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Discipline and Ideas in the

Applied Social Sciences
Quarter 1
Module 1: Introduction to the
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences – Grade 12
Quarter 1
Module 1: Introduction to the Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Mary Rose R. Austria

Editors: Leonor V. Binaohan, MT1 / Jovelyn A. Florece, TIII

Reviewer: Dr. Wilma Joy M. Del Monte, EPS / Darcy Guy Y. Mañebo, EPS

Illustrator: Mary Rose R. Austria

Layout Artist: Mary Rose R. Austria

Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences - 12
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Introduction to the Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

I. Introduction:
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences introduces students to the disciplines and
ideas that form part of applied social sciences by drawing on the theories and principles of psychology,
sociology, anthropology, and other social sciences. The coverage of applied social sciences centers on
Counseling, Social work, and Communication, which are seamlessly thread together.

II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson you
are expected to:

1. Define Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

2. Explain the relationship between the Social Science and Applied Social Sciences, through
graphic organizer
3. Value the importance of Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

III. Vocabulary List

• Anthropology
The study of human being and their ancestor through time and space in relation to physical
character, environmental and social relations and culture
• Intervention
The act of interfering with the outcomes or course especially of a condition or process ( as
to prevent harm or improve functioning)
• Interdisciplinary approach
Involving two or more academic, scientific, artistic disciplines
• Multidisciplinary approach
Combining or involving more than one discipline or field of study
• Transcend
To rise above or go beyond the normal limit of something
• Psychometrics
A psychological theory or technique of mental measurement

IV. Pre-Test

Multiple Choice Test.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided.

______1. It refers to the application of Social Sciences theories, concepts, and methods
A. Anthropology C. Psychology
B. Applied Social Sciences D. Social Sciences

______2. It defined as the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or
decision to be made about his or her life course
A. Application C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Social Work

______3. Which of the following is NOT a discipline in Applied Social Sciences?

A. Counselling C. Physics
B. Communication D. Social Work

______4. Which of the following best describes Anthropology?

A. A systematic study of people’s behaviour
B. A systematic study of human origin
C. A systematic study of goods and services in the society
D. A systematic study of political systems, government and laws

______5. It deals with the study of interaction between people and their environment
A. Economics C. Psychology
B. Geography D. Sociology

V. Learning Activities

Activity 1.
What comes into your mind when you read the phrase “Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences”? In the
space provided below, write down all your ideas.

Activity 2. Fact or Bluff!!!.
The following are statements about Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

Direction: Write FACT if the statement is correct, Bluff if it’s not.

1._____________ 1. Social Science is the study of society and manner in which people
behave and affect the world.

2._____________ 2. Social Sciences are only applicable in the academe and not in the

3. ______________ 3. Guidance counseling is a profession that helps address a person’s

general conditions, transition in life, relationship and profession.

4. ______________ 4.Applied Social Sciences provide good theoretical and conceptual

foundations for social work practice

5. ______________ 5. Psychology studies how human mind work in consonance with

the body to produce thoughts that lead to individual action.

Practice Activity 3. Bubble Map

Direction: Classify the following disciplines and categorize each as Social Sciences or Applied Social

Disciplines to be categorize:
Economics Psychology,
Counseling Communication
Geography Social Work
Political Science Sociology
Anthropology History


Applied Social


Lesson 1: Introduction to the Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

Definition of Social Sciences

Social sciences are disciplines concerned with the systematic study of social phenomena.
Basically, the term social sciences is defined as the study of human society that particular area of study
that relates to human behaviour and society. In a border sense, it is a branch of science that deals with
the institutions, the functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals
as a member of society. There are distinct disciplines or branches dealing with particular phase or aspect
of human society such as socio- cultural aspects of human behaviour.

Disciplines under Social Sciences

Economics – studies the allocation of scare resources and the production and exchange of good and
services in society.

Anthropology – is the scientific study of human and their culture in the past and present

History – is a systematic study of human past events in order to understand the meaning, dynamics,
and relationship of the cause, and effects of events in the development of societies.

Political Sciences – primarily studies human behaviour in relation to political systems, governments,
and laws.

Psychology – studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts that
lead to individual actions.

