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Ladd 1

Caroline Ladd

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1102-026

March 2nd, 2011

Revised Preliminary Question

My revised preliminary question has not changed since the first attempt. I am

still writing my paper on whether or not the United States should be considered a

bilingual country, even though the United States does not have an official language.

I am asking this question because it has always been something I am curious

about. I understand the reason why the United States doesn’t have an official

language, but I feel that if we did transition to a bilingual country then the

communication in our country would greatly improve. Also, we would be able to

communicate with other countries much better. As I stated in my first preliminary

question paper, I notice more and more in my everyday life where if would be very

beneficial if I knew Spanish, or if a Spanish speaking person knew English. I haven’t

really figured out how our country would transition to being a bilingual country, but

I also don’t think that that responsibility would be mine, hopefully.

I can’t really think of anything that we’ve talked about in class thus far that

relates to this question. It would be a stretch but you could relate the sponsors of

literacy essay to this question. If we changed how our sponsors approached

literature or add a sponsor of literacy of the opposite language to peoples lives, then

they would naturally learn the language they did not know. I know now as a college

student, that it would have been a huge aid in my education and life to have been
Ladd 2

opened up to Spanish at an early age, rather than just taking a few elementary

Spanish classes in high school that I really didn’t take anything away from.

There isn’t much that I already know about this topic, the only thing I know

so far is what I have taken away from my own personal experiences in dealing with

the issue. Like I said in my previous paper, I arrived at this question with a great bit

of help from my parents. I was glad that I got the chance to learn about the library at

UNCC, especially since I just transferred here and there was nothing that I knew

about it before our class library day. I checked out two books that day, but honestly I

have been sick and swamped with other classes and midterms to I have gotten

around to really digging into the books and seeing what they have to say. With

saying that, I am excited to read the books some over spring break while I am at the

beach. Hopefully after I read the books I will have more questions to ask about this

topic and I will also know more about the question in general.

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