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BENGAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE(D.U.) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG. REPORT ON SESSIONAL PROBLEMS ? SUBJECT. Oprimisation.. Or Traue TURES. PRATIP BHATTACHARYA PG. (EVENING) ~ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ~ B.E. COLLEGE (0.u.) BENGAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE(D.U.) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG. (Nb es DATE Sepia oars SUBJECT/EXPERIMENT/PROBLEM —|PAGE)SIcIATURE] REMARKS Problem Sot eS [Prats 4-58 Prati ogi] 4 = 265) 9 - dnswer Sot te PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBSECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | TITLE :Problem Set As part of sessional work B.E, COLLEGE (D.U.) [PROBLEM DESCRIPTION NOE 40 | Moximine Hur dollmsing | Ze 10m+ Mx. lswhjeck 3% 442%, < 5% 49m ©8 % - 2x2 Ki Shere mand PO. 2.0| Manimine Were following fs - Hit %e swljed 4s % +2%. £4 Amy - FY % +3, =4 whore %,8%220- 3: Jind mige ke Fotlorsing PBs 44 Brg +329, Metts, 75, ond %,% DO. 4.0 |Afvad enced porkeu of Ahorigental span |Dodet 13.04.99 20! and wight 8! fu to tarry service dead of 45K) adkng horiyontallg a fis beam top level and Fors Km! achng verbal leak Hoe aid spam of Has doeovm . Talcing safshy foctor ag 2, find Mos Binal moment acibies oF} Nes Frame. She your ammmnphons . PRATIP BHATTACHARYA P.G. (EVENING) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,) ‘SuBJECT :Optimisation of Structures TITLE :Problem Sei As part of sessional work ‘Th. SEMESTER SHEET NO. PRED. BY: DATE tai PROBLEM NO.: DESCRIPTION 98. | Manieviae He follboring [= dot 2H subject a %\-%.70 % +%.7 2 and HU~LZO- 06") Haximige Hu following 1 = %y* Ato sulojedt to tt, +2%4 £5 M+, =A H -% FB oma %,I1%2BO- REMARKS i 07. |Mazirwine Ha following | z= - 2x, +4%2 embjed SIs aay # ta 7 3 2x4 OX. 18 , nd %,b2220. boo: column of veckounqular evoss-seckem-has ts comy an aviol load of 10%4 and a Leameverse load of Skq an olmm Shas to be designed to award He possibilihy of ys jaind budleting And for wainimum weight . By assuming trod He beam column com bend & *hoKg veld a only in” xr verkeal Cry) plans, farrmnbode PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SunsECT Optimisation of Tih. SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO 3, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | TITUR Problem Set As part of sessional work B,E. COLLEGE (0.U,) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION REMARKS: NO.: ke optinigehion poole Assume Hut mrodenial as | The semmnam compre} steal wit a seaily of.607 84 glee, Young's| tive shan indmeed modudnr of 2:4 x10 by/em, and a yield shop for beow-chaknn i: ok 2100 nalow™. Te widle of tas Le sHeulal {2 Pat - 6 Pal beak cant tom and mrt nS be grelor 23e, bd® Han boica ter dept. Gand oviok brdeling trod B)eritscad™ > mela, . Rebd 4e 48t 09.) A hoo bar truss i be be designed & carry oad of Zul as Alam. holk to bars howd la Inbular sechem wilh mean diomeher d lomd yal Heicknom +. The moteniol of tre] bars hon a Young's Medal & and a yield) shor Ty. The design problem involves wile Hho determination 9 values af d avdt So trate veeratd—b — 4 -— land noikor” yielding nor budkling oceut, fin any Shite bare Foveulake a | Led fproblom as a non-Lingar PCr * prdblern. 