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NGT Pediatrics

Nurses as well as patients have been pleased that the hospital is now utilizing bar-code-
enabled technology as a patient safety precaution. The hospital is beginning to experience a host
of secondary benefits as a result of this new technology including: Increased patient satisfaction,
Cost savings resulting from implementation of bar code systems in areas such as materials
management, Increased productivity resulting from bar code implementation and the use of an
electronic Medication Administration Record

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Technology Definition
Barcode scanning is a convenient, low-cost data capture technology used in healthcare
environments for identification of people and objects. There are 3 types of barcode scanning technologies:
Area imaging, laser and linear.

Bar code Issue

Use of bar codes for medication administration cut medication errors not related to timing of
administration by 41% in a large hospital, a study has found.In a review of 14,041 observed medication
administrations and 3,082 order transcriptions, observers noted 776 nontiming errors in medication
administration on units that did not use the bar code system (an 11.5% error rate) versus 495 such errors
on units that did use it (a 6.8% error rate; P<0.0001), according to Eric G. Poon, MD, of Brigham and
Women's Hospital in Boston, and colleagues.

"Because the study hospital administers approximately 5.9 million doses of medications per year,
use of the [bar code system] is expected to prevent approximately 95,000 potential adverse drug events at
the point of medication administration every year in this hospital," they reported in the May 6 issue of the
New England Journal of Medicine.

Hospital medication errors are common and often lead to patient harm, the authors noted. They
cited one study that identified 6.5 adverse events related to medication use per 100 inpatient admissions,
with more than a quarter of those events due to preventable errors. "Among serious medication errors,
about one-third occur at the ordering stage of the medication process, another third occur during
medication administration, and the remaining third occur in about equal numbers during the
transcription and dispensing stages,

By Joyce Frieden, News Editor, MedPage Today

Published: May 05, 2010
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and
Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner

De leon Joyce Anne A.

Barcode Scanner: Problems

Anyone use the Barcode Scanner app and have issues where a lot of time it can't lock focus
and therefore can't read a barcode. It works sometimes depending on light and how still you
can hold it, but it's really frustrating and finicky to use.

March 28, 2011

 have installed PoS 10.6 onto a server for testing as I am setting an install up for a tuckshop.
Whilst it is all working fine the one thing I cannot get to work correctly is the barcode scanner.
I have attached a USB scanner that has been used with other software and is working correctly on this
PC. When I scan the created PoS barcodes whilst in the sale module it will enter a ~1,~2,~3 etc,
dependant on product, and then return an 'Unable to add item to sale' message.I am assuming that the
~3 relates to product 3 and therefore should call it up in the saleAny help would be appreciated.

1. General Problem (For technician's reference only)

1) The buzzer has no sound

a. Make sure that the scanner cable is plugged into the computer properly.

b. Make sure that the connector of the buzzer is connected to main

c. Change the buzzer

d. If the buzzer is still not working properly, change the mainboard.

2) The LED array don't work.

a) If one or more LED is defected (old model has 8 LED lights, and new model has got only 4 LEDs),
change the LED array.

b) Make sure the scanner cable is attached to the computer properly.

c) Make sure that the connector of the LED array is connected properly to the mainboard.

d) If the LED array is faulty, change the mainboard.

3) The scanner cannot decode properly.

a. make sure that the transparent plastic dust cover in the front is clean

b. Scan "Set All Default" label on the programming manual, and try again (very important!)

c. For RS232 models, make sure the correct protocol and transmission are used, don't forget to turn on
the RS232 interface on the programming manual.

d. Make sure the barcode that you are trying to scan is enabled, many symbologies are not pre-enabled
in the decoder firmware by default. if the code is not enabled, please enable it manually from the
programming manual settings.

e. Change a piece of cable, and try the scanner with another computer. mostly the problems are came
from the cables.

f. If all above mentioned methods still cannot help in order to solve out the problems, change the

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