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1. Describe some of the physiological effects of exposure to nuclear radiation.

 Nuclear radiation refers to the particles and photons emitted during reactions that involve
the nucleus of an atom. The particles emitted by nuclear reactions are sufficiently energetic
that they can remove electrons from atoms and molecules and ionize them. Nuclear radiation
includes gamma rays, x-rays, and the more energetic portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Exposure to radiation has a great effect on our body, such as being close to an
atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns,  itching to burns, blisters and
ulcers. They may also have temporary hair loss and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation
sickness"). It can also result in long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular
disease. It also greatly affect our brain, our thyroid, since thyroid gland is susceptible to
radioactive iodine. In sufficient amounts, radioactive iodine can destroy all or part of the
thyroid. Taking potassium iodide can reduce the effects of exposure. Blood System too,
when a person is exposed to around 100 rems, the blood's lymphocyte cell count will be
reduced, leaving the victim more susceptible to infection. This is often referred to as mild
radiation sickness. Early symptoms of radiation sickness mimic those of flu and may go
unnoticed unless a blood count is done.According to data from Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
symptoms may persist for up to 10 years and may also have an increased long-term risk for
leukemia and lymphoma. The Heart-Intense exposure to radioactive material at 1,000 to
5,000 rems would do immediate damage to small blood vessels and probably cause heart
failure and death directly. The gastrointestinal Tract- Radiation damage to the intestinal tract
lining will cause nausea, bloody vomiting and diarrhea. This occurs when the victim's
exposure is 200 rems or more. The radiation will begin to destroy the cells in the body that
divide rapidly. These including blood, GI tract, reproductive and hair cells, and ultimately
harms their DNA and RNA of surviving cells. And of course, the reproductive Tract,
because reproductive tract cells divide rapidly, these areas of the body can be damaged at
rem levels as low as 200. Long-term, some radiation sickness victims will become sterile.

2. Cobalt-60 (half-life = 5.3 years) is used to irradiate food, to treat cancer, and to disinfect
surgical equipment. It is produced by irradiation of Co-59 in a nuclear reactor. It decays to
Nickel-60. Write nuclear equations for the formation and decay reactions of Co-60.

Northern Christian College, Inc. Mrs. Angelica Layus-Silac, LPT

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3. Considering the increasing demand of electrical energy in the country, what is your
stand if the government will operate the Bataan Nuclear Plant?
 The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant has made headlines once more. The controversial plant has
been dormant for 30 years, but the Department of Energy is considering reactivating it as an
alternative power source. As expected, reactions vary, but many, if not most, of the
opposition can be attributed to a lack of knowledge or misconceptions about the BNPP and
nuclear energy. Given the high demand for electricity in our country, I will support the
government in operating the Bataan Nuclear Plant. But why is that? Some of you may be
wondering why, but my answer as a student, particularly in today's generation, is simply
because it will help the Philippines achieve lower electricity prices, it is also reliable,emits
zero carbon emissions, reducing air pollution; instead, it has significant environmental and
public co-benefits such as to avoid dangerous climate change and green house gasses, and,
most importantly, it will contribute a high energy density. And may I ask you a question?
Yes, all of you, how do people progress, especially poor people, if electricity is in high
demand? Come to think of it, if the demand for electricity continues to rise, the people will
continue to suffer from poverty. However, if the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is restarted,
there will be enough electricity supply in the country, and unemployed people will be able to
find work to support their families, thereby assisting the poor.

Northern Christian College, Inc. Mrs. Angelica Layus-Silac, LPT

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