10. TA beam of wniform uniform rechan cress cadion. is to ba uct froma log hewin a civ enlar. cvess sachin of dienes Qa. The beam har to be med ov acaniilover (length » fimed ) bo camy @ umeonhated brad ot Ye freoend . ~ Rnd Kee prerportin lof xe beam Heal will have ttre mawimia Hensile (bending ‘) shers carrying coyacahy. dobty aleo lagrange roth puen mohebd - | PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBJECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures ‘STRUCTURAL B.E, COLLEGE (D.U.) ENGINEERING | TITLE :Problem Set As part of sessional work PROBLEM NO.: ff. DESCRIPTION Wile Ke flowcharts for + 3) Unvestrided Search a) Fibonacci Melbod Ww) Anadrohic Shatalaen Mellod w) Unconskou ‘misakon 3 Rondon sta WY Random Walk wail divection vil) Univariate lad vi) Patlerm Search Matilda wy Powells Meld A tubular column hov te be designed io cary @ vecsive load of 120 mw fox wanimiem cost. Ts engl, “of the cohumn 4 3M Oud tre ends moy be an He Blumn mot be less Han brckting Shem as Well antes yield shan uswich| UO Nfwm™ . Prom tre conn desakon of Avert Lobi Uihy , the mean Liometer lob tastubeh to ba veshided & Ue behreon 200m And 1S*Ocm And columy Yerickaem bebieen 2 dud 10mm , Tre coed of Hos column includes motertaL. comshnckim conte Qmd mow be taken Gwe2d where Win Ke wei ludd %& 40 mean tinmater of ba KOuemn . Yar values of Young's modula anc Hie ctensily of tas eShumn moderin one 2x10 Nim” aud 700 eg le? res pechwely . Formntode tos prdblen| Ae ‘an_epkrisotion zedvolem, REMARKS PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ‘4th, SEMESTER P.G, (EVENING) ‘Structures: SHEET STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | TITLE Problem Set As part of sessional work 2a B.E, COLLEGE (0.01), PROBLEM DESCRIPTION REMARKS NO.: 43, Sunshade He simplex mild using tre follosing nnanerical prddoloms | Do Maw avi Pie m4 2m. + % HO, fhrd subjed to Day + %-%3 42 = 2m 4%, -Sumy Yb Am 4%, 4%, 06. i) Maginiae 2 = 4x4 +21 -sD swayed to mnt ob tO ,t FAD my +m, 68 zg, Novi mi 2 = Mog + ame Soja ta Bry + Soa S187 MYO LAAe SX, 22% $10 - BD) Mawin igg fe 7m 4% +30 RDO tan 2- suo fed te yA bd Hy +r9_L6 Whed b meant by One-dimensiona micahion ? Noune Hue different melts wie proper classificahon - Yeplodn ‘And Camporese Fibonacct’s Malwa aud Qnadvahic inferpdlati well . What are tee Cmvergence eviter w tea Qnadvate antuup Bes wot PRATIP BHATTACHARYA: | SUBJECT :Optimisation of “th SEMESTER 7 2G. (EVENING) isictaree SHEET NO, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | TITLE :Problem Set As part of sessional work PRED. BY B. E, COLLEGE (D.U.) DATE: PROBLEM DESCRIPTION REMARKS NO.: 48, Bind We winimune op Hao frenckion is 8 - SAY = 20A'r S wring wadrotic Gwharpdlakion malted . Tako crikcal step i an o . Carry ot nplo fows telakier 16.) Syxod ended portal af lov fom jseighd 6m. vo | toad, 20 kn ba AU ver biel of Haus tea te \ fe fi tado Hat values of Mi capacihtes lof tt a dr cally . PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBJsECT :Optimisation of PG, (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: ‘fh, SEMESTER as basic — vanialles - (E1) bh given by 9, 478, Her ay R= 0, and £0 Which caw also b2 seon ty be feasible and the coetticients covves ending to nom- bosic variables, in sapien One ove CO"= 10 C= - 1) the present soliton i ni oepkmal. Here, %,,% BX and -$ cam be taken Tne basic sotutins corresponding & eqnohons B. £. COLLEGE (D.U.) TIPLE sAnswer Set As part of sessional work ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO..4:0 REMARKS 40: We fist change the Signo Ha chjective| funcken le convert “ab & a a ot dion prdblem - Tous, Ke problem. Cove ‘Ye tenet tas as : Mawinarge f= - x,- 12, subjed to 3%, +42. $9 yt, bem $x, 42%, £8 Do. %, - 