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Good Morning

Grade 11
Trinitarian Mission Spirituality
Opening Prayer
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle
in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and
they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of
the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the
hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
CFC 691
Persons are unique, yet fundamentally
equal. Despite physical differences as well as
differing intellectual and moral powers,
we instinctively realize that as persons, in some basic
way, we are all equal.
Human Person As the Imago Dei
• Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he created them.”

• Image of God

• Human individual possess the dignity of a person capable of self-

possession, self-knowledge

• Grace to enter into a covenant with his creator, response of faith and love

• Not just the built-in capability of the human beings, but a role each one is
called to live. God wants us to be his living images,
Aspects of a Human Person
• Openness to Transcendence
❑ Human persons are open to the infinite and to all created beings.
❑ All are open because of intellect and will.
❑ Independent creatures, free in relation to created things
❑ Open to others because we understand ourselves in preference to
a “thou”.

• Uniqueness and Being Unrepeatable

❑ Each one exist as an “I” capable of self-understanding, self-
possession, and self-determination
❑ Intelligent and conscious being
❑ Capable of reflecting on him/herself, aware of his/her actions
❑ It is the person who is the basis of the act of intellect, consciousness
and freedom.
Aspects of a Human Person
• Respect for One’s Uniqueness
❑ Human beings are endowed with unity of body and soul.
❑ Openness to transcendence, uniqueness, being unrepeatable, and
created in the image of God.
❑ Deserve not only of a simple respect on the part of others,
especially political and social institution.
Church Teachings
CFC 691
Persons are unique, yet fundamentally equal. Despite physical differences
as well as differing intellectual and moral powers, we instinctively realize
that as persons, in some basic way, we are all equal.

How do we experience ourselves as persons?

CFC 719
We ecperience ourselves as embodied spirits, conscious of our historical
process of growing up and developing in constant relation with others with
whom we are fundamentally equal, yet unique in ourselves.
Compendium of the Social Doctrines of
the Church
A just society can become reality only when it is based on the respect of the
transcendent dignity of a human person.
Pope John Paul II Pointed out that:

• In no case, the human person should not be manipulated for ends that are
foreign to his own development.

• The person cannot be a means for carrying out economic, social, or

political projects imposed by some authority, even in the name of an
alleged progress of the civil community as a whole or of other persons.

• Open your aralinks

Performance Task : Promoting Uniqueness
Create a video speech about “Respecting
one’s uniqueness can unify relationships”.
Choose a bible verse that would serves as your
guide in creating your video speech.
Rubrics Deadline:
• Content - 30
• Clarity of the Message – 30 October ,2021
• Ways on how to promote uniqueness – 30
• Creativity- 10

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