Sociology – is a systematic study of people’s behaviour in groups.

Geography – is the study of interaction between people and their environments.

Linguistics – the scientific study of language, its structure

Definition of Applied Social Sciences

Applied Social Science is the application of social science theories, concepts, methods, and
findings to problems identified in the wider society(D. Jary&J.Jary 2000). Using this understanding in
the segmentation of social science into distinct disciplines gives rise to the concepts of applied social
sciences that include counselling, social work, and communication.

Disciplines under Applied Social Sciences

Counselling – is one of the fields of applied social sciences , it provides guidance, help and support to

Social Work – involve practioners, who help individuals, families, and group, communities to improve
their individual and collective well being.

Communication – studies applied social sciences to provide adequate training for careers in the field
of journalism and mass communication because of the multidisplinary knowledge and skills that
graduates learn from social sciences

Relationship between Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

As discussed above, social sciences are more specific and focused on a distict facet of a social
phenomenon while applied social sciences attempt to focus on a distinct issue but use insight arising
from various social sciences disciplines. While social sciences may explore broadly their distinct
discoplines, some of their input may easily become applied while others may remain theoretical. When
social science theories, concepts, methods, and findings gain application to problems the
wider society, then applied social science is achieved.

VI. Practice Tasks

Show that you have learned something by doing this activity.

Practice Task#1. From Reading to Writing

Your task: Write the definition of Social Science and Applied Social Science. Please write your
answer on the line provided below.

Criteria 5 points 3 points Total score

Content You were able to cite 3 correct You were able to cite 1- 2
description about Social correct description about
Science and Applied Social Social Science and Applied
Science Social Science
Grammar You committed no or minimal You committed two ( 2 )
grammatical error in this three ( 3 ) errors in this
output output

Rubric ( 10 points )

Practice Task # 2. Matching Type

Direction: Match column A with the correct answer in column B, write the letter of the correct
answer on the blank provided.


___1. It provides guidance and support to individuals A. Social Science

___2. Defined as the study of human society B. Counseling

___3. It provides training in the field of journalism C. Communication

___4. It deals with the production and distribution of goods and services D. Geography

___5. It describe and study the surface features of earth, land and water E. Economics

Practice Task #3 Compare and Contrast graphic organizer

Direction: Explain the relationship between the discipline of social sciences and applied social
sciences through this graphic organizer:

Applied Social
Social Science



VII. Post Test

Multiple Choice Test.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided.

______1. It refers to the application of Social Sciences theories, concepts, and methods
A. Anthropology C. Psychology
B. Applied Social Sciences D. Social Sciences

______2. It defined as the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or
decision to be made about his or her life course
A. Application C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Social Work

______3. Which of the following is NOT a discipline in Applied Social Sciences?

A. Counseling C. Physics
B. Communication D. Social Work

______4. Which of the following best describes Anthropology?

A. A systematic study of people’s behaviour
B. A systematic study of human origin
C. A systematic study of goods and services in the society
D. A systematic study of political systems, government and laws

______5. In what aspect is the study of social science as a discipline, important in understanding human
behaviour and mental process?
A. because this discipline help students to develop
B. because this discipline help students to trace race evolution
C. because this discipline help students to face economic problem
D. because this discipline help students in understanding oneself better as a person

VIII. Assignment/Additional
Answer the following questions: ( in your notebook)

1. How can the disciplines of applied social sciences be used in the development of the

2. Which discipline of social sciences were you able to find helpful in your current career

Lesson 2: The Disciplines of Counseling

Topic: Goals, scope, and principles of counseling

II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson you
are expected to:

1. Define Counseling
2. Identify the principles of counseling
3. Determine life situation that are within the goals and scope of professional counseling
4. Value the importance of Counseling

III. Vocabulary List

• Intervention
The act of interfering with the outcomes or course especially of a condition or process (as to
prevent harm or improve functioning)
• Interdisciplinary approach
Involving two or more academic, scientific, artistic disciplines
• Multidisciplinary approach
Combining or involving more than one discipline or field of study
• Transcend
To rise above or go beyond the normal limit of something

• Psychometrics
A psychological theory or technique of mental measurement
• Counselor
a person who gives advice or counseling a marriage counselor
• Counseling adjective
variants: or counseling
• counseling
as in advisory, consulting

IV. Pre-Test

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided.