22, $1, We inhoduco ned sladk variables x, »%y 370 And ty. So, be system of eguohins com be | %4 HO wewrillen on canenical ‘form as folleus: | % 20 Bu, t4u, +%g = 5 Sx, + 2%, +% = & Sek of eqpabimns hy, - Wy +%e 74 (4) =10m - Wa,-f #0. Basic Variables Non-bosic Variables PRATIP BHATTACHARYA P.G, (EVENING) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B, E, COLLEGE (D.U.) ‘SUBJECT Optimisation of Structures TITLE :Auswer Set As part of sessional work Yo oblain the ephmal sddubion i ane telean fori Pivotol mothnd , he computedion com dona in ms Basic Naniololes bi Vaniables be 2 Remanks ms he Hy KH hee ee mes ES 4 1 0 0 |S 4 &,-ot Xe Ss 2 o 41 0/8 4 wm oO 4 4 - 0 0 |f-0 0 % 3S Fi[a 1 Kyou Broking “4d An 0 1 She 7a 0 | Fl. ha 4 o -‘e %% 0 1 te o olla 4 ; Objechve 0 0 Sia ‘fo 0 406 hen fa _ As ott e; do, fena te praseat solukom 4 ophmum. ob at %_ = Fate maximum value of 106/q = 265 He opkmal collin. — PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures ‘Tih. SEMESTER SHEET NO. ‘ a phase lincar madiemaheat poole. ue Mininiga W-§ = -Ax~ 24,4 %y she Mandwdae fo -4 eee Sedojeck tox, + ax. 4+ % = 4 Bxu- xX, * RytxXs = 4 He + dn +X -4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PRED. BY } B.E, COLLEGE (D.U,)__| TITLE xtnswer Ser ds partofsessional work _ | DATE ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO...%. REMARKS: 2.0 * We tntroduco slock variables, surplus vamables Gud ontificial vaniolles , amcl thus , We i) rere the eanakons * Ry +22, + %2 2 4 OD Dy startle 3a, - %2- eq th%e=1 _ .@ |e An + 3tq + XG =a «a | % Ws dikfual objedve funckon = erty 5 43h, +X n+ %y 44-44 -3n, Ft AM, -24q 4% Q 45 OY, — 4x, -2%, 4+2%y es = 5 Ie or W-S= = 4x, -2x, 4X4 hua hoo By, oXy, Rag ser %& |Qt yo. PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT Optimisation of a. carey P.G. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PRED, B.E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE sAnswer Set As part of sessional work — | DA Base Adwissibla Variables b Nintalole. : b F Remarks Ay hn Ay Ka Xe ay os 4 2 4 ° o oO 4 4 as Bl -1 6 -1 4 «0 1 Vy Xe-ouk Rynin es = oe Omer rena! 44 Btiedve a © Oo O° 0 f-0 Eijant -4 2 «0 + t 0 [ws az ~«*(0 ° tho -Yio “=o | *ho 4 as Als, 0 0 -*% 3ho Yio \EAo 0 oO he 0 4 tho ~ho 3ho |%o Objedwe [0 0 ST Akh 6° 0 ©o 4% 14 %-0 Sine Ce wales. phase D Me Re aud Yo eptmal aes at %4* tho “110. Winimum $ = 4/5 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B, E, COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set ds port of sessional work ik, SEMESTER neo ay ane ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO...2..0 REMARKS 3:0 7 By auboducing, surplus variables ty and ee , and #2 arkficial variables x% | %4 20 and ep > WR get A570 %70 Rit - Brey =2 ..- oO %370 Bey +X - %—w+%y 5... i) Assume, 0 = Onkficial objechve funchon = +49) DF 2- BX eq - War Apes - = = BX - hy -%y 4X4 4X5 +F CE ee ee SL in a hyo phase mattunaheal noodet. Mind wise @-F = 3% ~~ Xa tT Minimige fv 44-842 343 + snbjed te, %+%~ MH HH TE 2m +%y- HH TS 2170 “140 x20 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA PG. (EVENING) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: Optimisation of Structures B. E. COLLEGE @.U,) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work Basie [eee Hh Varonloas | Zz Remarks Naniobles [24 %a Xp» %y X- e 2 = x ©. TO -1 0 1. O|2 2 %ou ; m4. in ee 2 of O74 O 1/85 % Gojeue |-4 -8 -3 0 0 O f-o Feunchicn Artificial 4. /-3 -1 -1 1° 4 0 0 |a-F funebion it = —— Rest of | mush megqabve Pivoling mn \4 AOU Senn ate Ol 2s = at o 2 4 2-7 2 1 {1 hw bjedive 0 -—* 8 4 0 4 6.) 