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Name: Debbie Laroa Date: December 1, 2021

Instructor: Mr. Reyre P. Donguila

Analysis Paper

I. Introduction

People use cooperatives in a variety of ways, and they may be found in

practically every country today. Cooperatives can help people meet their daily

needs in a variety of ways. For many years, it has been an ally to the people and

has been a vital element of society and community building. Cooperatives drive

social change and have the power to transform lives and communities. They

encourage and empowered youth and women having fair and equality in all


A cooperative's dual nature is one of its distinguishing features. A

cooperative is both a group of people (a society) and a business (a firm). The

association is where democratic decision-making takes place in a group format,

while the firm manages the economic activity in support of the members.

This type of organization offers a wide range of options to which anyone

can gain access. They develop potential solutions to problems faced by youth

and women, with a particular focus on gender equality as it arises in the


Cooperatives play an important role in women's empowerment and

gender equality. They develop and improve self-esteem and self-reliance in all

people, especially women, so that they can have a bigger say in decision-making

and have equal chances.

Cooperatives are concerned not only with the services they provide and

the money they generate from their members, but also with the attitudes of

those who surround them. Cooperatives are a powerful instrument for

integrating women into the formal economy because of the employment and

economic opportunities they provide, which increase the quality of jobs

accessible to them while also creating new ones.

The cooperative enterprise's democratic structure stimulates

participation, broadens ownership, and develops youth, gender equality, and

women's empowerment, as well as empowering its members by ensuring

capacity building and increased voice in society.

II. Summary

Youth and Cooperatives

A cooperative is a type of business that can provide opportunity to

people of all ages. Focusing on employment, education, inequities, and other

issues. It promotes positive relationships and enriches the lives of community

members. Cooperatives can strengthen their assistance and engagement with

young people. They offer educational opportunities, scholarships, potential

careers, and cooperatives that are tailored to the needs of young people. On a

state, regional, and national level, there are numerous educational possibilities

available for youth.

Cooperatives had an important role in highlighting young employment.

People in developing countries are currently dealing with a deadly combination

of rising unemployment, increased inactivity, precarious labor, and chronically

high working poverty. When it comes to entering the workforce, young people

confront unique hurdles. Employing those who, for a number of reasons, find it

difficult to find work in traditional labor markets, and utilizing the skills of youth

who have no past job experience. As a result, young people have a difficult time

finding jobs that match their qualifications.

That is why cooperatives provide young people the opportunity to

establish their own careers, work for companies that share their beliefs, and

engage as member-owners in businesses where their voice is heard.

Cooperatives are an excellent business model for young entrepreneurs

who want to actively contribute to their communities' development and well-


Youth cooperatives are a great way to teach young people about coop

values while also giving them real leadership and life skills. They are able to

obtain employment and so earn professional experience that will enable them to

obtain employment. In essence, there is now a Youth participation. They will

teach one another how to make a living and how to live.

Many young people around the world are unemployed or working in the

informal sector in deplorable conditions. As a result, cooperatives develop

innovative ways to incorporate younger members and foster a culture that

allows young people to learn and find work. It encourages a broader range of

youth to participate. Mentoring young cooperators and assisting them in

becoming future leaders is something that cooperatives believe in.

Recognizes the potential of the cooperative model to providing good

employment opportunities for vulnerable populations, especially youth and

women, with the Youth Cooperatives promote economic empowerment for

youth and social development. It opens doors for those looking for work,

particularly in the sphere of work.

Women and Cooperatives

Cooperative enterprises have the potential to help women achieve

economic and social empowerment. Cooperatives have the ability to make a

bigger difference in terms of gender equality and women's empowerment. It

enables women members to access cooperative resources and services like as

education and training, financial services, and child care, as well as providing

possibilities for women workers to grow in their careers.

Cooperatives allow women with equal access to all decision-making

levels within the cooperative as well as identifying and addressing constraints

that undermine their access to opportunities.Despite the democratic structure

and the values and benefits shared by cooperative members, women suffer a

disproportionately low representation in cooperative membership around the

world perhaps due to gender norms and other instilled cultural practices.

Cooperatives are significant agents of positive social change and women's

empowerment, assisting them in climbing the economic ladder. Co-operatives

play an important role in empowering women and attaining gender equality.

Cooperative labor provides women with the opportunity to earn a respectable

pay, receive fair treatment, and have equal prospects. Women who participate in
cooperative movements become agents of social change, improving their

families' and communities' socioeconomic conditions.

Women are frequently more worried about topics such as jobs, health,

the environment, and children than men. Women from these neighborhoods

have fewer access to school, government programs, skills, credit, and other

criteria needed for entrepreneurship, according to experience. They are often

working in low-paying jobs that require longer hours of work and have no social

security. They affect women's employment in both direct and indirect ways.