______1. Who among the following help the clients in solving problems?
A. Consultant B. Counselors C. Social worker D. Supervisor

______2. It defined as the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or
decision has to be made about his or her life course
A. Application C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Social Work

_______3. It is a branch of Psychology that deals with the design, administration and measurement of
psychological variables
A. Psychometrics C. Psychosocial
B. Psychologist D. Psychiatrist

_______4. It is a valuable principle that empower a client to function normally again

A. Clarified Thinking C. Reorientation
B. Reassurance D. Respect

_______5. All counselors are expected to embrace these set of core values as essential and integral to
their work except:
A. Autonomy C. Personal integrity
B. Enhancement D. Respect for human dignity

V. Learning Activities

Practice Activity 1:

What comes into your mind when you read the phrase “Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences”? In the
space provided below, write down all your ideas.




Practice Activity 2: I need help, Where will I go?

Think of time in your life when you felt you were in crisis . What costituted that crisis? With whom
you share problem? Will you pursue formal help or non –formal help? Why Why not? Explain your




Pactice Activity 3: Whip it.

Name different life situations or life events when a person might need a professional counselor . List
down as many as you can.




The Dicipline of Counsiling

The Collins Dictionary of Sociology defines counseling as the process of guiding a person
during a stage of life reassessements or decisions have to be made about himself or herself and his
or her life course Counselors are profesionally trained and certified to perform counseling. Their job is
to provide advice or guidance in decision – making in emotionally significant situations by helping
clients explore and understand their worlds and discover better ways and well-informed choices in
resolving an emotional or interpersonal problem. Traditionally in many societies, counselling is
provided by family, friends, and wise elderly. When these providers proved insufficient, counselors
become the choice. Counselors exist in a wide range of areas of expertise: marriage, family, youth,

student and other life transitions dealing with managing of issues of loss and death, retirement, divorce,
parenting, and bankruptcy.

Conseling is widely considered the heart of the guidance services in schools. In the school
context, counseling is usually done as individual or group intervention designed to facilitate positive
change in student behavior, feelings, and attitudes. As a process, it involves two sides: an individual or
group who needs help and a mature professionally trained counselor. Through methods adapted to the
needs of the client(s), the trained counselor helps in defining a problem and acquires initiative,
determination, courage, and efficiency to solve that problem. It hepls clients understand and clarify their
views of their life space and to learn to reach their self-determined goals through meaningful, well-
informed choices and through resolution of problems of an emotional or interpersonal nature (Burks &
Steffire 1979).

Counseling also utilizes appraisal and assessment to aid counseling by gathering information
about clients through the use of psychological tests and non –psychometric devices. Psychometrics is a
brach of psychology that deals with the design administration , and interpretationof quantiative tests
for the measurement of psychological variables, such as intellegence, aptitude, interests, and personality
traits.The underlying assumption is that the variable being measured is a fixed and unchanging attribute
of a person.Test employed are stricly strandardized and administered by a professionally trained
psychometrician.Counseling is not to be confused with psychiatry, which is a branch of general
medicine that deals with treatment of the mentally ill by medically- trained professionals using clinical
interventions including drugs, surgical procedures and non –physical approaches.

Goals and Scope of Counseling

Counseling is aimed at empowering a client. The general goal is to lead an individual client or
group to self-emancipation in relation to a felt problem. At some stage in the process, the client should
attain insight and understanding of oneself, achieve better self-awareness and look at oneself with
increased self-acceptance and appreciation, and be able to manage oneself positively. Client
empowerment means developing skills and abilities that require self-management and improved
motivation toward actions that are good for one’s self and develop a positive outlook toward the past
leading to some sense of closure and attainment of relative inner and outer harmony resulting to
improvement in relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and others.

The scope of counseling is wide. Essentially, it involves application of some psychological

theories and recognized communication skills. It does not deal with clinical cases such as mental illness.
It is a professional relationship.