8 chien, ee 0 2 -tryt 3 6 |a-4 funckion tt Racult of wast seaehive % Al 4 0 O 1 0/2 : Xy o 2 4 2 -t -2 444 Oye [0-10 © 2 BS -2 3/Frn Oe a Arkh lO 0 O 0 O 4 1|o-0 fanboy | Sinea Cf are non-negahve , phase Dn compleed aud te opkmolh Solubon a of : P % 72 . 2o70 ats, and a wowinnm value of {7M PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of th, SEMESTER 2G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING BLE. COLLEGE (D.U.)__| TITLE :Arsner Ser As port of sessional work ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO... REMARKS 40 + da kiuit design of stool fame ak & assumed tat eal "Nghe will be deyaleped ot poinds with peak moments. Whon a sufficed number of hinges chow fan ehncne bewmes an. uistabla system meferrd tas a e's ele Thus a derign usill be safe i envgy absorbin acily of ta frome - (4) is “greaten Yan Bateoty imparted by Ye ‘pyternal pplied loads — oS an tacks of tha deformed ‘shapes aa sadicaled toa wariour edVlapse. madhauing Pa tsk P= OSk for the vigid Frome. showy | Mee figure 8 plashe mowed | dow ‘ wl ie fo 10" ; 10 a ee moments, - numbered ‘ ‘ 1" Heng 3 $n the Pique. Ra cowiea lad in Py, Pond scinimune fador of safely te 2.” H. Ulbimada lead Py = MSkm2 23k PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBsecr :Optimisation of Tih, SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures 2. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Ansyer Set As part of sessional work ANSWER TO PROBLEM Ni REMARKS Case a! 8 AR Bk] Ye 4 Plastic Iinqaoccun, | fot 42,64, ip EB = dx 30 us 4M.0 i" Me Coge bt Mi wl e- Plashie binges w we [ne eccurat “34,5. | 6 6 BA - B= 1x 108 e uram, 6 peel — Plaste lurqas foceurad tsb B= 4x10 & v= oM,6 +248 Plashte hinges oceur at ‘44,53. E = 388411900 U + 46+ 248 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | sunEcT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set As pari of sesstonel work ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO..05 REMARKS lease B : yey me Ne Case F Bk & strebd) M225 tan DMM 2S — 5 Cone d) MH PIF cone Q Myra pig Care f) MyaM>l2 Qk in cerry t sea Bot all te sin inequalities one dt" ndupendond . for exaufle combining te and Ind indgralities ,Hio Haird one Qutowols shbshed . Aqain Si. tneqnalily wy sohsfed by combining Heo 1st and 6i- jit sufficrent b sdbsshy analy 0 for i wt anegnaliles $ Hu “484, 2nd, Al land to 6h, Oceur at E = Bxgb + 14106) Us 2M,0+449 c Plastic binges Bar. Plashic linges occur Ab 4,357, B= n66 ju = MO 42M PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBJECT :Optimisation of PG. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U.)__| TITLE sdnswver Set As part of sessional work poor ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO... REMARKS Son, assuning thot ihe weight od Ungar Pancha sd=12 ial of the ae ete e - ¢ Ne %, = CM, So, tal waght We =¢ erent 4+ 2K3 XM) id 20Ne + 16H.) poe ute chose M, and M, so an bo Wa minim covaslent inl Ke appa : Our. Frhblom aredncesto | Mininaap f= 20M, + 16Ne swofed “to Me 2 Mp as” 2M, +M., oe oe “WpaMe 742, Ve wd Hs_prdolem te standay > cite, “ealelais cans fo nM Pulling Hee valuor of My omd M, in tly 4h OAR. , WA a r% 2B 3s. fo Putting valuar of My ind Me in Hae Bd leone, we get 2m 4 ZH. So Mes. pedblom pene Mindniae, £ = ous 16%, + 146 svbjed Iya 2G mye 23S, Sich Lb a gruel form of Unear proyrming, Goluker by hiro fliase simpler melsd : ie ee < variables %s >%y and DMbfreal variable ws 2 me, Tength * if = "shape oe Fox vd oA jest a-4, ram %3 