barangay Bacungan is 272 mps. The average speed of Den is one
more than the speed of Nisa. Find the average speed of each biker. Use the box on right
side for your solution.

Let's Sum It Up
ACTIVITY1 Directions: By matching the steps in column A with the items in
column B, I can say I know several ways on how to factor

a. Test the possible factors by

1. First I begin evaluating p(x) as x = c.
b. Identify all the possible factors.

2. Then, 1
c. Consider the leading coefficient
and constant term of the given
3. After that, I
d. Check by multiplying all the
factors. Product must be equal
4. Finally, I to the given polynomial.

Directions: Read, analyze, and solve each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.
1. One of the factors of polynomial 2x3 + 9x2 ---33x + 14 is (x -—2). What are the other

2. If p(-2)=(),which of the followingstatements is TRUEabout p(x)?

A. x + 2 is a factor of p(x) C. p(O)has two negative factors
B. 2 is a factor ofp(x) = 0
3. Determine the first depressed equation when (x —2) is proven to be a factor of
polynomial x 3 — 8?
A. x 2 —2x —4 C. x2 + 2x +4

4. Jane has already solved that the factors of polynomial x 3 + 4x2 —11x —30 are
What was the last factor?

5. One of the factors of kx3 + 3x2 + 8x + 1 is x + 1. What is the value of k?

6. Which of the following is the factored form of x 3 + 3x 2 —1Oxs—24?

7. Factor p(x)= x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x completely.

8. What is the value of the remainder to consider that a certain binomial is a factor of
a given polynomial?
A. 100
B. 10

9. Which is NOT a factor of polynomial 2x 6 —4x 5 —30x 4?

D. 2x 4

10.Mackyis about to apply synthetic division to get the depressed equation in order
to find other factors of a given polynomial. He will be dividing a 5 thdegree
polynomial by x + 3 as one of the factors. What will be degree of the depressed
equation as a result?
A. 5th C. 3rd
B. 4th D. 2nd


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