Principles of Counseling

The priciples of counseling can be found in the basic process of counseling since they govern
each every step: developing trust; exploring problem areas; helping to set goals; empowering into
action; helping to maiuntain change; and agreeing when to end (Velleman 2001). Counselors are to set
aside their own value system in order to empathize with clients. Since the objective of counseling is to
privide support in dealing with issues of concern, counseling is effective when it is performed with clear
objectives that include providing some degree of advice, reassurance, release of emotional tension,

clarified thinking, and reorientation. Counselors must try to keep this priciple in mind at all times in
order to be effective.

Advice. Counseling may involve advice-giving as one of the several functions that counselors
perform. When this is done, the requirement is that a counselor makes judgments about a counselee’s
problem and lays out options for a course of action. Advice-giving has to avoid breeding a relationship
in which the counselee feels inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor.

Reassurance. Counseling involves providing clients with reassurance, which is away of giving
them courage to face a problem of confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of action.
Ressurance is a valuable because it can bring about a sense of relief that may empower a client to
function normally again.

Release of emotional tension. Counseling provides client the opportunity to get emotional
release from their pent-up frustrations and other personal issues. Counseling experience shows that as
persons begin to explain their concerns to a sympathetic listener, their tensions begin to subside. They
become more relaxed and tend to become more coherent and rational. The release of tensions helps
remove mental blocks by providing a solution to the problem.

Clarified thinking. Clarified thinking tends to take place while the counselor and counsellee
are talking and therefore becomes a logical emotional release. As this relationship goes on, other self-
empowering results may take place later as a result of developments during the counseling relationship.
Clarified thinking encourages a client to accept responsibity for problems and to be more realistic in
solving them.

Reorientation. Reorientation involve a change in the client’s emotional self through a change
in basic goals and aspirations. This requires a revision of the client’s level of aspiration to bring it more
in line with actual and realistic attainment. It enables clients to recognize and accept their own
limitations. The counselor’s job is to recognize those in need of reorientation and facilitate appropriate

Listening skills. Listening attentively to clients is the counselor’s attemp to understand both the
content of the clients’ problem as they see it, and the emotions they are experiencing related to the
problem. Counselors do not make interpretation of the client’s problems or offer any premature
suggestions as to how to deal with them, or solve the issues presented. Good listening helps counselors
to understand the concerns being presented.

Respect. In all circumstances, client must be treated with respect, no matter how peculiar,
strange, disturbed, weird, or utterly different from the counselor. Without this basic element, successful
counseling is impossible. Counselors do not have to like the client, or their values, or their behavior,
but they have to put their personal feelings aside and treat the client with respect.

Empathy and positive regard. Carl Rogers combined empathy and positive regard as two
priciples that should go along with respect and effective listening skills. Empathy requires the counselor
to listen and understand the feelings and perspective of the client and positive regard is an aspect of
respect. For Rogers, clients have to be given both “unconditional positive regard” and be treated with

Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation. Clarification is an attempt by the counselor to
restate what the client is either saying or feeling, so the client may learn something or understand the
issue better. Confrontation and interpretation are other more advanced principles used by counselors in
their interventions.

VI. Practice Tasks

Show that you have learned something by doing this activity.

Transference and countertransference. Other advanced principles deal with tranference and

Criteria 5 points 3 points Total score

Content You were able to cite 3 correct You were able to cite 1- 2
description about counseling correct description about
Grammar You committed no or minimal You committed two ( 2 )
grammatical error in this three ( 3 ) errors in this
output output
countertransference. When clients are helped to understand transferrence reactions, they are empowered

Practice Task #1:

Define counseling in two to three sentences




Rubric ( 10 points )

Practice Task # 2. Fill me in

b Direction: Complete the statements below by supplying the principle being referred to. Choices are
given in the word bank

Principles of Counseling
Advice- giving Positive regard
Clarification Listening skills
Clarified Thinking Reassurance
Emotional release Reorientation
Empathy Respect

1. __________________is a valuable principle that can bring about a sense of relief that may
empower a client to function normally again.

2. __________________encourages a client to accept responsibility for problems and to be

more realistic in solving them.

3. __________________has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the counselee feels

inferior and emotionally dependent on the counsellor.