0% 20 5% 70» Oneal a 6 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ah, SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO gel STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,}__| TITLE :4nswer Set 4s part of sessional work ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO....... Wea, we rewrite te Aarahinn _ Wy 42. - Rye Y= 6 LL gw Mi +ti-Ws%ee aS ....0 Nox ae assume = anbbiciol Sbjedive fendhoy = Hg thy = Bm, — Wet ty ety - Cegtm%ye)= - 9 Swbsibabng sade =) 4 Ad qt an ~ Bay — 2x, + Hy + %y + (-) ee or, (W- 95) = - 3H - BX, +24 ody a hio Phare Uncar mottorabeal md del, * Miwiedae (B- 915) = - Bey -2Hq +X Hy siaject tb j Aa + Xr-%y 4 yee MH thy — Urey 3S, Refer table nent page fir solution PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of h.. SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING BE, COLLEGE (D.U,) TITLE sAnswer Ser As part of sessional work Basi Admissible Vorelblec Artibaad Vani be Renan Variable mm = hy ey hy . " xy ey o ' + 0 «4 O|6 aod { 6 +4 Objective 2 %& oO TOM Ackfdaldyj.[-3 0-2 0—~O Fancion | ae = =~ |t % -* 0 © (A) th -1 1 Os 0 se 0 6 10 6 -© O|fe 0 a ee Da <> |o-o8- Si hone B bs wonpleded , mea tha WS psn santo! & oot gies ee PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of pease TEES P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | TITLE :Answer Set As part of sesstonal work B.E.COLLEGE (DU) | _ [_______ANSWERTOPROBLEMNO..0S. | ~SCREMARKS | 5. + We tnhoduee swephrs variables % & 1% 20 %, ana nbificial voniables % & %. %s.% 20 H, ~ X- 4% =e - © MH thy my 4% mo ® Ateume , = Ankficiol Shjedie funckun. = x +7y Tn Oy thy thm (te 4%? = +2 OY, Py try + GO) = -2 or, WL = = Ie a ey + ha a bro Phase Linear motornatical mo dal Mini maine Q-2* - 2m + Hey Aina f By bh Dat. Srlojed to %-%-B4+%q $0 20 Mitt -%yt%ee2 20 Rafer to Kee Ioboular catutakin nowt ar PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of 4th.. SEMESTER P.G, (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO.2nge. AM... STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B, E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE sAnswer Ser As part of sessional work Basie imi ssible Variable Ahifidek Variable b 2 Remarks Veniolbles |% yy ms % “4 ay Mo-1 +1 6 4 O10 0 %-onF Hin x 4 4 0 = ° 4|2 2 Objective 3 aye) 0 0 oO |f Anchen Arkfiael Oy 2 04 4 0 0 jor Funder | - - Rosell oF | wash asgedive Pisiating | = Xs 1 1 0 1 0 |0 - % lo ee es ee Objedive 0 3.0 -3 O (fo Fenchion _ _ = = a 2 -t =~ 2 0 lor mosh neqabive | - 0 -h mh Ya. Yast _ a | i a 0 th 92 I Pes fendien eee s| _ Ankificios Oj. | 0 ° o 60 4 1 |a-0 Sunckione a As Cl ame nennegahve , phase Po compiled anct Hes ophinal souk? af mF 1 > %=4- Vinimmm fF = PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,) _| TITLE :Answer Ser As part of sessional work ‘ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO....06 6.1 Iukodueing slade, surplus nd aabifival woxiables, we vedrite “Hae Prdblm an } H+ Ott ma 5 oes (2) aa Ea nae ew) Reh -% AX =3' @ Qs ank ficial objeckive Funchion = %+*2) = -2n +%y = (y+ %) + -] on, = 2x +hy + CO) ~F7 ov, W-F = =~ Ixy + y Yt a a tno phone Uincar molhemnbicak | rode i %3>%.