Question One INF1512 Introduction To Software Engineering: EC2 TD1/TD2 2020/2021

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Paix – Travail – Patrie Peace – Work – Fatherland

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Faculté des Sciences Faculté des Sciences
Département d'Informatique Department of Computer Science
B.P. 812 Yaoundé P.O.Box 812 Yaounde

INF1512 Introduction to Software Engineering: EC2 TD1/TD2 2020/2021

Question One

Assuming that you are a System Analyst for a bank. You have been provided with the following pseudo
code for an ATM System:

Wait for card to be inserted

IF card is a valid card THEN
Display “Enter PIN Number”
Select Transaction
Display “PIN Invalid”
Reject Card
(a) Identify the functional requirement(s) for the above pseudo code.

(b) If the card and pin are valid, the customer is allow to withdraw from his/her accounts based on the
following conditions:

Saving Account -> provided the balance is greater than 5,000frs

Current Account -> provided the balance is greater than 15,000frs
Domiciliary Account -> provided the balance is greater than 25,000frs.

Modify the functional requirement(s) in (a) above to capture this new requirements .

(c) Produce the corresponding C /Java Programs for pseudo code and Question (b) above

(d ) Using the above information found on the pseudo code, differentiate between Functional and
nonfunctional system requirements, and hence with a graphical illustrations, represent the
functional requirements.

(e) Give two reasons why requirements negotiation is needed for developing a System of this nature.
Question Two

Department of Computer science wants to setup a system for online registration of courses. Every
student must be enrolled in a program. Each student may be enrolled in a specific domain. A
specific domain have core courses and mandatory courses. Course have course title, course code
and credit unit while each student must have a unique identification number and phone number.
Courses are based on semester and availability of lecturers.

(a) Identify high-level requirements and sub-requirements corresponding to the different interactions
the to capture the scenario.

(b) List three (3) three reasons for software requirement gathering

(c) Define the term Nonfunctional Requirement as used in Software Engineering and hence with
respect to the above scenario in (a), List five (5) nonfunctional requirement of the system.

(d) Describe three principal steps in the analysis phase.

Question Three

(a) Consider the scenario (Eligibility Criteria) given in the table below of a student to be eligible to sit for
INF1512 Examination. Identify the high-level functional requirement(s) for the system under study.

Range (Intervals) Eligibility Rules

75 > = x =< 100 Fully Eligible
70 > = x < 75 Eligible
65 > = x < 70 Not Eligible
0 > = x < 65 Suspended for one semester

(b) Write a C/Java Program to verify the eligibility of a student to sit for INF1512 Examination
Examination given the following eligibility rules in question (a) above.

Question Four

The management of University of Yaounde I has hired you as the System Analyst to design and implement
a Result Management System (Gestion de Notes) for the University. Assuming you are to use Agile
Software Development Methodology for the project:

(a) Before you start to develop any software, it is penitent to understand and document the exact
requirement of the customer for the system under study. Explain three properties of a good SRS
document and three problems without a SRS document.
(b) List three (3) problems with an unstructured Requirement Specification

(c) Produce a comprehensive SRS document for the system under study.

(d) Write a C/Java Program for the system under study

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