4. __________________involves a change in the client’s emotional self through a change in

basic goals and aspirations.

5. Counselling provides clients the opportunity to get ________________________from their

pent-up frustrations and other personal issues.

6. __________________requires the counsellor to listen and understand the feelings and

perspective of the client, while ______________________ is an aspect of respect.

7. In all circumstances, clients must be treated with ________________________, no matter

how peculiar or utterly different they are from the counsellor.

8. ___________________is an attempt by the counsellor to restate what the client is either

saying or feeling, so the client may learn something or understand the issue better.

9. Good ________________________ help counsellors to understand the client’s concern

without making interpretations or offering any premature suggestion on how to deal with
and solve them.

10. When clients are helped to understand ____________________________ reactions, then

they are empowered to gain understanding of important aspects of their emotional life.

Practice Task #3:

Based on what you learned as the goals and scope of counseling, analyze each situation
below and put a check mark (/) if it is reasonably within a counselor’s jurisdiction, and put a
cross mark (×) if it is not. Justify your answers using what you learned in this lesson.

______ 1. Katy feels insecure and an outcast in school because she thinks her classmate talk negatively
about her.

Justify your answer__________________________________________________________________

______ 2. Rita is overly scared of men because of a traumatic experience she had as a little girl. She
was witnessed how the three men robbed and stabbed her father to death

Justify your answer__________________________________________________________________

______3. Abigail keeps questioning herself if she is in the right job because she seems to be getting
more unmotivated as time goes. Her spirit for doing her job well has gone down these past few months.

Justify your answer__________________________________________________________________

______4. Bobbie thinks he is addicted to video games and wants to control it to become more productive
with his schoolwork.

Criteria 5 points 3 points Total score

Content You were able to cite 3 correct You were able to cite 1- 2
description of the scope and correct description of the
goals of counseling scope and goals of
Grammar You committed no or minimal You committed two ( 2 )
grammatical error in this three ( 3 ) errors in this
output output
Justify your answer__________________________________________________________________

_____ 5. Hazel was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) when she was a teenager.
As a young adult now, she wants to be helped again in controlling her OCD symptoms.

Justify your answer__________________________________________________________________

Rubric ( 10 points )

VII. Post Test

Multiple choice : choose the correct answer and write it on the blank provided

_____1. It refers to the application of Social Sciences theories, concepts, and methods
A. Anthropology C. Psychology
B. Applied Social Sciences D. Social Sciences

_____2. It defined as the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or
decision to be made about his or her life course
A. Application C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Social Work

____3. Which of the following is not a discipline in Applied Social Sciences?

A. Counseling C. Physics
B. Communication D. Social Work

____4. Which is not included in the principle of counseling?

A. Autonomy C. Reorientation
B. Reassurance D. Respect

___5. All counselors are expected to embrace these set of core values as essential and integral to their
work except;
A. Autonomy C. Personal integrity
B. Enhancement D. Respect for human dignity

VIII. Assignment/Additional

Answer the following questions ( in your notebook)

1. Which among the counseling principles do you agree most? Why?

2. Do you think that all these principles are necessary in counseling? Why? Why not?

Answer key:


3. c
4. b
5. b

Practice Activity # 1 Write down your ideas about applied
social sciences
Practice # 2 Fact or Bluff 1. fact
2. fact
3. fact
4. fact
5. fact
Practice # 3 Bubble Map Social sciences
Political science
Applied social sciences
Social work

Practice Task # 1 See attached rubric

Practice Task #2 Matching type 1. b
2. a
3. c
4. e
5. d
Practice # 3 See attached rubric
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. b
Lesson 2 Pre test 1. b
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. b
Practice Task # 1 see attached rubric
Practice #2 fill me in 1. reassurance
2. clarified thinking
3. advice giving
4. reorientation
5. release of emotional tension

6. empathy, positive regard
7. respect
8. clarification
9. listening skill
10. transference
Practice # 3 See attached rubric
Post Test 1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. b

Curriculum guide page1 of 7

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Sampa, E.M., ( 2017) Disciplines and ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Rex Book Store, Inc. pp.
1- 22



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