> 20 % 2420 Ps Hinincige » O-P x duty, Daiwa wait : f z= -%& - 4a Sujet to, m4 de, tay HM mee 4 my = ~%qt%y=3 Rafer to tabutan calentation nero} page. au XO % ZO PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of “ath., SEMESTER E.G (ECENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :dnswer Set As part of sessional work Baste dmdesibla Variodles Iie Vaio] Benn ares Vorables | % > My es eS x4 ee 4 2 5 oO fo} Ss S my 44 ° ° i ol4 4 xy @ + 0 -1 o 473 38 Objecive gene) o a OTF funckion | — i Antica obj. |-2 0 0 oe _fuunekion t ss Result Most negobive ae et 0 3 1 1 O 7/2 % 0 o 1 0 1 9 0 : Objedive o Oo ° Ba Sp ALP at tunion Anificiat 065. |O o oO 0 1 1 |a@-o Adsbcial Objeckve frnchom = W = 2G- So, Hee B+ Bry Ma ty Or, Go = - 2H - UM +4+%y % 4 a Wo Phase Uneor matumotical PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | sunsect Optimisation of ih, SEMESTER PG, (EVENING) Structures SHEET Ne VE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ero. BY B. FE. COLLEGE (D.U,) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work DATE‘. ANSWER TO PROBLEM REMARKS 67. Srkeodueing slack , sunplas Gnd ankfiial var oles, He ol : Im +A, -% +% FB ---@ % 20 ty 70 24 10%, + %y #8 ...@ 20 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ‘ath. SEMESTER P.G. (BVENING) Structures Seer STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PRD. BI B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work DATE :.. Basi ievibla Your Reread & oe oe pai ee “egal aa enee Hy I 410 ° 0 Oo 18° 9 -1 0 1 3 A aaa me =) o 6 oO [fo hel Heal peer ee 4 0 é 0-3, favchen hae ze aor negehe Ky o 6! tT 4 = [we 1% 4 4 th th th | Mr 3 sade Fumeion | O rE 4 }° 4 | ¥-3 Aes fiied ojecky] O 0 © 6 f {ao Romht of © C © oOo 7% /4-0 Xa, 0 i Va Ya 4 % 0 0 -% -Ye | Th Oherkve fmm [ OO Hq S04 fe PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | sunsecT Optimisation of “h., SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING} Structures fo STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,) _| TITLE :dnswer Sets part of sessional work a ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO...05 REMARKS 08, + Assume that f= dowsiby of Sheol 000784 kg /m> DAX408 bg fem 2460 9 om Young's Modulus € Yield shown = 2 bo = afd % Lom and a = dep fea beam. So bea ecg oe oe n vantables ane ka widlk Cb) and ee) of the beam. Eo b x (2) “fal Tha Sbjedive function bw be maitnniged By £0) = wai ght Panchen - peal = 9°0784 74 Xa (hoo) = bY MX The behowiown conchosubs can be aepressed — Shem inch werd —<—Sield Cheon Strom indiead < bucking shom The inde ond buokling shenee com be erpremd an : Srdued shor Py, Pal - 10 . (xoxwo ba 4%bay = 4% a> 40 3000 Ha eye Brckding chen ° itor buckling toad ohare, Gator Lend » ae UL induced = Met 4. Pariwioe pba” Le 4 2B C2)” ba (200 * ba = Aas2a* 2 432%) PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of P.G, (EVENING) Gai STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B, E. COLLEGE (D.U,) ‘TITLE :Answer Ser As part of sessional work Tih, SEMESTER SHEET Ne 22. peep. By Dare. he ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO....... REMARKS Yann Yr behavior. conshratnls canbe raprosenby “@@) . 10 4 8000 5.4400 <0 , 7H, Mee and 9,04) = 432 xP - 2100 £0 The sido ceombounts are ee by bat te 466, amd BLD, Which cam be geprened ar | Fy G@) = 1% <0 Sa @) = %- 24,50 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ath. PG. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING pao. ay B.E, COLLEGE (D.U,)__| TITLE :dnswer Set 4s part of sessional work _ | DATE ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO... REMARKS 09.1 Refer te He frome as shom tn thre qresken set. Hera tend = RK vos O © MM Bat Have Kis detiqn voriobles One too wmaan cLiamebtr C4 > nd the babe Hrichntn (LD + «ADE b funchion b te be voininaiaad At {Od = 2f mat Cie, Hee Weighs function) . © opletan, mda = anp AER. 2 Ths behavior. Conntraints cam be &Xpressad Qs ; Shess indeed £ yeild shess , land, shess induced £7 brekling shan . Ve AbMen’= lenglte Jef dao benss ban 2n “hy S010 Considering te verkical eqnilibrine 2P cosO=s 2h Tan induced shen = P/ndt 2 WN Ber _ wbedt he broking shan = Galea bneeting load . TAt 2 Werle | et | ret nat tae di. Cah) Mos : 45 di wae eo Go, dow Cet) » &- (d-t). I= momen of werka of tothe Ah = enteide diameter of ies bbe di = Angida diameh of Hee bbe PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBJECT :Optimisation of P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PRED. BY. B, E, COLLEGE (D.U.) “TUPLE sdrasuee Ser As part af sessional wark | BATE ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO..04 Now, te setmd aomed area o of a Irwmer = AU) B [feat ¢ e-0D) { Xa cress cecknn > [Carey (4,442) (ae a4) ] [4202-9 [det ede) (det - de) a2 (DEV ).2d, 2b. i (dat). dt 1a 31a alt Si | xx, Cara) lence, buckling ohess | tat dH). jon Replacing vanse of Thr ee behowiowe censhaint con be reshede 9. (x) = WARK . Tbh my ty wm <0 4, @ =. DA. G42) wh Oo & (bt ant) Th ma~ the aloova Cembe inh equahions aie none linear . Honea, te above prwtlem & & non-linear. programming ard blom - hig tonkar prdblem — He gide cambaints el wy sfacified. Ty = Yield Shon PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suRJECT :Optimisation of PG. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set Ay pert of sessional work ‘dth., SEMESTER ‘SHEET NO. a. ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO..40. 10, | Frem He dhemendany & Whep moderns, webums Kot te tonsile” shen “induced an a rechaugwlor beam Cr) at any fibre leaded of a diblance Of y from nonkral amis % given by ft lel, om + bread of eu beam dy = dept ofits beam So, 95 Cente) = wy 2 iMy 3M 2 Gp@y? 4% Hem out Srertio of Hue exose sechion abot pe~ ani Thus for any specified bending momoad , Hae beam chan He howe wonwimum dencile shen cepacily rdhen Hu induced shen A webninnun « Framer, we lowe wninincrgs Ley y or mOnoinige K my> , subjed & hrounks ; aye a, This prdslem hor bro vamables and me, combetnks . So we a te follrsing veladon for aah eed 3 BE ad _ oF gs ) = ee Bx, Ba Bx i 2 ‘ rere (x xd) ey anerwheme (mrarelmune on eCeimn ara) Point PRATIP BHATTACHARYA P.G. (EVENING) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U.)__| TITLE :dnswer Set As part of sessional work SUBJECT Optimisation of Structures “th,. SEMESTER SHEET Ne PRO. BY Dare or, sap a © . * ow, ye 2 sm YO 8 a Thee Hes bean of warsimnne dense ston caring Capacy chor dophe of WE Roche ait . f ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO...0. REMARKS: woe, f= kL kata? = ad, J 2 a aye ao %, at. wy of Le ake fd mee On By yore 29. on ae ay an oY S% putting tae valnes in Hat aroprersion wri Hen Pecvionaly oe we who y® (ay) (aka ty aad : of (x™ 44) PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ih. SEMESTER — P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,) TITLE Answer Set As part of sessional work "ANSWER TO PROBLEM NO...10 10.4) So lubion of te problem by Lagrange Mallad Converting Hae prodiew ty Lagrange frei: REMARKS L Geo. A) = RADY AD Germ) 2 katy? 4 A Ghayteat) Weber, 2 «0 , Bevan 2. 9 Dh a _ Necessary Condibing 8x ony aA % abn ky? 4 ana =O ~--© on > “1d ab 2 kA Y” 42yA FO - ey a = eavt-at =O @) od fe Gpohons OED qnes 2a = Kx? yt ay mat Paling iy Baraskion GI we get + 7 2 Bada 6% SO sm, HE Ny . LT plat co sy ve he 2 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | suBJECT -Optimisation of ih, SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NOs 26. