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Rizki Alamsyah

Tangerang 15560 | Rizki Alamsyah | 085156003670 |

Hello, I'm a graduated with Bachelor's Degree from Islamic Education at Institute Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Qur'an
of Jakarta and having work experience for more than 2 years are my journey proofs that Im hard worker and
have a strategic movement in life. Also, I'm very creative, innovative, passionate, responsible, and committed
perosn who has a very high desire to learn. This is to ensure you are now reviewing the competent one that is
best for your company's improvement.

PT. Asuransi Jiwa Sequislife
(September 2021 - Present)
Social Media Specialist
Planning, creating, and publishing content on a weekly basis
Made a copywriting and content writing
Made a content marketing for Bussiness Company
Monitor all Social Media platfroms for trending news, ideas, and feedback
Manage content & posting calendar content
Interaction with followers on social media
Always complete all tasks on time or according to deadlines

PT. Wynettes Walden International

(April 2021 - August 2021)
Social Media Specialist
Planning, Creating, and publishing content on a weekly basis, max 5
Adjusting the right content based on online platfrom (Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook)
Monitor all Social Media platfroms for trending news, ideas, and feedback
Daily report engaggement on social media to Head of Division
Ensure the performance of social media champaign
Manage content & posting calendar content
Always complete all tasks on time or according to deadlines
Always ful ll the task of 50 targets on daily based

PT. Alta Solusi Andalan

(February 2021 - April 2021)
Accounting Specialist
Enter 50 data into data based software and check it to ensure the accuracy of the data entered (
Responding to requests for information from authorized members.
Prepare a company budget plan Ensuring documents Related to Financial transactions are complete and
Ensure data PPH, PPN, DPP of company bussines
Filling Document
Create and ensure for data invoice, income & outcome bussines
Always complete all tasks on time or according to deadlines
Always ful ll the task of 50 targets on daily based

PT. Sukses Integritas Perkasa

(December 2020 - February 2021)
Entry Data Specialist
Enter 50 data into data based software and check it to ensure the accuracy of the data entered on daily based
Responding to requests for information from authorized members.
Prepare and sort documents for data entry.
Always complete all tasks on time or according to deadlines
Always ful ll the task of 50 targets on daily based

PT. Reycom Document Solusi

(June 2019 - December 2020)
Administrative Specialist
As Moderator for weekly meeting
Answer and receive phone orders for customers as much 60
Ordering of ce stationery supplies
Make an of ce agenda
Filling data entry od company
Manage diary of ce

Institute Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Qur'an of Jakarta (August 2018 - Present)
Bachelors Islamic Education 3.45
As chairman of the student affairs department in the organization at HIMMATA, 2020
As a member in the ministry of ministry at BEM, 2019
2nd place in the men's double badminton competition at the semester level, 2019
As a speaker at millennial studies, 2018
As a presenter in lectures and organizations, 2018

Manba'ul Ulum (July 2015 - July 2018)

High School Natural Science 8.4
Purna Paskibraka Indonesia, South Tangerang City 2016
Anti-Drug Student Ambassador, South Tangerang City 2017
3rd place in Men's Singles badminton competition 2017
Musabaqoh Syarhil Qur'an, Banten Province 2017
Head of the worship division in the organization, 2017

Education Specialist of Volunteer
Creating educational content
Being presenter at the meeting
Running educational programs
Organize educational webinars

Administrative of Event BAZNAS

As administrative staff in Ramadhan 2019 for 2 months.
Helping tidy up all the data of zakat givers, infaq, etc. every day and is able to complete 30 data per person in a
Inputting nancial data as much as 100 data into excel

Adobe Illustrator (Intermediate), Canva (Upper Intermediate), Microsoft Excel (Intermediate), Adobe
Photoshop (Intermediate), Google Analityc (Intermediate), Social Media Management (Upper Intermediate),
Microsoft Word (Intermediate), Microsoft Powerpoint (Intermediate).

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