When it comes to creating possibilities for women, co-operatives

outperform their market counterparts. Cooperatives have the potential to help

women overcome socioeconomic inequity. Gender equality and women's

empowerment are issues that cooperatives and the countries in which they

operate face. Gender equality is a crucial goal for collaboration.

People-centered economic models that promote human rights of women

and girls at all levels must be strengthened, as gender equity is increasingly

viewed as a cornerstone for sustainable economic development and wide social


Governance of Cooperatives

Governance is a structure that links the co-op's principles to its actions or

activities. A three-tiered system of cooperative governance consists of the

General Assembly (decision-making body), the Board of Directors (policy-

making body), and management (day to day operations). External Governance

and Internal Governance are two good governance ideas to follow.

External governance refers to how cooperatives carry out their legal and

regulatory responsibilities. It practically has its own set of laws. Cooperatives

must adhere to the following principles: registered cooperatives must prioritize

safety, legality, and company continuity. Transparency, auditing, and timely

financial reporting are all indicators of effective governance. Within the

cooperative movement, external governance has a specific connotation. They

talked about how they act and perform in the workplace.

The outside cooperative movement is discussed in terms of internal

governance. It is their ability to perform activities, as well as their performance

or behavior, that may influence cooperative performance. Essentially,

cooperatives ensure that they carry out their essential tasks and activities,

which necessitates adherence to bye-laws, regulations, policies, and processes.

They are required by law to prioritize the cooperatives' best interests.

Legal Framework

International standards impact the legal framework of cooperatives,

which fosters good governance, transparency, and accountability in the external

and internal management systems of cooperatives. It basically ensures a strong

financial management system by doing so.

International standards, such as the UN Guidelines (2001) and ILO

Recommendation No. 193, have affected the cooperative legislation or legal

framework for cooperatives (2002). International standards serve as the outer

frame of the legal picture, with the national constitution and specialized laws
governing commerce, services, agribusiness, and finance serving as the inside


The Cooperative Regulations and Bylaws or Rules come after the

specialized Cooperative Law, followed by the internal controls - policies,

procedural guidelines, and a code of ethics.

Most cooperatives follow the Seven International Cooperative Principles, which

are widely accepted and incorporated into their operations. Cooperatives are

adopting worldwide standards to increase their product range and quality, as

well as their service levels, in order to develop their business. Cooperative act,

regulations, bylaws or rules, and internal policies and procedures are some of

the others.

Basically, members should be permitted to decide as much as possible on

matters relevant to their business in the early phases of a cooperative's

establishment and throughout its existence, so that they are constantly informed

and interested. Everyone will be aware of the state of this form of organization

both within and out. They must be informed and up to date on all matters.

Cooperative and Culture

A cooperative serves a core economic purpose and must be managed in a

businesslike manner in order to be viable. This issue necessitates effective

communication and management. The cooperative should make it obvious that

its survival is in the best interests of the entire community, and that this survival

necessitates making decisions and maintaining financial viability. Its civic duty

and its corporate activity should be clearly distinguished.

Cooperatives encounter a number of difficulties. Cooperatives confront

issues that can be classified as internal or external to the operations, with

specific actions relating to the principles of how to effectively mitigate the

impact. Many developing and developed countries have confronted issues that

necessitate aggressive solutions. Internal and external challenges are the two

types of obstacles.

Because the majority of these issues are internal to the cooperative, there is a

chance to influence the outcome and, as a result, make the organization more

effective at meeting the needs of its members and community.

III. Analysis

Co-operatives cannot solve all of the world's problems of poverty and

economic inequality, but they are an important part of the solution since they

are part of a movement that shares a set of universal ideals and principles. We

must allow co-operatives to function as for-profit businesses.

The cooperative should make it obvious that its survival is in the best

interests of the entire community, and that this survival necessitates making

decisions and maintaining financial viability. Its civic duty and its corporate

activity should be clearly distinguished.

The cooperative business access the following:

 people needs and concerns.

 the delivery of services to the right quality and standard

 A good governance, transparency and accountability in its external and

internal environment

 sound financial management and accounting

IV. Conclusion

Cooperatives, in a nutshell, are allies for social and community welfare.

Its fundamental design attempts to assist people from many communities in

uniting and progressing as one. Cooperatives are undeniably an important

source of job generation. They frequently invest in youth, women, and gender

equality in the workplace. Cooperatives have had the greatest impact on

people's lives because they gave them a chance, changed their life, and

empowered everyone to be a member of this form of organization. Without

cooperatives, there is a large risk of unemployment, and the majority of people

are unemployed or do not have a suitable job. Cooperatives provide chances for

everyone to participate in. Cooperatives, being open and democratic

organizations, promote gender equality while also producing excellent jobs and

being socially responsible in their operations.

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