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROD. BY B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,)_| TITLE idiswer Serds part af sessonal work nD) wResTRicteD SEAR Given % and 5 Find fof) stoke & PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ‘ath., SEMESTER, P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING BE, COLLEGE (0.U,) TITLE :Answer Sei As part of sessional work 44, 4) Flowewary for Fisowacer MetHoD Ineot N, Ay 284 sev gr ot | Fs = Fy it Fone a3 rr Ls GQ + 13 PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | sunsect :Optimisation of Ath, SEMESTER, 5 P.G. (EVENING) ‘Structures SHEE! 8 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ree. B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work — | DATE =—f-i-) -—— © No Yes [Pont Ars By [in = By- Ay PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of 4th. SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U) _| TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work 11.4) Flowewanr fon Quanganic Merion (Ciseor mo Tecon >) set i-4 f= 4M y.0 Ener Find tg 2 Fy |o=t = | 1g = 40) F(x" PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ‘ih. SEMESTER PG. (EVENING) Structures SHEET NO po BAO STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING apo. § B. E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set ds part of sessional work | BATE For Ka falc) + fo lee NDA CHB 20K, (o-c) + fy Ce-A) +f, CA-8) SO A+B ®= Ae Go bAK TO X and check again sa PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of P.G, (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B. E. COLLEGE (D.U,) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work Wl) FLoweHt ART FOR UNCONSTRAINED OPTIMISATION [Stout bok a | tral poind %y [set a e4 = is Take Ropt=¥, 44 | 72S Aonvarnaned i fopt = fiat colis Ra Ls, StoP PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of “&h.. SEMESTER 3 P.G, (EVENING) ‘Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B. E, COLLEGE (D.U,) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work 4.9) Flowchart for RANDOM WALK TNPuT HM) A, €,N Fink {=f C3] Fine £24 aa) L Féhi one | on PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of ih. SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U.)__| TITLE :nswer Ser As part of sessional work ivi) Flowcnaer fae Ranmom WALK Wire Direction —— Find f4= £@)| Sehind |—— oni. NN ARE S Voda ~ agi ares ara ond £7 NZ PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | supsEct Optimisation of “th. SEMESTER, P.G. (EVENING) Structures SHEET STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B.E. COLLEGE (D.U,)__| TITLE :énswer Ser As port of sessional work st) Flowewsar foe Oni agiat, etHod moput ns €, > Sd Mya R; fret Seu = £ GER) = ming (Xi + ALS) Sot Riga = % +8, PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of PG. (EVENING) Structures STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING B, E. COLLEGE (D.U.) TITLE :Answer Set As part of sessional work h,, SEMESTER SHEET NO. po BS tt.vii) Frowwwagr FoR PATTERN SEARCH METHOD Find XE such trod £OM 3B) smn Gane i) PRATIP BHATTACHARYA | SUBJECT :Optimisation of “ih, SEMESTER P.G. (EVENING) raeertiraae sn inn STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ao. BY. B.F. COLLEGE (D.U) _| TITLE rtnswer Serdspart of sessional work | Hare v4) Fiowerarr For ~ POWERS MetHoD ——— iwevt am Set Sy to Unit Coorctinode vedor i= 4..-.0 Find Ato winniss t (Fy + ASqd Sek t= i+4 i. a > SORA, 2

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